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Bront says, "Just tonight" "CG couldn't make it, so I offered to fill in", says Bront. Kup pulls up a chair Living proof of an insane universe, Ruylupez has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Bront smiles, "Ahh, there's the guest" "I don't suppose you would believe my ISP is messed up and i can't get online so I can't make it tonight?", asks Ruylupez. "Evening Jazir", smiles Kup. "Hi all", smiles Jazir. Rasal has just arrived. "hi Jaz", says Ruylupez. "Hey there Jaz", says Bront. "Um, no, sorry Ruy", says Bront with a wink. Ruylupez sighs Ruylupez says, "Guess i should have come up with a better story" Bront whispers to Ruy "Drink up, it will make things easier" "Well, now seems like a good time to start", says Bront. Bront smiles, "Welcome everyone to tonight's Meet and Greet" "yes, before anyone else shows up", says Ruylupez. Bront says, "Tonight's guest is Ruylupez" Bront applauds the guest Ruylupez stands and bows Bront says, "Ruy, why don't you tell us about yourself, and then we can turn the questions to the audience" Ruylupez says, "Hello, My name is Ruylupez...or Ruy" Bront whispers to Ruy "Carefull, they can be quite visious ;)" Kup starts taking notes Ruylupez says, "I started playing Fed exactly five years ago tonight" Ruylupez says, "Um..." Sirglec exclaims, "Cool!" "woohoo", says Kao. Jazir smiles, "Congrats" "Happy Anniversary", says Lobo. Bront hands Ruy his beer in the "Over the Hill" Mug Ruylupez says, "I know that because that is the billing date on my AOL account...and I started on the day my account went to unlimited" "I began playing with my AOL screen name of Paul1430", says Ruylupez. "I also used another AOL screen name, Kholl93773", says Ruylupez. Ruylupez says, "On both of those names I was PO of Chess in Tazmania Duchy" "And since everyone seems to through this in, on my first time up my facs were on 3 agri planets known as Leo, Biohazard, and Aphrika", says Ruylupez. Ruylupez says, "When Fed moved to the web I did quit for about a year...Then came back on this name." "I am proud of the fact that I worked my way up without any handouts...I earned every groat for everything I have done", says Ruylupez. "My current Fed name is acutally a typo...I intended to name myself Ruylopez, after a priest who was one of the first to analyze chess openings...and who was the first to offer analysis of my favorite chess opening", says Ruylupez. Ruylupez says, "I was a JP by the time I realized I had misspelled it" Bront chuckles, has misspelled it himself several times the other way ;) Juel applauds for typos "As a PO this time around I was in 5 duchies before going duke...I spent one night in a duchy I can't even remember...the day after I joined the duke DD'd", says Ruylupez. "Then I was in NWO until the Duke DD'd", says Ruylupez. "wow... sounds like a helluva hangover", says Kao. "Must have been Rasal's.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rasal pfffts. Ruylupez says, "Then I was in Landofboz until the Duke DD'd...and by this time i was feeling like a bad luck charm" Bront chuckles Ruylupez says, "After that I spent a few months in Essencia with Alyssia before ending up in Camp with BSACarl" Bsacarl smiles Ruylupez says, "I cant really think of anything else to say...any questions" Bront asks, "What got you interested in fighting?" "oh good...no questions....let's go", says Ruylupez. "Oh heck, I've got a question.", says Rasal. "i was bored", says Ruylupez. Rocinante asks, "Any advice for someone who wants to learn how to fight?" Ruylupez says, "Really...in fed I find you have to find things to keep your interest...fighting is one of those things for me...so is filling my ware" Foamfollower asks, "duck?" Bront nods "what are you going to do when your ware is full?", asks Ddking. "If you want to learn to fight check your insurance and show up at the fighting events...ask the people there and they will help you", says Ruylupez. Snowstar raises her hand with a question, hoping that Ruy remembers how gentle she is being on him here, "What's your favorite color?" "You do a dern fine job of hosting CoF Ruy, how did you come to be the host?", smiles Rasal. "i don't know Ddking...I'll deal with that when the time comes", says Ruylupez. "Snowstar...Blue", says Ruylupez. Snowstar smiles, "Any particular shade of blue?" Lobo raises his hand and asks, "Where's the bathroom?" Ruylupez says, "Rasal...i host Chess tournaments in RL so it seemed like an easy thing to do" Ruylupez winks and says, "On earth Lobo" Lobo wiggles... Rasal chuckles. Kao has a chess question for Ruy..... "I am a VERY avid chess player...", says Ruylupez. Rocinante says, "Anything is easy compater to that" "yes kao?", asks Ruylupez. Rocinante asks, "Ummm...compared?" "What is your impression of the Bogolubov-Alekhine match during which there 5 queens on the board at the same time?", asks Kao. Snowstar widens her eyes, peering at Kao. Rocinante falls on floor laughing hysterically "Hey..I like chess, too", says Kao. Kup blinks at Kao's knowledge of chess Ruylupez says, "I've never gone over that game...so i can't really say anything about it" Rocinante exclaims, "I bet he's not prepared for that one!" "Ruy, What made you decide to promote to Dukedom..and what advice would you give those considering the same?", asks Bsacarl. "Ohh... well you should... it's really wierd", says Kao. Kup has a Question for Ruy Ruylupez says, "Um...I was timewarping while drunk...and i would advise others to consider carefully if they really want it, it isn't easy to go back onces you have promoted" Ruylupez asks, "kup?" "What exactly does a Duke do with all these commodities you are stockpiling in your ware?", asks Kup. Bront is thinking realy wild new years party, but will listen for the answer Ruylupez says, "Well i intend to collect 19 one million ton bays then complain to IB that there is no way to fill the 20th bay" Rasal winks and says, "A solid plan." Juel says, "weighty at least" "Right now I have about 5 million tons of commods...so I am about 1/4th of the way", says Ruylupez. Kup thinks Ruy needs a new hobby ;) "How long do you think it'll take you to do that?", smiles Rasal. "My POs seem to disagree", says Ruylupez. Ruylupez says, "No idea Ras, I haul for awhile and then take a break til I am bored again...I don't have a time goal in mind" Ddking asks, "how do you decide which commod you want to collect?" Rocinante smiles, "I was gonna ask that one" Ruylupez says, "I only buy the commods from planets in Challenge...I look for things that are plentiful in the Duchy" "My first million ton bay came from Challenge, they may be the last commods from my planet in fed..", says Ruylupez. "did I miss anyone? anyone have anything else?", smiles Ruylupez. "What are your plans for the future Ruy?", asks Bront. "Any Love interests in Fed, Ruy?", asks Kup. Bront asks, "Do you plan on seeking another promotion? Any projects?" Rasal smiles, "What's been your most embarassing moment in Fed so far?" Kao tickles Ras... I was gonna ask that Ruylupez says, "No real plans for the future Bront, except to finish what I've been doing" Ruylupez says, "No current love interests...." "Any strange or disturbing experiences with animals caught on film that you are ashamed of?", asks Lobo. "And I would have to say this is my most embarassing moment in fed", says Ruylupez with a wink. "None Lobo", smiles Ruylupez. "Or at least none on film that still survives....", says Ruylupez. "Any more questions? We have to make this even more embarasing for him", says Bront with a wink. Lobo snorts with laughter...kinda embarrassng, eh? Rasal glances at Carl, "What's been Ruy's most embarassing Fed moment?" ;) Rasal smiles, "I figure his former Duke has to know something." Bsacarl asks, "Ruy, If you had the power to change a particular thing in Fed what would it be and why?" "good question", says Kao. ."I couldn't say if I knew Ras", says Bsacarl with a wink. Rasal chuckles. "I would let Dukes keep their exchange just cause i'd like to still have one", says Ruylupez. "I would love to have my Baron EX still...It was one of the best exchanges i've ever seen", says Ruylupez. Ruylupez looks around for more questions "Yeah, what are you doing in my exchange all the time?", smiles Mony. "I'm filling my ware...I have to buy the commods somewhere", smiles Ruylupez. "Any other questions for Ruy?", asks Bront. Ruylupez grins Sirglec tries to come up with some jeers for the generally nice guy. "Do you prefer any one fighting event over another?", asks Rasal. "Now now...no jeering at Ruy", smiles Snowstar. Memphisdave says, "oh...i did make it in time for the jeering then" Ruylupez says, "I actually prefered fighting in the Cup of Fearlessness....because It is an individual event" Darksaber looks for his book of jeers Kup points out that it's "Kup of fearlessness" Ruylupez says, "But i don't fight in it anymore now that I host it" "And i usually have to miss Capture the flag to do to the DUIT meeting", says Ruylupez. Rasal nods. "So that leaves which ever one CG is doing on Thursdays as my current favorite", says Ruylupez with a wink. Rasal grins. Lobo wonders...if there's a DUIT...should there also be a SCRUIT? Bront chuckles "Which of course would give rise to DUITTUIT.", says Rasal with a wink. "Well I also don't want to miss the DUIT meeting...of the 4 things going on that I really want to attend 2 are at the same time", says Ruylupez. Ruylupez sighs "So, Ruy, have any closing comments?", asks Bront. "Thanks for coming....and be sure to have really embarassing questions for "i plan on it", says Memphisdave. "Please pay Ruy no mind", smiles Snowstar. Snowstar exclaims, "Next week, you all have plans...Christmas is coming!" Bront smiles, "Thanks for coming everyone, and thank you for letting us embaras you Ruy" "yeah, Snow, plans to be here.", smiles Antonia. "oh we wouldn't think of christmas when we can jeer snow!", exclaims Memphisdave. Snowstar sighs. Ruylupez winks and says, "One of my workthingies does all the tailoring work on my outfits Rocinante" |