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Loki wants to hear that Tuba baby yea. Olias chuckles. Chiefsgirl looks around for the tuba Olias brandishes the Official Fed Ceremonial Tuba given to him by an Actual Staff Person. He didn't make it up. Olias winks and says, "If you wonder why I use the term 'brandish', then you haven't heard me play." "You know, Camel, that a llama can spit like 20 feet. Have I ever mentioned that before?", asks Olias. Bartholomew notices your glass is nearly empty and whistles to the barwench for a fresh round... Bartholomew has bought you a Blockade Runner! As you finish the intoxicating concoction, a little Jolly Roger runs up the straw, the mug wheels around and fires another round into you!! Bartholomew pours a shot of gunpowder into his mug of rum, lights it, then gulps it down! Olias is not too fond of his new powder burn, but thanks for the drink. I think. Olias inches away from Bart. Bartholomew says, "oops, pardon me" Chiefsgirl stands up from her barstool and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Wolfyn's arrival just insured that the better stories are not told.", says Olias. Wolfyn says, "hrummph." "Please help me welcome our guest tonight, Olias", says Chiefsgirl. "He'll tell us a bit about himself and answer questions, so feel free to ask", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops back on her barstool and applauds wildly Olias turns several shades of red. "Uh...hiya." Bartholomew winks and says, "Auspicious beginning" Olias takes a moment to study his shoes/ "Or suspicious", says Bartholomew with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Tell us how you came to find this little corner of the world, Olias" Naiad notices Olias is wearing socks of different colours, but she won't mention it.. "Well, for the longest time, I always said, "Internet. Bah."", says Olias. Chiefsgirl nods and listens to Olias Olias says, "But finally, we had a REALLY slow winter where I work, and a friend of mine came in with an AOL trail disk." Olias says, "Er trial even. I am not meaning that we went wagon training with AOL." Cen says, "Your showing your age Olias ;p" Olias blushes at the typos. Olias turns to Cen. "Eh? Speak up sonny!" Olias waggles his cane at Cen. Cen politely offers some trail/trial viagra Chiefsgirl asks, "How long after you tried AOL did you find Federation?" Olias says, "So anyway, I heard about this Federation game from a friend, and it sounded right up my alley. Didn't seem to much choices then anyway, I think it was Fed and Hundred Years War." "Not long after at all. Tried it and was immediately hooked.", says Olias. Chiefsgirl smiles Cen asks, "How long ago was that?" "I grew up with games like Elite and so forth, and the whole idea of that kind of setting with REAL PEOPLE just blew my mind.", says Olias. "Geeze, at least four years, Cen.", says Olias. Olias says, "So I gathered nuts and berries and permanently moved into my computer chair." Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "Tell us about your early years here and the early ranks" "Do you remember any of the first people who helped you?", asks Cen. Olias says, "The person that introduced me to Fed was playing at the same time, and lives (or did at that time) right down my street. Ended up seeing him more in Fed than in Real Life. His name now is Mordred." Olias says, "Oh yes, I remember very well..." "I pretty much moved into the Cantina when I wasn't hauling, and in those days, actually did quite a bit of hauling. The first act of Extreme Generosity was from Avenger289, now just Avenger...", says Olias. "lol, Extreme back then was different then it is now.....just how extreme was it?", asks Cen. Olias says, "He walked in and gave me a meg, telling me to remember that and do the same for someone someday. That was a huge fortune to a captain." Naiad nods..she remembers when it happened to her too. Olias says, "Those days, of course, promotion could be a long road, and that was incredible." Chiefsgirl remembers too Chiefsgirl thought she was rich with her first meg Olias says, "And I fondly remember the PO's I had factories with. AnnaD2, JenKnefer, Kmmartin. Great people and good friends. Sadly, gone now." Wolfyn says, "And Whuffo." Olias says, "Then of course, the person that changed my life, this fuzzy duchess over here. Say hello, Wolfyn." Chiefsgirl grins Cen glances at Wolfyn Wolfyn absently scratches at an ear. Snocat remembers whuffo Cen asks, "How did she change your life?" Bartholomew says, "Helloo Wolfyn" Wolfyn waves and goes back to taking notes. "I met Wolfyn while giving price checks one day. That was something I really enjoyed doing, and the folks that were courteous caught my attention. She was more than that, she was cute.", says Olias. Wolfyn winks and says, "My typing was well formed." "She would ask: Can I get a price check on a load of sticks? (woods) ::wags tail:: Just slaughtered me.", says Olias. "According to him...so was your.....whoops nevermind ;p", says Cen. Cen ducks.. Wolfyn has given Cen a sloppy tickle! Olias bashes Cen on the head with a dead Trout. Chiefsgirl giggles Olias says, "Speaking of dead Trout, it was a great duchy to be part of once upon a time." "How quickly did you promote Olias?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Damn trouts...", says Cen. "Aye", says Bartholomew. Wolfyn asks, "How quickly does moss grow in the Cantina?" Olias says, "About as fast as I could. I could run sleeper macros which helped a lot and quickly became a fast typist." Chiefsgirl laughs Olias glares at the fuzzball. Wolfyn says, "Tis true." "Fuzzball here and I started meeting frequently to discuss Fed, and she wanted advice back then, which I gave. Then we became friends, and at the upper ranks it was I asking for advice. She's really great at planet management.", says Olias. Cen asks, "This question will be asked eventually so Ill do it now. How do you compare life from aol fed to the fed that exists now?" Olias says, "Then it became more than that. I like my women like my tables. Four-legged." Cen will not comment ;p Wolfyn croaks. Zrasputin notes there are one-legged tables "I liked AOL fed better, Cen. Real friendships would form between the different ranks as they needed to rely on each other. I think you can promote way too fast now and miss factory cycles.", says Olias. Cen says, "lol, speak for yourself ;p" Olias smiles. Chiefsgirl smiles Kao agrees with olias "While I don't miss the factory cycles, I agree that promotion is too fast these days Olias", says Chiefsgirl. Snocat agrees with the scoundrel promoting should be slow Cen asks, "What was your most embarrising moment in the game?" Cen makes notes about his spelling deficiency Wolfyn has given Cen a tender hug! Olias grins. "Well, I dd'd once, about a year or year and a half ago. So there I was, getting back on my feet and wandering aimlessly through the grizzly caves. I had lost all my maps long ago. Olias says, "Finally, after repeatedly beating my head on all the same walls and going nowhere fast, I get this tight beam." Olias exclaims, "Your comm unit singals a tight beam message from Galt: Oh, for God's sake, stay right there! Sheese!" Chiefsgirl laughs "He then took my comm hand and led me through the maze. It was embarassing, here's this Baron completely lost, but hailarious, even for me.", says Olias. Olias says, "At least this time I was not afraid of the bear." Wolfyn chuckles. Chiefsgirl grins Kao remembers Galt....his mood was Who is Jon...Galt Olias says, "Yeah, Galt was great." Olias smiles. "Out of all those that have passed on to the great RL or other games....who do you miss the most...", says Cen. "I can't be that specific, Cen, but I'll tell you what I miss the most is the duchy we had in Trout, and later in Conch. All those people have moved on, and it was just a great little community which even later resulted in a great Fed Meet.", says Olias. Wolfyn agrees. Snocat raises a glass to Trout and Conch "That felt like a home. Not that Caddo doesn't, mind you, and there a great people there, but the fall of Conch was like the end of an era.", says Olias. "They are all very missed. though some are back now and then.", says Wolfyn. "are great I should say", says Olias. Naiad asks, "Olias...what exactly is it that makes you a scoundrel?" Olias has given Naiad a hot grope! "How's that for an answer.", says Olias. Naiad giggles! "Ohh..that was good!", exclaims Naiad. Olias grins. "His nerf hearding for example ;p", says Cen. Cen says, "That and his way with women ;p" Cen grumbles Wolfyn raises her eyebrows. "Who but a scoundrel would do something like that when his girlfriend is standing right here, particularly a girlfriend with teeth like that.", says Olias. Naiad laughs! Snocat thinks www...way with women Wolfyn knows it's all lies. Scoundrel lies. Olias chuckles. "How did you decide on the name for your planet, Olias?", asks Chiefsgirl. Olias says, "Well, I had a story in my mind, and the planet is really about a ship. That ship is named the Emancipation and is named for the theme of the story, which is a freedom fight from Ming. (Or Catty now. Whatever.)" "This question was asked me last week and I couldnt really answer it...but what kind of changes do you think fed could make to drum up interest?", asks Cen. "Well, I think it needs to grow some, maybe introduce some new ranks, goals, a better combat system.", says Olias. Snocat wants to know how you came to write for the Chronicle? "I think a better combat system would promote a settling of disagreements outside of comm whining.", says Olias. Chiefsgirl could get into blasting folks out of the sky that she disagreed with Olias says, "I think people get disgruntled when nothing changes or evolves, and just little enhancements now and then would send a message that Fed was constantly striving to be a better product." Olias says, "Well, once again, Sno, that goes back to Wolfyn. She said to me, "Hey, they are taking apps for newsdroids - you should sign up"..." "How long do you plan on staying with fed? I mean your not one of those with thoughts of retiring anytime soon are you?", asks Cen. "I said, "Me? Write? You must be joking.", says Olias. Naiad thinks you're a great writer.. "Though a series of compliments she was able to swell my head enough to write three articles and send them along to Hazed. I firmly believed that they would be rejected.", says Olias. Cen has thoughts of Olias talking with this deep ominous voice going on.. "I thank you, Naiad. I can't tell you how much the positive feedback means to me.", says Olias. Naiad smiles. "It really has been great writing for the chronicle. A lot of fun, and I am glad so many people like it.", smiles Olias. Olias says, "Deep ominous voice, eh? "Cen, I am your father!"" Olias breathes through his respirator. Snocat says, "i was disappointed there was nothing in there this week from you, O" Cen says, "I wont dignify that with the proper response ;p" Olias says, "I have been out of town and thisngs are hectic, Sno." Olias has given Cen a friendly tickle! Cen squirms Olias says, "I had about 75% of one done, but ran out of time." "Hazed takes a lot of abuse she doesn't deserve, and she really has a great sense of humor and is very nice, if people take a moment to put away all this outrage over everything.", says Olias. Snocat asks, "so, Olias, how has wolfyn's tragic teleporter accident affected your relationship?" "Well, she sprouted some extra body parts, and considering how much I like the existing ones, it can only be good.", says Olias. Olias waggles his eyebrows. Chiefsgirl laughs Cen doesnt want to know. Olias whispers the details to Cen anyway. Naiad peers closely at Wolfyn but can't see a thing..must be all that hair.. "She's really wonderful, except maybe for the fleas.", says Olias. Naiad jumps back.. Olias grins. Chiefsgirl passes around the flea powder "Any questions for Olias?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snocat asks, "and is it true that you had an encounter with an armadillo while on vacation?" Snocat peers closely at olias "Yes, saw one toady, in fact. She insists it was dead, considering how flat is was, but I think it was just resting.", says Olias. "and do you have an interesting roadkill recipe?", asks Kao. Olias says, "Sure. You just need a real good blender and a full spice rack." "Voila! Lunch.", says Olias. Snocat knows that armadillos are four legged too, just like tables "Lotsa Cayenne", says Kao. Naiad winks and says, "Yummy." Chiefsgirl giggles "Heck, what do you think the main indgredient of my Bantha Burgers is? You think I really use Bantha? Those things are expensive, you know!", exclaims Olias. Kao says, "harder to ill, too" Kao says, "kill" Olias says, "And real drag to clean." "Fur makes for a good rug though", says Kao. Naiad makes a note to throw out all the frozen Bantha patties in her freezer on Lilith. Snocat asks, "bantha as in john carter from mars?" Olias laughs. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any plans to become a duke Olias?" Olias says, "You know, the only thing that appeals to me about being a duke is cutting out the spying, which probably isn't done all that much anyway. No, not really. I am comfortable where I am in Caddo." Olias fills the pause with some quality yo-yo time. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any questions for Olias?" Naiad is mesmerized by the yo-yo.. Olias winks and says, "You are getting very sleepy. Well, you were probably doing that anyway listening to me." Naiad nods off. Olias places a weasel down Naiad's back. Naiad awakens with a start! Chiefsgirl laughs "It often surprises me how useful a good weasel can be.", says Olias. Naiad jumps and screams, "Get this thing off me!" Snocat thought she'd awaken with a weasel Olias points at Snocat. "He did it." Snocat ducks Naiad grabs the weasel and throws it at Snocat! "And I think the ACT command is the single greatest feature of Fed.", says Olias with a wink. Chiefsgirl grins and must agree Snocat smiles, "that's the truth" Naiad grumbles and sits back down. "Followed closely by BUY ROUND.", says Olias. Snocat snickers as naiad sits on the weasel "So, what keeps you around Olias?", asks Chiefsgirl. Naiad jumps again, "Something bit me!" Snocat smiles, "It was Olias" Naiad sits down after carefully removing the weasel.. "Well, for awhile it was nothing more than Wolfyn. Most of the people I was close to moved on. Then I started writing, and truly enjoy it.", says Olias. Chiefsgirl nods "and is there any reason you have to walk five miles to get to the ex on Emancipation?", asks Snocat. Olias laughs! Olias exclaims, "Yes. You all eat too much pizza and I am trying to keep you in shape!" Snocat grins "well, at least you have great prices", says Snocat. Naiad winks and says, "How thoughtful." Olias says, "Thanks, trying to promote trade in Caddo and Wolfyn likes nothing better than to thwart dumpers." "i trade in Caddo ...when i trade", says Snocat. Olias nods. Snocat smiles, "but between a certain po, and Cg..." "So does, anyone have any other questions or must I resort ot playing the tuba.", says Olias. Chiefsgirl would like to hear you play the tuba "We've never had a tuba performance at a Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Oh, you silly person. Very well, here goes. This is "When the Saints Go Marching In."", says Olias. Snocat searches frantically for his earplugs Naiad sticks cotton in her ears and listens with a fixed grin on her face. Olias blows into the tuba. BLAT BLAT FROMP BLAT, BLAT BLAT FROMP BLAT, BLAT BLAT BLAT BLAT FROMP BLAT BLAT BLAT... Snocat has heard Olias play Kao shrieks and runs from the room Chiefsgirl hopes her grimace resembles a smile Kao has just gone north. Olias says, "Barb really gets a kick out of that. That was inspired (or whatever) by mind-numbing boredom one day." Chiefsgirl applauds for Olias and his tuba Olias grins. Naiad sees people applaud and guesses it's over.. Naiad applauds and cheers! "Any other questions for Olias?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I'd like to thank everyone for coming.", says Olias. Olias says, "It meant a lot to me to have so many people show up. Thank you." "Was fun", smiles Aylisa. "I'd like to thank you all for coming", says Chiefsgirl. "And thanks to Olias for being our guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Snocat cheers for olias and the weasel Olias smiles, "And thank you, CG, for having me." "It was great fun Olias", smiles Chiefsgirl. Naiad exclaims, "Yes, it was!" Olias has given Chiefsgirl a nice hug! Olias waves. |