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Naiad winks and says, "Nice mood." "Thanks", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "Modest, yet tasteful.", says Naiad with a wink. Perfectly innocent Talonkardde has just arrived. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "I thought so too" Talonkardde hands out Wild Kardde snogs to all comers! Chiefsgirl has given Talonkardde a tender hug! "Oooo! A fantasy fulfilled! Three gorgeous wimmen in a room with me!", exclaims Talonkardde. "Whoo hoo!", exclaims Talonkardde. Naiad glares at Talon.. Talonkardde suddenly decides to behave himself! Rasal winks and says, "So glad I could be here. Now, let's get to the questions. Fire away, and I'll answer as best I can." Talonkardde blinks Chiefsgirl giggles at Rasal Talonkardde offers Rasal the hotseat.... "Ah, you can keept it Talon.", smiles Rasal. Talonkardde grins at Rasal. Rere asks, "Who's tonight's guest?" "That would be me.", smiles Talonkardde. Talonkardde looks modest. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to tonight's meet & greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight we have the pleasure of meeting & greeting Talonkardde" Talonkardde waves! "he'll tell us a bit about himself", says Chiefsgirl. "Greetings!", exclaims Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl says, "Feel free to ask questions" Chiefsgirl says, "But give him a chance to respond" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Talonkardde bows deeply "Thank you, thank you all!", smiles Talonkardde. "Sorry, I have to run...", says Sniperspy. Teen's Prince, Sniperspy has just disappeared. Talonkardde blinks "Was it something I said?", asks Talonkardde. "You didn't say anything yet!!", exclaims Naiad. Rere doesn't think so Talon Talonkardde looks relieved...."Good thing!" Talonkardde says, "I first entered Fed back when it was still free on AOL...." Sniper's Princess, Teenangel has just vanished. Talonkardde blinks Talonkardde checks his pits. "Nope.", says Talonkardde. "No..not something you said, sweety.", says Naiad with a wink. Talonkardde looks relieved. Chiefsgirl promises to tough it out til the bitter end with Talon Talonkardde exclaims, "Positive audience displacement!" Talonkardde says, "I entered at AL6343, and slowly made my way up the ranks, pausing occasionally in the Cantina to refresh myself with a swim...." Chiefsgirl smiles and remembers Al6343 Naiad wishes she had known Al6343 a long time ago! Talonkardde says, "Trading in the duchy of Deceit until one day some guy in tights told me to find the Grand Master, or something like that..." Chiefsgirl says, "he's just as sweet now, Naiad, as he was then" Talonkardde blinks at CG.."The guy in tights?" Chiefsgirl asks, "what guy in tights?" "Yes! Of course, Talon!", says Naiad with a wink. "The guy in tights is sweet?", asks Talonkardde. Talonkardde makes a note. Naiad giggles... "I didn't know that.", smiles Talonkardde. "you are sweet Talon", says Chiefsgirl. "Aw, shucks, CG.", smiles Talonkardde. Talonkardde blushes modestly "Anyhow...I became a merchant, and found facs with strange and powerful beings known as PO's.", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "Finemale17, and some lady named Chiefsgirl." Chiefsgirl wonders who that was Chiefsgirl giggles Chiefsgirl says, "Al6343 was my second FO" Talonkardde says, "Until one day, I was hijacked by a PO named Fishbutts, who had me bring all my facs on his planet..." "Don't know about powerful, but PO's are definetly strange.", says Rasal. "What I didn't know, was that he was the local intelligence head for the Duchy of Weasel...", says Talonkardde. "You were highjacked?? Oh my..", says Naiad. Talonkardde says, "He took me under his wing, introduced me to other operatives, such as Nickdanger, and Snoopajs...." "And began my formal training....", says Talonkardde. "At that point, Fed went to the web, and I became the agent known as Singapore.", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde pauses to take a sip of water.... "All was well, until the advent of the super-duchies....", says Talonkardde. "Super duchies?", asks Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde nods Bix ponders size increase Talonkardde says, "Suddenly, just being in a duchy wasn't enough....duchies were combining in threes and fours, and forming giant associations....power blocs big enough to challenge Ming..." Talonkardde says, "One of the most powerful was known as....FEDEX." Chiefsgirl nods "Federal Express??", asks Naiad. "Who was in that super duchy Talon?", asks Rere. "Their leader, Xbar, once spent a week watching episodes of an ancient television drama known as Dobie Gillis...", says Talonkardde. Naiad laughs! "Xbar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl wonders if that's a relation of Tbar "And as a result, felt that everyone in the galaxy should behave like they were in a 1950's sitcom....", says Talonkardde. Hazel asks, "Dobie Gillis and Xbar?" "His evil twin, maybe?", says Naiad with a wink. "I think the names have been changed to protect the innocent...", says Caribbean with a wink. "No cursing, no drinking, and definitely no sex.", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde shudders Talonkardde says, "Poco, the Duchess of Weasel, discovered that FEDEX was building a super weapon, capable of destroying worlds, to bring Fed under their heel..." "Concerned, she sent Nickdanger to investigate...", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "At the time, I was the PO of Kingsbay...the cornerstone of the Weasel Defense Force." "Ohh..I'm sure that turned out to be a good idea..", says Naiad with a wink. Talonkardde says, "In this case, no. No one heard from Nickdanger again..." Talonkardde says, "His planet ceased to exist." Talonkardde says, "Fishbutts felt that sending a private investigator into FEDEX was like inviting him to take a stroll in a nuclear pile..." Talonkardde says, "So with Poco missing, presumably in exile, he decided to investigate, with me at his side..." Chiefsgirl starts taking notes so she can follow this mystery Naiad shudders, thinking of Talon alone in that place.. "Unfortunately, we were caught on entry....", says Talonkardde. "Fishbutts was summarily executed, and double d'd.", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "And his planet ceased to exist as well." Talonkardde says, "Xbar's second in command, HerDevil, took a liking to me..." "And attempted...whoops, brb....", says Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl asks, "brb?" Chiefsgirl peers at Talon Rere passes out the popcorn while we wait Bix waits for the intreguing plot to resume "got to love cliff-hangers", says Aylisa. Rasal asks, "An attempted 'whoops...brb'? Is that like a quarterback sneak?" Chiefsgirl asks, "anyone want to speculate?" Bix ponders...intermission Chiefsgirl thinks we could take bets on what happens next Talonkardde says, "Back in five minutes.." Spartanguy thinks Mr. Smith kills him in the library with the candlestick. Hazel sets her alarm "Nah. Col. Mustard in the kitchen with the spanner.", says Rasal. Bix says, "The Tourist in the Loo with the coin" Hazel says, "No, it was the french maid in the upstairs bedroom." "Sorry, RL was calling...where was I?", asks Talonkardde. Hazel says, "In the upstairs bedroom with the frenchmaid" Chiefsgirl says, "Xbar's second in command, HerDevil, took a shine to you and did something...." Talonkardde says, "Ah yes...HerDevil was making me an offer to join forces with FEDEX...." Chiefsgirl knows she's on pins and needles waiting to hear the rest "And presented me with the entire FEDEX intelligence apparatus as a gift...", says Talonkardde. Naiad winks and says, "Anything good in it?" Chiefsgirl wonders if the apparatus fit "At that point, Agentsixtyeight stumbled into the scene, with a shoe phone and shoe bomb.....", says Talonkardde. Hawkwing just wonders about the appartus Rere just likes the word appartus "Agent 99?", asks Hazel. Naiad winks and says, "I'll tell you all about it later, ladies." "Oh this is so, Maxwell Smart.", says Aylisa. "Agentsixtyeight meant to toss his phone at me, and the bomb at Xbar....", says Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl leans forward on her barstool so she doesn't miss any details of the story Talonkardde says, "Unfortunately, he got it mixed up..." "sorry about that chief", smiles Eggbogg. Talonkardde says, "So I got the bomb, and Xbar had a lovely chat with his mother as they shot Agentsixtyeight." Talonkardde sighs Naiad asks, "And Singapore blew up??" Talonkardde says, "The attrition rate was something terrible..." "No, luckily, I was familiar with that model, and paused it.", says Talonkardde. Aylisa says, "oh, thank goodness" Talonkardde nods "Yes...he's good with buttons..", says Naiad. Talonkardde says, "I turned out that the rumors were true, that they were working on a deathstar project...." Chiefsgirl doesn't think anyone realizes how highly skilled Talon is "Let's keep it that way, CG.", says Naiad with a wink. Talonkardde waggles his eyebrows and looks discreet. Hawkwing is interested in finding out Naiad grins.. Hawkwing thinks talent can come in handy at times Talonkardde says, "We went there, to a planet called Heavensbright..." Talonkardde says, "And as we walked by the main gun capacitor, I dropped Agentsixtyeight's shoe in...." Naiad asks, "In??" Talonkardde says, "Which detonated fifteen minutes later, just after Xbar and I fought a death duel over a pit of molten goo." Chiefsgirl asks, "molten goo?" Talonkardde says, "Naturally, this was just after Xbar died, and before he could reinsure..." Chiefsgirl wonders if that's anything like lava "Yes, but more icky.", says Talonkardde. "Yuck....must have been hot!", exclaims Naiad. Talonkardde nods Talonkardde says, "Sing died, but regenerated back on Kingsbay...." "Heavensbright was gone, but at a terrible cost to the Weasel ranks...", says Talonkardde. "Did he live a more quiet life after that?", says Naiad with a wink. Talonkardde says, "And I wound up being the defacto head of intelligence after that..." Talonkardde says, "No, as a matter of fact..." Talonkardde smiles, "Life got interesting after he met a certain nymph and married her..." Naiad grins.. Naiad winks and says, "Who??" "About eight months ago, after he was on the rebound with a young lady named Crystalclear...", says Talonkardde. Naiad smiles.. "Sing was quite happy, taking on minor missions, and teaching his protege, Sniperspy, until one fateful day....", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde sighs. Talonkardde says, "Just a month ago, it seems, Sing went on his final mission." "Apparently an alternate dimension Ming, who we'll call Ming2....", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "Was intent on taking over this universe..." "As you know, when you insure, you leave behind a DNA sample, and a constantly updated mindscan....", says Talonkardde. "When you die, the insurance people take these samples, and use them to clone you...", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "Ming2 was stealing these samples, and substituting them with people from his own galaxy...." Aylisa gasps Naiad shudders.. Talonkardde says, "Taking advantage of the fact that his alter ego, Ming, had been displaced by Catty...." "Uh oh", says Hazel. Talonkardde nods "Sing went into action with Sniperspy at his side...", says Talonkardde. Naiad blows her nose. Hawkwing is proud of lil Sniper too "And managed to recover most of the samples...except his own and Catty's....", says Talonkardde. "oh my", says Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde nods Hawkwing shudders "Bummer", says Chiefsgirl. "Sing and Sniper managed to battle their way through Ming2's headquarters, until they came face to face with Ming2 himself!", exclaims Talonkardde. Naiad smiles, "Is he cute?" "Both men, staggering from their innumerable wounds, faced the confident Evil One in his lair...", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "Ming2? Got warts on wart, that one..." "Anyhow...they fought for hours, and couldn't seem to even dent Ming2's composure...when suddenly they were joined by that universe's version of Singapore...Talonkardde...", says Talonkardde. "So you're Singapore?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Oh dear...can you imagine, two of them?", says Naiad with a wink. Talonkardde grins "Not quite.", says Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl asks, "not quite?" Chiefsgirl wonders if this is the new and improved model Naiad grins to herself. Aylisa asks, "one of those kinda sorta things?" "In the end, Sing managed to kill Ming2, but not before Ming2 destroyed Sing's DNA sample, and managed to poison him with a DNA corrupting poison....", says Talonkardde. "oooo... the corrupted version of Sing", says Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde says, "There was no way to get another sample from Sing before he died..." Naiad laughs! Chiefsgirl wonders if that means Talon is evil Talonkardde grins at CG with an evil glint in his eye.... Aylisa says, "So, he died a very honorable death." Hawkwing thinks maybe bi-polar from the shift ;) CTalonkardde says, "He did, and Talon gave Sniper a sample of his DNA, to mix with Sing's last mindscan..." "That's how Talonkardde wound up here in this universe...", says Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "wow!" Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you back to your spying ways?" Hawkwing applauds Aylisa giggles. Naiad winks and says, "And somehow, he retained something of Singapore in himself." Chiefsgirl remembers Singapore was a superspy "Talon closed the dimensional portal from his side as Sniperspy came back to Weasel, and reported the death of Singapore to Naiad, who wasn't aware of Talon until later.", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde nods Naiad sighs deeply..that was a rough time.. Talonkardde says, "It turned out that Talonkardde was not only an intelligence operative, but also a smuggler of rare goods, such as certain implants...." "That Singapore was reputed to have...", says Talonkardde. "A smuggler?", asks Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde nods "implants", says Chiefsgirl. Naiad loves thos implants!! Chiefsgirl ponders "So one day, Talon showed up on Lilith, and met Naiad, who was still in mourning....", says Talonkardde. "And...proved who he was...", smiles Talonkardde. Naiad beams.. Talonkardde takes another sip of his water... Chiefsgirl wonders if we can ask how it was proved? Talonkardde smiles, "I know I took more than my time allotment here...." Bix thinks not Naiad winks and says, "Trust me..there was not the shadow of a doubt there." "Does anyone have any questions for Talon?", asks Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde grins merrily at Chiefsgirl... "Fire away.", smiles Talonkardde. Rere asks, "What is the orgin of your name? Any special meaning?" "Which one?", asks Talonkardde. "Sing?", asks Talonkardde. Naiad says, "Just for the record, he's not allowed to smoke those things on Lilith." "All of them, but start with this one", says Rere. Talonkardde blows a smoke ring Rere asks, "A cigar?" Naiad nods. Rere pokes her finger through the ring "Talonkardde is based upon a personality found in the alternate universe that we spoke of....he was originally a smuggler and broker of information and rare goods....and eventually became a friend of the New Republic...", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde says, "Singapore was a nickname that I picked up in RL in the Navy..." "I have a question! What kind of goods do you smuggle?", asks Naiad. Talonkardde says, "I once played a terrorist in a drill on my ship...and 'killed' off half the crew..." Naiad kisses her Talon proudly. Talonkardde says, "And they called me Singapore, like in Indiana Jones..." Talonkardde grins "I smuggle anything that people really, really want.", smiles Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl asks, "Someone in our extended viewing audience tonight would like to know where you keep your shadow of a doubt?" Wolfyn asks, "Bones?" Talonkardde grins "Up somewhere, I'll leave it to you as to the exact location.", smiles Talonkardde. "Any other questions?", asks Talonkardde. Aylisa asks, "So your services are for hire, as a smuggler?" Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any other questions?" Talonkardde ponders Aylisa ponders if he can get whippy cream past customs. "To an extent...if you tell me what you're looking for, and I can help you, yes.", says Talonkardde. Naiad smiles, "As long as it's nothing dangerous.." "Whippy cream is not a problem...we have many holds on the Wildkardde full of the stuff.", says Talonkardde. Naiad winks and says, "Ropes and tape should not be a problem either." "We have ways...of dealing with customs.", smiles Talonkardde. "Nothing dangerous?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "I thought danger was the name of the game?" Naiad smiles, "I don't want to lose him again, CG." Talonkardde grins Chiefsgirl says, "Ah" Talonkardde smiles, "That she knows of, CG." Chiefsgirl understands Naiad's feeling Talonkardde looks innocently at Naiad. Naiad smiles.. Talonkardde blows another smoke ring. "Talon, could you smuggle things out of a certain duchy? Let's say all of the whippy cream out of Checkmate?", asks Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde nods Rere exclaims, "Hey now!" "Troublemaker!", says Naiad with a wink. Rere locks up her factory tight "Or all the smore's out of BSAcarl's place...", says Talonkardde. "Ships probably aren't big enough.", says Wolfyn. Rasal says, "Oooo, I'd help pay for that." Naiad exclaims, "Ohhh..I love smore's!!" Talonkardde grins Aylisa wants a few cargo holds of the cherry flavored. "The Wildkardde is big enough.", smiles Talonkardde. Rasal says, "CM's got way too much whippy cream." Talonkardde makes a note in his datapadd and nods to Aylisa "What if there was a big bonus involved?", asks Chiefsgirl. Rere winks and says, "My wt's work too hard Rasal" Chiefsgirl says, "And I mean BIG" Talonkardde smiles, "No job too big, if the payoff's right." Chiefsgirl nods "I reserve the right, however,", says Talonkardde. Rere asks, "Do you have a favorite fed memory?" "To hire whomever I need to do the job.", smiles Talonkardde. Talonkardde grins Talonkardde says, "Yes." "ooh good question Rere", says Aylisa. Talonkardde says, "It was when I met Naiad as Talon for the first time." Naiad smiles.. Aylisa says, "awww, isn't that sweet." Naiad has given Talonkardde a warm kiss! Rere awwwws Chiefsgirl smiles Luvrgrl sniffs as she dabs her eyes at that answer "She was standing in front of a statue of Sing, in tears...", says Talonkardde. "And didn't hear me come up behind her...", says Talonkardde. Rere pats Naiad on the shoulder Chiefsgirl winks and says, "talon, complete the job and find the tequila swigging man wearing all black and white checks for the payoff" "There was a blue light circling the statue, Naiad's love for her husband entombed...", says Talonkardde. Naiad smiles.. "And the light suddenly whizzed past Naiad and started circling me.", smiles Talonkardde. Naiad holds Talon's hand, happy at last.. Chiefsgirl knows Naiad was mighty sad after Sing left Talonkardde pats his pocket... "Still got it here, somewhere.", says Talonkardde. Talonkardde grins merrily! Talonkardde smiles, "Tequila, black and white checks...got it." "It's always with you..", smiles Naiad. Talonkardde makes a note in his datapad... Talonkardde frowns and says, "Ooo, shucks, forgot to make a log of this event..." Aylisa points over to the rolling camera. Talonkardde nods and takes another sip of his drink. "Any other questions?", says Talonkardde with a wink. "What was your favorite rank?", asks Rere. Talonkardde grins Talonkardde says, "Baron." Rere asks, "Why?" "I miss my porter.", smiles Talonkardde. Naiad whispers, "He liked to port!" Rere can't wait to port either Chiefsgirl would miss hers too Talonkardde smiles, "And I would make a lousy Duke." Chiefsgirl says, "oh, I don't think so Talon" Rere asks, "What makes you think that Talon?" "Always off, smuggling and buying, rescuing damsels in distress...", says Talonkardde. "Never have time to run a duchy.", smiles Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl smiles Naiad exclaims, "You PUT them in distress!!!" Talonkardde looks innocent Talonkardde smiles, "Only if it's good for business, dear." Naiad laughs! Talonkardde leans closer..."Or it's you." ;) Talonkardde grins wickedly! "Any other questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde says, "Oh, yes..." "I am not Tbar and Kao's love child. Thank you.", says Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl laughs Luvrgrl chuckles Aylisa rolls laughing. "Does someone think you are?", asks Chiefsgirl. Naiad giggles.. "No, I'm just hoping to start a rumor.", smiles Talonkardde. Chiefsgirl boggles Luvrgrl says, "What exactly does your name mean? Or did I miss that part" "You don't look anything like either one of them.", says Naiad with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles and tickles Talon Bix laughs Talonkardde smiles, "It means I'm really, really good in the sack." Luvrgrl howls with laughter! Rere asks, "Do you have fed parents?" Naiad laughs!! Talonkardde looks deadpan. "Not that they'll admit to." Luvrgrl grins at Naiad and thinks she is very lucky Talonkardde says, "I've tried to out them, but they threaten to sue...." Rere cringes at the thought of an attorney "I'm never letting him go.", says Naiad with a wink. Talonkardde chuckles "Names, we need incriminating evide....err names.", says Rasal. Rere tosses Naiad the duct tape Talonkardde neatly intercepts the duct tape and grins wickedly.... Luvrgrl rolls her eyes and says, "Ohhh no.. not the duct tape!" Talonkardde smiles, "That's about all I have that's unclassified." Talonkardde says, "Anymore, and I have to blow up the room." Chiefsgirl smiles Talonkardde looks apologetic. Naiad winks and says, "Oh no..we don't want that.." Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight" Talonkardde grins and waves. "Please join me next week when my guest will be Pianoman", says Chiefsgirl. Talonkardde smiles, "Remember, if you need a smuggler..." Rasal applauds, "A most entertaining story, Talon" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Talonkardde Talonkardde grins Talonkardde smiles, "Thank you, thank you!." Aylisa snags one of Talon's business cards and tucks it in her purse. |