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A definite spinner, Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "Congrats on the TTTT, CG!!", exclaims Snowstar. Chiefsgirl asks, "tttt?" "me?", asks Chiefsgirl. "LOL di rhapsody!", exclaims Snowstar. Chiefsgirl says, "oh my goodness" Chiefsgirl laughs "Is that too funny, or what??", asks Snowstar. "It is!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk says, "And yeah, you won somehow Duchesse." "Well, we had a little fun last night", smiles Chiefsgirl. Snowstar winks and says, "Must have been that free-for-all we had last night" Sparhawk is working on his planet, trying to fix it and maybe even add to it for the first time in nearly 3 years. "I think that's only the 2nd time I've won it", says Chiefsgirl. Snowstar giggles, "That's just too cool...I love surprise trophies" Sparhawk doesn't remember if he's won it, but he thinks he has. Snowstar smiles, "We were just talking about the TTTT....CG won it by accident tonight" Sparhawk notices that this is starting late, which is bad, since there is a wedding at 10 Your comm unit relays a message from Sparkhawk, "Okay everyone, get your bored butts over to Da Duff Modem, it's time to roast me just like the Friar's Club did to Hefner." Snowstar exclaims, "I'm sure they'll hold the wedding until your thingie is over, Spar...they'll want guests at it!" Sparhawk had better see more people than 6 guests show up. Snowstar winks and says, "But its the best possible 6 people you could ask for" Sparhawk says, "Well, it is a great 8 or 9 people, or 10." Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "**Join me tonight at 9.00 pm Eastern for the MEET & GREET with my guest Sparhawk, Baron of Bah! Join us at The Duff Modem Pub on Mars (sol 251 for the shimmering crowd)!**" Your comm unit relays a message from Rasal, "I didn't see Sparhawk at my M&G, hence Sparkhawk won't see me at his. ;)" Your comm unit relays a message from Chiefsgirl, "that is so mean Rasal." Your comm unit relays a message from Kao, "Oh... come on over, Ras." Your comm unit relays a message from Sparkhawk, "And if ya don't come, I'll start hauling either to your planet or in youd Duchy. Your comm unit relays a message from Snowlily, "Rasal, you can be such a party-pooper!" Your comm unit relays a message from Sparkhawk, "And I'm sorry Rasal, I probably was in my 9 month hiatus." "Can I ask someone to be sure to log this in case I keep getting punted tonight?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk is logging as always. :) Sparhawk smiles, "Have I ever NOT logged when I'm in fed?" Your comm unit relays a message from Rasal, "::chuckles:: 'Twas all a joke folks." Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat Kapitle sits and waits "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Your comm unit relays a message from Sparkhawk, "*still doesn't see Rasal here*" "my guest tonight is Sparhawk, Baron of Bah, who just happens to reside at the moment in Rhapsody", says Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk bows deeply to those assembled. Your comm unit relays a message from Rasal, "I'm almost there." Sparhawk blushes through a series of colors, ending in the UV, giving you all dark tans. Your comm unit relays a message from Sparkhawk, "Yer a Duke, 'port." Borne on Destiny's WINGS, Rasal has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Sparhawk smirks. Sparhawk turns to the hostess and smiles. Sparhawk peers at his Duchesse and waves a hand in front of her face. Chelsia asks, "me thinks CG may be on the verge of a punt, perhaps?" Sparhawk asks, "Well, in the mean time, I must ask, who has seen the Friar's Club Roasts?" "i have!!", exclaims Kapitle. "I have", says Chelsia. Wolfyn shakes her head no. Memphisdave says, "i lost count on the cursing" Sparhawk laughs. Kapitle whispers, "are we waiting for something?" "Well, who here knows me well enough to roast me while we wait for Duchesse Chiefsgirl to get back?", Sparhawk asks. Kao hops off her barstool... Sparhawk gives Chiefsgirl a warm snog! Sparhawk laughs and thought Kao might. Kao says, "I'll pinch hit" Kao says, "Good evening Ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Meet and Greet" A definite spinner, Chiefsgirl has just disappeared. A definite spinner, Chiefsgirl has just appeared. Sparhawk laughs. Kao says, "Tonight our guest is Sparhawk, Baron of Bah" Sparhawk grins and tickles his Duchesse. Kao says, "First... we will let Spar tell us a little about himself" "I'm sorry everyone", says Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk smiles. "Thank you for picking up the slack Kao", says Chiefsgirl. Kao says, "Then you can ask questions" Chiefsgirl applauds for Sparhawk Kao bows to Sparhawk "Barone Sparhawk... please begin", says Kao. Kao hops onto a barstool and sips her beer Sparhawk blushes a bright pink again and then snaps his fingers and 'ports in his overstuffed recliner and a keg of root beer to drink as he talks. Sparhawk says, "Well, where to begin. I'm one of the youngest and oldest players of fed. I started playing at the ripe age of just shy of 15. and while I haven't played constantly or all the time, Fed has always been a part of me." Kao mutters about too many younguns Chelsia nods Kapitle snickers "I managed in one week to spend 110 hours and 500 dollars playing fed, back when it was on GEnie/Delphi, and you could spend hours being the only person online late at night.", Sparhawk says. Snowlily whispers to Kao, But he's not a youngun any more, hmmm.. Sparhawk shrugs, he's certainly not young now. Chiefsgirl asks, "What in heavens name did you do by yourself here?" Sparhawk shrugs, "Sat being a nice, angst filled, depression ridden teenager. Hauling. Visiting and paper mapping planets. I never made it past merchant, since back then the promotion to JP was the Snark puzzle. I probably dd'd 'bout a half dozen times in t Sparhawk still has some of his hand drawn maps somewhere. Kapitle wonders where the rest of spar's stentance went....must be in his mouth still "And of course, there were plenty of times when other people were online, and I made friends whom I cared about long after I stopped playing Fed in GEnie.", Sparhawk says. Sparhawk grumbles at the text length limit. "I managed to log a total of 900 dollars in GEnie bills over 'bout 2 months, and then my parent's got their credit card bills.", Sparhawk says. Chiefsgirl asks, "And how did your parents react to that?" "Um, they were mad? I pretty much spent the next year on local area bbs's that were free and paying back my parents through chores.", Sparhawk says. Sparhawk says, "But I kinda disappeared from fed in late '95 and didn't really show up again until Jan. of '98." Kao snickers Sparhawk says, "I once made it onto AOL fed, but never really got into it. Just too many damned people compared to what I was used to." Chelsia winces remembering Sparhawk says, "But Fed has always been a part of me, so sometime in Jan. of '98, I did a web search, found that Fed had gone to the web, opened up my Zmud client, and logged in to start over." "And I've been playing webfed ever since.", Sparhawk says. Chelsia wants the good stuff now.. Sparhawk grins. "Well, that's my general fed life story. Now I'm open to questions.", Sparhawk smiles. "How much has it changed from when you first started to now?", asks Malia. "Were you always Sparhawk?", asks Snowlily. Sparhawk says, "Well, more people, more sex, more channels, more planets than GEnie fed." Kao likes the more sex part "good thing or bad thing?", asks Kapitle. Sparhawk says, "act shrugs." "there is? damn.. I knew I was missing something...", says Chelsia. Kapitle says, "you dont say" Kapitle says something Sparhawk says, "I have always been Sparhawk in web fed." Snowlily asks, "Who were you before, in Genie?" "Um, I think I went by the moniker "Freak"", Sparhawk says. Sparhawk can't remember really. Myangel asks, "what keeps bringing you back Spar?" Kapitle *cough*...me...*cough* "The people.", Sparhawk says. Sparhawk says, "Except for Kapitle." "lol, i knew it", says Kapitle. Jazir laughs Snowstar grins. "im so damn annoying around people", says Kapitle. "Usually the women bring me back.", Sparhawk says. "thats probobly why i play this game instead of having a real life", says Kapitle. Chelsia asks, "So when I met you at the Fed meet... you had only been back a short time?" Snowlily couldn't agree with Kapitle more "No, 'cause that was in may 2000. I had alrdy been back for 2+ years.", Sparhawk says. Kapitle says, "So it was prbobly a lot easier to gain ranks after coming back, huh" "it was... thought it was longer ago than that... sheeesh it is hell to be senile", says Chelsia. Kapitle says, "or had it changed too much" Sparhawk nods. Sparhawk says, "I dded the day before fed went to pay, and I had just made it to JP for the first time ever, but I came back so quickly it was amazing." "I've also dd'd while an Indy, and came back, now I'm a Baron, and if I dd, I'm gonna be so pissed, I'm gonna find a way to get enough money to buy ibgames and fix my character back to the way it was.", Sparhawk says. Sparhawk says, "So the ranks are just much easier now." Kao has managed to not dd "where has bah called home?", asks Myangel. "cool", says Kapitle. "lol, i hope u do spar", says Kapitle. Chelsia thumbs up to Kao Kao says, "Well.... you can't dd by just screwing" Snowstar giggles. Kao winks Sparhawk ponders, "Bah has called many places home over the last 2 or so years. Probably the true home of Bah would be Sol, since I am THE Baron of Sol. I've called Art home, since Artopia was the first person to give me jobs when I made Captain. Sparhawk says, "I've been in Loverly, Rhapsody, Wingdman's Duchy, and my logs only know how many others." Sparhawk says, "And you could dd by screwing, if your stam drops, you die, and you go back to screwing without reinsuring." "what a way to go tho.. eh?", asks Chelsia. "Damn straight.", Sparhawk says. Chiefsgirl reminds everyone to try to keep this PG-13 at least "who gave you the title THE Baron of Sol?", smiles Myangel. Sparhawk says, "In the past 4.842 years, I've seen so much it's been amazing. I've listened to the various trends and fads. I never understood the whole Guild thing, for which I'm probably glad. And I've taken that title myself, since no one else wanted it." Sparhawk grins impishly. "Do you have any plans to become a duke, Spar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Kao winks and says, "Well... I never screw with someone who won't at least feed me" Sparhawk grins and turns around, lifts up his kilt, and moons those assembled, also showing off the tattoo across his tailbone, 'BFL'. He then drops the kilt, turns back around, and says, "No." "And what's BFL stand for?", asks Chiefsgirl. Snowstar hopes its Baron For Life. Kao isn't gonna guess Snowlily does too "Cuz I can think of other words that fit there", says Snowstar with a wink. Sparhawk nods to Snowstar, "Ayup. Sparhawk shall be a Baron for Life." Sparhawk smiles, "And don't even get started with other possibilities, I've heard enough of 'em." Sparhawk says, "Unless they open up some type of like senate position again, where I get to keep my planet and exchange and also get to boss people around, then I might become a Senator." "Any other questions for my wonderful self or the basket I carry with me or 'bout my kilt, or my planet, or anything else?", Sparhawk asks. >ex sparhawk Snowlily nudges Kao and wonders what she found under the kilt... "I want to know how you have attached yer kilt.. so Red couldn't get it... I bet you used superglue...", says Chelsia. "Nope, no superglue.", Sparhawk says. "It's cause he has no boxers!", says Snowlily with a wink. Snowlily thinks kilts don't count Sparhawk says, "I've been to Horsell at least a half-dozen times, though never with a group that completed the puzzle." "And the boxers are surgically grafted onto me. That's why you can't get them off. Only the clothes stores can remove it safely.", Sparhawk says. Sparhawk grumbles at his own typos, "That should be kilt that's stuck on me. Snowstar winks and says, "I'll bet that's inconvenient on a hot date" Sparhawk says, "Nope. My hot tub has nanites that can remove my kilt in an instant." Sparhawk is ALWAYS ready for a hot date, "Though I don't get many of 'em." Sparhawk says, "That's why I carry the basket of 'goodies' around." Sparhawk says, "There's a fight coming up and a wedding. If there are no other questions...," he turns to CG. Kao asks, "A fight and a wedding? in that order?" "No, they both happen at 10.", Sparhawk says. "Anyone else have any final questions for Spar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sparhawk bows deeply. "And don't forget, read the transcripts of my previous 3 meet and greets and come the next years too. "what exactly is a sparhawk anyway?", asks Mira. Tis thinks she may have to do one some day. Sparhawk says, "My name is a shortened form of a 3-letter-longer name in a fav book of mine. 'No, the name is not from Eddings' Elenium series." "Sparrowhawk?", asks Snowstar. Sparhawk nods. Sparhawk relaxes in his recliner and sits his rootbeer. Rick wonders if sitting a rootbeer hurts "You're an interesting fellow Spar, I'm glad to know you. Thanks for the wonderful meet, again", smiles Myangel. "Thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. "Well, my final words for tonite are "don't trade on Bah, it doesn't want the tourist hours."", Sparhawk says. Chiefsgirl says, "I don't have a guest yet for next weeks Meet & Greet, but watch the posts on the board for guest announcement." Sparhawk smiles, "Now, are there any ladies here willing to take me home with them?" |