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Nyota asks, "Okie....does the guest of honor get a comfy seat or what?" Nyota giggles... Chiefsgirl offers Nyota the most comfortable barstool in Duffs Nyota settles herself on the barstool of honor and orders the waitdroids to keep a line of double bourbons coming. Nyota checks her watch nervously and downs a bourbon. Kingdymond asks, "so did chiefsgirl get all the dirt and turn this into a jerry springer interview?" "I have no idea what CG's gonna throw at me", smiles Nyota. Chiefsgirl is sure there is no dirt to be had about the lovely Nyota "Unless you count the XT about some furry mammal that got me locked for nearly a week", smiles Nyota. Chiefsgirl stands up and clears her throat, "I'd like to welcome everyone to tonight's Meet & Greet Chiefsgirl says, "My guest this evening is Nyota, Duchess of Valenta" Chiefsgirl says, "Nyota will tell us a bit about herself and her history" Chiefsgirl says, "But feel free to ask questions as we go along" "Just give Nyota the chance to respond", says Chiefsgirl. "Okay.....the beginnings....I think", smiles Nyota. Chiefsgirl says, "So, without further ado, let's welcome Nyota" Chiefsgirl sits down on her barstool and applauds wildly "Oh and CG, remind me to torture you later for getting me into this", says Nyota with a wink. "Please Nyota, tell us about how it all began", says Chiefsgirl. Nyota says, "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...." Nyota winks and says, "Oh wait...that's another story" Chiefsgirl wiggles on her barstool and settles down to listen "A five year mission....no...that's not it either....", says Nyota. "Oh yes...here we go!", exclaims Nyota. Nyota says, "As most everyone knows I'm a huge Trek fan." Nyota says, "A while back, a few years actually, I first started up AOL for the old $3.95 per hour rate." Nyota says, "When I realized there was a search feature, I started looking for anything having to do with Star Trek." "One time out of frustration I typed in 'Federation' trying to find something on the United Federation of Planets.", says Nyota. "Well...guess what I turned up?", asks Nyota. Nyota grins..... Nyota smiles, "This silly game we're all so addicted to" "What did you think when you first arrived? What got you hooked?", asks Chiefsgirl. Nyota says, "The first few times I logged into the game as NyotaUhura, there was some little script about Beta...and how to report any bugs." "Well I'm also an old fan of the text-based games about Zork, so was definitely interested in a text game.", says Nyota. Nyota says, "I poked around a bit and started working my around Sol." "There were a lot of helpful people back then, but they didn't give away secrets or puzzles or anything", says Nyota with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you remember some of the first folks that helped you?" Nyota nods fondly, "Oh yes....Sargon, C5crwchief, LtlShavr, Dilvish, CAsurfer, SatnPCat...and lots more." "What was your screen name, Nyota?", asks Chewbacon. "I was known as NyotaUhura back then, and boy did people complain about having to type all of it", smiles Nyota. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does your name or your planet's name have anything to do with Star Trek?" "Gerhilda and JopeJope were the first POs to give me factories", smiles Nyota. Chiefsgirl doesn't know much about Star Trek "No Valenta is a name I created on my own....it's from the latin word 'valere' meaning strength and courage.", says Nyota. "oooo.. I like that very much", says Chiefsgirl. "or valor", says Bernadette with a wink. "Of course back then FOs actually had to work their darn factories", says Nyota with a wink. Triton smiles, "Hmmm, i always thought it meant Fish Welcome .." Nyota smiles, "Valornine was also an old friend of mine" "I went through major trouble trying to get through JP....anybody remember the puzzle you had to do to promote?", asks Nyota. Chewbacon asks, "The snark?" Chiefsgirl missed that puzzle thankfully "Snark", says Bix. Nyota says, "Well just when I was ready to try it, they changed the rules to make promoting a groat making requirement instead." Triton HOPES he never has to, he doesnt CARE to do that again .. "cried for three days after killing Monty", says Aiki. Chiefsgirl had enough trouble meeting the groat requirements with her facs Nyota says, "I never used to use macros or hot keys, I typed every darn command....so I was never going to make that groat requirement." Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you remember what kind of facs you had?" "Then AOL moved to unlimited time and they set the goal even higher....I gave in and learned to macro", says Nyota with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Nyota smiles, "CG...no clue on the kinds of facs. But they weren't ARTS or UNIS for sure" Chiefsgirl giggles Chiefsgirl says, "no, mine weren't either" Nyota says, "I was at JP forever it seemed." "No self respecting PO gave those out back then ..", says Triton. Chiefsgirl remembers some horrid maser facs on Oilslick "I finally made it to Explorer and spent three months in and out of that silly workbench thingie.", says Nyota. "Were you anxious to get your own planet?", asks Chiefsgirl. Nyota says, "I had been writing Valenta for a year prior and refused to online her until she was perfect." Nyota nods, "Oh yes....anxious as all get out!" Chewbacon hates the WB Chiefsgirl smiles Bix wows at the patience "Do you remember the day you onlined Valenta?", asks Chiefsgirl. Nyota says, "Then I made a fatal error....a friend asked me to come see a new puzzle on his planet...there was an error in the code somewhere and I DD'd." "Ack!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness" "That sucked.", says Chewbacon. Triton says, "Yikes, fergot about that .." "No one could figure out what happened because it was so weird. Hazed wouldn't reinstate me at Explorer, but did give me a pocketful of groats.", says Nyota. Chiefsgirl asks, "How long did it take you to go through all the ranks again?" Nyota says, "My poor friend was so upset he gave me everything to make it back to Explorer in record time, then he DD'd." "awww", says Chiefsgirl with a frown. Chewbacon asks, "Who was that friend?" "Honestly CG, I don't know how long...or when I onlined. I'm bad with dates", smiles Nyota. "Sadly....I can't even remember his name now", says Nyota with a frown. Chewbacon orders his bots to bring a crate of tissues. Triton says, "Probably Nam .." Triton hides "Well I was duchyless for a while, then Chasroll had an opening in Bourbon....which was a perfect fit.", says Nyota. Chiefsgirl says, "I know Bourbon was one of the most active places around" Nyota lifts another bourbon from the bar and salutes Bourbon duchy. "What do you remember most about living in Bourbon?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Mostly that it was a fun place, especially during Mardi Gras", smiles Nyota. Chiefsgirl grins and nods Triton says, "Best Mardi Gras party planet ever was .." Nyota looks startled, "Oh I totally forgot!" "...but you remember now?!", exclaims Chewbacon. Nyota asks, "I have to mention this....anybody here remember the table dancing days of Nyota, Ducky and Flamey?" Triton blushes Nyota pokes CG and whispers, "I thought you were supposed to dig up some dirt?" Chiefsgirl laughs Triton asks, "Flamey, of toe ring fame ?" "yes", says Chelsia. "That's the Flamey", smiles Nyota. "I've not heard of those table dancing days, Nyota", says Chiefsgirl. "Do tell us all about it", says Chiefsgirl. Nyota blushes, "We were quite a trio." Bront wonders where he can dig up some old logs... Chiefsgirl is sure you were "Anyways, I soon found out I sucked at planet management....just couldn't understand all that economic stuff.", says Nyota. Nyota says, "So I just played around Fed and let the planet slowly make it's way up the ranks....I wasn't in any hurry." Chiefsgirl smiles "I wasn't terribly ambitious so to speak", says Nyota with a wink. Chelsia did the same "Did you remain in Bourbon the entire time until you were Duchess?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I finally solved that Duchess puzzle, mostly on my own...like I did everything else.", says Nyota. "Yes I stayed in Bourbon the whole time....I tend to be faithful...most of the time", says Nyota with a wink. Chiefsgirl smiles "Did you always plan to become a duchess?", asks Chiefsgirl. Nyota says, "And I was a duchess for at least a year before I got a single planet." Nyota nods, "Yeah....I thought Duchess was going to be fun....boy was I ever wrong." Chewbacon asks, "How did that go? Being a duchess for a year with no planets?" Chiefsgirl laughs Nyota giggles, "I should have stayed Baroness." Triton tried to join but it kept telling me not to be silly .. "rather daddy did ...", says Triton. "why don't you like being a duchess?", asks Bernadette. "Well Chewie, since I wasn't trying to rule data space....I really didn't care if I had planets or not.", says Nyota. Triton thinks its hard work being a duchesse with such a trouble making fish .. "Well once you make duchess there's no place left to go...no puzzles to solve, no new rank to attain.", says Nyota. Chiefsgirl agrees that that is the bad part about it Nyota glares at Triton, "Then suddenly a few months ago....planets started joining...outta da blue!" Chiefsgirl asks, "You didn't recruit them Nyota?" Nyota exclaims, "And one of them was this crazy fish!" Triton bows, never leaving his pond Chelsia fights the urge to pounce the fish... "Not really. Speedyx was the first....but then we've been friends a long time and since he was going to Korea, he needed a planet sitter.", says Nyota. Chiefsgirl nods "I ran into Triton in the Cantina one night, figured out he needed help and handed him a buncha groats...on one condition.", says Nyota. Chewbacon wonders why Speedy isn't here. "Speedy's not here cause he's at work right now.", says Nyota. Chewbacon says, "Ahh..........." "Yeah but i scrubbed yer feet ..", says Triton. "Triton had to bring his planet to Valenta when he got one....", says Nyota. "With your scales, Triton?", asks Chewbacon. "Ohh that condition .. ::blushes::", says Triton. Nyota shrugs, "The rest just appeared, I have no idea what happened." Chiefsgirl is sure they were lured by the beautiful duchess "Thered be more, but i got a big god to keep the cat people out ..", says Triton. Nyota blushes crimson and looks for another bourbon. Chiefsgirl asks, "So, since you weren't into economics, how did you spend your time around here?" "err dog ..", says Triton. Triton is dislexic .. Nyota says, "Trying to protect the fish boy there...." Chelsia smirks "From who?", asks Chewbacon. Nyota says, "And mostly staying in communication with all the friends I've made in Fed over the nearly five years I've been here." Triton says, "A Valent(a) effort indeed, but im a handful .." Nyota counts on her fingers, "At least I think it's nearly five." Nyota backhand thwaps the fishie. Nyota says, "Hush1" "Any questions for Nyota?", asks Chiefsgirl. Triton whimpers and hushes Nyota says, "Damn....you got a gig Triton." Chiefsgirl looks around at the audience Chelsia says, "has to be at least 5 Nyota.. you were here when I started and I am 4 1/2 years now" Chewbacon asks, "Who were you protecting Triton from?" Nyota winks and says, "Gads....do the wrinkles show Chels" Chelsia says, "nah" >ex nyota "As far as romantic entanglements....I've had my fair share, but only been mated twice....", says Nyota. Chiefsgirl giggles at the use of the term mated Nyota smiles, "Once to Qul, a Klingon.....and now to Dorian, also a Klingon....hmmm, there's a pattern here I think" Triton is innocent, stupid trident .. "Okie....that's about it....me boring life, such as it is.....", smiles Nyota. Bix has a question Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Bix?" Nyota sits back, downs another bourbon and waits for lurid questions to pop out. "Is the Valenta design done; or is it still evolving?", asks Bix. Nyota says, "Well Valenta was completely evolved....then when we went web Fed, the paragraph breaks got all screwed up. I still haven't fixed them all." "Then IB Games went on a morality kick and I had to remove about 20 locations....which are slowly being rebuilt.", says Nyota. "So at the moment, I'd say Valenta is re-evolving eh?", smiles Nyota. "Anyone solved yer puzzle yet ?", asks Triton. "sounds like it", says Chiefsgirl. Nyota winks and says, "The puzzle has never been solved" Chelsia asks, "puzzle?" Chiefsgirl says, "Wow! that must make you proud Nyota" Triton will hafta solve it, since the typo monster doesnt visit you very often .. "The few who take the time to visit say it's worthy of a Walrus and then some, but I've never submitted it.", says Nyota. Chelsia will have to take a crack at the puzzle "The planet itself has all kinds of mentions of past Fed players, and some cool stuff....it's worth a mapping", smiles Nyota. "And stay outta my pond ..", says Triton. Nyota says, "There's only one death location....if you don't do the puzzle right you die." "Oh and Triton's pond is quite a nice one too", smiles Nyota. Bix makes note...stay alive solving puzzle "Anyone else have questions for Nyota?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon asks, "Did you tell us how you got your name?" "death is why I stopped exploring planets awhile back...", says Chelsia. "NyotaUhura.....anybody have a clue?", asks Nyota. Chewbacon says, "Not me." Nyota asks, "Okie...at least does anyone know who Uhura is?" Triton knows .. Calodia nods "As in Lt. Uhura of the Starship Enterprise?", asks Nyota. "she's the communications girl on Star Trek", says Bernadette. Triton says, "Babeasaur with the funny thing in her ear .." Chelsia says, "has Star Trek aura to it..." Chiefsgirl says, "Ah.... yes" Chewbacon doesn't watch Star Trek. "Well her full name is Nyota Uhura...swahili for Star Freedom.", says Nyota. Bernadette never knew her first name..learn somthun new everyday ;) "Ever seen the Trekky movie, Nyota?", asks Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl likes that and writes it down so she'll remember "I'd met Nichelle Nichols and loved her. I'd always admired her in the original series being a woman officer on the bridge back in the 60s", says Nyota. "She broke a bunch of taboos for tv of that era ..", says Triton. "twas the best show.. the original... of course my generation...", says Chelsia. "After the first season she was going to quit, but a very influential gentlemen talked her into staying as a role model for women of all colors.", says Nyota. "That man was Martin Luther King.", says Nyota. Nyota says, "Uhura and Kirk had the first inter racial kiss on prime time television." "..Jr.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl remembers that Bernadette smiles, "wow, great story" "err...Jr.", says Nyota. "People went ballistic over that ..", says Triton. Nyota smiles, "Not to mention, she was a stunning beauty at that" Chewbacon can imagine what his racist grandpa thought about that. "What, never seen a trekkie fishie ?", asks Triton. Bix thinks Kirk didn't miss many lips "yes did create quite a stir", says Chelsia. Chiefsgirl laughs Aiki says, "its all new to me" "Did you know Joan Collins first television appearance was on Star Trek?", asks Nyota. Bernadette says, "yep.." Chelsia nods to Nyota Bernadette asks, "the one where they travel to the past?" Bernadette says, "well..they do that a lot, but.." "Yeah, and the star trek love scene theme became the standard for porn movies ever since ... err ive heard ..", says Triton. Nyota says, "And several other people also went through the original Trek series." Bernadette blushez.. Nyota says, "Yes Bee...back to the mobster 20s and Kirk fell in love for the first time." "I will always love 'The trouble with Tribbles'", says Chelsia with a wink. Bernadette nods.. Aiki looks at Triton ::: who you been talking to Bernadette says, "that's my fav episode.." Triton thinks The Menagerie is his all time favorite .. Nyota giggles and pets her tribble...."I've got several of them...." Bernadette says, "time travel one..not the tribbles one" Chiefsgirl was forced to watch the show as a child Nyota says, "Majel Barret has had a part in all the Trek Movies and series." "I have two tribbles Ny.. are my best little buddies", says Chelsia. Nangbok says, "ugh...I hated the original treks" "I was 3 months old when Trek first came on....Daddy said he used to watch it with me tucked into his lap.", says Nyota. "Does anyone remember Dr. Katherine Pulaski from TNG?", asks Nyota. Bernadette says, "yep.." "yes", says Nangbok. "I'm surrounded by youngins!!!", says Chelsia with a wink. Nyota winks and says, "So yeah....me and Trek both 34 years old" Triton says, "Yepper .." Nangbok says, "my fave treks were from TNG" Bix saw first runs "She was on original Trek as the keeper of the Succubus.", says Nyota. "And incredibly beautiful.", says Nyota. Bernadette remembers her in an old Trek episode.. "anything after the original are just pale comparisons.. imho", says Chelsia. "She still was, tho i gotta admit, 7 of 9 is better ..", says Triton. Nyota says, "Don't anyone laugh....but I have a life size standup of Jean Luc Picard in my bedroom...uniform and all." Bernadette stifles a giggle.. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "oh wow!" "I dunno....Picard was damn sexy", says Nyota with a wink. Calodia giggles quietly Chiefsgirl thinks that's neat "he still is", says Bernadette with a wink. "Hes quite a talented man, tho i passed on the life size doll ...", says Triton. Chewbacon holds back his thought about Patrick Stuart. "And does anyone know where Cisco used to be?", asks Nyota. Aiki wonders if its a working model Chelsia says, "ummm his first in command.. who ever he is wasn't bad..." "Patrick Stuart is an amazingly talented actor.", says Nyota. Triton asks, "Riker ?" "Commander Rikker", says Nangbok. "yes fishie", says Chelsia. "Cisco of DS9 was Hawk on Spenser for Hire.", says Nyota. Bernadette winks and says, "Shakespearan actor" Nangbok smiles, "and Patrick Stuart is a hottie" Nangbok says, "I liked him in X-Men" "Patrick Stuart was in Excalibur....and his one man show of A Christmas Story was great.", says Nyota. Triton says, "Actually William Shatner and Patrick Stuart have a lot in common in that respect.." Bront saw the TNG crew production of Every Good Buy Deserves Favor. It was quite fun. "I cant stand Shatner", says Nangbok. "As bad an actor as Shatner is....did anybody cry when he died for good in Trek?", asks Nyota. Bernadette raises her hand blushing.. Calodia was cheering actualy Nyota asks, "What do you guys think of Voyager?" Nangbok says, "I love TNG, DS9, and Voyager" Bernadette says, "it was a sad noble death.." Triton loves voyager .. Silowetcat thinks Janeway rocks "Best bit of actual acting Shatner ever did....", says Nyota. "and even tho its not a trekkie show..I loved Babylon 5", says Nangbok. "Janeway kicks ass!", exclaims Nyota. "If I had to pick one over the original it would have to be Voyager", says Chelsia. "I like all the series...to a point..", says Bernadette. "But seven should be captain ..", smiles Triton. Bernadette says, "I don't get obsessive about any of them, but they are all fun in there own ways" Bix misses the red-shirt guys dying Nyota says, "No Katherine is wiser, more experienced....and I have to admire her principles." Silowetcat asks, "Know where she firt appeared Ny?" Triton says, "Well sure, principles are fine, but seven dresses more ... errr well you know .." Nyota asks, "Did anyone see the episode of DS9 where they integrated Trouble with Tribbles?" Bront has every episode of TNG on tape. But isn't obsessive ;) Silowetcat has it on tape Nangbok asks, "she was in a saturday nite show on NBC right?" Bernadette says, "that was cute" Nyota asks, "Didn't Janeway used to be the wife of Columbo?" Silowetcat says, "The Trouble with Tribbles...." Silowetcat nods at Ny "that's the one", smiles Silowetcat. Nangbok smiles, "oh, thought ya were talkin bout 7" Bront loved the DS9 trouble with tribbles, the only version of Tribbles he's ever seen Nyota says, "I did a thesis in college on Gene Roddenberry and the Trek philosophy." Silowetcat smiles, "Wow Ny. Yer more of a fan then me" Silowetcat didn't think that was possible "Does anyone here like Earth: Final Conflict?", asks Nangbok. "yeah", says Lagkiller. "never saw it..", says Bernadette. Chelsia says, "haven't seen it sis" Silowetcat says, "I watched that once, Nan. Didn't like it" "I almost had an interview with him, but his publicist couldn't get the schedules worked out where I wouldn't have to call over seas.", says Nyota. "I saw a few episodes, but I didnt like it much", says Nangbok. "Nyota, to get this back to Fed and the here and now, what plans do you have for the future of Valenta and Nyota?", asks Chiefsgirl. Nyota says, "I was devastated when he died." Nyota blushes...."Sorry CG.....my favorite topic." Chelsia says, "yes was a tragic loss" "Future?", asks Nyota. "It's wonderful to see that type of enthusiasm around here, Nyota", says Chiefsgirl. Nyota contemplates her bourbon..... "Kirk died in Generations...my friends made fun of me for crying.", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl smiles at Nyota "As I could talk Stephen King for hours.. I know the feeling Nyota", says Chelsia. "yep, me and Harrison Ford forever :::sighs dreamily:::", says Nangbok. Chiefsgirl asks, "Have you had a lot of good friends go away, Nyota?" Nyota says, "Well, actually I don't really have many plans....I want to finish cleaning up the paragraph breaks on Valenta and submit for a Walrus review." "Isnt he like 50, mommy?", asks Sniperspy. "Oh god....did someone say Harrison?", asks Nyota. Nangbok smiles, "hes over that sweetie" Nyota drools.... "My mom is in LOVE with that guy.", says Chewbacon. Triton laughs, ya got an indy doll next to yer picard one ? Chiefsgirl grins "I'd like to see someone actually finish the puzzle so I can hand over the gig of groats.", says Nyota. Nangbok thinks Harry is oooooooo....words cant say it all Chelsia winks and says, "Namg.. let's not go there.. he is no Mel Gibson!!" Silowetcat drools over Patrick Stewart more than Harrison :) "'Whoo! Look at his hinney,' she yells.", says Chewbacon. Nyota says, "I have a wedding to plan with my beloved Dorian....." Bernadette contemplates the puzzle.. Nyota smiles, "And everyone is invited" "Thinks there might be an influx of folks trying it after tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Nangbok winks and says, "nope, hes better" "Dorian?", asks Chewbacon. "Big pimp, Dorian.", smiles Chewbacon. Sniperspy winks and says, "Harrison ford is almost old enough for senior citizen discounts... Why would... Wait... I dont wanna know" "If you try Valenta....just remember to bring graph paper", says Nyota with a wink. Chiefsgirl bounces excitedly about the wedding Chiefsgirl asks, "Any final questions for Nyota?" Chelsia hits the big 5-0 in less than 2 years.. still bouncing along... Silowetcat asks, "Whens the wedding?" Nyota says, "Dorian and I mated privately a couple of months ago....but we want to throw a big public party for all our friends and family." Sniperspy asks, "If you could be one kind of fruit, what would you be?" Sniperspy asks, "Or vegtible?" "Will I be invited to the wedding?", asks Chewbacon. "after five years, what do you like best about fed?", asks Bernadette. "We haven't set the date yet Silo", smiles Nyota. Silowetcat puts her calendar on hold "or what keeps ya coming back?", asks Bernadette. Nyota smiles, "I'd be a banana" Chiefsgirl laughs Nyota says, "The people....or at least most of the people...." Chiefsgirl waits to hear the answer to Bernadette's questions "I don't really do anything in here except socialize, and pay to do it", says Nyota with a wink. Nyota smiles, "I like visitors and will give tours on request" Bernadette might take you up on that one day ;) Chelsia says, "I wanna know about the table dances.. must have been before my Fed time.. but I do remember Kao's shimmer in clog dances in the Cantina.. when stilla newbie" Bernadette gigglez.. "I did some of that with Flame and....KINELLE. That was it", smiles Silowetcat. Nyota giggles, "Yes Kao was famed for those....and she occasionally joined us on a table dance or two." Triton says, "That and the toe ring lady .." "I remember Flamey's wedding a while back...her groom DD'd just before", says Nyota with a wink. Chelsia says, "that was when I furst got my need to shimmer.. is the only thing I want still to do" "I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Nyota tries another bourbon..... Nyota exclaims, "Okie last thoughts!" Chiefsgirl says, "And I'd like to thank my sister Nyota for being our special guest" Chiefsgirl has given Nyota a hot hug! "Everybody have a bourbon and let's party!", exclaims Nyota. Chiefsgirl says, "Yes Nyota.. let's hear your final thoughts" Nyota blushes..... Chiefsgirl laughs Nyota asks, "Now wasn't that profound?" Chiefsgirl giggles and raises her glass Nyota raises her glass in salute..... Chiefsgirl smiles, "You were wonderful" "Please join me next week when my guest will be Catspaws", says Chiefsgirl. |