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"oooo Kao!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Kao reigns in her horse... her headless body swaying in the saddle Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women Kao hurls a large flaming jack o' lantern at you Kao carries her head to the bar and hops up and sits on the bar only the spirit of Mynewday has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Mynewday hugs you and you find there is nothing but a shudder of cold that goes up your spine ex kao ex ladyspar Sir Bront and Kitty has appeared
with a shimmer of teleportation effect. ex kitty ex bront ex locksnatcher Bront bows and kisses all the ladies hands ex hello ex kingman Kao 's jack o'lantern hisses at Bront and blows smoke rings ex iolair ex iolair ex risadeamoconia ex victoria ex mynewday ex tomyris Chiefsgirl dims the lights in the pub Chiefsgirl thinks the candles she lit make a nice spooky effect Kingman holds his flashlight "muhahahahahah Victoria thumps Kingman Chiefsgirl stands on the edge of her tail and looks around the audience Chiefsgirl says, "Welcome to a special edition of the Meet & Greet" Kao grabs a beer and pours it into the jack o lantern Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight we're going to celebrate Halloween" Chiefsgirl smiles, "It's nice to see some of you came in costume tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "we're gonna share ghost stories and scary thoughts" Chiefsgirl says, "And our featured storyteller tonight is Kao" Chiefsgirl says, "If anyone else would like to tell a scary story, please feel free to do so after Kao has entertained us with hers" Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Chiefsgirl dims the lights a bit more and cues the spooky chilling background music Chiefsgirl says, "so, let's all turn our attention to kao and her spooky tale for us....." Chiefsgirl settles on her barstool and watches Kao Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women Kao 's headless body speaks thru the jack o lantern Kao says, "This is taken from a short story by Edo van Belkom" Kao says, "I now pronounce you man and wife, the preacher said." Kao says, "Marv Sullivan grinned at the preacher, eyebrows arched as if asking if it were really true." "The preacher said You may kiss the bride.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women "Marv turned to his new bride and lifted the veil he had bought 10 minutes earlier in the chapels lobby. Rosita Juanita Sullivan smiled and offered her left cheek for him to peck.", says Kao. "It wasnt much of a kiss, but it was enough to get Marv a little excited.", says Kao. "Marv was 510 and weighed in at about 400 pounds, so he had not had many intimate relationships. Thats why he jumped at the chance to marry Rosie.", says Kao. Kao says, "Rosie was a voluptuous Mexican woman with long black hair, dark skin and brooding eyes. She had a full, womanly figure with wide flaring hips and long strong legs." Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao says, "The only thing wrong with Rosie was that she didnt give a dang about Marv." "Rosie had approached him in a bar in Tijuana and engaged him in conversation. After about an hour Marv had joked that she would make somebody a good wife.", says Kao. "Rosie immediately said Why not you? Before Marv knew what hit him he was in an allnight chapel in Las Vegas dressed in a blue velvet tux marrying a woman he had known for less than 2 days.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women "Marv knew he had been used, that Rosie was using their marriage as a ticket to stay in the States, but he was hoping that over time shed learn to love him.", says Kao. "At least, he thought, she might feel enough gratitude toward him to at least sleep with him once in a while.", says Kao. Kingman smiles Kao says, "They left the chapel and went up to their hotel room with the Valentines heart bed and lots of red felt wallpaper. Rosie said she was tired and wanted to go to sleep." Kao says, "Sleep? asked Marv bewildered. Yes, she said. Sleep." Kao says, "When they got to the room Rosie immediately went to the bathroom and Marv could hear the shower running. Marv sat on the bed and the springs groaned in protest as his 400 pounds stress tested the bed." Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao says, "Rosie came out, wrapped in a large robe, and looked at the floor as Marv took his turn in the bathroom. When he came out, showered and perfumed, she was asleep in the bed." "Marv eased his massive bulk onto the bed and tentatively ran a hand over Rosies body. She leaped out of the bed like a scalded cat, screaming at Marv DONT TOUCH ME!!", exclaims Kao. Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women Kao says, "Marv looked bewildered. Rosie said I never said Id have sex with you. And I wont have sex with a man who is so fat. Youre too fat. You look like a pig. You are a nice man but I cant have sex with you unless you lose some weight." "Marv agreed to lose at least 150 pounds. He spent his wedding night sleeping on thecouch.", says Kao. Kao says, "After about a month of dieting Marv had only lost 10 pounds. Rosie was a good wife but she wouldnt let him touch her. He wanted her so badly it hurt. Rosie got a day job and Marv began to suspect her of cheating on him." Kao says, "And he was getting tired of sleeping on the couch in his own house." "Marv stopped eating altogether.", says Kao. "After about a week of not eating, the pounds started to melt off of Marv. The hunger pangs were driving him crazy but he persisted. His thoughts centered on only one thing: losing enough weight so that Rosie would sleep with him.", says Kao. Kao says, "After 2 weeks Marv had lost over 60 pounds. He wanted Rosie, but she still said he was too fat. He became convinced she was getting sex on the side." Kao says, "Marv found that he could ignore the hunger and the allure of food by thinking about sex. And as the pounds melted, Marvs mind focused on sex." "Everything he saw made him think of sex. Pens, pencils, peach halves. He had lost nearly 100 pounds but he was still too fat. He accidentally found a pack of condoms in Rosies drawer.", says Kao. Kao says, "He had dropped over 100 pounds. Thoughts of food and sex consumed his every waking moment. Rosie was becoming concerned about him." Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women "130 pounds......he was down to 270... only 20 more to go. Rosies attitude toward him softened. Youve been so good, lets not worry about that last 20 pounds.", says Kao. Kao says, "Rosie went up to the bedroom and undressed. Marv followed a few minutes later, his mind swirling with images of food and sex.... of sex and food." Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings "Marv took his clothes off and Rosie, lying on the bed, said You look pretty good without all that fat on you. Marv smiled and said So do you. Almost good enough to eat.", says Kao. Kao says, "Rosie chuckled and said Well, you can start there. Marv climbed onto the bed between her legs." Tomyris looks for the redhead "After a few licks, Marvs hunger for sex became overwhelmed by a hunger of a different sort. He wasnt looking between her legs anymore but he bared his fangs and kept right on eating.", says Kao. "Rosie screamed and thrashed violently, but Marv still outweighed her by 150 pounds and held her down as he munched.", says Kao. Chiefsgirl shrieks in horror! Iolair says, "ewwwwwwwww" Rere hides behind Io screaming Calodia shudders "She had stopped squirming by the time he reached her chest.", says Kao. Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Chiefsgirl laughs, "Oh that is sick" "the end", says Kao. Kipduron applauds Kingman shudders Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Kao Kao hurls a large flaming jack o' lantern at you Locksnatcher claps. Rere claps and peeks out Bront applauds Tomyris applauds Saffire applauds Redspice claps her hands.. Kao giggles and puts her head back on "Kao, congrats on being able to tell that story!", exclaims Locksnatcher. Victoria claps wildly Kao bows "did he get full?", asks Tomyris. Cup applauds Kao pokes Tomy Locksnatcher asks, "Does he weight 400 again?" Kao says, "thank you....thankyouverymuch" Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women Kitty applauds Kao Locksnatcher applauds the women for being so tasty. Kingman says, "careful Kao's Jack looks hungry" Chiefsgirl grins and looks around the audience "another one?", asks Redspice. Kao 's jack o lantern snogs CG Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone else have a spooky story to share tonight?" Kao hops onto a barstool and sips her beer Sparhawk would be like to be the subject of a story. Kao looks around for a head Chiefsgirl asks, "you don't want to make one up Spar?" "I don't think I'm quite that creative m'lady.", smiles Sparhawk. "Oh, you are Spar", says Chiefsgirl. "I would tell a story, but it would never end.", says Locksnatcher. Locksnatcher says, "I'm better at excuses and explanations." "does anyone else have a halloween story or shall we do the regular meet anbd greet and you can ask me questions?", asks Kao. "any question?", asks Tomyris. "or we can have a costume parade", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "sure... any question" Kao sits on the bar Bsacarl is in costume "I'll answer anything i know and if i don't know i'll wing it", says Kao. "What are the requirements to be a Sister?", asks Sparhawk. "#1.... be a girl", says Kao. Chiefsgirl laughs and winks at Kao "next", says Kao. "Is there any way for a male to join?", asks Sparhawk. Tomyris asks, "can any girl be a sister?" "yes there is....you gotta convince brenda", says Kao. "if i get a change can i join?", asks Ddking. Sparhawk asks, "Um, do the Sister's like dragons?" Locksnatcher tries to think of any local stories. Kao says, "one at a time......please" "let's give Kao a chance to answer", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Sparhawk blushes. Sparhawk apologizes and quiets back down. Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao says, "I'll be happy to answer whatever" Sparhawk wonders if the head will be cooked well enough for pie after the meet and greet. Chiefsgirl asks, "What do you all think the sisters are anyway?" "Oh yes...i give great pumpkin pie", says Kao. Calodia says, "A group of close people who offer unconditional love to each other" Chiefsgirl looks around at all these grinning faces and thinks folks might have the wrong impression Kao hurls a large flaming jack o' lantern at you Chiefsgirl smiles Tomyris says, "not me CG" Kingman hurls it back Chiefsgirl asks, "Have you been studying up Calodia?" "wrong impression...in fed? never CG", says Rere with a wink. Calodia ducks and lets it hit lockie Locksnatcher finally gets hit squarely with the lantern and bursts into flames. Kao says, "Oh....i can tell you i have been in fed 5 years now" Sparhawk asks, "Okay, who is the best kisser in your opinion in Fed?" Calodia wanted to be one once Tomyris cheers as the flames shoot all over "Ok...i'll answert that", says Kao. Chiefsgirl giggles "best kisser?", asks Kao. "In the 5 years you've been in fed, who's been the best kisser?", asks Sparhawk. "Well.....best male kisser has to be Caribbean", says Kao. Kao says, "Female is Brenda and CG and......others" Tomyris asks, "how many others?" Chiefsgirl blushes and looks in surprise at Kao "Who was the worst snert ya ever knew?", asks Sparhawk. Kao smiles at Tomy and looks at her daybook Kao asks, "worst snert?" Locksnatcher chars and turns to ashes. Chiefsgirl bites her tongue to keep from answering Kao asks, "oh....do you mean snert or just all round jerk?" Chiefsgirl laughs "nice to qualify that one Kao", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles Kao says, "the best snert....was kinggames" "All around Jerk?", asks Sparhawk. Kao says, "All round jerk? well that's a tie" Sparhawk asks, "Between whom, if I may ask?" Locksnatcher wonders if he's up there. Chiefsgirl laughs Locksnatcher would wonder if he wasn't ashes, that is. "this is a halloween party.... don;t wish to speak ill of folks", says Kao. Locksnatcher turns to mercury and runs back together, reforming. Kao says, "but kinggames was a great snert" "a lost art really", says Kao. "What rank has been your most favorite?", asks Sparhawk. Sparhawk nods. "What are some of your favorite planets you've been to?", asks Kitty. Kao says, "well... 2 ranks" Kao will answer spar then kitty "I was a journeywoman for almost a year", says Kao. Kao says, "was a blast" Kao says, "had tons of money...partied a lot" Sparhawk laughs. "people begged me to build facs on their planet", says Kao. Kingman says, "go figure" "the other rank is baroness....been there 3 years.. love it", says Kao. Sparhawk grins, he kinda thought that might be the other one. :) Kao considers kitty's question "How long have you been in the Sisters?", asks Risadeamoconia. "One planet i really likeed was the planet Hollywood", says Kao. Kao says, "was an old planet...but lots of fun" Tomyris asks, "when's your next party Kao?" Kao says, "ok..Risa's question next then tomy" "I was one of the original sisters of darkshadow... we formed it 3 years ago", says Kao. "me and erinwyler and brenda", says Kao. Kao says, "My next party......hmmm" "how about thanksgiving?", asks Kao. Kao winks Sparhawk grins. Sparhawk asks, "Stuffing anyone?" "i hope so", says Kao. Sparhawk looks around innocently. Cup ponders a thanksgiving beach party Chiefsgirl has a great costume for that "turkeys on the sand", says Kao. Kao says, "works for me" Calodia giggles Cup ponders tanned turkeys Tomyris winks and says, "i can bring the pie" Sparhawk will be there with feathers in his hair. "Live turkey's?", asks Calodia. Kao loves Tomy's pie Kao says, "next question...." Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women "Describe yourself in 3 words.", says Locksnatcher. Chiefsgirl wonders why Tomy doesn't bring pie to the Cup of Fearlessness "Beautiful, sophisticated, irreverent", says Kao. "too messy CG", says Tomyris. Locksnatcher wonders why Cup has an event named after Cup. Kao pours beer into her jack o lantern Cup laughs "mmm..yumm", says Kao. "If Tbar returned and proposed to you, what would you do?", smiles Sparhawk. Locksnatcher says, "If you had 4 words would you change them all or just add one/" Kao giggles at sparhawk Chiefsgirl shrieks in horror again "well....", says Kao. Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness" Sparhawk laughs impishly. "I would accept and sue for divorce and take him for everything", says Kao. Chiefsgirl apologizes for her outburst Sparhawk asks the hard-hitting questions. Maybe he should be a reporter for the FedNews. Sparhawk rofls. "hey.. there ya go Spar... a new calling", says Chiefsgirl. "Sounds good.", smiles Sparhawk. Locksnatcher blinks. Sparhawk sucks at deadlines though. Cup winks and says, "You could form the Sisters of Heavenly light, Kao" Kao doesn't mind the questions....only once a year "What's you favorite color?", asks Locksnatcher. "red", says Kao. "Is that your favorite color jello as well?", asks Locksnatcher. Chiefsgirl smiles Kao says, "no i like green jello" "If you could give a new Baron/ess one piece of advice, what would it be?", asks Sparhawk. "good question, Spar", says Kao. Locksnatcher asks the questions to make Spar's seem that much harder. Sparhawk blushes. "I'd say don't worry about making duke/duchess cuz you can have a whole lot of fun", says Kao. Sparhawk grins and nods in agreement. "Okay, next question. Ya know anyone who'd be willing to buy my kilt and me?", asks Sparhawk. "no thoughts of your own of ever being a duchess Kao?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk glares impishly at Redspice. Kao smiles and drinks beer out of the jack o lantern Kao says, "I have no intention of making duchesse" Kao cackles "i have too much fun", says Kao. "If you could host an event, what would it be called and what would it be?", smiles Sparhawk. "I do host an unofficial player event", says Kao. "I know that.", smiles Sparhawk. Kao says, "It is the Prufrock Poetry corner" Sparhawk grins, he loves that event too. "you mean an official event?", asks Kao. Sparhawk nods. "ohh...", says Kao. Sparhawk says, "Of any type you could think of." Skiierdost asks, "Official current or new official?" "IB would never allow me to be an official hostess", smiles Kao. Sparhawk smiles, "Regardless of whether IB would actually sanction it or not." Locksnatcher giggles. Tomyris asks, "why not Kao?" Calodia says, "You'd be suprised Kao" "I mean they let CG host", says Skiierdost with a wink. "cuz they don't like me very much... and i don;t like them either..", says Kao. Chiefsgirl laughs "This is true!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Locksnatcher sighs. Tomyris says, "you mean they let CG host 2 events" "if i could host an event though....", says Kao. Kao ponders Kao says, "it would be a suntan contest on a nude beach" Chiefsgirl didn't even have to ask Sparhawk smiles, "Sounds like a good unofficial event." Tomyris nods Kao tosses halloween candy at everyone Kao says, "any more questions? I'll answer any you got" "Will you make me a kilt?", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk is started to get chilled going around butt-naked. "i don't sew", says Kao. "Do you have a lucky number?", asks Locksnatcher. "Would you want fed to make personal descirpts 250 characters instead of 200", says Risadeamoconia. "yes i do", says Kao. "What is it?", asks Locksnatcher. Calodia waves her hands, and Poof, Sparhawk's a Kilt Sparhawk nods agreement as well. Kao says, "my lucky number is 69" Locksnatcher thinks we'd just want 300 after that, and then 350... Chiefsgirl giggles "good number", smiles Tomyris. Locksnatcher just stares. "and i think sex in fed is cool and that folks should relax and have a good time", says Kao. "Ummm sex is a good thing....", says Westmoreland. Sparhawk 'ports in an empty root-beer crate and hands it to Kao to stand on. Locksnatcher shrugs cuz she just answered his next question. Kao 's jack o' lantern cackles and blows smoke rings "What do you think about the under 18's in Fed?", asks Locksnatcher. "Another good question Lock", says Kao. Kao ponders Locksnatcher asks, "Right up there with the 'what's you favorite color jello', right?" Kao says, "i think fed should be for adults... and we worry too damn much about other people's kids" Sparhawk did just fine playing fed as a kid, and look how well he's turned out. :) Ddking says, "there are a lot worse games out there that kids can play than fed" "I think, Kao, that's the best answer I've ever heard for that question.", says Locksnatcher with a wink. Kao asks, "any further questions?" Locksnatcher says, "Give me a minute." Locksnatcher grins. Calodia asks, "Kao, could you tell us a little bit about the poetry readings?" "Boxers or briefs?", asks Archimedes. "yes Cali..sure", says Kao. Kao says, "i don't wear either Arch" Risadeamoconia asks, "What are you plans for the furture and a further question?" "i will answer cali then risa", says Kao. "The prufrock poetry corner was started by bernadette who left fed", says Kao. "I am keeping the tradirtion going", says Kao. Kao asks, "Risa... what was your question?" "What are you plans for the furture and a further question?", asks Risadeamoconia. "Kao, can you do the Time Warp? :P", says Locksnatcher. "opps future", says Risadeamoconia. "ok...my plans are to suck f*** and run amok", says Kao. "Kao, How do you feel about PO's having relationships with their workthingies ?", asks Westmoreland. Kao says, "Good question" Locksnatcher asks, "Kao, can you do the Time Warp while answering Westmoreland's question?" "I don't think POs have enough relations with their WTs", says Kao. Westmoreland asks, "But considering they are being paid do you feel that is the wrong impression for the youngsters?" Kao says, "I have 4500 WTs" Rere asks, "Kao, you ask everyone else, so I'll ask you...hehe How do you feel about the ban rule?" Kao says, "and damn it keeps me busy" Kao hears a serious question from Rere and will answer Kao says, "that is an excellent question" "The ban rule is stupid", says Kao. "Why?", asks Rere. Kao says, "and it is stupid for the following reasons" "Woohoo, reasons!", exclaims Locksnatcher. Westmoreland pulls out a notepad.. "1. it was designed by and for one group of players to be used against another", says Kao. Westmoreland nods Kao says, "2. it put IB in the position of being a game policeman instead of an administrator" "3. it allows dukes to ban people for reasons that should be unacceptable", says Kao. Westmoreland nods Kao says, "like "They don't like you"" Kao says, "so...i think it's a dumb rule" "But don't you think there are times when it can be justifiable?", asks Rere. Sparhawk wonders if anyone would ban him for that reason. Kao says, "but i live with it" Chiefsgirl agrees with Kao "well, rere...", says Kao. Kao says, "you have to consider how it is executed" Redspice nods in agreement "do you ever plan to become a duchess?", asks Ddking. Locksnatcher says, "King, she already said no to that..." Westmoreland says, "Execution, ow there is an idea.." "do you think Dukes/Duchesses have a right to decide who comes into there duchy?", asks Tomyris. Kao says, "i think that's the rub....a duke cries to IB" "not just for trading purposes", says Tomyris. Kao asks, "whoa..i am behind...who has the next question?" Sparhawk says, "Tomy was next question." Kao says, "i think that folks should enforce stuff within the rules....you don't like someone trading in your duchy, hire a bounty hunter and blast his ass" Locksnatcher asks, "If you didn't have the Sisters, would you have left Fed?" "yes", says Kao. "Kao, will I be getting my empty rootbeer crate back after the Meet and Greet?", asks Sparhawk. Tomyris smiles, "wouldn't mind being a bounty hunter" Chiefsgirl thinks she could do that as well Kao asks, "any other questions?" "Well?", asks Locksnatcher. Tomyris smiles, "we should go into business CG" "Now that's an idea... fire for hire..", says Iolair. "Who do you respect most in Fed?", asks Sparhawk. Chiefsgirl shakes with Tomy on the deal "Kao, do you think people in fed have gotton way to serious about playing the game?", asks Brenda. Locksnatcher says, "Oh, there." Kao says, "Ok....i answer spar then Bren" Kao says, "Who do i respect most? good question" "I think it was Imhotep", says Kao. Kao says, "A great RP guy" Kao says, "was a lot of fun" "Bren...i lost your question in scroll, what was it?", asks Kao. Brenda asks, "Kao, do you think people in fed have gotton way to serious about playing the game?" "Another good question", says Kao. Kao says, "i think feddders today are scared of their own shadow" Sparhawk is not afraid of his shadow. Just women. Kao says, "that explains no comms for hours on end.... and the reluctance of people to have some fun" Tomyris loves having fun Redspice smiles and thinks...I use to be afraid of my own shadow..but not any more... "any other questions?", asks Kao. Kao says, "i hope you all enjoyed the story" Sparhawk smiles, "Great story." Redspice says, "it was great Kao...." "it was wonderful Kao!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles, "I got a question next ." Kao says, "ok..spar" "Um, will you take me back to Babe with you after the meet and greet?", smiles Sparhawk. Sparhawk smiles innocently. Locksnatcher likes knowing about Kao. Kao cackles Redspice chuckles Chiefsgirl hopes you'll all join her next week when Neecerie will be the guest Kao says, "next" Sparhawk cheers. Kao applauds CG "go ahead Spar.... we have time for more questions", says Chiefsgirl. Kao sits on the bar and listens Locksnatcher asks, "How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?" Locksnatcher exclaims, "C'mon Kao, if anyone, you'd know!" Kao says, "next" "3", says Rere. "thanks for sharing halloween", says Kao. Kao says, "thanks for having me" Kao says, "I enjoyed being had" "worth having too", smiles Brenda. "I'd like to thank Kao for once again chilling us with a scary Halloween tale", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "ANd thank you all for attending tonight" Kao 's jack o'lantern leers at the women Kao hurls a large flaming jack o' lantern at you carrying a jack o'lantern... Kao has just vanished. |