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Chiefsgirl grins Wolfyn peeks out from behind the potted palm. "Is it time yet?" "Just about", smiles Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, glancing at her notes "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "Meet & Greet offers us the opportunity each week to meet a different personality from our community", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight I have the pleasure of introducing someone that I've tried long and hard to capture as a guest" Chiefsgirl takes a moment to make sure the ropes are secure holding down Angel Chiefsgirl says, "I hope you'll give a warm welcome to Myangel, Duchess of Loverly" Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Myangel stands up and finds a comfy place to chat "First of all, I'd like to thank you all for coming", smiles Myangel. Myangel says, "I'm not real sure where to begin, other than the beginning... so.. I was led to Federation 5 years ago in July.." Myangel says, "It didn't begin as MyAngel tho, it began as a lost little groundhog named Kbear321" Shaman mutters something about bratty little sisters.... ;) Kbear stands up.. Thats me! Chiefsgirl grins at Kbear Kbear sticks her tongue out at Shaman Kbear winks and says, "So, she's going to let me start the show" Wolfyn mutters at Kbear, "Sit down, I can't see." Shaman wonders where he left the snowballs... Kbear says, "4 friends of mine, who gathered in AOL each night to chat and had become close, slowly, one by one, began to play this game called Federation, starting with Safyreyes." "The more she played "that game" the less she visited with us. It wasn't long before she had Dizzyana playing as well, leaving our little band of chatters with 3.", says Kbear. Kbear says, "At the time, I was adamant about not starting something that would take all my time away from friends that I'd gotten to know! Then Justadawg began playing." Kbear says, ". I remember the agonizing 8 hour conversation in IM's the night he was looking for the GM.. even more firming up my reservations about "that game"." "It wasn't long.. they had Ozonepilot convinced to try as well. I was in disbelief! All they could talk about was "that game". It didn't take long, at a weak moment, Ozzie suggested I try it as well.", says Kbear. "They were all in the game, and were all convinced I'd enjoy it. And, as I said, at a weak moment, I finally said "yes, okay, show me what to do".", says Kbear. Rere can't help but snicker Shaman grins. "So, they showed me the link, told me how to set up a character, via IM's, and told me to wait when I got inside. And that's what I did. I hadn't a clue what to do, other than wait!", exclaims Kbear. Chiefsgirl can imagine them all descending upon the little groundhog Kbear asks, "People were scurrying by quickly, when Fireman and Ozonepilot appeared before me and led me thru earth to the permit building. "Now type, Bribe 200" I was told. Reservations came rushing back! Bribe? That's how you begin?" Shaman winks and says, "Good wholesome, fun" Kbear says, "? I did as I was told and we proceeded onward to the shipyard, where not only was I promoted once, but twice, as Fireman handed me 3 meg <which astonished me at the time!> and I was able to pay off my loan and take a quick ship flying course." Kbear says, "Thru tb's they got me from earth, thru sol, to Valhalla, to McComb, thru a crooked path that I was never able to retrace to a hot tub, where all my aol friends were sitting splashing and having a great time." "Always nice to have wealthy friends", smiles Ford. "First day hot tub parties...can't beat that", says Rere with a wink. "Still very much naove to what I was "supposed" to be doing, I watched. None of them had bothered to mention how to "talk" or "act".. but I'd become a master at following!", exclaims Kbear. Braymore winks and says, "minor details" Chiefsgirl laughs Kbear says, "There was a lot of laughing and joking going on, and it didn't take long before I realized I'd found a new home. Yes, they did eventually show me the commands to talk and act <tho, there have been times they were sorry they did>" Kbear smiles impishly at Shaman Chiefsgirl giggles Shaman whispers, "She talked a lot". "Because I was the "new kid on the block" in Valhalla, they had someone new to tease! The lower levels took a long time, not because I didn't try, but because there were a lot of PO's there salivating because they had a new hauler to play with!", exclaims Kbear. Kbear looks pointedly at the one that used to be Iowa. Wolfyn relays a remote hug and message from Safyreyes. "Tell her not to take up my trick of trapping newbies on my planet to get them to stay in fed!" Kbear giggles and giggles and sends NoniSaf a remote hug! Kbear exclaims, "When I finally reached the time to find my own GM, I put it off, hauling more and more for them, remembering the 8 hour search of pooch, and I could haul, I had that down pat!" Kbear says, "Valhalla decided it was time for me to search for the GM <they all had bought spybeams, and were ready for an afternoon of entertainment at the bumbling lilbear!> Their afternoon was cut short, because he was on the first planet I went to, hiding com" Kbear says, "hiding comfortably in the spa on the moon." "I'd wondered at the time where the agony was..and quickly returned to the safehaven of Valhalla, back to Fable where they'd gathered together to watch the show. My first factories were on McComb and Fable, Gold, Pow, and Cont.", says Kbear. Kbear says, "After the two cycles completed, right before Fed went to the web, we raced to create Kodiak the planet for it's little place in Valhalla before the move." "The spiers did get their afternoon of giggles as the lilbear attempted to max her stats in big scary sol, where I'd spent very little time!", exclaims Kbear. Kbear says, "But it happened, and Kodiak was born, and built to an honor of all the people I'd grown to love in Valhalla. Most of their names still remain there, as a tribute to the friendship we all shared." "When Fed went to the web, we could get in to play, but didn't have access to our planets, so ::looks around:: this very bar was home for some time.", says Kbear. Kbear says, "We gathered in Duff's and recreated the home feeling of Valhalla, until we could return, but it also let me meet others in the game <gasp, yes, there was life outside of Valhalla>" Djkat remembers many an hour spent here .. with good friends "My memories of Valhalla are unforgettable. The family there was amazing, the comm's were active and alive, the commraderie of the team there was something unbelievable. It was a place that I rarely left!", exclaims Kbear. Chiefsgirl smiles, knowing that feeling "It wasn't long before I was adopted into their family and spent many happy happy days there. The Corn family <niblets, as he so lovingly referred to us> played and joked", says Kbear. Shaman nods in agreement. ". Two Fed marriages showed me the intensity of feelings in a text based game, but as all things go, real life takes tolls on playtime, and people began drifting to their lives instead of their screens", says Kbear. Rere hates that "And, as in all families, small quarrels erupt and feelings get hurt. Even tho that occurred, the friendships built there have remained strong and true, as they were when they began.. and other paths were established", says Kbear. Kbear says, "Kodiak grew to a leisure planet in Valhalla, and the Lilbearoness will never forget all the times there." Ford has been there and done that but is back at his screen Myangel stands back up.. "It was then that MyAngel was created. A fresh start, a new name, a new duchy, a new family, new loves and new adventures. I began again, to stay in a game that I had grown to love, with the convincing of someone special", says Myangel. Kbear sits down so Wolfy can see again Myangel says, "Sjw and I were married, he brought me to Legacy and a handful of sons, and helped me establish a home where new bonds grew." "Mistikdawn and Aldva adopted me into their family in an amazing ceremony and Angel thrived in a family once again. Legacy captured my heart very early on, it's a wonderful planet, if you ever get the chance to explore it.", says Myangel. Chiefsgirl remembers that ceremony Myangel says, ". Channel 12 connected the 3 duchies that called themselves The Realms, and a world of roleplay thrived. Knights and castles and dragons and chivalry and ceremonies, along with the real life ups and downs in any family." "We loved and laughed, and cried and mourned. Loverly grew quickly to Leisure and friends grew. My time with Sj ended on a somewhat bitter tone at first, but has since become one of friendship once again.", says Myangel. Myangel says, "It was after that ended, that Tbar came more into focus and thru him I met many many more people here. DHL was something we worked on and believed in, creating a neutral place for people to meet and mingle." "It brought people from all over Fed together in one way or another, either those greatly disliking what it stood for, or those congregating to what it meant.", says Myangel. "When those building it up, began venturing down opposing thoughts and dreams, is when it became evident to me, it wasn't what it had started out to be.", says Myangel. Darkhorse wonders what DHL stood for. Myangel smiles, "Duchies of Heavenslight Dh" "So, with encouragement again from friends close, Loverly pulled it's strings from DHL.", says Myangel. Myangel says, "Having grown up in places of unity and peaceful ways, those of us that left the DHL created WINGS, a place of values and friendship and caring for the other player." Myangel says, "We're Independent Now, Going Strong was how we began, to let those who had known we were DHL know we were no longer affiliated, but more so, Wings, a group of us flying together, toward what we all cherish in the game.. friendship." Myangel says, "Wings isn't a trading group, tho, our po's do trade. Wings isn't a group tries to raise itself above others. Wings isn't a ruling docturn of what must be." "It's a gathering of duchies, who enjoy being together and sharing in the fed experiences side by side.", says Myangel. "Separate in individual duchy rules, united in friendships that hold it together.", says Myangel. Myangel takes a deep breath. "Fed has been there for me thru hard times, and good times, and I'll forever be grateful for it's existance.", says Myangel. "which duchies are a part of Wings?", asks Mira. "You can see the wings site at http://w3.one.net/~wkincaid/ if you'd like Mira :0", says Myangel. Mira smiles, "thank you" Myangel says, "Fed brought me friendships from around the world, and a love that grows stronger every day in Will. I have a family that I've never met, that knows me better than people that have known me from a child." Chiefsgirl smiles Myangel says, "My favorite things in Fed are the people, helping others learn and grow here to experience the laughter and smiles it's brought to me. I became a navigator to help those finding fed for the first time. I've enjoyed my stay here thru every valley and" Myangel says, "and peak it's shown." Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Does anyone have any questions for Angel? Wrkincaid beams proudly at his angel Rere asks, "Do you have a favorite and most embarrassing moment Angel?" Myangel says, "not sure about embarassing for me..but.." Myangel smiles angelically at Shaman.. Shaman coughs. "Funniest times? I guess I can thank Shaman for 2 of them! His tb asking about a foreign term used here in Fed ;) and he and I testing out Sliders brand new teleporter when we were a jp and squire.", says Myangel. Chiefsgirl laughs Shaman exclaims, "Niether was my fault!" "My favorite time in Fed was Will and My wedding", smiles Myangel. "Well, maybe the word thing... but...", says Shaman. Shaman coughs. "I"m guessing he's learned what a snog is by now", says Myangel with a wink. Shaman blushes... Myangel says, "I guess another favorite fed time.. wasn't in fed at all.. But at the Midwest fedmeet last year." Rere smiles, "Oh yes, do tell us about that" Myangel says, "getting to meet all the people I'd grown so close to was an amazing event." Djkat asks, "where was the Midwest Fedmeet held?" "Last April 13-16 we had a Midwest Fed Meet in Chicago", says Myangel. Shaman says, "More than just Midwesternahs, though." Myangel says, "and about 40 in attendance, including fedders and families" Myangel says, "The hotel isn't offering us a grand rate this year as they did last year, not sure why, perhaps because of the late night giggling about ships and mars.." Shaman says, "It was only around 2am." Rere asks, "Is that all?" Darkhorse thinks about how nerdy he'd think a Fedder was if he wasn't one himself. "When will it be held this year?", asks Chiefsgirl. Wrkincaid whispers to shammy 'it was 4 am' Shaman asks, "Was it 4?" Redspice chuckles... "This year's fedmeet is advertised in todays Chronicle", says Wrkincaid. "Our 2nd annual meet is happening July 12-13-14-15", says Myangel. "and Sham..that is when they cautiously came to the room and asked us to close the door and keep it down..", says Myangel. Chiefsgirl laughs Myangel smiles, "he walked even more cautiously away when Truck stood up and closed the door" Ford says, "Can't blame em for being cautious." "And to get everyone inside the room.", says Shaman with a wink. "Did anyone threaten to fire Twin Lasers?", asks Darkhorse. Shaman winks and says, "Truck.... I stayed by him most of that night" "He must be a big guy", smiles Von. "That... is an understatement.", says Shaman. Myangel says, "I think i am about as tall as Truck's elbow, so for the little night guy to see this man stand up and quietly tell him we'd be quiet..was completely a riot." Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you call each other by your Fed names or real names during the FedMeet?" "That's another funny thing Cg.. in planning the event..we had everyone get their rooms and reservations..", says Myangel. "Wingy and Annette, Will and I went a day early to be sure to be there to welcome the troups..", says Myangel. Wrkincaid says, "We had badges made up with our fed names on them.. and business cards with our fed names as well to hand out" Djkat says, "hey .. that is great" Myangel says, "The hotel handed us a list of all the Fedders and we were completely lost in giggles.." Chiefsgirl smiles "Not one of the fedders had registered in their screen names!", exclaims Myangel. Shaman says, "I don't think I knew half the people's real names." Chiefsgirl remembers at the NE FedMeet, Ibu made us all use our Fed names so he wouldn't get confused Myangel winks and says, "we didn't have a clue as to anyone's real names..so it was a guessing game from day one" "the good news tho.. all the Alts got to stay free", says Wrkincaid. Myangel says, "of course..it was the first step in the hotel completely unsure about this groups invitation.. when we didn't even know who was going to be there." Myangel says, "But we got the buttons and Fedness cards all handed out and carried on for the weekend." "Hummmm, maybe I'll send Boiler and stay home.", says Ford. Myangel says, "hehehe..ford.." Myangel says, "Our rooms weren't close..so we printed up little note pads for everyone.. at the top saying.. You've received a tight beam message from.." Myangel says, "and proceded to scamper about the hotel passing notes.." Chiefsgirl giggles "I remember Ryno just shaking his head at me... I put those cards to good use.", says Shaman. "so it was really Fed come to life..it was an amazing weekend", smiles Myangel. "On the train, on the bus... at the field.... walking to the train station.", says Shaman. "Angel, tell them about the dinner with the Queen", says Rere with a wink. Myangel giggles at ReRe and nods. Von looks at Myangel with interest, "The Queen?" Myangel says, "one of the things we did last year, was go to Medievel Times restaurant." Shaman beams. "That was so awesome.", says Shaman. Myangel says, "At the beginning of the restaurant, you get to pose with the king and queen for pictures." "A group of our duchesses were waiting in line, giggling when the queen looked over and said..", says Myangel. Myangel exclaims, "There will be no giggling!" "Biz didn't skip a beat and said, But I'm a Duchess!", exclaims Myangel. Chiefsgirl laughs Myangel says, "the queen, not missing a beat either..said.. yes darling, but I'M THE QUEEN." Myangel exclaims, "Biz pouted at being outranked so quickly!" Wolfyn whispers, "Sure it wasn't Hazed?" Myangel giggles softly Shaman smiles, "She complained about that all weekend" "Biz was so funny, As we were watching the events at dinner, the King announced each groups knight for the night..", says Myangel. Myangel says, "Biz getting Squire <whatever>..she turned and looked at the row and said.." Myangel exclaims, "How on earth are we going to win this thing..he's only a squire!" Chiefsgirl giggles Rere laughs all over again Myangel smiles, "I'm sure chicago was fully convinced someplace was missing some residents" Shaman says, "Our knight almost won." "This year, we aren't limiting the Medievel theme to one dinner..but taking in the Ren Faire", says Myangel. "so we can be silly amidst royalty an entire day", says Myangel with a wink. "Yes!", exclaims Wolfyn. Wolfyn girds the corset. Chiefsgirl thinks that sounds fun "Sounds like a lot of fun. I wish I could make it.", says Rasal. Rere waves her tickets Shaman says, "It was a blast." Rasal is pretty sure most everyone else is happy he can't make it. Rere frowns and says, "I'm not happy Ras" Ford frouds because he has to go to Mexico Chigins hopes you can Rasal.. "Are there any other questions for Angel?", asks Chiefsgirl. Myangel smiles, "Getting to meet people you spend so much time with is simply amazing. And that sounds weird, to anyone that doesn't know Fed." Shaman raises his hand. Djkat says, "tell em .. on your planet, we make queens haul Univators" Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Shaman?" Shaman stands. Myangel nearly hides. "Myangel, you mentioned earlier an incident involving a teleporter.", says Shaman. "No, that was Kbear", says Myangel with a wink. Myangel winks and says, "She still hasn't found her boots" Shaman asks, "Would you care to clear Shaman's name of any wrong doing in said incident?" Von remembers a bear or two in the cantina that nearly drove her bats with their carrying ons Myangel covers her giggles. "When Kbear and Shaman were young siblings growing up in Valhalla..", says Myangel. "Slider was off showing off his brand new shiny teleporter. Intrigued to be sure, the youngsters went looking", says Myangel. Shaman says, "It was a nice teleporter." Myangel says, "and there it was, parked and sparkling on the lp of Fable." Myangel says, "Slider had gone in search of Safy to show off his new toy when the resistance of the buttons and shiny thingamabobs got the better of the two." Shaman nods... Shaman says, "They have a lot of buttons." "the snuck in quietly < on the comms of course > and were just looking..", says Myangel. Shaman says, "This is where it becomes Kbear's fault, mind you." Myangel says, "And He had evidently gotten a luxory sport model, that was only built for one, because in all the stretching and oogling was going on.." Chiefsgirl giggles Myangel says, "the thing took off." Chelsia says, "ooops" "Whoops.", says Rasal. "And they did pretty good about not crashing the silly thing!", exclaims Myangel. Shaman beams. "that one little dent was hardly noticable, if someone was standing in front of it.", says Myangel. Rere giggles "That wasn't my fault, either!", exclaims Shaman. "So to lay blame on just shaman..or kbear..is probably wrong.. but..he was older.", says Myangel with a wink. Rasal produces photos, doctored of course. Chiefsgirl laughs "She was a higher rank.", says Shaman. "but you were older.", says Myangel. "But she was a higher rank.", says Shaman. "Big brothers should know better", says Rere. Kbear exclaims, "You tell him ReRe!" Wrkincaid chuckles "I was only a JP, what did I know?", asks Shaman. "You had the life experience...rank matters not :P", says Rere. "I remember the blisters from sweeping from that little fiasco!", exclaims Kbear. Jennysstar says, "big brothers usually have thier head up... well nevermind" Shaman looks around for someone to take his side... Rere shushes Jenny Myangel giggles for Shaman Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd Mira stands up.. "Shaman is innocent.." ;) Chiefsgirl asks, "Any more questions for Angel?" Shaman smiles, "Thank you!" Mira giggles.. "I've got a quick question.", smiles Rasal. Shaman smiles, "I was getting ready to spawn someone else to come in and vouch for me." Chiefsgirl asks, "Yes Rasal?" Juel says, "Kbear was hoodwinked" Rere says, "Oooo I have one too...You first Rasal" "I was just wondering if one had to be a Duke/Duchess to join WINGS?", smiles Rasal. Myangel winks and says, "Wings is a place for friends to gather and have a great time, we have honorary members listed on the website that we love to giggle with" "They all have to join Mahiethy first", says Shaman with a wink. Shaman ducks. Rasal winks and says, "I keep trying to Shaman, but I can't secede from Hauge for some reason." "You're just not trying hard enough.", says Shaman. "You had a question Rere?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Angel can you explain why you are related to 90% of fed?", asks Rere. Myangel says, "We'd love to have you join in our silliness Rasal, peek onto 22 some night and join in." Myangel laughs at ReRe.. "Yeah Ras... whatcha waiting for", says Rere. Rasal smiles, "Will do." Chelsia asks, "the snowball effect?" "I'm still studying for the application Rere.", says Rasal with a wink. Von thinks it's got to be better than 9. Chiefsgirl agrees with Von Shaman thinks Angel has some 'splainin' to do. ;) Myangel says, "I guess family has been an important part of my time here, so including that in my fed play has been a natural step." "Or inbreeding.", says Wolfyn. Myangel says, "for one thing..the corn family was enormous.. so that included tons from the start.." Shaman says, "It's called a family shrubbery, Wolfy." Wolfyn nods! Chiefsgirl nods "In Legacy, tho there weren't many siblings, adoption was a really big thing", says Myangel with a wink. "I find family all the time, it's wonderful", smiles Myangel. Shaman has family everywhere. Shaman says, "Thanks to Angel. =P" "I didn't even know i had a grandfather until Sargon dd'd..", smiles Myangel. Rere smiles "In small chat as he was rebuilding..I found out he was my mother's father..", says Myangel. "So then i got to know Gramps and his family..", says Myangel. "yes..snowball effect i guess", says Myangel with a wink. Rere hugs her newfound family Rasal smiles, "That's a mighty big snowball it sounds like." Shaman asks, "Are you related, Rere?" Chiefsgirl is reminded to slip Kbear a note from her Daddy "That's how I'm related to ReRe TG.", says Myangel with a wink. "Aylisa is married to Sargon, and she's my sister... so I'm her great aunt", says Rere. "I have another question.", says Shaman. Chelsia sniffs.. all her Fed family is now gone.. "What is the TG and TOG stuff I was seeing before.", says Shaman. "hang around long enough chels..we'll find you a branch", says Myangel with a wink. Rasal says, "Good question Shammy, I was wondering that too." "She's The Original Great Shammy", says Rere with a wink. "ahh.. TG.. ReRe the Great <aunt>", says Myangel. "She's the Original Shammy?", asks Shaman. "no dear, you hold that title all on your own", says Myangel with a wink. Shaman says, "So now Rere's related... for having never been married, I have a lot of relatives." Wrkincaid hugs his wonderful Angel Wrkincaid says, "great job hon" Myangel smiles and snuggles up to Will "Any other questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Rere cheers for Angel's great job! "Angel .. this has been a wonderful story ... highly entertaining .. and well told", says Djkat. "Fed is an amazing place.. enjoy it to it's fullest.. the People here are the best there is.", smiles Myangel. Chiefsgirl cheers and claps wildly for Angel Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you all for attending tonight's Meet & Greet" "Thanks for hosting CG", says Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "My guest next week will be Arrogant at the special time of 6pm eastern" "Thank you Angel... you were wonderful", says Chiefsgirl. |