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"I see my fan club is here.", says Macnbc with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "Hiya Mac" "Hail hail, the gang's all here", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Macnbc says, "I can always do a karaoke show if nobody shows up.." Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you invite folks?" "A couple, all of them quickly found excuses", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl loves karaoke Chiefsgirl laughs
Chiefsgirl stands and smoothes her dress, clearing her throat Chiefsgirl smiles, "Good evening and thank you all for coming to the Meet & Greet tonight" Myangel has given Ford a nice hug! Chiefsgirl says, "It's great to see such a turnout for our first Meet & Greet of the new season." Chiefsgirl says, "For those that might be new to the Meet & Greet, this hour gives us a chance to meet a different personality every week" Rere sulks and pays attention to Cg Danny sets up his rotting fruit stand, "Get yer rotting fruit here, one piece for five groats..." Macnbc says, "Or in my case, personalities" Chiefsgirl says, "The audience should feel free to ask questions and share their memories of our guest" Rere slips Danny 100 groats Chiefsgirl exclaims, "My guest tonight to begin this new season of Meet & Greet is Macnbc!" Leto exclaims, "Oh yeah!" Chiefsgirl says, "Please make him feel welcome" Ford asks, "Can we roast him?" Chelsia hauls out her 'Mac-meanie' notes Rere applauds Mac! Sirglec applauds. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool, applauding loudly Chigins claps for Mac Wolfyn wolf whistles. Macnbc puts up a plastic shield in front of him Leto sleeps Danny says, "Yes, a roast sounds good." Danny says, "I'll get the firewood." Leto wakes up and claps Rere sets up the coals on the bbq "Okie dokie, well I started back in a log cabin with a silver spoon in my mouth.. oh wait.. wrong story", says Macnbc. Heatherjn laughs Sirglec takes notes on how to dodge rotten fruit. Chelsia rummages for bbq sauce Rere gets the point spit fork ready "Er.. I started back on AOL Fed, but I only made it up to the rank of Adventurer", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you make the move to web Fed immediately, Mac?" "I was rather content at that rank, and spent a lot of my time rubbing it in on other adventurers after I won a 1 gig lottery", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "No I didn't.." Macnbc says, "After Fed moved to the web I decided to move on to other things" "Where'd you live back then Mac?", asks Rere. "In a van down by the river.. I mean.. er..", says Macnbc. "Same as I live now, Wilmington NC, hurricaneville", says Macnbc. "In fed you goof", says Rere. Macnbc says, "Sol" Chelsia laughs Chiefsgirl giggles Danny says, "In a box under the stairs of the house on the corner down the street from Larry's Bait Shop...you know the place..." Heatherjn smirks Macnbc says, "Usually in the cantina, they had a bench reserved for me" Pppme smiles, "wow Mac were neighbors" Macnbc high fives Ppp Rere laughs Macnbc says, "Anyway, I started back with Fed during the free period before flat-rate, and was surprised that some people actually remembered me." Chiefsgirl is always amazed at what folks remember "I made my way back up through the ranks with the help of Salmando (the Pope), and then-Baron Ryno (THE Duke)", says Macnbc. Leto looks sad that noone remembers him Rere smiles at those names Chiefsgirl has given Leto a hot cuddle! Wolfyn adds ghost. "Well it's hard to remember fond memories, but the other kind come easilly.", smiles Danny. "Thank you!", exclaims Leto. Macnbc says, "I decided to name my planet after a race in another sci-fi game I played, named Zealot.. the race was the Zsiverian Collective, so my planet was Zsiveria, it's homeworld." "It only took me a week to get the spelling right.", says Macnbc. Rude thinks no one wantsa to remember him too and ponders if that is worth a snuggle or two as well. Chiefsgirl has given Rude a sloppy tickle! "Took me longer than that Mac", says Rere with a wink. Sirglec glares at Rude. Chigins exclaims, "Me Too!" Chiefsgirl had to look it up twice tonight for the Meet & Greet ads "Re still can't spell it.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rude grins and winks at his duchess Rere glares at Sir "Siv..Ziv...Zsivear...Zsiveria quickly joined up with Checkmate, where I became the official Jester of the duchy", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl slips on some shades to fight all this glare Danny asks, "Duchy Fool, eh?" "And he was quite good at it Danny", says Rere. "They called me a fool until I started blowing htings up", says Macnbc. "And he filled the role well!", exclaims Wolfyn. "What were your official duties as jester?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Then they just called me crazy", says Macnbc with a wink. Macnbc says, "Mostly doing anything within my power to tick Ryno off." Rere nods to Cg Chigins remembers Wolfyn smiles, "Did that well too." Chelsia chuckles Macnbc says, "Which usually involved explosives." Chiefsgirl grins Rude says, "He was easy to tick off" Macnbc exclaims, "Tell me about it!" "Ok. So, Mac, did you know that he was easy to tick off?", asks Danny. "Late in my stay in the duchy of CM, I found out I had a daughter named Jelly, who had inherited most of my er.. interesting.. traits", says Macnbc. Macnbc winks and says, "Yes I did Danny" Danny says, "...a daughter who is still accepting marraige applications." "bejellyshusband@yellowhat.org", says Danny with a wink. "And just how did you come to be Jelly's father Mac?", asks Rere. Macnbc says, "The main reason I didn't know about her was because her heritage was kept secret by her mother, Ladyviveve, after the circumstances that led to her conception, which involved a camel, a toothpick, some jello, and" Macnbc says, "a 1957 Cadillac Deville" Sirglec looks at Re. "You need that explanation? Chi..." Rude chuckles Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces "I won't go into the details", says Macnbc. Rere didn't wanna know that much! Macnbc says, "Anyway.." "I mean how can you not know your a father..oh...nevermind...", says Rere. "I thought there was a barn thrown in there too Mac", says Rere. Macnbc says, "It was in a barn" "Hon' do we need to have a talk again ?", asks Chigins. Rere smiles sweetly Macnbc says, "After adjusting to having a little brat..er.. daughter of my own accompnying me around, Ryno apparently lost it altogether, and left Fed." Macnbc says, "I then did some duchy hopping from CM to Vision, and later to Carnival, where I still am today." Sirglec thought he was in Sol but isn't too sure of anything tonight. ;) Ford says, "Ahh, so now ya sluming." Rere exclaims, "Hey!" Chelsia glares Ford tickles Rere. Von steps back Macnbc says, "It was around this time that I started to realize that things were getting a little.. dull.. in Fed, especially after the mass exodus following the social embargo rule" Rude gives Rere a heavy bat Rere blasts Ford head to toe and sits back down and listens Macnbc says, "So I decided to make a Fed game based on Who Wants to be a Millionaire" Chiefsgirl smiles Rere cheers Mac again! Roenick takes a bow and... "ME ME ! Oh, thought it was a question..nevermind", says Rude. "I pitched the game to Gaminglady, and after a bunch of hmming and hahing over it, we decided it would be better off as an unofficial game", says Macnbc. Von winks and says, "Knew that was coming" Von giggles. Chewbacon says, "Why unofficial? It was a success." Chewbacon says, "A rather big success." "Well, the main issue was the groat prizes.", says Macnbc. "I always questioned that too!", exclaims Chigins. Macnbc says, "There was a strict policy about no official games having groat prizes" "and I was unwilling to trade it for some point system", says Macnbc. Rude says, "Stick to your guns Mac, Groats are better than the point system" Macnbc says, "and it was a success.. more than I ever thought it would be" Rere smiles, "You did a great job with it Mac" Von nods Chelsia nods "I eventually had to get help with it, and brought in Breyer, who had been a perennial contestant, to take over question writing", says Macnbc. Chigins never played but he heard from his sources "and thanks", says Macnbc with a wink. "And what happened to that game?", asks Chiefsgirl. Myangel curls up close to Will and smiles. "Well.. over time it just started to lose interest", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "Attendence started going down, so I pulled the plug on it and decided to move on" Sirglec asks, "How did the survival series come about?" "Fed Survivor basically started right after the ending of the first Survivor TV series when I thought to myself "hey, this could be a great Fed game"", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "So, again, I went to Gaminglady with it, and she told me that it was "not feasible" and "impossible to run effectively"" "that basically put it in the closet for about a month", says Macnbc. Von chuckles. Chewbacon thinks it was a very effective game - he won it ;) Macnbc says, "After things started to run down on Billionaire, I began talking with Jelly and Breyer about it again" Macnbc says, "they thought that it could be done with enough effort, so I immediately jumped into planning it" "and well.. the rest is history on that", says Macnbc. Danny says, "Well, I personally credit the success to a top-notch post-vote show and some excelent expert analysis." "I did get a lot of official support on that game, that I still say I couldn't have run the game without.", says Macnbc. Von checks to see if Danny broke his arm on that Rude asks, "there was a post vote show ?" Chewbacon winks and says, "Mac you forgot to mention yours truly wrote about it in the chronicle" Rere snickers Danny says, "It was so brilliant it blinded your memory." "Yes, Chewbacon won that game, and Danny was our commentator", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl asks, "I know another Survivor is coming this fall, but do you have any other games in the works?" Chewbacon says, "Aye - his saint of Baseless Hissy fits kicked royal-bootay" "So there, I mentioned both of you.", says Macnbc with a wink. Macnbc says, "Well.." "You forgot to mention danny was third to get booted in the second!", smiles Chewbacon. Chewbacon hides "They were afraid of my power.", says Danny. Ford says, "Survivor? I thought everyone that made it to Duke was one." "We do plan on picking up both Billionaire and Win Macnbc's Money at some point, but basically we're focusing on getting Fed Survivor 3 done with first", says Macnbc. "Who wouldn't be?", asks Chewbacon. Danny says, "I mean really, get me early or I'll just take the game." Chiefsgirl nods Fahfard says, "ah thought it maht be th' odor eminatin from ye," Macnbc says, "I've taken a more backseat approach to this Survivor than the previous two" Chiefsgirl asks, "Why is that Mac?" "His daughter ordered him to", says Chewbacon. Rere whispers to CG one word...stress "Well, I just didn't have the time for it again.", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "No, it wasn't the stress or anything else." Macnbc says, "I loved doing Fed Survivor" "Out of the two proposed explanations, lack of time or daughter, I'd have to go with forceful daughter.", says Danny. Macnbc says, "and I would love to do it again, but I simply didn't have the time to do a good job with it" Macnbc says, "So I turned it over to Jelly and Breyer, who are both working jointly on running this one" "After II there were some questions of rule violations. Is there anything you are going to do different to ensure that doesn't happen again?", asks Sirglec. Macnbc says, "I'm just advising them on what works and what doesn't" "Scary thought...a jester advisor", says Rere. Macnbc says, "Really all you can do with the rules is adapt them to situations as you get to them." Macnbc says, "We have modified the rules to be more clear on the issues that happened last time" "and we have made it more clear that we get final say on everything that happens", says Macnbc. Sirglec nods. "So we HOPE we've gotten everything taken care of this time", says Macnbc with a wink. "Nine easy words would cure it: We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.", smiles Danny. Rude hopes there will not be the blurred bar over the naughty bits in S3. "I didn't know we had blurred bars in the last two", says Macnbc with a wink. "Do you have any other game ideas that you want to put into production besides Billionaire, Macnbc's Money and SUrvivor?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well i've talked about a few ideas", says Macnbc. Chelsia tries to remember the naughty bits... 'oh that' "You didn't it was Rude's eyes.", says Von. Rude scratches off one of his questions "I hear rumors one of them is called Danny Presents The Danny Show Starring Danny.", says Danny. "Well, I'm not asking you to give them up here... just wondering", says Chiefsgirl. Macnbc says, "We've thought about doing a form of The Price is Right, we've also considered a version of The Amazing Race or Let's Make a Deal" Chigins will have to watch the rental version for the naughty bits Chiefsgirl thinks she should pass her game idea by you sometime "But I can't say whether or not we decided to go with any of them", says Macnbc with a wink. "The amazing race could be interesting", says Rude. Macnbc says, "Speaking of games, all info on my current Fed games is at http://home.ec.rr.com/macnbrelly" Macnbc winks and says, "It's my Meet and Greet and i'll plug if I want to" Chiefsgirl laughs Danny says, "If I can plug, Mac, you can plug." Chiefsgirl has given Macnbc a hot tickle! "Mac, can you tell us about the time you talked Ddking into flying into the sun...", says Rere. "Oh that was a great one!", exclaims Macnbc. Von listens Chelsia smirks Macnbc says, "Ddking was on 9 trying to get people to fight him one day" Chigins perks Rere laughs all over again "So I told him that there was a mobile 3 south of Mercury called The Sun Monster that hardly ANYBODY has been able to beat", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "so of course he goes down there and flies into the sun" Chelsia rolls "Get out of here!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Macnbc says, "he then claims that it shot him down" Rere snickers Sirglec shakes his head. Chigins chuckles "and went, insured himself, and flew into it AGAIN", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl can't believe anyone would fall for that "Oh geez", says Von. Wolfyn tries to not giggle. "We died laughing..", says Rere. Wolfyn fails. Chiefsgirl gasps "That is too rich!", exclaims Ford. Macnbc says, "so after the second time, he swore he was going to kill that thing" Chelsia missed that one Chiefsgirl laughs "So he went RIGHT up to solar orbit, and started shooting missle", says Macnbc. "s", says Macnbc. Chigins rolls on the floor "I was spying him at the time", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "It was hilarious, he kept typing "fire missle at sun" and "fire missle into sun"" Antonia chuckles Chiefsgirl giggles "Eventually he gave up claiming that "the sun monster wouldn't come fight him"", says Macnbc. Rere cracks up remembering Chigins says, "That Chicken Sun Monster" "I have yet to let him live that one down", says Macnbc with a wink. Sirglec begins humming "The night the lights went out in Sol". Von laughs. Pppme chuckles "Mac, since GL does not even play fed anymore, have you ever thought of approaching IB to see if you could be in charge of Fed events? Next to Rere you are the most active "event" host in fed currently.", says Rude. Von says, "Loved that movie Now I'll think of DD when I see it" Macnbc says, "Ya know Rude.. nobody's ever brought that up to me, and i've never really thought about it" Rere thinks CG is the bestest :) Macnbc says, "But it certainly is an interesting idea.." Rude winks and says, "CG is very good, just not on enough for me to flirt wit errr to keep up with everything in fed" "Anybody get any other questions? I've run out of all the history that i'm sober enough to remember", says Macnbc with a wink. Rude says, "Personally, the main flaw of IB, most of the people in charge are out of touch of fed today. A active event host would be great" Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you planning to become a Duke someday, Mac?" "Maybe at some point in the distant future, but right now i'm happy where I am", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl nods Rere asks, "Have a favorite moment? Most embarassing?" "What about the moment where you tried to trade me for Jelly?", asks Derian. "Woah, one at a time here", says Macnbc with a wink. Rere nods to her sweetie "OK, favorite moment first..", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "I'd probably have to say the first night of Fed Survivor.. that's when it hit me that I had really done something here." Von smiles. Rere cheers again Macnbc says, "Most embarrassing moment would probably be the time that I walked in on two women that I shall not name who were in a rather er.. compromising position" Rere oooos and ahhhs Chiefsgirl giggles Chigins wonders "how was that embarassing for you?" Macnbc says, "As far as trading Jelly for Derian, I still maintain that is not what really happened." Ford winks and says, "Can you be more descriptive?" Derian asks, "Oh, then tell what did happen, please?" "Well..", says Macnbc. "Yeah, because I remember being there...", says Danny. "And I remember being part of the trade.", says Derian. Sirglec watches Mac sweat. Rude ponders what newbod would except that trade Macnbc says, "I offered Danny a share in MacnBrelly as well as free reign over picking Jelly's husband, in exchange for releasing Derian's contract forcing her to remain with him forever" Danny says, "Er..." "And why did you want to get rid of the contract for me?", asks Derian. Derian says, "I'm curious." "Umm..", says Macnbc. Macnbc whispers to CG, "Do I have to answer that?" Chiefsgirl assures Mac that he needs only answer what he wants to "It's no fun if you don't answer.", says Derian. Macnbc smiles, "Umm.... next question?" Chiefsgirl asks, "I do want to ask if you've ever had any romances, Mac?" Rude asks, "Mac, what idea for events have you wanted to do, but would not work in fed ?" Macnbc winks and says, "Well.. i've wanted to.. but all the good ones are taken" Derian is the only good one, obviously. "Rude, I really wanted to do an event based on Press Your Luck, because that game was really, really, cool. But I couldn't figure out how to rig a Fed version of it", says Macnbc. Rude nods Chiefsgirl asks, "What's Press Your Luck?" Von does that a lot Rude chuckles Macnbc says, "Well, the Game Show Network recently picked it up, for which I am eternally grateful" "It was a game in the 80s that was kind of like Wheel of Fortune", says Macnbc. Derian bewares Whammys. Macnbc says, "contestants answered questions to earn "spins" on a game board" Derian also left out a few words in her act. Chiefsgirl says, "Ah" Macnbc says, "on the game board were all sorts of cash prizes and money, but there were also "whammys" which were like bankrupts" Chiefsgirl might have seen that before "Mac, what do you know about Mr. Winkles?", asks Derian. "If a contestant hit a whammy there was a funny little animation with the whammys, which looked like little devil creatures goofing around.. if you got 4 you were out", says Macnbc. Derian says, "...I think that's not his real name...now I can't think of it." Chigins says, "No whammies, No whammies" Macnbc says, "Mr. Winkles? The name sounds familiar, but I can't say I remember him." Chiefsgirl definitely remembers those little devils Danny says, "I suggest You Bet Your Life" Derian asks, "What do you know about the VLA's attempt on Danny's life?" Derian gets out the tape recorder for this one. Rude rolls his eyes "The Jokers Wild", says Chigins. Macnbc says, "Umm.. I know that they kidnapped him.. and they had to give him back.. unfortunately" "the TV version of strip poker", says Rude with a wink. Macnbc winks and says, "I tried to get myself kidnapped so I wouldn't have to deal with him, but no go" "Oh they didn't have to. I remember them saying 'That's it, no amount of money is worth this forever, send him back right the hell now.'", says Danny. Macnbc says, "Wait a minute.." "I thought this interview was about me here", says Macnbc with a wink. Macnbc throws some rotten fruit at Danny Chiefsgirl says, "my thoughts exactly" "This is about you, Mac.", says Derian. Derian says, "I want to know what you had to do with how he got kidnapped." "Does anyone else have any questions for Mac that aren't related to Danny or Derian?", asks Chiefsgirl. Macnbc says, "I had nothing to do with it" Derian smiles, "Maybe you should stay out of this, CG." Rude asks, "Mac, of all your games, which is your favorite ?" Derian says, "I'm asking questions related to him." Rude says, "Geeez Derian, just a little full of yourself I see." Macnbc winks and says, "I still hold a special spot for Win Mac's Money, it's simple, it's fun, and I get to play too" "Hey, who fills the part of Jimmy?", asks Danny. Rere asks, "Have a favorite rank Mac and why?" Rude says, "Good choice" Chiefsgirl says, "Derian, I think he's answered all yours so far and I'm asking for new subjects now" Macnbc says, "Jimmy is/was played by Danny, the game's on hold right now while Fed Survivor 3 is finished up" Macnbc says, "Favorite rank was Industrialist.." Macnbc says, "Because I made so much money it was obscene" Von asks, "Danny has a game?" Von must have missed something Macnbc winks and says, "He co-hosted with me" "Danny was a sidekick", says Rude. "So did I, Mac.", says Derian with a wink. "You made money from that game Mac?", asks Chiefsgirl. "No, I made money from being an industrialist", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "I was answering the favorite rank question" Rere asks, "Favorite prank?" Macnbc says, "Making large swimming pools in landing pads was always fun" "Confusing CG in her own show.", says Sirglec with a wink. Macnbc says, "Setting fire to Vision was a great gag too" Rere asks, "and tell us bout Mini-mac...does he still go after your shins?" Macnbc says, "No, I had the little bastard's jaw wired shut for er.. dental work" Rere laughs Macnbc says, "Mini-Mac is my clone that is approximately 1/8th my size" "Sounds painful.", says Wolfyn with a frown. Macnbc says, "I created him shortly after Jelly's birth in order to give her a playmate" Macnbc says, "Unfortunately, it worked." "Now the only problem is getting rid of him. Anybody want a clone of me that is prone to biting?", asks Macnbc. Rere sits on her hands Rere winks and says, "Wolfie, he might give you a run for your money" Chigins puts his hands under Rere's seat too Macnbc winks and says, "Going once.. going twice.." Sirglec holds Wolfy and refuses to let her answer. Wolfyn chuckles. Chiefsgirl makes sure she doesn't twitch or anything "Aww come on Sir...instant family!", exclaims Rere. "Did I mention that he could make a great dinner?", asks Macnbc. Sirglec shakes his head. "One step son is enough." "He doesn't take up much space either!", exclaims Rere. Macnbc says, "Ahh well.." Macnbc says, "I'll just have to keep him in his cage a little longer.." "Make a good dinner? .. Does he prepare it, or is he the main course?", asks Djkat. Chiefsgirl ponders how MiniMac would taste with ketchup Macnbc says, "Main course" Heatherjn giggles Rere offers Mac the spit fork Djkat chuckles Macnbc says, "He only knows how to make mudpies, unfortunately" "So, am I supposed to sing now or something?", asks Macnbc. "Strip? Oh, you said sing.", says Wolfyn. Rere looks to CG Von hands Mac the mike and passes out ear plugs Sirglec passes out the ear plugs. Rere giggles "Well, if no one has further questions, we can ask you for any final words Mac", says Chiefsgirl. Ford asks, "Are we close to when CG gets on her knees?" Sirglec pulls Wolfy's mind out of the gutter. Wolfyn grumbles. Chiefsgirl wonders if Mac has any final words or will she have to get on her knees again Sirglec , on second thought, puts his in the gutter, too. "Well, I think i've been very fortunate in how well my games have done in Fed, and i'm glad a lot of people have had fun playing them, because i've had fun doing them", says Macnbc. "and I hope to continue doing them for as long as i'm able", smiles Macnbc. Rere cheers Mac for making Fed a fun place! Rude says, "Good job Mac" Macnbc asks, "May I say one other thing on an unrelated note, CG?" Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Macnbc for being my guest tonight" Heatherjn applauds! Wolfyn applauds. "You do very well Mac", smiles Von. Wrkincaid applauds wildly Pppme applauds Chigins claps "Sure thing Mac", says Chiefsgirl. "Mac, you did an excellent job.", says Ford. Antonia applauds Myangel stands and applauds for Mac Sirglec applauds Mac and asks him to keep it up. WMacnbc says, "OK, I just wanted to send my condolences to all those who had friends or family in the World Trade Center or the Pentagon last Tuesday. I think a horrible thing has happened in our nation, and i'm glad we've had this tonight" Wolfyn nods. Rere bows her head "Because we need to continue living our lives the way we always have, in order to show the terrorists responsible that we will not be intimidated by their actions", says Macnbc. Heatherjn nods, "Nicely said." Rere waves her flag proudly "Ok, now everyone to Companion for the TTTT effort.", says Ford. Chiefsgirl nods "And that's all I have to say about that.", smiles Macnbc. Antonia nods in agreement Chiefsgirl says, "I invite you all to join me next week when Wolfyn will be my guest" "Very well said.", smiles Sirglec. Wolfyn asks, "Eh?" "Thank you all for coming tonight", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Wolfie! Whoo hooo!", smiles Rere. Ford exclaims, "Mac, I agree!" Rere smiles, "Thanks for hosting CG, wonderful as always" Wolfyn just knows this'll mean a flea bath. Sirglec winks and says, "Ahhhh........ I will be there to jeer.... er, cheer." Macnbc smiles, "Thanks for having me CG" "Thanks for hosting CG", says Rude. Chiefsgirl giggles "You're welcome", says Chiefsgirl. |