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Myangel winks and says, "we'll make sure he does" "he remembers", smiles Chiefsgirl. Often in error, seldom in doubt Jazir has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Jazir smiles, "Hello all, thanks for coming out" Bront loves to watch CG grill... er... interview people ;) Armed with rotten fruit/veggies, Rasal has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Myangel giggles at Ras "Where's the target?", says Rasal with a wink. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat and glances at her notes "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight our guest is Jazir, Duke of Estate" Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us about himself and his duchy and answer any questions you may have" Nicholas claps. "Please give him a warm welcome", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl applauds and plops down on her barstool Jazir smiles Rasal smiles, "Go Jaz, go Jaz." "Well, here goes nothing!", says Jazir with a wink. "I started Fed around July/Aug of 95, when fed went open beta on aol.", says Jazir. Jazir was then called Shade339 "I managed to get my permit, ship, etc, and settled down into the wonderful world of workboard hauling", says Jazir. Bront shudders Chiefsgirl doesn't remember workboard hauling as wonderful Jazir says, "For some strange reason, I was quickly mesmorized by hauling, and became adicted to fed" "I managed to get my way up to Adventurer, and commenced searching for the GM. Wile I was doing this, I learned about the wide variety of ways to die in sol", smiles Jazir. Jazir imitates his former self "Keep Out!? Surely they don't mean me..." Bront says, "Must have been the subliminal messages in the scroll" Jenia keeps hearing that "h" word she doesn't like doing "Despite my wonderful experiences with Transuranics and the like, I was able to find the GM, and move in to the rank of Trader", says Jazir. Kalock winks and says, "It's the drugs they put in FED to make it addictive" Jazir says, "Back then, trader was one of the toughest ranks. No macros, no fednav, you had to type everything out by hand." "Heaven forbid... typing", says Shaman with a wink. Jazir winks and says, "Finally, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth at trader, I made merchie, did a c pri something, and wept tears, happy tears of great joy" Myangel cringes..price checks.. Jazir says, "Got a company, facs, the whole bit, and made JP" "Life was good, but I was trying to save up some money for stats, so I figured "I'm careful, why reinsure? You need that money!"", says Jazir. Jazir guesses you all know what happened next ;) Myangel says, "ouch.." Chiefsgirl says, "ut oh" Jazir says, "While trying to earn some cash trading in sol with an extremely poor macro prog, I wound up crashing into the sun, DDing myself." Rasal readies a cabbage, "Silly Jaz." Jazir says, "I stayed away from fed for a while, not looking forward to doing all that work again, but eventually came back in the early part of 96, I think" "I was able to get back up to Jp pretty quick, with my mastery of the game and the art of reinsuring", says Jazir with a wink. "Jp at this time was one of the best ranks, lot's of haulers, plenty of POs, lot's of other Jps, and a puzzle to keep us occupied", says Jazir. "Soon, however, the competition for haulers began to get very tough. Nobody wanted to haul their own goods, so haulers were in great demand", says Jazir. Jazir exclaims, "Their wages started to rise to absurd heights, to the point were they prefering to stay at adventurer rather than move up to trader, they were making such obscene amounts of groats!" Jazir feels that manual called them Poor Persons for a darn good reason ;) Jazir exclaims, "Plus, they started snerting contracts left and right, and being generally rude. Action had to be taken!" Jazir says, "Some Jps started a blacklist of any hauler who voided a contract. It distributed to other Jps via email, so no one would hire those haulers" Jazir used it alot, and loved the whole concept "I was in a group at that time, JP Alliance Against Snerts, we worked in conjunction with the blacklist to hunt down and kill those snerts who voided contracts on purpose", says Jazir. Chiefsgirl says, "goodness" "Economic warfair with poor folks, interesting", says Bront. "We had a reat system going, if someone voided a contract with a member, another member would give him a job to arena, and the rest of us would lie in wait to ambush him", smiles Jazir. Jazir smiles, "It was a free for all, and it was a blast!" Rasal smiles, "Dang, I missed all the good stuff back then." Jazir says, "Around that time I met LucasW123, the Industrialist of Riva, and did some contract work hauling into his exchange. Thus I was able to make enough money to get the link and online my first planet, Chill." "After getting my planet, my life in fed settled a bit, and I proceeded to make all the mistakes new POs can possibly do", says Jazir. Jazir has dumped his own planet Jazir winks and says, "They told me to "fill my deficets"" Myangel giggles Jazir says, "I hung around in the Carroll Duchy, with Luke, until he duked in late 96, and then joined up with Riva. I spent most of my time there having fun chatting in French, and trying to haul against the lag" Bront ponders Jazir saying "Why can't my exchange be at my link?" Jazir smiles, "Riva was a great Duchy, lot's of good people in there" Jazir always wanted the drive thru ex, Bront :) Bront winks and says, "oooh, chatting in French, bending Fed laws I see" Jazir says, "I never got past Squire on aol, because of when Fed moved to the web. I was baffled by the complexities of reclaiming my account, bad aol connections, and I had to give my beloved name, Shade." Jazir grins, Bending the laws, pas moi ;) "So I never bothered to claim my account, and let the planet of Chill slowly disappear into the void", says Jazir. "However, my Fed addiction could not be conquered, and I returned for a free weekend in the summer of 98 with my current name, and have been here ever since", says Jazir. "I named my new planet Estate, and dedicated it solely to my own personal comfort", smiles Jazir. Jazir says, "I met MyAngel around JP, and lived happily in Loverly after opening my planet until I built my time machine, and then set off to try and save the Universe" Myangel beams Jazir is dang glad the Universe was patient, because I had a heck of a time saving it ;) Bront used his to make a fortune gambling first... "My Duke puzzle attempt, all 13 warps of it, have been immortalized in such hit Estatan Holovids as "National Lampoon's Horsell Vacation" and "The Baron who knew too little"", says Jazir with a wink. "Are those for rent?", smiles Rasal. "I succeeded though, against all odds, and have been running my own Duchy ever since", smiles Jazir. Jazir winks and says, "Sure Ras, I'll have Kalock haul them right over" Shaman winks and says, "They were straight-to-video releases, I think" "HEY!", shouts Kalock. "Estate is run a pure democracy, all member Dukes in Estate have the right to vote on any issue of importance, and their vote is binding", says Jazir. "Nowadays I'm basically retired from actual work in Fed, so I spend my time socializing and competing in the events.", says Jazir. Jazir loves fedpardy and the Cup of Fearlessness :) Kalock has influance over the other memebers of Estate ;) "He's very good at Cup of Fearlessness", says Chiefsgirl. Jazir laughs at Kal Bront winks and says, "Carefull of an alt coup my friend..." "Yeah, I recruited Kalock here by jedi mind tricking him while he was afk", smiles Jazir. "He's done quite well in Warrior's Revenge when it runs", says Bront. Bront laugh Shaman winks and says, "Doesn't surprise me..." "I love warrior's revenge, just wish more folks would show up for it", smiles Jazir. Shaman makes note to self: Learn Jedi mind trickery. Bront looks over at CG Chiefsgirl nods and makes note to show up this week Jazir says, "Nowadays I'm basically retired from actual work in Fed, so I spend my time socializing and competing in the events." Rasal hands Shaman another note: Don't forget the mind. ;) Chiefsgirl laughs "Oops, said that already, didn't I?", asks Jazir. Jazir grins Ford says, "I've heard that before." "Yup", says Bront. Shaman watches the record skip...watches the record skip...watches the record skip... "Was this interview automated?", asks Bront. Jenia says, "must be important to say it twice" Myangel wow's.. that rewind button really works Cg! Jazir says, "Well, that means I've reached the end of my tale, so I'll open the floor to questions" Shaman asks, "How long did it take you to learn the Jedi mind trick? And how successful is it?" Jazir winks and says, "Hmm, I've always had the ability, its just never worked prior to Kalock" "What brought you into your recient interest in fighting events?", asks Bront. "Well, I've always known how to ambush folks, so I decided I would learn to fight fair", says Jazir. Bront laughs Jazir smiles, "Plus, there isn't much to do at Duke, but I've been trying yto stay active" "Will that jedi thingie work on the ladies too? In RL?", asks Ford. Wrkincaid suggests ford try it out on a beer first "At the present, experiments are inconclusive, although further research is being done", says Jazir with a wink. Jenia looks at Ford and say's "Nope" Ford weilds his beer sabre. "Yes, they start in fed and join your duchy Ford", says Bront with a wink. "How do you suppose you'll do at Fedpardy..when you're a category?", says Myangel with a wink. Jazir chuckles "Probably not too well, since I have to sit that cat out", smiles Jazir. Shaman nods... that's 5 less questions you can answer. Jazir asks, "I need a handicap anyway, Shaman?" Bront asks, "What are some of your favorite planets that you've explored?" Jazir says, "Let's see, Loverly is very beautfiful, Tara is extremely well written" Jazir winks and says, "Estate's a good planet to explore as well" Bront nods "I think you're a bit partial on that one", says Bront with a wink. Myangel will vouch for estate! :) Jazir winks and says, "Partial, no, not at all" Bront can impartialy say that Britania is the best planet that he's ever fully explored Kalock should get out and explore the planet Ford asks, "People actually explore planets?" Kalock winks and says, "Jazir keeps me locked up in my shp most the time working to earn him money" Bront winks and says, "Of course it's the only one I've FULLY explored too" Jazir winks and says, "I was waiting for ya to say that, Bront" Nicholas has dropped the syringe. Jazir has picked up the syringe. Bront says, "Ocasionaly Ford" "I like exploration myself, helps to stave off Ducal boredom", says Jazir with a wink. Ford says, "Now I see how he dose the jedi thingie, its all in the syringe." Shaman says, "Ahhh.... I get it.. "Jedi mind tricks"..." "When did FED go on the WEB?", asks Kalock. "Drats, the secret is out....", says Jazir. "Oh, let's see, 97 sometime I think", says Jazir. "Okay... hypothetical situation here.", says Shaman. "September 97 moved off AOL", says Chiefsgirl. "Are those legal?", asks Ford. Shaman says, "Let's say you were walking down a dark alley." Jazir nods Kalock shakes his head Shaman says, "And three armed thugs, carrying clubs and a strange looking mallet jumped from the shadows" Ford says, "Lalock lives in an alt-ternate reality." Ford says, "Kalock too" Shaman asks, "Who would you ask for the time of day?" Kalock winks and says, "Shhhhh don't tell anyone" Shaman says, "Please justify your answer... 1000 words or less." "The one with the mallet, he looks like a tourist. They always have watches", says Jazir with a wink. Kalock winks and says, "The one wearing the watch" Jazir winks and says, "The real question there, tho, is which one would ask for my wallet" "Ford?", asks Jazir. Rasal tosses a rotten tomato into the air, "Think carefully... who's your best friend in Fed?" ;) Shaman makes a note... and gets rid of his mallet. Ford asks, "Do you still beat your RL wife?" Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow at Ford "Lol, what RL wife?", says Jazir with a wink. Ford skinks away. "I don't think that's an appropriate line of questioning Ford, even in jest", says Chiefsgirl. "Yes dear", says Ford. Jazir winks and says, "I reserve beatings for dissident Workthingies, and lazy POs" Jazir winks and says, "Rasal, you are my best friend in Fed, of course" Myangel smiles, "How did you go from Shade339..to Jazir?" "Well, the fine duchy of Shade meant that I couldn't use that name once Fed went to the web", says Jazir. Myangel nods.. Jazir remembers joking with Ninjal about his duchy being named after me Myangel giggles "Jazir, three commen Dukal activities are events, women, and spying... We've heard about you on the events, how about the other two?", asks Bront. "I bet he liked that conversation", smiles Myangel. Jazir says, "So, I just came up with the name Jazir, not sure where I got it from, actually" "Does it mean something?", asks Rere. "Women.., don't have any of those at the present", says Jazir. "What brought you to Wings over every other group in FED?", asks Kalock. "Spying... Let's just say thats one of the great priviledges of Dukehood", says Jazir with a wink. "Count yourself lucky, Jazzie ;)\", says Shaman. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Please, give Jazir a chance to answer" Bront doesn't think anyone "Has" woman, we are just lucky they grace us with their company "Kalock, I was in Loverly for at least a year and a half, so all the WINGS people were good friends of mine", says Jazir. Jazir says, "PLus, I agree with the philosophy of WINGS, which is basically to be friendly" Jazir smiles, "So it was pretty natural that I'd join up with the group after I duked" Myangel smiles and smiles "How long have you been peddlin' snake oil?", says Shaman with a wink. Jazir winks and says, "For quite some time Shaman, its a big money maker" "Any plans of spinning off a group of our own?", asks Kalock. Jazir smiles, "Nope, I'm happy right where I am" "Umm YOUR own", says Kalock with a wink. Jazir caught that slip, Kal ;) Kalock has to many ALT's as it is.. don't need anymore ;) Jenia says, "I think Kalock actually runs Estate these days anyways. lol" "Spinoffs never work very well... they're amusing for a season or two... but after that, they get tedious.", says Shaman. "Do you have a favorite fed momennt? Most Embarrassing and worst?", asks Rere. "moment...sorry...", says Rere. Bront whispers to Jazir "I think Kalock knows too much... send him a job to the arena..." "Hmm, my worst moment was the close encounter with our warm neighbor, Mr Sun, while I was uninsured", says Jazir. Kalock shouts, "ACK!" Jazir says, "The best was probably completing the Duke puz, I worked hard on that one" Rere says, "Ouch" "Most embarrassing?", asks Rere. Shaman can vouch for that. "Hmm, aside from my first outing in Cup of Fearlessness, nothing really embarassing comes to mind", says Jazir. Chiefsgirl wonders when your first Cup outing was "The first time in Cup I was pretty rusty, lowered shields in the midst of battle, was using the worng commands, etc", says Jazir. "Do you ever wear anything but toe tags, or a name tag?", smiles Myangel. "well..i've alwaize been curious!", says Myangel with a wink. Jazir winks and says, "I prefer a description that is 100% accurate, but 100% useless" Chiefsgirl prefers leather "If there was one thing that you could change about Fed, what would it be?", asks Bront. "I've been asking IB for quite sometime for a Print groats to dollars command...", says Jazir. Jazir says, "Seriously tho, I would just like more people in the game" Rere thinks that's a great idea! Bront writes down "Don't let people leave, got it" Jazir smiles, "Fed's great, but its the people that are its strongest aspect." "Where do you think FED lost all those people and how can we get that number of people back?", asks Kalock. Bront looks under a rug Rere checks in the whippy factory Kalock pokes Bront in the ribs Shaman checks his pockets. "Hmm, not exactly sure why folks left, their reasons are their own. As for recruiting, I think free weekends are great ideas", says Jazir. Jazir came back because of one Myangel thinks they are here..working in duff's kitchen :) Ford asks, "When is the last time you painted your ship?" Jazir smiles, "I painted it when I bought it" "Probably a few days ago", smiles Jazir. "Yeah, but all that bondo from all those battle......", says Ford. Jazir does a public service announcement "Paint your spaceships folks!!" Jenia has never painted her ship Jazir smiles, "Keeping the ship in good condition is tough with all the fighting I do, but a little touch up paint goes along way" Rere hands Jenia a paintbrush Shaman 's ship is always painted :) Jenia always felt the nobody would bother stealing a drab institutional grey painted ship and so far noone has Ford asks, "Is it true that you liked the toe tags so much that you bought the company that made them?" Jazir makes a note to grab Jenia's ship on the way out ;) Jazir exclaims, "Those rumours, while true, have never been proven Ford!" Jenia uses the ship club "Do you have a favorite rank?", asks Rere. "Besides Ford, I don't really like the toe tags, I like to win!", says Jazir with a wink. "2 favs, Rere. Jp on aol, right before the great lag, and Duke", says Jazir. Myangel asks, "Why Lemming's Jaz?" Rere giggles the "The Great Lag" "I share their world view Angel. Lemmings are fearless and strive to attain their goals, no matter the cost", says Jazir. "Do you hope FED puts in ranks above Duke?", asks Kalock. "I'd be interested to see anything IB decides to do with the game. It would be nice if they gave us more game related stuff to do at Duke", says Jazir. Bront hopes for the martian invasion "Jaz, I agree. If your not living on the edge (or ledge as the case maybe) your taking up too much room.", says Ford. "Such as?", asks Rere. "Like "NAPALM planet loc#"?", says Shaman with a wink. "Mee too, Bront", smiles Jazir. Shaman says, "I've been waiting for that one." "You bet Sham, thats a great idea", says Jazir with a wink. "Where's your office in Mahiethy?", says Jazir with a wink. "Damned if I know", says Shaman with a wink. "I was in the duchy and I never knew where his office was", says Jordyluc with a frown. Shaman says, "I actually no longer have one." Shaman says, "Re-re-remodeling" Jordyluc winks and says, "he prolly never told me cuz he afraid i might go steal his brooms" Wrkincaid ponders.> Rere modeling "I could go for Rere modeling for us.", says Ford. Rere blushes and hobbles behind Angel and WIll Jazir asks, "Well, any other questions for me?" Jazir thumbs through a pamphlet on the 5th amendment "No, just a statemen. :::You have the right to remain.........:::", says Ford. Myangel thinks this has been a wonderful Meet and Greet :) Shaman laughs. Chiefsgirl asks, "no other questions for Jazir?" Jazir chuckles at Ford "it's heckling time now?", asks Jenia. Wrkincaid applauds "Wheee... heckling!", exclaims Shaman. Jazir smiles, "Well, thank you all for coming out, I hope its been enjoyable" Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Jazir" "great job tonight Jaz", smiles Jenia. Myangel has bought you a Loverly-Aura Amaretto, that lovely little concoction with a lavendar tint!! |