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"Ack! Those are new stockings!", exclaims Gaminglady. Wolfyn says, "Guess he's still hungry." Cayohueso thawps Jackal. Phiddie grins Cayohueso winks and says, "Behave!" Jackal says, "Tastes awful, too. You ought to go back to the old brand." Gaminglady giggles. Phiddie clears her throat and says, "Thank you all for coming tonight." Phiddie says, "Our guest this evening is Gaminglady." Gaminglady grins nervously from her perch. "We'll start off by asking the Baroness to tell us a little about herself and then we'll open the floor for questions. Feel free to ask her questions as we go along though.", says Phiddie. Jackal sniffs and waits for her to fall from the perch. Phiddie smiles at Gaminglady and takes a seat. "Well, I'm GL ... been in Fed about five years now", smiles Gaminglady. "I'm kind of a shy, homebody sort", says Gaminglady. Wolfyn snorts. Gaminglady grins. Gaminglady says, "I guess I was best known for Lotus's Tupperware parties but I haven't thrown one in a while." Gaminglady begs for questions. Gaminglady winks and says, "Come on, people ... you know how shy I am." Jackal perks. Tupperware, keeps dead stuff fresh? Phiddie laughs Gaminglady says, "Well, not the Tupperware we had" Gaminglady grins. "Can you tell us about about your days in Fed climbing through the ranks GL?", asks Phiddie. Gaminglady says, "Well, I grew up in Mba" "Only one about there.", says Phiddie with a wink. "Was the world's worst FO as I recall", says Gaminglady. "I was truly dreadful. Couldn't get the hang of it to save me.", says Gaminglady. Phiddie asks, "Did you have to meet cycles then?" "I had factories like props and hauled all the inputs.", says Gaminglady. Phiddie ohs! Gaminglady smiles, "Yes, it was with the cycle clock." "Those Tupperware parties, all the women together... probably threw all the cycles off.", says Jackal. "How did you finally promote GL?", asks Phiddie. Gaminglady chuckles. Gaminglady says, "Well, I met a man ..." Gaminglady grins. "OnyxGod rather swept me off my feet I'm afraid." "He took one look at my factories and had a fit.", says Gaminglady. Wolfyn chuckles. Gaminglady says, "So I squeeked past the JP requirements and he set me up with new facs with his friends" Gaminglady smiles, "They were beautiful too. I had Kats on Jacuzzi, Arts on Hell ..." Phiddie smiles Gaminglady smiles, "Oh, and unis on Trains. Beautiful factories" Gaminglady says, "Best thing was all inputs were provided on everything. I was in heaven" Wolfyn is impressed, bet the next cycles went faster. Gaminglady winks and says, "That's when I learned about hot tubs" Aylisa giggles. Phiddie chuckles Wolfyn asks, "Uh oh. You sure the facs were what OnyxGod was looking at?" "Oh, yes. The next cycle was a dream, I rarely left my office unless it was to visit the mud pit on Zoo", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady blushes. "Well, the romance with Onyx didn't last long but we stayed friends." Cayohueso winks at Wolfyn and shakes his head. Gaminglady says, "I stayed as an explorer for a couple of weeks, earning groats and writing Lotus" "Then the big day when I onlined ... I was so nervous.", says Gaminglady. "when did you go back too Mba?", asks Moki. "And your planet was written?", asks Phiddie. Gaminglady says, "I was in Mba from the time I was a captain until I left for Rainbow as a Thane." "Never went back.", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady nods at Phiddie. "It was dreadful too." Phiddie remembers you in Rainbow. Wolfyn remembers hauling for GL in Rainbow. Gaminglady smiles. Gaminglady smiles, "Rainbow was a great duchy." Phiddie says, "I seem to remember visiting you there at a place with some falls or a pond." "So was Mba of course, just different.", says Gaminglady. "Probably the hot springs", smiles Gaminglady. Gaminglady says, "My favorite gathering place." Wolfyn winks and says, "Just another hot tub on rocks." Phiddie says, "Ahh...that was it." Gaminglady says, "To this day you can sit there and meet people who appear and disappear, never actually leaving there." Gaminglady remembers long evenings spent with Gandalf, MDCJM, BizCarp, Krimhurg ... "My fingers are still all pruney from it", says Gaminglady with a wink. "Does anyone have any questions for GL?", asks Phiddie. Wolfyn wants more GL history. Aylisa nods and agrees with Wolfyn. Phiddie smiles, "Ask away" Gaminglady says, "Well, it's hard to have my history without at least mentioning Shaver." Wolfyn drops her knitting and listens closely. Gaminglady says, "I met him as a squire and we were together for over a year." "I know it's going to sound strange but we'd spend eight to ten hours a day together on Lotus, just talking on Nine, going over digests, etc.", says Gaminglady. Wolfyn grins. "Fought like cats and dogs of course", says Gaminglady with a wink. "But never once got bored.", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady says, "And there was no on and off ... when the split came it was deep and permanent." Wolfyn nods. Gaminglady says, "Pity though, I pined after the duchy. It was my family by that point." "Of course, having acquired the ultimate ex-husband, I swore never to marry again.", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady smiles at Cayo. Cayohueso smiles proudly. Gaminglady smiles, "That was before I met this gorgeous hunk of man though" Cayohueso blushes. Aylisa says, "awww, how sweet." Jackal whines, he thought you were talking about him. Gaminglady stops just on the verge of embarassing the whole room. Gaminglady giggles at Jackal. "how many alts did you run at any one time and/or total?", asks Moki. "Broke another heart, GL.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Gaminglady says, "I have more alts now than I ever had in Free Fed." "I had myself and Galadriel of course ... and then a little explorer named LadyGaming.", says Gaminglady. Wolfyn drones, "We are all Gaminglady's alts." Gaminglady grins at Wolfyn. "It was tough to have alts on AOL.", says Gaminglady. Wolfyn asks, "Where did you end up after Rainbow?" Gaminglady says, "And I've never been good at keeping my identity hidden." Gaminglady says, "I was in Connor for a few months." Wolfyn grins, hauled for you in Connor too. Gaminglady says, "But I was there for three months and still hadn't actually met or talked to the duke so I decided I'd look elsewhere." "Ended out in Socal where I stayed until December of last year", smiles Gaminglady. "JR put up with Lotus, Lorien and Flirt through two years of me being mostly afk. I owe him a lot.", says Gaminglady. Phiddie smiles "Any other questions for GL?", asks Phiddie. Cressida winks and says, "I'm curious..." "just how many TTTT's has Lotus won?", smiles Cressida. Wolfyn notes we're up to December... Gaminglady blushes. "Um ... 29" Cressida grins, "Isn't that a record?" Gaminglady says, "I'm not sure." "I suspect the fourteen in fifteen days is though.", says Gaminglady. Cayohueso chuckles Kshandria wonders who is gonna be in charge of the popsicle cooler now Gaminglady says, "I had a bit of a problem a month or so ago ..." Gaminglady says, "I um ... well, I fell for someone who wasn't actually available." Gaminglady says, "So I did a pretty serious social whirl trying to distract myself and behave." Jackal exclaims, "I was too available!" "But you were leaving scars on my ankles", says Gaminglady with a wink. Gaminglady points out she DID behave, even though it wasn't easy. Gaminglady giggles. Gaminglady winks and says, "You know how innocent I am, Moki" Kshandria chokes Wolfyn snorts again. "Moki used to spend hours on Lotus when I was in Mba", smiles Gaminglady. Gaminglady winks and says, "We'd sit up in my office and I'd watch the women come in and throw themselves at him" Moki remebers happy hunting grounds Gaminglady says, "Yep, he'd just sit there quietly and Lotus would be crawling with women." Gaminglady giggles. Moki says, "That was before Jennysstar came along" "I do remeber tell you what the lotus was", says Moki. "Oh, yes. Something drug related as I recall ... it was news to me.", says Gaminglady. "oh shoot, did i miss the wedding?", asks Jordy. "We're going to shoot for a Saturday in a couple weeks", smiles Gaminglady. Cayohueso smiles. "Unless he changes his mind", says Gaminglady with a wink. Gaminglady has given Cayohueso a passionate tickle! "Yeah, right.", says Cayohueso with a wink. "I thought it was funny you didn't know it was also called poppy flower", says Moki. Cayohueso giggles. Jordy winks and says, "He'd be a fool if he did" Cayohueso agrees "You've got that right. I'd kill him", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady grins. "Does anyone else have a question for GL?", asks Phiddie. Jackal would be around to pick up the carcass. Phiddie laughs Kshandria notices she question wasnt answered "Do you participate in the fighting events much?", asks Wolfyn. "What's that, hon?", asks Gaminglady. Gaminglady shakes her head at Wolfyn. "I tried that once and DD'd a duchymate." Kshandria asks, "who is gonna control the popsicle cooler now?" Cayohueso grins. "Ahh ... well, Cayo still runs it, it's just a bit um ...", says Gaminglady. "Restricted", says Gaminglady with a wink. Kshandria pouts Wolfyn remembers being quite in awe of the GL when she was a wee pup. "Sorry, KS, but you how the boss gets sometimes.", says Cayohueso with a wink. Kshandria thinks Cayo should build @ coolers then Kshandria says, "err 2" Gaminglady peers at Wolfyn. "I can't imagine why. Thank you, I think." "I think I was scared.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn grins. Gaminglady says, "I don't bite." Gaminglady says, "Well, not hard." Wolfyn has given Gaminglady a tender tickle! Gaminglady giggles. "Ok, so I bite hard but only on invitation", says Gaminglady. Jordy wonders if she's invited Jordy giggles Gaminglady grins at Jordy. "Not while Cayo's watching." "or do i invite you?", smiles Jordy. Cayohueso snorts. Jordy laughs Gaminglady asks, "Hmm ... what else?" "I'm really kind of boring when you think about it.", says Gaminglady. Phiddie smiles, "Not at all." Gaminglady searches her mind for a juicy story. Phiddie asks, "And further questions?" Cayohueso shakes his head, "Don't believe her..." "Well, there was the night I married 42 people of assorted species and genders.", says Gaminglady. Wolfyn pats Cayoheuso on the shoulder. "So where did you find this good lookin' speciman?" "Hmmm...GL, where were you on the evening of January 29, 1976? hmmm????", asks Jordy. Jordy gets her notepad ready "I have no idea, Jordy ... but whatever it was, I was innocent.", says Gaminglady. "I didn't really chase you that hard, more then some light flirting", says Moki. "Hehe", says Phiddie. "And Cayo fell onto my LP from the skies like mana from heaven", smiles Gaminglady. Gaminglady asks, "Or would that be man from heaven?" "mmmhmmm...:::jots down::: then where were you on the morning of December 14, 2087?", asks Jordy. Phiddie grins Cayohueso feels his knees weaken. Gaminglady winks at Cayo. Jackal starts looking to the skies, maybe there will be dead manna someday. Cayohueso hopes that wasn't a reference to plane surfing. ;) "No, dearest", smiles Gaminglady. Gaminglady has given Cayohueso a sloppy kiss! Cayohueso has given Gaminglady a friendly kiss! Gaminglady hands Cayo a bar napkin. Gaminglady smiles, "Sorry, babe" Jordy looks up also to see if any mana's will fall to her Cayohueso tucks in his pocket. "Tell you what ...", says Gaminglady. Gaminglady winks and says, "This bar's starting to leave a mark in my backside. If anyone wants to get to know me, drop by Lotus sometime and have a nice soak in the hot tub" Gaminglady shifts her weight uncomfortably. Phiddie laughs Phiddie stands and curtsies to GL. "Thank you GL.", smiles Phiddie. Phiddie says, "And thank you all again for coming." Gaminglady smiles, "Thank you, Duchess. It was a pleasure" |