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24 days Danmathman has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Queen of the Universe, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chiefsgirl shuffles her notes around as she prepares Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to welcome you all to the Meet & Greet" "This weekly forum allows us a chance to get to know a different personality each week", says Chiefsgirl. "My guest this week is Duke Danmathman", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us a bit about himself" "And he'll answer questions", says Chiefsgirl. "But please give him a chance to respond to each question", says Chiefsgirl. Danmathman says, "Thank you for your invitation CG, and thank you all for coming" "So, without further ado, please help me welcome Dan", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and sips her drink Danmathman says, "Well, hehe I've already thanked everyone so I'll start with my story. . . I first woke up in DataSpace in the earth year 1995. . . I believe it was either July or August" Chiefsgirl listens closely to Dan Danmathman says, "Back in those times. . . there were these things called Dollars. . and I had to spend 2.95 an hour when ever I was in Fed. . so I didn't play much in the beginning" Unomee sets a strawrita next to Dan so he has something cool to drink and winks at him "I believe it took me a month or so to make captain. . and when I did. . there weren't many plants", says Danmathman. "planets even. . but still . . .DataSpace was a scary place for a new captain", says Danmathman. Danmathman says, "So I decided to explore a few planets. . ." "two I looked at were Yin and Yang. . little did I know how much an impact they would have on me", says Danmathman. Naiad exclaims, "Mirror! I remember those!" Danmathman winks and says, "Yep Mirror. .but Mirror was only a Thane back then" Danmathman says, "or Wave was" Danmathman says, "So I was a captain. . and I thought someone told me I needed about 600k to get a good new ship so I was working on that" "And I saw a lot of jobs between Yin and Yang. . so I thought. . Hmm I can go between the two planets and make a lot of groats", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl smiles "While I was hauling my lil ship apart. . all of a sudden I got a tb from Tbear2. . the squire of Yang. . I was scared", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl remembers her first TB... thought it was God "What ever did you do man?!??!?!", says Sniperspy with a wink. Danmathman says, "I hadn't met a lot of people in fed yet. . but she was asking me to come and meet her on her planet (well I didn't know it was a her at the time)" Unomee remembers the first time a planet owner talked to her.. she was scared too! "now, now CG.. I'm god", smiles Burnone. Chiefsgirl laughs at Burn Goldielocks remembers victoria was the first PO to talk to her....she was in awe. "So I landed and got out of my ship. .and lo and behold she and Pockets55 of Yin each gave me 1 meg", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl remembers her first meg Naiad exclaims, "Ohhh...I remember when that happened to me!" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "I thought I was rich!" Sniperspy pretended he was a PO, when he met his first PO, and then learned about a thing called spynet ;) Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces on her barstool "lol, a meg back then was awesome", smiles Burnone. "So they told me to get a new ship. . so I did. . they were PO's they knew what they were doing", says Danmathman. Goldielocks exclaims, "a meg when you are a captain is big money!" "Then. . they contracted jobs to me. . that night. . I was able to look for the GM. .and I was hooked", says Danmathman. Danmathman winks and says, "But it was late. . so I really didn't look for him that night" Unomee is so glad that happened! Danmathman says, "I became very close friends of Pockets and Tbear. .and miss them now that they are not here" "They gave me my first facs, when I finally made merchie. .and also got a lot of their friends to also offer facs. . and I never can forget their sage advice. . some I still offer to those who ask me for advise", says Danmathman. Burnone says, "know what you mean Dan..." Chiefsgirl smiles Danmathman says, "hehe one story though for some people. . I was a trader. . Tbear was doing price checks for me having me haul something like monos to her planet" Danmathman says, "She said Dan you are real fast. . what macro are you using. . ." Danmathman says, "I said Macro. . hmm. . what's a macro. . .hehe" Chiefsgirl giggles "Yes til this point I had done every thing by hand", says Danmathman. Unomee still cant figure out that macro stuff, beyond the good old f keys "I didn't see my first macro til I was a merchie. . hehe but I still like doing a lot of things by hand", says Danmathman. Bizcarp still does;) "heheh, so do I", says Burnone with a wink. Danmathman says, "Well I moved up the ranks. . spend a month a merchie and spent a good long time at JP. . now back in these days we had the snark puzzle" Unomee wishes the snark puzzle was still in, shed love to do it "And I was tired of factory management. . I wanted to be a PO. . so I went on a mission to beat the snarks", says Danmathman. Burnone says, "remembers those days sitting and waiting for the beaker" "hehe ONe time someone else tried the snarks. . and I said what happens if someone else goes in there", says Danmathman. "hehe so I went in the snarks. . not the one being the puzzler. .hehe I was traped there for like 2 or 3 hours. . before a group finally killed me", says Danmathman. "After that . . a group of us always went with the puzzler. . hehe to wish them well and buy them pizza", says Danmathman. Danmathman says, "Well. . . it took me 7 tries to beat the puzzle. . . one reason for that is that the Fed gods decided to do the old switcharoo" "they made a slight modification of the puzzle. . . took two tries at that before I knew what was up", says Danmathman. Unomee snickers.. hates it when they do that;) Danmathman smiles, "And I was one of the first I think 5 or 10 to solve the changed puzzle" "I was so excited . . I could hardly type afterwards", says Danmathman. "The next morning . . Numbers opened. .not sure of the day . .but I do know it was June 96", says Danmathman. "hehe and i had to pay 300 to something called aol that month", says Danmathman with a wink. "ouch!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Unomee shudders.. good thing they outlawed those dollar thingies in fed Sniperspy nods Naiad grins. Danmathman says, "Well. . a few months later. . just before a dark period called unlimited aol (sorry but it was kinda bad lag. . rude newbies etc)" Danmathman says, "someone said hey dan . . you would be a good Navigator why don't you give it a try" Danmathman says, "So I did" Unomee giggles cause she joined fed during that dark period;) "And how did you like that Dan?", asks Chiefsgirl. "It was tough. . there would be a lot of newbies and they would all want immediate attention and there was only 1 maybe 2 of us . . it was hard to keep up", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl nods Unomee shudders at the thought of being a nav during that time Danmathman says, "But I did enjoy it. . for those who really wanted to learn about Fed and be involed made it worth wile" "But something called RL and Gradschool. . called and I had to stop being a nav", says Danmathman. Kshandria hugs all the ladies and snogs all the dudes! Danmathman winks and says, "That was close to the time Fed left the evil called AOL" "aohell", smiles Eggbogg. "hehe yes", says Danmathman with a wink. "did you follow Fed to the web immediately Dan?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Anyway. . . I didn't visit Dataspace much after the move to the web. . and Yes I did. .", says Danmathman. "I did follow right after. . I wasn't going to be left behind. . but I was busy. . so as I said I didn't visit much", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl nods Unomee remembers being in Buffet briefly.. that was fun:) Chiefsgirl used to trade in Buffet Danmathman says, "Also all my friends weren't visiting DataSpace much either. . . so I was a little upset. . but . . then Myangel tb'ed me" "She said she was looking for some Barons for a duchy that she was involved with", says Danmathman. Unomee grins.. Myangel is a sweetie "Tapestry had pretty much left Fed. . but I e-mailed Tapestry asking permission to leave. .she said GO Dan", says Danmathman. Burnone says, "Myangel is a .... I'll not get into that" Danmathman says, "So I joined Alwaize." Danmathman smiles, "I talked much with Myangel. .and Will here," Wrkincaid smiles warmly "And they got me back into fed.. . I was excited to be here again. . first time in a long time", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl smiles Danmathman says, "And after a few months, I realized my school responsibilites were not as great as before. .so I asked to re-up as a Navigator. . and here I am. . .I know I have left a lot of my story out. . but. .there is a lot to tell. . I'll just answer questions now:" "dan ???", asks Eggbogg. Chiefsgirl smiles at Dan and looks to the audience Danmathman asks, "Yes Egg?" "you said they..with myangel..who was the other ?", asks Eggbogg. "Will, or Wrkincaid", says Danmathman with a wink. Eggbogg grins Unomee has a question Danmathman asks, "Yes Dear?" Unomee asks, "i know that you almost didnt go to the chicago meet, but what exactly made you decide to go? was it myangel just getting you fired up about it or what?" "hehe Hmm. . Well, I wasn't sure. .but as I looked into it . . the possibility seemed there. . and as I looked more. . it seemed more likely and so I said Yes I'll do it", smiles Danmathman. Unomee beams Unomee is glad Danmathman was the best decision he ever made;) Danmathman says, "For those of you who don't knwo" "And why is that Dan?", asks Chiefsgirl. "do you remember the first location you ported to?", asks Unomee. Danmathman winks and says, "hehe to answer CG's question. . that is where I met Unomee. . in RL. . and we. .::blushes:: hit it off to say the least" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Oh, that's wonderful for you both" Danmathman says, "Hmm. . sorry I don't remember the first location I ported to . . wait . it might have been in Yin. . to show off for Pockets and Tbear" Chiefsgirl makes note of possiblities at fed meets Unomee grins.. "You did port to sol 69 for luck right?;) "No. .I never did that", says Danmathman. "oh dear", says Unomee. Burnone raises his hand "yes Burn?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Dan where do you think Fed is going and why?", asks Burnone. Danmathman says, "Ooo. . a deep question . . ." Naiad wants the next question! "sorry, just wanted thoughts", says Burnone. Danmathman says, "Well, I think Fed will continue to grow and expand. . . I have seen a lot of changes in Fed over the last 5 years. . .and although with each change there were some growing pains. . Fed has weathered all the changes. .If I could have predicted fed. . ." Danmathman winks and says, "I wouldn't have done the snarks and would have waited about 7 months for them to remove it" Chiefsgirl asks, "You had a question Naiad?" "Yes! I wanted to know who was your favourite PO when you were in Buffet?", smiles Naiad. Danmathman smiles, "hehe You of course, Naiad" Naiad grins! Chiefsgirl thought that might be a trick question Unomee says, "Naiad you WERE Buffet" "I know..there was nobody else there, really.", says Naiad with a wink. "Yes Unomee is right. . you were the only real active po in Buffet", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl asks, "Dan, I noticed your mood tonight is 24 days... what does that mean?" "hehe", says Danmathman. Unomee blushes Danmathman smiles, "In 24 days I will see Unomee again in RL" Chiefsgirl says, "awwww... that's so sweet" Chiefsgirl just loves romance "and actually while I do have the floor", says Danmathman. Danmathman gets down on one knee, "Unomee would you do me the pleasure of being my fed bride?" Unomee gasps Bizcarp melts. Naiad exclaims, "Ohhhhh!!" Eggbogg exclaims, "wow!" Unomee says, "yes Dan i will" Unomee has given Danmathman a nice snog! Chiefsgirl looks to Cgee to be sure the video is still rolling to capture this moment Bizcarp cheers! Danmathman has given Unomee a hot hug! Kshandria cheers Bix cries :) Burnone stands up and gasps Naiad exclaims, "Congratulations!!" Chiefsgirl cheers and congratulates the couple Eggbogg applauds Unomee is stunned and just giggles Wrkincaid chuckles and claps Dan on the back 'Congrats ole man' Eggbogg bounces on a barstool he doesn't have :) Danmathman smiles Deedee gets Eggbogg a barstool Bizcarp is so happy:) Unomee smiles, "i love you Dan" "I love you too dear", smiles Danmathman. Victoria applauds the happy couple Chiefsgirl wipes a tear from her eye "Well. . .Any more questions?", asks Danmathman. "Any questions for Dan?", asks Chiefsgirl. "dan ???", asks Eggbogg. Danmathman asks, "Yes?" "were you nervous before this started ?", asks Eggbogg. Danmathman says, "Yes I was" "and still am", says Danmathman with a wink. Eggbogg grins Bizcarp thinks Dan did great, with EVERYTHING:) Chiefsgirl agrees Bix tips his cap to Dan :) "yes!! a wonderful guest!", exclaims Naiad. Danmathman blushes "Indeed, a fine performance!!", smiles Jazir. "yes, I agree with Biz.. good Job Dan", smiles Burnone. Unomee wraps her arms around Dan and grins "What is your favorite planet that you have visited since you have been in Fed?", asks Bront. "Aside from Numbers", says Jazir with a wink. Danmathman winks and says, "Ooo. .outside of Numbers" Naiad winks and says, "And Lilith." Catspaws says, "I remember visiting Lilith long long ago...." Danmathman thinks. . . Ooo .. . there are so many. . . Bront says, "Name a few if you want" Eggbogg smiles, "not in order either" "Good, Well. .I think Lluvia has a good start. .and I can't wait til Rainy is finished with that planet. . .Bex is fun. . hehe it is in the duchy of Numbers", says Danmathman. "good answer", smiles Eggbogg. Eggbogg smiles, "most diplomatic" "And I'm sure I could list a dozen. .but my brain is not thinking of any. . .", says Danmathman. "Any other questions for Dan?", asks Chiefsgirl. Danmathman winks and says, "oh and Cloudnine is also fun. . but two of the last three I've toured in the last 3 days" Unomee grins.. Loverly is an awesome planet.. specially the gathering spot which will always look like a certain hotel room in her mind now Eggbogg says, "i have one question more..." Danmathman asks, "Yes?" "danmathman is your name indicative of your abilities sir??", asks Eggbogg. "Well. . if I said I'm working on my Ph.D. in Math. .and am a straight A student so far. .would that answer your questions?", says Danmathman with a wink. Unomee beams.. Dan is really smart:) Chiefsgirl is very impressed Eggbogg says, "you bet your a---" "thanks", smiles Eggbogg. "So, in other words, no?", says Bront with a wink. Danmathman has given Bront a sloppy tickle! Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd, "Any other questions?" "Dan...2+2?", asks Naiad. Rasal pokes Naiad. Naiad jumps! Naiad winks and says, "Hey! It's a legitimate question!" Danmathman says, "I do have one plug. . If anyone wants to get a tour of Numbers, 4 Naiad, I'll be giving a tour Thursday July 1st at about 7 est" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Dan?" "Tell me Dan... what do you think of someome trading for the pleasure of making groats?", asks Burnone. Danmathman says, "Well, here we go. .I do have some words" Danmathman says, "And this might sound controvsial. .but who cares. . ." "Trading is fine. . . but doing something which one knows hurts others. .I'm not for. . .", says Danmathman. Eggbogg smiles, "right on" Danmathman says, "And for those people who use 'triggers' or other things to do their trading for them" Danmathman says, "I don't think they really know how to play fed. . using triggers is like watching the demo of a video game and saying you have played it" Unomee says, "lol how true Dan" Danmathman says, "If you don't make the decisions. .you are not involved in the game. . .but that is my take. . .and remember I didn't use any macros til I was merchie" "Now. . I hope I didn't offend anyone too much. . . but that is what I believe", says Danmathman. Chiefsgirl smiles "Very nicely stated Dan", says Chiefsgirl. "Thanks", smiles Danmathman. "I'm sure people with be picketing your dutchy in protest Dan.", says Bront with a wink. "I'm sure they will", says Danmathman with a wink. Eggbogg cracks up Unomee snickers.. they can picket all they want "Oos there goes Egg's Yoke", says Danmathman with a wink. Chiefsgirl smiles "Scrambled eggs, anyone?", asks Naiad. Eggbogg exclaims, "wait!!!" Chiefsgirl asks, "yes Egg?" "not that", says Eggbogg. "heheh, that was stated nicely.. BUT I lost it when you said you started using Macros as a Merch... isn't that a conflict?", asks Burnone. Danmathman says, "I don't use triggers" Danmathman says, "I make all the decision that my macros do" "well done dan", smiles Eggbogg. Danmathman says, "I want to sell to a planet. . I make a macro to sell to that planet. ." "I don't just hit a button and let the puter sell to the highest price", says Danmathman. Unomee hmms.. Dan ya gotta teach me how to do that:) "Macros are good when they are used to ease the work of fingers. . .but otherwise. . I have no need for them", says Danmathman. Danmathman waves "I want to thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me in 2 weeks on June 4 when my guest will be Cen" "Thanks for this opportunity, CG", smiles Danmathman. Cgee packs up the video equipment |