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>ex chiefsgirl >ex Cgee "Hiya everyone", says Chiefsgirl. Zidanetribal says, "a wonderful night, this is" Juel smiles, "everyone...meet my new daughter..." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Hiya Kadi!" Kadi waves "Ooo congrats, Kadi!", exclaims Snowstar. "thank you", smiles Kadi. Juel says, "Snowstar and Lobo live in Juelz..." Snowstar smiles, "Cgee too" Snowstar points. Cgee waves "sorry Cgee didn't see you here", says Juel. Cgee says, "CG likes to keep me bound and gagged most times" "can you blame her?", asks Lobo. Chiefsgirl thwaps Cgee and fixes her gag "well you just cut loose in Juelz", says Juel. Juel says, "She can't get you there" Cgee giggles and tries to bounce Juel says, "we'll ban her if she molests you there" Chiefsgirl whispers to Cgee to remember her place in this scenario "someone say -molest-?", asks Lobo. Lobo perks Zidanetribal has given Chewbacon a tender tickle! Chewbacon laughs and rolls away from Zidanetribal! Zidanetribal has given Chewbacon a warm tickle! Chewbacon laughs and rolls away from Zidanetribal! "Cut that out, Zid", says Chewbacon with a wink. Zidanetribal has given Chewbacon a friendly tickle! Chewbacon laughs and rolls away from Zidanetribal! Chewbacon exclaims, "Zidane! STOP!" Zidanetribal says, "ok" "Careful, he's gonna roll right out of the room", smiles Snowstar. Juel whispers Chewie lived in Juelz briefly...but he deserted Zidanetribal smiles, "lol" "Thanks you... it's a novelty, not a yahoo-fun-thing", says Chewbacon. Lobo says, "yeh...until he ate up all the bacon...then he left" Zidanetribal says, "lol" Chewbacon sits back after a nice deathmatch... Chiefsgirl stands and waves her broomstick overhead "Good evening and welcome to the annual Halloween edition of the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight we'll hear spooky tales from whoever would like to participate", says Chiefsgirl. "Our featured storyteller is Kao, Baroness of Babe", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And then later perhaps we'll have a costume contest and buy round contest" Chiefsgirl says, "And maybe a ship painting contest" Chiefsgirl loves contests Juel asks, "this going to last all night CG?" carrying a cackling jack-o-lantern Kao has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chiefsgirl says, "But to begin our evening, may I present Kao" "Just about an hour Juel", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Sirglec applauds. Snowstar whistles for Kao! Chelsia sheers Kao rides in on a big horse and hops off Wolfyn props her feet up on Rasal's knee, head in Sirglec's lap. She wolf whistles and cheers! Lobo says, "Heyas Kao" Sirglec sits in a comfy chair >ex kao Chelsia cheers, also Kao throws a flaming jack-o-lantern at you Wolfyn catches it and eats it. Chiefsgirl giggles and sips her drink Kao hops onto the bar with her jack-o-lantern at her side Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be "Good evening everyone", smiles Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women Kao says, "I have been honored by CG to appear at another Halloween special Meet and greet" Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! "So..... here's my Halloween story for this year", smiles Kao. "The following is taken from a story His Due by Joe Murphy.", says Kao. "Although I have heavily edited it, the story still has a strong R rating.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Lobo goes "oooOOOoooOOOooo" Kao says, "The Queen of Harlots was just reaching the crossroads when she felt the Devils coach approaching." Ruylupez wants the non edited version Kao says, "Cloaked in the darkness of a moon-lost night, vibrations squirmed up from the cobblestones, through her legs to her loins, then on to her heart and head." "Her ancient servant, Wardra, had once told her of the Devils black and scarlet conveyance, a coffinlike shape pulled by black horses with flaming eyes.", says Kao. "Yet as Lucretia peered into the darkness, it was her own head she saw rolling to a stop. A grotesque caricature of herself, white hair screaming to the wind, blue eyes wild with fright, her sensuous mouth agape and propped open by pitchforks.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Chiefsgirl shudders Wolfyn whispers, "Egads." "The Devil lounged upon the pillow that was her tongue, easily holding the chains of seven withered crones, once queens of the night themselves but now hideous beasts of labor.", says Kao. Midrats shivers under his sheet Kao says, "The chains stretched cruelly around their sagging forms, tautly attached to jagged iron bits, covered with bloody froth." Vlad loves a good love story Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women Wolfyn leers back. Rere hides behind Chels Foamfollower thinks a seperated but alive female might just be handy to have around ;) Vlad blows Kao's jack-o-lantern a kiss Kao says, "The Devil will always come to a Queen of Harlots, she thought. Lucretia placed her wondrous hands, her true gift, upon slender hips and faced him." Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao says, "Ahhh, Lucretia of Minerv, finally we meet, the Devil called, jerking his carriage to a shrieking halt." Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women "Now I am truly Queen, she thought and answered, Well met, Shaitan. Knowing one of his names gave some protection.", says Kao. Sirglec points his service revolver at the jack-o-lantern "Watch where you look, Bud!" Kao says, "Lucretias breath quickened slightly. She had been prepared for a monster. Yet despite the horns and fangs, a lean sensuality pervaded his well muscled body. Sin might be ugly, she remembered Wandras maxim, but not its pleasures." Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Wolfyn yelps! Snowstar jumps and screams! Chiefsgirl squeals "Queen of Meat is what you are, the Devil laughed. Every miserable hamlet that boasts a crossroads has some such whore.", says Kao. Wolfyn perks, dinner? Snowstar smiles, "Queen of Meat...I so love it" "You wrong me,sir. Im no whore. Her eyes hardened. A whore works for profit, not for love of the act itself.", says Kao. Kao throws a flaming jack-o-lantern at you "Dont you take money for your services? Shaitan picked his fangs with a pearly claw.", says Kao. "But I dont keep it. All that I am paid is returned to the peasants. You know it to be the truth. The giving of pleasure rules my soul.", says Kao. Kao says, "Lucretia spoke harshly, afraid he would see her fear." "leave it to Shaitan to have horrible table manners", says Foamfollower with a wink. "Hah, youre only a piece of ham, pounded by the mallet man, ready to cook but never eaten. The Devil climbed from the coach, black fur mantle flapping in the wind.", says Kao. Wolfyn drools. Vlad says, "Shaitan sounds like Marv Albert trying to say Satan" Kao says, "You know this yourself, he leered at her, else you wouldnt need me." "My ambition pulls me, sir. Lucretia clenched her beautiful hands. I would be more than I am. I would give more than I have ever given. Let me become the perfect lover.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings "So, the Queen of Harlots desires to become the Queen of Courtesans,eh? Shaitan bowed mockingly. And brazenly seeks the heart of the matter.", says Kao. Kao says, "Such you can make me. Lucretia held up her shockingly white hands. These are skilled in the giving of pleasure. Their touch alone has lifted men to peaks of ecstacy." Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women "Then what would you have of me, harlot? What does a common whore with a minor gift seek? Shaitan smiled, his fangs gleaming in the dark.", says Kao. "A body to equal their power. I would be the perfect match for any mate, old or young, fair or foul, man or woman. I would give them more.", says Kao. Kao says, "Lucretias breath came in shallow gasps; every nerve tingled with excitement." Kao asks, "And in return, what will you give the Devil? Shaitan asked. Youve wasted your money on the poor. What is there left for me?" "Satisfaction. Lucretia forced the word out. Ill satisfy your lust, meet your desire, and let it rule me until it shrinks to nothing.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao says, "You think I couldnt take such from you anyway? the Devil smiled again. Its much more fun that way." "But not as exciting as a wager. Everyone knows that Shaitan loves a bet above all else. Lucretia fought to keep her eyes from the coach.", says Kao. Kao says, "True enough. Shaitan rubbed his pointed chin, then turned back to his coach and pulled something from within." Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Sirglec jumps. Kao says, "What do you have? Lucretia tried to keep the eagerness from her voice." Snowstar braces herself, muttering, "I hate when it does that." Rere hides behind Chels again Vlad says, "sorry, didn't mean to step on you, Kao's Jack-o-Lantern" "What you asked for, Shaitan said and chuckled.", says Kao. Snowstar giggles at Vlad. Kao says, "A mirror. A magic mirror. Simply hang it on the ceiling over your bed. Youll look up as your legs spread wide to gaze upon the reflection of your patron. Once seen, your body will become the mirror of his desires. Youll transform into the" Kao says, "Perfect lover" "oh", says Chiefsgirl. "Shaitan cackled softly and continued. If its a woman, youll become the the one man she must have. If a man, youll turn into his dream.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women Wolfyn hides the mirrors Sirglec brought home. Kao says, "Lucretia took the iron-bound glass into her hands, seeing only her bleached reflection as if she stood alone." Kao says, "Its what I wished for, she admitted. But what of the wager? Her knees trembled." Kao says, "Two times of my choosing I will come to you. Shaitan grinned wickedly. If you cannot satisfy me even once, youre mine to keep. You will join my carriage team." Kao says, "Shaitan laughed and gestured toward the disgusting crones who whined upon hands and knees." Kao says, "But if I do satisfy you, Im free? Lucretia asked hopefully." Chiefsgirl shivers Kao asks, "Of course. If such a slut can satiate me, youll have the mirror and your soul as well. Shaitan reached for her hand. Do you agree?" Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! "Kao's not talking about you, Pris", says Snowstar with a wink. Vlad now knows another reason he doesn't bother with mirrors Rere wants to tell her no, no no! "Lucretia bit her lip anxiously. This was what shed come for, but dealing with Shaitan was far more frightening than mere talk. Still, she could not go back now.", says Kao. Kao says, "I agree. She extended her hand." Rere cries for her "Then you must acknowledge me your superior. He brought her fingers tenderly to his dark lips.", says Kao. Wolfyn shivers. Sirglec flips a kleenex to Rere. "The proper way to do that is with blood! razor fangs lanced the pale flesh of her exquisite hand.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Rere blows and throws Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Chiefsgirl shudders Rere closes her eyes Sirglec waits for CG to bounce. "Lucretia couldnt help screaming with the poisonous agony of the bite. She fell to her knees, voice echoing in the distance. Youre the master here!", exclaims Kao. Kao says, "Abruptly the pain ceased. Lucretia opened her eyes to find the crossroads empty. She stood alone in the night." Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Snowstar blinks. Kao says, "The mirror was everything he promised. Old Wandra scolded her for bringing it home, but by morning both the scars on her hand and the tears were distant memories. The mirror perched above her bed and whenever a gentleman farmer came to visit, she" Kao says, "was the perfect lover" Wolfyn says, "Must be a relative." Kao says, "From then on, Lucretia brought such pleasure to her patrons that she became the stuff of legends, and her clientele expanded far beyond the ranks of mere farmers." "I shall rename our town Lucretia instead of Ming! the mayor gasped as Lucretia straddled him again. Although the mayor was groaning with pleasure, Lucretia was not satisfied.", says Kao. Kao says, "She wanted to drive him to the brink. Lucretia knew he preferred larger women, much larger than she. She gazed up at the mirror." Kao says, "If you would marry me, I would give up my quest, a travelling knight told her one evening. Lucretias head bobbed with more than agreement." Kao says, "The fellow was given to rather extravagant promises, she decided as his satisfaction filled her mouth." Kao says, "Especially if you were a Moorish woman, the knight gasped. Lucretia licked her lips and rolled her eyes toward the mirror." Kao says, "Become my concubine. Stay with me forever, demanded a middle aged Countess as Lucretias newly grown male appendage admirably performed its duty." Sirglec changes the rating from R to X. ". The Countess squealed with delight and collapsed, exhausted and satiated. Lucretia smiled up at the mirror.", says Kao. Priscilla grins widely. Snowstar is just watching with wide eyes. Kao says, "Lucretia absorbed their ecstacy, feeding upon their rapture in the way she was meant to. Her coffers overflowed and word of her sexual prowess travelled far beyond the borders of the kingdom." Vlad says, "hmmmm....I just keep a portrait of myself in the attic that grows older instead of me, but this mirror beats that any day" "Yet a dark corner of her mind knew he would come; knew he would attempt to claim her soul.", says Kao. Kao says, "Ahhh, theres my little bitch, Shaitan laughed as he kicked open her door. Heart pounding within her chest, Lucretia knelt before him, eager to win her soul." Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! "Shaitan stood before her and released himself from his breeches. You shall call me Lord Greatmember and by my command, youd best be in heat!", exclaims Kao. Sirglec threatens Kao's jack-o-lantern one more time. Snowstar stifles a giggle. Kao says, "Lord Greatmember, I will give you what pleasure you will allow, Lucretia said meekly." "I thought his name was Iva Biggin?", asks Vlad. Kao says, "Such an ugly dog you are, Shaitan leered down at her. The sight of your soul wilts me." Sirglec laughs. Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings "He ripped a pillowcase from its place and thrust it over her head, then tied it with a velvet cord so tightly she choked for air. Then he led her about the room blindfolded, like a dog.", says Kao. Snowstar suspects that's not all her jack-o-lantern blows. Kao says, "He forced her to relieve herself on the beautiful, expensive furnishings she had purchased, then made her roll around in it. When he tired of that, he mounted her like a dog, never allowing her to see him or to touch him." Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women Vlad wants to be leered at Kao says, "He pounded her mercilessly from behind and then his devils tail, whose point was as large as a mans fist joined in the action and Lucretia was doubly hammered into the rich carpet." Chiefsgirl gasps "Instead of agony, Lucretia felt waves of pleasure flow over her as Shaitan completed his dominance of her. She wept, scalded by the heat of her own frustration. When it was done, he released her.", says Kao. Snowstar holds onto her own snow-devil tail. "You must have had pleasure from your evening, Lucretia pleaded, lying on the floor. I felt it.", says Kao. Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be "chug it!", exclaims Vlad. Kao says, "Shaitan laughed and spit at her. Even the Devil has to relieve himself. Youve given m nothing. I should take your soul now for the inconvenience. Instead, your servant shall serve me. I need a new horse." Kao exclaims, "I beseech you, Lord, Lucretia pleaded. Leave the old woman be!" Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Kao says, "Your whining sickens me! Shaitan roared. His hand smacked her across the lips knocking her head against the wall. Lucretias soul fled from consciousness, receding into a blackness where only the mocking sounds of his laughter and the screams of" "the old woman existed", says Kao. Lobo puts a cotton wad in his ear facing the jack-o-lantern... Kao says, "When she awoke he was gone. And Wandra was dead." Chiefsgirl says, "oh my" "Lucretias grief threatened to overwhelm her. She remained shut up in her house, refusing patrons and well wishers. She cried a lot.", says Kao. Snowstar sniffs.. Kao says, "Eventually, however, as the summer sun climbed into the sky, her gift for pleasure reasserted itself within her and she once again turned to the mirror for support." "I will give up the law, an important judge promised as he knelt between her spread legs, and immerse myself in poetic praise of your beauty. Lucretia had to agree he had a way with words and rhythm, but beauty? She was not done yet. She gazed", says Kao. "up at the mirroe", says Kao. "wasn't there a Beach Boys song called, "Help Me Wandra"?", asks Vlad. "mirror", says Kao. "I will never get enough of you, the Duchesse Demay gasped in ecstacy after a week and a half in Lucretias bed.", says Kao. "Lucretia agreed that that much was true because she had been able to transform herself at will to meet the Duchesses ever changing desires, a young man, a young woman, the Royal Horse Guards, a horse. She gazed at the mirror again.", says Kao. "Once again, Lucretias coffers overflowed and her name was famous. She spent much of her spare time contemplating the mirror, receiving strange pleasures from it.", says Kao. Kao says, "As summer turned to fall she knew hed come again. One day she realized it was All Hallows Eve, the night when the Devil reaches the zenith of his powers. The full moon would bring him. She knew it." Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Rere shudders Kao says, "She set about putting herself in order. She would be no barking dog this time. She bathed and annointed herself with aromatic oils, and prepared a basin of water for him. She would give more of herself than she had ever given before. Most of all," Kao says, "she'd be sure to see him, and to touch him" Kao says, "She knelt before the largest chair, the porcelain basin before her. She silently touched herself, readying herself for him. When she opened her eyes he sat before her." "Tonight is my second and final night, he chuckled at her. I will not need to come again.", says Kao. Vlad says, "poor devil....never being able to ,.....oh...heheh wrong meaning" "I will give you all that you are due, Lucretia stroked his calf.", says Kao. Snowstar scrolls back, "I can't remember if he came the first time." Rere giggles "Yes, you must, Shaitan smiled, revelling in his victory, content to feel those amazing hands as they danced over his skin. This was too easy.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Sirglec blasts Kao's jack-o-lantern. Wolfyn howls! Kao says, "He didnt even bother to torment her this time as she bathed his feet, licking them clean with her tongue, and then washed him lovingly, tenderly." "hehe only once a year....like Santa", says Vlad. Kao says, "She moved up between his strong legs, her mouth giving him pleasure as her hand reached around and stroked his twitching tail. Shaitan groaned with pleasure." Sirglec covers Wolfy's eyes and ears. "It would appear you have learned from your mistakes, he smiled at her.", says Kao. "And willing to learn more, my Lord. Lucretias hands fluttered over him. The Devil quivered with excitement. He knew he would get her soul, but he wanted to enjoy it first.", says Kao. Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women Wolfyn peeks through the fingers. Kao says, "She raised up on her knees and whispered in his ear, And now if Lord greatmember will come to the bed, we shall end the wager. She tweaked his hard nipples, then moved back and lowered herself onto the bed, as the room was flooded by the" Kao says, "moonlight" Rere whippy blast the pumpkin's leer! Lobo cheers Rere.... "whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist?", asks Vlad. Kao says, "Indeed we shall, Shaitan breathed hoarsely. He followed her to the large bed as the full moon wrinkled its reflection upon the water in the basin, which Lucretia had moved to the windowsill. He grabbed her and, bellowing in his eagerness," Kao says, "thrust into her" Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Sirglec blasts Kao's jack-o-lantern, again. Kao says, "This is one harlot you wont soon forget. Lucretias legs wrapped around him, just above the whipping tail. His eager impatience thrilled her and she knew his mind was filled only with need." Wolfyn fidgets. "Surrender to your superior, Shaitan, still secure in his dominance writhed and pounded into her.", says Kao. Kao says, "Moonlight reflected from the basin on the sill, illuminating the mirror above, framing her image. Lucretia looked up and suddenly understood why Shaitan had blindfolded her, not letting her touch him or see the mirror." Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be Lobo drinks a beer the conventional way... Kao says, "The Devil casts no reflection! Yet the chance placement of the basin had added to the sum of her skills and had made him as horny and short-sighted as any male. She stifled a giggle as her demon lover hammered into her." Kao says, "Lucretias gaze contorted into ecstacy as the mirror began the transformation. Only she was not becoming the Devils perfect lover- he was not reflected in the mirror." Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings "She was becoming her own perfect lover, and what could be more perfect than a lover who would rid her of this demon and his wager?", asks Kao. Kao says, "Shaitan screamed wildly as her feminine opening shrank, dissolving from the mirrors magic." "ohhhhh.", says Wolfyn. "His grew wide with fear and terror as Lucretia took on an angelic form.", says Kao. Chiefsgirl thinks that has to hurt Kao says, "Exquisite sensations wracked Lucretias body as Shaiatan wailed in agony and tried to wrench himself free. A cataclysmic fulfillment flowed through her and her consciousness travelled to the stars." Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Rere nods to Cg! Kao says, "When her eyes opened she lay bathed in moonlight and a hot sticky liquid. Confused, she touched herself." Kao says, "At first she thought she still had the male attributes of her perfect lover. But then she realized it was HIS." Kao asks, "As dawns light filled the room she realized she was bathed in some sort of green viscous fluid. The Devils blood? Or something else?" "lime jello", says Vlad. "lime jello?", asks Lobo. "Ugh!!!", exclaims Sirglec. Chiefsgirl laughs "She smiled. No matter. She picked up the dismembered member and put it in a jar and sealed it.", says Kao. Snowstar nods, "Sounds like lime jello to me" "oooo boy", says Chiefsgirl. Kao says, "Lucretia, Queen of Harlots, had beaten the Devil himself! She was overwhelmed by the suddenness of it all, and passed again into a stupor." Memphisdave could have sworn he saw this on showtime once Kao says, "As she regained her senses, the door to her bedchamber opened and the Emperor himself entered." Kao says, "And how is my Queen of Courtesans this morning? he asked. Lucretia smiled up at the mirror." Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be Kao bows and puts her head back on.... "Thank you" Rere cheers and applauds! Vlad applauds Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women "excellently done", says Lobo. Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Sirglec applauds! Snowstar giggles, clapping loudly! Chiefsgirl cheers and applauds wildly for Kao Ruylupez applauds Chelsia claps loudly!! Wolfyn shudders and applauds. "bravo!", exclaims Memphisdave. Lobo applauds and bows... Kao hides her jar Juel applauds Kao and the jack-o-lantern Snowstar has given Heatherjn a friendly hug! Midrats rattles his tiny chains at Kao in appreciation of her story Ruylupez stuffs explosives into Kao's jack-o-lantern and lights the fuse "Thank you.....", says Kao. Kao bows to CG Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Wolfyn wonders if the jar was filled with vinager. Snowstar exclaims, "Incoming pumpkin spooge!" Sirglec blasts Kao's jack-o-lantern, again. Kao hops onto a barstool and sips her beer Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be Ruylupez says, "gotta do something with all those explosives" Vlad asks, "so that is what is inside a pumpkin before you carve it?" Chiefsgirl asks, "First, does anyone have any questions for Kao?" "Did you write that yourself, Kao?", says Snowstar with a wink. Lobo asks, "I do I do...Where can I actually BUY one of these mirrors?" Lobo snickers "No... It was a story by Joe Murphy...i just edited it down to an R", says Kao. Wolfyn raises a paw. Snowstar grins, "Whew...its even steamier uneditted!" Sirglec grimaces at the thought of pumpkin spooge on his borrowed costume. Lobo notices Wolfie needs a pet-i-cure Vlad says, "heheheh I know Snow will be doing a search for the URL" Wolfyn asks, "Is that where pickles come from?" Chiefsgirl giggles Kao smiles and sips her beer...kinda Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be Rere falls down laughing Snowstar winks and says, "Darn tootin, Vlad" Vlad cackles Kao asks, "Did Wolfie have a question?" Lobo justs wanst the mirror... Chelsia rolls thinking of pickles "Pickles.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "Is that where pickles come from." Rasal coughs, "Guess it wasn't a jar of pickled pig's feet eh?" Lobo is still thinking lime jello... Kao loves lime jello Lobo perks! Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Rere thinks jello shots would work about now ;) Wolfyn yelps! Kao zaps her jack-o-lantern Kao says, "Pesky pumpkin" "Mmm tequila and lime jello shots", smiles Snowstar. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone else have a spooky tale to share?" Lobo is glad he chose the right costume for this story Kao asks, "Any other questions?" "Kao! May we take your jack-o-lantern out back?", asks Sirglec. Wolfyn whines, a mistriss already. Rasal says, "I have a spooky tale about four Vixens and an innocent young man all alone in the Cantina." "No... actually I was going to put it out of our misery.", says Sirglec with a wink. Memphisdave says, "open up a can of whoop-ass" Memphisdave says, "on the pumpkin of course" "Does anyone else have a spooky tale to share?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Were you there Ras?", says Chelsia with a wink. Vlad winks and says, "hey, sounds like my shift coming up, Rasal" Rere whistles vixinnocently Chiefsgirl clears her throat "Do tell Ras", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "speaking of witch...err..which....I am gonna head over to the tina", says Vlad. Sirglec smiles, "We need the innocent young man first." Rere laughs "Of course I was there Chels. I've done all of Fed you know.", says Rasal with a wink. Wolfyn lifts up a bit of her sheepskin and wets on Rasal's leg. Chelsia hehs Lobo laughs "Not one person here will buy INNOCENT and Scoundrel in the same sentance :P", says Rere. "Innocent and scoundrel... maybe! Innocent and Vixen... definitely not.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Thanks!", smiles Rere. Rere winks and says, "We are simply vixinnocent" "Since most of you came in costume tonight, I'd like to have a costume contest", says Chiefsgirl. Kao applauds Lobo looks at Kao's jack=o=lantern and thinks "pumkin pie" Chiefsgirl asks, "Is anyone here that didn't come in costume?" Heatherjn raises her hand. "I'm wearing what I always wear", says Ruylupez. "me", says Zidanetribal. Chiefsgirl needs some impartial judges Kao says, "I'm just happy I came" Ruylupez says, "but I have to leave" Zidanetribal says, "im gonna hit the sac in a sec" Heatherjn smiles, "I'd be happy to judge." "okie... Heather will judge", says Chiefsgirl. Heatherjn grins. Zidanetribal says, "im rootin for the w00kie" Heatherjn winks and says, "In some circles, my nickname is The Judge." Chiefsgirl says, "Let's one by one climb up onto the bar and show our costume to the best advantage" "Who'd like to start?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I will", says Kao. "Ack...costumes on parade", says Snowstar. Chiefsgirl grins Lobo asks, "we have to walk to runway?" Kao hops onto the bar and parades "Okie Kao.... show them how it's done", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. >ex kao Kao throws a flaming jack-o-lantern at you "Ouch!", exclaims Wolfyn. Heatherjn ducks! Snowstar winks and says, "That'll sway the judge" Kao swirls and twirls and dives off the bar Heatherjn exclaims, "Sheesh!" Chiefsgirl applauds for Kao Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Heatherjn makes a note in her notebook. Rere thinks Pumpkin pie smells really good :) Chiefsgirl asks, "And who would like to be next?" Juel hops aboard her trusty broomstick >ex juel Chiefsgirl helps Kao down off the bar Rere hops on her Firebolt and races Juel >ex rere "Eh, I'll go next I guess?", asks Rasal. Heatherjn waits expectantly ... Chiefsgirl grins at Juel and Rere and waves her broomstick in the air Rere zooms around Heather's head Juel whistles there are tricks and there are tricks and she dips and sways above the bar Heatherjn ducks again! "Okie Rasal", says Chiefsgirl. "After Juel, it would appear.", says Rasal with a wink. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "Watch out for Juel" Snowstar cheers for her duchess! Juel smiles, "ladies first..." Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Juel Rere hovers "Ras fits that description.", says Sirglec with a wink. Lobo tucks dollar bills in Juel's....err...broom Kup cheers for Juel Juel zooms off into the crowd again Sirglec ducks behing Wolfy. Rasal points a bony finger at Sir. Wolfyn grabs Sir by the .. hand and waves a paw. Chiefsgirl asks, "Rasal, would you care to show us what you've got now?" >ex rasal Sirglec moans in disgust. Rasal takes a step and plants his scythe in the floor, vaulting onto the bar. Rere watches Ras carefully Rasal swings the scythe in an arc... taking just a little off the top for everyone. Wolfyn wags her tail, waiting for Rasal to throw the scythe for Fetch. "Ooohh Ras, the Reaper?", says Kup with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles Heatherjn grumbles as she slouches down in her seat ... Chiefsgirl helps Rasal down from the bar Heatherjn makes more notes in her notebook ... Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be "And who's next up?", asks Chiefsgirl. Juel asks, "judging isn't always this dangerous is it Heather?" Wolfyn waves. Heatherjn winks and says, "Actually ..." "Go to it Wolfyn", smiles Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn drags Sir to the bar, winces as his knees pop, and crosses meekly over the bar with him. "oooo... a couple", says Chiefsgirl. >ex wolfyn >ex sirglec Wolfyn made me do it, Sirglec has just disappeared. Heatherjn makes sure not to laugh. "Uh oh.", says Wolfyn. "I think he was embarrassed!", exclaims Wolfyn. Chiefsgirl giggles "Laugh quick before he gets back,", says Wolfyn. Heatherjn laughs. Heatherjn asks, "Anyone else in this contest?" Lobo walks over to the juke box...plays "The Entertainer" CD and hops onto a table...and begins doing the bump and grind... >ex lobo Lobo begins sliding off layers of lime jello...showing a bare shoulder... Heatherjn giggles Chiefsgirl whistles appreciatively at Lobo Kadi covers her eyes. "I guess I will... but my bar jumping days are far gone...", says Chelsia. >ex chelsia Wolfyn made me do it, Sirglec has just appeared. Juel bets he wants his buck back Lobo hopes down...hey...for free, watchya want Chiefsgirl cheers for Sirglec "Did I miss it?", asks Sirglec. Kao applauds Heatherjn giggles Lobo bows Heatherjn writes something down. "No, you just fell off the bar and went unconcious for a few minutes, hon.", says Wolfyn. Lobo says, "for a hot night...call 555-6787" Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Chiefsgirl giggles "Must have been one heck of a sight.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn nods, yes! Kao pauses and pours beer into the spot where her head is supposed to be Lobo shimmers...well, his jello suit does... Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone else?" Midrats raises a paw Kup raises his hand Kao 's jack-o-lantern gropes CG Chiefsgirl says, "come on come on... don't be shy" "Let's see ya Midrats", smiles Chiefsgirl. Snowstar has given Juel a hot hug! Juel has given Snowstar a tender hug! Snowstar has given Chiefsgirl a sloppy hug! Kup stands. taking Traveler by the reins he walks solomnly across the room. >ex kup Snowstar has given Kup a tender hug! Heatherjn has given Snowstar a sloppy hug! Midrats clambers up on the bar and waddles the length of it >ex midrats [Cgee and Chiefsgirl get punted...] Sirglec winks and says, "Guess I wasn't the only one." Chiefsgirl says, "Whew" Wolfyn exclaims, "Good think you didn't jump into her arms!" Midrats looks at CG agin for help getting off the bar.... Chiefsgirl assists Midrats off the bar Chiefsgirl says, "Sorry about that" Midrats smiles gratefully Sirglec asks, "could you imagine what he would look like had he?" Lobo attempts to get up onto the bar...but slides off.... Chiefsgirl asks, "Anyone else want to participate?" "Pop goes the hamster.", says Wolfyn. Midrats probably wouldn't have needed the sheet anymore Sirglec pushes Lobo on the bar. Wolfyn grins. Heatherjn makes a few notes in her notebook. Heatherjn looks around ... Sirglec walks slowly to the bar. Juel boos...he's had his chance "Who?", asks Sirglec. Rasal whisks his scythe and shaves Sir's legs smooth. Sirglec exclaims, "Ouch!" Kao giggles Rasal says, "Whoops." Wolfyn nods approvingly! Lobo laughs Chiefsgirl giggles Sirglec hold his costume in place as he hops on the bar. Sirglec twirls around. Wolfyn looks way up. Sirglec turns with his back to the audience... Wolfyn says, "uh oh" "Regimental too.", says Wolfyn. Sirglec bends over reminding you the leather pouch is appropriately placed. ;) Sirglec hops off the bar and into Wolfy's lap. "Puts a new meaning to "Police protection"", says Lobo. Wolfyn tucks 100 groats in the pouch. Kao likes Sir's gun...yummm Kao bets it's loaded, too Sirglec bows. [And a few costumes of people who couldn't stay for the judging...] >ex snowstar >ex vlad Chiefsgirl says, "If all contestants have been seen, then we will let our judge deliberate" Kao winks and says, "Probably a quicj trigger, though" Chiefsgirl asks, "last call... anyone else?" Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Juel is looking at you... Lobo snuggles up to Heatherjn again...innocently of course... Kao pours beer on the jack-o-lantern Chiefsgirl says, "ok, then Heather will begin her deliberations" Heatherjn walks over and hands Chiefsgirl THE envelope! Chiefsgirl takes the envelope, "The results are in!" Chiefsgirl rips open the envelope and peers at the results Heatherjn now looks for a place to hide ... if the way the contestants treated her during the contest is any indication ... ;) Chiefsgirl says, "In third place....." "We have Midrats", says Chiefsgirl. Sirglec cheers. Midrats jumps up and down Chiefsgirl applauds heartily for Midrats Lobo looks over at Heatherjn and winks... Juel applauds Wolfyn claps! Kup cheers for the hamster Heatherjn smiles. Lobo cheers and smiles "In second place....", says Chiefsgirl. "We have Lobo", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Lobo Juel pounds Lobo on the back Lobo cheers!..."Oh wait....thats' ME Wolfyn baaahs for Cuz! Chelsia applauds Kup applauds the gummybear Midrats applauds the lime jello Heatherjn smiles. Rasal chuckles. Sirglec applauds! "For falling off the bar." ;) Lobo offers Wolfie a lambchop Chiefsgirl says, "And, our first place contestant tonight..." "Yum.", says Wolfyn. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "We have Wolfyn!" Rasal frowns and says, "Awwww... poor Lambchop." Kao applauds Chelsia cheers!! Chiefsgirl cheers and applauds for Wolfyn Sirglec jumps up and yells. ;) "the wolves have it...lol", says Juel. "yeehaw", says Lobo. Wolfyn baaah baaahs! Kao 's jack-o-lantern cackles and blows smoke rings Kao 's jack-o-lantern leers at all the women Kao 's jack-o-lantern SHRIEKS!!!! Kao throws a flaming jack-o-lantern at you Chiefsgirl wonders what she's going to give as prizes Lobo cheers for Wolfie Midrats claps for Wolfyn Sirglec posts his "Don't feed the Animals" sign. Heatherjn laughs. Wolfyn eats the sign. "Way to go cuz", says Lobo with a wink. Rasal gives Wolfyn a victory sheep-shearing. "Whoa!", smiles Wolfyn. Juel snaps pics of the wolf family "I give myself to the winner.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rasal winks and says, "Now you can match Sir's legs." Wolfyn tries to cover up the sheared parts before the camera spnaps. Heatherjn giggles. Wolfyn hefts Sirglec over her shoulder and carries him away. His kilt flaps in the breeze. Lobo offers jello applications for Wolfie's exposed parts.. "I want to thank you all for coming tonight and helping us to celebrate Halloween", says Chiefsgirl. Sirglec covers Wolfy's exposed parts. "I especially want to thank our storyteller, Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Sirglec applauds CG and Kao. :) Wolfyn cheers for Kao. "good event Kao and CG", says Juel. "I hope you will join me next week when Duke Shaman will be my guest", says Chiefsgirl. Midrats does his VERY best hamster bow (not easy with these little legs, ya know) "And all your costumes were fabulous", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Thanks for judging Heather", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Am I on for next year?", asks Kao. "Sure thing, CG.", smiles Heatherjn. "yes indeed Kao", smiles Chiefsgirl. |