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"I think I figured out aol went unlimited Christmas time of 96 right?", asks Juel. Plank says, "97" Juel has memory problems... all those trips to Horsell "you sure plank? I thought it was 96! (but then I have one of those drunks hanging around!)", says Snowlily. "Santa brought us a puter that year... whichever year it was", says Juel. "Hmmm. Lets see. I had my kidney stone in May of '97 and we were still in AOL", says Plank. "I and it arrived about the same time....lol", says Juel. "So you must have been here before Dec 97", Qaxlor says with a wink. "Me too.....unfortunetly", says Plank. "Dec 96 aol went unlimited, IB left aol later in 97", says Redspice. "at that time I had a joint character with my husband...", says Juel. "who was..... ????", asks Snowlily. Plank asks, "Can I tell?" Juel says, "please don't" "Ok", says Plank. Plank pouts Juel says, "but this joint character keep learning things only my husband knew...I kept getting lost" "They had me confused big time", says Plank. Snowlily asks, "What was the character's name, Juel??????" "so I started one all my own... and went in hiding from all those, like Plank, who had known me", says Juel. Juel says, "so Juellippa was born" "Lass is still there in limbo...", says Juel. Juel says, "I just wanted to prove I could do it myself...lol" "Plank was in Cloe at the time...", says Juel. "Yeah, confused too", says Plank. "Juellippa found Arbor.. and discovered they shared some of the same players", says Juel. "Arbor is so much easier to spell than Chloe", says Juel. Juel says, "did I get it right that time Plank" Plank says, "Yep" "supposed my Qaxlor was wandering about at that time, but I never met him then", says Juel. Qaxlor laughs Qaxlor winks and says, "Not as Qaxlor" "6 impossible letters...", says Juel. Snowlily asks, "some other incomprehensible name, right?" Qaxlor grins and lets Juel finish Juel says, "when I started to Nav, it seemed the shorter name was better..." Juel lets Qaxlor catch up Qaxlor chuckles Juel says, "gone on Hon" Juel says, "go" Qaxlor says, "Oh, I thought you would finish your history before I started" Juel says, "ok" "I stayed in Arbor...loved that duchy... at the time Zorra was running it...", says Juel. "Zorra knew everybody...and they all stopped by Taos LP", says Juel. Juel says, "then when she left the game, I moved to Discworld with Pin and finally on to Juelz" Juel says, "Q went to Horsell with me..." "And stayed", Qaxlor says with a wink. "and I think we've created a mighty fine home for some very special people", says Juel. Plank thinks so too Qaxlor thinks there will be lots of questions for Juel to fill in the details Juel says, "Plank reminds me... a short stop in Visions.. but that was when I had 2 planets going" Juel says, "I was also in Glantri..." Juel says, "Zorra did an abrupt departure..." Von was sad to see her go Plank so was Plank "Never mind", says Plank. "were you all PO's in the duchy?", asks Snowlily. Plank says, "No. Just a friend" "Visions and Taos were linked together...Zorra and Raphael were wed", says Juel. Juel asks, "Did Zorra conduct your wedding Von?" "Yes she did", says Von. Juel asks, "Is that enough Q?" Qaxlor chuckles, "Up to you, hon "You know how much *I* talk", Qaxlor says with a wink. Von nods Juel says, "Q and I had a perfectly lovely wedding Dec 15th" Qaxlor asks, "How long was the courtship? 3 months?" Juel says, "It was on Sirius cause Q likes planet designing better than I do" Juel says, "whatever it was, it flew by" "and at one point Q was creating a huge number of dining establishments...", says Juel. Plank asks, "Food! Did someone mention food?" Von tosses Plank a pretzel "Q does much better than that...", says Juel. Qaxlor smiles, "Ok, well I guess I can give you the nickel history...my first flirtation with Fed was about March of 97, and if you think Qaxlor is a horrible name...you never met Zapfx... Rasal winks and says, "Thank goodness, that name is uh.... it's something all right." Qaxlor says, "I didn't want any of those stinkin numbers in my name, so I had to get creative" Juel never did "I spent a lot of time with a bunch of hauling rats, and we kind of grew up together, as far as I know none of them are around any longer...I eventually drifted to Legacy and about the time I got a planet, Fed went to the web", Qaxlor says. "In my bitter youth *stifles a snicker*, I refused to pay by the hour, and everyone I knew was leaving anyhow, so I DDed and didn't think about Fed until about March of last year, I think", Qaxlor says. "Maybe a bit earlier...I remember brining in Zap under hourly for a bit, but left again", Qaxlor says. "I came back seriously when Fed when flat rate...which I guess was about a year ago...Juel was actually one of the first people I met on my return, she was NAVing that day", Qaxlor says. Juel remembers when Qaxlor came in Qaxlor winks and says, "I had some 'concern' about hauling for the Lunar Mafia" Juel tried to recruit him... unsuccessfully "Anyhow...I was also rather blobular at that point", Qaxlor says. Von makes a big circle motion Juel still has a piece of the blob hidden away Redspice makes a big circle motion Redspice chuckles Plank thinks its a good thing we got rid of all the mirrors on Sirius Juel says, "that's in case he ever gets out of line...lol" Qaxlor says, "Peg and Von brought me into Nectar and I brought Sirius there. I hung out a lot in Nectar and Discworld, and had a brief marriage to a DW PO (brief as in, she DDed about three days after the wedding)" Qaxlor smiles "Juel asked me to accompany her to a wedding that never happened between Peg and Skypilot, but we found we enjoyed each other's company and so we decided to have our own wedding", Qaxlor says with a wink. Juel says, "I approved of that match...Q's" "Juel can vouch for my excellent taste in companions...but she has certainly been a great partner and wonderful companion in Fed", Qaxlor smiles. "but I think ours is better", says Juel. Qaxlor nods, "I am very happy things worked out the way they have "So anyhow, Pin decided to leave Fed and Juel went Duchess to soak up the DW POs who were left homeless...I went with her to Horsell and then to the Duchy of Juelz", Qaxlor says. Qaxlor smiles, "Juel and I have tried to make Juelz like all the duchies her and I have enjoyed being POs" "we actually lead a pretty quiet life...", says Juel. "Yeah, right", says Plank. Qaxlor winks and says, "That's the nickel tour, you'll have to ask questions if you want to know more" Qaxlor swipes Snowstar's notebook labeled, 'Embarassing Questions' Snowstar squeals, "Give it back! I'll ask the embarrassing questions!" Rasal hands Snow the back-up copy. Juel laughs and turns red before any are asked "I always forget about the backups", Qaxlor says. Snowstar wipes off her brow and kisses Ras, pocketing the notebook. Qaxlor winks and say, "If you've had questions just burning to be asked...fire away" Rasal winks and says, "Gotta watch the Duke types Q, we do everything in duplicate and triplicate." Qaxlor laughs, "Bureaucrats Juel asks, "why do you think the price of woods is so good?" Redspice winks and says, "Do you know who your father is?" Juel will let Q and Red explain the family tree Qaxlor smiles, "I have no idea who my parents are, but I have a wonderful sister" Snowstar smiles, "Indeed...describe your family tree" Redspice shakes her head.... "More like a family shrub", Qaxlor says. "just want you to clarify that you were the blob in the family...a", says Redspice. "There are some rumours about a strange alien and our mother....", Qaxlor says. Redspice smiles, "I still havent figured out, when he grew legs" Von tries not to make a claim to the family Qaxlor wiggles his legs, "When I wanted to dance, Red Juel likes the legs Redspice laughs and tickles Von "You're not getting out that easy, Von", Qaxlor says with a wink. Snowstar asks, "Besides Von, who has gone on to be a duke or duchess from Juelz?" Qaxlor smiles, "I should say that Von, Djkat, Redspice and Peg helped me a lot growing up in Nectar" "Von went about the same time I did...from Nectar", says Juel. "I was never in Juelz Snow", says Von. Rasal raises his hand, "Me." "Juelz has adopted Ras", says Juel. Snowstar says, "Hmm I thought you were, Von" "Peg and Skypilot were both in Juelz briefly before they Duked", Qaxlor says. "Growing up with Q was strange....", says Redspice. "never knew where the diapers disappeared to...", says Redspice. Juel says, "I should have done that the other way round" "Well, Red...when you have a blob for a brother", Qaxlor says with a wink. Snowstar asks, "Juel, when did you become a Navigator and why?" Redspice looks at Von..."didn't you let him go down the drain one time? Von saw Red dunk Q in the toilet one time Redspice chuckles Djkat says, "yes, Red was a Jalapeno, Qax was more a vanilla sundae" "Not me that was you", says Von. Qaxlor blushes Redspice asks, "me??" "Hey, he kept singing "Bubbles, just call me bubbles"...", says Redspice. Redspice smiles, "I had to do something..." Von says, "You said Watch this Q can swim" Von laughs just thinking of the Blob floating in the tank "I started Naving because it seemed like an interesting thing to do", says Juel. "I remembered when I started, how impressed I was by the navs...", says Juel. Redspice says, "it was fun...watching him going around and around in circles....and all I had to do was flush" "now we don't seem quite so important or formidable...lol", says Juel. "I know I was impressed by one particular Nav", Qaxlor says with a wink. Juel can pick the good ones...:) Qaxlor thinks Juel's done a pretty good job with all her POs Snowstar says, "Is that how you two met? Or did I miss that question before I got here..." "Yes, we actually first met when I first started", Qaxlor says. "I was on nav duty", says Juel. Juel smiles, "that was a good day..." Djkat didnt know that ... what a great story Qaxlor smiles Your comm unit relays a message from Xyli, "You had a PO Geiiga?" "My duchess is a cradle robber ::looks proud::", says Snowstar. Rasal grins, "Seems like those chance encounters are always the best." Qaxlor winks and says, "I was a Squire when we actually started seeing one another" Juel says, "He had been a squire forever....and ever... amen" Rasal winks and says, "Pffft, she had ya hooked from day one Q. You just didn't know it." Djkat remembers the young and rising Qaxlor as he blobbed his way up through the ranks Juel says, "no, actually I lost him to another..." Redspice says, "she was trying to save him...from the toilet" "Well, lost only briefly...the joke around my RL household is 'if you kill off another Fedwife, the real wife is going to pack her bags'", Qaxlor says. "Pretty disturbing signal when your Fedwife DDs during the honeymoon", Qaxlor says with a wink. Qaxlor nods, "Let me tell the story... Juel sits back and lets the story unwind Rasal passes around popcorn and drinks. Qaxlor says, "Her name was Vincentina, Squire of Seacruise...we were married on a Thursday (I think), just before the last Fed move, when it was going to be closed on Sunday" Qaxlor says, "Apparently, she decided during the shutdown that she was far too addicted to Fed (something I'm sure none of us can sympathize with ;) And also decided she has to cut all the ties" Qaxlor says, "She logged in during lunch on Monday or Tues and just did it...sent me an email later explaining it...but I left for lunch in our stateroom on the ship, woke up in the Meeting Point.." Juel laughs... who's addicted Von isn't Rasal says, "Wow. That was some divorce." Qaxlor winks and say, "Like I said, it has since become a source of amusement for my real wife...she's keeping an eye on me" Von isn't much anyway "Fed's not addicting. What's in Fed is what is addicting.", says Rasal with a wink. "Err, addictive even.", smiles Rasal. Qaxlor is trying to go for a record for shortest followed longest Fed marriage...got a ways to go on the longest one Redspice smiles, "10 mile road for sure" Juel whispers I'm not even sure yours was the shortest... Juel says, "and we have Von and Dj to chase" Qaxlor nods to Juel...yeah 3 whole days is an eternity "how long have Von and DJ been married?", asks Jennysstar. "4 years", says Von. "we have no plans to give up our head start you two", says Djkat. "How long have you and Moki been married?", asks Juel. Jennysstar is probably pretty close to you Djkat grins again Qaxlor chuckles, "Well, maybe I'll just have to settle for a great marriage Juel remembers when Dj and Von got married Djkat raises his wine glass .. and toasts to a great Marriage for J and Q "Any more potentially embarassing questions?", Qaxlor asks. "Any plans for children?", says Snowstar with a wink. Qaxlor winks and say, "Why, do you need parents, Snow?" Juel no plans... Von wonders when Snow and Ras will marry Qaxlor says, "We didn't really plan to have any" "I'm doing ok as an orphan so far", says Snowstar with a wink. Redspice opens her eyes wide and thinks of little bubbles floating in the bathtub again... Qaxlor winks and say, "Lots of us Fed orphans around too" Juel says, "You have a whole family" Snowstar smiles, "That's true, all kinds of awesome brothers too" Qaxlor nods to Juel, "True, a family of friends Snowstar smiles, "And ex'es" "nice when they can be friends still", says Juel. Snowstar nods and smiles. "Qax, you were never an orphan here .. we adopted you into Nectar", smiles Djkat. Qaxlor nods, "That's true, Dj, I felt at home pretty much from the start Von winks and says, "I really hated that Juel stole him" Juel cringes... "we would have adopted Juel too .. but the opportunity never presented itself", says Djkat. Juel had duchess on her mind...lol Qaxlor laughs Qaxlor was getting very adept at navigating Horsell Juel has the most complete maps... "Within the space of two weeks, I think I went 8 times...with Juel, Skypilot and Peg", Qaxlor says. Qaxlor nods, "Juel has excellent maps, so if you ever get lost in Sol... Snowstar smiles, "I have yet to go there...I'll be happy to hitch a ride next time someone goes" Rasal grins at Snow, "Get your timemachine and take a trip love." Snowstar refuses to get a time machine until she has her own set of cuffs. "Just be careful, I used to go there for fun and ended up a Duke one time.", says Rasal. Qaxlor asks, "Any more questions?" Rasal raises his hand. Djkat asks, "I have a question ... how are we going to fill the rest of the hour?" Juel shudders in anticipation Juel says, "we've been here since 9 Dj" Von has an idea or two Rasal asks, "If a train leaves Boston, bound for Philadelphia at 6:42am at a speed of 56mph, how many passengers on board have red suitcases?" "4", Qaxlor says. "Damn.", says Rasal. Snowstar rubs her eyes and peers at Ras. "all the blonds", says Juel. Qaxlor winks and says, "Next" Qaxlor says, "Well, if there are no further questions, I will call this session to a close...." "Do-it-yourself M~&G", Qaxlor says. Snowstar winks and says, "We are adjourned?" "and I'll thank everyone for coming...", smiles Juel. Qaxlor smiles, "Yes, thanks for coming everyone |