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Chiefsgirl giggles "I went so easy on you last week, Ruy :P", says Snowstar. Rasal prepares the really dark, secret questions. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet" "The Meet & Greet is held every Sunday night as a chance to meet a different personality ... sort of like a live This Is Your Life", says Chiefsgirl. "Tonight I'm thrilled to have Snowstar, Baroness of Starsicle, as my guest", says Chiefsgirl. "She'll tell us a bit about herself and answer questions you may have", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Please give her the opportunity to answer the question on the floor before bombarding her with more" "So without further ado, I present Snowstar!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl plops down on her barstool and applauds wildly Snowstar leaves her comfy perch between Lobo, Jaz, and Ruy and hops onto a bar stool. Snowstar says, "Ok...where to start" Chiefsgirl likes starting at the beginning "Oooo last November, I suppose", smiles Snowstar. Lobo says, "How about when you were 18...good place to start" Chiefsgirl asks, "What happened last November?" Snowstar says, "I wandered into Fed at the insistence of a friend, though he didn't know I had done so...and tada, was born as sweet little Fleur" Snowstar smiles, "Fleur started hanging in Juelz right from the start...hauled for Pilgrim" "Who was the friend that got you to come in?", asks Chiefsgirl. "That was Penterkar", smiles Snowstar. Chiefsgirl smiles at the thought of Pent Snowstar says, "Like I said though, he didn't know I'd actually done it though" Chiefsgirl nods "So Fleur was actually shortlived...was getting highly annoyed by a stalker, and I was only a merchie, so I dd'ed her", says Snowstar. Chiefsgirl says, "Pesky little stalkers" Chiefsgirl tsks "Tell me about it", says Snowstar with a wink. "sorry...I didn't realize it was bothering you...", says Lobo. "Its ok, I'm used to you now, Lobo", says Snowstar with a wink. Snowstar winks and says, "My name Snowstar is actually a type of flower...keeping with the Fleur tradition" Snowstar says, "Qaxlor helped me make the transition between flower children, and I ended up with all my facs in Juelz....from Q, Keen, and a few others" Chiefsgirl giggles "I remember one of the first times I met Juel, I said to her "You have some fantastic men in your duchy!!"", says Snowstar. Snowstar says, "She says, "The women are very nice too!" I was like, "Oh...ok, whatever!"" "I don't think there was maybe one or two women there at the time though", says Snowstar. Juel had plans to keep the number down... "So anyhow...did my thing, got my planet, and promptly retired from hauling", smiles Snowstar. "Very wise", says Chiefsgirl. Snowstar proudly states that her teleporter and time machine are made of 100% Starsicle materials. Lobo gets tired of cross-dressing to even out numbers at Juelz parties though... Chiefsgirl applauds "That's so cool.", says Chiefsgirl. "You've got that biker chick thing so down though, Lobo", says Snowstar with a wink. "So I take it you started planning ahead for that teleporter?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snowstar nods at CG, "Started stashing at indy...future munchies and all" Chiefsgirl is very impressed "I believe in setting your planet to work for you, not for you to work for your planet", says Snowstar with a wink. "Very good philosophy", says Chiefsgirl. Snowstar smiles, "Its funner that way" Antonia thinks that sounds good "have you enjoyed one rank more than any other Snowstar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snowstar thinks, "Definitely baroness...the mobility" Zeroz wonders what this 'work' word is... where it came from... Alternate coughs "Techies rules" cough Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl asks, "Do you have any plans to become a duchess?" Juel sees porter dust all over Juelz..all the time "Although squire was pretty cool too...everyone wants to help you so you meet a lot of people", says Snowstar. Snowstar smiles, "Nah, I don't want to be a duchess...I'd miss Juelz too much" Chiefsgirl smiles Juel breathes a sigh of relief Snowstar says, "And too much responsibility too...gotta keep all us younguns happy" Alternate raises his well dressed hand "Hi Snow, I am not here to ask you to autograph your bikini photos that Lobo is distributing at 50 megs a piece... While it is obvious you have a flower and winter name, how did you decide on the name Snowstar when there are many other flowers?", asks Alternate. Snowstar grins at Alt, "Very good question...partly because the Star part sounded spacy" "Makes sense..thank you", says Alternate. "And secondly because it was winter...an uncommonly cold one in Florida and I was freezing my buns off", says Snowstar. Alternate says, "That does fit, with your great sense of humor Snow..thank you" Snowstar winks and says, "They are having mercy on me, Juel" Zeroz asks, "Will you ever go Duchess?" "So far", says Rere with a wink. Snowstar smiles, "CG just asked that...nope, I'm staying where I'm at" "Oh whoops.", says Zeroz. Silverkat scrolls back to the previous answer Zeroz winks and says, "Ok, then add on to it. Why did you come up with that choice?" Juel winks at Rere ...and waits Snowstar smiles, "Ya'll can ask me that again if you want" Kup asks, "Why the Time Machine then?" Snowlily thinks Kup needs a lesson in Horsell-ness "I love living in Juelz, Zeroz...and would miss it too much. Plus don't want the responsibility", says Snowstar. Snowstar smiles at Kup, "Every baroness needs a toy" Juel can answer that one... redevous are much more private on Horsell Lobo raises his hand and asks...."If I can get 50 meg apeice for these bikini photos...do you think it fair I ask for 100 meg for these without the bikini? "Just one Snow?", asks Rere. "rendevous too", says Juel. Antonia thinks that makes sense Snowstar winks and says, "You just do what you have to do to earn your own time machine, Lobo" "hehe well, Rere...the handcuffs were getting boring", says Snowstar with a wink. "So, you take trips to Horsell even though you're not working on the puzzle, Snow?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I just got my time machine on Friday, CG...I haven't even tried it yet", smiles Snowstar. "Though...we could try it now", says Snowstar with a wink. Chiefsgirl used to just take trips to Horsell for fun "Hi Snowness, while it is very rare for an Alt to get lucky in Fed. I have gotten lucky once since my return into Fed and I managed to blow your ship into pieces during the Cup of Fearlessness. I have a piece of your hull. Will you please autograph it for", says Alternate. Alternate presents THE guest with the hull. Snowstar laughs and autographs the scrap piece of hull for Alt, signed "Your Snowness" Snowstar has bought you a Fuzzy Muff! The hot spiced cider with a splash of rum and a cinnamon stick is sure to warm your innards!! Snowstar winks and says, "The Fuzzy Muff has a little history, though not as exciting as it would seem" "please share it with us, Snow", smiles Chiefsgirl. Snowstar says, "I was buying the cider drink all along, without a name for it." "Then when I built my bar on Starsicle...with its waitresses in iceskater costumes, I named the bar the Fuzzy Muff", says Snowstar. Chiefsgirl had been wondering about that Snowstar smiles, "And suddenly my drink had a name...the signature drink of the Fuzzy Muff on Starsicle" Chiefsgirl wanted to talk a little bit about Federation Survivor where she met Snowstar Zeroz says, "What's your favorite planet in Sol? I don't mean the player ones either." Snowstar smiles, "Probably earth, Zero...I spend a lot of time in the 'tina keeping Navs company" "Well, Juel NEEDS watching", says Lobo. Snowstar winks and says, "Sit tight everyone...I've never driven this thing before" Chiefsgirl giggles There is a build up of time tension in your area... and... the tension is suddenly released and you are catapulted through time... Chiefsgirl asks, "now that we're away from the spying eyes, is there anything juicy you'd like to share with us Snow?" "But all the spying eyes are here! lol", says Snowlily. Rere rubs her hands together "I mean you're here with only your very closest friends", smiles Chiefsgirl. "One last question Baroness. Recently as I came across several suicidal Fed bachelors. I have heard from them that Ruylupez has been trying to capture your heart. What exactly has he done to win such treasure?", asks Alternate. "Ruy who?", asks Snowstar. Chiefsgirl pushes Ruy to the front of the crowd, "This guy here" Insomnius asks, "What could possibly capture such a heart?" Alternate points at the host of Cup of Fearlessnees.... Ruylupez "He's rather cute and all...but a little uptight", says Snowstar with a wink. Snowstar winks and says, "Besides...he spies me all the time, knows too much about me" "I don't spy you ALL the time", says Ruylupez. Rere winks and says, "Just most" "Most the time", says Snowstar with a wink. Chiefsgirl doesn't understand this big fascination with spying Juel says, "this is the escape...." "Are you doing something fun, Snow?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl wants to know what she's missing out on Ruylupez dosn't spy anywhere near as much as snow seems to think Snowstar smiles, "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't having fun" "Go Snow!", smiles Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "ooooo.... such a good answer" Chiefsgirl has tons of fun herself Snowstar asks, "CG, you wanted to ask about Survivor?" Chiefsgirl bounces Chiefsgirl says, "oh yes" Ruylupez asks, "Survivor What?" Chiefsgirl glances at her notes Chiefsgirl asks, "You made it all the way into the final four during Survivor. Did you have a strategy or was that just luck?" "It was luck...the other tribe kept losing their immunity challenges", smiles Snowstar. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl asks, "What was the best part of your Survivor experience?" "Oh we have to talk about Ruy again?", says Snowstar with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Ruylupez grins Chiefsgirl asks, "And what was your least favorite part?" "Snow, do you often take your guests on unexpected tours?", asks Roslyn. "The best part was licking frozen whippy from his fingers, in an effort to be spared his vote off", says Snowstar with a wink. Snowstar winks and says, "Ros...I love the unexpected, keeps you on your toes" "Least favorite part of Survivor...was the initial few days when I was actually bored during non-challenge times", says Snowstar. Rere winks and says, "You had a fun time exploring though" There is a build up of time tension in your area... and... the tension is suddenly released and you are catapulted through time... Earth landing area "Everyone stay still so we can finish up in one large group", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl loves these field trips Snowstar winks and says, "Welcome back home" Snowstar takes a seat on the LP. Chiefsgirl totally forgets what else she wanted to talk about Survivor "Let's talk relationships for a moment....", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl asks, "Have you had any serious ones, Snow?" Ruylupez is glad CG wasn't there to ask about survivor last week ;) Snowstar smiles, "Nothing significant, CG" "Any red hot one night stands then?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snowstar smiles, "Thanks for everyone's patience during the warp...I hope everyone caught the warnings that we were going, but probably not all" Juel has the lp blocked with all these ships Silverkat says, "sneaky way to leave people where they cant ask you any hard questions, Snow" Snowstar winks and says, "Red hot one night stands? Hmm nope they usually come back for more" Snowstar smiles, "Thanks for coming, you warrior types" Rere asks, "Snow, do you have a most embrarrassing moment? Happiest?" Snowstar smiles, "I think my happiest was the first time I kicked Jazir's butt in Fedpardy" Rere asks, "And most embarrasing?" Ruylupez listens closely "Embarrassing? I obviously don't embarrass easily, or I wouldn't plan to stay a baroness", says Snowstar with a wink. Alternate asks, "Snow, since you know, please explain to the rest of us..what is a Ploof ?" Snowstar had to sign an inch-high sheet of paperwork, swearing to never reveal that information! Redspice asks, "ummmmm, do you realize how tramatic this could be for a newbie to come in and see everyone standing here...??" "I was just thinking that too", says Chiefsgirl. Snowstar says, "We'll all shout "Welcome to FED!!"" "they might think they were back in old fed", says Juel. "I'd love to see their faces", says Rere with a wink. Silverkat asks, "what better way to welcome people to our world?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Did I miss the definition of ploof?" "She's sworn to secrecy CG", says Rere with a wink. Snowstar was sworn to secrecy on that. "I just wanna know if it's good", says Rere with a wink. "nope CG, Snow sidestepped the question", says Alternate. "You'd enjoy it, Rere", smiles Snowstar. Silverkat asks, "sworn to secrecy .. by who?" "ummm, We knew you were coming so we baked a cake too..welcome to Fed", says Redspice. Juel is so glad she went off duty at 9 Snowstar grins at her duchess. Rere says, "Don't mind the crowd standing there..." "Any more questions for Snow?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Just the welcome committee", says Rere with a wink. "Snow, who has consumed the most Fuzzy Muffs?", asks Juel. Snowstar says, "In just a short time, I'd say Lobo" "he's a Muffaholic!", exclaims Snowstar. Juel asks, "what's the most special spot on Starsicle?" "My apartment loft is my favorite spot on Starsicle, Juel....it has it all, beanbag chairs, kitchen, hot tub, and bed", smiles Snowstar. Lobo says, "and the mirrored ceiling" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any final questions for Snowstar?" Zeroz says, "One last" "Why'd you do this M&G tonight?", asks Zeroz. Zeroz grins. "what are your insurance premimums theses days?", asks Juel. Snowstar winks and says, "Because I became good friends with CG when we were tribeys in Fed Survivor 3...so when she asked, I couldn't say no" "I'm really not sure what my insurance is now, Juel", smiles Snowstar. Juel whispers well keep paying it whatever the cost Alternate asks, "Snow, recently you tied with Jazir in the Brainy league of Fed. How do you plan to beat him this season ?" Snowstar winks and says, "I wasn't planning to get untied from him to find out" "More Phrase Right?", asks Rere. "Wheel Game!!!", smiles Jazir. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any final thoughts for us Snowstar as your Meet & Greet draws to a close?" Snowstar smiles, "Ummm have fun out there, folks" "quite a thought", says Redclaw. "I want to thank Snowstar again for agreeing to be my guest tonight. Please join me next week when my guest will be Chelsia", says Chiefsgirl. "Thanks for coming everyone...and thanks for hosting, CG", smiles Snowstar. |