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Ferreri forgets who tonights guest is "Ryno", says Chiefsgirl. "Oh, this should be fun", smiles Ferreri. His duchy givin him gray hair, Duke Ryno has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. CG's Latest Victim, Scoundrel Duke Ryno has just vanished. CG's Latest Victim, Scoundrel Duke Ryno has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chiefsgirl has given Ryno a tender tickle! Ryno looks around nervously "Jeesh... I feel like the main attraction at a hanging!", exclaims Ryno. Amethyst quickly hides the rope Rere tucks away the duct tape Ryno glares at Rere "roast, yes, hanging, maybe.", says Pajamian. Rere sits down next to Chi Ryno exclaims, "Hmmm... Roast Duck... er... Roast Duke... Served often in Checkmate!" Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, smiling at the audience "I'd like to welcome you all to the Meet and Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno coughs nervously "My guest tonight is the gracious and wonderful Duke Ryno of Checkmate", says Chiefsgirl. Rere cheers for her wonderful Duke Ferreri claps "He'll tell us a bit about himself and field questions from the audience", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno asks, "Tell on myself? How smart would that be?" "Please allow Ryno the chance to answer your questions before bombarding him with more", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl has given Ryno a friendly tickle! Chiefsgirl exclaims, "So, without further ado, let's welcome Ryno!" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops on her barstool Ryno waits for more applause... Ryno grins Kao throws peanuts at Ryno "Ok.... um... is there anything you really WANT to know about me?", asks Ryno. Chiefsgirl waves her pom poms Ryno dodges the peanuts "I want to know everything", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "first you tell us your history....start talkin'", says Kao with a wink. Ryno laughs, "I don't think so CG!" Chiefsgirl smiles, "oh come on Ryno" Ryno says, "Ok... Uh... I started out as a groundhog" "We're all friends here", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno says, "And now I'm a Duke..." Kao throws more peanuts Ryno says, "I started once long ago in P4P aohell" Ferreri whispers "I think he left something out" "and a miracle happened between", says Amethyst. Aiki asks, "do you know how it happened?" "But never made it past Advent...", says Ryno. "I had a barstool problem...", says Ryno. Ryno winks and says, "Couldn't get my arse off of it" Pajamian wonders what clued Ferreri in on that fact. Kao spins on her barstool "Came back in Free Aohell and have been here ever since", says Ryno. Ryno says, "Hmmm..." "I've been married 4 times", says Ryno. Chiefsgirl asks, "Four!?" Kao says, "4??? to whom? do tell" Aiki says, "wow and he is so shy" Chiefsgirl wonders where she fit into that "Ok... first time was when I was still DiploRick...", says Ryno. "I was part of a guild...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "Susan was one of our leaders... I"m sure many of you remember her..." "A guild too?", Chiefsgirl asks. Ryno nods,, "Yess a guild... it's a sad part of my history." ;) "Well, I met Viki7705 and helped her promote a little...", says Ryno. "We spent time together and <poof> next thing you know... I'm a married man!", exclaims Ryno. Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl asks, "It was that easy, eh?" "funny how that works", smiles Kao. Ferreri laughs "Then I turn around and she's several ranks ahead of me...", says Ryno. "I didn't pass her until I became a Duke", says Ryno. Aiki says, "must of been the Rum" "Now finally I can spy her!", says Ryno with a wink. Rere giggles "it is hard for a man to keep up with a woman, even in Fed", says Ferreri with a wink. Ryno says, "Anyway... she's the only wife I've been divorced from" Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you find spying a big perk of the rank?" "We're friends again... although it took a while", says Ryno. Ryno exclaims, "Spy? I never spy!" Ryno looks Ducally innocent Singapore blinks, and hands Ferreri a book entitled: "How to keep up with your Fed Wife." written by I.M. Weasel. ;) "oh, hmmm", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl thinks she just heard Ryno say he spies Macnbc winks and says, "He's also doesn't have a porter, and really isn't the Duke of Checkmate." "No... I think I said I CAN spy her...", says Ryno. Singapore displays a contract indicating that Ryno hired him to spy... Ryno exclaims, "Sing! Put that away!" Rere is shocked Ryno mutters Singapore hurriedly hides the document.... Chiefsgirl laughs Ryno says, "Anyway..." Sniperspy grins Ryno says, "I was never going to marry again..." Chiefsgirl thinks that's what they all say Ryno wonders how many others say the same stupid thing... Ryno winks and says, "Then I had this FO..." "Kazi...", says Ryno. Ryno smiles "awww....kazi", says Kao. Chiefsgirl smiles "She was really quite wonderful...", says Ryno. "I'm not one to compare times... but that was a very good time in fed for me", says Ryno. "To Kazi, here here", says Pajamian. "I kinda took a fed leave of absence for a while... still here but not on much... and then she died...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "But her spirit lives on... I can't tell you how it makes me feel to see rememberances of her all over fed" Kao still has a memorial "I've never really been able to thank people for that... but I'll do that now...", says Ryno. Chiefsgirl asks, "After something like that Ryno, how did you find the desire to return and be active again?" Ryno says, "Well... actually it was my friends in Fed who helped me get my rather tumultuous emotions in control" "I got support here... and that's what I needed", says Ryno. "And then of course... I met Willianna", says Ryno with a wink. Rere thinks that's what friends are for Kao remembers Willi....great lady "Nothing like a woman to help you move on", says Ryno with a wink. "We had a very wonderful if short time in fed...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "Then she left due to RL issues... so once again I was alone... and this time I was NOT going to get married again..." Ryno winks and says, "Then I met another FO..." "famous last words.", says Pajamian. Ryno points out Aylisa Ryno has given Aylisa a passionate snog! Aylisa has given Ryno a friendly snog! "you think he would of learned by now not to say that", says Aiki. Aylisa smiles. Ryno exclaims, "For our wedding day... we got married... of course... we did the Duke Puzzle... AND Checkmate won the TTTT for the first time!" Ryno is still trying to catch up on his energy Chiefsgirl says, "Wow! what a celebration" Kao says, "I remember that...was great" Chiefsgirl remembers that she was not invited and pouts "I kinda figured that I'd have Aylisa and me in the duchy...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "but it kinda grew faster than I imagined" "Do you have any requirements for being in Checkmate?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ryno winks and says, "I got lucky and found some rather good POs and it just grew to the point that we're full or all but full all the time... without posts!" Macnbc says, "I think there's one about being certifiably insane.." Ryno says, "Requirements? Sure..." "Def settings are mandated...", says Ryno. "Uh... have to be nice to lower ranks", says Ryno. Macnbc says, "Perhaps having a rather high blood alcohol level.." "there's that whole "worship the Duke" issue... but I haven't gotten them trained too well in that one yet...", says Ryno. "Anything else kids?", asks Ryno. Jelly exclaims, "Hey! Some of us have the groveling down!" Jelly grovels "Jelly is a great groveller!", exclaims Ryno. Macnbc asks, "How do you feel about fat free butter, Ryno?" Singapore raises his hand... Kao has a question too Singapore says, "When do I get paid for spying on...." "is it good for you Mac?", asks Ryno. "Whee!", exclaims Jelly. "I don't know, Regis Philbin says it is.", says Macnbc. "But Regis Philbin scares me.", says Macnbc. "Then give it to Jelly... I'd prefer the unhealthy stuff", says Ryno. Pajamian can't believe it's not butter. Chiefsgirl looks at Sing Ryno asks, "Any questions?" Kao says, "yes" "kao?", asks Ryno. Jordy smiles, "yes, where were you on the nite of January 29, 1976?" Ryno asks, "Uh... I didn't know how old she was... she looked older than... er... oh... you mean fed?" Jordy nods "Hmm..in bed early..school day.", says Naiad with a wink. "Please tell us how you sold your PO Keshrika into slavery to pay off attorney fees.. then reneged on the deal and started a war with stage?", asks Kao. Macnbc says, "ooooh good one" Aylisa coughs. Ryno blanches Chiefsgirl settles down to listen to this Rere cringes Ryno says, "i think you have a few facts twisted Kao..." Macnbc winks and says, "I think he did it rather quickly, Kao." "ohhh, it looks like we may get a hanging after all.", says Pajamian. "Well, let's hear about that", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno coughs Kao smiles, "Please enlighten us" Ferreri whispers "now this is getting good" Jordy takes out a tape recorder "It all started with Ame... but then what doesn't?", asks Ryno. "First off, you sold someone into slavery?", asks Chiefsgirl. "she wanted to have a Valentine's party", says Ryno. Chiefsgirl is behind on all this action "Wanted a shower too", says Amethyst. Ryno says, "Then Kesh decided that she wanted a shower" "Rere and Aylisa also jumped on these issues and demanded that I comply", says Ryno. "How terrible...wanting a shower", says Kao. Ryno says, "well... I'm a reasonable Duke... I always try to please... so i agreed to do all of the above" Chiefsgirl nods Ryno says, "Well they said that after a bout in the jello pool they were sticky" Jelly is always sticky Amethyst arches an eyebrow Aylisa says, "We had him..ahem...tied up with duct tape. He was not in his right mind at the time." "So I'm sick with the flu... and not moving fast enough for them evidently...", says Ryno. Aiki asks, "what kind of Jello ?" "ohh..duct tape! I like that stuff!", exclaims Naiad. "black and white in color... all kinds of flavors", says Ryno. "Duct tape works in jello?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ryno says, "Tequilla flavored is my favorite though" "duct tape works on evertything CG", says Jordy with a wink. "Chiefsgirl duct tapes works everywhere", says Amethyst. Pajamian says, "Duct tape works for anything." Rere passes Chiefsgirl a roll for future use ;) "Anyway... one day... I'm just minding my own business, when Ame and Rere have me sit down and they proceed to duct tape me", says Ryno. "ok, so we had a part a shower and jello with some duct tape", says Chiefsgirl. Singapore blinks at the amount of duct tape knowledge in the audience and ponders... Chiefsgirl says, "Thanks Rere" Rere winks "Not a problem" Ryno says, "Stole my porter and comm unit" Chiefsgirl knows we're getting to the slavery part sometime "then proceeded to torture me something horrible", says Ryno. Kao smiles, "good for them" Rere says, "Yes and somehow, he mananged to call in his attorney" Ryno says, "I managed to call for help and Filbert came to represent me" Aylisa winks and says, "oh yeah, you was really suffering" Kao says, "Filbert? Mistake #1" Jordy thinks the only way a man can be tied up is if he is willing to be, no matter how sick Chiefsgirl can imagine the suffering "Let's just say I lost lots of chest hair... and am still recovering emotionally", says Ryno. Rere nods to Jordy Aiki looks at Ryno you not look that bad for the wear Rere points to the A on Ryno's chest Chiefsgirl says, "oh, I'm sorry Ryno... I'm not laughing at your pain" "Can hardly tell the difference, Ryno.", says Naiad with a wink. Ryno says, "Anyway..." Chiefsgirl tries to smother a giggle Ryno says, "Filbert said his services were free, but then wanted 2 gigs" "typical lawyer!", exclaims Ferreri. Chiefsgirl boggles at the inflation "anyone who believes anything filbert says deserves the trouble they get into", says Kao. Ryno says, "He and Kesh were all but all over each other and she agreed to be sold to Fil, in exchange for the Vixens being given a total pardon" Ryno says, "I was in pain and barely of sound mind and let it happen" Rere says, "He had Kesh hypnotized" "So she was sold", says Ryno. Ryno shrugs Chiefsgirl says, "Oh my" "Now she's back", says Ryno. Ryno asks, "Any other questions?" "not so fast", says Kao. "And she got dragged to Stage?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Any other questions?", asks Ryno. Jordy would totally die of laughter if this was a talk show and CG brings Fil out at this moment Ryno looks to the other side of the room Chiefsgirl thought she just asked one "You started a war with stage?", asks Kao. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Jordy, sometimes these things happen, but I never plan them" Jelly has a question "Well I wanted her back and she wanted to come back", says Ryno. Jelly raises hand Ryno asks, "Yes Ame?" Kao asks, "so you reneged on your payment?" "Is it true that you prefer Chess locations in your Duchy?", asks Amethyst. Naiad boucnes up and down.."I have a question!" "Oh Oh! I have one too!", exclaims Saltshaker. Ryno says, "Fil was more than amply compensated for his efforts" Singapore looks at his wife's bouncing with interest.... Naiad winks at Sing. Singapore grumbles about reneging dukes... "Yes Ame... I prefer that people put a chess loc or at least chess terminals in the bar and exchanges so I can feel more comfortable there", says Ryno. Saltshaker Jumps up and down... Ryno asks, "Yes Naiad?" Naiad smiles, "Where did you get your name from?" Jelly grumbles about people grunbling about the duke of the duchy she is in Macnbc writes down a list of people who have questions "Jelly, Naiad, Jordy, Saltshaker, Macnbc (whose question is really really important)" Ryno says, "Ah... one of my baseball heros" Singapore looks at Jelly, leans closer, and says "Donut"... ;) "Who?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl peers at Ryno Ryno says, "Ryne Sandberg... 2nd baseman... Chicago Cubs" "Now retired", says Ryno. "Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Aylisa learned something new tonight. Chigins says, "So that's why he never visits" Rere claps for that choice Naiad thought it had something to do with noses..or rhynoceros.. "Jelly?", asks Ryno. "No Naiad!", says Ryno with a wink. Ryno alughs Ryno laughs too "Jelly... you had a question", says Ryno. Saltshaker asks, "If you could be one kind of fruit what would it be?" "Do you feel you have found the right combination to a good duchy?", asks Jelly. Chigins makes a note to put a Chess room .. on his planet "And if not, what do you plan to do to improve it?", asks Jelly. "sorry the ryno thing got me", says Amethyst. Ryno winks and says, "Hmmm... some days" Naiad would be a strawberry. Chiefsgirl was thinking large animals of the African plains Ryno says, "Well... I could expel Mac... but we need a jester..." Chiefsgirl giggles "Other than that it's pretty dam... er.. darned good", says Ryno. "Good mix of planets and very active", says Ryno. Rere cheers for Checkmate! "Both in hauling and socializing", says Ryno. Chigins raises his hand Ryno asks, "Anyone else?" "Yes Chigins?", asks Chiefsgirl. Jordy wants to be a passion fruit Chigins says, "Do you plan on Bonusing the hauling po's" Kao remembers when Ryne Sandburg and the Cubs got beat in San Diego in 84 playoffs "No Chigins...", says Ryno. Macnbc asks, "Ryno, if you could come back to life as Alan Lenton, would you eat a cheeseburger?" Jordy says, "I've got a question" Chigins already new the answer Ryno glares at Kao... who he used to like "Yes Jordy", says Ryno. Jordy says, "I remember you saying I would get compensated for helping one of your ppl to next rank" Ryno shakes with repressed memories and rage "ummmm, well I'm here to collect", says Jordy with a wink. Ryno asks, "yes... didn't I?" Jordy needs to do builds "Hmmm...", says Ryno. Ryno hands over some groats to Jordy Rere raises her hand Ryno asks, "No more questions?" "Yes Rere?", asks Chiefsgirl. Macnbc asks, "Ryno, if you had absolute power over the entire Federation dataspace for one second, would you order a beer?" Ryno looks for his porter... "What do you think are the greatest challenges of being a Duke and the benefits?", asks Rere. "good question", says Kao. Chiefsgirl takes the porter keys away from Ryno "No.. I'd order a double shot of tequilla, with lime, salt and optional worm!", exclaims Ryno. Jordy winks and says, "Other than renegging of course" Rere curtsies "Greatest challenges...", says Ryno. Ryno ponders "I'd say keeping 20+ different people together and happy", says Ryno. Ryno says, "Add a few dozen active duchies to that mix and it keeps you hoppin" Ryno says, "As far as most rewarding..." "I keep 20+ people happy by putting them in my jello tub", smiles Kao. "it's when it all works...", says Ryno. Aylisa asks, "Do you miss having an exchange?" "When people promote... like Industrialist Aylisa did tonight...", says Ryno. "When everyone is happy and doing their thing", says Ryno. "oooo, congrats Aylisa", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "She asked if you missed having an exchange, Ryno" Ryno says, "Oh yes... I do" "I loved my exchange... except my Thane ex... which sucked unbelievably", says Ryno. Ryno says, "But now I haul for my POs... and that helps" Chiefsgirl asks, "Ryno, are you associated with any other duchies? like an alliance of some sort?" Ryno says, "Yes... three wonderful duchies... Darkshadow, Jade and Lorien" Rere cheers for our allies Ryno says, "We trade together and it works out well for all of us" "Of course after Kao's SD comments we may have a new vote on Darkshadow...", says Ryno with a wink. "is that all?", asks Ryno. Kitten raises her hand cutely to ask a question Ryno asks, "Yes cutie?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Kitten?" "I was in a bar and this brash but dashing man bought me a drink and we began talking, he claimed that you were just a handsome figurehead and actually he was the power behind the duchy, I think his name was Alliquet. Is what he said true?", asks Kitten. Aylisa almost falls out of her chair. Kao giggles Chiefsgirl gasps at the memories of that name Ryno 's face turns red with anger Ryno shouts, "I DON'T THINK SO!" Chiefsgirl smirks Ryno stomps around the stage "What a guy...Alliuqet", says Kao. Kitten says, "But he seemed so honest" Naiad whispers to Sing, "I didn't know Ryno was so hot tempered!" Ryno gains control "can I take that as your not sure Ryno", says Aiki. "No.. he was NOT anything but a lackey", says Ryno. Ryno says, "And I believe we see who the real power was..." Ryno had him killed "Oh, ok, well he was cute at least...thank you", smiles Kitten. Ryno asks, "next question?" Singapore nods at Ryno..."You didn't pay me for that, either." "Ryno, what's your stance concerning the case of the snatched pencil?", asks Pintomike. "Any more questions?", asks Ryno. "Ah... well I have my own problems with Hazed... she is also trying to railroad me on an issue... so you have my full sympathy", says Ryno. Ryno exclaims, "I think she's guilty as sin!" Pintomike writes Ryno down on the good list. Ryno says, "They seem to be out of questions dear..." Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Never out of questions" Kitten raises her hand cutely again with a twinkle in her brown eyes. "this is my last question, Ryno, when are you going to go into the arena with my Mom to fight, so she can get the large reward that is on your head ? After all she has a cute daughter to support", smiles Kitten. Ryno says, "Sorry Kitten... I'm a lover.. not a fighter" Rere raises her hand "Yes Rere?", asks Ryno. Rere asks, "What's you favorite fed memory?" Chiefsgirl thinks that's just a different arena "Hmmm... that's a tough one... I have a lot of them", says Ryno. "i am sure he is gonna say meeting you sweetie!", exclaims Chigins. Rere listens for one of the good ones ;) Ryno says, "My best day in fed was probably the day I got married, promoted to Duke and won the TTTT" Ryno says, "I wanted to be a Duke from my first days in p4p aohell..." "So a lot of great things happened that day", says Ryno. Chiefsgirl sighs since she didn't even merit an invite Jordy just wants to marry a Duke, if marriage ever crosses her mind "Ok CG... I seem to sense an issue here... I'm sorry if you didn't get an invite... it was an unintentional oversite", says Ryno. "Thank you Ryno", says Chiefsgirl. "Any other questions for Ryno?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ryno, say there was a military coup d'etat tomorrow, and various citizens proclaimed me the new Emperor. What would you do?", asks Pintomike. Ryno says, "Oh pinto... I'd have to see your platform to be able to answer your earlier question" Wolfyn asks, "And have you told them the truth, Ryno? That you were so late for your wedding even your bride nearly gave up?" Pintomike notes it's a purely hypothetical situation. "Ah... how much real power would you have?", asks Ryno. "Absolute power.", says Pintomike. "The ability to flog people at will.", says Pintomike. "Then I'd begin brownnosing immediately", says Ryno. Jordy says, "Ryno, I also heard that you are not the real power behind Checkmate" Ryno will do anything to protect his duchy's POs Amethyst has a question, if you please. "Why do you call it Tequilla and everywhere else its Tequila?", asks Amethyst. Ryno exclaims, "Oh... good question Ame!" Macnbc says, "Actually, on Zsiveria it is "tequilla" too, so not EVERYWHERE else" "Well.. I once (or twice) had a bit too much tequila...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "Decided that anything that was that good but caused me to wake up without car payment, rent payment, food money and my memory was not a good thing..." "But I liked it...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "So I now make Tequilla on Checkmate..." Ryno says, "You can't blackout..." "you don't get mean...", says Ryno. Ryno says, "you do get a bit sexually aroused (when appropriate)" "And it's nothing but fun.", says Ryno. Ryno says, "It will be the centerpiece of my puzzle if I ever get off my barstool and put it in" Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions for Ryno?" Jelly raises hand Ryno asks, "Yes Jelly?" Jelly asks, "Do you condone the physical abuse of court jesters?" "yes", says Ryno. "Unequivocably", says Ryno. Pintomike asks, "Ryno, do you promote the end of Catty's rule as Empress?" Pintomike raises an eyebrow. Ryno says, "Well.. thanks for not lynching me... it was even fun" Ryno exclaims, "I stay out of the political struggles of the galaxy... I have my hands full running one little duchy!" "Hmmm... final words...", says Ryno. "Feel free to visit Checkmate...", says Ryno. "I think you'll like our people and have a good time", says Ryno. Ryno takes his porter keys back and steps away from the crowd Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Ryno "I want to thank Ryno for being my guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno winks and says, "Oh... and I appreciate your undivided attention!" "And please join me March 26 when my guest will be Mysticchem", says Chiefsgirl. Ryno has bought you a double shot of tequilla, with lime, salt and optional worm!! |