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Hello says, "I love to arrive early" "I been here since 810", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Early arrival, eh Hello?", asks Chiefsgirl. Hello laughs Hello winks and says, "was hopin' to get a grope with the host in or two" Hello frowns and says, "they're AFK" Chiefsgirl laughs Hello has given Chiefsgirl a sloppy grope! Hello wahoo's Hello places CG on his lap and snogs her Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces "Hello, you may be the friendliest guest I've ever hosted", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Chiefsgirl has given Hello a sloppy tickle! Hello grings Hello giggles and bounces sending his skirt flying Hello winks and says, "Thank you" "I love to be "friendly"", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl shuffles some papers around and looks at her notes Hello wonders what notes you have Chiefsgirl smiles, "oh, don't you worry about those, Hello" Hello wonders why worriedly Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl has given Hello a passionate tickle! Hello giggles and bounces sending his skirt flying Chiefsgirl says, "They are just little things I've written for myself to help keep the evening moving along" Hello smiles, "ahhh" Hello winks and says, "ok" Chiefsgirl whispers to you that sometimes the audience can't think of any questions to ask Chiefsgirl says, "I'm sure your audience will not be like that though" "Well, don't worry, tonight is going to be sort of a goodbye speech, just gonna be a few months early", says Hello with a wink. "it was originally scheduled to coincide better with it", says Hello. Hello winks and says, "but I changed my mind about when to leave" Chiefsgirl wishes you weren't leaving at all "and I wasn't going to be cruel to you and leave you with a week open", says Hello with a wink. Hello thanks you, "it's glad to know you care" :) Chiefsgirl winks and says, "I've got the whole month of November open if you're worried about me" Chiefsgirl wonders if this ploy will get you to stay Hello laughs "I'm staying till decemeber either way", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Oh, did I say November? I meant January" Hello winks and says, "Non-fed things worked out better" Chiefsgirl glances at her calendar Hello says, "That way" Hello chuckles Hello has given Chiefsgirl a nice tickle! Chiefsgirl smiles "it's not gonna work", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Awwww" Chiefsgirl frowns in disappointment Hello has broght you a britney juice ;) "Thank you Hello. Is this REAL Britney juice?", smiles Nishtar. Hello winks and says, "Of course, Milked her myself" "Freshly sqeezed?", smiles Nishtar. Hello laughs "yep", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl clears her throat and plops on her barstool Hello plops on CG's lap and gives her a snog "Hola Hello..", smiles Sargon. Sargon tried the whole Hello Hello thing.. just don't work. ;) Hello giggles and bounces sending his skirt flying Aylisa takes that as a cue to peek at Hello. Hello twirls Hello giggles and bounces sending his skirt flying "Hello, I didnt know you were a Dragqueen", says Nishtar. Raphael says, "Hello you are making me Dizzy" Nishtar has a thing for dragqueens Aylisa slides Raphael a drink to ease the dizzy feeling Chiefsgirl could dress up like a man for Nishtar "Fo rthe Record, I have to do CTF TONIGHT! SO I HAVE TO BE OUT OF HERE BY 10!", exclaims Hello. "What? we can't ask you boring questions til 11?", asks Aylisa. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat and glances at her notes Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "My guest tonight is Hello, Duke of Westward" Hello hops off CG's Lap ;) "hello will tell us a bit about himself and answer questions from the audience", says Chiefsgirl. Nishtar hoping to see Hello's tush as he twirls Hello twirls "So, without further ado.... I give you Hello!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "Well, Actually, if I could CG, I'd like to Do things SLIGHTLY differant from the normal style tonight", smiles Hello. Hello bows and twirls Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds Hello winks and says, "If thats ok?" Chiefsgirl says, "Oh sure Hello.... you have fun... it's your meet & greet" Hello smiles, "Thanks CG" Chiefsgirl has given Fancy a sloppy hug! "Umm, I will start off introing myself though", smiles Hello. Chiefsgirl will just try to keep up Hello winks and says, "I am Hello, DUKE of westward" Rere takes away Hello's microphone Chiefsgirl makes note of the emphasis on DUKE and scribbles on her notes Hello laughs "As you should all know, I am A MAJOR! BRITNEY fan", says Hello with a wink. "I've been in fed for 4 years, To the day almost", says Hello with a wink. Sholuvr didn't know that! Chiefsgirl is really glad Hello cleared that up Panth ponders Britney.. hmm I think I've heard that name somewhere "A few months ago, when I originally planned this date, I was planning on Leaving fed", says Hello with a frown. Nishtar is shocked "It was going to coincide with this M&G, which was why the date", says Hello. Hello winks and says, "However, Since then, I slowly changed my mind, and Decided to push it back" Hello says, "I'm now planning to leave more later on say in December" Hello winks and says, "Assumin' I leave at all" Rere nudges that date back further Hello laughs Sholuvr notes he didn't say what year ;) Quiv winks and says, "make that 2010 hello" Chiefsgirl hopes Hello will not leave Goodbye, Hello... Kao has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Hello wants to thank all of those for putting up with me ;) Chiefsgirl smiles, "you are nothing if not entertaining, Hello" Chiefsgirl can't imagine the Cup of Fearlessness without you "thanks CG", says Hello with a wink. Hello winks and says, "if you say so" Hello winks and says, "Doesn't everyone love my outfit" >ex hello Hello twirls Evileric says, "no..." "Its hot", says Nishtar. Chiefsgirl absolutely loves it Rere winks and says, "It's original" Nishtar wonders what Hello is doing after the show Hello winks and says, "Now, As Some of You know, I do Fight in the Events hosted by my Friends here, Sho, CG, I'm not sure if anyone else is here?" Sholuvr would rather see Hello in a backless gown ;) Hello laughs Hello winks and says, "And I love to see you the same way after fightin' me btw" Hello says, "I Do love to fight in the events" Hello winks and says, "I can lose with the best of them" "Winning is another story", says Hello with a wink. "you manage to win quite a bit Hello", says Chiefsgirl. Hello says, "Yet I"ve never won any points in COF" Hello winks and says, "The one time I came close, I lost in the Semi-s to Our neighborhood fighter Sho here" "just BARELY killed me", says Hello with a frown. "now, What this M&G was originally for, was to say Goodbye", says Hello. "Somethin' my name doesn't suggest", says Hello with a wink. "are you leaving, hello?", asks Evileric. Hello frowns and says, "I was Originally plannin' on it yes" Nishtar smiles, "Nope. He's staying" Hello says, "However, As I pushed it back, and I've altered my plans a bit, I'm gonna do things a little differantly" Chiefsgirl wonders if Hello is going to let us know how he's going to do things "First, before we say Anything, I want to say, That I love all of you fine fedders, and that If and When I leave, I will miss you all Terribly", smiles Hello. Hello says, "Now" Hello winks and says, "That sappy junk over with" Nishtar exclaims, "He's getting a sex change!!!!" Hello winks and says, "No, I'm stayin' Male" Nishtar feeling a bit ashamed after that out burst... "now, ladies, gentlemen, and otherwise, i don't know most of you...", says Evileric. "but i suppose that's what this kind of thing is for!", exclaims Evileric. Hello bashes Evileric into pieces Chiefsgirl looks at Evileric "GET OFF MY STAGE!", shouts Hello. Evileric pulls himself back together! "This is an official event, Evileric", says Chiefsgirl. "it is?", asks Evileric. "Hello is the guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl nods Evileric sits down promptly! Kao hand Eric a clue Chiefsgirl would be happy to schedule any of you for a future appearance "eh, nah..", says Evileric. Hello chuckles, It's ok Evil ;) "sorry, hello...", says Evileric. "but as sincere as i am... i still may have to thwap you...", says Evileric. Snocat lights a candlestick for hello and smiles Hello says, "now, mmmmmmmmmmmmm, Britney" "Wahoo!", says Hello with a wink. Sholuvr asks, "who?" "BRRRIITTNEYYYY!!!!!!!!", shouts Hello. "mmmmmmmmmm Britney", smiles Nishtar. Chiefsgirl thought Hello already talked about her "Thats Who I'm Fightin' for in most fo the event's", says Hello with a wink. Hello laughs "have you let her know that, Hello?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Hello laughs Hello winks and says, "Remind me to send her a note" Hello winks and says, "Now, As I'm no longer leaving, Saying Goodbye Seems Rather inappropriate at this time" "I'll let her know", says Nishtar. "So What I'd Like To follow the example my name sets and say, Hello!", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "How have you been spending your days around here lately, Hello? Anything exciting going on?" "Just me Booming Sho here", says Hello with a wink. Evileric asks, "booming?" Sholuvr laughs Evileric asks, "what exactly entails 'booming sho'?" "Booming Is Fighter Lingo For Killing", says Hello with a wink. Evileric is interested. Evileric says, "oh... darn..." Hello winks and says, "but I've boomed her that way too" Hello winks and says, "before eagie of course" Sholuvr has given Hello a passionate tickle! Evileric giggles. Hello giggles and bounces sending his skirt flying Evileric thwaps Hello. Hello winks and says, "And Cg here, Is up to her" "She wants boomin', I'll boom her, She doesn't I boom her anyway", says Hello with a wink. Nishtar looking up Hello's skirt Evileric asks, "oh really?" Chiefsgirl laughs Hello laughs Chiefsgirl doesn't mind booming now and then "really?", asks Evileric. Hello booms CG on the Stage ;) Evileric whispers to Chiefsgirl. Evileric giggles. Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces "Lord Hello, you need to shave...", says Nishtar. Snocat thwaps hello for booming Cg Chiefsgirl is wondering about Hello's duchy "For More Booming, Please Come To Our Fighter Events in Which I Sho you how to Boom the proper way", says Hello with a wink. Hello booms Snocat ;) "better?", asks Hello. "wait... fighting?", asks Evileric. "i thought the saying was 'make love, not war'...", says Evileric. Hello winks and says, "Well, And more Random Booming" Nishtar things Chiefsgirl looks much better at bouncing than Hello Sholuvr smiles, "group booming" Chiefsgirl can't imagine the crowds we're going to get for fight events if everyone thinks there's booming going on "I make both", says Hello with a wink. Snocat sets fire to hello's skirt Chiefsgirl says, "big piles of booming" "Different than banging, it would appear", says Fancy with a wink. "yes! booming?", asks Evileric. "anybody up for booming?", asks Evileric. Chiefsgirl laughs "theres all kinds of booming going on at the fighting events", says Ddking with a wink. "yeah, DD here's good at one kind, not at the other", says Hello with a wink. Evileric apologizes for stealing the event again (he thinks) Hello winks and says, "although he's not that excellent at either" Sholuvr winks and says, "guys booming girls, girls booming guys, girls booming girls... ya get the picture" "nahhh, Relax Evil", says Hello with a wink. Quiv always kinda just fizzles at the events Ddking chuckles Hello laughs Chiefsgirl will not ask which and how exactly Hello knows Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone have any questions for Hello?" Hello winks and says, "Btw, the Reasno i'm not mentioning my duchy is because It's a tremendous failure" "Failure?", asks Chiefsgirl. Day asks, "Hello, who was the last person to DD on your planet?" "Why do you say that Hello?", asks Chiefsgirl. Hello winks and says, "Because I spent about 3 months with no one in there" Fancy says, "And now you've got 4 open planets." Hello smiles, "I only now got planets as the rumors of me leaving surfaced" Aylisa asks, "How did you happen upon the name Hello?" Hello says, "yeah, It's oddly startin' up a little" Chiefsgirl says, "Maybe they want to keep you around" Hello winks and says, "That was me Talkin' politely to the Fed computer" "now I use less polite words", says Hello with a wink. Hello can't imagine why CG ;) Rere asks, "Can you tell us a little about your fed history Hello?" "now since this is Technically an official Event I won't demonstrate", says Hello with a wink. Hello says, "Sure" Hello says, "I been here for about 4 years, I started about 4 years ago TO THE DAY" "At least I think", says Hello. "I don't remember the exact day, but it was mid september", says Hello. Rere asks, "Where?" Hello says, "I was playin' on Aohell Fed then" Rere nods remembering Nishtar remembers those days "When the crowds were big and the GH's were small parts of Fed", says Hello. Skiierdost nods and grins. Hello says, "Now if you see a TRUE GH, its Shocking" "Back then though...", says Hello. Hello says, "I slowly crawled up the fed ladder" Nishtar says, "Back them it was r-e-a-l slow" Readerboy remmebers when the Snark was a requirement Hello says, "It took me quite a while to figure out, or find someone to tell me how to become a Commander" "I eventually Did get it", says Hello with a wink. "And then it would be a lie", smiles Nishtar. Readerboy remembers wondering around sol, asking how to get to Lothlorien "Then I spent MONTHS trying Desperatly to get jobs, before a friend gave me some small amounts of money", says Hello. Hello says, "I then became a CAPTAIN" Hello says, "Moved up eventually findin' the GM" Chiefsgirl asks, "What kept you coming back Hello?" "it was the people, and the Urge to Get up the ranks", smiles Hello. "Anyone in particular?", asks Rere. "it wasn't so much the RUSH, but the desire", says Hello. Hello says, "A RL friend of mine" "He doesn't play anymore though", says Hello with a frown. Panth knows that feeling Hello says, "He quit when they started charging ;(" "I was Gliddonm back in those day's", says Hello. Panth says, "I was just me back then, hehe" "me too", says Skiierdost with a wink. Rere had some pesky numbers "Yeah. It was you that gave me the TDX and said drop it", says Nishtar. Fancy thinks the name Gliddonm is somehow familiar... Hello says, "When they moved, I became hello, and suddenly figured out that becomin' a a JP was a Bleep" "A bleep?", asks Chiefsgirl. Day hints bad word Hello winks and says, "ummmmm, more Fed Computer words" "Oh!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl shakes her head and thinks duh "There might have been a CEO by that name who bought factories on Toontown.", says Fancy. Hello winks and says, "Took me 6 months" Nishtar wonders what ever happen to Oz Panth remembers toontown "I then became a Jp, and waited 6 more till they changed the settings", says Hello. Rere smiles thinking of MND "MND went away Nishtar...", says Day. Hello says, "I moved up, got a generous loan here from the departing fedders and Became a squire" Hello says, "The rest is History" "became a Duke 4 months ago", smiles Hello. "How did you come up with the name of your planet?", asks Chiefsgirl. "it reminded me of Something I knew In England", smiles Hello. "Westward Ho!", exclaims Fancy. Day asks, "what made you decide to be a duke?" "Because I wanted to be a duke before I left", says Hello. "4 months was an appropriate time for the experience", smiles Hello. Chiefsgirl asks, "And how have you found the experience so far?" "I now have 2021 games and am a really bad duke", says Hello with a wink. "It's been "relaxing"", says Hello with a wink. Day chuckles slightly "How many porter pranks you pulled since becomin a duke?", asks Day. Hello winks and says, "With the lack of planets and all" "like portin' in on sexers?", asks Hello. Day says, "anythin like that, or just a shimmering grope" "sexers?", asks Chiefsgirl. Hello winks and says, "C-sexers" Chiefsgirl is learning all sorts of new terminology Chiefsgirl writes that one down Fancy whispers to CG, "Couples having sex" Hello winks and says, "It's Hello-ism's" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Thanks Fancy" Chiefsgirl asks, "So, have you pulled any porting pranks, Hello?" "but No, I don't want to buy a new Ship so I don't have a spybeam", says Hello. "So No, not on purpose", says Hello with a wink. Readerboy blushes as he remembers when Hof popped on him n cen...;) Hello says, "um, Eww" "not good", says Day. Readerboy says, "not at all" Readerboy asks, "eww what?" Hello says, "nuttin'" Hello winks and says, "Now, back to Britney" Chiefsgirl laughs "mmmmmmm, Britney", says Hello with a wink. "Yeah!! Britney", smiles Nishtar. Chiefsgirl looks around and hopes the audience has some questions "when did the Britney obsession begin?", asks Day. "obsession?", asks Sholuvr. "Hello's obsessed?", asks Sholuvr. Rere asks, "Have a favorite Fed moment Hello?" Chiefsgirl groans cause she was hoping it would be a non-Britney question Hello winks and says, "uhhh, that was about a year ago, in fed it rushed in about 4 or 5 months ago when I started fightin'" Hello laughs Nishtar thinks all heterosexual men have a Britney thing Hello winks and says, "yes, Beating Eaglewing in CoF" Hello winks and says, "It's the ONE thing I'd never done before" Chiefsgirl remembers Hello was extremely pleased about that one Hello smiles, "Seriously, Seeing All the Fedders rushing to try and keep me from leaving" Fancy has given Rere a warm cuddle! "Thats what I will never forget", says Hello with a wink. "Would you recommend becoming a Duke to anyone thats at that point?", asks Panth. Hello says, "No" Hello says, "Not at all" Chiefsgirl asks, "And why not Hello?" Hello says, "Enjoy Baron" "because there are TOO MANY Dukes!", exclaims Hello. "in retrospect", smiles Hello. "Do you want to have a large full duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Day glances at a swiss army knife Hello says, "I would love a full duchy" "I always wanted to Get A Democracy Running", says Hello. Chiefsgirl asks, "How do you plan to attract more planets to Westward?" "I can't do it with that few planets", says Hello with a frown. Fancy wonders if Hello were to leave and return, if he would eventually become the Duke of Brittany... Snocat knows what Hello's duchy is full of already... Apollo says, "democracy?... In what way?.. I'm lost on that one" "Uhh, Make friends, Use friends overflows", says Hello with a wink. "Not likely Fancy", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Hello?" "But I also do These Style Events", says Hello. "Style?", asks Chiefsgirl. Hello winks and says, "Attract a following of People who hate me so much that they what to give me they're money" Hello says, "Meet and Greet" "how many skirts do you own, Hello?", asks Snocat. Cgee asks, "People that hate you give you money, Hello?" Hello winks and says, "Enough so that you can burn till you're blue in the face Sno and still let me have some" Loving my new porter Tomyris has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Tomyris smacks Hello upside the head Tomyris says, "oops" Chiefsgirl giggles "you'd be surprised how many of them there are", says Hello with a wink. Hello shouts, "OWW!" Hello shouts, "BRITNEY!" Tomyris smacks Hello upside the head Hello shouts, "OWW!" "they are off now", says Tomyris. Chiefsgirl invites everyone to attend a fighting event in the future to see all the missiles aimed at Britney Hello winks and says, "yeah CG, I want to see all of you at an event if possible" "The events are fun", smiles Hello. Hello says, "Preferably the CoF" "Any final questions for Hello", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl knows Hello has an event to attend Hello winks and says, "yeah, I gots to Disappear to CTF tonight" Hello says, "Thanks CG ;" Hello smiles, "Hey, can CGEE show up tonight?" Chiefsgirl glances at Cgee, "i suppose" Hello winks and says, "ummm, I've been told to shut up now so..." Hello winks and says, "Come to Event's and Enjoy Fed, and DON"T DO THE DUKE!" Fancy wonders if Hello actually knows Britney Spears out of Fed. Hello laughs Hello frowns and says, "Sorry Fancy" "I don't", says Hello with a wink. Hello smiles, "thanks For Coming everyone" Chiefsgirl stands and smiles at the audience, "I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight" "Yep, I've gots to go now, So any Praise", says Hello with a wink. "Feel free", says Hello with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Join me next week when my guest will be Quqi" Chiefsgirl says, "Quqi just won a carpenter award for his planet, so check it out" |