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"Hey CG2", says Witchdoctor with a wink. "hiya", smiles Chiefsgirl. Witchdoctor winks and says, "lol..I want Cgee to say Hi too, without your lips moving" Chiefsgirl giggles Cgee asks, "how's it hanging Doc?" Cgee continues to set up the video equipment Chiefsgirl glares at Cgee and reminds her that she's here to work not socialize Mets are rocking! :) Rere has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Rere exclaims, "whew... i made it!" Rere is very nervous Myangel whispers to 'the great' you'll be marvelous :) Mynewday hands Rere one of her infomous Pina coladas for the nerves Sholuvr has given Penterkar a sloppy hug! Rere flops on to the couch Witchdoctor winks and says, "Chi, I see Rere gave you a leave a absence from your post as duchy guard" Iolair hands Rere a mocha with quadruple whippy Rere sips thanking My :) Mynewday says, "you will be Awesome most wonderful duchess" Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Our guest tonight is Rere, Duchess of Carnival" Chiefsgirl says, "She'll tell us a bit about herself and answer any questions you may have" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and claps for Rere "First, thank you all for coming", smiles Rere. "I started playing fed 97, dragged in kicking and screaming by my then friend Chigins", smiles Rere. "Just try it, he told me", smiles Rere. Rere says, "The directed me to speak with someone who was very special in my growing up fed years, Artopia" "She not only bought me my first ship, but she helped explain just about everything to me", says Rere. Iolair sniffles at the thought of her Duchess Rere misses her a great deal Iolair nods and hugs Rere Rere says, "From there, I wandered about and met up with another dear friend, Panth" "He taught me more and became part of my fed family...he made me a Pygmie pricess and we often carried on on Lair, which ironicly is now in my duchy", says Rere. Rere whispers that that's where the whippy started Witchdoctor flinches at the mere mention of THAT word Myangel ahhh's Rere pats the blaster and grins at Doc Mynewday wishes she had some now Skiierdost wonders where that whippy shield is that he ordered.. Rere tosses My over a blaster Mynewday says, "aahhhh thanks Rere...." "Anyway, I had two sisters there, DDC2 and Mikyria, two more people I miss very much here", says Rere. Rere says, "We all stayed in Leo until fed moved to the web....then the three of them quit and I was lucky enough to find myself another wonderful home" "I met Mynewday then and she helped me with my then new planet, Destiny, Oz became both mine and Chigins home", smiles Rere. Rere says, "When fed went hourly tho, we decided to fade out quietly" Rere says, "One day, Chigins got an email from Hazed saying the fed was back to unlimited, sometime around January and he decided to return" Rere says, "Chigins was enticed to a duchy by a JP named Davidp and off we went" Rere says, "When he returned, I had no intention of returning myself, I was just going to help him play his character" Rere winks and says, "Then Duke Ryno caught wind that there were two of us" Rere winks and says, "He nearly drove Chi crazy till he got our computers networked so we could both play and Rere was reborn" Rere says, "It was there that the whippy antics began again and I found my new fed family" Chigins thinks it is a good thing he didn't have my home phone # Rere frowns and says, "I worked my way up the ranks and then the devasting news that Ryno was leaving hit us all" Rere raises a shot of tequilla to her Duke's memory Chigins toasts and slams a shot Mynewday holds out the salt and lime Rasal raises the bbq sauce....."Whoops, the roast already happened" Rere licks, slams and sucks with fine vixen style "With a bit of nudging from some friends and family, I decided to go off on my own, and the Duchy of Carnival was born", smiles Rere. Rasal mutters about another Vixen Duchess, as if there weren't enough already. :) "Two days before I became duchess, my friend Panth returned", says Rere. "Quite ironic if you ask me", says Rere. Rere toys with the trigger of the blaster in Rasal's direction "Shoot him", smiles Witchdoctor. Rere winks and says, "I'm trying to behave" Rere flutter he oh so innocent vixen lashes Rere smiles, "Oh yes, and in between that time, Chigins and I became RL" Mynewday hoots and hollers and dances merrily in glee for the two Witchdoctor reaches into his leather pouch and tosses rice on the happy couple - better late then never Chiefsgirl smiles "We lived coast to coast, and our time in fed was pretty precious", smiles Rere. Chigins smiles Rere has given Chigins a hot kiss! Chigins has given Rere a friendly kiss! Aylisa awwwwws Mynewday nudges Chi and says you're very lucky Chigins remembers the nights on Art in the meadow Rere blushes "I know I am", smiles Chigins. Rere winks and says, "In January 98, Chi moved to the East coast, where we are living happily ever after" Chigins smiles, "Best move I ever made on a girl" Rere whispers that she's pretty lucky too Rere chuckles Chigins says, "Now don't start that I am the lucky one Hon'" Rere just shakes her head Chiefsgirl thinks we'll all agree that you are both very lucky Mynewday applauds Chiefsgirl's wisdom Rere smiles at CG :) Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any questions for Rere so far?" "But CG, I was getting my sugar fix my listening", says Witchdoctor with a wink. Witchdoctor ducks " Just kidding" Mynewday wants to know how Rere transported the Fountain off of Art to Carnival....she can think of few pieces in the universe she would like to have "Rere, how did you happen upon that name that causes so much confusion?", asks Aylisa. Rere says, "Boy, who would have thought... My real name is Marie...my neices and nephews call me Ree-ree, it's a nickname" "I should have put in those second two E's that's for sure", says Rere with a wink. Witchdoctor asks, "Why ? this spelling made you a butt of a few jokes ?" Mynewday chuckles and thinks it was a freudian misspelling Rere says, "My first name was reree52691, when you had to include those pesky numbers" Rere twapps Doc "I just wanted a simple to type name", says Rere with a wink. Witchdoctor chuckles and taps his forcefield with a grin. Doc is a regualy boy scout ! Chigins smiles remembering how happy he was to see that name on his buddy list Witchdoctor winks and says, "je just can't type" Mynewday threatens witchie with the munchkins Rere snaps her fingers, watches the forcefield disappear and the whippy bomb splat the slightly insane Doc Mynewday is still wondering about the feat of transportation Witchdoctor grins and shakes his head with pride at the new protection he bought at the mars tux shop :> "Oh I'm sorry My, I missed the question... When Art was leaving, I asked her if she wanted me to keep any special part of her planet", says Rere. "So with the help of a few hundred wt's, we brought it over to Carnival", smiles Rere. Chigins says, "the coordination with Slarti's was some feat. They don't know what customer service is let me tell ya'" "The ones that get paid with whippy cream?", asks Aylisa. "A piece of Art and Artopia will always be with me", says Rere. Mynewday wonders how many wt's expired in that feat Rere pays all her wt's well in whippy perks "Rere, now that your a duchess, what are your plans for yourself and your duchy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Rere says, "I'm enjoying building my duchy, getting new planets and new friends along the way, I'd like to continue that" Aylisa asks, "As always..my favorite meet and greet question....What was your favorite fed moment..and what was your least favorite fed moment?" Penterkar winks and says, "...and what was your most embarassing Fed moment" Rere says, "My most favorite moment was our fed wedding, April 8, 2000" Rere has given Chigins a nice kiss! Chigins has given Rere a sloppy kiss! Chigins blushes "My least favorite would have to be that moment when Art and Ryno disappeared, I was sadded for a long time over that", says Rere. "My most embarassing...Oh lord... That would have to be a tatoo removal I helped a friend with", says Rere with a wink. "I was set up big time for that one thanks to my sister here", says Rere. Chigins doesn't want to know Rere pokes Aylisa Aylisa smiles sweetly. Rere thinks enough is said on that moment ;) "Pen asked the most embarassing one..not me", says Aylisa. "Lucky for you sister", says Rere with a wink. "and what are you most proud of in Fed?", asks Mynewday. "Was just finishing yer thought there, Lisa", says Penterkar with a wink. Aylisa slips some groats to Penterkar. Penterkar quickly pockets them before anyone sees "I'm most proud of the friendships I've got here, the people are what keeps me here", says Rere. Rere hugs everyone again Chiefsgirl asks, "Could you give us an outline of your family tree, Rere?" Chiefsgirl is always interested in family ties Aylisa waves a "We Wuv Rere" sign. Rere says, "My vixen sisters are Aylisa, Keshrika, Iolair, Gaminglady, Galadriel and Ladyspar" Chigins tells pen to check the fine print on those groats "only good in Essencia bar" "I have but one brother, Sargon, but recently I found out that he was Myangel's grandpa, so that makes me Myangel's Great Aunt", says Rere. Myangel waves her ReRe the Great sign she's holding. Chigins had no idea he was a great uncle.. Chiefsgirl knows Myangel is related to practically everyone in some way "Panth...hmmmm...he's just family...I supposed he's a brother as well", smiles Rere. Wrkincaid feels MUCH younger now Myangel grins at chigins ;) Chigins almost faints at the thought "You are out of the loop Chi", says Skiierdost with a wink. Aylisa reminds Chigins that Christmas is right around the corner and he has to lick all those stamps for the Christmas cards. Rere exclaims, "Oh yes and Jelly is my neice!" "Ladyspar is as well, but she's my vixen sister too, so that's just way too confusing hehe", says Rere. Rasal smiles, "The Scoundrels are getting mighty outnumbered these days." "Any other questions for Rere?", asks Chiefsgirl. Witchdoctor raises his hand with a scoundrelly grin. Rere looks over at Doc Witchdoctor says, "Rere, with the crashes, bursts of lag, broken code and also the puntotis disease taking more victims, theories of the cause are running wild. The most popular being that the use of VAST amount of whippie cream used by Vixens are gumming up the works." Mynewday puts witchies hand down "How do you respond ?", smiles Witchdoctor. Skiierdost stifles a laugh.. "Pfft... Whippy cream is environmental tested and would never cause such problems", says Rere. Myangel says, "just don't feed it to bert." Aylisa asks, "There seems to be a lot of talk about trading or the fact of no trading should be done...as a duchesse do you have any strong stances to this?" Witchdoctor nods and things the Ford president said much the same thing a few months back :> Rere says, "I do Aylisa... I feel that trading is part of the game, but I feel that traders should abide by duke/duchess wishes" "I ask anyone hauling in Carnival to bring 3-5k and no leisure to the volitle Agri planets", says Rere. Kao has a question Rere says, "With that in mind, anyone is welcome to trade in Carnival" Kao asks, "Have you ever invoked the banning rule? If so, on whom and why. If not, what is your criteria for using it?" Rere says, "I had to use the banning rule once so far" Kao asks, "under what circumstances?" Rere says, "I had someone macro hauling for 6 hours, skimming/dumping whatever you call it for two day" "With no response to tb's and no one to consult about this action", says Rere. Rere says, "My agri's were taking a beating, so I had no other choice" Kao asks, "do you hold your POs to the same standards when they haul out as you do to folks who haul in?" Rere says, "I try every other way to avoid it... I'd much rather talk it out" "Of course", says Rere. "So you check on them to make sure they haul 3-5k to other duchies?", asks Kao. Rere says, "As often as humanly possible" "Most of my po's haul within the duchy or to sol", says Rere. Kao asks, "And you check their cargo to ensure they don't haul leisure to agris?" "Well I can't watch them every second, but I believe they know my rules and would not do anything along those lines", says Rere. Rere says, "I've never had any complaints of my Po's doing such" Kao asks, "so you would expel or ban one of your POs who hauled leis to some other duchy's agri planet?" Rere says, "I would certainly hope it's brought to my attention" "I would have to talk to the po first and if it was a rule of that duchy", says Rere. Witchdoctor ponder when this turned into the spanish inquisition Skiierdost would like to know where this is going. Rere asks, "Do you know of this situration Kao?" Rere says, "situation even" Kao says, "just curious as to how dukes and duchesses handle things" "I pretty much tell them up front what I expect, and I would hope they'd have the common sense to follow my rules elsewhere", says Rere. "As a member of Wings as well, it's pretty much standard", says Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "very interesting" "I'd treat my po's in that situation as I'd treat anyone else... Discuss the situation first", says Rere. Mynewday asks, "what qualities do you look for in a po for your duchy?" "I have never had a problem with any of the Carnies, they seem to trade fairly", says Witchdoctor. Rere smiles, "Creative, hard working, fun" Chigins asks, "Did you have any idea what you were getting yourself into when you became a Duchess ?" Rere says, "Someone who comes into the game for the fun of playing" Chigins would never ever do the Duke Puzz "Yes I certainly did... With Aylisa recently making duchess, and helping out a lot in Checkmate in Ryno's absence, I was aware of what it entailed", says Rere. Chigins touches his porter control. "This is all i wanted" Aylisa asks, "Rere, you totally worked your exchange to the max as a PO and seemed to enjoy that aspect...as a duchess are you missing doing that digest agri?" Rere says, "I held the rank of Ambassador of Checkmate, that helped a lot" "I loved having an exchange and building, I do miss it sometimes, but now my focus is on helping others, I enjoy that as well", says Rere. Chigins smiles, "And she still has my ex" "Yes, I get to toy around with Chi's ex from time to time too", says Rere. Chiefsgirl looks around, "Any other questions for Rere?" Rere buys a round of Pina Colada's with a cute little umbrella, some whippy and a cherry on top! Brenda says, "ok, i've got one for you Rere" "Rere, what made you decide to join Wings as apoossed to other groups ?", asks Witchdoctor. Witchdoctor winks and says, "opposed even" Mynewday wonders what Wings is....been too long for her "Wings is a wonderful group of people...who's only agenda is making fed more fun", smiles Rere. Rere smiles, "That's what I wanted for my duchy" Witchdoctor nods Rere looks to Bren "if you can change one thing in Fed, what would you change?", asks Brenda. Skiierdost asks, "Rere, you seem to have a full duchy, despite the overflow of dukes/duchesses... how do you attract your PO's?" "Hmmmm...guess the advertising...I'd like more newbies", says Rere with a wink. Quqi smiles, "prolly try to change me from a cookie to a human, Bren" Brenda smiles, "works for me Rere" Rere winks and says, "With all it's quirks, there's nothing quite like Fed" Rere says, "I attract my Po's by talking to people mainly...some are overflow from my sister Aylisa's duchy" Rere says, "I just help people and then ask them if they'd like a home" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Rere?" "Who's your bestest buddy???", asks Iolair. Iolair snickers.. just kidding "My bestest buddy in all of fed is Iolair", smiles Rere. "Thank you all for coming", says Rere. Rere says, "Come by and visit Carnival anytime, whippy factory and all, I have some fun rides there too" "and besides the whippy what's your most favorite thing?", asks Iolair. "that'd have to be Chi", says Rere with a wink. "non player thing..lol", says Iolair. "I'm enjoying puzzling lately", says Rere. Myangel grins.. i thought it was bert! Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Rere for being our guest tonight and thank you all for coming" "Bert, by the way is my answering machine hehe", says Rere. IChiefsgirl says, "I hope you'll join me next week when my guest will be Aylisa at 11 pm eastern" Aylisa smiles, "Kudos to Rere for the best answering machine messages" "ewww 11 eastern?", says Skiierdost with a frown. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Rere "Is that past your bedtime Skiier?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I'll be tired next monday morning", says Skiierdost with a wink. Chiefsgirl smiles, "If anyone is interested in being a future guest, please let me know" Rere winks and says, "Best thing about tonight is it got Chi in here CG" Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Well then... maybe we should have you here every week Rere" |