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Neecerie says, "I am on a plain telnet terminal...." Chiefsgirl says, "ewwwwww... you poor thing" Neecerie says, "my car died totally....while in another town visiting a freind...." "ouch", says Chiefsgirl. "so here i remain...til at least tomorrow", says Neecerie. "That's a shame", says Chiefsgirl. Neecerie says, "so if i do terrible types.....forgive me...and realize it isnt me" Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, shuffling some notes around in her hands Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "Tonight I have the pleasure of introducing a dear friend, Neecerie, Baroness of Eternity", says Chiefsgirl. Victoria applauds and passes out popcorn Chiefsgirl says, "She'll tell us a bit about herself and answer questions" Chiefsgirl says, "Please feel free to ask questions and comment" Chiefsgirl applauds and plops down on her barstool "So NEecerie, we know you are on a telnet connection, so tell us what you'd like us to know", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "I arrived in this place quite a long time ago....i beelive 1996", says Neecerie. "Aries fed?", asks Victoria. Neecerie says, "I quickly met the po that got my my first ship....CafeBen" "and no...it was AOL fed", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "and I became a citizen of the duchy of Flying" "with such wonderful freinds as Artopia and Skatemore and Kao and all the other residents of flying", says Neecerie. "I didnt move up the ranks particularly quikcly...erm quickly", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "but i hauled for freinds, we had a community...." Neecerie says, "and it was at a Flying christmas party where i met my first husband TbarRanch" Neecerie waits for all the groans and tomatoes Chiefsgirl refrains from comment Sargon chuckles. Sagramore laughs Neecerie says, "but in those days...he was a very different person then most know...." Sparhawk grins. Sargon nods. Kup smiles Sparhawk misses the guy. Phiddie remembers "and so although i will still in flying....i also spent time in Neverland...and when Eternity was born...she went to Neverland", says Neecerie. "and in those days...we were aligned with Wired and Oz and there was much much more -life- to our life and activitiers in fed", says Neecerie. Victoria snickers Kup remembers well :) Ferreri says, "I remember those days, Neece." Neecerie says, "but all good things change....and so as fed changed...and i changed..and life changed....well...." "The best days", smiles Sagramore. Phiddie asks, "You knew Gali then?" "yes....I knew Gali...", says Neecerie. Phiddie smiles "and CafeBen and others that arnt here anymore", says Neecerie. Phiddie nods sadly Your comm unit signals a tight beam message from Dead, "hiyas mom, thanks for moving in ;)" Victoria consoles Phiddie Phiddie says, "Flying was one of the first and most exciting duchies." Neecerie says, "Eternity has also lived in Art...where she got to be with her oldest freind still in the game, Artopia" "and now...Eternity is in Lorien, with all the great people there...and my sweetie...so i can keep him from misbehaving", says Neecerie. Rasal snorts and chuckles. "lot's of great folks in Lorien", smiles Ferreri. Neecerie says, "i think probably the only other thing that i feel i just have to say.....is that fed is what we make it" Sparhawk exclaims, "Here, here!" "I have been here long enough...to see ideas come and go....complaints come and go...", says Neecerie. "and if one looks at the bad....focuses on that....sure its bad....", says Neecerie. "but if one looks at the good....and uses that to make more good.....makes a social structure again....", says Neecerie. Chiefsgirl smiles Ferreri looks around at her friends "Well said Neece", smiles Kup. Neecerie says, "its us....not code....that makes or breaks the game....right now....people are letting the code make or break it...." "there was just as much crud in the old days.....", says Neecerie. "but we didnt focus on it", says Neecerie. "The crud never ceases...but neither does the spirit of those who are friends.", says Phiddie with a wink. Neecerie says, "anyhow...since i am on such a crud connections....questions would be great...hehe...if you bear with me using telnet through aol...." Sparhawk smiles, "I have a question." Wolfyn asks, "Have you and NasalHog actually tied the Fed-knot?" Chiefsgirl wonders who NasalHog is Rasal politely whaps Wolfyn on the nose. Wolfyn whines. Victoria serves Wolfyn some cheese to go with his whine "Neece, answer Spars question.", says Ferreri. Seutekh snickers quietly, not looking for a whap himself. "hehe no....because I tend to think that I would rather enjoy each moment....then worry about instiution....", says Neecerie. Wolfyn grins and cheers. Phiddie wonders what cheese does to the Wolfy one "and can spar repeat his....i lost it in the scroll...you gotta be patient with me....", says Neecerie. "Besides, that NasalHog chap is a brute of a fellow from what I hear.", says Rasal. Wolfyn whispers to Phiddie, "Better that than chocolate." Neecerie giggles "My question is as follows - If the Duchy of Bah existed and invited you to join, would you?", asks Sparhawk. "if i wasnt in a duchy at that moment...then without a doubt yes...or if the duchy i was in was in danger of vanishing...", says Neecerie. Zrasputin says, "I have a question." Neecerie says, "but at the moment...I am tranquil where i am.....and unless I was no longer wanted...or my duchess needed to -lend- me out.....hehe" Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Z?" Neecerie says, "ok..zras..." "what if they run out of tranquilizers?", asks Kingman. "Will Saint Louis win tonight?", asks Zrasputin. Sparhawk laughs. Kup has a question too. "dont bet on it...\*done in an eeyore voice*", says Neecerie. Wolfyn chuckles. Phiddie laughs Chiefsgirl grins "Does you reluctance to fed wed stem from your fed marriage to Tbar?", asks Victoria. "oooh.....good question", says Neecerie. Victoria chuckles Neecerie says, "and in some ways....the answer cannot fail to be yes" "when i was married before...i was part of a place....", says Neecerie. Victoria shows you her t-shirt too "a lot of my own personhood...went to better the place...the whole...the total of a duchy....its ideals....", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "it took me quite a while to stop being the princess of neverland....and be neecerie again" Wolfyn whacks Rasal with the newpaper, politely. "She's a prize, don't let her slip out of your hands!", she whispers. "and while i have no doubt...that Rasal is not the same type of person.....", says Neecerie. Victoria laughs at Wolfyn's antics! Kup remembers Neece's picture on the Nevie website. :) Neecerie says, "I also choose to not really align myself with any major politics....i have been there...and now i am old and want to rest and just -be-" Victoria winks and says, "Well, if you do take that step, I wish you better luck this time round" "thank you", says Neecerie. Naiad briefly steps in for CG, "Any more questions?" Kup has one Naiad smiles, "Go ahead.." "boxers or briefs? someone usually asks that by now", says Victoria. Neecerie says, "i prefer briefs on my sweetie....." "Neece, you're prolly the only person in fed that knew Tbarranch better than I. What can you tell me about him that I don't already know?", asks Kup. Naiad whispers to Victoria, "Boxer briefs..sexy.." Victoria giggles and winks at Naiad Rasal suddenly blushes furiously, for some odd reason. Neecerie asks, "ok....that in a person behind the computer sense...or a character sense....?" Kup says, "He was very dominate in Fed. I'm looking for something more fragile." Neecerie says, "Tbar was the most magic filled person in fed...." Kingman raises an eyebrow "Magic?", asks Naiad. Neecerie says, "he knew how to create beauty...and wonder...in people...in places..." "Tbar did have magic...", says Ferreri. "when you were there....you beleived.....", says Neecerie. Kup agrees. To be a Nevie was a real honor. "i know that people saw mostly later things.....when he...and life wasnt the same", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "but in the beginning....Tbar was the wonder of feeling something exist as you read it....." "the dream that we all have when we create our planets.....", says Neecerie. Naiad nods. Victoria says, "that was well put Neecerie" "that dream that people will walk on them....and see what we saw in our minds...when we wote", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "erm wrote...." Kup says, "Yes Neece, you handled that one well. Sorry for asking something so difficult." "that is Tbar....no matter what happened at the end...", says Neecerie. "What was your most wonderful moment in Fed?", smiles Naiad. "hehe i came here....i answer what people want to know....maybe not what they wanted to hear....hehe", says Neecerie. Seutekh is more than moved. Neecerie says, "hmmmmm most wonderful moment... there are so many....freinds finding love...." Neecerie says, "creating Eternity and having people i dont know tb me and tell me how it touches them....." Naiad smiles, "I remember coming to Eternity when I was just a trader..and I saw you and Tbar there.." Neecerie smiles Naiad winks and says, "Of course, I was terrorized of POs, let alone Dukes..so I hightailed it out of there.." Neecerie giggles...and hugs Naiad Naiad giggles! Neecerie says, "but see....i never felt like a po......" Ferreri smiles, "I need to go to Eternity again... mis being there" Naiad asks, "How's that, Neece?" Neecerie says, "i felt like someone who got given a dream...i got to be the fairy princess everyone wanted.....sweet kind wonderful...." "I was a young trader in Neverland also, and you would always give me price checks every time I showed", smiles Aylisa. Neecerie says, "and while i earned my planet on my own......make no mistake.....a lot of my older character traits were a function of who i was -with- Tbar" Naiad asks, "Are you a different person now, or did you just evolve with time, holding on to those traits?" "I am the same me...i just got rid of the dresses and ballgowns...", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "but i think i still have the same attitude towards things" Neecerie says, "see..Kup knows...the Princess was never not dressed for a ball" Naiad asks, "Those were just your regular clothes?" Victoria asks, "How long were you and Tbar married?" Neecerie says, "I got to be the soft side of Neverland...the mom....advice giver...." Neecerie says, "just over one year real life time" "yea...I wore ballgowns or very formal outfits about 99% of the time back then Naiad", says Neecerie. "You were our princess. Our First Lady, so to speak. It was a sad day in Nevie when you two broke up.", says Kup. "And Fed marriages are counted like dog years..one year equals at least 7.", says Naiad. Victoria LOL Wolfyn chuckles. Kingman sags with is age Neecerie says, "things like that are never an easy thing to decide" Neecerie says, "and it was honestly not easy....most traumatic really...." "I took quite a while for rest...not coming here often", says Neecerie. Victoria asks, "Do you have a web site for Eternity?" Neecerie says, "at one time i did..i dont have one at the moment...but i might again someday...." Wolfyn asks, "What do you see in your future now?" Zrasputin wipes off the crystal ball for neecie Kup asks, "Any Desires to go for Duchesse?" "I see spending lots of time with freinds, enjoying things.....", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "no....when Eternity was born....i knew I would stop with baroness...different reasons now...but that choice still holds" Neecerie says, "i am not a leader...i am a supporter..." Kup winks and says, "too bad, you would be an exelent Duchesse." "so when you go to sporting events....", says Zrasputin. "And that is just as important a role..", says Naiad. Snocat says, "don't say it, zras" Zrasputin laughs and resists. Neecerie says, "different kind Zras" Zrasputin smiles, "oh, okay" Zrasputin winks "Neece..maybe I missed it, but did you get married after Tbar?", smiles Naiad. Victoria laughs Kup laughs at the joke not told. ::Tickles Zrasputin:: "no...I have never been married again", says Neecerie. Neecerie says, "happy in love...but not married" Naiad asks, "What was his name..Dalman?" Naiad smiles, "You were not married, right?" "ahhh i was briefly engaged to both dalman and tsia", says Neecerie. Kup says, "Dalman was married to Tsia, I think." Neecerie says, "quite the interesting idea...." Naiad smiles, "Yes..right..that's what I was trying to remember." "things being as they were...tsia ended up not here enough and dalman also faded.....so many freinds lost", says Neecerie. Naiad nods.. Kup sighs Naiad smiles, "But there are always those whom you didn't know before..and you can be friends with them." Neecerie says, "oh indeed....that is what i try to remember....why i am here..." "if i would have left everytime a close freind left....erm....i would be gone....erm...50 or more times already", says Neecerie. "but that is part of making fed -yours-", says Neecerie. "What would you say to a young, inexperienced commander, just starting his or her life in Fed?", asks Naiad. Neecerie says, "I would say to enjoy life...not rush....learn from understanding po's .....and have faith" Neecerie says, "and ......" Neecerie says, "read the manuals" "Who has given you the best laugh in Fed?", asks Sparhawk. Neecerie says, "hmmmmm lets see....probably someone like Danny.....without trying" "Any really embarassing moments you'd like to share with us, Neece?", asks Chiefsgirl. Naiad perks Wolfyn listens closely and takes notes. Rasal edges towards the door, just in case. Naiad hooks a finger in Rasal's boxer briefs and pulls him back to his seat. Wolfyn blocks the door. "hmmmmm....none stand out that go much past the typical wandering around in a genie costume and carrying massage oil.....and forgetting and selling facs to a staring FO", says Neecerie. Chiefsgirl giggles Naiad grins.. Victoria laughs Victoria asks, "what scent was the oil?" "Did they come with three wishes?", asks Wolfyn. Neecerie winks and says, "hehe it was long ago oil...i dont remember...and it came with many wishes for the lucky person with me" Victoria laughs again Kingman makes a note to purchase oils for Victoria Sparhawk has lots of oils. Neecerie waits for that one unanswerable toughie Kingman asks, "WHy is there Air?" Sparhawk smiles, "Would you ever pay more than 2.5 gig for a personal slave?" "well actually....its a figment of your spacesuit", says Neecerie. Cgee looks around the audience, "Any more questions for Neece?" Neecerie winks and says, "and i think i have paid a bit more....but that was more to save the poor person..." Sparhawk smiles, "Will there ever be a leisure planet that produces all the agri commods?" Rasal smiles, "Lucky person that would have been." Neecerie says, "there can be only one....slayer planet in each generation Spar.....you must search til you find it" "Have you ever accidentally DD'd?", asks Victoria. Neecerie says, "no..I have been most fortunate that way....but i am careful" "How many games have you played?", asks Naiad. "Would you kiss the dirty hobo on Earth to save a Commander's life?", asks Sparhawk. "Whats the longest consecutive time that you have played fed actively in one sitting?", asks Victoria. Neecerie says, "i have played as of now...2776 games..." "i have probably sat and actively played for about 10 hours or so....", says Neecerie. "no all nighters?", asks Victoria. Neecerie says, "well i probably did some sleeper macro things back in the day....." Victoria nods Neecerie says, "but active playing....no overnighters....nor macros that -did- hauling or trading" Snocat can remember playing from 4pm friday to 8am sunday Chiefsgirl asks, "did you ever miss work in RL due to Fed?" "no..although i can say i missed class...i was a university student trhough part of my fed life", says Neecerie. Chiefsgirl nods Sparhawk asks, "What was the largest bill you had for AOL playing Fed?" Victoria laughs! "my largest bill was just over 300 dollars....which for a college kid....", says Neecerie. Kingman says, "ouchies" "and i had to hide it from my mom...hehe", says Neecerie. Victoria winces Sparhawk grins impishly. "Any other questions for Neece?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Will she be my Fed mom?", smiles Sparhawk. Victoria thinks that Neece has done a wonderful job mastering that telnet connection Chiefsgirl agrees Wolfyn grins. Neecerie says, "i do apologize for all the typos...please please edit" Sparhawk smiles, "No, don't edit. Make the readers learn typoese." Rasal notes she does a wonderful job at everything. "i didnt expect to be stuck 100 miles from home....", says Neecerie. "your typos were actually minimal", says Victoria. "i just want to tell you all to make fed magic again....", says Neecerie. Wolfyn sprinkles fleas all around. Sparhawk tries, he really does. "remember that...and its half the battle over", says Neecerie. Kup smiles, "We're trying Neece" Neecerie smiles Chiefsgirl smiles and claps wildly for Neecerie Victoria stands and applauds our gracious guest and host Sparhawk cheers and whistles! Kingman applauds Wolfyn jumps, and covers it with applause! Chiefsgirl says, "I want to thank Neece for being our guest tonight.... so far from home and telnet connections and everything" Victoria says, "Great job Neece" Neecerie says, "hehe and totally dead as a doornail car....hehe" "Please join me next week when my guest will be Eaglewing in one of his final fed appearances", says Chiefsgirl. "that's what Hello said, too", says Snocat. Chiefsgirl says, "Well... I think Eagle means it" "and unfortunatly...i am on a borrowed phone line....and someones bf needs to call here now...heheh", says Neecerie. "Thank you Neece... you were wonderful!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn picks pockets during all the hugging and kissing. Rasal politely thwaps Wolfyn again. |