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Chiefsgirl says, "Our guest tonight is Ferreri" Ferreri curtsies "She will tell us a bit about herself and answer questions", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Please give her a chance to respond to your questions before bombarding her with more" Chiefsgirl smiles "I started playing Fed in the days of aol play to pay...", says Ferreri. Hello asks, "awww :( We can't bombard her constantly??" Chiefsgirl sits and looks at her notes Chiefsgirl has given Hello a friendly tickle! Ferreri says, "I made merchie when we went flat rate in aol" "I stayed a merchie for a year... afraid of the Snark puzzle I maxed my stats.", says Ferreri. "Was the snark puzzle still operational then Ferreri?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ferreri says, "Had an office on Riva and most of my facs were there." Ferreri says, "yeah, it still worked, and people got in line to play it." Chiefsgirl nods Ferreri says, "I was in line when it was removed." Chiefsgirl says, "awww" Ferreri says, "made JP overnight and moved to Tahoe" Chiefsgirl asks, "Were you disappointed you didn't get your turn at the snark?" "no, actually I was relieved... had a hard time killing Monty to get my ID card and was afraid I'd die in the puzzle", says Ferreri. Chiefsgirl nods Ferreri says, "once I got to Tahoe I made friends with JW... she taught me alot about running an ex." Gaminglady nods, "JW's great." "I got Dune online and ended up in Harem after getting booted buy Gerhilda", says Ferreri. Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you choose the name Dune?" "Had lots of fun in Harem, we partied alot there.", says Ferreri. "I've liked the Dune series alot... wanted to live on Dune.", says Ferreri. Chiefsgirl nods Ferreri says, "after alot of moving around after Harem died, I now call Lorien my home" Ferreri smiles, "Great place to park a planet !" Gaminglady smiles. Cayohueso nods. "guess I can take questions now", says Ferreri. "Lorien does seem to be one of the more active duchies around. Was that important to you?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ferreri exclaims, "It was very important... Harem rocked... I like that... Lorien is Alive!" "Hehe", says Hello. Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl asks, "How long have you been a baroness, Ferreri?" Ferreri says, "My memory isn't very good, (since I found blonde hair in a bottle) but it's been about a year." Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any plans for your own duchy someday?" Ferreri says, "I keep thinking about promoting, have broken my time machine 3 times now... but don't know if I'm up to all the work" Chiefsgirl giggles "What keeps things fun for you?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ferreri says, "I've had several FO's go one to become PO's then Dukes... then quit playing cause it's so much work." Ferreri says, "Oh, the gamers make it all fun." Chiefsgirl nods "Are there any questions for Ferreri?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I have alot of friends here.", says Ferreri. Ferreri looks to the crowd Gaminglady waves her hand in the air. "yes GL?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Can you tell us why you usually go by "One" instead of Ferreri?", asks Gaminglady. Naiad asks, "When are you going to throw another party, Ferreri??" Chiefsgirl tickles Naiad for always thinking of parties Naiad giggles! Ferreri says, "Oh that, I was Ferreri1 in aol... one night a newbie was trying to talk to me on the comms and had trouble saying Ferreri.. started calling me 1 and it stuck." Chiefsgirl laughs Bix loves nicknames Ferreri winks and says, "it is easier to type" Pianoman waves his hand for a question "yes Pianoman?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pianoman says, "I'd like to know if Ferreri has green eyes , and also enjoys blond hair, since the grey blends in" Chiefsgirl laughs Pianoman grins Ferreri winks and says, "I have Hazel eyes... which means they look like hazelnuts, almost brown... yes I like having blonde hair" Teenangel smiles, "Are you going to the LA fedmeet again this year Auntie Ferreri." Ferreri says, "I hope to make it, if they can decide on a date.... I'm going to the NE meet next weekend... going to be great, never stayed in Cape Cod before." Gaminglady winks and says, "Considered the south Florida meet in November?" Cayohueso smiles, "Yeah! Come to South Florida!" Teenangel says, "Uncle Ibu is going to the ne meet too" Deathiscome says, "Florida in november eh? cool that sounds fun" Nyota asks, "There's one in Florida GL?" "where in Florida?", asks Teenangel. Naiad winks and says, "Uncle Ibu goes everywhere there is a Fedder." "That's what they tell me ... and if there's not, I'll arrange one", smiles Gaminglady. Nyota exclaims, "Oh please keep me posted I don't want to miss another one!" Chiefsgirl would like to go to all the meets "Key West, from what I understand.", says Cayohueso. Sniperspy would like to go to one atleast... ;) Ferreri says, "I'll have to think about Florida... can't take too many trips in one years." "err... year.", says Ferreri. "cool...I have a rl auntie there", smiles Teenangel. "ya could meet my bro is ya did go Ferreri", says Deathiscome with a wink. "Ferreri, what's been your favorite rank so far?", asks Chiefsgirl. "that's a hard one... liked Merchy... like being a Baroness (if I had a better ex it would be great)", says Ferreri. Naiad says, "I used to like JP.." Gaminglady smiles, "Baroness is fun" Sniperspy winks and says, "Wish I were a baroness" "I mean Baron", says Sniperspy with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "What have been your best moments here? any special memories?" Ferreri says, "my best times were when I was a JP and used to sit on the LP on Tahoe with JW... we would play the same songs on our CD's and sing together." Chiefsgirl smiles cause she used to do that with someone Gaminglady smiles, "That sounds like fun, One" Ferreri says, "it was, GL ... we'd do it for hours." "What brought you to Fed and what is it that keeps you here Ferreri? .. I mean what is the allure?", asks Apollo. Ferreri says, "i used to play a space based game on AOL where you took one turn a week... you filled out a form with your turn and emailed it... the answer would come back and you took another turn." "oh goodness", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl can't imagine that Bix thinks wow! "a game took 25- 58 weeks to play... when I saw Fed I was in love.", says Ferreri. Sholuvr played a game like that, it ruled Teenangel says, "and I remember pong hehehe" "The people here keep bringing me back.", says Ferreri. Sniperspy winks and says, "All I remember is the fun in cow-tipping" "Who are some people you admire most Ferreri?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ferreri says, "i know if I try to answer that one I'll hurt someone... I know I miss sitting in the Cantina holding hands with Death, I won't ever forget Lucas123 and how he helped me." Deathiscome blushes Ferreri says, "I think anyone that sticks around in Fed long enough is worth admiring." Chiefsgirl boggles at holding hand with Death and wonders about his slipping image Bix smiles, "Have you ever gotten into the ship-fighting aspect of the game? Do you or did you ever enjoy fighting mobiles?" Ferreri says, "I'm scared to death of fighting... went to Deaths class last night to see what it was all about." "only thing I ever killed was Monty, and that was required.", says Ferreri. "come now Ferreri, count those brain cells", says Deathiscome with a wink. Ferreri asks, "are there more questions?" Ferreri looks around the room "Ferreri, have you ever been married or had family around here?", asks Chiefsgirl. "no, I've never been fed married.. have nieces (smiles at TeenAngel) and nephews..", says Ferreri. Teenangel smiles proudly Ferreri says, "been in a lot of weddings, love Fed weddings." "They are always fun", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Any other questions for Ferreri?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ferreri thinks she is up for a couple more questions "Ever run into any interesting bugs in the game code?", asks Bix. Chiefsgirl laughs Bix has :) Chiefsgirl says, "That's an usual question Bix" Ferreri says, "that is hard to answer, Bix... if you mean things that don't work as published in the manual, yes." Ferreri says, "there have been bugs that people exploit... think they are all gone now." "I meant...like something you needed to report?", asks Bix. Ferreri says, "no never had to report a bug... just a hacker that got into my account." Chiefsgirl says, "Oh yuck Ferreri" "whats the most romantic planet ya ever been on ferreri?", asks Avenger. "IBgames fixed it just fine", says Ferreri with a wink. "that's hard to answer Avenger.. they all seem to have great places to go... Bourbon was great... kinda think Lotus is the best right now.", says Ferreri. "there used to be a PO named potter...", says Avenger. Avenger says, "he had a planet cant rem the name..." "but herte was a secret lagoon...", says Avenger. "er there was i mean", says Avenger. Avenger says, "I rem it well when I was a young captain in here <winks>" Roguenine points out that potter is a groundhog :) "potter died years ago", says Avenger. "I think he dead dead by accident", says Avenger. Ferreri wonders if there are anymore questions Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Ferreri?" Roguenine asks, "Ferrari, I haven't been to your planet yet... (I will though) Did you name it after all the books?" Naiad wonders what books.. "Dune", says Wingdgirl. Ferreri says, "Yes, I did Roguenine... really like the books... haven't done them justice." Roguenine says, "Cool... I'm a big fan too, I'll go take a look" Chiefsgirl says, "If no one has any other questions, I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Ferreri Gaminglady smiles, "Thanks, CG and One ... it was great" Roguenine nods and applauds Naiad applauds! Chiefsgirl smiles, "Join me next week when my guest will be Artopia" Ferreri curtsies |