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"Whippy cake I hope", says Rere with a wink. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kanasas anymore!", exclaims Dorothy. Mynewday is amazed to see dorothy "oh MY it's dorothy", says Mynewday. Dorothy steps back towards the door. Mynewday bites her nails and starts passing out candy canes Chiefsgirl says, "Welcome everyone" Mynewday says, "these are magical candy canes....so you will all be nice" Chewbacon forms the candy can end into a sharp point and gently taps Mynewday on the arm with it. Mynewday twirls and spreads magical dust over everyone... Mynewday blushes.... Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening" "I'd like to welcome you all to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Zrasputin sneezes from all the dust Mynewday twiddles her thumbs nervously Chiefsgirl says, "This event allows us the chance to meet a different Fed personality every week and hear their life story and ask questions" Mynewday has given Rasal a sloppy hug! "Tonight we are lucky to have Duchesse MyNewDay as our guest", says Chiefsgirl. "She'll tell us about herself and her duchy and answer questions", says Chiefsgirl. "So, without further ado, I give you MyNewDay!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Mynewday tosses out more magical candy canes Mynewday says, "thank you everyone" Wolfyn wolfs them down wolfishly. "and the candy canes are so you will all be nice to me...", says Mynewday with a wink. Rasal prepares his heckle material. "first thank you all for being here", says Mynewday. Hawkwing falls over as one bops her on the forehead "and second....could we all sing happy birthday to a very very dear friend", says Mynewday. Mynewday applauds for Rere.....and starts to sing Chiefsgirl smiles at Duchess Rere Wolfyn prepares to howl. Ibunyc says, "i am ready" Mynewday says, "Happy birthday to you......." Gooddoctor sings along, slightly out of tune Chiefsgirl sings lustily "Happy Birthday to You.... Hawkwing says, "Happy birthday to YoUUUuUUU" Ibunyc says, "happy b day to you" Rere awwws Skiierdost sings along. Mynewday says, "Happy birthday to you....." "happy birthday to you", says Chiefsgirl. Ibunyc says, "lol" Hawkwing says, "Happy birthday to YoUUUuUUU" Wolfyn says, "OOooOOOoOoOOOOoooOOooOoooO" Chiefsgirl says, "Happy birthday dear Rere" "happy birthday most marvelous duchess rere", says Mynewday. "happy birthday to you....", says Mynewday. "Happy birthday dear Rere", says Hawkwing. Mynewday applauds Chiefsgirl finishes up with feeling, "Happy birthday to you" Hawkwing says, "Happy birthday to YoUUUuUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Mynewday hugs her dear friend hugely Rere giggles and thanks you all Chiefsgirl cheers for Duchess Rere "thank you everyone......you are all great!!!!", exclaims Mynewday. Rere rolls laughing Shaman exclaims, "Happy Birthday Rere!" Shaman thinks Rere is trying to steal My's thunder :) "Shaman ....she is too speciall...no thunder to steal", says Mynewday. "You're the best My", smiles Rere. Mynewday says, "okay....I am not sure what you are all interested in hearing so I will tell you a little of the beginnig" Chiefsgirl settles down to listen as this is always her favorite part "We want all the juicy details, of course.", smiles Rasal. Mynewday says, "I was born on earth a long long long time ago and did not know how to go east" "My keyboard didn't have that key and as I just stumbled into fed and people came and went...I was lost", says Mynewday. Mynewday says, "I finally acidentally started using the comms and after several commands to stop using the sol comms which I still didn't know I was doing...." "I stopped and shook with fear", says Mynewday. Scarecrow has just appeared. "Finally a guardian angel by the name of Uni...guette rescued me", says Mynewday. Mynewday has given Scarecrow a nice hug! Mynewday says, "ohh....my friends........" Scarecrow has given Mynewday a nice hug! Scarecrow asks, "Is this the Meet and Greet?" Hawkwing nods Scarecrow stumbles towards a chair. "Oh! Good!", exclaims Scarecrow. "she must have felt very sorry for me and of course she was now stuck with me..but she gave me 2 pieces of very sage advice back then", says Mynewday. Chiefsgirl smiles Rere helps Scarecrow up onto a chair Mynewday says, "1 map and 2 Read the manual.." Rere smiles remembering hearing that advice Tinwoodman has just appeared. Mynewday says, "So I followed the rules as did many of us back then....we were toooo afraid to do otherwise...a" "oh my.....", says Mynewday. Rere oils the Tinman as she's squeeking Mynewday taps on his chest and jostles the scarecrows head Tinwoodman looks around for a fimilar face and creeks over towards the Scarecrow. Rere says, "errr he's" Tinwoodman moves his jar slowly, "Thank You." The Cowardly Lion has just appeared. "So Many People!", exclaims Lion. Lion jumps and hides. Mynewday says, "After learning to get around fed and fleeing the pirate....I finally moved out of sol terrified and got a tb immediately from a player Deathiscome" Rere comforts the Lion Chiefsgirl grins Mynewday says, "oooh.....you are all here...you made it" "Deathiscome!", exclaims Lion. "I don't want to know!", exclaims Lion. Mynewday hugs the lion....and kisses its nose Lion shakes. Lion gives the Duchess My a weak smile. Rere slides Lion a shot of tequilla for his nerves "after being scared about trying to get from the hospital to venus for insurance with out the pirate shooting me down....you can imagine what I thought when I got that tb", says Mynewday. Lion shudders, "Pirates?!" Scarecrow says, "I think they are that way." Scarecrow points in two directions. Mynewday says, "I was sure my number was up......but as it so happens he was a merchie looking for a hauler and told me to meet me on the lp ....gave me a meg and instructed me to buy a new ship" "at that time he couldn't figure out how to do contracts...so that day I did not hauling...", says Mynewday. Mynewday says, "it took a long time by today standards to move up the ranks and of course I paid thousands of dollars for this old tiarra" Mynewday smiles merrily Mynewday remembers some verrrry large aol bills Dorothy examines the tiarra, "We don't have those things in Kansas." Gooddoctor wishes he could charge the old hourly fees that AOLfed used to Mynewday chuckles Mynewday says, "welll.....I spent a good portion of my fed underling days in sol....working on the snark puzzle and meeting a great number of wonderful people" "interesting tidbits maybe.......", says Mynewday. Chiefsgirl encourages all interesting tidbits Mynewday says, "I asked Hazed for groats once to replace what was lost in fed crashes" Hawkwing snickers softly Mynewday says, "the first couple times....uni told me to ask and I was tooooo scared...." Lion cowers, "Hazed? You actually... talked to Hazed?" Lion pulls his tail on accident out of nervousness and jumps a mile high. Mynewday says, "I have the good fortune to meet uni....and crocadile and hazed....and satinsheets...and.and" Mynewday pets the lion...... "yes...she is actually nice ....shhh...don't tell anyone...", says Mynewday. Lion smiles weakly. "those last ones...i meant in rl", says Mynewday. "Satin Sheets? We don't have those in Kansas.", says Dorothy. Mynewday says, "there were many many people that helped me along the way...and I miss a lot of them.." "Lucas gave me my first fac...which was a privilege back then....you really had to get the nerve up to ask for one and hoped a po would offer", says Mynewday. Mynewday frowns and says, "I cried a few days ago when lucas tb'd to tell me he dd'd...." Mynewday says, "Dilvish and the planet and later duchy pacifica were my home away from home" Tinwoodman grabs his oil can and waters his eyes to keep from getting rusty. Mynewday says, "when he offered to give me facs and put my name in his coop office, I thought I had arrived...." Mynewday chuckles... Mynewday winks and says, "I spent a lot of time in that hottub...we had some great parties there......" Chiefsgirl grins Rere smiles Mynewday says, "It took me about a billion lessons to learn how to shoot down monty, hope, and care...I thought I would never promote having to shoot something down...but about the 9th try..I finally succeded" Rere cheers Hawkwing smiles happily "Shooting? Oh My!", exclaims Dorothy. Gooddoctor smiles, "Thank goodness you did, or else I would not have a home" Lion cowers Mynewday says, "I know....it was sad dorothy" Mynewday soo true.....I could have been jp forever....thought aboutit Catspaws looks around for Toto and the Wizard and teh wicked witch "plant economics was a far cry from today as was running your factories", says Mynewday. "Toto is in the basket", says Gooddoctor with a wink. Mynewday smiles Lion exclaims, "The Wicked Witch!!!!" Lion dives loudly at Dorothys feet. Mynewday says, "Cattysu gave me some of the first lessons on plant economics and sosaycin was the wickedwitch on nine...." Dorothy tries to calm the lion. Catspaws swishes her tail in disgust at such unfeline behavior Gooddoctor says, "Ohhh, I had forgotten about SoSay" Mynewday says, "back then, nine was full of chatter....and when you came on the channel you were met with tons of hellos...hugs..." Mynewday says, "a lot of arguing errrr discussions about how to run planets..factories...builds..." Mynewday winks and says, "yes...sosay had the best witch cackle in the universe....." Mynewday says, "Death has been a big element in my history with fed....." Wolfyn waits for the lion to cower at that. "some of you have heard of rad...and one could say it is the result of my death", says Mynewday. Rere frowns "dying in this universe was a hugely terrifying event for me.....", says Mynewday. Mynewday realizes what she said and what some may be wondering...oops Wolfyn is clueless right now. Qman asks, "Rad?" Chiefsgirl says, "I think everyone realizes you took a lengthy break, MND" "Will you tell us what lead to that?", asks Chiefsgirl. "And what brought you back", smiles Chiefsgirl. Mynewday says, "oooh.....actually that is not as difficult as it seems.....the larges factor for my absence was rl circumstances didn't allow me to stay...." Chiefsgirl nods "and the game had moved to the web....many people I cared about were not there and it wasn't worth trying to stay for what little time I could....", says Mynewday. Dorothy sniffs sadly. Mynewday says, "My rl has taken a dramatic turn recently and allows me to be back...." Gooddoctor sniffles softly as he thinks of afed without his Duchese Intern was left on Oz all alone, not visted for a long time. "I think everyone is very pleased that you are back", smiles Chiefsgirl. Scarecrow nods glad to have the Good Duchess back. Mynewday says, "I actually did not have this character when I came back as I had lost my old passworld..different isp..different e-mail and computers" "Was that collective or averaged?", asks Locksnatcher. Lion sniffs loudly remembering how lonely he was with out My. Mynewday smiles at her Oz entourage and missed them dearly too... "If I had a heart at the time.. it would be broken.", says Tinwoodman. Dorothy has given Mynewday a nice hug! Mynewday says, "so some of you have seen goodwitch flitting around.....that was my first peeking my head back into fed" Dorothy asks, "A Good Witch?" "I thought witches were old mean and ugly!", exclaims Dorothy. Mynewday says, "I of course have sense been able to get my account back from Hazed" Mynewday thumps dorothy... Locksnatcher says, "... Dorothy doesn't know her story very well." Gooddoctor beams happily Mynewday thinks surely she knows better by now Mynewday says, "are there any questions...it is easier to answer what you want to know..." "I apoligize. it appears Dorothy's memory of her travel's on Oz has suffered from Puntosis.", says Intern. "I'll try to revive her.", says Intern. Intern has given Dorothy a tender snog! Rere giggles Shaman rummages through his word magnets. Mynewday says, "As you can see..the magic of Oz is coming back......we always had a lot of fun in the duchy..." Locksnatcher says, "No... can't see it." Saffire thwaps Lockie Breyer thawps Locksnatcher too. "Oz is wonderful to be in, it is very magical", says Gooddoctor. Locksnatcher still can't see it, but now has bruises. Rere gives Locky some magic viewing glasses Gooddoctor asks, "Duchess, what parts of fed do you find to be most important ? roleplaying ? puzzles ? helping others ?" Shaman finishes arranging the magnets and raises his hand (to be after GoodDoc) Intern asks, "Cute Interns?" Rere pats the cute Intern's tushie Mynewday says, "for me it has always been the friendships and relationships I have forged and will forge....but as for the mechanics...I love the exploring and puzzles and creativity in fed.." Shaman reads his magnets... Shaman asks, "Does the banana speak French chips in the bookcase?" Mynewday thinks she has put everyone to sleep... Shaman folds his arms and looks at My seriously. Skiierdost looks down at Sham's magnets.. Shaman looks at the magnets and acks... Intern says, "MyNewDay- I might have missed it as I was admiring your beauty.. but can you tell us about how Cures came about. I understand from my boss that you were involved in it's formation." "Hold on.", says Shaman with a wink. Locksnatcher actually isn't sleeping... but, he got here late. Breyer moans as the Intern is a horrible flirt. Mynewday says, "Shaman that is a good question.....I think you should check the journals in the library on cures for an answer" "Shaman- asking the tough questions.", says Locksnatcher. "Someone has to.", says Shaman. "I'd ask the tough questions.. If I'd only have some brains.", says Scarecrow. "hmmm....well....cures is a mixing of the magic between GOODwitch and witchDOCTOR and poof we now have the GoodDoctor", says Mynewday. Gooddoctor beams with duchy pride "Oh question...yes... Do you have a favorite fed moment, as well as a most embarassing one?", asks Rere. Locksnatcher tries to think of a question. Locksnatcher brightens, and raises his hand to be next. "hmmmm embarassing.....I try not to remember those things.....;) I would say it is having to fly around this universe in those revealing drafty gowns looking for a clothes shop", says Mynewday. Rere giggles Lion shakes at the thought of those Hospital Gowns. "favorite moment....there are so many great ones.....I am not sure I could pick out just one....", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher hopes he doesn't forget. Chiefsgirl thinks you could name a couple Rere winks and says, "At least one or two My" Mynewday says, "there have been so many weddings......parties......hmmm...." Intern winks, "How about favorite interns?" "Well....my death in wired space was a momentous moment ...", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher notes he's sitting as far away from Intern as he can. "you are definitely MY's favorite intern...", says Mynewday with a wink. Mynewday says, "another one was my performing Merepoule's wedding..." Chiefsgirl smiles Mynewday says, "The birth of Oz those is pretty hard to beat......" "nothing like having a child....", says Mynewday with a wink. Rere smiles Rere asks, "Is there an origin to your name?" "Must've hurt coming out.", says Locksnatcher. Locksnatcher thought he was next. Intern glares at Lockie. "Ohhh sorry Lockie", says Rere. "Everyone will get their chance to ask questions", smiles Chiefsgirl. "lockie....I screamed the whole time......all of fed heard me....;) comms be dern...", says Mynewday. "Wow.. I thought my arrival to Oz was bad.. house falling from the sky and all.. but.. birthing it.", says Dorothy. Lion whines and places his large paws over his ears. Wolfyn squirms uncomfortably. Mynewday says, "my name was a semi nice accident....it was in choosing my aol account and couldn't get goodwitch and a variety of others and then having a bad day and trying to practice pma...this just popped out of my head..." Locksnatcher grabs Wolfyn and uses her as a pillow. "oooh....I would like to say.....I do prefer MY to MND......if anyone really cares...", says Mynewday with a wink. Chiefsgirl makes note of that and apologizes for earlier Dorothy asks, "My, can you tell us about Oz's Duchy Traditions?" "no...Chiefsgirl...I didn't mean like that....just many don't know.....", says Mynewday. Chiefsgirl didn't know Chiefsgirl says, "but I just shorten everything without thinking what the individual would prefer" Chiefsgirl tells herself to stop doing that Mynewday says, "traditions.....hmm....well....one that comes to mind is that when someone promotes, we all get together and empty that exchange as a gift for the promotion" Breyer beams with Oz Pride. Chiefsgirl thinks that's very nice Mynewday says, "We love our Comms...." Rere loved promotion parties Mynewday says, "Po's have always been known to help out other po's with defs and the like depending on what someone needs....." Mynewday says, "what I loved the old duchy was that if I was gone....everyone worked really hard to hold it together and continue to make it magical" Mynewday winks and says, "and we meet in the soda shop on a consistent basis..." Mynewday says, "oh....I would like to mention....that I do love puzzles and Oz has a really fun one or at least I have been told that....it was always my desire to have a multi planet puzzle" Rere loves the Oz puzzle "and when I came back, I have been amazed that it has not happened yet", says Mynewday. Chiefsgirl asks, "no one's solved it?" "No.. People have solved the Oz puzzle... My is surprised that people havn't started a multi-planet puzzle", smiles Breyer. "Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl gets lost easily Rere gives CG a map Mynewday says, "so ...we are now working to make that multi-planet puzzle dream a reality...so when you ask about traditions..we are sort of starting to spread the magic tradition in this puzzle" Mynewday isn't going to say anything and jinx her goodluck so far Mynewday asks, "other questions?" Chiefsgirl looks around the audience Locksnatcher exclaims, "2 questions!" "How do you plan to make a multi planet puzzle?", asks Locksnatcher. Breyer says, "How does Oz handle three different societys? Munchkin Land, Emerald City, and the Witch with her Flying Monkeys." "lockie...when it is complete...you will have to come solve it and you will know...", says Mynewday with a wink. Locksnatcher decides it's not possible and sighs. Mynewday says, "the goodwitch in her ruby castle keeps her eye and magic over it...." Locksnatcher says, "Question number 2..." "The crows are far worse than the Monkeys.", says Scarecrow. Locksnatcher asks, "If you could ask the wisest of the wise(me) any question, what would it be?" Scarecrow nods sadly. Mynewday sighs and tickles lockie and thinks he is really the lochnessmonster Locksnatcher says, "... that was a serious quesiton..." "Monster?!", exclaims Lion. Lion cowers behind the Tinwoodman. Mynewday says, "I have asked the wisest of the wise lockie in fed terms....I grew up with them...shaver and nam...onyx...and uni...and crocadile..andcasurfer...and and and andanad" Locksnatcher asks, "So you don't have any questions left?" "Am I asking them?", asks Mynewday. "That was a question!!!", exclaims Locksnatcher. Mynewday chuckles.... "My, have you ever been Fed married?", asks Rere. "I would ask what they would suggest to bring status and respect back to the fed space", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher nods. Locksnatcher says, "Good answer." "no rere, I have not....I have only had one love in fed....and we did not wed....", smiles Mynewday. Tinwoodman leans in creaking as he does so, "Love? Who with? I can not love, Sadly, I have no heart." Mynewday chuckles and winks Rere reminds the Tinman to find the powerful and wonderful Wizard for that heart ;) Rere whispers to follow the yellow brick road ;) "Someone should come solve the Oz puzzle and help me!", exclaims Tinwoodman. Mynewday thinks fed virginity is a rare commodity....probably worth a fortune in the groat market... "fed virginity", says Skiierdost. Skiierdost says, "lol, that's too funny" Rere asks, "Gonna start taking bids are ya?" Intern winks Vixenishly at Mynewday and pulls out his wallet. Mynewday asks, "if groats were worth anything?" Chiefsgirl chuckles Mynewday smiles her vixen in training smile... "I think it's more a matter of the heart", says Rere. "Ohohoh!", exclaims Locksnatcher. "I got another one.", says Locksnatcher. "Out of a deck of 52 cards, which card would you be?", asks Locksnatcher. Mynewday says, "lockie ..you have some very strange questions....but then you wouldn't be lockie without them" Rere chuckles and agrees Locksnatcher nods. Locksnatcher says, "Questions you couldn't've prepared for..." "hmm.....I actually would be the entire deck, because my fed experience covers the gambit.....", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher says, "Nope, hafta be one card." Locksnatcher holds up a finger just to impress upon her the importance of picking one card. Rere thinks My's the queen of diamonds "Yes! I do agree, the Queen of Diamonds...", says Dorothy. "Or The Queen of Hearts.", says Tinwoodman. Locksnatcher exclaims, "Rere! Dorothy! Tinwoodman! No ideas!" Rere winks and says, "She's Aces tho too" Mynewday thinks she gets more than one...after all ...she is magical... "You ruined the whole thing!", exclaims Locksnatcher. Locksnatcher thinks after all, it is his question. :P Gooddoctor chuckles Rere winks and says, "You didn't say we couldn't help" Locksnatcher says, "Well, I didn't ask YOU. :P" Rere pulls out her blaster and buries Lockie, then tosses on the sprinkles Breyer asks, "My, if you could go back to any rank, What rank would it be?" Mynewday thumps Locksnatcher and since she is "picking" a card..closes her eyes and picks one from the deck Locksnatcher gives Rere her whippy back, as her present. Lion peaks his head out and looks at Lockie, then quickly hides again. "hmm......9 of diamonds...", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher smiles, "Thanks!" Locksnatcher is happy now. Mynewday says, "9 my favorite number....diamonds...my favorite gem..." Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions for My?" Locksnatcher asks, "Uhm, what's your favorite color?" Mynewday says, "hmm...that is a great question....it is a toss up between jp and baronness" "Why?", asks Rere. "at jp....I spent a lot of time with the puzzle in sol and meeting and becoming friends with a lot of players....", says Mynewday. Mynewday says, "at baronness....less work with the exchanges...more time to again help....you have your porter....just a lot more flexiblity and more time for exploring" "yellow", says Mynewday. "Do you have a favorite location on your planet?", asks Breyer. Mynewday says, "hmm.....depends on my mood" "Where do the other brick roads go???", asks Locksnatcher. Mynewday says, "my radiant light....if i need to hide.....the goodwitch room in the ruby castle and the paddleboat" Breyer perks, "The Paddle Boat?" Rere loves the paddleboat for thinkiing Breyer needs to re-explore Oz. Mynewday chuckles....and you solved the puzzle breyer.. Rere giggles Kao asks, "As a Duchess... what is your view of the Banning rule? Have you used it? If so why? If not, under what circumstances would you use it?" "Kao...I have not used it....and to date have not even really looked into the rule. I hate to ban a player if I don't have to. I try to tolerate a lot of the differences in fed...but I do not like disrespect in my duchy", says Mynewday. Kao asks, "what is your view of the rule, ingeneral?" "I have at least found in the prior days of fed that talking went a long ways to solving problems..", says Mynewday. Kao asks, "do you think it is a useful tool... or a gross overreach?" Chewbacon looks around, "So quiet." Mynewday says, "I think every duke or duchess has the right to determine who comes and goes and the rules within their duchy....so I think they have the right to use it if they so want" Kao asks, "so.... a duke or duchess can ban someone because...... they are fat?" "or because they are a klingon?", asks Kao. Kao asks, "or because they can't spell?" "Kao, I think it was asked and answered", says Gooddoctor. Rere winks and says, "My, can you tell us what makes a sucessful duchess/duchy in your opinion? Other than the magic" "Kao, don't be so down on yourself.", says Locksnatcher with a frown. Chiefsgirl clears her throat Kao says, "I would respectfully disagree, Gooddoctor.... it was asked and dodged" "My can tell us herself if she wants to further respond to a question", says Chiefsgirl. Mynewday says, "Kao...I am not dodging...I think you ask a very good question...." "I think it was too", says Gooddoctor. Mynewday says, "I can tell you that I hate when duchies want to use rules willy nilly and I am not one for many rules and regulations" "Ok... may i rephrase the question?", asks Kao. Mynewday asks, "but do dukes and duchesses have a right to run their duchies.....absolutely...how far does that go...do they have the right to be tyrants....?" Kao asks, "Do you believe that the banning rule is an appropriate rule for fed?" "Personally...do I like that idea....no...I don't run mine that way...but do I understand the legitimacy of the argument on that side given we are in a fantasy game..yes", says Mynewday. Mynewday says, "yes...I think it is an appropriate rule for fed" "that sounds decisively noncommittal", says Kao. Gooddoctor rolls his eyes Locksnatcher sighs. Kao asks, "ok....it's appropriate?" Kao rolls Gooddoctors eyes back to him Breyer asks, "My, What was it about Federation that first attracted you?" Mynewday says, "I think it is for those who want to play the game in a different light than I do....if players step over the line and become offensive....etc...then it is to ib to step in" "I personally would vote not to have a banning rule....I like to run my duchy without it...", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher looks at Kao... shakes his head and goes back to his corner. "but you asked me kao if I thought it was appropriate for fed...that is a different question", says Mynewday. Kao tosses Locksnatcher a chew toy Kao asks, "ok..why is it appropriate for fed?" Mynewday says, "breyer...two things actually.." Mynewday says, "first was the challenge.......there was a lot more challenge when I first came to fed...and second the friendships and creativity of fed" "Kao...I say appropriate because "the game" was set up to allow us some forms of rank..power..authority...and within those confines, the rule works...", says Mynewday. Locksnatcher says, "This is turning into a debate so I'm out, bye bye." Chiefsgirl asks, "Are there any other questions for My?" Neecerie rather agrees with Lock....would rather hear -about- My.... Rere winks and says, "I'd like to repeat mine...My, can you tell us what makes a sucessful duchess/duchy in your opinion? Other than the magic" Gooddoctor 3rd that :) "I think it is a successful duchy not duchess and it is one that runs without the duchess ...where the personality of the duchy remains in the duke or duchesses absence..", says Mynewday. Rere smiles Catspaws smiles, "ooh, interesting" Chiefsgirl smiles "Any other questions for My?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ah, I've got a question. Were the Fed Funnies sufficiently funny for you today My?", says Rasal with a wink. Mynewday says, "if there are no more question....I would like to say thank you for all being so nice to have me here....." Breyer winks and says, "I was in the Fed Funnies today.. they had to be funny." Gooddoctor asks, "Was MY in the fed funnies ?" Mynewday says, "again a very meryy happy birthday to rere" Gooddoctor says, "Ohhh.... I will need to actually read the news" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for My Rere smiles, "Thank you my friend" Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you for being our guest, My" Dorothy exclaims, "Time to Go Home To Oz!" "Thanks for hosting CG", smiles Rere. Dorothy taps her heals togethor three taps and says, "There's no place like home." Dorothy has just left the room. Chiefsgirl says, "You're welcome" Catspaws says, "Great job, My and CG" Mynewday says, "and chiefgirl thank you very much for having me..." "I hope you'll join me next week ... same place and time", says Chiefsgirl. Rere asks, "Who's up next CG?" "you were a most excellent guest, My", says Chiefsgirl. Mynewday says, "and last but not least...thank you all my Oz entourage for your attendance...." "well..... I'm having a bit of a scheduling problem", says Chiefsgirl. "Very magical...no punts", says Rere. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "But I will have a guest of some sort" "I think breyer deserves a round of applause for being the wizard behind the curtains", says Mynewday. Breyer laughs and forces her puppets to take a bow. "thank you chiefsgirl", says Mynewday. |