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"You hosting tonight?", asks Aylisa. Gaminglady smiles, "Yes, it's my first time too." Gaminglady chuckles, "Should be interesting." "You will do well", smiles Aylisa. "This is Mars, right?", asks Gaminglady. "Yeah, I'm sure it is.", says Gaminglady. Aylisa thinks "We are so spoiled to porters, aren't we?", asks Aylisa. Gaminglady nods. Sargon chuckles. Halo in hand, and grin on his face, Sargon has just gone north. Halo in hand, and grin on his face, Sargon has just arrived. "yeps.. mars..", smiles Sargon. "Well ... all we need now is a guest", smiles Gaminglady. Gaminglady hops up onto the bar and swings her legs idly. A former fighting Eaglewing has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Ahh, here he is.", smiles Gaminglady. Eaglewing smiles, "Sorra all" Eaglewing bows Gaminglady hops off the bar, takes her guest by the hand and leads him to the seat of honor. "ahhh the electric chair", says Kingman. Gaminglady starts to sit on Eagle's lap then decides that lacks a certain dignity and returns to her perch on the bar. Eaglewing scans the crowd. Victoria shows King where the controls are Eaglewing glances at Gaminglady and winks "we want em talkin..not moanin GL", says Roberts with a wink. Gaminglady chuckles. Eaglewing chuckles "Make sure you apply plenty of conductant GL", says Kingman. Gaminglady smiles, "Tell us how you discovered Fed, Eagle." "Hmmmm", says Eaglewing. "This last time?", smiles Eaglewing. "No, originally.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing nods Eaglewing says, "Originally, I was playing around in Pay AOHell and looked up the top 10 hot items and found a space fantasy game." Gaminglady nods and leans forward to listen. Eaglewing says, "From there on it was love at first sight." Gaminglady asks, "Oh, me too. Do you remember paying off your first ship?" Eaglewing says, "I played frantically for hours everyday just to become a captain" Eaglewing asks, "I had a ship?" Eaglewing gasps. Gaminglady giggles. "Well, I did ... maybe the men didn't get them.", says Gaminglady with a wink. "no wonder he cant fly straight, he used his wings to deliver those loads", says Victoria. "But really...", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing chuckles Gaminglady grins at Victoria. Eaglewing winks Kingman says, "Good lung capacity too" Victoria LOL "I played like crazy as did everyone else to be able to say I owned a planet.", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing scoffs Gaminglady says, "Well, not everyone ... some of us displayed some self-control." Eaglewing babbles "I distinctly recall sleeping at least once a week.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing asks, "What's that?" "You did?", asks Eaglewing. Kingman asks, "Sleeping for Real even?" Gaminglady looks virtuous. Eaglewing asks, "Sleep?" Gaminglady says, "Indeed. Bed and everything." Eaglewing chuckles "ie alone? wasted time", says Roberts with a wink. Gaminglady giggles. Eaglewing grins "As I recall you were originally Mgarlingot ...", says Gaminglady. "Tell us how you happened upon the name Tropicana?", asks Gaminglady. Breyer has just disappeared. Eaglewing says, "Yes back then I was MGarlingot or MG" Eaglewing says, "Had a planet in Connor named Tropicana" "Tropicana! I remember!", exclaims Breyer. Eaglewing winks Breyer use to trade on Tropicana all the time. "fruity drink?", asks Kingman. Gaminglady says, "Connor was a great duchy. All those leisures ..." "Aye it was", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing sighs Gaminglady blinks and pulls herself out of a daydream. Eaglewing says, "Those were the days" Eaglewing chuckles Victoria passes GL a strong cup of coffee to keep her alert "Tropicana had a 9 hole golf course on it too", says Eaglewing. Gaminglady smiles, "Ooo, that sounds like fun." Eaglewing says, "That was me favorite part" Gaminglady slips a shot of brandy in the coffee when no one's looking and thanks Victoria. Victoria smiles and winks Eaglewing says, "It also had a jungle that led into the lost countryside" Gaminglady says, "Sounds like fun." Eaglewing nods "I must confess I never got beyond the LP and exchange.", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady blushes. "there was a lp?", says Roberts with a wink. "No death areas but alot of dinosaurs.", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing chuckles Victoria says, "I can get lost on the lp" Gaminglady giggles, "Dinosaurs?" Eaglewing hums Roberts winks and says, "old fedders Gl.." Gaminglady nods at Victoria, "Teleporting a few years will do that to you." Eaglewing nods at Roberts Gaminglady asks, "Oh. Is that what you meant, Eagle?" Gaminglady blushes deeper, "Silly me." "Not really", says Eaglewing. "See? I was right.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing says, "It had Dinosaurs" Roberts reals in the GL fish he just caught Gaminglady sticks her tongue out at Roberts. Eaglewing chuckles Roberts says, "err .. reels even" "Ok, I really have to hear the story here ...", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing says, "You had to have the machette to get there though" "A planet named Tropicana with a golf course and dinosaurs.", says Gaminglady. "Tell me the connection here, I'm lost.", says Gaminglady with a wink. "Makes perfect sense", says Bront. Eaglewing says, "The golf course was by the high rise office building" Eaglewing chuckles Roberts says, "and a swampp gl .. dont ferget da swamp" "Where the residents hid from the dinosaurs ...", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing nods Breyer might have had a office there... Eaglewing says, "They didn't like anything larger than they were" Gaminglady giggles, "Must have been male dinosaurs." Gaminglady ducks. Eaglewing chuckles "So, about these dinosaurs ...", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing chuckles, "It was a tropical planet for sure, but the lost jungle was not a picnic to be at "So, Eagle, was AOL still hourly pay when you started?", asks Victoria. Eaglewing says, "Yes it was" "What was your biggest bill?", asks Victoria. Gaminglady chuckles. Eaglewing says, "I only had about 30.00 a month" Eaglewing says, "plus about 600" Eaglewing babbles Victoria acks! Gaminglady says, "Oh my." "Big, big dinosaurs.", says Gaminglady. "How long was Tropicana in Connor?", asks Breyer. Eaglewing looks over his shoulder nervously. Eaglewing says, "Alittle over a year Breyer." "true addiction", says Kingman. Gaminglady looks over Eagle's shoulder too. Gaminglady says, "Ok, like many of us, you wandered away only to return ..." "What lured you back in?", smiles Gaminglady. Eaglewing says, "While I was there though, I learnt to fight from this guy that thought he could fight well." Gaminglady asks, "Ooo, who was that?" Eaglewing winks and says, "Some guy named Niteghost" "Ahh, Nite was great", smiles Gaminglady. Breyer winks and says, "Oh.. never heard of him in my days in connor" Eaglewing chuckles Eaglewing says, "He was a great guy really" Eaglewing says, "We had a lot of good fights" Eaglewing grins "Between his wall and his BOOM I'll never forget him. Did he teach you to fight?", asks Gaminglady. Eaglewing nods at GL "i want to boom...", says Evileric. "Well, you're one of the best Fed's ever seen ... certainly one of the best we have here now.", says Gaminglady. "I was his Mentor errr...", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing says, "Hmmm" Gaminglady winks and says, "So tell us what brought you back again? Getting the jitters from months without hauling?" "Should I?", smiles Eaglewing. Eaglewing chuckles. "The hauling brought me back for sure.", says Eaglewing. Skiierdost chuckles. Eaglewing smirks Gaminglady grins. Eaglewing says, "I came back to devote my time to fighting" Gaminglady pouts, "You could at least pretend you missed the ladies of Fed." Victoria agrees with GL Eaglewing says, "My insurance proves it." Gaminglady asks, "Ooo, what's your insurance now?" Gaminglady taps her "Nosey Hostess" badge proudly. "It lowered at 1000 games", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing grins "Not sure what now", says Eaglewing. Gaminglady says, "Ok, so we'll double it." Gaminglady asks, "Ahh ... shall I kill you to find out?" Eaglewing says, "I think it's almost 5 megs again" Gaminglady says, "Not too bad really." "Nope", says Eaglewing. Kingman says, "seen higher... must be good" Gaminglady asks, "Did you ever track down the technician?" Eaglewing winks and says, "I didn't die too much" Gaminglady says, "Good point." "No", says Eaglewing. "I guess with a teleporter you could just reinsure on Eaglestar ... not really losing groats that way.", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady glances at her notes, looking for dirt. "It didn't matter to me about groats", says Eaglewing. "Speaking of that", says Eaglewing. "Dirt or groats?", asks Gaminglady. Eaglewing chuckles Eaglewing says, "Groats" "I have too many", says Eaglewing. "You sure? We have room for dirt ...", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing grins Victoria asks, "So when and why did you discard your original char and Tropicana, and reincarnate?" "I left Fed for a new game", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing says, "I came back when Fed sent out a letter about going to a flat rate" "I wanted to fight when I saw that", says Eaglewing. Gaminglady chuckles. "Well, I for one am glad you did.", says Gaminglady. Victoria smiles Triton just wishes he didnt come back as a fish eater... "Do you have a golf course on your planet now?", asks Victoria. "Ooo, Triton! Speaking of dinosaurs", says Gaminglady with a wink. Eaglewing grins at Triton Triton laughs "No Victoria", says Eaglewing. Triton smiles, "Im not a dinosaur, just experienced" "I have a big mansion there though", says Eaglewing. "ooo, that sounds nice", smiles Victoria. Eaglewing says, "That's about it bedies my fighting arenas" "err besides?", asks Eaglewing. "What do you like most about fed besides fighting?", asks Victoria. Triton asks, "Ya got a snotty butler tho ?" Eaglewing chuckles "No butler", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing chuckles Gaminglady says, "You do have a mobile though." "I know, I once had a protracted conversation with it.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing looks thoughtfully Eaglewing says, "What I did like best about Fed was...." Victoria laughs at GL! "The ladies?", asks Eaglewing. Eaglewing grins Gaminglady beams, "Good answer!" Kingman says, "safe, but good" Triton says, "Kinda wimpy answer tho .." Triton hides Gaminglady thwaps Triton. Triton says, "Well it was ..." "no... the right answer", says Kingman. Eaglewing leans and drools on Triton "Well what brought YOU back, Triton?", asks Gaminglady. "Hmm?", asks Gaminglady. "I don't think it was the fish sticks", says Gaminglady with a wink. Triton says, "10 bucks a month was all it took .." "Blah, it was 10 bucks a month when you left.", says Gaminglady. "Ohh yeah .. umm to avenge my fathers death ..", says Triton. "it was spawning season", says Victoria with a wink. Gaminglady says, "Ok, truly a non-wimpy answer." Gaminglady says, "But Eagle's gets him more women vying to sit in his lap." Triton says, "Problem is, his death was a suicide,,, nothing to avenge" Eaglewing covers his mouth. Eaglewing snickers. Triton will have to confer with the winged one to get some pointers on wooing answers .. Victoria asks, "Eagle, who was/is the best fighter you've been up against?" "Hey Triton, they all look very good all the time", smiles Eaglewing. Triton asks, "Cept in the morning right ?" "Ooo, good question, Victoria.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing says, "Nitghost, Gerndog, Richiepoo, Bababooie and one is here now" Eaglewing points at Hof. Hof feels same way about Eagle and bows..names are close too /....cept ya left out Virus ;) "ok, now the gushy stuff... the loves of your two lifetimes in fed Eagle", says Victoria. Eaglewing says, "He was in Connor with me too" Eaglewing says, "The first time around was AnnaD2" "We never married though", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing says, "This time around was ummm....hmmmm" Victoria says, "what happened to that relationship" Eaglewing says, "She left about the same time I did" Eaglewing says, "Anna was married RL and wasn't sure her Hubby would go that marriage in-game thing" Eaglewing grins Eaglewing says, "This time around is still Sholuvr." Eaglewing wishes she was here Triton says, "Ahh Sho, defender of the fishes .." Victoria asks, "do you have any plans to do the duke puzzle?" Gaminglady chuckles. "She's a commander again?", asks Eaglewing. Eaglewing coughs. "Me?", asks Eaglewing. Gaminglady asks, "Who is?" "No", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing says, "Sholuvr" "She is?", asks Gaminglady. Kingman says, "she is" Eaglewing says, "She amde Merchant she told me not too long ago." "err made", says Eaglewing. Skiierdost says, "She had planets again not too long ago" Triton says, "Nahh, i think thats just her ghost .. last i heard she had no intention of returning" Triton has been wrong before tho .. "She's mad at me I think", says Eaglewing. "Surely not.", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady rubs Eagle lightly. Eaglewing says, "She came back to Merchant to be able to spend time with me on my plnaet, But I couldn't make it back" "Let's not dwell on the unpleasant, hon.", says Gaminglady. Triton says, "Nahh .. despite them sharp talons, and carnivorous nature, i doubt its any one person .." "okies", says Eaglewing. Hof has a bridge to sell for all those that think Tbar is not here anymore ;) Eaglewing smiles. "Besides, that opens the door for the rest of us unattached baronesses to zoom in for the kill", says Gaminglady with a wink. Eaglewing grins Victoria tries to restrain GL Gaminglady looks innocent. Triton shoulda been a model for romance novel covers stead of a fish Gaminglady says, "Oh, I didn't mean myself of course." "of couose not", says Kingman. "You know me, I never do such things.", says Gaminglady. "Never", says Kingman. Triton says, "Fish get no respect, and if we want the ladies, we gotta go upstream and die .." Rere adjusts GL's slightly tarnished halo Gaminglady points to her innocent look as proof. Victoria almost spits out her drink laughing Gaminglady giggles at Triton. Rere loans GL her vixeninnocent look ::whispers it works better::: Gaminglady chuckles, "I've looked innocent for five years." Rere asks, "And it's worked for you so far right?" "yea ... right", says Kingman. Gaminglady says, "Well, since I actually AM innocent ..." "I missed some but did you mention your favorite fed moment Eagle?", asks Rere. Eaglewing says, "No Rere" "Hmmm", says Eaglewing. Victoria says, "good one Rere" Eaglewing asks, "That would have to be my Honeymmon?" Eaglewing grins Rere asks, "Most embarrassing?" Victoria says, "well, something you can share with us Eagle" Eaglewing says, "Not sure I can talk about that" Gaminglady grins. "Hmmm", says Eaglewing. "Most embarrassing is the times I died the first two rounds in the Cup fight", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing chuckles Gaminglady chuckles. "Well if that's your worst you must be better at keeping your comms straight than I am.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing rolls his eyes Eaglewing says, "Well..I did come in one time with my triggers on" Eaglewing says, "Channel 9 got a string of Warrior's Revenge rules over and over" Gaminglady smiles, "Oh, I remember that." "They didn't like it too much", says Eaglewing. "I was frantically trying to shut it down, but it had to run its course", says Eaglewing. Gaminglady asks, "Is there anything you'd like to change about Fed?" Victoria chuckles "If so, what and why?", asks Gaminglady. "Yes, I would like to see the promotions get a little harder as they use to be and the snark puzzle re-installed", says Eaglewing. "Things are just too easy right now", says Eaglewing. "And built in coded fish protection ..", says Triton. Eaglewing says, "I would also like to see the code changed for fighting to make it harder." "But alas", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing sighs "Oh? How so?", asks Gaminglady. "I want mobs that attack back...", says Kingman. "Like taking into account the different stages of the fight and what their ship is doing instead of the random hitting and missing it does now", says Eaglewing. Rere says, "Intersting Eagle" Gaminglady says, "Indeed ... and completely over my head I'm afraid." Eaglewing says, "Not sure it could be done as I don't know the coding problems" Rere asks, "Do you have a favorite planet? past or present?" Eaglewing says, "Mine in the past were Honalee and Gossamer" Triton liked Honalee and Gossamer too ... but Atlantis was good too.. Hof would love if you actually typed launch missile it would launch one...Hof knows alot of fighters would run out quick if that were the case "What was so good about them Eagle?", asks Rere. Triton toots his own horn .. LOL Eaglewing nods at Hof "Good point", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing says, "The macro stuff and the fkeys make it too easy" Rere whispers that's why she can fight at all ;) Eaglewing says, "I thought both were very thought out and had a multitude of rooms and a couple good puzzles as I remember" Gaminglady gasps, "You can fight?" "Sho taught me GL", says Rere with a wink. Triton is a lover not a fighter.... well i aint a fighter anyway .. Gaminglady giggles, "Sho and Eagle taught me too ... or tried anyway." Eaglewing says, "You were getting better too when you quit" "I beat you", says Gaminglady with a wink. Gaminglady ducks quickly. Eaglewing says, "Aye ye did" Rere blinks Eaglewing grins "I should add that the rest of the team beat the stuffings out of him while I hid.", says Gaminglady. Eaglewing says, "I quit mostly cause of the randomness" Victoria laughs as GL tells the truth Eaglewing winks Gaminglady says, "Well, Eagle I'm afraid out time is up." Rere laughs Eaglewing nods Gaminglady smiles, "Seems like we've barely scratched the surface, you must come back again." "Thanks fer having me.", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing says, "Not sure why though" Victoria stand and applauds the guest and host Rere smiles, "Thanks for Hosting GL" "Thank you all for coming, it was great fun.", smiles Gaminglady. Gaminglady smiles, "There. That wasn't so bad was it?" Eaglewing waves Eaglewing asks, "Me?" "Yes, hon.", says Gaminglady. "No, it wasn't", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing grins Gaminglady beams. "I wasn't nervous", says Eaglewing. Eaglewing passes out. Gaminglady says, "Well, I was nervous enough for both of us." Gaminglady says, "Which is why I didn't flirt ... far too nervous." Eaglewing grins Gaminglady considers changing her mood to Looking virtuous. Eaglewing grins |