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Rere advertises Rere clears her voice "Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's Meet and Greet!", Rere exclaims. Rere says, "Each week we get to meet a new Fed personality and hear their fed history" "It is with great pleasure that I introduce Duke Shaman of Mahiethy!", Rere exclaims. Shaman nudges Angel... how's my hair? Freya applauds Myangel stands and applauds, and musses Sham's hair.. perfect ;) Rere claps and nudges Sham up on to the stage and sits on her stool sipping her drink Wrkincaid applauds and whistles Saffire applauds Shaman sputters and sticks his tongue out at Angel. Xia whistles and applauds for Shaman Rere smiles, "Sham, please tell us about your beginnings here in Fed" Shaman takes a seat on the stage and adjusts the mic. Shaman shoots Angel a glance ;) Rere looks for tights >ex shaman Shaman clears his throat.. Shaman says, "Well... I stumbled upon DataSpace sometime in the summer of 1996..." Shaman says, "I believe... shortly after AOL went unlimited.." "So the season could be wrong... but I'm almost positive it was '96", smiles Shaman. Rere asks, "Using the same name?" "I had always been interested in text-based games... having been Co-SysOp on a number of BBSs in my area, and scripted several door games for such.", says Shaman. Shaman says, "No... back on AOL I was known (or unknown) as DWhite1045." Rere winks and say, "Ahhh the old aol name" Chewbacon always hated TBing people with 6-10 digits after their name "Hehehe... I wasn't very social in the beginning.... except on 1... Where several people put up with my inane questions over and over again...", says Shaman. Dgallagher only had three. Shaman says, "I can't remember many of them, unfortunately..." "But one I do remember, was Preach....", says Shaman. Shaman says, "He helped me a lot way back when... until I dared tune to the other channels..." Totalparandroid winks and says, "What, I am not going to get TBs from Chewie ?" Chewbacon winks and says, "If Risahoweveryouspell her name gets one from time to time, you probably will" "I slowly worked my way up..... all the way to Adventurer...", says Shaman. Shaman says, "And I DD'd." Rere gasps Chewbacon says, "oops" Myangel cringes "On purpose?", Rere asks. "Oops is right", says Shaman with a wink. Shaman says, "Nope... It was on one of the old "DD" planets.. and I was young and stupid... and typed ahead..." Shaman says, "Kaput." Jazir winces "So a few days later I started again... and eventually found my way onto a little rock in a far off Duchy....", says Shaman. "I was just newly a Merchant... and not really sure what I was supposed to be doing....", says Shaman. "Where was that Shammy?", Rere asks. Chewbacon asks, "You didn't RTFM - read the fed manual?" "So JustADawg and SkipTheQ sat with me on Fleez for quite a while... explaining the ins and outs of being a Merchant", says Shaman. Chewbacon nods "I had skimmed it the manual... but being in school, sharing a computer at home, and sort of hiding the fact that I was playing Fed from my mom... I didn't have much time to pore over it.", says Shaman. Myangel grins slightly Rere giggles "So, I got a few factories on Skip and Fleez....", says Shaman. Shaman says, "Pharms and Lubs if I remember correctly." Rere coughs Shaman says, "And then I got some facs on Peri to help feed my facs on Fleez...." "And some facs on Fortress to help feed my facs on Skip... and some facs here to feed facs there....", says Shaman. Jazir grins Rere chuckles "hehehe..petro facs??", asks Myangel. Shaman says, "So cycles came and cycles went...." "And still I was a Merchant.", says Shaman. Shaman says, "I was adopted by Dawg shortly after I got all my facs squared away and was showing a profit." Shaman says, "Little did I (or he) know what he was getting himself into...." Kbear swings her feet innocently. Shaman has given Kbear a passionate tickle! Shaman says, "Kbear and I grew up together in Valhalla..." "I was older, so I was always getting her out of trouble....", says Shaman. Kbear winks and says, "some living better than others" Freya checks the notes from Gerhilda Wrkincaid chuckles Kbear sputters. Shaman says, "We were quite a large family... Too this day I'm not entirely sure what the tree looks like...." Kbear asks, "you know those twisted lil vines that climb walls..?" Shaman says, "But Corny was the head of the family... and everyone else was either an aunt, uncle, brother sister...." Rere thinks it's the entire forest "At least it's not a family trunk.", says Dgallagher. Shaman says, "It was quite the family vine." Shaman says, "We all had a lot of fun... it was a very active duchy...." Shaman says, "Eventually, with some help from my lil sis (Who made Squire while I was a struggling JP)...." Shaman says, "I made it through the ranks and finally finally finally... I was going to be able to online my planet." Shaman says, "Kbear sit with me... for 2 hours... from 2 o'clock in the morning... to online my planet and help me get set up...." Shaman says, "Back in the days, all of the duchies were full.... and I was on a waiting list...." "I learned to like Sol.. and it learned to like me.", says Shaman. Freya checks a list and hands it to Myangel "Eventually, right before Fed became pay to play... I made it into Valhalla...", says Shaman. Myangel reads the list completely..making a note here and there..and hands it back to Freya Freya nods Shaman glances at Freya and Angel... Freya smiles blandly Rere grins Freya says, "pay us no mind" Myangel sips her amaretto Shaman shifts his weight nervously. Shaman says, "Soo...." "Because I was a youngster, without CC or checks (or a lot of money).... I left Fed for a while....", says Shaman. "When I came back... much had changed...", says Shaman. Shaman says, "As in any close families, quarrels and such and happened in my absence..." Shaman says, "Valhalla was not what it was when I had left... and I didn't really know anyone...." "But I was grabbed one day by Beccai.. and dragged over to this planet I had never heard of before", says Shaman. Shaman says, "So I jump into Legacy.. and jump again and land on Loverly...." Shaman says, "Completely confused... having no idea how this Baroness Myangel knows me, or why it's so important to see me...." Myangel giggles softly. Wrkincaid winks and says, "she likes that completely confused look" Rere nods to Will Myangel just humms. Shaman winks and says, "My bratty lil sister had become a bratty lil Angel" Myangel has given Shaman a friendly tickle! Shaman has given Myangel a passionate tickle! Myangel winks and says, "try explaining that one to your dad" Shaman chuckles. "He'd never buy it", says Shaman with a wink. Kbear exclaims, "he never did!" "So... I eventually found a home for Mahiethy in Neverland... where it stayed for quite a while....", says Shaman. Shaman says, "At some point I decided that Neverland was not what I was looking for in a Duchy.. and Tbar was not what I was looking for in a Duke..." Shaman says, "So one night, I decided to leave... and went to the only Duchy I ever really wanted to join... Loverly." Myangel has given Shaman a sloppy hug! Rere smiles Freya smiles Shaman says, "I stayed there for a long time, working my way up to Baron.... It was a happy time for me... It was a great Duchy, with lots of active POs, and a great Duchess...." "Then... to paraphrase one of my favorite authors... I heard my wild geese... and decided that I wanted to be a Duke.", says Shaman. "Danmathman and I decided that it would be easier if we worked on it together...", says Shaman. Shaman says, "Since two heads are usually better than one..." "After many many many warps... we did it.", says Shaman. Shaman says, "Being a Duke is great... but I missed being in Loverly..." Shaman says, "So we knitted a big long tether...." IMyangel nods.. "To remind me where I came from, and what I aspired to .....", says Shaman. Shaman winks and says, "And for her, because she worried" Myangel nods again with a grin "At this time I was an Event host... hosting Galactic Lost and Found with Katheryne....", says Shaman. Shaman says, "And one night... in the middle of an event... I ported over to Numbers to check on an object someone had found." Shaman says, "I stupidly assumed that the LP was 10... because I kept typoing the Spynet report...." Shaman says, "And found myself floating in space." "Ooops.", says Shaman. Rere cringes Shaman says, "I was getting a flurry of requests to check objects... and not wanting to hold up the game... I went on to the next player...." "Because hey, I can always insure after the game....", says Shaman. "but did you have your porter permit on you?", asks Freya. Jazir winces "So... I hop over to Andoran 10... and lo-and-behold... I'm sucking vaccuum again....", says Shaman. Xia grimaces Shaman winks and says, "I think that was the first time a GroundHog hosted an event" Freya whispers to Myangel about how the underage porter operators problem is raising everyone's insurance Rere laughs "We did finish the event though...", says Shaman. Slider coughs as he listens to Freya and Angel. Shaman says, "with Teach and Fancy porting around to check objects and TBing me the descrips." Shaman says, "So I climbed back up through the ranks... and here I sit again.. with a maxxed population and Duchy." "Well, the Duchy is far from maxxed.", says Shaman. Shaman winks and says, "Hehehe.. but it's still here" "but what about the missing sheep, Shaman?", asks Freya. Rere listens to this carefully "That's basically it... I know I've forgotten events, and people.... and all kinds of things... but I don't want to take up too much time....", says Shaman. Freya pulls out the little red notebook Shaman says, "The sheep... I'll have to direct you to my lawyer..." Freya turns to Events and People Freya flips to Shaman's page "Does anyone have any questions for Shaman?", Rere asks. Shaman sits and fidgets. Slider says, "don't ask his lawyer..i've been looking for answers forever.." "what about the over due bar tab on Loverly?", asks Freya. Freya hands Shaman a copy of the bill supplied by Myangel Rere gasps at it's balance Shaman says, "The bar tab... I'll have to speak to the albino fellow on Fable... he said he was going to help me out...." Totalparandroid smiles, "Angel, you have more stamina than I" Freya says, "this definitely shows a serious problem with root beer floats" Myangel grins Kbear exclaims, "and hut back rent!" Freya holds up a document labeled Exhibit B Freya asks, "and what about this overdue insurance bill?" Shaman blocks his eyes from the bright lights. Sirglec thinks this has become a trial! :) "and this", says Freya. Shaman says, "Whoa now... I paid my insurance...." Shaman says, "I think...." "Uh oh...their gonna cancel your insurance!", exclaims Ruylupez. Freya waves another document labeled Loverly Exhibit C Freya says, "this is a Vet bill" Shaman tightbeams his lawyer and hushed tones. Freya whispers to Myangel Jazir winks and says, "Repo Mahiethy! It can be your new slogan, Shammy" Snowstar giggles. Myangel nods quietly. Freya says, "and finally...." Shaman says, "The vet bill? I didn't think I was responsible for that...." Freya pulls out a receipt on delicate pink paper Shaman smites Jazzie. Freya waves it under Shaman's nose Shaman sniffs the paper... Shaman asks, "Is that lavender?" "and what about this unpaid bill for tights?", asks Freya. "Uhhhhh... ummmmm.....", says Shaman. Shaman says, "Welll...." Freya says, "you know, we're supposed to publish unpaid bills in the Fed Chronicle" Shaman fidgets.... Freya taps her foot "Is it hot in here?", asks Shaman. "Nope.", says Dgallagher. Freya leans closer to Myangel and whispers again Shaman looks around.... "Wolfy!", exclaims Shaman. Wolfyn asks, "Urf?" Shaman says, "Tell 'em I don't owe any money for the tights" Freya says, "hmmm I put this to you, Shaman...on or around the night of the last full moon...." Freya asks, "does the name Cherub sound familiar?" Wolfyn says, "I didn't see nithin. I don't know nuthin." "Smart wolf.", says Dgallagher. "Ummm... it rings a bell... What of 'im?", asks Shaman. Freya says, "she, my good sir" "Sham, I think they are going to lynch ya if you don't pay up.", says Ford. "See? I have no idea who you're talking about", says Shaman. Freya says, "she has mentioned some flirting" "shy little thing can't even stay in the same room with him", says Myangel with a wink. Freya says, "invitations to the Martian ruins" Freya says, "promises of a moon of her own" Shaman coughs and pulls at his collar. Wrkincaid says, "good line." Shaman winks and says, "I thought so, Will" "I mean... uhhhh.....", says Shaman. Freya says, "what about this - she mentions something about a spatula" Jazir laughs "hmmm a SPATULA!", exclaims Freya. Shaman whistles... Kbear blinks! Rere tries hard to look shocked Freya asks, "Madam Duchess Myangel, do you have a spatula in the evidence files?" "But.... but.... Corny said that it was made for such things....", says Shaman. Myangel whispers softly to Freya, check his utensil belt.. "and just what things would that be?", asks Freya. Freya says, "you'll note he doesn't deny the spatula" Freya says, "indeed he states his familiarity with its uses" Kbear just shakes her head Shaman looks around... Shaman says, "Ummm..." Freya shakes her head sadly Freya says, "there's a lot of history here, SHaman" "not even mentioning the sheep", says Freya. Shaman says, "The sheep were not my fault." Freya asks, "now were the tights for you or the sheep?" Rere wonders what the total payment could possibly tally Shaman says, "They were mine." "ah ha!", exclaims Freya. "he admits it", says Freya. Freya asks, "and what about the ferrets?" "no wonder those vet bills are so high", says Freya. Wrkincaid says, "they were slightly singed by the dragons" "The ferrets were protected by me... from certain death on Donnan's ferret farm.", says Shaman. "and the secret experiemnts?", asks Freya. Shaman waves his Arizona pennant and quickly puts it away. Shaman says, "Secret experiments... ummm... They were secret.. so I don't know what happened." Freya asks, "and what about the Lusitania?" Shaman points to Kbear. Shaman says, "Her fault." Kbear shakes her head..and just hands her brother the broom. Freya says, "Citizens of Fed...I believe there is only one possible conclusion we can all come to from this evidence...." Freya says, "and that is that Shaman is entirely and completely guilty of having ....." Freya exclaims, "fun in Fed!" Shaman sweats like a promiscuous lady in church. Myangel cheers! Jazir grins Rere cheers and applauds Wrkincaid giggles and applauds Snowstar looks scandalized! Freya has given Shaman a hot hug! Shaman wipes the sweat off his forehead and wrings it out into a glass. Kbear asks, "does this mean.. he got out of the broom..again??" "What's the punishment for that Freya?", Rere asks. Shaman has given Freya a sloppy hug! "ahh he's sentenced to more time in Fed...", says Freya. "When did this become the Freya interviewing Shaman special ?", asks Totalparandroid. Rere dangles the cuffs and tosses them to Freya Freya neatly catches them Shaman says, "I accept the decree of this makeshift court." Freya cuffs Shaman to his porter unit Myangel whispers to Totalparandroid ..after the 4th attempt.. it was necessary ;) Ruylupez makes a note to be sure his accounts are all paid up if he ever does a meet and greet "are you sure that one is his?", asks Slider. Freya hands Shaman the jr porter permit Shaman checks... This is mine, Slider... "Yours has a few dings in it from Kbear", says Shaman with a wink. Slider kicks a dent in Sham's to match the one he put on mine. "you can tell it's Shaman's, it has those racing stripes", says Freya. "you pushed the buttons!", exclaims Kbear. You pushed me into the seat!", exclaims Shaman. Myangel winks and says, "hehehe..go faster stripes" Rasal winks and says, "Good job Shaman. I didn't have to throw any veggies at all." Shaman smiles, "Vroom vroom" Snowstar perks. Rere asks, "Anyone have any final questions?" Shaman says, "At least we avoided my scandalous career as a Priest in the Dannitarian Church..." Wrkincaid smiles, "good job Shaman" Shaman looks around at the crowd.... Myangel winks and says, "i'll be good" "Sham, do you have an all time favorite fed moment? And most embarrassing one?", Rere asks. Rasal group hugs. Kbear listens.. "An all time favorite.... hmmmmmm....", says Shaman. "Excellent job Sham", smiles Ford. Shaman says, "No... there are so many events in my Fed life that I'll never forget... that I can't remember them all at once...." Shaman says, "Almost all memorable for good reasons..." "and how bout most embarrassing? :::grins::", Rere says. "There a few embarassing moments as well...", says Shaman. "Hehehe... okay....", says Shaman. Rere taps her foot "Shammy... embarrassed?", asks Sirglec. Sirglec exclaims, "No way!" "So I was a Journeyman... I believe....", says Shaman. "And I had met a Merchant by the name of Bagh Tal...", says Shaman. Shaman says, "We got to know each other.. and we had a good time together...." Kbear covers her ears Shaman says, "So one day I was showing her all these places people had let me put on their planets..." Shaman says, "My office on Fleez first...." Shaman says, "Which was the first planet loc I ever wrote..." Shaman says, "Then my hut under the Landing Pads on Kodiak..." Shaman says, "So... we're at my hut.. and we're talking... and I buy her a drink....." Shaman says, "And blah blah blah... she snogs me...." "Great. Fantastic. I had no idea what that meant.", says Shaman. Shaman exclaims, "So, not wanting to seem.... young (even though I was)... I tb Kbear.... Sis! What's a snog?!" Rere holds back a giggle Kbear grins Ruylupez thinks of all the ways Kbear coulda come up with to embarrass Shaman with that one "I had no idea... so she explained it to me... and then I snogged her back.", says Shaman. "Then she left me...", says Shaman. "Well, Fed actually..", says Shaman. Rere laughs Kbear sent dad out for that lil pup chat.. Shaman smiles, "Yep... Pops took me "shopping" at the 'Tina" Rere waves her Yankee banner back at Sham Shaman sticks his tongue out at Rere. Rere asks, "Any final word Sham?" Shaman wipes his tongue on Rere's Yankee's banner. Shaman says, "Yes." Shaman stands and readjusts the mic. "I'll keep this short. Fed is a great place. I've met some of the greatest people I know here.... As in RL, it's what you make of it.", says Shaman. Shaman says, "It's possible to have fun here, and not depend on code changes and the like...." "... and the Yankees suck!", smiles Shaman. Shaman sits. Rere glares Shaman puts on his Boston hat and waves his Arizona banner. Rere smiles, "I'd like to thank everyone for coming tonight! Please join Chiefgirls for the next meet and greet" "Thanks for coming everyone!!", exclaims Shaman. Myangel smiles, "Well, I can safely say sham, you've changed my life.. for the better.. and i'd never ever change a moment of the time we've spent together here in fed" Rere smiles, "just one Chiefgirl" |