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"Welcome to tonights Meet and Greet, where we get an opportunity to meet and find out about another fed personality!", Rere exclaims. "Tonight our guest is Baron Scoundrel Rasal!", Rere exclaims. "Geeee CG.. how you've changed.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rere cheers and whoops as Rasal makes his way up to the stage Myangel winks and says, "cg..rere..so close" Wolfyn throws a tomato! Rere bounces! Sirglec says, "True." Rasal ducks. "Rasal, please tell us about your fed life...and don't leave out any of the juicy details!", Rere exclaims. Sirglec takes out his notes. "Ok, that's easy enough to do.", says Rasal. Rere hops up on to the barstool in CG fashion and swings her legs Wolfyn wheels in the confessional. Sirglec chuckles. Rasal hands out copies of his previous M&G, "Look that over folks." Rere exclaims, "Hey!" Sirglec can't read. Rasal grins. Tis says, "There's a typo on page 3." "We want to hear it again, thanks", Rere says with a wink. Wolfyn sees hers is stamped with 'Lies, all lies.' Wolfyn points to a word. "Alot" Rere nods to Wolfie "Do I have to go through everything again or can I just start from my last one?", smiles Rasal. "Give us a basic run down of the early stuff...then tell us what happened recently", Rere says. "Well, you at least have to elaborate on all the unseemly things.", says Ford. "What if I can't remember the early stuff?", says Rasal with a wink. "I want a complete rundown!!!!!!!!!!", exclaims Sirglec. Myangel passes out cheese for the whine.. Rasal runs down Sir. "Make it up, then.", says Wolfyn. "I want all the juicy details.", says Tis. "When did you start? How bout starting there", Rere says. Rere remembers to tell Cg she didn't warn her about a hostile guest "Ok ok. Uh, started December '99. Did the ranks thing, moved up, broke some hearts. The end.", says Rasal with a wink. Rere glares at Rasal "Now fill in all the details.", says Tis. "Who's heart did you break?", Rere asks. "elaborate the broke hearts part.", says Diogenes. Wolfyn wants names and dates and driver's liscense numbers. "Sir is training me,", smiles Wolfyn. "Err, I don't have names or details. But I'm sure I must have broken some!", says Rasal with a wink. Rere laughs "I mean, I am a Scoundrel after all.", smiles Rasal. "that means he is being gallant tonight", says Juel. Rere rolls her eyes Rere asks, "Ok, so you were a duke up until recently...what happened?" Juel says, "a gallant scoundrel" Von winks and says, "Gallant? It means he aint' telling" Rere sputters her coffee...no such thing ;) Rasal has given Von a tender tickle! Von giggles. Von says, "I want to hear it all I missed the first one" Rasal says, "Ah yes. Between the time of my last meet and this one I managed to finally claw my way to Duke and fall back to GH again." Rere asks, "Where did you grow up Rasal?" "Which time?", says Rasal with a wink. Rere exclaims, "See, this is why you need to start at the beginning!" Rasal says, "The first duchy I was a part of was Zaphire, which was run by the ever so lovely Annavia." Rasal frowns and says, "Who is one of those long gone players." "After that was Lotus, with Gaminglady.", smiles Rasal. Rere asks, "You used the same name back then?" Rasal says, "Sort of." "Eh?", asks Wolfyn. Rasal winks and says, "My first name was the entirely cumbersome, tongue-twisting Rasalhauge." Juel remembers rasalhauge Von grins Wolfyn coughs. Rere still types it sometimes ;) Wolfyn coughs again. Tis remembers typoing that. Rasal hands Wolfy a cough drop. Von remembers something about Nasalhog Wolfyn lights up the first "WRONG" button. "Oh wait that's spelled hauge", says Von. Rere looks over to Wolfie Rasal looks to the historian. "He lies.", says Wolfyn. Rasal smiles, "Which part am I getting wrong?" Rere says, "Please enlighten us Wolfyn" Wolfyn says, "Oberon." "Shhh!", exclaims Rasal. Rere asks, "And just who was that?" Rere sets the interogation lights on full Felina hands Wolfyn a barf bag... just in case Wolfyn grins, that's when she met him. The My Fair Lady story. ;) Rasal says, "Err, that was an online name I used in another game that I brought to Fed." Rasal says, "He didn't last too long as I was getting confused with another Oberon who had played before me." "You got up to PO with that, didn't you?", asks Wolfyn. Sirglec watches Rasal squirm. Rasal nods, "I did. Got up to Squire with Oberon. Where I lived in the duchy of Zaphire." ;) Wolfyn says, "And you met the person that changed your life forever and ever..." "Who was that?", asks Rasal. Rasal ducks. Rere laughs Wolfyn frowns and says, "Barb." Von chuckles. Sirglec tries not to laugh.... fails. Rasal winces. "Let's just gloss over that part some.", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn sits down and puts her muzzle back on. "Ok, so you killed off Oberon and then created Rasalhauge...please go on", says Rere. Rasal says, "So, I was having some problems with the planet then and with the confusion over my name I dd'ed that character and came back as Rasalhauge." Sirglec keeps Wolfyn occupies so Rasal may continue. "I want to know where you got that name", says Von. "Which, I don't know why I picked that name. It just popped into my head from somewhere.", says Rasal. Felina wonders to herself what kind of mind the name Rasalhauge floats around in... Von laughs Wolfyn is scared to find out. Rere asks, "So then you climbed the ranks in Lotus...anything you care to share with us about that time?" "I guess that since it had to do with the online world that I was in before Fed, where I had been Oberon, when the time came for a name that just hopped in there.", says Rasal. Rasal smiles, "Actually, I need to backtrack just a bit more Rere." Rere listens :) Rasal says, "When I was haunting the galaxy as Rasalhauge, I used to spend a_lot(two words) a lot of time in the Cantina." Rasal smiles, "Which, is where I met the person who changed my life forever and ever... Wolfyn!" "Everyone thought he was a mobile. Godot-Hauge.", says Wolfyn. Rere smiles Rasal just skips the Vixen raiding party from that time. Rere whistle vixinnocently "But it was Wolfyn that actually got me started going around and meeting new faces.", says Rasal. Tis says, "Good for Wolfie." Rere asks, "So you're the one to blame eh Wolfie?" Rasal sniffs, "But, she never ever asked me to join Caddo." Wolfyn got 5-10 suspended sentence for it too. "So I ended up in Zaphire again, before moving into Lotus.", smiles Rasal. Rasal smiles, "Zaphire was nice but Lotus was home. Had a great time in that duchy with Gaminglady and all the other PO's." Rasal exclaims, "Oh good grief!" "What? What?", asks Wolfyn. "I can't believe I did that.", says Rasal. Rasal blushes. "Tell!", exclaims Tis. Rasal coughs, "The duchy was actually Lorien." Rere laughs Wolfyn rolls! Von laughs. Myangel giggles Von says, "She would love that" Rere nods and giggles Tis laughs so hard her carton almost falls over. "Oh, GL would kill me for screwing that up.", says Rasal with a wink. "That's why I never asked you to join Caddo.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Rere is sure to make a copy of the log for GL Rasal says, "That's embarassing, sheesh." Sirglec awaits GL to make Ras a GH again. Rasal asks, "Now, where was I?" Rere grins "Lorien.", says Wolfyn. Von says, "In the hot seat" Sirglec chuckles. "I made it up to Indy I think it was as Rasalhauge, in -Lorien-.", says Rasal. "There was some stuff going with a few Fed relationships that weren't working out so I uh, dd'ed again and took a little sabbatical.", says Rasal. Wolfyn sniffs and wipes a tear. "Yes, really heart-wrenching stuff. My charm or lack of was to blame.", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn marks down, "Second run." Rasal winks and says, "Plus all the complaints about having to actually type Rasalhauge too." "So he died and thus was born Rasal.", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn marks, third run. "Oddly enough, my life as Rasal was a lot like Rasalhauge.", says Rasal. "Spent a lot of time in the 'tina before PO'dom. Wolfyn yelling at me to get my butt outta there and mingle.", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn whistles innocently. Kup grins "Mingling is good.", says Tis. Sirglec winks and says, "She does a lot of that... yelling, I mean." Rasal smiles, "Still wasn't asked to join Caddo, so it was back to Lorien with Hauge." "Breaking your arm didn't count?", asks Wolfyn. "All this time I had thought that was foreplay.", says Rasal with a frown. Wolfyn blushes and covers Sir's ears! "Heheh, so as Rasal v1.0 I moved along fairly happily in Fed.", says Rasal. "And then?", asks Tis. Djkat listens to the Rasal roller-coaster story "Let's see, I had worked up to Baron at that time. Had a few relationships most notably with Neecerie.", says Rasal. "Then came the news that GL was leaving Fed.", says Rasal. Rasal finally got to join Caddo when Lorien disappeared. Rere frowns Wolfyn coughs, the other one, not GL. "Minor details.", says Rasal with a wink. "And that I think takes us up to right around the first meet and greet.", smiles Rasal. "Now for the really good stuff.", says Rasal. Livia smiles. Tis listens closely. Rasal looks around all suspicious like... Rasal whispers, "I've done... all of... Fed!: Von blinks Djkat blinks Myangel coughs "All?!", exclaims Tis. Rasal nods. "Not quite", says Von. Rasal winks and says, "Wolfyn said I did, so it must be true." Sirglec pulls his service revolver and lays it on the table in front of him. Sirglec asks, "Ras! So you're saying the list of those you haven't is shorter than those you have?" Wolfyn mumbles and stutters. "Heheh, getting back on track. In the time since then I went to Duke where I had a fairly nice duchy, down to GH and back to Baron.", smiles Rasal. "Fast too", says Von with a wink. "Good friends with deep pockets.", smiles Rasal. "How did you DD to begin with ?", asks Alternate. Von chuckles. "Uh, uh.", says Rasal. Rasal winks and says, "The details of my recent dd are sketchy and classified." "Dd's aren't to begin with. They're to end with.", says Tis. "Pffffft !", exclaims Alternate. Rere asks, "A knife...a slit...what more is there?" Alternate says, "We alts have short attention spans...suspense does not work on us" "Just for the record, I learned that the panties go in the microwave but not the wrench.", says Rasal. Wolfyn rolls her eyes. Alternate winks and says, "Actually if you have truly learned..there is a much better place for panties than a mucrowave" Rasal says, "Actually, I'm rather sure there's been a tale of why I dd'ed floating around Fed." Wolfyn has spread several herself. Rasal says, "There's probably as many versions of it as I have fingers. The truth of the matter is, I had some RL stuff that need tending to for a bit." Rasal smiles, "Being RL stuff you never know how long it'll take to work out so I dd'ed. Thankfully, it didn't take nearly as long as I expected it to and voila, I came back." Djkat ponders that RL required a DD .. for a bit "I'm glad you came back, scoundrel.", smiles Wolfyn. "So, I guess question time? Right? Right?", smiles Rasal. Rere asks, "What are your plans this time around?" Wolfyn waves and waves and waves her paws! Tis asks, "What is the meaning of life?" Sirglec thinks Rasal is getting awful friendly with his Duchess. ;) Rasal winks and says, "42, Tis." Djkat laughs Wolfyn puts a blindfold and earplugs on Sirglec. Rasal says, "My only plan is to Duke again when I have the means to do so." "thank you Mr Adams", says Djkat. Tis just grins. Rere looks at Wolfyn "Not sure if I'll try to build another Duchy yet or not though.", says Rasal. Wolfyn asks, "So out of all those hearts you've broken, no marriages?" Rasal may as well have been married in the last one but nope. "And do tell about the award for planet design...", says Wolfyn. Rasal smiles, "Ooooo, the award." "I was bored one day and got this notion to submit Hauge for a planet review.", smiles Rasal. Wolfyn tried to tell him that was a bad idea. "So I sent the request to Alsatian who dropped by for a look around one day.", says Rasal. Rasal says, "He asked a few questions and looked at the locations and then left, so I thought he was done." Rasal says, "I then headed for the wb and proceeded to surround Hauge with 100 some odd locations of space called the Dark." Rasal frowns and says, "Alsatian was a bit uh, surprised when he came back the next day to continue the tour I had thought he was done with." Livia winces. Rere snickers Myangel grins Rasal says, "But my work on Hauge was enough to garner me the one and only Gold-plated Dog Pile Award." Djkat laughs "Which still hasn't been plated.", says Rasal with a frown. Wolfyn says, "Watch your step on Hauge." Rasal says, "So I guess now it's more like the Dried-Out Dog Pile Award." Rasal smiles, "But it's mine." Myangel grins Wolfyn chuckles. Tis guesses that explains the smell... Livia asks, "When did you start doing the fighting events?" "Ah! I started fighting in the events last spring I think it was.", smiles Rasal. "Yeah... he made friends with Wolfy and she corrupted another duke.", says Sirglec with a wink. "I wanted to try a new event in Fed so I found a willing teacher and took some lessons.", smiles Rasal. Von pulls her duke closer to her Rasal chuckles. Wolfyn toast Jazir's teaching! Ford raises his beer mug, er ug hand that is. "I guess I fight fairly well as I took first place in the fighting league last season.", smiles Rasal. Livia claps for that! Tis claps. Rasal grins at Livia. Kup applauds Ras's fighting prowess "bravo!", exclaims Myangel. Rere smiles, "Excellent" "Are there any other questions for Rasal?", asks Rere. "Got to have this question, what was your most embarassing moment? Other than tonight?", asks Wolfyn. "So, when did you decide to embark up on a life of scoundrelism?", asks Ford. Rasal says, "Uh oh, the embarassing moment question." "I know there's a lot to choose from, the first 100 would be okay.", says Wolfyn. "I would say it was the other night when I heard Wolfyn was expecting another litter.", says Rasal with a frown. Rasal prepares for the confessional moment and looks at Wolfy and Sir. Wolfyn blinks. Tis asks, "Why would that embarass you?" Wolfyn whispers to Sir, "Eh?" Sirglec blinks and looks at Ras for explanation. "Unless...", says Tis. Tis claps her hand over her mouth. Rasal says, "Well see, I had recently uh, passed the mail carrier exams." Sirglec toys with his service revolver. "Careful Ras." Wolfyn thinks she hears someone outside calling her name... Rere loves a good scandel! Sirglec holds Wolfyn in place. Wolfyn whines. Rasal says, "So there I was doing my duty and Wolfyn, being a canine member and all, came at me." Rere whispers to Sir...cuffs? Wolfyn stutters, "Well, a postman! What do you expect?" Rasal says, "It was all sudden like and the details are hazy, but I remember reaching for what I thought was my pepper spray." Djkat wonders if Rasal whistles twice Sirglec shakes his head. "Beyond that... firearm." "Shouldn't he be put into a plastic bag?", asks Von. Rasal says, "But it turned out to be breath spray. So I sprayed in the direction of Wolfyn, hit her in the mouth and she laid this big snog on me." Rere gasps! Wolfyn groans. "Oh my!", exclaims Tis. Sirglec chuckles. "He obviously didn't use the rubber one Von." Rasal says, "That was that you know. The uniform, minty fresh breath... passion ensues." Von laughs "So Sir, if the litter doesn't look like you... blame the postman!", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn may not have to think of anything for the sixth day of wedded bliss! Djkat sips his wine and shakes his head "Rasal, do you have a favorite fed moment?...other than that one", says Rere with a wink. Wolfyn crawls under the table. Rasal laughs. Tis chuckles. Wolfyn says, "I'll get you later, Rasal." "My favorite Fed moment... would have to be right now.", says Rasal with a wink. Rasal smirks. Tis whispers to Wolfyn, "Too late." Rere ponders scoundrel puppies and shudders Rere asks, "Are there any final questions?" Tis says, "Scoundrel scandels." Wolfyn tentatively tickles Sirglec. "Ras, would you like to make a closing statement?", asks Rere. Rasal ponders. Sirglec says, "More like final remark." Rere winks to Sir Sirglec picks up his service revolver. "Save me.", smiles Rasal. Von smiles, "How can he top that?" "A final word in self defense.", says Tis with a wink. Rere smiles, "I'd like to thank Rasal for being my guest tonight and sharing his sorted fed life story" Rere exclaims, "Thank you all for coming!" "Ok Sir...shoot him now...we'll capture it on tape", says Rere with a wink. Wolfyn has regrets about it! Rasal takes the moment to slip on his Kevlar vest. Tis thinks sordid was more the word. Sirglec would applaud but is busy sighting in Rasal. Rasal hides behind Rere. Rere ducks! Wolfyn tucks her cold nose under Sirglec's chin. Rasal ducks too! Rere steps to the left Myangel is glad she's behind sir. Sirglec aims low. Rasal steps to the right... left! Rere then hops to the right "Egads, stand still!", smiles Rasal. "Hope you're a good aim Sir...", says Rere. Rere puts her hands on her knees Sirglec pulls the trigger... Darn, I forgot I had my joke gun. :( Wolfyn sighs! Rere sees the big red BANG and laughs Tis exclaims, "Whew!" Myangel says, "just out of curiosity.." "Whew, am I a lucky Scoundrel or what?", asks Rasal. Rere looks over to Angel "he said..another litter...did he have something to do with previous ones?", asks Myangel. Sirglec listens intently. Rere ooooos and looks at Wolfie "Maybe not so lucky at that.", says Tis. Rasal shakes his head. Wolfyn says, "Uh.. Uh.. he was only a lucky Scoundrel that one time." Rere winks and says, "We believe you...yeps, we do Wolfie" Wolfyn nods nods nods. Wolfyn has given Rasal a sloppy hug! Wolfyn smiles, "You are a goofball." Rasal mutters to himself, "Get Wolfyn back for the "Ras has done everyone in Fed" remark, check." Wolfyn laughs. Sirglec pours the tequilla on Rasal and lights a match. Tis snickers. Wolfyn has given Sirglec a hot kiss! Rere steps way back from Ras Rasal has bought you a Flaming Scoundrel.! Djkat notes that it is only 80 proof tequila, so it wont burn Sirglec frowns and says, "Rats! I can't win tonight." Wolfyn whispers to Sirglec, "Sure you can, Sir." "So, is this meet and greet thing done?", asks Rasal. "I dunno, got any more confessions?", says Wolfyn with a frown. Rasal says, "Hmm.. more confessions..." Rere says, "Nope...we still have more questions" Wolfyn says, "Lesse, you left out the Ryno story.." Rasal says, "Uh... everyone heard the Ryno story in Chicago." Wolfyn thinks we should do the first part only. Rere clears her throat and stands back up to the Microphone Rere says, "I didn't either and I was there" Wolfyn smiles, "Ohh, tell him the Ryno story." "Get up here Ras", says Rere. Rasal winks and says, "It's not my fault you weren't in Chicago Sir." "Full details!", exclaims Wolfyn. Myangel winks and says, "i was..and i missed it" Wolfyn says, "Including, meeting him in Chicago." Rere stuffs him onto a stool and makes him talk "Don't make me get the duct tape scoundrel", says Rere with a wink. Rasal laughs, "Oh when I met him was classic." Dgallagher has a roll you can use. ;) Wolfyn says, "No no, he likes the duct tape Rere." Dgallagher hands over a roll of carpet tape. Rere switches to the whips and chains Rere frowns and says, "Oh wait...he likes that too" Rasal asks, "Ryno showed up that Thursday didn't he?" Myangel sets a candle under ras's chair..and lites the wick. "Comeon comeon. Tell. Who was the lady in question?", asks Wolfyn. "Thursday...yeps", says Rere. Rasal sings "Hot Cross Buns" "going to be roasted peanuts if you don't talk quickly", says Myangel with a wink. Wolfyn nods solemnly. "Ok, we had just gotten back from the BMG thing then. And I stopped in the lobby to leave a message on the board thing that Angel had set up.", smiles Rasal. Sirglec chuckles about roasted peanuts. ;) Dgallagher says, "Folks, I'm going to go lay down...head is pounding." Rasal says, "As I'm writing the message, Ryno Truck and Mary step off the elevator." "Now I hadn't met any of them before and Ryno looks at me and starts going off about how the board was for Fedders only.", says Rasal. Myangel giggles. Rasal winks and says, "And I'm like well duh, I'm one of those Fedders." "Then he couldn't use it.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rasal chuckles. Rere laughs "So he asks who I am, I tell him and they walk off towards Angel's room with the silly string.", says Rasal with a wink. Myangel says, "scamps." Rasal coughs. "You have to tell the first story for this to make sense.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Rasal asks, "Which first story?" Rasal was getting there, hush. ;) Wolfyn smiles, "How you met him in Fed." Wolfyn hushes. Wolfyn tuckes her cold nose under Sirglec's chin. Wolfyn says, "urg" "Sometime during the assault if finally clicked to him that I was the same Rasal, upon whose lp he had parked while I was involved in my first, uh, cyber-session with one of his PO's.", says Rasal. "sorry.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn snickers. Myangel asks, "on the lp??" "Making sure his vixen got home by 11.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Rere falls off the stool laughing Rasal winks and says, "Uh, Ryno was on the lp. The PO and I were elsewhere." Myangel says, "oh whew." Rasal says, "Checking to make sure she was ok, he claimed." "Rasal in the bedroom, Papa right outside the door.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Rasal mutters. Wolfyn has given Rasal a passionate tickle! Rasal chuckles. Rasal says, "That was fairly embarassing I reckon." "For him anyway.", says Rasal with a wink. "And not for you, eh?", asks Wolfyn. "i don't think anything embarasses him", says Wrkincaid. "Hey, I was the one catting around with his PO. If anything Wolfy, he was jealous.", says Rasal with a wink. "Err... just go ahead and scratch that.", says Rasal. Sirglec winks and says, "hmmmm...... I only remember one female checkmate po." Rasal remembers all of them! Wolfyn listens for the yell.. Sirglec glances at Rere. Rere winks and says, "Hey, there were more than just me" Rasal says, "The roving band of Vixens and their plundering of my innocence that night in the Cantina." Rere exclaims, "You started it!" "Bah! I was there minding my own business!", exclaims Rasal. Rere thinks you remember it incorrectly! Rere smiles, "Amethyst, Keshrika, Aylisa and I Sir" "And Ras did them all?", asks Sirglec. Rasal coughs. Sirglec ducks. "Not this one", says Rere with a wink. "Err... Amethyst would be the one that Ryno was checking up on.", says Rasal with a frown. Rere adjusts her halo Chiefsgirl hands Rere some polish Rere rubs hard but the tarnish just won't come off Sirglec winks and says, "Gotta remove the tarnish first." Rasal says, "This of course being after their assault on me in the Cantina." Chiefsgirl laughs Rere exclaims, "Assault! Pfft!" "Blitzkrieg?", says Rasal with a wink. Sirglec thinks Rasal is experiencing this disease called Selective Memory. "You started it and love the whole vixenization process :P", says Rere. Rasal hmphs. Chiefsgirl says, "Rasal, I didn't realize you just did a Meet & Greet back in December" Rere exclaims, "He was hostile CG!" "He was?!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sirglec nods. Rasal says, "Was not." Myangel nods! Chiefsgirl hopes you tied him up and whipped him good Rere exclaims, "Wouldn't answer my history questions!" Rere mutters bout reading the old log "What did he talk about then if not his history?", asks Chiefsgirl. "In my defense, I passed out copies of my first meet.", says Rasal. Sirglec winks and says, "His conquests." Chiefsgirl laughs Rere grins Chiefsgirl asks, "That must have filled a few minutes. Then what did ya talk about?" Rere says, "another scandal" Rasal chuckles. Myangel giggles Wolfyn chuckles. Chiefsgirl asks, "You're involved in a scandal Rasal?" Chiefsgirl is so shocked Wolfyn says, "No, Cg. Nothing at all." "a....try many!", exclaims Rere. Sirglec nods and looks from Ras to Wolfy. "Not a thing.", says Wolfyn. "The better question is when am I not involved in a scandal?", asks Rasal. Chiefsgirl laughs Rere says, "Then he forgot the duchy he grew up in the second time...Lotus..errr...Lorien" "I was formerly scandalous", says Chiefsgirl. Rasal says, "I have this really neat conspiracy theory I never shared." Wolfyn says, "Oh no." "Hey CG...did you ever do a M&G?", asks Rere. Sirglec asks, "Yeah! Have you?" "Oh goodness.... long ago Rere", says Chiefsgirl. Rasal says, "It involves 4 Vixens and an ever so innocent young man in the Cantina one night." "We should do one!", exclaims Rere. "Oh please!", exclaims Rere. Rasal has given Rere a warm tickle! "Innocent my foot!", exclaims Rere. Wolfyn asks, "And duct tape?" Rasal digs the barrel of history for other juicy details. Rasal says, "Hmm... there was this one time when I had been Oberon." "Oberon?", asks Breyer. "And a trip to Rain, I think it was.", says Rasal. Breyer nearly dies. Rere looks to Breyer then to Rasal Breyer asks, "Rasal - why didn't you tell me?" Rasal snickers. "Did he have you too Breyer?!?!?!", exclaims Rere. Breyer turns bright shades of Red. Rere laughs! Chiefsgirl asks, "Have we established anyone he hasn't had?" Sirglec smiles. Breyer says, "He was one of my attempted Suga-Daddies - I think he gave me 5 megs..." Rere raises her hand! Breyer grumbles, "Cheap." Myangel raises her hand! Chiefsgirl raises her hand too Rasal says, "Shoulda put out more." Rere exclaims, "cheap thrills!" Rasal chuckles. "You are such a scoundrel...the scoundrel KING!", exclaims Rere. Rasal says, "I think that's all the skeletons." Breyer says, "I feel - so ... dirty." Rere pats Breyer's back "At least I really hope that's all of them.", says Rasal. Rere wonders Chiefsgirl has given Breyer a friendly hug! Breyer says, "Rain was a beautiful planet though." Breyer sighs. Rasal winks and says, "And it was 50, not 5 megs." Breyer says, "50 megs - that's right." |