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Oh look it's Errol Flynn. And now Penterkar has just arrived. Penterkar smiles, "Hey everyone" Penterkar bows low, sweeping his hat low to the ground and back to his head in one smooth motion Darkhorse holds up the photo he's holding. "I hope you explain this tonight, Pent." ;) Penterkar looks at the photo Penterkar points to Errol "Must be him!" Penterkar looks innocent Qaxlor squints at the photo, "It looks like a Martian and a....a....blurry wildebeast... Penterkar clears off a spot on the bar, hops up on it and demands a rum from the barkeep Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "Every week we get the chance to meet another fascinating personality from the galaxy", says Chiefsgirl. "But she couldn't find any, so I'm here", says Penterkar with a wink. "Tonight my guest is a dear friend, Penterkar, Industrialist of Tristar", says Chiefsgirl. "Pent will tell us about himself and answer questions you may have", says Chiefsgirl. "Heh Pent, I was about to say the same thing about my meet.", smiles Rasal. Penterkar picks up his rum and stands up on the bar "Please allow him the chance to answer each question before bombarding him with more", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "So without further ado, I give you Penterkar!" Darkhorse says, "Pent, how many, what did, when was, where did you... ah nevermind." Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Penterkar starts pacing back and forth across the top of the bar "you can never have too much ado.", says Annabell. "Well, I started fed way back in the old earth calendar of April 1997", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "Took me a while to promote, cause I could only be here on weekends" Penterkar smiles, "So each promotion made me feel like I actually achieved something" Penterkar takes a swig of rum "When I was trader, I wasn't too familiar with the contracting stuff", says Penterkar. Chiefsgirl wonders if that means Pent actually traded "So I decided to attend one of the trading classes.", says Penterkar. "Oh yeah, CG. I done lots of trading", says Penterkar with a wink. Chiefsgirl shudders at the memory of being a trader Penterkar can't remember who hosted the class back then right now though Penterkar winks and says, "Heh, I'm real bad with names" Penterkar says, "But I think it was RikkyTikki" Penterkar has bought you a huge mug of rum! Penterkar quaffs it down and orders another "But I learned a lot about trading from that one class, and it helped me to promote to merchy", says Penterkar. Annabell wonders if Penterkar will be wasted by the time this is over. Penterkar winks Penterkar says, "When I was merchy, some of the best facs I had at the time were droids, bio, and tools" "One PO tried to convince me to get rid of the tools, but they did a lot better than his pow facs", says Penterkar. Sholuvr giggles, had tools facs Penterkar winks and says, "So the pow facs went" Penterkar chuckles and takes another swig "I earned my profit on that 20 day cycle about day 18 or 19", says Penterkar. Juel shudders remembering the tension of the cycles "So I promoted to JP just in time for Fed to move from AOL to the web", says Penterkar. Chiefsgirl remembers it took her many cycles "That put a big cramp in promoting, cause they kept reseting the database every couple days", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "Although there was one good thing about the database resets back then..." Penterkar chuckles Annabell remembers the cycles and shudders. "And what was that Pent?", asks Chiefsgirl. Penterkar winks and says, "Not a lot of people on then, and I got to practice using the voucher quite a bit" Penterkar looks innocently around Qaxlor winks and says, "Many, many, times" "Well, had to do SOMETHING you know... hehe", says Penterkar. Chiefsgirl laughs Annabell is not very surprised. ;) Penterkar says, "So when they finally got Fed back up and running, I found that most all of my facs and wares were closed" Penterkar says, "Having to liqudate over half my facs and about 4 wares which were filled with commods, I lost over 30 megs" "big money in those days", says Juel. Penterkar buy more rounds of rum so everyone is too drunk to ask questions later Penterkar "Yes it was" "Was probably about 25% of what I had back then", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "So I got new facs, and it only took about 3 or 4 cycles to promote past JP" Penterkar says, "While waiting for the cycle to end so I could promote one Saturday, I met a PO by the name of Barbarella, who owned Myth." Memphisdave looks around...embarrassed...shakes the punt dust off...and mumbles something about just wanting to know what his planet name was... Juel smiles, "just so you remember which duchy it is in..." "Well, it was in Sol back then", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "I did most of my trading in Sol back then, caues I figured that they needed the help" "And partly cause I was too nervous to enter someone else's duchy", says Penterkar with a wink. Juel shudders at the c pri in sol... Penterkar chuckles Penterkar cringes at the nightmares Qaxlor gets a headache just thinking about that "So I finally got through to Explorer, and discovered just how much faster I could work", says Penterkar. Memphisdave 's computer exploded at c price "Barbarella talked me into onlinnig my planet right away, so I tried", says Penterkar. "However, much to my surprise, when I first tried, it told me I couldn't", says Penterkar. Locksnatcher says, "Aw..." Penterkar says, "I first tried to use the name Maelstrom, but was told I couldn't" Chiefsgirl had that happen to her too "Even though a spynet said it was good", says Penterkar. "It gave Pent the message 'That planet name is too hard to type, please try again!'", says Satinsheets. Penterkar says, "Took me a few minutes to come up with the name Tri-Star" Locksnatcher says, "It's easy to type! Mealsrtom." "Yet I got away with Margaritaville.", says Caribbean. "So in early December of 1997 I became a Squire.", says Penterkar. "When I onlined, I forgot one important thing that I read", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "I forgot to set my SPs, and wound up doing a walkup from the initial paltry settings of near 10 tons" "oops", says Chiefsgirl. Penterkar winks and says, "Needless to say, it kept me very busy" Penterkar says, "After that little fiasco things went a bit smoother" "I had started dating Barbarella about that time, and when she moved into the Duchy of Connor, we spoke to Duke Ops about me joining as well.", says Penterkar. "And his wedding gift to us was letting me in", says Penterkar with a wink. Chewbacon asks, "Barbarella as in Barb?" "Well, Barb for short, but not that Barb", says Penterkar with a wink. "No. :P", says Caribbean. Chewbacon winks and says, "Ohhh...okies" Penterkar says, "I learned much about managing a planet from Ops, and how to setup the exchange to make the most groats." "A few weeks later, tehre was a bit of turmoil in Connor, as a couple of friends was hitting in Connor and omitted our two planets from their macro", says Penterkar. "Barbarella wound up leaving, and I followed her out.", says Penterkar. Satinsheets grins as she remembers all this suddenly. Penterkar says, "Yeah, all part of the wars with OG" Penterkar wonders if he mentioned that Barbarella was OG's aunt at that time ;) [at this point, Cgee got punted so there's a bit missing from the transcript...] Penterkar winks and says, "That was a 1 gig lesson that I never forgot, either" "Remember to always double check your zeroes before hitting return", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "Around that time, through the help of another I got out of Sol again and entered the Duchy of Buffet" Readerboy says, "wow..buffet.." Penterkar smiles, "I was there for a number of months before joining Gossamer" Readerboy remembers being in Buffet Penterkar says, "Had 19 builds done and stayed at Thane for some time." Penterkar fondly remembers Blaze Caribbean winks and says, "Balze." Caribbean smirks. Satinsheets pokes Carib hard. Caribbean squirms. "When Blaze decided to leave Fed, I was invited into Honalee by the wonderful Duchesse Satin", smiles Penterkar. Satinsheets smiles again. Juel wonders what Plank has in mind for his new duchess Penterkar hands Satin a rum and smooches her Satinsheets returns the smooch, grabbing the rum. "I promoted to Indy...", says Penterkar. Penterkar thinks back Penterkar says, "I think it was April of 1999." Penterkar says, "Did 9 quick builds and then had fun" Penterkar says, "I think I must be the oldest non-alt regular playing Indy there is" Penterkar is in no hurry to promote "I decided I wanted to enjoy every rank fully before moving on", says Penterkar. "So, would you say that your general philosophy is to not hurry through anything?", says Bartholomew with a wink. Chiefsgirl thinks that's a wise plan Satinsheets suppresses a giggle, but spews her rum! "Aye, Bart. Never hurry through anything", says Penterkar. Plank had to promote just to get the 'porter. Couldn't stand it when everyone was shimmering but him! "Exceptin maybe a blockade", says Penterkar with a wink. "Aye, sound advice", says Bartholomew. Penterkar says, "I was in Isle last year for a couple weeks when sho made Duchess, as Satin was on a long running furlow then" "But moved back to Honalee, as that's where my heart belonged.", says Penterkar. Mynewday wonders if Satin was playing lazer tag Penterkar says, "I'm a Honaleean through and through" "After Sho dd'd for the umpteenth time", says Bartholomew. Penterkar nods to Bart Satinsheets plays lazer tag with all her PO's. Penterkar says, "Aye, that's the one" Juel will have to pick up that skill Bartholomew winks and says, "Twin laser tag" Caribbean never got to play lazer tag... Penterkar says, "I have been in Honalee the longest of any duchy." Plank used to have a pie shooter. Penterkar says, "And a couple weeks ago, Satin loaned me out to the Duchesse Juel, and I am in the Juelz Duchy now." Qaxlor grins Chiefsgirl wonders how a loan-out works Von asks, "Loned you out?" Penterkar wonders how much Satin is getting on this loan ;) Juel considers herself lucky too Von says, "Loaned..." Satinsheets is old, feeble, and retired. Penterkar says, "Aye." Juel still has Satin's wet hankie Penterkar says, "Deal is, if and when she decides to reactivate Honalee and be active, I am to be returned" Mynewday knows better....old, no...feeble..no...retired,..maybe Bartholomew says, "Nay, she's young, agile and able to enjoy retirement" Mynewday agrees most hardly with Bart... "So I will probably be an Indy for a very long time", says Penterkar. Satinsheets grins at Juel, remembering that night. Penterkar remembers it too Penterkar winks and says, "Was a very emotional night" Juel had lots of mopping up to do The cleaner has just arrived. The cleaner has picked up the photograph. Djkat says, "mopping up .. and the cleaner appears, right on cue" The cleaner has just left. "And with that note", says Penterkar with a wink. Penterkar chuckles "Who has the TDX?", asks Caribbean. Penterkar winks and says, "that's pretty much my life's story, condensed for your enjoyment" Bartholomew says, "The readers digest version" "Can we hear the long version now?", says Satinsheets with a wink. Mynewday applauds Pent's history Juel asks, "the x rated version?" Penterkar walks across the bartop drinking his rum and flirting with all the ladies. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience, "Any questions for Pent?" "Tell us about Errol", says Bartholomew. Penterkar points to Errol "He did it!" Penterkar looks innocent "Ah well, Errol Flynn is always getting me in trouble", says Penterkar. Von not knowing Pent for long kinda doubts that "Errol", says Bartholomew. "We look so much alike", says Penterkar. Bartholomew says, "Green tights and a fairy hat? Oh wait...wrong movie" Penterkar thought Errol was back at the inn on triStar "Your name Penter-Kar is a Star Trek character?", asks Satinsheets. Penterkar says, "Nope." "My name on AOL was Penter Kar", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "And that's as close as they would allow to the correct spelling" Bartholomew asks, "Is that a five sided automobile?" "The closest speeling I can give you is Penter-Kar", says Penterkar. "My name is actually from a D&D character I had years ago", says Penterkar. "Just seemed to fit", says Penterkar. "Oh, and I musta been one of the few people taht ever read the fed manuals before entering Fed", says Penterkar. Qaxlor laughs "Not quite", says Bartholomew with a wink. Satinsheets ahems. Penterkar says, "Took about 3 or 4 days to read through them, cause I didn't have much time" Mynewday pouts.....she did too Penterkar winks and says, "I said one of the few" Juel did too Readerboy says, "i did also..spent days reading the "intermediate guide"" "RTFM meant something in the old days", says Bartholomew. "I also reread them before each promotion to see what new stuff I had to look forward to", says Penterkar. "Pent was has been your most fun moment in Fed?", asks Mynewday. "Ah, hard to say.", says Penterkar. Chiefsgirl still digs out her manuals on occasion "I try to find fun and enjoyment in everything", says Penterkar. "But the best comes from spendnig time with friends, and making new friends", smiles Penterkar. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you ever plan on becoming a duke, Pent?" Penterkar says, "Oh, eventually, yes." "At this rate, 3 more years", says Satinsheets with a wink. "Maybe in another 5 years, but....", says Penterkar. Chiefsgirl laughs "I'm in no real hurry. Nothing they can do that I can't except for porting really", says Penterkar. "You'll need a walker to get in the airlock by then", says Bartholomew with a wink. Penterkar chuckles Penterkar looks around for more questions Qaxlor winks and says, "What's the most embarassing thing you've ever accidentally COMMed?" Satinsheets laughs at Qaxlor. Penterkar says, "Commed? Hmmm...." "Or xt'ed, obviously", says Satinsheets with a wink. Penterkar says, "Haven't used comms all that much...." Qaxlor nods Penterkar thinks that opened things up a bit more... lol "Oh fess up, everyone has had an accidental xt in the heat of passion", says Bartholomew. Satinsheets face turns red remembering her most embarrassing dropped act. Mind chuckles and remembers one of his good ones....hehe "Actually, I'm really never embarrassed by stuff I com or xt. Even if it is wrong.", says Penterkar. Qaxlor laughs Von doesn't do things like that Naiad winks and says, "It's like traumatic memories, Bart...you erase them from your conscious memory." Penterkar rubs his chin thoughtfully "Although there was that one time..." "I try to learn from them meself", says Bartholomew with a wink. Penterkar says, "I heard about it later. Didn't really know it happened though." "Yes, I learned to tune off", says Satinsheets with a wink. Penterkar says, "Someone had told me about it later" "I must of sent a TB as an XT just before signing off, so I didn't know that I did it.", says Penterkar. "It was early one Saturday morning and hardly anyone was on.", says Penterkar. Chiefsgirl frequently sends a TB to the wrong person Penterkar looks for more questions Chiefsgirl looks around the crowd "Curious, Pent...what front-end do you use?", asks Qaxlor. Satinsheets has made more friends by tb'ing them something meant to be ABOUT them. Juel asks, "girlfriends, wives, did I miss that part?" Chiefsgirl laughs and nods in agreement with Satin "I've got one...even though you probably mentioned it already. Since you never bothered to tell me you were the guest..", says Naiad. "It takes a lot for me to be embarrassed anymore, as I just don't let it bother me.", says Penterkar. Naiad smiles, "Yes, like Juel said...girlfriends? Wives? Who's got your heart?" Penterkar says, "Well, the first fed girlfriend I had was Barbarella. That was the only time I married as well" "That was during free fed", says Penterkar. Penterkar winks and says, "Naiad lured me to Buffet, so you all can guess at that one" Naiad winks and says, "Lured you?? Hmm..ok.." Penterkar chuckles Penterkar winks innocetnly at Naiad "lured .. hmmm ... guess it works if you have the right bait ... ::chuckles::", says Djkat. "Can't even spell innocently...that show you how NOT innocent he is.", says Naiad with a wink. Penterkar points to Errol Penterkar exclaims, "That was him!" Penterkar downs another mug Penterkar says, "Of the wonderful women here in Fed that have made an impression on me, there are several" Penterkar says, "In no particular order...." Penterkar says, "The Duchesses I've had, Blaze, Satin, Sho, and Juel." "Had? Hmmm...", says Naiad with a wink. Penterkar says, "I wouldn't have joined their duchy if I wasn't impressed with them." Satinsheets coughs. "Not THAT way, you nymph you", says Penterkar with a wink. Naiad exclaims, "Ohhhh!!" "Sorry!", exclaims Naiad. Qaxlor snickers Penterkar thinnks someone has a dirty mind... lol Naiad will get back at Pent.. Mind isn't dirty....i took a shower earlier, honest Penterkar winks and says, "Promises, promises" Breyer says, "People might show up now.." Satinsheets winks and says, "And he had both me AND Blaze...keeping it in the family, no doubt" Penterkar winks at Satin Penterkar says, "And others that I have felt either good or close friendships with..." Penterkar says, "...include Bernadette, Brenda, Kao, and gad there are way too many to name in a short time" Penterkar points to CG "Her too yes" and winks Chiefsgirl blushes Von smiles, "Whose your girlfriend now?" Penterkar says, "Too many friends have left Fed, and for me they all take a part of me with them." Juel gets sad thinking of that Penterkar smiles, "...just as I have a part of them with me." Penterkar says, "Well, at this particular moment there is no steady girlfriend." "Although, there are some that I enjoy spending time with", says Penterkar. Penterkar like to flirt a lot Naiad winks and says, "No kidding." Chiefsgirl laughs "also, a true gentleman does not kiss and tell", says Penterkar with a wink. Bartholomew looks aghast, "No!" Djkat ponders the existence of True Gentlemen in Fed Penterkar likes to think that he is a true gentleman Juel nods at Pent's discretion Penterkar winks and says, "Aye, we're a dying breed" Bartholomew is a true roughman :P "Most seem to sign a book deal to tell", says Qaxlor with a wink. Satinsheets likes her gentlemen a little rough ;) Penterkar says, "I treat every woman with the respect that they deserve." Penterkar seems to help out a lot of the ladies when they are FOs, but that must be a coincidence "The ladies know you have a reputation, Pent.", says Naiad with a wink. "That's why they flock to you!", exclaims Naiad. "In fact, one of my FOs (yes a female) refused to have me give them an office", says Penterkar. "She moved into yours?", asks Von. "They kinda liked hanging out in the custom's office and using the crates there", says Penterkar with a wink. "Oh goodness", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl didn't know Pent had such a reputation Naiad wonders if her office is still around.. Satinsheets has found that crates break easily when you get really hot and heavy. "I don't recall, but I think that might have been Tiarra", says Penterkar with a wink. Penterkar whistles innocently Bartholomew turns slightly red Penterkar says, "Oh, and if everyone could petition Hazed to give me about 400 or 500 more locations for my planet....." Penterkar chuckles Satinsheets winks and says, "I'll get right on that, Penter" Naiad winks and says, "Maybe you should get 4 or 5 more planets. Even though it will take you 10 years to get them all to squire." "I got 120 locations used now, so there's plenty of exploring you can do", says Penterkar. "Really? How do I get another planet? Just build another link?", asks Penterkar. Juel makes a note to find Pent some spare locations Penterkar never tried that Qaxlor chuckles Satinsheets asks, "Pent have you ever tried for a planet award?" Penterkar says, "Sort of, yes" "I wish you could use all the left over locations on all the lame planets cluttering up data space", says Bartholomew. Naiad looks at Pent and sighs... "I applied back a few years ago, but then they stopped cause the one doing them quit IB", says Penterkar. Xyli says, "I suppose that includes mine... it's quite lame" "And when Ash and Alsation took over, just never reapplied", says Penterkar. "Well you should reapply", smiles Satinsheets. Qaxlor grins, "I think Alsatian is begging for applicants ;) Bartholomew says, "Anything less than 70 is lame" "Well, I'm used to writing worlds for D&D, so for me it isn't hard to use up a lot of locations", smiles Penterkar. Mind eeeks.... Bartholomew says, "That's half" Naiad grins. Penterkar smiles, "I will reapply soon as I finish the puzzle" Chiefsgirl smiles "Oh, and if you visit to explore, might I suggest visiting the museum first", says Penterkar. "Any other questions for Pent?", asks Chiefsgirl. "It will give you a history of the planet and teh star system. So you will understand the references that appear on the planet", says Penterkar. Satinsheets blinks, "SEX IS GONE FROM HONALEE!!" Satinsheets frantically looks for Sex. Penterkar comforts Satin "No more Sex in FED!!!", exclaims Satinsheets. "Sex is now a groundhog, satin....", says Mind. Juel looks distressed "Sex is a GH now...", says Penterkar. Mind winks and says, "Someone's holding the planet name" Satinsheets weeps, "Nooooo" "Ah, well. Honalle was the only duchy in Fed that could make the claim of having Sex.", says Penterkar. Bartholomew shakes his head sadly, "How low can sex sink in data space" "Oh good, I hope that IB gives this person as much grief about their planet as they did Nite", says Satinsheets with a wink. "And at that time we also had our very own Bimbo, and SatinSheets", says Penterkar with a wink. Penterkar thinks that was a good combination Qaxlor winks and says, "Interesting Saturday morning, anyhow" Penterkar looks for more questions Qaxlor checks under the rug for questions Penterkar looks behind the bar "If there are no more questions for Pent, I'm going to officially close tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any final words or thoughts for us Pent?" Satinsheets smiles, "Be profound for us, Pent" Penterkar says, "I could have made Duke shortly after the dp was put back in" "She said profound", says Bartholomew with a wink. "But I decided long before that promoting is not what fed is all about", says Penterkar. "Fed is about the people here. The friendships.", says Penterkar. "Promoting doesn't matter, because it's the people that really make Fed what it is.", says Penterkar. "So have fun, the most fun at each rank before moving on.", says Penterkar. "Oh, and before making PO, please learn how to manage an exchange.", says Penterkar with a wink. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Pent "RTFM", shouts Bartholomew. "Yes, Bart! You got it!", exclaims Penterkar. "I think I heard that on AOL channel 1 more than anything", says Penterkar. Bartholomew says, "There was a time when asking dumb questions on 9 got you a steady stream of profanity before it got you an answer" Penterkar chuckles "Good thing no one ask me what I thought about banning" Penterkar says, "Yeah it did Bart. And even then it was probably the wrong answer" "Banning, bah...anyone who needs IB to run their Duchy for them should get booted back to Explorer automatically", says Bartholomew. Djkat says, "many answers included locations south of Mercury" "Oh those are the best answers, DJ", smiles Satinsheets. "Well, banning should only be temp at best. Like 30 days or less", says Penterkar. "And, if you ban someone and anyone from your duchy starts dumping on them, the ban should automatically be lifted", says Penterkar. Penterkar says, "After all, fair is fair" Satinsheets smiles, "Someday it will be a coded ban and it will work all that stuff out" "Problem is most Dukes and Duchesses never learned how to manage a planet themselves", says Penterkar. Penterkar winks and says, "They should give them a written and oral exam before they are allowed to promote" "being able to manage a planet .. and being able to manage the personalityes in a duchy .. are quite different", says Djkat. Satinsheets nods at pent! Penterkar says, "Yes, but part of it is to be able to help your POs learn to correctly run their planet" "Hey there is one duke who needed to be lead off of Titan while he was working on the duke puzzle", says Satinsheets with a wink. "That's true, but both are essential parts of running a successful Duchy", says Bartholomew. Penterkar nods to Bart "hehe remember that, Bart? Implantguy was lost...5 locations away from the Titan LP", says Satinsheets. Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness" Djkat says, "True .... a good Duke/Duchess should be able to help their POs run their planets .. and tune their exchanges" Bartholomew says, "Yeah! Mac-something" "That was Imp, wasn't it?", asks Satinsheets. Bartholomew says, "It was both" |