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"I apologize folks.... some day Casanova will wake up and join us", says Chiefsgirl. "Um, who was it that didn't make it last week?", asks Wolfyn. Jazir says, "Geiiga was here last week" "Week before, then.", says Wolfyn. "Geiiga was here", says Chiefsgirl. Rasal winks and says, "Was it Geiiga, or was it memorex?" "Shaman", smiles Jazir. "mmmm... week before was Shaman", says Chiefsgirl. "Thank you Jazir", says Chiefsgirl. "Oh yeah, shaman....that slacker", says Braymore with a wink. Chiefsgirl thinks Jazir would make a fine personal secretary for her Jazir grins "Rats, thought maybe this was a chance for catch-up.", says Wolfyn. Braymore wiggles his ears....and the crowd goes wild! Jazir oohs and ahhs Chiefsgirl cheers for Braymore "Thank you, thank you", smiles Braymore. Braymore winks and says, "Sorry, trying to find a way to kill time" "Want to see something else I can wiggle?", asks Braymore. Braymore scratches head... Chiefsgirl sighs Ruylupez wonders if someone forgot to the the guest about this meet and greet "I know I was late, but goodness", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I sent him email earlier this week" "Maybe he just has a Meet and Greet set of triggers....you're just supposed to TB START and he's off", says Qaxlor with a wink. Braymore winks and says, "I still always think that M&G is at 9:00, but that's just me" Chiefsgirl says, "This is supposed to be the Meet & Greet with Casanova" "Or perhaps hauling during the M&G is his statement", says Jazir with a wink. Braymore winks and says, "I even left my sit-in on Hauge to come to the m&g and he doesn't show up, how dare he" "What are you protesting, Bray?", asks Qaxlor. Chiefsgirl says, "He's responded" Braymore says, "Rasal's failure to treat his workthingies cruely and inhumanely." Rasal doesn't have any wt's to abuse! Braymore winks and says, "Sure you do, you have 980" Qaxlor laughs, "He killed a couple thousand already...that's not enough? Ruylupez winks and says, "or maybe more like 9:30" Rasal says, "Theoretically I could repair my porter." "Or clean it out once and a while", says Qaxlor with a wink. Late, but still here, Casanova has just arrived. "eesh, lol...", says Casanova. Lexicon claps Chiefsgirl has given Casanova a passionate hug! Braymore says, "Howdy, Cas" "hello...", says Casanova. "hello", says Chiefsgirl. Casanova says, "sorry about being a little late, I thought I'd cancelled it previously, but am obviously wrong, lol" "Obviously", says Chiefsgirl. "And I'd like to welcome everyone to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "our guest is Casanova" Chiefsgirl says, "He will tell us about himself and his plans" Chiefsgirl says, "And he'll answer questions from the audience" Casanova asks, "can I answer questions first?" "So, without further ado... here's Casanova", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "You can do whatever you'd like Cas" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and sips her drink "Does anyone have any questions for Casanova?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Not yet...", smiles Lexicon. Chiefsgirl giggles Braymore winks and says, "What are your thoughts on fed economics, cas?" "thoughts on Fed Economics?", asks Casanova. "Yes....like trading", says Braymore with a wink. Casanova says, "well, seeing as how things are so royally screwed internally within the planetary exchanges...." Casanova says, "there isn't much to say" "but on trading, trade if you want, don't if you don't... nothing much more to it", says Casanova. Lexicon asks, "Screwed in what way?" "lets say the exchange price is 1000 ig", says Casanova. "if your exchange is carrying a stockpile over 0....", says Casanova. Casanova says, "your planet will pay double the price, and consume half of the goods...." Casanova says, "so you are paying 2000 ig for every 1/2 ton" "a little screwy if you ask me...", says Casanova. Braymore nods Casanova says, "that's why trading as a planet owner, can be s" Diamondlil asks, "Isn't that the Stevedores thingie in action?" Casanova says, "so damaging to newer planets..." Casanova says, "it's wonderfully amazing though, how people will complain when hauled to, but end up turning around and doing the same right back" Braymore chuckles "always have been and always will be an advocate for acting freely", says Casanova. Lexicon says, "Back to the 'I wanna promote fast' think I think..." "err.. Thing..", says Lexicon. Casanova says, "sure, if that's what you would like to do Lexi, I wouldn't see why not" Casanova says, "to each his own..." "Not me, personally - But what you where saying.. about people companing about being hauled to, and then doing the same thing..", says Lexicon. "well, Fed will always be comprised of people, trying to at least, do what they want to do...", says Casanova. "PO's wont want to be hauled to because they lose money.. But hauling out excess stock is the best way for a planet (Well, Agri) to make money..", says Lexicon. "agreed... it just so happens to be that not everybody can overcome the "decay" caused by deficit filling", says Casanova. Wolfyn asks, "Can you tell us how you started in fed?" Casanova says, "originally... I started in Fed in late 96 with one character, was treated horribly by people I don't remember, and later came back in Febuary of 97" Casanova says, "then, I was known as Finemale17 actually" "Who was that?", asks Wolfyn. Casanova winks and says, "hey, my other name was ever better Lexi, Astud18..." Wolfyn can understand why. Lexicon smiles, "hehee! Kewl.." "I grew up in what was once known as the Realms...", says Casanova. Casanova says, "which was comprised of Legacy, Backdraft, and Shade at the time..." Chiefsgirl grew up there too Casanova says, "I dedicated my life to the Realms and was a die-hard lover of the Realms..." "I ended up becoming a planet owner... and named my planet Fineland....", says Casanova. Casanova says, "after a couple weeks in Sol I was able to join Shade..." Casanova says, "I grew up in Shade and basically did what I could to honor the Realms..." "I later became a Duke on my 2 year anniversary...", says Casanova. "I allied myself with the Realms and was a part of them as a Duchy for several months...", says Casanova. Casanova says, "after that, things fell apart and the Realms became something they didn't used to be, something I care not to explain..." Chiefsgirl sighs Casanova says, "I ended up in between becoming a Duke and leaving the Realms becoming friends with Onyxgod... and decided to see what the other side of the story was about..." "I decided being a Duke wasn't the best position for me to advocate my new found way of life and was reborn...", says Casanova. Casanova says, "I started anew and named my planet Corruption, to relate to my inner transformation...." "now to me, I wasn't corrupt, but in the eyes of the majority, what I had become was...", says Casanova. Diamondlil asks, "What was that?" "And what had you become?", asks Chiefsgirl. Casanova says, "well, in the eyes of the masses, being a member of Onyx was like the purest evil possible" "I have heard of the Onyxians...", says Lexicon. "Sorry....but I am new to Fed here....why did the 'masses' think being Onyxian was evil?", asks Diamondlil. Casanova says, "I aligned myself with them in free trade advocacy, other formalities of their party, I didn't partake to..." Casanova says, "being Onyxian was evil because we portrayed something that went against the norm" "I see", says Diamondlil. Snowstar asks, "Free trade not being the norm?" Wolfyn asks, "Then why did you take over this identity?" "we went against the notion, that once you hit squire, the edict of buy low sell high, wasn't something you were privee too any more", says Casanova. Casanova winks and says, "story isn't over Wolfy" Casanova says, "well where was I...." Casanova says, "ah yes, I stayed for some time, I believe 7 months, before what has now been coined by some, as the Phiddie rule, was imposed upon us" "What was the Phiddie rule?", asks Diamondlil. Casanova says, "those of you who don't know, that is the Duchy Banning rule, that was imposed to prohibit Onyxians from conducting Economic Warfare" Snowstar asks, "It was made just for you folks?" "in the eyes of some, yes", says Casanova. "But in reality?", asks Snowstar. Casanova winks and says, "but since it's my story, it's how it shall be told" Snowstar grins. "no, in reality, it was the only defense they had against us...", says Casanova. Chiefsgirl laughs "that and blatant stupidity by a few that caused them to be locked out of the game", says Casanova with a wink. Diamondlil asks, "Why did your group wish to conduct 'economic warfare' against others?" Casanova says, "it was fun" Diamondlil nods "plain and simple, fun", says Casanova. Diamondlil smiles, "Which is a good enough reason, for a game" Casanova says, "thank you... =)" "after that all took place, I gave my farewell to Fed", says Casanova. "but some of those on the receiving end did not define it as fun", says Quqi. "it had become something I didn't find fun any more, because of my friends getting locked from the game", says Casanova. Casanova says, "please be quiet Quqi, it's my story" Diamondlil asks, "Why were they locked?" Casanova winks and says, "because it outraged a few and they didn't adhere to the rules" Diamondlil chuckles "Was it a war with two sides or only one?", asks Snowstar. "...or many?", asks Diamondlil. "it was us against dataspace", says Casanova with a wink. "well, this past March, I thought I'd pop in and see who was playing still", says Casanova. Casanova says, "a few old players conned me into staying" "and are you glad that you did?", asks Lexicon. Casanova says, "one day, after talking with a few friends, I pondered renewing an old flame, and hopefully add a chapter to a legacy" Casanova says, "sure, I am glad currently" Casanova says, "I found you can still have some freedom, despite others trying to keep you down" "I didn't just kidnap a name...", says Casanova. "I formally asked the previous owner, permission to use his likeness, with permission, I began my reign", says Casanova. Chiefsgirl wonders what old flame he was planning to renew "Reign of what?", asks Rasal. "Onyx has always been about personal freedom to do as you please...", says Casanova. Diamondlil asks, "Is it your intention to 'revive' the Onyxian group and practices?" "in Fed, that's something that is hard to find", says Casanova. "I think that's a desire that is inherent in most players...nothing special about that", says Snowstar. Casanova says, "well, I don't have to revive Onyxian "practices"" Rastamon says, "not as hard as yah make it out to be mon" Casanova says, "sure, most players desire to do that, but in most Duchal structures, you can't do that" "How do you mean?", asks Diamondlil. Casanova says, "well, rules..." Casanova says, "only need one rule... Have fun" "no do this, no don't do that", says Casanova. Snowstar says, "At the expense of others' fun would be a limitation, I should think." Casanova says, "you see, if people were to come together, and were true to each other, it wouldn't be at anyone's expense" Casanova says, "people worry too much about what the other is doing, and not about making it fun" Quqi has a question "ask", says Casanova. "if you were a new squire", says Quqi. "have been numerous times", says Casanova. "one that had actually worked for 8 months to get a planet", says Quqi. Casanova says, "did that" Quqi asks, "how would you feel about someone trying to destroy it in the first 2 weeks you had it?" "Darwinian", says Rastamon. Casanova asks, "how would I feel?" Quqi nods Diamondlil laughs "stupid", says Casanova. Diamondlil asks, "The strong survive? Is that it, Rastamon?" Casanova says, "undertrained" "would it be fun for you?", asks Quqi. Rastamon says, "yah mon" "and not ready for being a planet owner", says Casanova. Snowstar says, "Seems that most squires don't feel stupid when it really happens to them" Casanova says, "well, first off, I was a squire when the original Onyx war was launched" "hopefully they'll have a good duke/duchess to teach them proper planetary management", says Ddking with a wink. "aye DD", says Casanova. Casanova says, "I rarely lost money when I was hauled to" "all you need is proper teaching and your exchange will trive", says Casanova. Lexicon nods "and that's where 99% of these duchies are going wrong", says Casanova. Casanova says, "they bring in a squire, and don't teach them a damned thing" "you would have had you been targeted by the entire duchy of the duke that was mad at you", says Quqi. Diamondlil asks, "Okay...here is a subject that I have a vital interest in - being a new Agri myself...what are some things I can do, to insure that I am one of the 'strong' ones?" "use proper allocation for one", says Casanova with a wink. Diamondlil says, "I don't follow you....." Casanova says, "allocation of production points" Snowstar smiles, "Only 20 to go around" Casanova says, "if you don't use them on the correct commodities, you are missing out on profit possibilities" "Question: I have 17 points allocated to arts, is that too many?", says Braymore with a wink. "Ahh...okay.", says Diamondlil. "depends Bray", says Casanova with a wink. Snowstar giggles at Bray. Braymore chuckles Casanova winks and says, "each exchange is different, just like snowflakes" "awwwww... just like a snowflake", says Chiefsgirl. Snowstar smiles, "He's a poet too" Chiefsgirl is writing that down "well Quqi, may I quote something you said earlier, and reference that to something I said?", asks Casanova. "go ahead", smiles Quqi. Casanova says, ""but some of those on the receiving end did not define it as fun", says Quqi." Diamondlil asks, "Okay....at the begining of this you said that exchange mechanics were 'screwy' because you pay double for half the commds.....how would I protect myself from someone that was trying to take advantage of that 'bug'?" "and earlier I said, something along the lines, it's funny, those who complain about being hauled to turn around and do it themselves, and think nothing of it", says Casanova. Snowstar says, "I'd hope they haul to themselves at 10ig" Casanova says, "so if that's the case, why is it I see Ricmer visit my planet daily? not complaining, he helps me make money" Casanova says, "oh I forgot, that's called revenge right? so then it's ok... =p" Quqi says, "and i am glad he does" "no, Cas", says Quqi. Casanova says, "ok, then explain please =)" Casanova asks, "what makes it right?" Braymore listens... "Getting his money back?", asks Snowstar. Braymore leans over and whispers to Cas, "Is that a rhetorical question?" ;) Quqi says, "there is nothing that makes it right to try to destroy something that someone else has worked to build" Casanova says, "but you said and I am glad he does..." Quqi says, "i'm glad he makes you money" "ah...", says Casanova. Casanova asks, "well, are you going to show him how to make him money off of my trading as well?" "or does he have to learn on his own?", asks Casanova. Diamondlil is lost.... "he's a former Onyxian..he knows how", says Quqi. "Are you planning to become a duke, Cas?", asks Chiefsgirl. Casanova winks and says, "wait, He's a former Onyxian he knows how... wow, that's grand" "maybe", says Casanova. "Maybe? what's it depend on?", asks Chiefsgirl. "depends upon Fed itself...", says Casanova. "if it's needed, it shall be, if it's not, well, maybe in another life", says Casanova with a wink. "see, Onyx is a planet, Onyxian is a lifestyle", says Casanova. "What is actually the central headquarters duchy for this renewed effort to be Onyxians?", asks Snowstar. Casanova asks, "why does there have to be a central headquarters?" "can't things happen freely?", asks Casanova. Lexicon likes the whole concept of onxyian... Snowstar smiles, "I'd assume there'd be a duchy with common shared ideals of this sort, just as every other duchy has such" "one sec please, afk", says Casanova. "There are so many that used to reside in Onyx that are now dukes and duchesses", says Chiefsgirl. "Cassanova, could you answer a question for me?", asks Diamondlil. "sure", says Casanova. "Asked it earlier, but didn't get an answer", smiles Diamondlil. "might have missed it", says Casanova. "Okay....at the begining of this you said that exchange mechanics were 'screwy' because you pay double for half the commds.....how would I protect myself from someone that was trying to take advantage of that 'bug'?", asks Diamondlil. Casanova says, "well, from what I've heard, it's not a bug, but known by the creators, been there for 4 years I think I've heard..." "I could be wrong, so don't quote me directly", says Casanova with a wink. Rasal nods, "Can see it in black and white in the guide." "I believe your right on that Cas", says Ddking. "anyhow... there are three haulers out there, those trying to hurt, those trying to help, and those with both in mind", says Casanova. Braymore would argue a fourth, but that's just me ;) Snowstar is grateful she's not a hauler. "what about those jus' tryin to buy low and sell high?", asks Rastamon. Casanova says, "I don't try to hurt..." Diamondlil is nothing BUT a glorified hauler Braymore whispers to snow, "Me too" ;) "that's those that are trying to help", says Casanova. Casanova says, "in helping, it's for themselves only" Braymore nods Casanova says, "I do know, that most exchanges aren't set up properly to a point where they can profit from being hauled to" "but that isn't something I let stand in my way", says Casanova. "it's the fault of their duchy mates and their duchy leader in my eyes, not mine", says Casanova. Diamondlil asks, "Why not write up a guide on how to set up an exchange...that would be 'helping', no?" "In set up wrong, do you mean having stockpiles set too low or too high?", asks Aylisa. Chewbacon winks and says, "I think we all want to know your trick of the trade, Cas" "there used to be guides... written by several people, it's how I learned, that and from being taught by my Duke", says Casanova. Snowstar asks, "Would you haul to a duchymate in the fashion that you do to other duchies, assuming that your duchymates are as infinite in their planetary wisdom as you are?" Casanova says, "would I? most certainly" "do I? nope", says Casanova. Casanova says, "I haul to where the prices are" Rastamon asks, "Why not?" Chewbacon smiles, "Buy low, sell high" Braymore grins and nods Casanova says, "it's not profitable to do a price check on my own duchy because of the number of planets that reside within it" "Ok, then why fret when someone hauls to you, in return?", asks Snowstar. "I don't fret", says Casanova. Casanova says, "I actually laugh and return the favor" Chewbacon asks, "Then why do some of your duchymates put death mazes in their systems...and DD traps?" Casanova says, "for the same reason other people do I assume" Aylisa asks, "dd traps? those things still exist?" "some people don't want their defs to be filled", says Casanova. "no such ting mon", says Rastamon. "Wouldn't it be better to say they'd rather fill their defs in their way, and not yours?", asks Rasal. Casanova winks and says, "never was a such thing as a DD trap really, only a stupid trap" "unless yah runnin a macro ya ain' payin' attention to", says Rastamon. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone else have any questions for Casanova?" Chewbacon says, "It's more of a magic trick than a trap - misdirection, etc" "Yes", says Rastamon. Casanova says, "eesh, it's hard to answer three questions at once" Chewbacon says, "But only *THE* moron falls for it" Casanova says, "I myself have played for 4 years and only dd'd when I typed suicide twice" Rastamon asks, "Why did you choose to revive someone elses name and legacy as opposed to your own?" Chewbacon says, "ditto" "I'm not sure that you ever answered Diamondlil's question about how she can protect herself...except to put it off onto her duke to tell her the answer.", says Snowstar. Chewbacon says, "Well no one went off for the answers, Snow...they researched it by experimentation" Chewbacon says, "Dukes can do the same" Casanova says, "sorry Diamond... but to be a prick, not to you, but to your Duke/Duchess, I won't tell you, ask them" "Does your trading style get you banned from a lot of duchies, Cas?", asks Kao. "if they can't tell you, find somebody who can, and join their duchy, because you will be the better for it", says Casanova. Rastamon asks, "Why did you choose to revive someone elses name and legacy as opposed to your own?" "Give Cas a chance to answer....", says Chiefsgirl. "ok, one sec Kao", says Casanova. "you've got two questions on the floor Cas", says Chiefsgirl. "Rasta, Onyxgod was a good friend of mine", says Casanova. "certain things Onyx brought to the game, in my eyes, helped create a healthy game...", says Casanova. "I'd like to see what is a slower game, become more enjoyable...", says Casanova. Casanova says, "but that's my opinion and might not be shared by others" Casanova winks and says, "I do plan to try and help the game in more ways than to be a pain for it" "But you could not enable this fantasy as your former self?", asks Rastamon. "but that's insider information I can't talk about yet", says Casanova. "sure", says Casanova. "but I'd like to see what would happen with a minority becoming the majority", says Casanova. "At this point, in my opinion, the whole OG aura has been diluted", says Rastamon. "it's a game Rasta, I pay for it, I can play whatever fantasy I want, within the rules", says Casanova with a wink. "OG is dead", says Casanova. Snowstar smiles, "I have a question...did you at any time tell Chewbacon that you are played by the previous owner of Casanova?" Snowstar grins. "not that I remember, but if you have it logged, I'd like to see it to remember", says Casanova with a wink. Aylisa asks, "has anyone asked the usual "best time" and "worst time" in fed question yet?" "but to Kao's question...", says Casanova. Chiefsgirl laughs Casanova asks, "could you please repeat it?" Casanova says, "in case others missed it" Kao asks, "Does your trading style get you banned from many duchies?" "I've been banned by 3 duchies so far, Litterbox, Caddo, and Voyage", says Casanova. Casanova says, "Woflyn banned me because I allowed somebody to keep my planet open for me while I was on vacation and she doesn't like that player" "Pantara banned me because of my being Onyxian", says Casanova. "In that respect, you are very much like the former owner", says Rastamon. "Litterbox banned me because she doesn't like Onyx either", says Casanova. "nobody has ever asked me to stop trading to their duchy first, so in that respect, I believe I haven't been banned for trading there", says Casanova. "most people are too quick to draw their guns...", says Casanova. Casanova says, "I am actually an understanding player" Braymore gets out a notepad and carefully sketches something out... Rasal recalls several times you've mentioned removing Hauge from your list, but you still visit there. ;) Braymore flips the notepad around to reveal a gun that he drew ;) "hey Bray, that's not too shabby", says Rastamon. Snowstar giggles at Bray. "prices are too good to stay out though Rasal", says Casanova with a wink. Braymore laughs "but as I said, if you want me to stay out I will, just got to ask", says Casanova with a wink. "One of these days, I might. You never know.", smiles Rasal. Casanova says, "I've not hauled to planets if their Duke/Duchess or they have asked me not to" "I'm not in it to take away from others, I'm in it for my own gain", says Casanova. Chiefsgirl says, "Aylisa asked a question, Cas" Casanova says, "ok, Aylisa, ask again? =)" "best and worst time thing?", asks Casanova. Aylisa nods at Casanova. "It's the usual question", says Aylisa with a wink. Casanova says, "best time, when I was courting Annavia, the original Princess of the Realms...." Casanova says, "when I was my former persona, Fine..." "worst time... when I typed suicide twice because I didn't agree with a certain rule imposed about a year ago ;) again as my persona Fine", says Casanova. Casanova says, "another worst time, when I found out I slipped and made it publicly know, without knowing about it, that I, being Fine, is now Casanova" Rastamon asks, "Why would you want to keep that secret?" Casanova says, "I never tried to be ther original, or claimed to be, most times I didn't refute it when somebody asked me, I just left it up to them" "why, for the mystique of it", says Casanova. Rastamon asks, "but when the original had so many different keepers at different times, what mystique was left?" Rasal smiles, "I've got a question." Diamondlil asks, "I get the feeling that some people here feel 'defensive', due to your former affiliation with Onyx. Can we expect to see the 'Onyxians' start up another one of these so-called 'trade war' any time soon?" Casanova says, "well to be honest... people never stopped trading...." "Sorry Rasal...I defer to you", smiles Diamondlil. "a majority of us left, but nobody ever really stopped... just new people started doing it", says Casanova with a wink. Casanova says, "well, the story about keepers is too deep to get into..." "Rasal?", asks Casanova. Rasal winks and says, "I was just wondering, with the name Casanova do you get a lot of play?" Diamondlil winks and says, "Why do you think he REALLY chose the name, Rasal?" "well I promised Kao, CG, and Aylisa I wouldn't tell anybody about me, them, the leather and the whipped cream?", asks Casanova. "he and Romeo ain' never been friends", says Rastamon with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Kao blushes "Any more questions for Casanova?", asks Chiefsgirl. Braymore raises a hand "If you could make one and only one change to fed as it is now, what would it be?", says Braymore with a wink. Casanova pinches his nose and pulls Bray's arm down Braymore grins and thwaps cas "I would change a bit of the code in Fed...", says Casanova. "instead of a Banning Rule, I would have it so that the Embargo command actually kept out people from certain Duchies", says Casanova. Braymore nods Casanova asks, "any other questions?" Diamondlil says, "Amen...except have it check that cargo's origin, not the ships, noe the player's" Rasal asks, "There's one little flaw in that reasoning is there not?" Diamondlil says, "err...nor" "allow more than one Duchy to be embargoed as well...", says Casanova. Casanova says, "so that if a duchy wanted to be a closed duchy, they could be one" Diamondlil pictures a duchy that could haul out to anywhere...but no one could haul in Casanova asks, "what's the flaw Rasal?" Diamondlil shudders "That can already be done with the banning rule Diamondlil", says Ddking. Kao points out to Lil that embargoes work both ways Rasal says, "Like Diamondlil pointed out, the embargo would prevent hauling into the duchy. But the common misconception I see about the banning rule is that it's just for trade only." Snowstar nods, "Lots of reasons to want to keep someone from your duchy" Aylisa winks and says, "people actually un-ban too" "and you can un-embargo a duchy", says Casanova with a wink. Ddking nods ;) Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any final questions for Cas?" Diamondlil takes Chiefgirl's hint, and refrains "ask away Diamond", says Casanova with a wink. "I'm not tired at all", says Casanova with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "oh no .... please ask" Casanova checks Diamond's pulse Diamondlil asks, "Okay..thanks Do you still purport to be a proponent of 'free trade', when such is blantantly a myth, given the confines of the Fed universe?" "...and as follow up...", says Diamondlil. Casanova winks and says, "I will say this, in response, I will haul to you, bring it back if you so choose" "If so, how then do you justify the 'free trade' label?", asks Diamondlil. "well, there is no free trade any more... that was ended with the Duchy Banning Rule", says Casanova. "it's become restricted trade to those that choose not to ban you", says Casanova. Casanova says, "not saying the banning rule is for trading alone" "I've yet to be banned for trading to a duchy", says Casanova. "That doesn't sound like a huge list of restricted planets...what 50 planets denied to you?", asks Snowstar. "smaller", says Casanova. "it's still restricted trade", says Casanova with a wink. "I can't legally, trade to those planets...", says Casanova. Rasal winks and says, "Not really. It just means you're free to trade somewhere else." Casanova says, "bah, you are trying to distort the facts" "That sounded pretty factual to me", says Snowstar. Casanova says, "it's a useless arguement, because the rose smells sweet to you" Casanova winks and says, "to me, I see the thorns waiting to cut" Rasal says, "But when you really think about it Cas, it comes down to you wanting to trade freely in a Duchy." "did I not say that?'", says Casanova. "Maybe I asked that badly....what I meant was....I read that may Onyxians claimed to be operating as 'laissez faire capitalists' ... even before the banning rule....yet such was never possible, in the Fed universe", says Diamondlil. Rasal says, "The Duke/Duchess however had a different view, and handed you the option to freely trade elsewhere." Snowstar smiles, "I don't haul either...no illusions or disillusions either way" Rasal smiles, "It's all free trade, just different shades of the same color is all." Chewbacon says, "You know, if players would do what they're supposed to - haul in and manage their defs, we wouldn't have this problem" Casanova asks, "eh, why'd this all end up in another stupid arguement about trading?" Snowstar asks, "I'm supposed to haul?" Braymore winks and says, "Probably because I started the night off with that question, cas" Braymore winks and says, "Sorry" Braymore chuckles "Pretty much...the object of trading is to make a profit", says Chewbacon. "man, I should kick you for that Braymore", says Casanova. Chewbacon says, "If you haul in your defs, your profits increase because you don't have a deficit" "one final word...", says Casanova. Braymore winks and says, "Hey you are the one who wanted to start with questions and no one was saying anything" "I make profit anyhow...", says Snowstar. "I'm here to have fun, bring something back to Fed that seems lacking, at least to me", says Casanova. Casanova says, "don't judge me for the wrongs that may have happened in the past..." Chewbacon says, "And Casa and sometimes me would make a profit by hauling to you" Diamondlil smiles, "Guess you'd have to kick me too. I asked that last one. I apologise if there is any resentment...I just wanted to get an idea of how the 'Onyxian' philosophy went" "judge me for the wrongs that will happen now and in the future", says Casanova with a wink. Braymore grins Chiefsgirl laughs "Not very easily, Chewie..I have 7 defs that aren't covered by FO's.", says Snowstar. Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight" Casanova winks and says, "become an Indy or a Tech, less defs" "baron too", says Casanova. "Join me next week when my guest will be Jazir", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "And thank you Casanova" "Thanks for being a good sport, cas", smiles Braymore. "Thanks, Casanova", smiles Diamondlil. Kao applauds Cas "I prefer Duke. Zero defs.", says Rasal with a wink. Ddking smiles, "Great job Cas" "But become a Baron just for the porter", smiles Chewbacon. Casanova says, "Que keeps my Accum Stock Def to under a meg and I still make profits" Casanova says, "too many Duke's not doing their job though Rasal" "He does me...err his job, just fine", smiles Snowstar. Casanova winks and says, "should be a requirement, have at least 10 planets by 3 months or you go back to Baron" Rasal smiles, "Maybe, maybe not. Everyone's different in their style of running a duchy." "Theti would be 6 feet under with that rule", says Snowstar with a wink. Diamondlil asks, "This was very informative....do you do this regularly?" "The Meet & Greet is held every week, Lil", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Right here at the Duff Modem Pub on Sundays at 9 eastern" "I really enjoyed it. Thank you.", smiles Diamondlil. "Thank you for coming Lil", smiles Chiefsgirl. |