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Bront bows to you all and kisses the willing lady's hands Trumpets proclaim Sir Bront has just disappeared. "that was quick", says Kao. Breyer stands and applauds. Trumpets proclaim Sir Bront has just appeared. Chiefsgirl laughs Breyer says, "Ahh, I thought that was it.. he's back." Bront bows to you all and kisses the willing lady's hands Bront grumbles "My connection has been strange all day, I should be good though", says Bront. Chiefsgirl ties Bront down to the guest barstool Bront has bought you a Britanian Honey Mead! "isnt honey mead a repetative term....", says Logajam. Bront sits down on a stool, and sips his mead Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Every Sunday evening we meet a different personality", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight I'm happy to introduce my guest Bront, Duke of Britania", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us about himself and answer questions" "So, without further ado, let's welcome Bront", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly "So, I supposed I should start at the begining?", asks Bront. Logajam sets up the rotten fruit and vegitables stand for any customers.... Bront thinks back... "Nah.. the end will be good, that way we won't understand it.", says Breyer with a wink. Chiefsgirl likes hearing the beginnings "Well, a little over a year ago, a friend of mine was telling me about her favorite game, Federation.", says Bront. "I refused to try it at the time, as it was still Pay to Play", says Bront. "She gave me some time as a christmas presant though, and there was going to be a free month before they went to a monthly fee, so I decided to give it a try", says Bront. Darkhorse asks, "Junky status ever since?" "I spent time hauling jobs in Sol when they were available, and after many hours of toiling, Finaly made it to merchant.", says Bront. Bront chuckles and nods Chiefsgirl has often wondered how we all get hooked by hauling our butts off Bront says, "So Annanayel, my friend, and Crazygamebratt helped me out with some facs in Jollyrodger" "I spent much of my time hauling, learning not to haul to my own facs, trying to find ways to make money, making a fool of myself by not knowing the difference between comms and xts", says Bront. Breyer still does that. Bront winks and says, "The usuall newbie stuff" Chiefsgirl smiles Bront says, "Took me a few weeks of hard work as well as some nice gifts to get my way up to POdom..." Bront says, "Oh, and at first, I had a disco theme. Always wore leisure suits, hairy chest, wild painted ship..." Bront still goes back to that sometimes when he's in the mood Bront raises his hand as a disco ball descends over the area, illuminating it. He begins to to dance to that disco beat. Bront straightens up, composes himself, and the ball assends. Bront winks and says, "Sorry about that" Chiefsgirl giggles Randytiger whispers to Kit10 "he realized eventually that disco is dead" ;) "On exploring the galexy, I found a planet, Britania, that was in great peril...", says Bront. Logajam whispers to himself, "Its Dead?" "I spent many hours there, and eventualy was able to, through virtuous work and deeds, put the great evil at bay.", says Bront. Bront says, "So, I built them a link, and I've been the first Avatar and guardian of Britania ever since" Bront says, "I had spoken to Implantguy earlier about joining Jollyrodger, and he asked me to join Gallery instead" Macnbc raises his hand Darkhorse lowers his hand "I was attached to JR though, as it was the only duchy I knew", says Bront. Bront will get to questions in a bit Bront says, "Annanayel convinced me to join Dusk, where her good friend was the duchesse. She said that she already got permition for me." Bront says, "Deertears, another good friend, was there too" Bront says, "However, I couldn't haul anywhere in the duchy, other than to Deer's planet. I got lost, and had to suicide or died at least 6 times in less than an hour looking for places to trade" Bront says, "So, when I heard Preach on 9 mention he had just made duke and had room if anyone wanted to join Feliz, I jumped at the chance" Bront says, "So, now after owning a planet for about 2 days, and having moved duchies, I had to learn how to trade between duchies till Feliz grew, with some success" Bront was hauling by hand or with a bad version of Fednav at the time Darkhorse winces. Chiefsgirl smiles, remembering those hauling days Bront says, "Feliz grew, and I made some good friends there, that kept me in fed while the times were rough. I spent much of my time working on my planet, trying to make it a vision of what my quest had been" Randytiger remembers aohell fed and thinks everyone should have to do it that way at least until squire Bront says, "That drive to perfect my planet kept me in fed when I was loosing almost 100 megs a day to dumpers who were attacking the duchy" Bront eventualy learned how to set his overall markup, and that helped too ;) Darkhorse mutters something about the absence of cycles & Snark. Randytiger nods Randytiger weeps at the loss of the Snark Rasal notes the "Good ol' days" aren't coming back, leave them to the history books. Bront says, "I met Munchkin around this time, and we became very close very fast... but it was too much too fast, and so I broke it off" "Hehe, those Good ol' Days I'm talking about are last year February and March", says Bront. Chiefsgirl giggles "I know, I was talking about the other good ol' days that were starting to rear up.", says Rasal with a wink. "I then met Jolia, who had come to rescue her planet from a dying star.", says Bront. "I spent a lot of time with the Princess, and fell for her deeply", says Bront. Bront says, "But, alas, after many months, she had to move on to other things, and I was left behind." "Such is Fed love", smiles Darkhorse. Bront nods Darkhorse shakes his head at his own dealings, lol. Chiefsgirl smiles Bront says, "It was around when I was with her that I began to get the drive to become a duke" "I enjoyed helping people, and helping them to have fun, and I felt that a Duke was the best role for me to fufill that dream", says Bront. Kao asks, "Is this around the time you were macro-dumping on planets all over fed?" "I dreamed of an active, fun duchy, with my love at my side to help me lead it", says Bront. Bront says, "I had moved on to using Z-mud, and began to play with some automated haulers at the time Kao, but I primarily used a program that Catspaws wrote called Ultimate PO" Bront still uses that today "and didn't you tell everyone that skimming a planet was in the planet's best interest?", asks Kao. Macnbc writes the name of that down Bront says, "I'll get to that Kao" Kao asks, "So..are you blaming Cats' program for the way you used it?" Jjaker shivers a bit, feeling a sudden chill in the room "No, cat's Program does not automate hauling", says Bront. Bront says, "Please, let me finish Kao" "Feel free to slap me during the course of the interview", smiles Darkhorse. Macnbc has slapped Darkhorse in the face! Darkhorse grabs Macnbc's hand in mid-air and proceeds to break every finger on that hand. "OW!", exclaims Macnbc. "Let's not start slapping", says Chiefsgirl. Darkhorse says, "Whoops, trigger is still on" "that's gonna leave a mark", says Calyx. Darkhorse apologizes and hands Mac a band-aid. Chiefsgirl says, "Please continue Bront" "It was shortly after Jolia left that I began to spend some time breaking down hauling, prices, and how an exchange made money", says Bront. Bront says, "That is when I started to talk about 1K hauling Kao, and I experimented with the use of PMSuite" Kao 's spin detector starts flashing like crazy Bront says, "However, most of fed didn't agree with my findings, and most were unwilling to listen, or even see the evidence." Bront says, "I tried to haul to duchies where 1K hauling was allowed, but I made many mistakes" "What kind of mistakes?", asks Chewbacon. "Trading in Fed", smiles Darkhorse. Chewbacon asks, "That's a mistake?" "To some", says Darkhorse. Calyx smiles at Darkhorse Bront says, "I didn't exclude some planets I wanted to, or didn't talk to someone, or at least talk to them in a form they recognized" Darkhorse smiles, "Swahili?" Bront says, "Preach asked me to leave as some people were presuring him about it, so I moved to Essencia for a short time" "Yeah, that was it DH", says Bront with a wink. "so you skimmed planets....and apologized later? Ever give the money back?", asks Kao. Bront says, "When Sholuvr Duked, I joined Isleofview." "why should he give the money back?", asks Calyx. Calyx is confused "he said he made a mistake", says Kao. "I offered, but the people who were the ones complaining were often not the ones involved", says Bront. Calyx will wait until the question portion Darkhorse asks, "Silly Calyx, don't you know trading is illegal in Fed?" "No one ever took me up on returning money", says Bront. Darkhorse says, "Lenton gave us the power but never intended us to use it" Calyx bites her lip..."I've been breaking the law?" "Yes", smiles Darkhorse. Darkhorse slaps Calyx's wrist. "Pssst, how about letting Bront talk. It's 'his' meet and greet after all.", says Rasal. Starseeker smiles Chiefsgirl passes Calyx a Lawbreaker's Anonymous pamphlet Darkhorse shuts up. Bront says, "Being in Isleofview was fun, but there was a large contingent of people who shoved Sholuvr around because I was there. She asked me to leave once, and I did, then told me to come back and she wouldn't let them push her around" "Then, another big pow wow happened, and I was asked to leave again, as I was going to be duking in 3-4 days anyway", says Bront. "So, I duked in September, actualy about 2 weeks before I had origionaly planed to do it many months ago", says Bront. "Did you tp her LP on the way out?", smiles Darkhorse. Calyx grins a little grin "A few planets who had said they were going to join the duchy had gone inactive for one reason or another", says Bront. Bront says, "And I was left with a small duchy to start" Bront says, "However, One or two of those people did come back" Bront points to Starseeker Kitrinna smiles Bront says, "And I spent time helping and working with new players, and a few of them joined too" "Some friends I had made before I duked even joined later, when they got other planets, or the duchies they were in desolved", says Bront. Bront says, "And Britania grew" "Today, I feel like I am living my fed dream from so long ago", says Bront. "I have an active and fun duchy, and that's more important that it being ful", says Bront. "And I have a lovely wife to share it all with", says Bront. Bront has given Kitty a nice kiss! Kitty has given Bront a tender kiss! Bront smiles, "And that's about that" Chiefsgirl smiles Bront is sorry to have rambled on Darkhorse envies that marriage. Calyx adds Britania to her list of duchies to visit... Bront says, "So, now, I suppose I'll take some questions" Bront asks, "Mac, you had one?" "yep!", exclaims Macnbc. Macnbc says, "Earlier you said that you were the benevolent guardian of Britania etc." Bront nods "Avatar and Guardian, yes", says Bront. "Well how do you explain it when I have personally seen you whip your workthingies?!?", asks Macnbc. Macnbc holds up photos Darkhorse gasps. Rasal says, "Busted." Logajam takes the photes, "Forged" Calyx looks at the photos and then at Bront, eyes wide Breyer grabs the photo's scans them, puts them in the Billionaire question file, and hands them back to Macnbc. Darkhorse looks at the photos and wonders why he hasn't thought of some of the tortures depicted. Bront chuckles Calyx has second thoughts about visiting Britania Bront says, "First of all, I guard the people, not the workthingies" "Second of all, those are forged...", says Bront. Logajam says, "I called it" Bront winks and says, "Third of all, you're not one to talk" Bront holds up pics of Mac, doing the same things Calyx gasps Breyer notices that Mac is doing them to the task force who helps him prepare Billionaire and Survivor. Calyx nudges Chewbie..."this is getting good." Breyer takes the photo's and destroys them, "Macnbrelly's Good Name Shan't Be Tarnished." "Anyway, any other questions?", asks Bront. Breyer smirks and slides into the back. Darkhorse brings out his own photo album proudly. Breyer asks, "Bront, can you tell us about your current philosphy on how you run your Duchy?" Logajam says, "What is the Current state of affairs and happenings in Britania" "ooh..good question!", exclaims Calyx. Bront says, "Well, as far as hauling goes, I'm pretty layed back" Calyx prepares to take notes. "I just ask that you haul respectfully, and that's a vague but good guideline", says Bront. "How many times have you used the banning rule..... and against whom?", asks Kao. Darkhorse says, "Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party..." Bront hasn't realy had any problems with dumpers in general, people watch for facs, and duchy income was almost double durring Chaos's "Attacks" Kao says, "banning rule is part of fed....legitimate question for a duke" Bront says, "I've banned someone once, for repeated dumping on facs after multiple warnings" Bront spyed this person, and said person didn't even check for prices on a planet, just hauled straigh to it, after having been previously hauling something else Bront says, "However, I would prefer to not use the banning rule. I'd rather just talk to someone and work things out" "It's amazig though, I talked to someone and asked them to not haul somewhere because a PO asked them not to, and this person went balistic, almost DDed, complained on 9, and even spread rumores that I threatened to ban said person", says Bront. Bront shrugs Rasal chuckles, "Amazing." "I won't discuss the names though, no need.", says Bront. Bront asks, "Does that answer your question?" Bront is open for more questions... Logajam asks, "What is the Current state of affairs and happenings in Britania?" Darkhorse asks, "What is the meaning of life?" Logajam says, "42. now back to my question...." Bront says, "Well, we have weekly parties, to keep a spirit of togeatherness and fun, and things are going smoothly." "Britania has joined up with Deceit as a partner duchy, as well as having several strong allys", says Bront. "I've got another question!", exclaims Macnbc. Bront says, "Sure Mac" Macnbc asks, "Earlier you claimed that you were guardian and protector of Britania.. well then how come this print-out from Spynet refers to you as OVERLORD? HUH!??" Macnbc holds up photos and papers. Breyer asks, "Would Britania ever engage in a duchy war?" "Overlord? Sounds like a hostile take over.", says Breyer. "Because spynet doesn't have any other listing for a planet owner", says Bront with a wink. "er.. uh.. ok..", says Macnbc. Breyer whispers to Mac, "That's what they all say." Kitrinna grabs the papers from Macnbc and feeds them to Randytiger "Overlord is lame. I'd much prefer a designation of say Overfiend.", says Rasal with a wink. Bront says, "Well, I've heard that people tried to declare war on me, but I've never been driven to a hostile action, nor would I hope to ever be" Randytiger eats the printouts... "Oh, one thing I did miss...", says Bront. Logajam says, "You must remember that the Emporer Ming is evil. Thus all titles must also be suitiable evil." Macnbc smiles, "i've got another question!" Bront says, "I've been hosing Warrior's Revenge now for about 4-5 months, and in December was named the Fed Economics Advisor" Kao giggles Bront says, "Actualy, the title was Econ Expert, but I like Advisor better" "Earlier you said that you were a benevolent protector of Britania.. then how come I have pictures of you after a night of drunken revelry burning down houses of innocent Britanians?!?", asks Macnbc. Macnbc holds up photos Bront tries to help advise people when they come to him, and is open to questions about fed econ when he's around Calyx wonders where Mac gets his pictures developed.... Randytiger chews the photos while they are still in Mac's hands Rasal thinks Big Brother has a name, and it's Macnbc. Breyer takes Macnbc, gently pats his hand, and pulls him towards a booth in the back of the room, "I'm sorry everyone he's been a little stressed recently" Kitrinna looks at Randytiger and wonders if he can eat some more photos? Bront says, "Mac, that looks like you in a badly made set of plate mail" "well.. it is... but STILL!", exclaims Macnbc. Darkhorse peers closer. Starseeker chuckles Breyer injects mac with seditives quietly. "CG, do we have time for any more questions?", asks Bront. Bront is open to stay as late as need be Kao consults her index cards Macnbc smiles, "I have another question!" Chiefsgirl smiles, "We have time" Bront says, "Ok, any more questions" Darkhorse scrambles for some prozac to give to Mac. "Earlier you claimed yourself the guardian of Britania.. well then how come I have pictures of a certain person named Macnbc trashing your planet with NO INTERVENTION FROM YOU?!?", asks Macnbc. Macnbc holds up photos Starseeker administers firewine to Mac Starseeker has bought you a Stargate Firewine! Darkhorse has bought you a Mac muzzle! "Breyer, did he give you this interogation when you tried to help out with Survivor and Billionare?", asks Bront. Bront says, "Mac, that's Zsiveria..." Macnbc looks at the photos again Bront asks, "Heck, isn't that Jelly's barn?" "Oh.. oops.", says Macnbc. Macnbc grins sheepishly. "Sorry.." Bront won't be happy if Jelly's horse isn't in good health Breyer says, "Nah, I disappeared and he fired me for a day or two." Macnbc scratches his head. Macnbc asks, "Jelly had a horse?" Bront chuckles Macnbc says, "OH YEAH! That's right.. I haven't checked on her in a few months" Bront asks, "Anyway, any more questions?" "From anyone other than Mac", says Bront with a wink. Logajam asks, "Wheres My Money?" Kitrinna whispers, "Can I have a horse?" Breyer asks, "Yes, Bront, what next rank do you dream of?" Darkhorse asks, "Where's Jimmy Hoffa buried?" "Yes, you can have a horse", says Bront. Calyx wants a horse too "Bront- Pork: noun or verb? Why?", asks Chewbacon. Logajam says, "Isnt it true you under apriciate Jesters in your court and refuse to pay them." Darkhorse volunteers himself. Randytiger tells DH that JH isn't buried at all Randytiger says he is swimming in Lake Tahoe "I think a rank beyond duke, where duchies would join you, would be good. I also think that Dukes shouldn't have to be online to make money from sources other than transfer tax and customs.", says Bront. Bront says, "And Hoffa's in the Mars ruins" Bront wonders if he missed one Maccbs exclaims, "I have a question!" "you did", says Chewbacon. Bront winks and says, "You still qualify as Mac" Kitrinna whispers to Randytiger, "who is Hoffa?" "Damn!", exclaims Maccbs. Randytiger says, "Hoffa Cannot be there" Randytiger <--- Has blown the ruins up too many times for him to be there "I'd like to thank you all for attending tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And thank Bront for being our guest." Logajam asks, "Have you ever thought about forming a coup to remove Emporer Ming?" "He has been removed Loga", says Bront. "He is already removed", says Darkhorse. Chiefsgirl says, "Join me next week when Shaman will be my guest" Logajam says, "No one tells me anyting...." Darkhorse says, "There's a power vacuum now that his replacement is no longer around either" "Back issues of the Chronicle will tell you EVERYthing", smiles Darkhorse. "me? read? I'm illiterate as my spelling can atest too", says Logajam. "Thanks for having me here CG", says Bront. "You're welcome", says Chiefsgirl. "Thank you for coming", says Chiefsgirl. Logajam says, "Now I'm going to have to go chronicle my misadventures in Fed...." |