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"Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "my guest tonight is the Duchess of Deceit, Ratttso" "She'll tell us a bit about herself, her history and her duchy", says Chiefsgirl. Ratttso smiles and waves to all.. "Feel free to ask questions, but please give Ratttso the chance to respond", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Without further ado, I turn the stage over to Ratttso" Ratttso stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and claps wildly "Well, First off, I guess I should explain that I have belonged to five different people over the years.", says Ratttso. Triton was not one of em .. Ratttso says, "I was created by someone named Kyle back in 1995." Fancy doubts Kyle's last name was "Brovlowski". Bront asks, "Ratttso was a girl origionaly, wasn't she?" Ratttso doesn't know Fancy Triton says, "No, it was ratttso .. sheesh .." "Yes, Kyle mistakenly made her a female and just let it go.", says Ratttso. Rere gets out the confused couch Ratttso laughs "Kyle Ratttso Brovlosky III i believe", smiles Triton. Ratttso perfered females back then, Lol ;) Mira thinks we should let Ratttso tell her story.. Chiefsgirl laughs "She had a significant other named Catlin.", says Ratttso. Ratttso winks and says, "I know that her chief advisary was Poco. I guess Rats and Weasels do not get along to well." "Anyway, When Fed moved to the Web, Kyle decided to leave and intrusted Rattty's account to Blazaglori...", says Ratttso. Ratttso says, "Most of you know her as Satinsheets." Ratttso says, "Blaze kept the duchy open. The Duke puzzle was down back then and Duchy space was hard to come by." Ratttso says, "But Rattty was inactive socially during this time." Triton smiles, "An anti-social rattt .. whooda thunk it" "When Satinsheets did the Puzzle, She felt that running three Duchies was to much, so she gave Ratttso to Cup who was a Baron living in Deceit.", says Ratttso. Ratttso says, "Cup pretty much did the same thing, Kept Deceit open and kept Rattty inactive." Ratttso says, "During this time, Deceit was a democracy and Hello was it's president." Ratttso says, "Then in 1999, Cup did the Duke puzzle, and like Satin before him, wanted to concentrate on his new Duchy." "So guess who he gave Rattty to?", says Ratttso with a wink. Rockstar asks, "who?" "Hello?", asks Breyer. Rasal says, "Hmm, wasn't me." "Not quite", says Ratttso with a wink. "Tbar", says Bront. "Ummm.... Tbar", smiles Ratttso. Fancy thinks he had heard Tbar once had Ratttso. Ratttso says, "Tbar had DD'd some months before and wanted back in the game." Chiefsgirl sits quietly and folds her hands in her lap as she listens to Ratttso Ratttso says, "Tbar gave Ratty a sex change and stired up Fed quite a bit during the time he had her." Ruylupez says, "him" Ratttso says, "Er, Him. Lol" Ratttso says, "Then he decided to quit and gave Ratty back to Cup. By this time Cup's RL wife Kitty was playing Fed. So Cup gave me to her." "Of course, the first thing I did then was have a sex change. Lol", says Ratttso. "A Kitty with a Ratt...", says Fancy. Ratttso laughs "I laid low for a few months to let things die down.", says Ratttso. "I still pretty much keep a low profile.", says Ratttso. Ratttso says, "Alot of the" Ratttso says, "opps" Ratttso giggles "alot of Tbars followers left Deceit then..", says Ratttso. Ratttso says, "and Deceit took in Pepperlands refugees when Cup got locked out and lost his Duchy" Ratttso says, "Since then Cup now known as Kup has restored his Duchy and many of his old PO's moved back.." Ratttso smiles, "Deceit changed a tad bit since then and is still building back up" "Do you have any plans for the duchy, Ratttso?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ratttso smiles, "yes..we're in Alliance with Britania now" Bront smiles Ratttso smiles at Bront "And what does that entail?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I like to see them both grow and prosper..", says Ratttso. Chiefsgirl nods Bront smiles, "We share a common e-mail list, duchy trade rules, and encourage trade between the two duchies" "we have both believe in having fun and responsible trading..", says Ratttso. Bront nods, likes that description better :) "yup..what he said", says Ratttso with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone have any questions for Ratttso?" Ratttso winks and says, "wow..no questions..I get off that easy?" Triton asks, "Yeah, hows it feel to be one of the few food sources for the felines round here .. being part feline yerself ?" Chiefsgirl laughs Ratttso laughs Ruylupez thinks the cats prefer fish "Kitty isn't particularly feline...", says Bront with a wink. "I am pretty self destructive..that's explains it", says Ratttso with a wink. Bront asks, "What plans do you have for the future of deceit?" "Wow..that's a tough one..it all depends on Kitty's future", says Ratttso. Bront hopes kitty has a bright future :) Ratttso says, "She is preparing to become a Duchess herself.." "Why is that Ratttso?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Well, if history is any guide, Ratttso may end up with yet another owner...", says Fancy. Triton says, "Aha !!! See i knew it, yer not really a food source after all .. yer one of them .. them .. furry critters just after fish .. ::shows the nekkid erkel picture around just in case anyone has any ideas about being hungry::" Bront laughs "Don't do it...Fed has enough duchies", says Ruylupez with a wink. Ratttso says, "as Satin and Cup before her it may be to much to handle 2 Duchies" Ratttso says, "exactly Fancy.." Ratttso has given Triton a hot tickle! Triton jumps "See, a hot tickle even, what ya dont like sushi", says Triton. Triton grins "Why would Kitty decide to become a duchy if you already have Deceit?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Good question..", says Ratttso. "Seems that those who have had Ratttso before have been inspired to make Duke or Duchess...", says Fancy. "She haas been a Baroness for over a year now..time to move on..Kit is the main character in Fed", says Ratttso. Bront hands Ratty a stick to beat of the men with ;) Ratttso grins and grabs that stick..;) Mira asks, "where did the name Ratttso come from anyway?" "It was a character in "Midnight Cowboy" played by Dustin Hoffman", says Ratttso. Ratttso ponders why she's a Rattt then ;) "hm, good question", says Mira with a wink. Ratttso chuckles "Anymore questions?", asks Ratttso. Chiefsgirl asks, "If you give Ratttso away, do you have any candidates in mind?" "I ask Satinsheets first..", says Ratttso. "I would hate to close Deceit down .she is an old Duchy and has alot of history", says Ratttso. Chiefsgirl nods "no one has changed the planet in all the transactions..which is great too", says Ratttso. Ratttso says, "It's kind of a tribute to Kyle" "Made by Kyle? or one of the other owners?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ratttso says, "Made by Kyle" Bront winks and says, "Planet by Kyle, sounds like a salon" "his Fed Companion is still notched on the bedpost", says Ratttso with a wink. Ratttso says, "it all depends if Kitty decides to become a Duchess tho" Chiefsgirl nods "Any questions for Ratttso?", asks Chiefsgirl. Ratttso says, "she has a little over a month before she can become a Duchess anyways" Chiefsgirl asks, "Why a month?" "hehe..low pop..she never had any intention on becoming a Duchess", says Ratttso. Bront is looking forward to Kitty posably promoting :) Chiefsgirl says, "Looks like it's full steam ahead" "so why is she contemplating Duchess now?", asks Mira. "well..like i said before Kitty is and always will be the main character in Fed..", says Ratttso. Mira winks and says, "oops, must've missed that" "she has learned alot being Rattty", says Ratttso. Mira nods in agreement.. Chiefsgirl looks to Bront, "And why would you be anxious for Kitty to promote?" Ratttso smiles Bront smiles, "Well, Kitty is my fed wife" Ratttso looks to Bront and smiles Bront is partners with Deciet because Kitty isn't a duchesse. Would love to be partners with Longbranch though :) Fancy thinks it has something to do with being able to do intimate things with privacy... Chiefsgirl winks and says, "yes, I know" Chiefsgirl laughs Ratttso winks and says, "hehe,.,that too" Fancy grins like the Cheshire Cat. Triton hides from the pseudo cat .. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Ratttso?" Ratttso smiles, "anymore questions?" Bront chuckles Ratttso smiles, "I'd like to thank you all for coming to hear my story.." Chiefsgirl applauds for Ratttso "and I'd like to thank Kup for helping out with the details in the beginning", says Ratttso. "I would also like to thank everyone for coming and invite you to the next Meet & Greet with Shaman on April 22", says Chiefsgirl. Ratttso smiles, "thanks again everyone" Wolfyn asks, "Are M&G every two weeks now?" "no, they are every week", says Chiefsgirl. "We are off next week for Easter", says Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn blinks. Of course! Chiefsgirl says, "And we weren't here last week because my guest cancelled and I couldn't find a sub" |