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"Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Geiiga shuffles uncomfortably. "Tonight our guest is Geiiga", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us a bit about himself and answer questions" Chiefsgirl says, "Join me in welcoming Geiiga" Chiefsgirl applauds and plops back down on her barstool Geiiga says, "Hi" Geiiga says, "I've been here awhile... started out four years ago in Mba, under the tender arm of then-Journeywoman Gaminglady" Chiefsgirl boggles at the thought of GL being a JP Geiiga grins Geiiga says, "Before I knew it, we had -- for political reasons far above me -- been whisked off to Freedom" "And that's when the fun started", says Geiiga. Kao remembers freedom... and Ven... Chiefsgirl smiles Geiiga says, "I arrived at the tail end of a war" Geiiga nods at Kao. "Ven and Cressida were casualties in that war" Kao giggles "I remember that, too...charged into Badass's trap" "That was a time when men filled their defs and and sissies hauled their surplus", says Geiiga. "If only we knew... hee hee", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl makes a note about the difference between men and sissies "Anyway, after VEN's unfortunate demise, Unicorn came to the rescue and I onlined my first planet, Monarchy, in Fantasy", says Geiiga. "And swore a blood oath to one day kill Gonzo, who had stolen the name 'Freedom'", says Geiiga. Geiiga checks up on that Geiiga pahs "Anyway...", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "The Duke bug still existed at that point, so space was at a premium. I was delighted that Unicorn afforded me a slot" Geiiga is a bit groggy, so you'll have to excuse his grandpa-like story-telling tempo Geiiga made an effort to sleep through this "I eventually climbed up the ranks, and when the Duke puzzle was fixed, joined the lovely Cressida in the Duchy of Stage", says Geiiga. Kao fondly remembers Cressie "And as far as exciting transitions go, that's about it. I was a driving force -- such that anyone could be a driving force in post-Duke puzzle fix Fed -- until I decided to DD one day.", says Geiiga. Kao smiles, "or is that "remembrs fondling Cressie?" I dunno" "Both, if I recall", smiles Geiiga. Chiefsgirl asks, "Why did you decide to DD Geiiga?" Geiiga says, "General frustration at spending too much time playing Fed" "Atypically, I spared the world of a speech regarding how awful Fed was. I still enjoyed it at the time, but I needed to get some stuff straight", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "Anyway. Geiiga, perhaps my closest friend on Earth, offered me his character while he was at Basic Training, so I took the opportunity." Geiiga says, "During that period, I accepted an opportunity from Chiefsgirl for a Meet and Greet. I received a letter from CG yesterday and FWD'd it to G, and he responded, "Nope. You still get to do it."" "So here I am.", says Geiiga. Spacejester says, "Lovely story" Chiefsgirl asks, "So....who the heck are you?" Geiiga grins, "Wouldn't that rather take the fun out of things?" Chiefsgirl laughs Jazir winks and says, "Meet & Greet becomes Mystery Guest" "I suspect Kao has probably guessed -- at any rate, who has questions?", asks Geiiga. "can't take out that which isn't there", smiles Kao. Geiiga grins Chiefsgirl thought she asked a question Geiiga winks and says, "I answered it, dear." "General frustration at spending too much time playing Fed", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "Atypically, I spared the world of a speech regarding how awful Fed was. I still enjoyed it at the time, but I needed to get some stuff straight" Chiefsgirl says, "I mean my next question" Geiiga says, "Oh." Geiiga says, "Filbert." Chiefsgirl says, "Filbert" "Much more deserving of a Meet & Greet than Geiiga.", says Geiiga. Kao says, "duh" "oh pooh", says Chiefsgirl. Geiiga says, "Anyway, now that the scandal is out of the way --" Chiefsgirl laughs Ruylupez wondered why Geiiga was being nicer than normal this whole time Geiiga grins at Ruy Geiiga ponders taking offense at "oh pooh" Geiiga says, "I could give you a brief run-down of Geiiga, though..." Chiefsgirl says, "Oh no, don't..." "I just mean everyone deserves a Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Geiiga giggles, "Okay" Chiefsgirl says, "Sure... give us a run down" "He grew up in Stadium, under the illustrious Flee, perhaps one of the dumbest people to accidently stumble into the rank of Duke", says Geiiga. Geiiga remembers an event in CD's regarding Barb several years ago "His move to Stage coincided with a nasty breakup in RL, transforming him into the mean, cynical bastard you all know and love today.", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "And that's about it, really." Chiefsgirl asks, "Why do you spend so much time in CD's?" "flee? nasty and mean? Nooooo", says Kao. Geiiga grins at Kao Geiiga says, "Actually, that used to not be the case" "what do you expect from someone who sucked up to Tbar?", asks Kao. "That's all I'm saying", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl really thinks she's lost the thread of this conversation Geiiga says, "When Duchy comm systems were still useful for communicating, I'd sit in my exchange, dutifully watching the prices scroll by, looking for anamolies" Geiiga says, "That was when men sat in their exchanges and sissies went to bars." Geiiga says, "In Stage I spent most of my time in the decadant bar 'Lunacy 42', and once its popularity had drained, I moved onto CDs" Geiiga notes that at some point sissies stopped going to bars, so the men went instead. "How did you end up in Essencia with Aylisa?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Aylisa, what a wonderful girl.", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "Well, at one point -- my knowledge as a limited-omniscience narrator may be a bit sketchy here -- Aylisa approached Geiiga with the idea of adopting him" "He accepted the offer, and when Cressie left, moved over", says Geiiga. "Adopting?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl was thinking mother and son Geiiga says, "One or the other. Either way, it's bizarre -- Geiiga is the sort you suspect doesn't have a mother." Kao bites her tongue and sips her scoth "No, please, go on", says Geiiga with a wink. "All of the questions you had already prepared are probably still relevant... Geiiga and I are very similar, I believe that's why we get along so well", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "Particularly when neither of us has a particular desire for large numbers of friends" Chiefsgirl doesn't prepare any questions in advance Chiefsgirl asks, "And why is that Geiiga?" "The standard fare of Fed has never particularly interested me -- not since the Duke puzzle bug was fixed, at least. Everyone's so promotion-oriented", says Geiiga. Geiiga spent four years going from GroundHog to Baron Kao gives Geiiga a brownie pin.... "They're missing out on the in-between... the time when alliances are shattered, wars are started, and friends are betrayed", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl nods Kao spent about 3 years...i think "Do you plan to become a duke eventually?", asks Chiefsgirl. "No. Funny you'd ask that... it was once my (distant) dream to be a Duke", says Geiiga. Geiiga says, "Now, a GroundHog is more remarkable." Ruylupez says, "Why would you want to be a duke? I never wanted to be one" "Mostly cuz they are alts of folks who want to say nasty things but don't have the guts to do it themselves", says Kao. "I was afraid to speak around JTMoomau and Shaver when I was a youngster... Dukes commanded respected", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl nods Geiiga winks and says, "I dunno, Ruy... there's just something about commanding a large number of willing troops into battle" "Ah, those were the days", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl asks, "So, what are your plans here?" Geiiga says, "Just to have fun, really" Noc applauds "I have no desire to promote", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl asks, "And what do you do to have fun?" "Sit in CDs ;) I pay $10 each month for a chatroom, but it's a step beyond that -- it's a fun chatroom", says Geiiga. "The joy and humor I derive from being here is more than worth the cost, frankly", says Geiiga. "Are there any questions for Geiiga?", asks Chiefsgirl. Geiiga winces. "When you edit this, dear, could you add fascinated interested and insatiable questioning?", asks Geiiga. Chiefsgirl laughs "I don't edit", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "Darn", says Geiiga with a wink. "Is the bar open now?", asks Kao. "I should hope so", says Geiiga. Ruylupez winks and says, "We would have to come up with some first, and if we could do that we would ask them" Geiiga winks and says, "I hope half an hour is somewhat close to an average, as far as length of questioning goes" "Is there any rank you enjoyed more than the others?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Explorer, without doubt", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl asks, "Why is that?" Geiiga says, "Huge bays, freedom to trade anywhere, freedom to have warehouses anywhere..." "And then to 'promote' you willingly place the shackles of a planet around your legs", says Geiiga. "Yeah...explorer was pretty cool", says Kao. "folks are in too big a hurry to enjoy it", says Kao. Geiiga nods Ruylupez says, "Problem with explorer was you had to actually haul to make any groats, with a planet it makes the groats even if you don't work" Geiiga asks, "What's a groat?" Geiiga says, "It's a little coin... that's not where the fun is" Noc says, "Perhaps because people want to be more than they are, quicker...." "When I was a youngster, though, there was one reason to promote to PO", says Geiiga. Kao says, "actually....a squire really needs to haul a lot" Geiiga says, "Nine -- this was a time when even silent lurkers were prosecuted cruelly" "so why do you care about being able to make bays and haul at explorer? I'd rather have a planet I can sit on and chat with others", says Ruylupez. "I didn't, really... it was a matter of being able to do it.", says Geiiga. "It's just edifying", says Geiiga. "heh, Kao, No kidding on the squire needs to haul a lot front anyway..", says Noc with a wink. Ruylupez says, "At squire I didn't do much hauling...but I had a good EX I guess...made about 25 megs a day without hauling" Geiiga says, "Gaminglady had a surplus of artifacts when Lotus first went online" Geiiga winks and says, "I remember a year or so ago, there was a discussion on Nine as to whether or not that was possible -- someone called me foolish for believing GL's 'embellishment'" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Geiiga?" Kao shouts, "PISS OFF" Kao asks, "?" Kao says, "sorry..was supposed to be a question" Chiefsgirl asks, "Pardon me Kao?" Geiiga laughs Kao shouts, "HOPE YA DIE?" Windy snickers. Geiiga says, "Kao's never been particularly fond of me, really" "on the contrary", says Kao. Windy smiles, "And why is that G?" "Really, now?", asks Geiiga. "Doesn't ALL of Fed just love you?", asks Windy. "I am quoting you", smiles Kao. "What reason is there for anyone to be particularly fond of me, Windy?", asks Geiiga. Geiiga laughs Kao says, "Thanks CG" Windy asks, "For your wonderful personality?" Kao smiles and sips her scotch and shuts up Geiiga shrugs, "You make a good case..." Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you want folks not to like you Geiiga?" "And anyway, Kao, that's That Other Guy", says Geiiga with a wink. Kao marks up her scorecard "damn... can't keep up", says Kao. "G, I thought you were leaving Fed. Why are you still here?", asks Windy. Geiiga says, "Not particularly... I just have opinions about everything. That's not exactly a trait conducent to making and keeping friends" "I was supposedly leaving Fed 3 years ago", says Pico. Windy says, "I mean, Cress and Peg and Fil all left..yet you remain." Kao buys this geiiga a scotch... whoever the hell you are Pico says, "Look where I am nw..." Windy winks and says, "Nowhere Pico?" Geiiga grins at Pico, "Yeah, that" "Pretty much the same as I was 5 years ago", says Pico. Geiiga laughs, "Remember when we tried to DD you, Windy?" Kao says, "Yep" Windy shrugs. Pico says, "or 4, who cares, time means nothing now I can't even remember how long ive been around" "I remember *everything* G.", says Windy. "And did it work? No, unlike some people, I pay attention to what I'm doing.", says Windy with a wink. "Would you like to share any of your memories WIndy?", asks Chiefsgirl. Pico winks and says, "Apparently you don't remember the time I slipped some drugs into your ale and had my way with you" Geiiga says, "Only if they're related to me, though." "damn... I thought that was me", says Kao. "Memories? I can remember thinking what a child Pico was sometimes..", says Windy. "Right... specifically related to Geiiga", says Chiefsgirl. Windy laughs. Kao looks at her glass Windy says, "Well, let's see..." "No more childish than yourself..", says Pico. Windy says, "I can't really remember a time G and I ever agreed. We played another game together, and I'm sure he hated me in there." Windy winks and says, "But then he came to see how intelligent and fun I was." Geiiga says, "Aw, nonsense." Geiiga winks and says, "I've always liked you" Pico asks, "BTW is this an event?" "This is G's Meet & Greet.", says Windy. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Yes, it is Pico" Pico says, "ahhhh" Kao pokes Pico "I think it WAS" "So anyway, what makes you keep playing?", asks Windy. Windy pokes G. Geiiga shrugs. "I have fun here" "Doing...?", asks Windy. Geiiga says, "Doing nothing at all." "I ask myself the same question every time I login", says Pico. Geiiga says, "It's an escape." Pico gazes around... Windy winks and says, "From the boring Kansas life?" Geiiga says, "Kansas is going to rule the world some day." Windy laughs. Kao giggles Windy smiles, "Will you be leading this revolution?" Geiiga asks, "Besides, without us, how would you people refuel your planes?" "Oh, probably", says Geiiga. "Is this the only character you've ever had in Fed?", asks Windy. Geiiga says, "I've had different names now and then, but yes, only a single character." Windy nods. Windy asks, "Any special reason you're in Essencia?" Geiiga winks and says, "We've covered that" "Oh.", says Windy. Geiiga asks, "We're just mindlessly droning on now... should we call it a night?" "Whats Essencia?", asks Pico. Windy says, "A duchy? ;0" Ruylupez says, "Its a duchy Pico" "Whats a duchy?", asks Pico. Chiefsgirl says, "If there are no more questions, we could if you'd like Geiiga" Windy dusts Pico off. Geiiga says, "Doesn't look like there are, but I'd be happy to address any that pop up" Geiiga smiles, "CG, I really appreciate the opportunity to be the center of attention" Ruylupez thinks pico needs to go back to groundhog and relearn the game Windy coughs at that. Geiiga says, "In closing..." Pico thinks people that don't know him shouldn't speak of him. Chiefsgirl says, "Oh, you're welcome.... it was great fun" "Slow down, dammit. You're missing all the fun.", says Geiiga. "There's nothing at the top that isn't also mid-way up the ladder.", says Geiiga. Windy applauds G. Pico says, "Thanks for telling me now" Pico nodz. "Form alliances, start wars. Make friends, and betray others.", says Geiiga. Chiefsgirl says, "Very well said Geiiga" "But above all - have fun.", says Geiiga. Kao winks and says, "It's better to be on top.. you can slide down more easily that way" Pico blinks. Chiefsgirl applauds and cheers wildly "This world should be an escape, not an extension of your life's stress.", says Geiiga. "I'd like to thank Geiiga for being my guest and thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Next week my guest will be Casanova" "And that's really all I have to say. Thank you, CG, and thank you, everyone, for your questions.", says Geiiga. Kao applauds "Oh boy..", says Windy. Pico says, "Casanova" "Thank you Geiiga", says Chiefsgirl. Geiiga smiles. Geiiga exclaims, "And... cut!" "I'm going to go grab dinner, which was placed on hold in favor of this lovely event... BRB", says Geiiga with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Good night everyone" Geiiga smiles, "Thanks, sweetie" |