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Chelsia exclaims, "Prepared for a rousing 8 minutes!!" Chelsia nudges Cg 'I hope you have questions' points at her mood Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" Chelsia eyes the nearest quick exit... Chiefsgirl says, "Before we get started with our guest, I wanted to mention that next week's Meet & Greet is a holiday party." Alternate asks, "Holiday Party ? Who will be the guest next week ?" "we'll be giving out prizes for best drinks and best holiday outfit, so I hope everyone will come and have some fun", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "There's not a guest scheduled for next week.... we're just gonna all have fun meetin & greetin" "Ohhhh....sounds like mysterious fun...count me there !", exclaims Alternate. "But now moving on to tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chelsia tries to sidestep towards the door Chiefsgirl says, "I am thrilled to have Chelsia as my guest" Chelsia eeps Chiefsgirl says, "And although she's here kickin and screamin, I know she has a lot of history and memories to share with us all" "I do?", asks Chelsia. Chelsia thinks hard Sallyanne blocks the door before Chelsia can run away. ;) Chiefsgirl exclaims, "So, without further ado, please help me make Chelsia feel most welcome!" Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and cheers before plopping down on her barstool Chelsia winks and says, "Look at my mood folks.. it speaks volumes" Chelsia stands... Carrying her Fed life in a thimble Chelsia is here. Chelsia looks around "Ok.. first thank you for comming..", smiles Chelsia. "I started Fed in March of 1996.. when it was on ao-hell.. and still payed by the hourly rate..", says Chelsia. "Were you one that ran up huge AOL bills because of Fed?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chelsia says, "Oh yes... over 300 dollares once..." Sallyanne eeps! Chiefsgirl exclaims, "yikes!" Chelsia says, "It was all the circle running that did it..." "I didn't believe in mapping then... nor do I know", says Chelsia. "know= now", says Chelsia. Moonus knows that feeling of large aol bills "Do you find that hinders you in any way?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl doesn't map either Sallyanne doesn't either ... what's a map? "It has taught me to keep things simple... probally why my planet has never been completed.. I have fears of getting lost ..", says Chelsia with a wink. Chelsia says, "Anyways.. I had no idea what I was doing.." Chiefsgirl giggles Sallyanne winks. Chelsia says, "I did ask on channel one once.. and was greeted with 'Read the Guides!!'" "I hated those things.. the guides that is... and floundered around for awhile..", says Chelsia. "I did manage to get a ship... so player took pity on me and told me what to do... I probally made them dizzy running past them 80 times", says Chelsia. Chelsia winks and says, "Took me three years to make po... was rather a party girl back then" Chelsia says, "Somewheres along the way I was labled a brat... actually have always called myself 'the last lil irish brat' but someone .. I wanna say my Fed brother Smok called me that first..." Chelsia says, "I have been Fed married twice... no longer with either of them... and met my rl other in here..." Chiefsgirl smiles "how do you feel things have changed over the years?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chelsia says, "Well the feeling I have for Fed has remained the smae over the years... I love it... have seen changes...it is much quieter now" Chelsia fidgets Chelsia nudges Cg 'am outta history here' Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Chelsia?" Chelsia braces "What're you hiding, Chelsia?", says Locksnatcher with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs "yer a brat", says Chelsia. Chiefsgirl peers at Chelsia "Are you hiding things?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Chels.... you mentioned you were Fed wed twice. Do we get names?", asks Menotknow. "It is hereditary, apparently.", says Sallyanne. "Ummm... Chilichese was my first... Uraspy was the second..", says Chelsia. Menotknow thinks with all the greetings... Chelsia is getting off to easy! "I gave the names", says Chelsia with a wink. Menotknow says, "Yep." Chiefsgirl giggles "But there are too few questions.", says Menotknow with a wink. Sallyanne wonders how Chelsia ended up with a son. ;) "did you have the same name under old AOL Fed?", asks Moonus. Menotknow asks heather to take her sister to the side and explain. Chelsia says, "He was a smartass.. reminded me of me.. so I adopted him" Sallyanne laughs! "That sounds so right too.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "And to think I've been trying to do it the old fashioned way" "Is that really it?", says Locksnatcher with a wink. "No I had that awfull ao-hell name Snelipo285", says Chelsia. Moonus says, "there were some awful AOL Fed names" Casseopia shakes head remembering ... Chelsia says, "Well... I used it in hack and slash games.. then when I decided to follow Fed out onto the web Chelsia came with me..." Chiefsgirl asks, "And how did you come up with the name for your planet?" Chelsia says, "I had a planet before called Sassibratt.. thought I'd try something differant.. and My aunt had a tv made by Quazar.. I liked the sound of the name.. sounded spacey" Chiefsgirl nods "I wondered if you had gotten it from some Sci-Fi book or something", says Chiefsgirl. Locksnatcher winks and says, "Should've went with Blonde, sounds more spacey." Casseopia nods head .. old earth company Motorola had product Moonus says, "Quazar TV's thats showing your age a bit" Chelsia nods Chelsia says, "I am older than most here..." "I doubt that Chelsia", smiles Casseopia. "also know that feeling too", says Moonus. Menotknow begs to differ. ;) Chelsia says, "Not all.. but most... hit the half century mark last September" Menotknow sits back down and shuts up. Moonus feels younger now Chiefsgirl laughs cause she's met Chelsia in RL and knew she wasn't kidding Menotknow does too. Chelsia hehs at Cg Casseopia says, "Age is a matter of feeling .. doesn't matter anyway" "Chelsia, let's talk about Fed meets... I know you've been to a couple", says Chiefsgirl. Menotknow winks and says, "You're only as old as you feel. And since Chels act likes a teenager..." Locksnatcher thinks she's old enough to be his mother. Chelsia says, "Yes" Chiefsgirl asks, "Is there a reason you wanted to meet other players face to face?" Chelsia says, "I liked seeing the faces of folks I had only typed to.." Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl asks, "Any that turned out totally different from Fed or totally the same, in your opinion?" Chelsia says, "No they are, for the most part, just the same" Sallyanne laughs. Chiefsgirl nods cause she found that as well Chelsia says, "if yer a nut, yer a nut..." Chiefsgirl laughs "You've participated in Federation Survivor as well this past year....", says Chiefsgirl. "Yes I did", says Chelsia. Chiefsgirl asks, "Can you tell us why you decided to get involved with that experience?" "I liked the idea of being stranded with folks.. didn't matter if I won or lost.. just was fun competing", says Chelsia. Chiefsgirl nods Chelsia breaths a sigh of relief "Does anyone else have any questions for Chels?", asks Chiefsgirl. "am glad no one has asked 'the question'", says Chelsia with a wink. Locksnatcher asks, "What is the question?" Chiefsgirl wonders what the question is Chelsia stifles Chiefsgirl says, "I'd be remiss if I didn't ask Rere's famous questions....." Sallyanne thinks about ... 'The Question' ... "What's your most embarassing fed moment?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chelsia exclaims, "drats!!!" Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl must have hit the question Chelsia shakes a fist at where ever Rere is "My most embarrasing Fed moment... eeeps", says Chelsia. "I was a newbie.. well sort of a newbie... didn't even now what a spybeam was ... yet...", says Chelsia. Sallyanne laughs. "Let's just say my first Fed love and I became overly friendly...", says Chelsia. Menotknow perks. Chelsia says, "needless to say.. I soon learned about spybeams" Chelsia blushes Chiefsgirl laughs Foamfollower winks and says, "any films of that?" Locksnatcher says, "That's what you get for hugging to omuch." "Ah .. that has happened to lots of sweeties in Fed", smiles Casseopia. "used to be logs me thinks... but I scarfed up all the copies", says Chelsia. Foamfollower chuckles "used to be ALOT of logs like that floatin around", says Foamfollower. "But the logs are on the fire now.", says Locksnatcher with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "I know you said you don't map but is there a favorite planet you like to explore?" Foamfollower raises a hand Chelsia says, "Phiddies' planets were all wonderfull... I miss her greatly... and spent alot of time exploring her worlds" Chiefsgirl nods "Foam, did you have a question?", asks Chiefsgirl. Foamfollower asks, "hey Chels .. you been around a bit, what do you think are "old fed's" strengths/weaknesses verses Todays fed?" "just the biggies", says Foamfollower with a wink. Casseopia listens for Chelsia's answer .. always curious "Umm.. Fed has always been very dear to me.. I had more family before.. I do not miss scroll burns", says Chelsia. "I kinda wish snark was back... but I do not miss fac cycles", says Chelsia. Foamfollower smiles, "well.. if you could turn a wand, and rebirth ONE thing into todays fed, or make 1 major change ... name it" "I would make promo more of a challenge again..", says Chelsia. Foamfollower is starting to look a bit like Sam Donellson now ;) Sallyanne agrees wholeheartedly! Foamfollower nods .. good change Chelsia looks up at the beamers 'And I would superglue Danny's mouth' Foamfollower laughs .. you better buy the glue like rads .. by the ton "We can only dream on that one", says Chelsia with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs "well Chels, even though you said it couldn't be done, you've managed to spend a whole hour enlightening us about your life and memories....", says Chiefsgirl. Chelsia makes note that Rere has a 'do up' comming "Do you have any final thoughts for us?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chelsia says, "Just that Fed is what we make it... I play a part.. the brat... and as being a brat I tend to pick at people.. never meaning to offend... I would like folks to realize that..." "Ah but Chelsia you are the sweetest brat", smiles Casseopia. Chelsia says, "I have been accused of attacking.. which is never my intent" "hmmm ..", says Foamfollower with a wink. Chiefsgirl nods "Well not including Onyxgod...", says Chelsia. "but we won't go there", says Chelsia. "Now that's a whole other story.", says Sallyanne. Chelsia winks and says, "What part of 'we won't go there' are you not getting?" Sallyanne says, "Oh, I wasn't asking for the story ... simply making a satement." Chelsia asks, "I know... notice the winkie?" Sallyanne grins, 'I didn't ... but now that I've learned to pay attention ... ' Chiefsgirl smiles Chiefsgirl smiles, "I'd like to thank you all for coming to the Meet & Greet tonight and I'd like to especially thank Chelsia for being my guest" Jazir applauds and cheers :) "You are welcome sweetie", says Casseopia. "Join me next week when we'll have a special holiday party with prizes being given for best drink and best holiday outfit", smiles Chiefsgirl. Sallyanne applauds for Chelsia! "Thank you all", smiles Chelsia. |