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Breyer waves at the camera nervously. Chiefsgirl smiles, "We'll have fun tonight" Breyer grins and nods. "duff should really decorate y'know", says Kingman. Victoria says, "I agree, its worse than manky grey ships" Rere hides her ship Kingman says, "that's ok Rere... mine's manky too" "mine is painted for a change", says Victoria. "All painted", says Rere with a wink. Kingman says, "mine is due to tp accident" Rere hands Kingman over the paint brush... tp accident...don't think I wanna know ;) Breyer starts stressing. Kingman says, "space can be a bad thing" Chiefsgirl hands Breyer a shot of JD to soothe her nerves "teleport", says Victoria. Breyer orders a keg and calms herself by bashing it on her head repeatedly. Rere pats Breyer on the shoulder and hands her some tequilla Chiefsgirl says, "I was thinking toilet paper" Victoria laughs at CG Rere laughs! "dear, I think you should rethink your abbreviations from now on", says Victoria. Chiefsgirl was sitting here trying to figure out where there was tp in space to mess up a ship "And to create a manky ship...scary thought", says Rere with a wink. "die, sell ship and travel", says Victoria. Victoria shrugs Chelsia rummages through her bag for her heckle suit 'dern not here' blah Rasal says, "I'm here to heckle Breyer and chew gum, and I'm all outta gum." "That sucks", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl stands and smiles warmly at you all Breyer bans Rasal... suggestivly. Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" Kingman says, "uh oh... she wants something" Rere smiles and cheers "Yeah, she wants me. Always has, but she can't have me.", says Rasal with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "The Meet & Greet provides us the opportunity to meet a different personality each week" Chiefsgirl says, "Our guest will tell us about herself and answer questions, so please don't be shy about asking" Chiefsgirl says, "I'm honored tonight to have Breyer, Duchess of Elwen, as my guest" Chiefsgirl says, "Please give her a warm welcome" Chelsia cheers Victoria applauds and settles down to listen Breyer grins and waits for the warmth. Chiefsgirl plops back down on her barstool, applauding wildly Rere applauds and makes her wait to a seat Kingman claps loudly "way too", says Rere with a wink. Breyer winks and says, "Okay... Let me start out by saying that I am very competitive. (Except when it comes to spelling and grammar) So... this better be the best M&G ever." Chiefsgirl grins Chewbacon says, "dont count it breyer" "err cownt it", says Chewbacon. "Breyer came about on December 20th.... right as Freetime struck before flatrate.", smiles Breyer. Breyer says, "I was a returning Player... from AOL... he was generally known as a snert..." "Known?", says Chewbacon with a wink. Chewbacon has given Breyer a friendly tickle! "He?", asks Rasal. Breyer says, "she... sorry." Chiefsgirl asks, "Who Breyer?" Kingman asks, "player?" "As I said... I'm tired.", says Breyer with a wink. "So Breyer's a guy?", asks Rasal. Chelsia perks at the snert word Breyer glares at Rasal. Chiefsgirl is always curious to hear about former incarnations Rere grabs a confused couch cushion and hugs it "I didn't really have much of a pre-breyer life... other than general snert.", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl giggles "I wanted to be the leader of one of those awful guilds... but I couldn't get people to join my guild...", says Breyer. "So ... I proposed that my five member guild join a 50 member guild and I become Co-President.", says Breyer. "That was pretty much my biggest achievement pre-Breyer.", says Breyer with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Wow! That worked?" Breyer winks and says, "Guilds were pointless... and the people in them... dumb. (For the most part)" "but weren't you in one?", asks Kingman. "nevermind", says Kingman. Breyer has given Kingman a sloppy tickle! "I wasn't in them, but they did sound like a popularity contest.", says Chewbacon. "...wasn't around when they were around, I think.", says Chewbacon. "When Breyer came about... the first thing I wanted was a planet.", says Breyer. "What guild was it Breyer?", asks Rere. Breyer says, "The guild was "Shadow of the Legions."" Breyer winks and says, "If anyone remembers." "don't remember that one", says Kingman. "No.. did follow the guild scene back then", says Chelsia. "No clue here", says Rere with a wink. "err didn't", says Chelsia. Breyer winks and says, "In fact, I knew that my planet's name would be Elwen - way before I knew that Breyer would be my character's name." Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you choose Elwen as a planet name?" "Ohh... fun question....", says Breyer. Breyer says, "A group of my RL friends and I have a book club... and at the time we were reading "Stranger in a Strangeland" By Robert A. Heinlein - it's a great book." Breyer smiles, "One of the concepts in the book is a religion... a brotherhood... my bookclub go so far into the book that we became "water-brothers" as the characters in the book became." "(Yes, even females were brothers...)", says Breyer. Rasal asks, "So Breyer's a guy?" Kingman chuckles Breyer glares at Rasal. Chiefsgirl nods, listening close "Well, we all picked "Water Brother" names... but we didn't want to use names of characters from the book... so we stole words from Tolkien languages.", smiles Breyer. Chiefsgirl says, "Rasal, let her finish" Breyer says, "I was Nendil, and my close friend Elwen..." Midrats chuckles and buys Rasal some extra strong glasses Breyer smiles, "When I was reading what the words translated to in english... I discovered that Elwen was "Maiden of the Stars" ... I thought it fit... and promptly fell in love with the name." "ooooo... that's neat", says Chiefsgirl. Breyer winks and says, "The planet was named pre-groundhog." Chiefsgirl writes that down so she'll remember it "And how did you come up with Breyer?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I couldn't think of a name... I was depressed - wanting to get into the game and start playing... while eating Breyer's ice cream...", says Breyer. Kingman grins Victoria laughs! "what flavor?", asks Victoria. Chiefsgirl giggles "I'll tell the Gullible my real name is Breyer... just for kicks... but it's not.", says Breyer with a wink. "Mint Chip.", says Breyer. "good choice", says Victoria. Victoria giggles Breyer melts in longing for mint chip. Rere laughs "Well, I didn't come in Fed to mess around... I wanted my planet.... so first thing I did was find a JP to help me haul....", says Breyer. "I was an adventuress shortly after... Shaner helped the most and me and him had a little "fling"...", says Breyer. "It didn't last long, and he's no longer in Fed.... (I think it was Shaner... I could be very wrong.)", says Breyer. Kingman raises an eyebrow Chiefsgirl grins Breyer winks and says, "Well, without Shaner's suga-daddy approach to helping my character grow up... I had a problem.... I kind of wandered around looking for the Grand Master of Trade... and when I found him... I realized I needed a new Suga-Daddy." Jazir chuckles "At the time, a lot of Old Fedders were giving there characters up... Highlander was one of them... his new owner and I quickly became an item... and he funded my way up to PO where I become Squire of Elwen.", smiles Breyer. "Well, Fed went pay and Highlander died. - I can't say I was surprised. So, I found a new guy... Civ.", says Breyer. "Civ helped me haul, helped me grow in the duchy... and we became engaged a month later.", says Breyer. "I became the Evita of Civilization.", says Breyer with a wink. Breyer says, "Having rose the ranks just as she had in real life..." Breyer says, "Like all my previous lovers... it didn't last long. I felt chained to the duchy..." Breyer says, "And didn't like Civ's rules... and I broke it off and fled to Discworld." Breyer says, "That was my last realtionship in Fed...." "With Pin? Oh, good choice.", says Chewbacon with a wink. Rere coughs Rere asks, "Did you marry any of them Breyer?" Kingman hands Rere a glass of water "Erm... I have had flings...", says Breyer. "I never married.", says Breyer. Breyer winks and says, "I came close." "Someday your prince will come perhaps", says Rere with a wink. "flings are good '_", says Chelsia. "Aye", says Chewbacon. Breyer winks and says, "Nah, I don't think Males who have cash and I will ever have a good realtionship." Kingman chuckles "So, I have sworn off Fed-Love.... don't ask... I'm done playing Evita.", says Breyer with a wink. "How about males without cash?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Males without cash? Well.... then I have the problem of spybeams so they have to be a broke-Duke...", says Breyer. Victoria laughs Breyer nods, "If you are a broke duke.... send me a TB...." Chiefsgirl giggles Rere laughs "Well, after ending things with Civ... I moved to Discworld... where Pin became my favorite duke of all time....", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl asks, "Why was he your favorite of all time?" Breyer says, "His planet was written beautifully... and people hung out in his bar all day... and we just roleplayed and goofed around... and laughed... and had fun." "Fun was the only duchy rule.", smiles Breyer. Breyer winks and says, "Pin also became a mini-father for me.... he kept me out of guy trouble while I went through Evita withdrawl." Rick remebers a bit of fun on Discworld "While in Discworld... I decided I needed a Fed Family. Don't ask me why...", says Breyer. "Suddenly, Beccai adopted me.", says Breyer. "Why?", asks Chewbacon. Rick remembers that to,, didn't like that .. Got his hands slapped trying to see Breyer nakkked "I had two brothers, Jambo... and um... someone else.", says Breyer. "Along with Uncles, cousins... step brothers- great-great-great... It was confusing and nearly anyone I talked to was family.", says Breyer. "It was a lot of fun.", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl nods Breyer says, "My brothers and I had the required sibling fits... where we turned Jambo into a frog and slit his neck... all for fun... and Beccai would yell at me..." Breyer grumbles, "It wasn't *all* my fault." "Well... a few short weeks later... Pin decided to leave... and the Duchy of Juelz was born. The atmosphere was very different... and though a great place to be... it wasn't right for me... so I sulked for awhile and looked for a new duchy.", says Breyer. Chewbacon remembers when Pin left "Suddenly, MyNewDay came back to Fed... having remembered her from my first fed-life (Oz had this one location where newbies always got stuck... prime Guild recruiting ground) I asked to join her Duchy.", says Breyer. Rere smiles at My's name "MyNewDay was a great Duchess... Food was all decked out in rainbows and it was for the most part a very family Duchy.", says Breyer. "Oz was a great place to grow up", smiles Rere. "One example of this was a tradition carried over from Oz on Aol... whenever someone promoted... the entire duchy would haul out there Stock... laughing and joking around.", smiles Breyer. Breyer smiles, "It was a real bonding experience." Breyer says, "At the time My and Witchie were both busy with the planet Cure. Part of what was soon to become a multi-planet puzzle..." Breyer says, "Just as Enchantment.... Cure's sister planet was born... My suddenly faded away from Fed... and the duchy was often closed... I understood... but by that time was rapidly advancing up the ranks... and didn't want to be slowed down." Breyer says, "I moved to Hauge... with some guy named Rasal." "That is where things begain happening.", smiles Breyer. Rasal winces. Snowstar smirks. "Things happen there? Ooooo what kind of things?", asks Rere. Breyer smiles, "Mostly out of Duchy things... it was a great time in the road to becoming who I am today." Chewbacon says, "Don't forget you got drafted to be one of the Ducal Annoyance in the Hauge Navy" "That was my second visit to Hauge Chewbie.", says Breyer with a wink. "I'm going fast.", says Breyer with a wink. "Anyways... Macnbc had one game... Who Wants to be a Billionaire.", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl giggles "I was a contestant twice.... and was brilliant.", says Breyer. "I got to 500 megs both times and took a risk and fell back down to 32 megs...", says Breyer. Chewbacon winks and says, "Oh, this visit was when you DD'ed!" Rere shushes Chewy "I - to this day - hold the record for longest person in the Hotseat... I was no dummy... I found the balance... of "discussing" answers while running around on the website looking up answers.", says Breyer. "I was bad... I found the hole in the game... I'm sorry. (Mac, Don't fire me.)", says Breyer. "I was just fired by the way.", says Breyer with a wink. Rere giggles "Fired?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Apparently... I am no longer on MacnBrelly staff.", says Breyer with a wink. "We'll see.", says Breyer. Chelsia eeps Roslyn blinks Rere glares to Mac's beam Breyer says, "Well... Mac had gone through several question writers... and his questions wern't that great. (I'm being honest) often his "answers" were wrong... and I argued..." Chiefsgirl nods Breyer says, "Don't argue with Mac... next thing I knew... I was writing questions for Billionaire...." Rick thinks Never give away stradegy .. or how to cheat without getting caught... to anyone Breyer says, "After a couple months of Mac and I writing questions for Billionaire together... he mentioned his idea for Fed Survivor... I was sceptical... but knew if anyone could do it... Mac could... so I told him to go for it..." Roslyn wonders if Rick knows that from experience "I said I'd write the planet and help with the behid the scenes stuff....", says Breyer. "Well, two weeks or so before Fed Survivor 1... I vanished from the game.... and Mac replaced me with Raphael who ended up writing the planet in an amazing two days!", exclaims Breyer. Rere whispers to Breyer, nice recovery Chewbacon says, "Hats off to Raph" "I came back just in time to do camera duty and get yelled at by Mac.", says Breyer with a wink. Chewbacon grumbles about Breyer vanishing several times... Breyer winks and says, "Now, I'm editing part of my life out... around this time... after Survivor 1 was a total success ... I made a weak attempt at hosting "The Fed Mole" it didn't work.... because I vanished gain." "I actually DDed right before the Mole... making the game play impossible as I had worked it out.", says Breyer. "Somewhere in the process... I became a Duchess (Again) ... and am now hosting Fed Survivor 3.... (having been vanished for nearly all of S2 this time.)", says Breyer. "Ack... correction.", says Breyer. "Jelly is hosting Fed Survivor 3... and I'm co-producing.", says Breyer with a wink. Chiefsgirl wonders about this vanishing Rere wonders too "Are these planned or unplanned?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon says, "She's a spy from another universe. She's telling them what we're doing so they can invade Fed and turn us into talking dust bunnies." Breyer says, "My vanishings were because of Real life issues... and often came at awful times... Right before S1... right before "The Mole" and before and during S2..." "err...another dimension", says Chewbacon. Breyer says, "No, these are very unplanned." Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl hopes Breyer doesn't vanish while the Meet & Greet is still going on Breyer chains herself down. Chiefsgirl says, "So, tell us a bit about Survivor 3, which you're co-producing" "I'm not allowed to vanish until Sunday after Fs3.", says Breyer with a wink. Rere hands CG some find-a-Breyer solution "Quack...", says Chewbacon. Breyer says, "Fed Survivor 3.... has been in the works since I returned... the day after S2...." "I've been trying to work out bugs that worked against the game at times in S1 and S2....", says Breyer. Breyer says, "One of the most notable changes are that... the tribes will be divided.... and stay divided until the authorized merge." Rere says, "Not an easy task" Snowstar swears she found no bugs with Rub Al Khali. Breyer says, "In the past... the tribes kind of merged themselfs..." "Sounds like a nightmare", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl makes sure she'll be wearing her easy-to-merge clothes Chewbacon winks and says, "Themselves" "My respect for Macnbc is ten-fold what it was before I started working of S3...", says Breyer. "I don't think anyone realizes how hard it is... but I would be lying if I said I havn't loved 99% of the process.", smiles Breyer. Rere asks, "You're playing CG?" "Today... we got the last contestant... the planet is being bugged tested as we speak... and the production team is bonding together.", smiles Breyer. "yes, I am a contestant this time", smiles Chiefsgirl. Rere smiles, "Kewl! Good luck!" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Thanks" Chiefsgirl is looking forward to it Roslyn listens and munches on her red, white, and blue M & Ms. Breyer winks and says, "I actually will be giving you the link to the webpage... which will have the Survivor contestants on it... just as M&g ends ... hopefully." Breyer says, "Anyway questions? I've talked a lot ... and fast... skimming... I apoligize..." "Rasal?", asks Chewbacon. Rasal asks, "What?" Chewbacon thought he was here to heckle Breyer - oh well! Rere asks, "Do you have a favorite and most embarrassing moment in all your fed lives?" "I would like to encourage you all to participate in Fed events... both official and unofficial... Fed has a lot of possibilities.", smiles Breyer. "There's two questions", says Chewbacon with a wink. Breyer says, "My favorite Fed moment was when I got Elwen... when I knew I was a PO..." Breyer says, "I was so proud..." Chiefsgirl smiles Rere smiles "The worst moment? When I realized that running an exchange was work.", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl laughs Jazir grins "That's a big downer for newbies", says Chewbacon. "No, most embarrassing is what I asked", says Rere with a wink. Breyer grumbles, "I had good reason for looking for suga-daddy's." Breyer says, "Most embarrassing? I generally don't get embrassed in Fed..." Rick coughs Snowstar just can't picture a red-faced Breyer. Rick snickers Breyer says, "I have awful spelling and grammar - constantly confuse TB, XT, Com, Say, and act... but nothing tramatic." "Breyer, why did you want to become a duchess so quickly again?", asks Chewbacon. Chewbacon goes on active duty... "Sic 'er, Annoyance.", says Rasal. Chewbacon salutes the duke. "I loved the Rank... I loved sitting on my butt and getting to talk to people... I loved not having to worry about my exchange being dumped on... and I loved having the power that goes along with the rank.... "power" meaning... nothing...", says Breyer with a wink. Chewbacon asks, "Why?" Breyer winks and says, "Um... because I do?" "Ahh", says Chewbacon. Breyer says, "Because Rasal can't spy me anymore...." Rere chuckles "Do you have something to hide?", asks Chewbacon. Breyer winks and says, "Chewbacon, I may be a retired Evita - but I do work occasionally." "ahh", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon sits and plans his next move.. Breyer grins. Rasal slaps a "Banned from Hauge" sticker on Breyer's forehead. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any questions for Breyer?" Breyer glares and Bans Rasal from Elwen again. Snowstar asks, "From whence does your name come from, Breyer?" "So... here's one question", says Chewbacon. Breyer winks and says, "Ice Cream, Snow." Breyer smiles, "I answered that earlier... sorry you missed out." "Why'd you keep coming back to camp in Hauge when you made Duchess?", asks Chewbacon. Breyer winks and says, "Read the log." Snowstar winks and says, "I'll do that" Breyer asks, "I come back to Hauge ... because I enjoy being abused by Rasal?" Chewbacon says, "Rasal? Abuse his POs? No way." "Nah... Hauge is a fun duchy with fun PO's... prime ground for Contestant hunting.", says Breyer with a wink. Chewbacon can't even imagine that. Chewbacon says, "Especially Cloudstrife.. he's fun sometimes" "Anyone have questions about my brief stint as Anne Robinson's Body in Fed?", asks Breyer. Snowstar wasn't aware of the stint. Jazir smiles, "When was that, Breyer?" Breyer says, "One of MacnBrelly's other failed games required me to be the Host from the Weakest Link... I was Anne Robinson... if you dig around... it was said that Anne Robinson possessed me..." Chiefsgirl laughs Breyer smiles, "The game lasted three hours... and was played shortly after FS1." Rere falls down laughing remembering "We canceled it after that... three hours was just to long... even the contestants saying "You are the weakest link" praying that I would let them go early.", says Breyer with a wink. "Can you tell us the site for FS3?", asks Rere. Breyer smiles, "Yes... Mac is currently working on the pretty version of the FS3 website... so check it out now... and check it out in about 10 minutes... hopefully by then he'll have it up." Breyer fishes around in her papers. Roslyn almost didn't make FS1 because it was every night Snowstar asks, "Is Megadude involved at all with FS3?" "Hey Mac...hurry up!", exclaims Rere. "Oh... Megadude... um... he was very involved with S2... and was really my replacement during that vanishing... Mega left the company shortly after I returned....", says Breyer. "He vanished entirely...is there a story to tell there?", asks Snowstar. Breyer says, "He had to take my place in the land of the vanished I suppose Snowstar..." Breyer says, "The Website..." Breyer says, "Http://fedsurvivor.has.it" Breyer winks and says, "It's not pretty yet... but soon." Breyer smiles, "I hope you'll all join us tomorrow at 9:30 eastern ... when game time starts." Breyer smiles, "And thanks for having me CG." Chiefsgirl asks, "Any final questions for Breyer?" "you're welcome Breyer... it was great fun", says Chiefsgirl. Rere asks, "Which flavor of whippy do you prefer most?" "Mint... Scoundrols don't have the best breath at times.", says Breyer. "And the chips leave nice little brusies.", says Breyer with a wink. Rere giggles and nods Rick breathes into his hand and sniffs Breyer snogs Rick... "Yep, you need some whippy." Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Breyer for being my guest tonight and thank you all for coming" "join me next week when my guest will be Shaman", says Chiefsgirl. Breyer smiles, "Don't forget Fed Survivor!" Chiefsgirl says, "And tune in this week and watch Fed Survivor 3" Chiefsgirl applauds loudly for Breyer Breyer grins. |