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Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "My guest tonight is Sargon, who's been around much longer than the two weeks he's trying to pass off", says Chiefsgirl. "He'll tell us a bit about himself and his history", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And he'll answer questions you may have" "Please give him the opportunity to answer before bombarding him with more", says Chiefsgirl. "So, without further ado, I turn things over to Sargon!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sargon smiles, "Howdy.." Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and sips her coffee "K.. so.. like CG said.. i started just a few weeks ago..", says Sargon. "i read this great artical in the news.. was all about how to make duke in just a few weeks..", says Sargon. Lupis says, "Welcome to da NEW Fed." Tis checks her gullibility meter and sees that it's stopped working. "well... needless to say.. i followed it word for word.. and... it works.. let me tell you that..", smiles Sargon. Penterkar wonders who this imposter is.... Sargon grins. Wolfyn is impressed. Chewbacon looks in the news archives. Sargon smiles, "Thats the woman i choose.. hehe.. telling you.. Olias is a genius.. here everyone things i am really old.. boy.. his method worked for me.." Sargon says, "well.. anyways.. since.. no one is really buying this.." "I have played fed for just a bit..", says Sargon. "Three weeks?", asks Wolfyn. Sargon winks and says, "hehe.. 4 actually.." Fancy says, "On this life, I think." Wolfyn grins. Sargon grins. Aylisa tests the fed dirt for age. Penterkar was gonna gues 3-1/2 Lupis smiles Myangel grins ..oct 6th.. ;) "well. not really much to tell about me.. i started.. made duke.. DDed.. and bout to make duke again..", smiles Sargon. Sargon smiles, "so lets skip strait to questions.." Tis whacks her gullibility meter and the dials shift microscopically. Rere says, "Oh come on Sar...we want your history" Lupis laughs "Well thank you all for cooming....", says Penterkar. Sargon says, "ummm.. ack.. someone just punted.. the scroll.. the scroll.." Sargon shields his eyes.. Sargon says, "Anyway.. my history.. hmmmm.." Lupis says, "Tell us what it was like in the old days, when you had to find Admiral Katov.... the DNI computer.. etc...." "snerts, and Snark...", says Lupis. Lupis says, "Hope and Care" Sargon says, "Wow.. the old days.. which old days.. ;) i been through about 5 of them.." "ahhh.. the way old days.", says Sargon. Aylisa pops an "old fart" sticker on Lupis's back. Sargon says, "well.. i think each phase of fed has been fun.. ya just have to change with it.. though.. for sure.. my first ride up was the best.." Fancy winks and says, "By the way, did either of you find the ginger ale?" "hope and care haven't seen them in a long time", says Qman. Chiefsgirl wonders what made it the best Rere coughs and tickles Fancy "LOL.. nopes.. i don't think so.. did you Sham?", asks Sargon. Shaman looks at Sargon.... did you? "I looked forever.....", says Shaman. Shaman says, "Never found it, though" Sargon winks and says, "i figured it was best not to keep looking.." Rere winks and says, "Why not Sar? you had nothing to lose" "well CG.. what made it best.. was the newness.. having never done it all before.. was so much to learn.. and so many ways to do verious things..", says Sargon. "Ginger ale?", asks Tis. Chiefsgirl nods Rere asks, "Where'd you grow up Sar?" "Well Tis.. i kinda DDed.. playing Duchy saffari.. looking for Ginger Ale..", says Sargon with a wink. Lupis misses the newbies... "Oh....", says Tis. Shaman shuffles into the corner... Fancy whispers to Tis, "the tie-breaking item to find in a Duchy Safari a few weeks ago." Tis missed that. "well.. i grew up in Fed Ree.. was very different.. we didn't really have segments.. or even player duchies.. so.. was no place to grow up.. everything was universal.. not global..", says Sargon. "when i first started playing.. you didn't even have to jump to the duchy planet.. could go anywhere.. with just jump.. no matter which duchy it was in..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "all two of them.. lol.." Rere giggles "I guess everything was in Sol then.", says Fancy. Shaman says, "Wow." "nopes.. there were three duchies.. they just did not have the code in for the duchy divitions..", says Sargon. "How many players in those days?", asks Rere. Tis 's mind boggles "SOL.. drodium.. and misty..", says Sargon. "ummmm.. 5-10..", says Sargon. "sometimes 15.. when it hit 20.. we threw a huge party..", says Sargon. Rere could imagine Chiefsgirl giggles Sargon says, "after about a month.. they added that darn jumping duchy head first.. LOL.. boy did that confuse people.." Tis can just imagine. "would be on outbase.. (in sol) and try to go to SPhinx (Misty) and could not seem to get there.. lol..", says Sargon. "outbase=outpost.. lol.", says Sargon. "I think I may remember the planet of Outpost.", says Fancy. Lupis says, "Outpost was a strange planet...." Sargon winks and says, "was the best place for Techie.. hehe.. Unis from Outpost to Sphinx made me tons.." "were only like.. 12 planets.. so.. you had pretty much.. tw of each type.. and Outpost was a techie planet..", says Sargon. "course.. my first facs were on titan.. since the 12 planets were host planets.. they were not on a great deal.. too busy working on getting the game up..", says Sargon. "my first player (host) facs.. were on Sphinx..", says Sargon. "You could buy facs in Sol?", asks Shaman. Sargon nods. "Yeps.. then i found a bug.. exploited it.. and the only way they could kill it.. was to remove facs from sol..", says Sargon. Tis remembers reading about that. "that btw .. was the worse day of my life.. not just fed..", says Sargon. Shaman says, "Wow...." Penterkar wonders what it was...lol Tis smiles, "Do tell" Chiefsgirl boggles Fancy asks, "How did it work? Did you redirect the output to another Sol planet or something?" Sargon winks and says, "hehe.. not gunna say.. but.. i managed to bankrupt SOL.." "ut oh", says Chiefsgirl. "Oh my...", says Fancy. Rere cringes Sargon says, "even the hosts couldn't buy stuff.. soooooo.. was a huge deal.." Tis gasps. Fancy says, "Actually caused Ming to run out of money..." "rofl", says Lupis. "lost three really good friends over it.. that was about Aug of 95...", says Sargon. Sargon nods. Tis says, "I bet you were #1 in Ming's hit list." Sargon says, "yeps.. Ming went into the neg.." Sargon says, "hehe.. but.. i could make 1.6 gig in about 15mins.." Fancy bursts out laughing. Sargon says, "i still feel horrible about it.. even though was more then 5 years ago.." Shaman blinks. "was there any limit on the amount of groats you could hold back then?", asks Pixi. "yeps... has always been 2.147 from what i can remember.. is a limit of programing.. they type of data holder that your tb is...", says Sargon. Fancy wonders how a planet in the old days got 3 billion IG to gain a promotion before builds. Sargon says, "i started Fed in about late June.. 95.. ." "3billion?", asks Sargon. "well.. when i first went PO.. you had to do 20 builds..", says Sargon. "had no time to build..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "and took no comods.." Sargon says, "cost 100meg.." Rere faints "but.. you were paying.. $4 and hour to play..", says Sargon with a wink. "I read in the archives that an agricultural planet used to have to accumulate 2 billion groats and 20000 minutes of tourist time, mining to industrial 2.5 billion and 25000 minutes, etc.", says Fancy. Shaman asks, "How long did they take? Were they 4 hour builds?" Sargon remembers more then a few $1000 plus bills.. "that might have been from GEnie..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "we did used to get 1meg for every 10mins of TT you had.. before the TTTT.. and you only had at max.. 15 -20 players on.." Sargon says, "no time on the builds Sham.. you hit build.. it was done.." Tis thinks that sounds like the pay-to-play just before unlimited. Shaman faints. Sargon says, "course.. needed a meg to from from trader to merch.. not the stat thing.." Myangel sprinkles water on shaman "but still needed to get like.. 40-45 new stats to make merch..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "and no comods on them either Sham... course.. we freaked when they put time on.. then a few weeks later.. added the comods thing.." "Was that before they made you max stats for PO?", asks Penterkar. "yeps..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "to get from JP to GM.. had to run the snark puzzle.. then from GM to Explo.. had to ship 50,000 tons.. and have stats over 90.." Myangel asks, "did you max your stats ever?" Sargon nods. "yeps.. had way too much money.. so.. figured why the heck not..", smiles Sargon. "was there rank beyond duke back then?", asks Qman. "nopes.. not even senators..", says Sargon. Shaman asks, "Many people claim Fed is dying... do you think so, and if so, what should be done to bring it back?" Tis remembers reading something about senator. Tis guesses they came later. Sargon says, "Nopes.. i don't think fed is dying.. have seen it through many stages.. and it is picking up again.. i would never count this game out.." Rere asks, "Sar...can you tell us your happiest day in fed?" Sargon smiles, "By far.. my happiest day in fed.. was when i married Aylisa.. she is by far the best lady i have ever met.. fed.. life.. anyway.." Rere smiles at her sister :) Aylisa paid him to say that. Stevec activates his BS detector. "lol.. nopes.. not at all.", smiles Sargon. Sargon thwops SteveC. Sargon smiles, "Now Steve there.. he is older then dirt in here.." Sargon says, "Oh.. my adoring wife just reminded me.. i only got to Squire on my history." Sargon smiles, "Ummmm.. lets see.. the other ranks were ok.. i think i liked Indy the best.. stayed there the longest.. was kewl.." Sargon says, "then.. with a large bank roll.. and a few annoying friends who wanted me to duke.. we started running like mad to do all the builds.. and figure out the Duke puzzle.." Aylisa asks, "What duchy did you reside in at that time?" Fancy thinks Sargon will find the current version different from the one he did. "SOL..", shouts Sargon. Sargon winks at Fancy. "Did you always have the same name?", asks Rere. Sargon says, "was SargonVI origionally.." Fancy says, "You'll be another to do both versions, I imagine." Sargon nods. "Yeps.. gunna reduke soon enough.. hehe.. got way too used to the toys.", says Sargon with a wink. Sargon says, "is amazing how second nature things become when you use them for so long.." Qman asks, "what toys?" "I guess the only question is how long it will take you to figure out the new version.", says Fancy. Sargon is still amazed when he does a spynet report and don't know what loc they on. Shaman grins. Chiefsgirl asks, "Sargon, what else did you spend your time as duke doing besides terrorizing helpless innocent squires like me?" Sargon winks and says, "already know it.. have been on many many trips.. with other folks.. and as an alt.." Stevec thinks, because that tape over his mouth keeps him from talking but not thinking out loud, that Sargon should tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sargon says, "Ummm.. drinking in the bars CG.. hehe.. was not much else to do.. my duchy at the time was running smooth.. so.. was all social.. as i think the rank Duke really is.. is great.. because without the need to work and that.." Sargon says, "can get out.. and meet people.. help folks.. generally do the things that we all got into the game because of.." "course.. i jsut sat in a bar.. and scared Squires..", says Sargon with a wink. Chiefsgirl knows that firsthand "I wrote your name down and stayed out of your way ever since", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Sargon says, "only thing i miss about the whole thing.. is.. was about to hit my 5,000th game.. lol.." "So, is it easier to scare Squires now than it was then?", asks Aylisa. "wow 5000, i just hit 1000 today", smiles Qman. Sargon winks and says, "hehehe.. nahhh... most of them are alts these days love.." "I'm finally up to 500 again", smiles Shaman. Waycooljr says, "well tell them to press alt f4" "though.. i must say.. what ever IB been doing.. is working.. we have had what.. 6 new players in Essencia in about two weeks..", says Sargon. Sargon smiles, "true newbies.. and has been great.." Aylisa nods "Yep, there are still true newbies" "newbies/?? real newbies????!!!!????", asks Lupis. Sargon smiles, "yeps.." Lupis perks up... big time Lupis doesn't believe it, though.... Sargon smiles, "and of course the returning players.. had a few of them as well.." Tis exclaims, "Wow!" Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Sargon?" Stevec wants to know (thought-beaming is my other Bock-induced specialty), why Sargon has abandoned WEE, the first true Fed Anti-Alliance Alliance. Aylisa thought he was still a card carrying member of that. Stevec grabs the tape and.... RIIIIIPPPPPP "Ouch!" "LOL.. well Steve.. if you remember.. i was taken hostage by the VLA for about a week.. and.. afraid i had to drop all alliances else Ven was gunna gut me and hang me out to dry..", smiles Sargon. "anti-alliance alliance?", asks Pixi. Lupis refused to ever join an alliance "Ven dead. Me see to it impersonally. Excuse no.", says Stevec with a wink. Lupis remembers them being called guilds back then Sargon says, "lololol.." Stevec asks, "Okay, so, Sargon, you forsake all Guilds/Alliance/Cheese-associations, So, who is your current God?" Sargon winks and says, "Well steve.. you will be happy to know.. even to this day.. i refuse to join any type of group.." "Well.. i would have to say.. Blue.. that is one skippy kewl dog.. and so darn cute.. :", says Sargon. Stevec asks, "Ah, so given that, you have given yourself over to the Doggie-doo Guild. Do you own your own pooper-scooper? It is the law, yanno?" "Skippy kewl?", asks Shaman. "lol...", says Sargon. "That's almost like a kicky fast car", smiles Shaman. "Well, unless you live below Swerrats", says Stevec. "Oh great.. the peanut gallery is up..", says Sargon. Aylisa asks, "Do you have a large fed family?" Tis thinks Aylisa would know if anyone does. "Yeps.. they come out of the wood works.. you get drunk one night in the mid 90s.. and suddenly you are a great great great great great grandfather..", says Sargon. Aylisa shakes her head no. Stevec whispers to Aylisa "He's not quite sure. There's that period of time he can't quite reember." Sargon says, "Hey.. we all agreed 4 years ago.. we would never talk about that night again.. =P" Shaman tips his... great-grandfather over on his rocker. Shaman asks, "Or is it great-great?" Stevec hasn't said a word about that night...you did. WEEEE Pixi says, "No..I think it's just grandpa..cause I thought he was great grandpa to me.." Sargon grubmles. Pixi looks at AngelMommy for help.. Shaman gets confused. Stevec says, "However, BarbNurse remembered it very well...." Sargon says, "Am gunna have to whoop you up hard if you keep it up Steve.. =P" "Hmmm....come to think of it, Sargon CAN'T have a large family.", says Stevec with a wink. Aylisa gasps. Sargon says, "lol.. =P" Stevec remembers that night and shudders horribly. Tis raises one eyebrow. Shaman says, "Oh my....." Chiefsgirl giggles "There was this whir of whipped cream and chainsaws.... :::shudder:::", says Stevec. Sargon shakes his head. "You know.. Steve is proof of the old adium.. Keep your friends close.. but your Enamies closer.. hehe.. that why we so close..", says Sargon with a wink. Stevec ain't no Enema. Sargon winks and says, "lol.. you speak that from experiance Steve?" Fancy doesn't think Stevec is an Oscar either. "So anyway.. MistikDawn was my fed daughter.. seems.. her and Aldva were busy..", says Sargon. Stevec asks, "So, Sargon, what really happened with the cha...err, whipped creatm?" Sargon winks and says, "lol.. you should ask Rachel about that one.. not me.." "Well tell us about you and Stevec", smiles Raphael. Stevec winks and says, "I would think that would be a personal experience, Sargon. You shared then, but not now? It is always good to share, or so they say." "lol.. =P", says Sargon. Tis shakes the whippy cream can, but unobtrusivly. "well.. Steve and i started out as pretty much deadly enamies.. honestly we hated each other.. always going at it on the coms.. think we even had a few gun fights..", says Sargon. "How did it start or do you remember?", asks Raphael. Sargon says, "hehe.. shot down a few unsupecting Commanders in SOL.." Stevec hides behind someones skirts, waiting for that ill-inspired "BRRRMMMM" from the chain-saw. "i remember.. but.. not gunna go into that..", smiles Sargon. "but.. we pretty much settled things.. and became pretty good friends..", smiles Sargon. Stevec grabs the shotgun from behind the bar. "Go for it, Sargon" Sargon says, "the Duke puzzle seemed to really bring a lot of people together.. who normally would not have.." Stevec was a better chess player than the Sargon. Cptmartin sticks a cork in said shotgun Sargon says, "yes.. he was.. lol.." "So how are the "trade wars" different than they was back in the days?", asks Aylisa. Fancy asks, "By the way, I remember a Chess program called Sargon II. Did you take your name from that?" "wow.. very different..", says Sargon. "gunna answer Fancys first baby.. is a short on.. then go to yours.. k..", smiles Sargon. Sargon says, "No, did not take it from the chess game.. in fact.. did not even know about it till later.." Fancy nods. "i was gunna do a sand kinda theme.. like.. ancient middle eastern.. SargonII was the greatest ruler of the Assyrian people.. back in the late BCs..", says Sargon. Sargon winks and says, "that was taken.. so.. just went up the numbers till got one that worked.." "then.. i decided not to go the arabian thing.. but.. was too late to start over..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "As to the trade wars... they were very different.. at first.. gosh.. i forget how long.. but not too long into my POdom.. your def was only 100.. not 1000.. so.. that could not hurt too much.." "the rules of running an exchange were very different too.. you could get up to 20000 stock.. not just 10000.. the way the price flucuated was different.. a lot of it..", says Sargon. Fancy muses, "Just one big bay, and you were stocked..." Stevec lost a Gig the first day...to -750meg. Sargon nods. "i lost 500meg..", says Sargon. Shaman remembers 20k stock on hand.... "the problem was.. when you went neg.. you tendede to stay that way .. hehe.. was hard to get back up fast.. because you did not send everything to 10ig..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "as well.. since you could sell so much to a planet.. but still lost half of it.. if you did not run things right.. you lost it even faster.." "being new.. we a lot of times did not know to set markup and that.. hehe.. we were not all that good at reading the manual..", says Sargon with a wink. Aylisa asks, "Someone has mentioned best and I would assume your dd was the worst...any most embarrassing moment (s)?" "but all in all.. it was a lot easier to promo then.. i went from GH to duke in about a year..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "hmmm.. not a year.. was some months.. dukes in May.." "hmmm.. most embarrasing..", says Sargon. Shaman hides behind someone... "there have been soooooo many..", says Sargon with a wink. Tis is all ears... Rere asks, "Favorite fed memory?" Sargon says, "well.. most embarrasing.. prolly that day Steve is talking about.. hehe.. even though was RL.. it was with 7 fed people.. and no one lets me forget it.." "of course not.", says Stevec with a wink. "RL? Chainsaws and whippy?", asks Rere. Sargon says, "fav fed mem was my wedding to Aylisa.. hehe.. i waited a long time to marry.. wanted it to be the right person. at the right time.." "lol.. were not chainsaws..", says Sargon. Stevec whispers to Rere "What the hell is he taliing about?" hehe... Aylisa awws and slides him some more groats. Sargon smiles, "hehe.. even got more then a few .. about time TBs from folks that night." Aylisa thinks he skirted over the RL whippy cream and chainsaw pretty well. Sargon grins. Sargon winks and says, "not gunna talk about it.." Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd, "Any other questions for Sargon?" "Are you plotting to kill me?", asks Shaman. Sargon winks and says, "hehe.... we will see soon enough sham." "Okay.... let me know ahead of time, though.", says Shaman. Sargon says, "lol.. you got it Sham.." Tis asks, "If there was one thing you could change about fed, what would it be?" "careful, Sargon.;)(", says Stevec. Zrasputin thinks its the cuisine "lol.. .", says Sargon. Zrasputin is sick of ale. "i guess i can't say locking Steve's account huh?", says Sargon with a wink. "that is very hard Tis.. lol.. sorry.. never really think about it.. cus i think the game works very well..", says Sargon. Tis says, "Fair enough..." "i think i would bring back the sayings after looking at people..", says Sargon. Sargon says, "i loved that.." Stevec YES! "Explain please...", says Rere. Sargon is looking at you... with a look of fear in his eyes. Sargon says, "I loved doing that stuff.." Stevec says, "Like "Sargon is looking at you with a leer"" Aylisa smiles, "Aww, us newbies want that" "I read about that, but it never seemed to work for me!", exclaims Fancy. Sargon nods. Sargon says, "they took it out a while back Fancy.." Sargon says, "way back.. like.. mid 96 or late 96.." "i forget.. you member Steve?", asks Sargon. "I guess you used to be able to get that effect by typing <examine Stevec with a leer>", says Fancy. Sargon nods. "It was taken out when AOL went unlimited....December, 96.", says Stevec. Sargon says, "yeps.. but.. it was like an act comment.." "comment=command", says Sargon. Fancy says, "Or <examine Rere with a mischievous smile>" Sargon grins and nods. "That sounds fun", smiles Tis. "yeps.. you got it Fancy.. it was soooo kewl..", says Sargon. "Anything else?", smiles Sargon. "When you go duke again...what kind of duchy are you going to build?", asks Rere. Sargon smiles, "build? you mean when i make duke again i have to work?? i got soooo used to sitting on my behind.." Aylisa wonders if he can keep his finger off the expel button. Sargon grins. Sargon winks and says, "yes.. i did like that expel button.." Sargon exclaims, "well.. i just got my cue from the lady in charge.. so.. my finnal comment.. Mets Stink!" Stevec want's to desparatly expel Fed, but that presents a dilemna. "nahhhh.. why expel it.. is the best..", smiles Sargon. Sargon really could care less about the world series, but has soooo much fun getting on Rere about it.. "I want to thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And thank Sargon for being my guest" "Please join me next week for a special Halloween edition of Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Just two quick thank yous..", smiles Sargon. Sargon smiles, "wanted to thank me darling love.. for all her help getting back up.. and Myangel and her brood.. as well.." |