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"CG's still not here... and gotta fight at 10", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr sets the beeper thingy on her watch Bix says, "should be here any minute..have seen her late by a few" Sholuvr nods and squirms Bront says, "I'm sure someone else can interview you while we wait..." "ahhhh, CG will be here... just prolly late", says Sholuvr. Calodia says, "So, Sholuvr, tell us about yourself" Sholuvr says, "My name is Sholuvr and I'm a Fedaholic" Calodia says, "Then we can have the audience ask you a few questions" Triton wanted the good chair ... Bront didn't know this was a Fedaholics Anonymous meeting "oh, i thought it was an AA meeting, shoot", says Swald. Calodia says, "Go on, we might as well do this. Have some fun Sho." "So what brought you to Fed Sho?", asks Calodia. Sholuvr says, "heh, my ex bf..." "we were surfing, found the games site on AOL.. picked one", says Sholuvr. "read the rules and manuals, thought it sounded fun so we tried it... and were hooked from the first time we signed on", smiles Sholuvr. Triton objects to the use of the word "hooked" "well he baited her into it...obviously", says Neecerie. "I was originally ummmm... a 6 foot talking duck :p", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr nods... learned the game as a Duck "that was when AOL was 2.99 an hour...", says Sholuvr. Calodia says, "So describe your fed experience over the years..." Lagkiller thinks it musta been hard to navagate sol as a duck... Bernadette makes a face at hourly rate.. Sholuvr winks and says, "once they announced unlimited, I created my own character, wanted to get to merchant before the rush of commanders" "Got my planet... and heh... 3 days later, Fed 'lost' it", says Sholuvr. Calodia says, "Oh my..." Bix remembers the 'doesn't count time' Neecerie remembers that "there was a bug that lost certain planets, one day I signed on and couldn't online", says Sholuvr. "no....this was in the counts time...it was just lost", says Neecerie. "lost... Fed couldn't fix it, I cried and cried for days, LOL", says Sholuvr. Neecerie duct tapes her mouth shut and lets Shol talk Triton says, "There was a bug that killed personnas too about that time .. ::shuts up too::" Sholuvr nods at Triton "but, after 5 weeks I got my planet back... Crystalline in Mba", smiles Sholuvr. Bix likes the name Lagkiller traded in Mba ALOT Bernadette asks, "what was it like being a po without a planet for five weeks?" "I had a sweety at the time, PTBaar... grew up with him in Flying...", says Sholuvr. Neecerie does the wheeeee Flying thing.....cant help it.... Sholuvr says, "just worked on his planet with him and stayed busy" Sholuvr met Neece in Flying... along with Artopia, Grayce, Wingdman, Longstrider... "had plenty to keep me busy", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr even cleared out Kao's exchange just for fun, lol Calodia giggles Sholuvr says, "then Fed fixed the planets, got Crystalline back... and learned how to work an exchange" Sholuvr got to Baroness... built time machine... then Duke puzz broke Lagkiller says, "LoL" Sholuvr winks and says, "my timing ain't been so hot, lol" Calodia giggles and nods Bix nods "I kept thinking they'd fix it... after a few months, gave up and left for a while", says Sholuvr. "During the time I played, met a LOT of people, and while we were kind of segregated from the rest of Fed, I had friends on Onyx", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr partied a lot there, yet disagreed with OG on politics Bix ponders good debates "we spent many a night debating and arguing about his 'methods'", says Sholuvr with a wink. Hello winks and says, "We know those "Methods" Sho" "how did you feel about his leaving?", smiles Bernadette. Sholuvr refused to use his macros at the time, even though all of her friends were... this was a few years ago, Bee Bernadette says, "ah..sorry..just curious.." Calodia says, "We'll get to questions when she's done with her history" Sholuvr says, "I'd given up on Fed when a good friend, Shostopr, asked me to come back... as his sweety" Sholuvr smiles, "incognito, that's where Sholuvr came from" Calodia always though it came from Sholevi... Sholuvr says, "nope, met Sholevi later, lol" Sholuvr says, "Shostopr was quiet, we kinda just stayed together, but heh... I got bored" "had to interact and PLAY", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr says, "eventually, he left... I kind of remained in limbo, playing on and off..." Sholuvr says, "then one day I ran into OG... glared at him..." "he glared back, laughed and dared me to join Onyx", smiles Sholuvr. Sholuvr was up to the challenge, played hard, had nothing to lose and was bored :p Calodia thinks boredom can be quite a motivator "OnyxGod made Fed fun again, yes... even though fun was being nasty and pushing to the limits, it was FUN", says Sholuvr. "then, heh... OG, Mikey decided to quit... had to change and here I am", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr closes her nutshell Calodia says, "Now we'll open it up for questions." Sholuvr grins "was wondering what your duck name was?", asks Bix. "hm, I'm just curious what kind of stuff you did with OG ;) if you don't mind my asking..", says Bernadette. Bernadette never knew OG.. "RicBDuck... was my ex's AOL name....", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr says, "stuff with OG, we talked... a lot... debated" "argued a lot at first, but then...", says Sholuvr. "he promised to bring in glory, make life fun.... and did", smiles Sholuvr. Neecerie says, "OG had a lot of great personal qualities that no one tends to find out about or want to remember" "Have to admire a man who promises the world and delivers", says Calodia with a wink. "OG is one helluva shrewd guy, I respect him deeply... he delivered", smiles Sholuvr. Triton says, "OG was a great guy, and he got things stirred up too.." Bix had a few good debates with him long ago Bernadette winks and says, "such vagueness...I want juicy details" Calodia asks, "Sho, how did you get into ship fighting?" "He added another dimension to the game... took it from boring to fun", says Sholuvr. "mmmm, fighting...", says Sholuvr. "well, once I was in Onyx, met Sholevi", says Sholuvr. "heh, Sho vs. Sho, we had fun with that", smiles Sholuvr. Sholuvr says, "He was a fighter, and when he'd get challenged, would go for it" "I started sitting on the sidelines, watching him fight", says Sholuvr. "was sooo exciting, different dimension to the game", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr says, "tried it, got my butt kicked over and over but..." Calodia thinks more people should try fighting some time... Sholuvr says, "I'm also a chess player in RL... know that to get good, ya gotta lose at first" Triton must be getting real good at chess cause he always loses .. "I also love sports, and the camadarie among the fighters was so close, so personal... lol Tri", says Sholuvr. "just wanted to be a part of that, they were so welcoming and patient", smiles Sholuvr. "plus, as Onyxian, wasn't afraid to die :p", says Sholuvr. "or DD for that matter", says Lagkiller. Lagkiller winks Calodia giggles Sholuvr winks and says, "shush" "though to this day... if OG asked me to DD... I would", says Sholuvr. Triton says, "What and waste another week on the way to dukedom" Triton hides Bront asks, "What part of Fed do you enjoy most?" Sholuvr smiles, "talking, meeting people... and seeing their planets" Sholuvr says, "to me, each designed planet is a PART of somebody" Triton is part water, part rock, part candy, part fire ... hehehe Bernadette smilez.. Bix nods :) Bront nods "A planet is very personal when someone takes the time to do it" "Any particular people or plantes you wish to mention Sho?", asks Calodia. Sholuvr likes seeing all the little pieces combined into one person, each planet tells a lot about the person who designed it "Briatnia, Legends, Onyx though it's gone... Art, Eternity", says Sholuvr. Sholuvr says, "the boat ride on Eternity is priceless" Bront smiles at the mention of Britania Neecerie blushes "Ever visit "deep" Sho ?", asks Triton. Sholuvr smiles, "Mba is gone, but that one meant a lot to me... no Tri, but I keep a list of places I want to see and see the person within" Neecerie thinks of Bernoulli Triton says, "Deep was an awesome place .. not sure if it lives anylonger .." [EDITOR'S NOTE: Yes it does!] Sholuvr chuckles Calodia looks at the clock Sholuvr winks and says, "gotta mention Bernoulli... and CafeBen" "You have anything you wish to wrap this up with Sho?", asks Calodia. Neecerie says, "only limo to the office ride that was in fed....hehe" Bix smiles Sholuvr smiles, "CafeBen was one of the most interesting characters ever in the game... Bernoulli will live in the hearts of whoever he touched... his planet was amazing" "what was it like?", asks Bernadette. "everywhere you went on the planet, rode in a limo", says Sholuvr with a wink. Bernadette gigglez.. "fine food, fine wine, the BEST", says Sholuvr. "Ben was prolly one of the first people to get banned in Fed, too", says Sholuvr with a wink. Sholuvr laughs Neecerie was there when that happened Calodia gasps Sholuvr has given Neecerie a hot tickle! Calodia asks, "What happened?" Naiad asks, "Why was he banned?" "was years ago", smiles Sholuvr. Neecerie says, "something over someones erm shoes....." Sholuvr laughs, yes... shoes! Barb's shoes! Neecerie wont say more....she values her com unit and ability to speak Calodia giggles and nods Neecerie says, "worse yet....it was in a chat room" Sholuvr smiles, "heh, needless to say... Ben left" Neecerie says, "when fed crashed...everyone went in the chat room....and it happened there" Triton remembers that Neece .. Sholuvr says, "it was sooo funny... LOL" Bix never liked limbo "so he managed to get banned from fed...without even being in fed", says Neecerie. "You have anything you wish to finish this up with Sho?", asks Calodia. "he wouldn't let off on the shoes.... it was sooo funny", says Sholuvr. Catspaws loved limbo, met people she never had time to speak to in Fed Queen of the Universe, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Calodia says, "There's CG" Chiefsgirl apologizes for being late "oooh interview her again!", exclaims Neecerie. "And I was almost done with the interview", says Calodia. Chiefsgirl smiles, "i'm sure it was fantastic, Calodia" Sholuvr checks her notes, wondering what she left out :p Chiefsgirl hopes it was logged "I've been logging it Lady Cheifsgirl. I'll send you a copy", Bront says. "Thank you Bront", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl can't wait to read what she missed "Well, be sure to be here next week, when Chiefsgirl will be here on time to interview someone else", says Calodia with a wink. "cool... could talk about 3 more hours about Flying, Mba... but nutshell will have to do", smiles Sholuvr. Bix smiles, "Thanks Sholuvr, enjoyed" Calodia had fun doing this :) Triton has been rackin his brain trying to remember the Duke of Flyings name .. "awww, thanks for being here... and thanks Cali", smiles Sholuvr. "Thank you very much Calodia", smiles Chiefsgirl. |