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"Chiefsgirl, What's the mortality rate of Meet and Greet?", asks Breyer. In his left mind, Sirglec has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Chiefsgirl asks, "What do you mean?" "How many people have you had DD at Meet and Greet.", says Breyer with a wink. Chiefsgirl exclaims, "oh!" "Just two", says Chiefsgirl. "Two? Who?", asks Breyer. Chiefsgirl says, "Pintomike and Onyxgod" "Hmm... okay.", says Breyer. Breyer tallies that in. "And it was the same day", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl rolls her eyes Perfidy says, "there were others" Chiefsgirl says, "They like the dramatic flair" "You are now tied with Lost and Found and Duchy Safari...", says Breyer. Chiefsgirl says, "Not that DD'd right here at the Meet & Greet, Perfidy" Chiefsgirl says, "oh my" "sure there was", says Perfidy. Chiefsgirl says, "Not while I was hosting" Perfidy grins Perfidy says, "okay" Chiefsgirl stands and smiles at the audience "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Every week we get the opportunity to meet a different personality" "Feel free to ask questions as the evening moves along", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I am thrilled to introduce Sirglec, Duke of Police, as our guest tonight" Ford asks, "The evening is going to move along?" Sirglec stands up and motions for the applause to contine. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Myangel applauds! Wolfyn wolf whistles and cheers! Sirglec continue even. ;) Kyushusan bows and claps politely. Wrkincaid applauds Myangel sits down and makes him actually talk now ;) Sirglec smiles, "I would like to start by saying.... Thanks for attending tonight." Wrkincaid snoozes next to Angel Sirglec pokes Will. "Not fair." Wrkincaid giggles "it's fair..we're married", says Myangel with a wink. "Well..... I'll start by giving a quick history of myself.", says Sirglec. Ford asks, "Can we start roasting Sir now?" Myangel whispers...start the coals ford ;) Chiefsgirl whispers that Ford should wait until after the brief history "I started Fed just before AOL went unlimited..", says Sirglec. Rere mixes the marinade Ford says, "Ok Sir, give us a history of your briefs." "But! I didn't have any large AOL bills. Luckily, unlimited started quick.", says Sirglec with a wink. "He doesn't wear boxers?", asks Von. Myangel whispers to Wolfy..his briefs..not your panties.. Wolfyn whispers to Von. Perfidy ponders AOl FEd Sirglec shakes his head at Von. "Nope" Von listens and giggles Von winks and says, "Red stole them I bet" Rere nods to Von "I worked my rearend off in the trading game primarily in Nuke and hate to say it... Onyx.", says Sirglec. Rere gasps Wolfyn gasps! Sirglec says, "Me too." "No salsa...get a rope", says Von. "Then I met a gentleman in Buffet.", says Sirglec. Perfidy says, "Onyx ruled back then" "Danmathman of Numbers.", says Sirglec. "Onyx ruled only in his imagination", says Djkat. "I believe he was an Industrialist at that time.", says Sirglec. Perfidy grins "He gave me an office on Numbers and got me promoted to Merchant.", says Sirglec. "I had all my facs on Numbers and Why. Both his planets.", says Sirglec. "Why?", asks Von. "Sounds familiar", smiles Ford. "cuz", says Myangel with a wink. Sirglec shrugs. ;) "Then..... Fed decided to start fiddling with the promo requirement for merchie and jp.", says Sirglec. Wrkincaid chuckles "It took me four cycles to finally make jp.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Only four?", asks Rere. "Yep... I finally figured out you had to macro at night to make it.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn smiles, "Hmmm." "I was only a JP for one cycle and had my planet in no time.", says Sirglec. Sirglec says, "Then the hunt for a duchy began. None of the ducals had any openings." "So, you didn't have to do the snark?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sirglec says, "Nope. Just the cycles." "it was broke", says Perfidy. Sirglec says, "The snark was gone by then." Djkat nods, remembering that the Snark was broken Rere still doesn't know what the snark is lol Sirglec says, "Well... I finally was invited to join Pacifica by Delvish." "That's where I remember that name!", exclaims Von. Perfidy says, "a good man he was" Sirglec frowns and says, "I joined Pacifica. Was there about a week then changed my isp and there went Fed." Rere asks, "Did you play under the same name?" Wolfyn frowns and says, "Aww" Sirglec says, "Yes I did." Sirglec says, "Then in the summer of 99, I received an e-mail from Hazed inviting me to try Web Fed." Sirglec says, "I was more than anxious to get back in Fed, so I got an account immediately.," Sirglec says, "I didn't realize Fed had changed dramatically." Sirglec smiles, "I battled my way to trader and prepared for the long fight to Merchie." Sirglec winks and says, "I was a trader for 10 minutes." Rere chuckles Von chuckles. "A quickie, eh?", asks Wolfyn. Von giggles. "Better get used to it Wolfie", says Rere with a wink. "Dan ported over and gave me enought groats to max stats and look for the gm.", says Sirglec. Wolfyn blushes! Sirglec blushes more. Rere falls over laughing! Sirglec glares at Rere. "I'll get even." Rere smiles sweetly "I found the gm quickly and bought all my facs on.....", says Sirglec. Sirglec winks and says, "You guessed it Numbers and Why." Von asks, "Why?" Sirglec shrugs. "cause!", exclaims Rere. Myangel giggles. Von says, "I don't believe it" Von exclaims, "He did it again!" Sirglec winks and says, "Well.... I promoted very quickly and got my planet again." Sirglec says, "I named it Police. In memory of my first planet." Rere just looks at Wolfie but says nothing more Sirglec shoots a rubberband at Rere. Rere ducks giggling Wolfyn whispers to Rere, "Quickies are okay as long as he does it again." Sirglec says, "Well... I onlined.. hehehehehe..." Sirglec coughs and straightens his jacket. "And again and again...", says Von with a wink. Rere thinks tupperware Sirglec says, "Well... I onlined Police and got this tb from a certain Duchess." Myangel whispers to wolfy..nice blush he's got going.. Sirglec smiles. Wrkincaid listens and reminds Sir of his ears Sirglec covers his ears and continues. Sirglec says, "This Duchess invited me to meet her on her planet." Wolfyn listens intently! Wrkincaid wonders which duchess that was "I knew there had to be some skeletons!", exclaims Wolfyn. "I di her planet and she was full of planets so I knew she wasn't inviting me to join. I was skeptical.", says Sirglec. Sirglec points at Angel.. 'She did it.' :) Myangel scrolls back to see what she did.. "you typed that", says Myangel with a wink. "Invited me.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn covers her eyes. Rere asks, "Another quicky?" Von wonders if she would do it again Sirglec nods. Myangel exclaims, "hey!" Sirglec says, "Well... I didn't want to go. I had not very fond memories of my days back in AOL Fed." "Why was that?", asks Wolfyn. Sirglec says, "In AOL fed, I just promoted to Captain and was anxious to leave Sol." "Well... I went to the beacon and did a di routes.", says Sirglec. "The first place in the list was Arena.", says Sirglec with a wink. Jazir laughs "Oh geez", says Von. "Uh oh.", says Wolfyn. Sirglec says, "I didn't know what that was." "I jumped Arena.", says Sirglec. Sirglec winks and says, "I woke up in the hospital." "oh boy", says Chiefsgirl. "Ouch", says Rere. Perfidy smiles and nods to Sirglec "I didn't even know who did it.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Just wait till you jump into Wolfie's arena.", says Ford. Sirglec says, "I wasn't even sure what happened." Sirglec winks and says, "I can handle her." Wolfyn bats her eyelashes. Myangel makes the "too much info" motion. "Famous last words!", exclaims Ford. Wrkincaid makes notes "Well... I crawled to my ship. Orbited and and got the message about too bad I didn't reinsure.", says Sirglec with a frown. "Ack", says Jazir. "I was hooked, so I started all over again.", says Sirglec. Rere frowns and says, "Oh gosh Sir...that's terrible" "I made Captain... quickly!", says Sirglec with a wink. Jazir grins Perfidy ponders what too much info is? Rere whispers to Wolfie...quick...quickly...quicky and grins Sirglec says, "I was invited by someone to their planet. I jumped from sol and to this person's planet..." "Boom... I was in the hospital again.", says Sirglec with a frown. "At this point, I was very frustrated.", says Sirglec. Wolfyn knits a bullet-proof ship cover. Djkat wonders why Sir didnt change his name to Yo-yo Von wonders how many times it took before he learned Sirglec says, "Then an amazing thing happened." "There was this person named Hazed that appeared before me.", says Sirglec. Rere raises up a brow "Whoa", says Von. Sirglec winks and says, "She taught me the sell ship, travel commands." Wolfyn is impressed! Jazir grins Sirglec winks and says, "The best commands I've ever learned." Von winks and says, "I would have figured Hazed would have handed you a manual to read." Rere chuckles "So.. to say the least, When Angel invited me to her planet, I didn't want to go.", says Sirglec with a wink. Chiefsgirl could understand that "I said to myself.. Myself, if her orbit and link aren't the same, to heck with her.", says Sirglec with a wink. Myangel giggles. Chiefsgirl grins "They were and I met one of the most wonderful persons in Fed.", smiles Sirglec. Rere wonders if you hear these voices often Myangel blushes! Sirglec nods to Re. "She introduced me to the long gone Cvsnipe.", says Sirglec. "Reminds Sir that dead people see angels too.", says Ford. "He had just Duked and invited me to join Snipe.", says Sirglec. Sirglec chuckles. ;) Wolfyn smiles. Myangel pokes ford to see if he's dead. Sirglec says, "I joined Snipe, then later Numbers after Cv was gone." Ford just grunts. "I duked and the rest is history.", says Sirglec with a wink. Von thought pigs grunted "That's as short as I can make it.", says Sirglec with a wink. Von ducks behind DJ Chiefsgirl thought it was excellent "Ford.... pig.... er.. nevermind.", says Sirglec with a wink. Djkat puts up a brave front Wolfyn asks, "When did you do the dukey thing?" Ford says, "No dear, they snort." Von says, "Oh" Von says, "Sound the same to me" Sirglec smiles, "Hmmm..... May 2000." Chiefsgirl asks, "Did you always want to be a duke?" Rere asks, "Can you tell us the orgin of your name?" Sirglec has no notes so dates are approximate. ;) "Sorry Cg", says Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "It's ok" Sirglec says, "It goes back to the days of BBS'." "Long before AOL, etc.", says Sirglec. "What's BBS?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Bulletin Board Services.", says Sirglec. Ford asks, "When did you first realize you wanted to be a tyrant and run a Police state?" Sirglec exclaims, "Hey!" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "oh!" "On a local bbs I was playing a game called Trade Wars.", says Sirglec. Myangel whispers to Sir.. May 28,2000 ;) Sirglec says, "The bbs was run by a cop friend of mine and I was playing under my real name." Sirglec whispers to Angel, "Thanks" Sirglec says, "so we had to come up with an alias for me." Sirglec says, "to make a long story short. I raised geckos at the time." "The friend was in my company so he nicknamed me SirGecko.", says Sirglec. Rere ponders Sirgecko with a giggle "Better than Lizardman", says Von with a wink. "Well... didn't take long for gecko to become..", says Sirglec. Chiefsgirl keeps hearing a voice saying "I'm a gecko not a geico" Sirglec whisper. "geek". Wolfyn rouses from a quick nap.."Sir Geeko?" Myangel giggles at cg. Sirglec winks and says, "there you go... I changed it to glec." Sirglec says, "And that's what it's been for years." Rere asks, "A Geckowolf?" Wolfyn is grateful. Von laughs Wolfyn says, "Tell us how you met the love of your life, Sir." "And make it good.", says Wolfyn. Rere giggles Djkat laughs Sirglec winks and says, "As far as a Police State.... I'm a former cop, so I had to do the profession justice." Chiefsgirl grins Sirglec chuckles. Sirglec says, "Love of my life.... hmmmm...." Djkat mutters .. geek cop raises geckos .. hmmmmmmm Sirglec glares at Dj! Djkat is glad he didnt have to say that fast 5 times Sirglec says, "I happened to log on one night and this Duchess asked me a fairly hard question." "she asked me.... Sir, Will you marry me?", asks Sirglec. Rere stifles a giggle Wrkincaid remembers that evening Wolfyn winks and says, "Geeze, it wasn't multiple choice or anything, just true false." Sirglec says, "Well.... non of my socalled close, good friends will help me out." Chiefsgirl wonders if she should try that approach Wrkincaid says, "some things you just have to do . on your own" Wolfyn laughs. "true false? Nope... it was yes or no on the paws and Rasal had smudged the no into a yes.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn coughs. He did? Rere laughs! Myangel winks and says, "third time was the charm" Sirglec winks and says, "I had no choice. And I was the third choice." "You didn't even court her? She just asked you to marry her?", asks Von. Wolfyn coughs, second? Rere recalls second as well Wolfyn stutters, oh yeah, third. Myangel grins Sirglec correct the StunningCanine, third... "But the best choice!", exclaims Wolfyn. Perfidy laughs "I'm glad.", says Sirglec with a wink. Von smiles. "Well, I selected the left paw, which said yes.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rere smiles :) Wolfyn waves the left paw. Wolfyn says, "But we met before then, Sir." "True.... but you were alwaize asleep.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Uh oh.", says Wolfyn. "You know what they say about sleeping dogs.", says Sirglec. Wolfyn says, "He's going to have to work his way around this." Wolfyn says, "I attacked you from on top of one of your vending machines." Sirglec wasn't in Chicago this year. ;) Jazir laughs and remembers that Perfidy ponders the left versus the right "you made up for it later", says Myangel with a wink. Wolfyn grins. Sirglec shusssshes Angel. Wolfyn twitches her tail. Sirglec blushes. Myangel giggles "Any questions for Sirglec?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sirglec smiles, "I truthfully don't remember the vending machine pounce." Perfidy looks around for bears "The most embarrassing moment question! Aside from this moment.", says Wolfyn. "Still wants an answer about the Police state thingie.", says Ford. Sirglec winks and says, "I answered it Ford... you vanished." "No fair, I wasn't here!", exclaims Ford. Sirglec winks and says, "Okay....I am a former cop, so I had to do the profession justice." Ford asks, "So ya now run a Police state?" "former?", asks Perfidy. Sirglec winks and says, "the most embarrassing moment, was logging on and having a person I didn't know ask me to marry her." "Yes Perfidy, he is now refored.", says Ford. "I doubt that", says Von. "No police state... democracy.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rere asks, "And do you have a favorite Fed Memory?" Sirglec says, "or Bureaucracy as it is...." Perfidy asks, "refored?" "Favorite memory.... next Wednesday night.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn dances from paw to paw to paw to paw! Sirglec says, "Since that hasn't happened yet.... It would have to be..." Von thinks that was so sweet Sirglec says, "When I travelled with Jazir and he made Duke." "Any reason?", asks Rere. Djkat has given Von a sloppy kiss! "He made many trips and I was never so happy for anyone when he finally solved the puzzle.", smiles Sirglec. Sirglec looks around. "This is easy." ;) Chiefsgirl asks, "Any more questions for Sir?" Djkat says, "of course, they are asking you quesitons about your favorite subject .. you" "Sir, were there ever any other loves in your fed live?", asks Rere. "Duchy rules?", asks Wolfyn. Sirglec takes a drink of whatever was sitting on the bar. Wolfyn puts off her question for later and wants Rere's! Sirglec says, "Just one, but she wasn't around very long." Ford looks for the bucket of mop water he left on the bar. "Detail...we want details!", exclaims Rere. Sirglec looks at Angel. "Hush" Sirglec smiles. "Sir, Rasal would be here but he's stuck in the loo.", says Wolfyn. Myangel grins Von laughs Rasal has just arrived. "No kidding", says Von. Sirglec says, "Well... you see... Angel had this daughter." Wolfyn listens. ;) "About time you left the John.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rasal winks and says, "I will address that next week." "I was falling hard for her, but she ups and leaves Fed.", says Sirglec. Rere awwws Wolfyn frowns and says, "Awww." Ford smiles, "Looks like there was plenty of hard falling left in ya" "Any other fed family Sir?", asks Rere. Sirglec winks and says, "I had if for her, but I don't think she had it for me... one of them secret admiring things." "No Fed family, except my WINGS family.", smiles Sirglec. Sirglec winks and says, "And that is a big complicated family." Wolfyn nods solemnly! Myangel asks, "How many fedders have you met rl Sir?" "A bunch!", exclaims Sirglec. Rasal shoots his hand in the air. "At least it wasn't alot!", exclaims Wolfyn. Sirglec winks and says, "I don't have an exact number, but severl." Myangel giggles at Wolfy ;) Wolfyn ducks. Sirglec glares at Wolfy. Djkat says, "and not a vacant lot, either" Von asks, "Are you sure?" "Tell us more about this recent KC meet Sir...", says Rere with a wink. Wolfyn dances from paw to paw.. well, you know. Sirglec winks and says, "I think this is a setup." Rasal says, "No no no, tell us about the plans for the wedding night." Wolfyn dances more! Sirglec winks and says, "Rasal! that's our secret." "yeah..now that you bought a screen", says Myangel with a wink. "Err, not any more? Spill it.", says Rasal with a wink. Sirglec chuckles. Wolfyn whispers to Sirglec, "When are you going to let me in on it?" Rere envisions a doggie penthouse on the moon "Are you going to put a "Bad Dog" sign on your patrol ship and let Wolfie ride along with ya?", asks Ford. Sirglec will spare Wolfy's honor. Wolfyn exclaims, "So you're the one who has it!" Wolfyn has been looking for that everywhere. Jazir chuckles Sirglec winks and says, "Sure! and a secret hide away." Rasal winks and says, "And what will go on in this secret hideaway? Secret stuff?" Chiefsgirl smiles Wolfyn winks and says, "So back to Rere's question." Sirglec bans Rasal from Police! Rere peers over to Sir "And after Wednesday night, Caddo too.", says Sirglec with a wink. Sirglec asks, "What was Re's question?" Wolfyn coughs a little! Wolfyn shouts, "KC. :)" "I wanted to hear more about the KC meet", says Rere. "Was there blushing involved Sir?", asks Rere. "Ohhhh......", says Sirglec. Wolfyn clamps a hand around her muzzle. "Some.... Angel and Wolfy are good at making a person blush.", says Sirglec with a wink. Von envisions a Wolfyn Police wolf "And Will doesn't help a guy out.", says Sirglec. "Oh my, how did we do that?", asks Wolfyn. Rere says, "Angel? Wolfie? Naw..." "Sir, Will is smart.", says Ford. Myangel just humms "Yes, just how did they accomplish that Sir?", asks Rere. "Anyway.... last weekend, I was honored to host Will, Angel, and Wolfy in KC.", says Sirglec. Wolfyn smiles! Sirglec says, "We went to the local Ren Fest and had a great time." Wolfyn says, "And we were very nice and polite to him and didn't embarrass him at all." "And.... I got to get to know Wolfy in RL.", says Sirglec with a wink. Sirglec watches wolfy's snout enlongate. Wolfyn nuzzles her cold nose under Sirglec's chin. Sirglec jumps. Wolfyn says, "So I lie like a ... canine." "Yes!", exclaims Sirglec. Sirglec winks and says, "We had a great weekend and can't wait for the next fed meet." Chiefsgirl smiles Sirglec winks and says, "Oh Yes.... Fahfard had to put up with all of us Saturday evening." Myangel smiles, "and survived!" Myangel winks and says, "we think" Fahfard grins at his duchess. "ah've 'ad nae complaints.", says Fahfard. Wolfyn nudges Sir a moment, "Advertise the wedding, dear." Myangel smiles, "when is the big day sir?" Sirglec whispers to Wolfy, "I will" "Since I'm being pushed....", says Sirglec. Fahfard chuckles Wolfyn looks innocent. Myangel winks and says, "that was a nudge" "Sit, ya supposed to say "Yes Dear"", says Ford. Chiefsgirl grins Wolfyn has given Ford a warm hug! Von chuckles Sirglec smiles, "Wednesday night. After the Cup, everyone is invited to Wolfy's wedding on Honshu." "and mine.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn says, "Uh, yours too I hope." Jazir smiles "Good save.", smiles Rasal. Myangel giggles ;) Wolfyn has given Sirglec a nice tickle! Sirglec giggles and squirms. Sirglec has given Wolfyn a sloppy kiss! Sirglec winks and says, "Whew." Ford asks, "Waht abour your wedding? Are we invited to it too?" Fahfard grins at Sir. Sirglec winks and says, "Everyone is invited and I expect to see everyone there." "Any final questions for Sir?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Did you save a special set of cuffs just for her?", asks Rere. "final, as in .. famous last words as a bachelor?", asks Djkat. Wolfyn blushes. Rasal asks, "When's the bachelor party?" Sirglec nods. "Yep, Dg made them. " Ford says, "No final questions, just condolences." Rere laughs! Myangel asks, "what were those three things you'd never do in fed?" "when is the bridal shower", says Wrkincaid. Wolfyn jangles the quad-cuffs. "What Angel?", asks Rere. Sirglec points at Wolfyn, "She did it." "Oh, you were asking Sir lol", says Rere. Sirglec says, "Wolfy has corrupted me." Rasal snorts. Wolfyn is listening. Fahfard says, "uh huh..." "I've alwaize said there are 3 things in Fed I wouldn't do..", says Sirglec. "Naw Sir, you didn't need her help.", says Ford. Chiefsgirl can't wait to hear this Sirglec says, "1) fighting events - I lose." "Pah!", exclaims Wolfyn. "2) Appear on M&G - As of now, I lose.", says Sirglec. Wolfyn exclaims, "Pah!" Sirglec winks and says, "3) Fed Wed - I lose next Wednesday." Myangel grins Wolfyn has given Sirglec a passionate kiss! Rere snickers Von winks and says, "Never say never" Chiefsgirl giggles "See.... she's corupted me.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn laughs. Rere winks and says, "You don't lose...you gain a few pups" "But just think of how fun 1 and 2 have been!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "Oh no dear man, the corruption happens after the wedding.", says Rasal with a wink. "women..don'tcha just love em?", says Myangel with a wink. Sirglec looks at Wolfyn."Something you're not telling me?" Wolfyn knits little German Shepherd police dog booties. Ford winks and says, "Sir, don't forget not to reinsure" "Women have... errrr... nevermind.", says Sirglec. Sirglec whistles innocently. Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any final words for your Meet & Greet appearance tonight, Sir?" "Just ask him if he has any final words period", says Ford with a wink. Sirglec says, "Since I wasn't ver going to be here....." "This has been fun.", smiles Sirglec. Chiefsgirl smiles Sirglec winks and says, "Everyone should have to do this." Chiefsgirl agrees Rere cheers and applauds Sir! "It should be a fed rule.", says Sirglec. Jazir smiles and claps Wrkincaid applauds Ford exclaims, "Well done Sir!!!!!!! Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "I want to thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn wolf whistles and cheers! "Thanks for hosting CG", smiles Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "And thank Sirglec for being my guest" "Thank you all.", says Sirglec. Myangel stands and applauds her friend "I hope you'll join me next week when my guest will be Rasal", says Chiefsgirl. "Thanks for having me CG.", smiles Sirglec. Chiefsgirl cheers for Sirglec "Who?", asks Rasal. Wolfyn exclaims, "Roast NasalHog!" "It was a pleasure Sir", says Chiefsgirl. "hehehehehe... Paybacks Ras.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Some dude that used to be a duke or something", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "That's next week? Hmm... I need a scheduling conflict asap!", smiles Rasal. Sirglec kisses the StunningCanine. Wolfyn beams! "What if I was off doing the Duke puzzle at that time?", smiles Rasal. Sirglec winks and says, "Cool.... M&G in horsell." Rere coughs Chiefsgirl says, "It looks like your entire audience would be with you" Wolfyn winks and says, "You'd be begging for groats all the way." Rasal chuckles. "I will not beg for groats. I will however, grovel quite nicely for them.", smiles Rasal. Rere disarms Sir and pulls out her blaster holding him very still Myangel slaps the cuffs on Sir Wolfyn says, "Uh oh." Myangel winks and says, "you'll have to come with us occifer" Rere nods Ditzy says, "Ooo, I haven't seen a really good grovel in weeks." Wolfyn whines. Rasal says, "This looks like trouble." Rere adjusts Angel's halo Myangel readies the porter Rere attaches a line to Sir Wolfyn waves bye-bye to Sir. Wolfyn has given Sirglec a friendly kiss! "good luck Sir", says Wrkincaid. Wolfyn asks, "Have him back by Wednesday, okay?" "You got it", says Rere with a wink. Myangel smiles, "yeps" Rere watches Ras prepare the pigs in a blanket and giggles Myangel whispers to rere..the muzzle isn't necessary is it? Rere doesn't think so Kyushusan exclaims, "And if you turn him into a vixen.. well, at least make it a stunning one!" Rere laughs Sirglec struggles in the cuffs. "His last night of freedom...no worries Kyush", says Rere. "Hey.... I have 2 nights left.", says Sirglec with a wink. "Err... I suppose this is as good a time as any.", says Rasal. Myangel nods and fires up the porter Wolfyn pads the cuffs with fake fur. Your comm unit whispers that Myangel has just vanished. In his left mind, Sirglec has just vanished. The always vixinnocent Duchess Rere has just vanished. |