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Kshandria says, "hello all" Everybody wants some, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chiefsgirl says, "Welcome everyone" Kshandria hugs everyone Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, glancing at her notes Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight we have the opportunity to meet and get to know a bit about another personality of our universe" "I'm pleased to introduce my good friend, Kshandria, Duchess of Dusk", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "She'll tell us about herself" Rere applauds "And answer questions you may have", says Chiefsgirl. "So, without further ado, I give you Kshandria!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops on her barstool and applauds wildly Kshandria blushes a bit and stands up Kshandria says, "well I supposed I should do a real quick who I am..." Kshandria says, "I started playing Fed at a time when I think alot of fedders discovered it... Dec of 1996 when aol went unlimited" Chiefsgirl nods "some of my earliest friends were dboss149something.. gmirillo.. and carpenter33", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "of course over the years they have left fed for many reasons..." "I kinda drifted in and out of fed space... hauling here and there.. mostly dstaying to myself untill......", says Kshandria. Zara perks up Kshandria says, "I met a group of female persona.. with only one male opersona in their group" "the group I am talking about was the Sisters of History", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl smiles "I remember when they were in their hey-day", says Shiek with a wink. Kshandria says, "they were a very nice groups of personas.. and I use persona instead of players for a reason I dont wish to talk about" "anyway.. they tended to recruit new females into the group... when theyy reaches the trader level", says Kshandria. "Ooo...confidentiality at a M&G...", says Chewbacon. "gaveus factories where we didnt have to do anything except let them run", says Kshandria. "mostly we sat around didcussing life in and out of fed", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "and all the factories were protected then no dumping was don on them .. we had a group of about 20 planets linked" Chiefsgirl is still pondering the concept of factories that just run without any work involved "the Ladies of History sopnsered severeal player type events....", says Kshandria. Kshandria fondly remembers a talent show where she helped a male persona win the first prize Kshandria blushes "What kind of talent are we talking Ksh? lol", says Rere. Kshandria turns deep purple Shiek asks, "Yes, Ksh...what kind of talent are we talking here?" "Deep purple....like the band...", says Chewbacon. "well at the time I was fed married to my first fed hubby.. and well he won the prize.. I think it was a gig", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl thinks we're all curious now Nocturnus thinks he'll not be married for at least 10 more years, fed or otherwise Kshandria says, "well if ya really wanna know......" Kshandria says, "remember a gig back them was really alot of cash" Shiek says, ".....as opposed to today, when it grows on trees...." Shiek grins and rolls his eyes Chiefsgirl wonders where these trees are "wish I had one of those trees...", says Mystix. Kshandria says, "he kissed me.. but we not talking a simple kiss.. this one had all the ladies in the audience.. well wishing they were me" Rere tends her orchard Shiek chuckles "oh my", says Chiefsgirl. Mystix says, "hmm....." Rere fans herself at the thought Kshandria turns real real red Chiefsgirl says, "That must have been some talent contest" Kshandria laughs.... Kshandria says, "ohh it was" Mynewday thinks those were the good ol days... Chewbacon asks, "On Fed?" "Hm...didn't think Fed had talent shows.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, she said it was sponsored by the sisters of History" "soo anyway.. slowly the ladies drifted away from fed", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl says, "not an official event" Chewbacon says, "Ah..." Kshandria says, "and in time fed changed..." Kshandria says, "it went to the web... at that time I became a fed widdow" Chiefsgirl asks, "Who was your first husband, Ks?" Shiek comforts Kshandria "my then fed-wed chose for his own reason to not join me when fed went to web...", says Kshandria. Chewbacon sniffles. "His name was Seeker.... and I still have 2 locations on my planet that he wrote", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl likes to hear all the names "his planet used to be Tranquility", says Kshandria. Kshandria sighs "but time goes on..", says Kshandria. Shiek exclaims, "I remember that place!" "as do I, in a formaer life", says Nocturnus. Mynewday remembers seeker and the sisters.... "I have the love pond he wrote and the beach he wrote for me on my planet", says Kshandria. Mynewday owes her firs planet management to one of them... "so again I was alone.. wondered in fed. and made many new friends", says Kshandria. "around aug of 99 I became a fed navigator...", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "and got a bit closer to a special friend soon after that" "in May of 2000 I got fed-married again.... in a very special location on my planet...", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "and in case anyone DON"T know.... Shiek here is my fed-hubby" Kshandria smiles at her hubby "so that is me in a nutshell", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl asks, "When did you become a duchess Ks?" Mystix says, "that's a big nutshell.." "heheh", says Mystix. Chewbacon exclaims, "With all the nuttiness and everything!" Kshandria says, "hhmm I gotta remember .. I think it was right before fed went completely p2p" "I was shortly before the first NE fed meet", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "err it" "soo that was maybe april of 99?", asks Kshandria. "Did you always want to be a duchess? all through your growing up years?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kshandria says, "no I didnt... actually wasnt gonna do it till I thought of 2 things...." "I wanted a place for my history sister to be if they wanted to join a duchy...", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl nods "and when my friend Jamel became the first of the "new" order of Dukes to dd.. well he talked me into it", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl misses Jam "So, tell us a little about Dusk as a duchy", says Chiefsgirl. Kshandria says, "I think he still plays a bit CG" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any rules and regulations?" Kshandria says, "hhmm DUSK as a duchy......" Kshandria says, "not really.. I kinda let my pos run as they choose but of course I have had and have.. some very strong willed male po's" Kshandria says, "all I ask in no death locs or mark em well" Shiek coughs and looks around the room innocently Chiefsgirl can't imagine who they were Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have a position on the banning rule?" "I have been a "safe haven" to some of the hhmm what to call em......", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "to some of the "bad boys" in fed" Chiefsgirl laughs Shiek rolls Kshandria says, "my reaction is this... IF they are dumping on a planet.. target theirs.. I DO a an innocent or 2 in the duchy" Chiefsgirl nods Kshandria says, "a pllanet the is well manageed should not be harmed I know an new agri can be hurt the solution is simple move the planet away from the link" Kshandria says, "excuse the typos" Kshandria says, "most of the so called dumping programs.. dont haul to a planet that is NOT at the link" Kshandria says, "so if ya dont want to be dumped on.. move the planet" "Are you saying that you have no plans to utilize the banning rule in your duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I am NOT saying that...", says Kshandria. "I have made a promise to a person that I will NOT ban", says Kshandria. Mystix banned from a duchy, that's how bad I am... "HOWEVER", shouts Kshandria. Chiefsgirl smiles Kshandria says, "I also will NOT put up with disrespect for me .. or my duchy..." Chiefsgirl nods at Ks Kshandria says, "if at all possible I will handle things in other way.. and believe me I have many many ways" Mynewday applauds Ks... Mystix chants "all haul Ks and her Duchy Dusk!" Kshandria kicks Mystix in the butt "or did you mean Hail???", smiles Kshandria. "PSSST....that's 'hail'", says Shiek with a wink. Mystix says, "um.. hail." Kshandria grins "BTW <points to Mystix> HIS planet is eclipze....", says Kshandria. Shiek winks and says, "Ah yes.....dum...errr....hauled there many times" Kshandria asks, "soo any burning questions?" Mystix exclaims, "hey, dump all you want!" "Does your name hold any special meaning?", asks Rere. "well sorta....", says Kshandria. "Yes.....she hates the thought of me being to spell her name correctly...", says Shiek. Kshandria says, "it is the misspelling of one of my favorite characters by one of my favorite authors" Rere asks, "Oh?" Shiek knows which one :) Naiad smiles, "Which character and which author?" Kshandria says, "I dont even remember how to spell it right anymore but if anyone has read the crystal singer by anne mccaffrey...." "Killashandra Ree", says Shiek. "hhee that is it <blushes>", says Kshandria. "wow, that's a name to remember...", says Mystix. "kill a shandra", says Mystix with a wink. Mystix says, "with a Ree, (again)" "I like mine better", says Kshandria. Kshandria looks around "And how about your planet's name? any special meaning behind that?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kshandria asks, "any more?" Kshandria says, "hhmm no when I was looking to do that I wanted something romantic.. twilight was taken as was dawn" "dusk was my third choice..", says Kshandria. Kshandria is a romantic at heart "and where's that gig giving tree?!?", asks Mystix. Rere asks, "Do you have a most embarrassing fed moment? Most Memorable?" "Mystix ya gotta find a surving member if the ladies of History.. and win a talent show...", smiles Kshandria. Kshandria blushes most memorable has to be.. well thre off them.... "1st my wedding to shiek", says Kshandria. Shiek says, "awwww...." Shiek blushes "2nd my wedding to seeker", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl smiles "3rd that damn talent contest", says Kshandria. Rasal chuckles at the memory of getting yelled at for not attending the wedding in May. "What about embarrassing?", asks Chiefsgirl. Mystix says, "yeah, embarrassing, this should be interesting...." Kshandria says, "as far as embarrassing.. well was something once was supposed to be in a tb.. was a very personal comment to someone.. a female.. and I accidently put it on xt.. to make matters worse.. I was naving at time so it went on cham" Shiek smiles, "oops" Chiefsgirl says, "oh boy" Rere thinks that's certainly embarrassing Chiefsgirl can't help but giggle Chiefsgirl thinks we've all done something like that Naiad remembers when her Duke put on the comms what was going on on Lilith.. Chiefsgirl laughs "I also have been known to eat popsicles rather.. in an interesting fashion", says Kshandria. Zara leans forward to hear the posicle trick Kshandria looks at rasal... "you wanna make a comment bout popsicles??", asks Kshandria. Kshandria giggles Rere looks at the scoudrel with interest "Um, cherry's her favorite.", says Rasal with a wink. Mystix says, "wonders who triggered this convo..." "remember everyone I was SINGLE fedder for a bit", says Kshandria. Rere snickers "Mystix dear we talking about popsicles where is yer mind?", asks Kshandria. Mystix exclaims, "popsicles, of course!" Mynewday spins rainbow popcicles for everyone Mystix says, ""popsicles" rahter..." Rere watches Ksh with her popsicle carefully Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to know what's kept you around during all the changes that Fed has been through the last 3 years" "hhmm I think it is the friends I have made...", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl nods Kshandria says, "some very very close ones" "and also I am not one of these young ones....", says Kshandria. Shiek raises one eyebrow... "I have learned life isnt always fair if ya dont like the rules go to a new game but if ya staying roll with the punches", says Kshandria. "ahhh....wel said", says Shiek. Kshandria says, "ya may not like the new rules.. but if your gonna play you play by them" "if not vote with yer feet and leave no big deall no fanfare.. just go", says Kshandria. "dang duchy banning "rule"", says Mystix. Kshandria asks, "Mystix dear ... ya havent been banned elsewhere have ya?" Mystix winks and says, "not yet." "been behaving... so far", says Mystix. Kshandria nods Rasal chuckles, "If ya trade somewhere and get caught, don't blame the ban rule, blame yourself for getting busted." "any one else?", asks Kshandria. "yeah true...", says Mystix. Zara asks, "yes, how long do you see yourself playing fed?" Shiek winks and says, "I could ban ya from Arabia, if it would make you happier, Mystix" Mystix winks and says, "no it's alright shiek...." "...not that it would mean squat....di Arabia", says Shiek with a wink. Kshandria says, "till the end of never??? heck I dont know.. I a pretty loyal person.. I tend to stay till the bitter end of things..." "I loyal to games.. works.... people...", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "and believe me I have had some friends that push the limit on loyality sometimes" Shiek rolls on the floor laughing "THAT I can believe!", exclaims Shiek. Rere tries to look shocked "Any other questions for Ks?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kshandria knows Shiek knows who she is talking about Rasal smiles, "Spill it out for the rest of us, Ks." "well some of them have chosen to find other faces.. so I would rather not say.. BUT>>>>>>", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl giggles Mystix says, "but is good.." Kshandria giggles and finds a zipper for her lips Kshandria says, "like I said I am lyoal. and I chose friends who are loyal as well..." "You all want a hint?", asks Shiek. Shiek winks Naiad exclaims, "Yes!" "yes yes...", says Mystix. "of course if anyone wants to ship me mavid beacon teaches typing.....", says Kshandria. Mynewday wants a hint Kshandria pinches Shiek "Ouch!", exclaims Shiek. "dont you dare.......", says Kshandria. Shiek says, "Here's your hint......." "Your typing makes you Kshandria..the Duchesse we all know.", says Naiad with a wink. Mystix asks, "mavid bacon teaches typing?" "I just like the bacon part", says Mystix. Kshandria says, "see it should be Mavis Beacon... is a typing program" Shiek smiles, "It's someone that Ksh knew, once" Mystix says, "wow, that's a good hing shiek..." "hint", says Mystix. Mystix says, "I think I know who it is now..." Shiek nods "It was a dead give-away", says Shiek. Mystix says, "yes yes... it all comes together.. .everything is so clear..." "everything makes total sense now...", says Mystix. "like mud.......", says Kshandria. Mynewday looks in Mystix's drink Mystix laughs Mystix asks, "what?? don't tell me I'm the only one who gets it?!?" Naiad winks and says, "Yes, you are." "Yes! Yes! That's it! I know the secret to life, the universe, and everything! It's......", says Shiek. Kshandria asks, "sooo any other questions?" "come on!! look that the hint!! it's soooooo obvoius!", exclaims Mystix. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions for Ks?" Zara asks, "yes, would you ever join any type of alliance?" Shiek says, "Yes....I have a burning question, Ksh..." Kshandria says, "actually I have joined an alliance.. the paws one...." "Paws?", asks Shiek. Shiek blinks and scratches his head.... Kshandria says, "yes dear I told ya about it before ya made duke" Shiek asks, "Which time?" Kshandria says, "this last time darling...." Shiek says, "oh....sorry...dun remember" Kshandria waves to cats..... Kshandria maybe the bump on shiek's head made him forget? Kshandria asks, "now yer burning question dear?" Shiek chuckles...."Which bump?" "Oh...my question...yes...well....", says Shiek. Shiek asks, "What color and style of underwear do you prefer?" Kshandria asks, "on me?? or you?" Kshandria giggles Chiefsgirl laughs Shiek smiles, "AHEM....on you" Kshandria is still chuckling.... Mynewday has a question as she is as usual...confused... "actually prefer.. .. . none of the above????", asks Kshandria. Kshandria winks Shiek shouts, "WOO HOO!" "yes mynewday?", asks Kshandria. Shiek does a happy dance Shiek waits for the question with baited breath Rere readies the punt pillow yet again for My "must be a really long question...", says Mystix. Shiek nods in agreement Mynewday says, "I am most sorry and missed the beginning when you were talking about history...." Mynewday says, "but did catch a remark you made about being 'catty".." "aaahh", says Kshandria. "were you cattysu at one point....or am I just a poor confused duchesse as usual?", asks Mynewday. Shiek chuckles, knowing what's coming Kshandria says, "ok yes i was a Lady of Histlry but the remark I made about being "catty" was in sense that sometimes when ladies are talking bout other ladies in a not so nice fashion.. it is called being "Catty" and no I was NEVER cattySu" Chiefsgirl smiles Shiek winks and says, "....tho many of the sister were" "ooohhh... I didn't know about that...", says Mystix. Rere asks, "How many sisters were there Ksh? And who were they?" Mystix says, "now it really made sense." "I beg your pardon if I am being disrespectful ...that was not my purpose....I thought you might have meant catty in the other way...", says Mynewday. "I think at one time there were about 20 to 30 of us....", says Kshandria. "and I also think that of the original one.. thos who have stayed.. and kept original names there are like maybe 10", says Kshandria. Mynewday says, "some of the 'sisters' were very good to me and helpful in my early days as a po" Kshandria says, "Myself... Violet... Jasana...." "are a few more...", says Kshandria. "Ks, if you could change anything in Fed, what would it be?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kshandria says, "hhmm that is a good question.........I think I would do something.. I dont know what... to bring in more newbies... I sit night after night as a nav.. with no new people to help .. and ya cant toss a cat without hitting a duke nowa days.." "way back when dukes were respected no they arent", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl nods Mystix says, "back then, POs were respected too..." "we need more new blood and need to get rid of some of the top heavy", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "maybe a rank where is a limit and ya have to depose one of the current sitters to attane the rank" Mystix says, "or terms... equal terms" "not by voting but by order...", says Mystix. "Oooo, political assassinations.", says Rasal. "like a cycle maybe", says Mystix. "no I think a fight.. or a puzzle..", says Kshandria. Kshandria says, "not a vote" Kshandria says, "not a cycle would be boring" Shiek says, "Or an electoral process.....let lower ranked POs vote for members" "so who ever's the hottest can be my leader!", exclaims Mystix. "but would give dukes something to do", says Kshandria. "only if we can hand count the votes Shiek", says Kshandria. Kshandria laughs Shiek says, "I would be the minister of the count..." Chiefsgirl looks around, "Any other questions for Ks?" "Yes...", says Shiek. Kshandria looks at her hubby "Ksh.....any advice for those aspiring to the ducal rank?", asks Shiek. "yes dont do it....", says Kshandria. Rere asks, "Ksh what has been your favorite rank past or present?" Kshandria says, "well i enjoy being a duches.. cause of the beam burns I no longer get....... BUT.. I also liked it when I first became a PO.. I was sooo proud of myself" Chiefsgirl remembers how thrilled she was to become a PO Kshandria sold her stock in the beam burn cream Rasal says, "Ah, beam burn isn't all that bad." "heeee you havent Beamed me.....", says Kshandria. Chiefsgirl asks, "Experience a lot of that Ks?" "yeah I think I did.. esp when I was first fed wed....", says Kshandria. "and ESP after that talent contest", says Kshandria. Mynewday thinks we need to start over again...with all the new folk.....gooo ksh... Chiefsgirl nods and knows since she's experienced it too Kshandria says, "also I know people I am with alot of times are beamed...." "So beam burn hurts then?", asks Rasal. "Any other questions fo Ks?", asks Chiefsgirl. Rasal wouldn't know, since he's never been spied. ;) Kshandria says, "not that you KNOW of rasal" Kshandria giggles "Best fed meet?", asks Sparhawk. Catspaws spies Rascal all the time Mynewday winks and says, "I think there would be less dukes and duchesses if beam burn wasn't such a problem..." Kshandria says, "well I have only been to 2 of them......" Kshandria says, "but I think.. the one in may was good.. I missed seeing Deathiscom and Phids.. but the new people that came were great" Naiad winks and says, "You'd be surprised how many Dukes and Duchesses don't have spy screens." "and of course the old friends was wonderful to see again...", says Kshandria. Hello shouts, "I DON"T!" "why not Hello?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Requires me too much money and to sell ship for each fighting event", says Hello with a wink. Shiek winks and says, "Death was a hoot" "I've got a screen, guess it doesn't work though, heheh.", says Rasal. Mystix asks, "do screens work?" Chiefsgirl says, "your screen stays with you forever" Mynewday chuckles Mystix asks, "really? do they really work?" "Yes...they do", says Shiek. Chiefsgirl says, "sure they work..." Catspaws says, "Screens work against those of your rank" "no one of your rank can spy you", says Chiefsgirl. Kshandria says, "not with higher ranks tho" Mystix asks, "only those of your ranks???" "with a screen", says Chiefsgirl. "correct", says Shiek. Mystix says, "that's nothing much" Chiefsgirl laughs "It is, if you are a duke...with a private life", says Shiek with a wink. "oooohhhhhh........ i see...", says Mystix. Catspaws says, "I remember when one duke DD'd accidentally and forgot to get another screen. Dukes were fighting to get into the spy room." Kshandria looks at shiek you got a private life??? Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Ks?" "His initials wouldn't happen to have been OnyxGod, would they?", says Shiek with a wink. Rasal chuckles, "Guess I'll have to Duke soon, so Cats won't be able to spy me anymore then." "There was this one duke who LIVED on earth for a few days, he said it was the most fun he'd had since he mapped all the porter locs in sol.", says Catspaws. "NO, no more dukes!", says Hello with a wink. "Dukes suck", says Hello with a wink. "on occasion", says Shiek with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "If there are no other questions, I'd like to thank Ks for being my guest tonight" "I know, that's why I'm a duchess :P", says Catspaws. "And thank you all for coming", says Chiefsgirl. "Duchess's on the other hand ;)_", says Hello. Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me next week when my guest will be the Mayor of Mars, Arrogant" "yer quite welcome CG", says Kshandria. "At 8pm eastern", says Chiefsgirl. "Thanks for hosting CG", smiles Rere. "Heheh, I won't Duke, it would be rude of me to deny all these Duchesses/Dukes their shows after all.", says Rasal with a wink. Catspaws winks and says, "Actually I don't really spy you, Rascal, but I like to pretend I do" Naiad enjoys spying everybody...too bad it's nothing exciting.. "Heheh, no one in their right mind would spy me seeing as I'm so dull and boring.", says Rasal. Catspaws says, "I've been a target of people spying for evil reasons, I don't spy ANYONE for sport" |