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Rasal pulls out his cards with the heckle material for Rasal, "Bring on this guest." Chiefsgirl laughs Roasted NasalHog Beast? Jackal has just arrived. Jackal sniffs at Rasal Rasal says, "Ack, darn crotch sniffers." Macnbc asks, "Say Chiefs.. I never figured it out.. how are people selected for meet and greets anyway?" "I ask them to be a guest", Chiefsgirl says. Qaxlor winks and says, "Short straw?" Chiefsgirl says, "And sometimes they ask me" Chiefsgirl says, "Macnbc you'd be a great guest" Chiefsgirl doesn't have her schedule with her tonight, but she'll be in touch Macnbc winks and says, "I get that a lot from Jerry Springer Chief" Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's MEet & Greet" "I hope you will all bear with me... I'm using telnet to get in tonight and it's slow going", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl sighs Jackal sniffs and wanders when the roast rasal is served. "Our guest tonight is Rasal", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl says, "He'll answer questions and tell us all about himself" Chiefsgirl says, "please allow him the opportunity to respond to your questions" Macnbc says, "(He will be served with mashed potatoes and chocolate pudding afterwards.)" Jackal drools. "Without further ado, here's Rasal", Chiefsgirl says. Chiefsgirl applaunds wildly Macnbc cues the canned applause. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool "Hooboy, and away we go.", says Rasal. Evileric claps happily. Wolfyn cues the hecklers. "So Rasal, tell us a bit about why everyone was so excited that you were tonight's guest", Chiefsgirl says. "Everyone was excited?", smiles Rasal. "I heard it was a roast.", says Jackal with a frown. Macnbc hides the meg that Rasal gave him to show up. "Well, like most everyone else my story starts back on AOL around '97 I believe it was.", says Rasal. Wolfyn frowns and says, "And I thought you were over 21." "ooo... same as me", Chiefsgirl says. Macnbc watches the room turn all wavy and everyone's hair styles suddenly look older "At the time I was horribly addicted to this other game, and when AOL started charging for it, I started looking into some of the other areas and sort of stumbled into Fed.", says Rasal. Evileric raises his hand. "the bathroom is down the hall on the right, Evil", says Djkat. Evileric glares at Djkat. Rasal draws quickly and fires, hitting the hand target on Eric. Macnbc cheers! Djkat grins ....... just trying to be helpful "Back then I went by the most horrendous name of Chuck8607, which I'm sure a grand total of 0 people will remember.", smiles Rasal. Evileric chuckles at Chuck. Wolfyn says, "No animals remember either." Wolfyn coughs. Rasal has given Wolfyn a tender tickle! Wolfyn pats NasalHog on the shoulder. Go on, go on... Rasal says, "I think, if I remember correctly, this was about 2-3 weeks before Fed made the move to the web, and in that time I managed to not only get myself to Trader, I actually got Fed married." "Ohhh, who to?", asks Wolfyn. Rasal coughs, "Erm, I don't remember to who." Evileric exclaims, "dear lord!" Von says, "Un oh" Wolfyn grumbles. Rasal winks and says, "That should give you an idea as to how great the 'marriage' was." Wolfyn says, "One of the great love stories of all time, no doubt." Djkat whispers .... that is why you need to get the ring engraved . on the inside Evileric applauds that love story! "Hmm, rings might have been a good idea too.", smiles Rasal. Catspaws says, "I guarantee it wasn't me" "Actually, let me backtrack a minute. I made it to Merchie.", says Rasal. Rasal remembers having facs and no idea what to do with them. Wolfyn says, "Like your wife, eh." Evileric frowns and says, "oooh" Macnbc snickers "Did you make the move to the web right away along with Fed?", Chiefsgirl asks. Macnbc holds up Rasal's cue cards. Evileric has a question, too! "Nope. Since I didn't really have a clue what to do in the game besides haul and that my AOL bills were killing me anyway I sort of just faded out.", says Rasal "Ask away, Eric.", smiles Rasal. "He still didn't get the wife bit yet.", says Wolfyn. "what game was it you played on AOL? and do you wish you were playing that right now instead of fed?", asks Evileric. Von chuckles, "I wonder why?" Macnbc bets it was Slingo "It was Multi-Player BattleTech, and no.", says Rasal. Evileric glares at Wolfyn, "less abuse" "So when did you come back?", asks Wolfyn. Wolfyn pokes Evileric. Evileric says, "he he..." Rasal says, "Well, last December I got this mysterious email saying that Fed was being offered free for 2 weeks." "And that sparked this vague memory of a Fed wife I had, so of course I had to see if she was still around.", says Rasal with a wink. "So you've only been around a year?", Chiefsgirl asks. Rasal nods at CG. Chiefsgirl wonders how you can check that if you can't remember the wife's name "Heheh, that would explain why I didn't really check.", smiles Rasal. Chiefsgirl giggles Wolfyn asks, "And then?" "So, how did you pick the name Rasal?", Chiefsgirl asks. "Why not come back as Chuck?", Chiefsgirl asks. Evileric chuckles. Rasal smiles, "Ooo, good question." Wolfyn waits to see if he spells it correctly. "Chuck?", asks Von. Rasal smiles, "Heheh, all in good time Wolfyn." Rasal says, "When I came back last December, I had actually picked the name I had used all those years in BT, which was Oberon." Rasal says, "Suffice to say, I was much confused with another chap who had used the same name previously." Djkat asks, "Oberon Kanobi?" Evileric knows that name! Wolfyn remembers that. Chiefsgirl wonders why Oberon seems to be familiar to her Djkat grins "Hmm, never heard that one before Dj.", says Rasal with a wink. Rasal says, "And at that time, I met a few players who were rather helpful in helping me understand the information I gleaned from the Newbod guides." "Like who?", Chiefsgirl asks. Rasal smiles, "Namely, Annavia the Duchess of Zaphire which is sadly no more. Oh, and Wolfyn too." Chiefsgirl loves hearing names named Wolfyn hruumphs. An addon. "Annavia was the one who really took me under her wing and invited me to hang out in her duchy while I worked my way up the ranks.", says Rasal. Chiefsgirl nods Rasal says, "Consequently, when I took that PO step I moved the planet into Zaphire." "And I quite enjoyed that duchy until that day I decided to let an FO have arts facs on my planet.", says Rasal. Wolfyn chuckles. Chiefsgirl asks, "What happened then?" Penterkar chuckles Djkat asks, "Not an Art lover, Rascal?" "Heheh, I did the help him out thing. Set the sp's up, and the markups so he'd have a killer price. And he comes along and sells about 8k tons of arts to my exchange.", says Rasal. Rasal winks and says, "Guess he made more that way than with the facs." Chiefsgirl says, "oh boy" Wolfyn says, "Oh my." Djkat says, "this FO obviously didnt understand the need to make money in the company" "Heheh. Anyhow, after watching my tb go down the drain suddenly, and trying to explain what happened to Annavia but her disbelief that an FO would dump on his own facs like that, I got frustrated.", says Rasal. Chiefsgirl nods Rasal says, "Plus, there was an awful lot of confusion over my name at the time. So, I decided I'd scrap that planet, dd myself and start anew. Thus was born Rasalhauge." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Ah!" Wolfyn says, "Pronounced? hehe" Rasal winks and says, "Pronounced, Nasalhog to a select few." Wolfyn grins. "I think i'm gonna call him that now..", says Macnbc. Rasal says, "So, there I was working my way up the ranks again with Annavia once again lending a guiding hand." "This time with a unique name impossible to spell!", exclaims Wolfyn. "Did you remember to give the hand back when you were done with it?", asks Macnbc. "And at Squire, I found myself in Zaphire again where things went much much better. And around that time, for some reason I started spending ungodly amounts of time in the Cantina on Earth.", says Rasal. "No way Mac, that hand was mine to keep.", says Rasal with a wink. Evileric cheers for the Cantina. Chiefsgirl wonders what you did in the Cantina "And that was where I really started to get to know Wolfyn and Olias.", smiles Rasal. Wolfyn exclaims, "He did nothing there but hold up the bar, I think!" Chiefsgirl laughs "Mostly, I just sat around chatting with with Wolfyn and Olias and once, got accosted by a horde of Checkmate Vixens.", says Rasal. "aw man! wish i was there...", says Evileric with a wink. "No no no, Eric. The gang of CM Vixens back then where dangerous.", says Rasal. "It was a brutal attack, and I'm lucky I managed to survive with my trousers intact!", exclaims Rasal. Djkat chuckles Evileric chuckles at trousers. "And here I was hoping to hear you'd finally gotten your education.", says Wolfyn with a frown. "Aye. Those were brutal folks. Now I end up with one for a duchess. Go figure.", says Macnbc. "that must have been before the rash of Boxer Attacks, Rasal", says Djkat. Rasal nods at Mac. Rasal says, "And that was how I met several of the um, wonderful folks in CM." Chiefsgirl smiles "It was right around that time, that things started to go sour in Zaphire for some reason.", says Rasal. Macnbc asks, "Left out of the fridge too long?" "No hot water?", asks Wolfyn. Evileric asks, "gave away too much money?" Rasal says, "Heh, I'm still not sure really. Things just for some reason were no longer fun in the duchy." Evileric makes a sour look at generousity. Rasal shrugs, "Guess the other guy PO's didn't take kindly to the fact I had a crush on the Duchess like they did or something." Rasal says, "And so, I was sort of looking around for another duchy and evidently I was noticed by Gaminglady. Something about intelligent sounding remarks on 9 or something." "must have been a fluke", says Evileric. Wolfyn says, "Probably mistaken." Chiefsgirl thought you were going to say you joined Checkmate Macnbc says, "Probably thought you were ZRasputin" Rasal says, "Or, it might have had something more to do with the fact that I was um, catting around with one of the Lotus FO's at the time." Jackal sniffs and grins. "Me?" Rasal has given Jackal a passionate tickle! Rasal says, "So, I was hanging out on Lotus with this particular FO and GL shows up to say hi. Next thing I know, she's looking over my digests." Chiefsgirl smiles Macnbc says, "Reminds me of that night with the prostitute I had.." "Sounds just like it in fact/", says Macnbc. Djkat blinks Evileric says, "anything having to do with a prostitute and digests, i don't want to know" "Move these production points here, and do this and do that and voila, she suddenly turns my planet into a groat making machine. And well, that was it....I was Lorien bound.", says Rasal. Von shakes her head. Rasal notes that at that time, Wolfyn neglected to invite me into Caddo. ;) Wolfyn says, "Of course." "Not.", says Wolfyn. "I was waiting until you got really desperate.", says Wolfyn with a wink. "i'm waiting for that from a girl...", says Evileric with a frown. Rasal says, "So there I was, in the great duchy of Lorien. Planet was doing great, relationships so-so." "Eventually, things got so cumbersome with Rasalhauge. Too many problems with ladies, and this and that and everything that the only way I could see to escape was that dreaded dd again.", says Rasal. Chiefsgirl shakes her head Wolfyn winks and says, "He came back as only half his former self." Rasal chuckles. Evileric considers changing his name to Rasalhauge. Djkat grins Rasal winks and says, "Oh yes, and all that complaints about my unwieldly name." "But by that time everyone had learned to spell it.", says Wolfyn with a frown. Rasal grins. "That or gave up trying to spell it", says Penterkar with a wink. Rasal says, "So, yes I dd'ed yet a second time. Actually stayed away for a month or so but I missed all the friends I had made." "what was your planet called when you were Rasalhauge?", asks Ddking. "Kadath.", says Rasal. "god bless you...", says Evileric. "So after that month absence Rasal was born.", says Rasal. "Working through the ranks again, ugh.", says Rasal. Evileric says, "oh? third person now? Eric digs." Rasal says, "Except, this time around everything has been fantastic." Chiefsgirl smiles "And how did you end up in the duchy of Cado?", Chiefsgirl asks. "pardo me... Caddo", Chiefsgirl says. "He bribed me with a d.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Chiefsgirl grumbles about her telnet Chiefsgirl laughs Penterkar winks and says, "He snuck in while no one was looking" Rasal says, "Ah Galadriel, the Duchess of Lorien wasn't going to be around as much anymore. So, a few of us PO's took up residence elsewhere." Chiefsgirl looks around at the audience Jackal frowns and says, "Some." "Any questions for Rasal?", Chiefsgirl asks. Wolfyn says, "I have a message." Evileric raises his hand. Jackal wants to know when the meet and eat starts. "meat and eat?", asks Djkat. "eeeek! did I advertise it as eat?", Chiefsgirl asks. Macnbc says, "We have to wait for the chef to get here Jackal." Jackal asks, "Roast RasalHog?" "yes Eric?", Chiefsgirl asks. "how do you get the ladies, Ras?", says Evileric with a wink. Rasal laughs. "from a catalog", says Macnbc. "heh...", smiles Evileric. Evileric needs that catalog! "Oh hell if I know Eric. I just be myself I guess.", says Rasal. "It's been mentioned that I can actually hold a conversation and that helps I guess.", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn says, "I thought you made everyone your alt and just took them over." "With others?", asks Penterkar. "do long pauses constitute a conversation?", asks Evileric. Rasal makes note to close down his Wolfyn alt. Wolfyn says, "It really does hurt to have to tell you this, Rasal, but I promised to deliver this message to you tonight." Rasal looks at Wolfyn.. Wolfyn says, "Fudge said to tell you.... that he likes you..." Wolfyn chokes. "alot" Wolfyn twitches. Chiefsgirl wonders who Fudge is "he?", asks Evileric. Penterkar chuckles Rasal says, "Oh lord, heheh." Wolfyn washes out her mouth. Pouncer chokes on her laughter Rasal wedges a space between a and lot. "He made me say it that way!", exclaims Wolfyn. Rasal winks and says, "Fudge is another Caddo PO." "that's enough grammatizing for you!", exclaims Evileric. "no more ladies for Rasal", says Ddking with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you currently romantically attached Rasal?" "And he and Cptmartin apologize for not being able to attend.", smiles Wolfyn. "Aye CG, I'm totally and helplessy devoted to Neecerie.", smiles Rasal. "oh?! same here!", exclaims Evileric. Wolfyn exclaims, "And a lucky guy you are, Rasal!" Chiefsgirl smiles at the mention of one of her sweet sisters "do you ever plan to become a duke?", asks Ddking. Chiefsgirl asks, "And does Neece feel the stame about you?" Chiefsgirl asks, "errr same?" Rasal smiles, "I would hope she does." Chiefsgirl kicks telnet Evileric sulks, "nope" Chiefsgirl smiles "And do you ever plan to be a duke?", Chiefsgirl asks. "I've considered going Duke, but frankly I don't see any reason to do it anytime soon.", says Rasal. Rasal says, "I mean, I do well enough running Hauge, but I don't think I'd make that good a Duke." Chiefsgirl smiles "How about duchesse then?", asks Penterkar. Penterkar grins "i'll take one!", exclaims Evileric. "Hmm, now Duchess....", says Rasal with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone else have any questions for Rasal?" Chiefsgirl looks around Catspaws raises a paw Wolfyn exclaims, "How do you get from link to orbit in The Dark!" "we love you too", says Evileric. Djkat says, "that was quite a story Rasal .. thank you for sharing" "Am I still your favorite alt, Rascal?", smiles Catspaws. "Map it Wolfyn.", says Rasal with a wink. Evileric glares at Rasal. "Of course, Cats.", smiles Rasal. Wolfyn grumbles and steps on Cats tail. Catspaws purrs happily, sticking her tongue out at Wolfie Wolfyn has given Catspaws a passionate tickle! Rasal winks and says, "Well, if you were still my alt that is. I thought I freed all of you." Catspaws holds up a sign: HECK NO WE WON'T GO! Wolfyn laughs. Chiefsgirl giggles Catspaws smiles, "Quick, someone demand a recount now" "I guess I'll never live that down now.", smiles Rasal. Djkat asks, "Cats ... got a constipation problem?" Catspaws thwaps Dj over the head with her sign Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd for any final comments Jackal frowns and says, "No roast Rasalhog?" Evileric smiles, "rasal backwards is lasar..." "I'd like to take this moment and thank you all for listening to me ramble on this evening.", smiles Rasal. Chiefsgirl smiles "You're welcome Rasal, we'd only do it for you", says Pouncer with a wink. Evileric cheers for us! Chiefsgirl says, "And I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight" Rasal grins. Jackal sniffs at Rasal and wanders off in search of roadkill. Chiefsgirl says, "Meet & Greet is taking a holiday break and will return the first sunday in January" Rasal smiles, "And a thank you to CG for inviting me to be the guest." Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Rasal.... it was great fun getting to know you" "Who's on the schedule next, CG?", asks Wolfyn. "Next will be Penterkar", Chiefsgirl says. Penterkar ducks out a side entrance Chiefsgirl says, "The first sunday in January" "Thank goodness I didn't have to recount that time on Rigel 12 when I was cornered by the six-armed she-Farthfragnath in the bar.", says Rasal. |