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Chiefsgirl says, "Congratulations Chewie" Macnbc takes a seat in the shadows of the back and grins. Chiefsgirl pulls Macnbc up to the front Macnbc looks surprised and clings to his seat for dear life as it screeches down the aisle Satinsheets is gonna buy her a new spybeam with her prize groats! Chewbacon exclaims, "I'm gonna party!" "Great job Mac!!", exclaims Chelsia. Chelsia stands applauding Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat "Good evening and welcome to a special edition of the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Macnbc asked me if we could gather here once Fed Survivor ended tonight to talk about things and meet all the contestants" "I hope you'll all have many questions for everyone, but first I think Macnbc should tell us a little about the FedSurvivor concept and the different challenges they faced during the week", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "We'll have an audience reading this transcript that wasn't able to watch the entire week" Macnbc says, "Federation Survivor was a week-long event in Federation based on the CBS show of the same name." Satinsheets looks shocked. "I know.. shocking", says Macnbc. Macnbc says, "In it, 10 contestants were deserted on an island-planet without ships, money, teleporters, or comm units." Macnbc says, "They only had themselves, the planets, and their own wits." Macnbc winks and says, "planet singluar" Chiefsgirl smiles "Every night they had to face an immunity challenge which determined who would go to tribal council.. at tribal council.. one player was voted off the island every night.", says Macnbc. "What sort of challenges did they face all week?", asks Chiefsgirl. Darkhorse says, "Anyway, I doubt there are questions for a guy who was in the game for 1 full hour." "The challenges ranged from sophisticated mazes, to simple trivia games, to the most mundane of tasks.", says Macnbc. Chiefsgirl ties Darkhorse down to a barstool reserved just for him Bartholomew says, "Like pissing off Danny" "True, Bart", says Chewbacon with a wink. Satinsheets winks and says, "We got to express our love for Danny too" Rasal would switch mundane and complicated in that statement. "On the final night (that would be today).. a jury made up of those who were voted off came back to decide who would win the game out of the two remaining players.", says Macnbc. Macnbc smiles, "Chewbacon won that vote." "Chewwwwwwie!", exclaims Satinsheets. "He did?", asks Jelly. Darkhorse wiggles on his chair with ropes tying him down. Chiefsgirl applauds for Chewbacon Jelly asks, "And why wasn't I informed of this?" "Hooty hoo!", exclaims Chewbacon. "Jelly, we're just his two assitants.. they never tell us anything.", says Breyer. Bartholomew hoists Chewie upon his shoulders and carries him about the room... Jelly wonders how strong bartholomew is, to carry a wookie Chewbacon winks and says, "w00kies are 8 feet tall, ya know" Chiefsgirl says, "Mac, I know you were the host, but tell us a bit about the staff you needed to help you pull this event off" Bartholomew has the strength of 10 grinches...plus 2 "Better duck, Chewie", says Satinsheets with a wink. "Well I do have a long list of people to thank..", says Macnbc. Chewbacon laughs "Yeah CG, have him tell you about Jelly, and I... and Raph and Wolfyn.", says Breyer. Darkhorse says, "Start with the pope." Macnbc says, "the Ibgames staffers.. Hazed especially were a great help in lending official support to the game.." "And don't forget the camer... I mean bush", says Jelly. I'm just a bush, not a camera. Survivor is here. Bartholomew says, "don't forget the Academy" "Bront, Rere, Witchdoctor, and Pantara all monitored the planet tirelessly to make sure nobody cheated..", says Macnbc. "Wolfyn offered us much sage advice while Raphael designed our beautiful world in almost no time at all..", says Macnbc. Satinsheets musta been too busy to notice them. Jelly doesnt hide in the bushes as well as the others "and finally, last but not least, Jelly and Breyer acted as my eyes, ears, arms, and legs.. they did everything I could not do and everything I did not have time to do.. without them.. Federation Survivor would still be an idea floating around", says Macnbc. "in my head", says Macnbc. Rasal winks and points in one-way, and one-way only. "And we also stall well", says Jelly with a wink. "that too", says Macnbc with a wink. Breyer nods, "An hour of stalling." Chewbacon sifts through his groats Thulium chuckles and recalls Doc being quite agitated that Pepper was camped out on Pulautiga ;) Chiefsgirl thinks the entire staff deserves a round of cheers Kao cheers and applauds Chiefsgirl lifts her glass, "Cheers!" "And human directionals?", asks Bartholomew. Brenda applauds Darkhorse applauses. Roslyn applauds Eenigma golf claps. Bsacarl cheers for the staff Chewbacon would buy round ,but his account looks sooooo goooood Thulium stands and applauds Satinsheets cheers for everyone who helped make it seem realistic. Chelsia cheers Saffire cheers Bartholomew exclaims, "This is it, you're almost there!" "Reach for that immunity necklace if you dare!", exclaims Bartholomew. Bartholomew says, "The next place you have been to many times.." "Just go to the shuttle drop-off spot and end these stupid rhymes!", exclaims Bartholomew. Satinsheets grins at Bart. "Ugh.", says Rasal. Bsacarl says, "lol" Chiefsgirl asks, "Now, I'd like to hear from the contestants.....would you each tell us how you got involved and why you wanted to participate?" "I didn't write it", says Bartholomew with a wink. "And you didn't have to repeat it either.", says Rasal with a wink. Eenigma says, "Well the only thing we had to go on was the hype given by the staff, and it wore me down. Plus I thought it was a good opportunity to meet some new people and earn some money. Glad I at least got to do one of those." "Satin, you're someone that everyone knows and loves... what made you decide to participate?", asks Chiefsgirl. Satinsheets smiles, "Well I'll beg to disagree on that first statement...but I jumped on the chance the first I heard of it. A real-live adventure in Fed was too hard to pass up" Chiefsgirl grins Satinsheets smiles, "I had a blast...am SO glad to be home though" "Rasal, Darkhorse, Carl... how about you all?", asks Chiefsgirl. Bartholomew vouches for that "you are so someone Satin", says Chelsia with a wink. Bsacarl says, "I got involved as a contestant because I really wanted to be a part of this event. The idea of being stranded on an island and doing challenges was quite appealing. All of the Survivors were great to be around too." Bsacarl says, "Mac and his team provided an excellent game" "I did it as a last hurrah sort of thing.", says Rasal. "I joined because Mac got me drunk on a keg of beer in CD's", says Darkhorse. Kao chuckles "oh, and Powonga still rocks!", smiles Bsacarl. "Ah, the draft/", says Rasal. Chiefsgirl peers at Rasal, "What do you mean, last hurrah?" "That's the most logical answer I've heard so far", smiles Satinsheets. Bsacarl ducks Chelsia peers at the rascal "Oh, one last bit of fun before that fade into obscurity.", smiles Rasal. Satinsheets came out of the ole fade for this =P Thulium chuckles.. has been in obscurity his entire Fed career :) Bartholomew remains in the ol' fade Bartholomew says, "It's comfy in here" "How did you all feel about being on one planet, no comm units, no outside contact?", asks Chiefsgirl. "That was the best part of it", smiles Satinsheets. "It was kind of serene at first, but once things started getting irritating on the planet it was a rush to get off.", says Eenigma with a wink. Bsacarl says, "mine only lasted 4 days...it was ok :::twitches a bit:::" "If I wanted to explore and hang out uninterrupted, I just didn't log onto AIM", smiles Satinsheets. Darkhorse didn't like being without a comm unit for 2 days afterwards Rasal says, "Heheh, I was seriously dying for my comm unit by Wednesday evening." Satinsheets missed her spybeam and spynet reports most....found the way to cure the bar board withdrawals though. Satinsheets winks at Surv. "I wanted that comm unit back so bad, that's when I engineered the "Vote Rasal Off" plan.", says Rasal. "Didn't work the first night Ras", says Eenigma with a wink. Chiefsgirl asks, "How did you go about that Rasal?" Rasal winks and says, "Didn't work any night except the last one." Satinsheets almost didn't give Ras his mercy vote ;) "If it's any consolation, I voted for you Ras", smiles Eenigma. Rasal smiles, "I very nearly had to flog everyone for their vote at the end. Thankfully, it didn't get that ugly." Chiefsgirl laughs "If I'd known you'd flog me, I would have made you sweat more", says Satinsheets with a wink. "What were some of your favorite challenges you faced this week?", asks Chiefsgirl. Bartholomew says, "No...ugly came the previous night" Eenigma says, "The first maze was the best, as the other two were merely inferior versions of it." "I liked the challenge on night 3...the maze thru the tree branches", smiles Satinsheets. "The forest maze was very nice, though the challenge itself was shortened quite a bit.", says Rasal. "Yeah that one coulda been great", says Satinsheets. Roslyn mumbles "What challenges didn't you like?", asks Chiefsgirl. "The ones I didn't win.", says Rasal with a wink. Eenigma says, "The other two mazes" Chiefsgirl laughs Roslyn says, "In that case I liked them all" Bsacarl says, "the tree maze was very confusing" "I hated the last one tonight...the 'I love Danny' mantras", says Satinsheets with a wink. "I think the ideas for the challenges were solid. But there was a lot of confusion and mayhem in actually pulling them off.", says Rasal. Chiefsgirl smiles "So I liked all of them, but I didn't like them.", says Rasal. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone in the audience have any questions for the Survivor folks?" "Eenigma...how did Rasal taste as a turkey leg?", says Bartholomew with a wink. Satinsheets winks and says, "Not as good as barbequed wookie, I'll bet" Kao says, "I liked the part when Satin ate Chewie" Eenigma winks and says, "I never got the chance to dine" "audience members were telling Survivor to tell her to fart him out", says Kao. Bartholomew asks, "Question for all...was there a conspiracy involved in the voting off of Megadude?" Kao says, "Mega sure thought so...LOL" Rasal says, "Conspiracy is such an ugly word." "Nope", says Satinsheets. Bsacarl winks and says, "And for everyones concern, we did manage to make a campfire without incident" "No conspiracy, it's just 10 survivors can't be wrong", says Eenigma with a wink. "More like we all saw the same threat really.", smiles Rasal. Satinsheets says, "Rasal said it best....something about giving us some credit for all recognizing a threat." Kao asks, "what was the threat?" Bartholomew says, "Megadude's backstage dealings" "A lot of this is detailed in my journals", says Satinsheets. Bartholomew says, "Yes, Satin has detailed journals on the web" "where and when are you publishing them, Satin?", asks Kao. "Well to me, Megadude was trying to claw his way to the top. So I did my part to nix it and remove an obstacle in my own way.", smiles Rasal. "they will be linked to the Fed Survivor website shortly", says Macnbc with a wink. Satinsheets says, "They are posted now at http://web.tampabay.rr.com/poopdeck/survivor.html" Satinsheets says, "Days 6 and 7 will be posted shortly...I got my journal written up through the night that Megadud got voted off" "I'm sort of disappointed that I missed his reactions. It was quite um, venomous from what I understand.", says Rasal. Satinsheets shudders. Bartholomew says, "well, his lack of cajones in not showing up for the final vote certainly proves that name" Roslyn has just vanished. Macnbc smiles, "OK, the journals are now linked on the Fed Survivor website at http://go.to/fedsurvivor go read them AFTER the meet and greet" "yeah..his vote could have changed things....maybe", says Kao. Kao wonders what would have happened had there been a tie Bartholomew says, "It was pure venom...but he apologized later, saying he'd had a bad day in rl" Satinsheets winks and says, "Well he wouldn't have voted for Chewie, that is certain" "Whose lack of cajones", says Darkhorse. "Not you, DH", smiles Satinsheets. Darkhorse puts them on the table. "Now them there are some cajones", says Darkhorse. Satinsheets giggles. Chelsia says, "eeewww" Rasal is suddenly reminded of 'lamb fries' for some reason. "Pulau Tiga oysters", says Bartholomew. Chiefsgirl asks, "Would you all say that this was an experience worth repeating?" Bsacarl says, "definetly" "I'll be having a post-survivor party on Tuesday night...in honor of the tribeys and staff, and my sponsors from each night", smiles Satinsheets. "Not at all.", says Eenigma. "I would like to be in the next one...", says Chelsia. Intrepid asks, "Zuh?" "No Eenigma?", asks Chiefsgirl. Rasal says, "Heh, I have to admit there's no way I'd do it again." Intrepid shouts, "CG...98%" Eenigma says, "Nope." Satinsheets wouldn't do it again...no way in sol. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, I think interest has been stirred and a lot of folks would like to try it for themselves" "i personally enjoyed being there and getting to know each member of my Tribe..not to mention the other tribe too", smiles Bsacarl. "As would I.", says Intrepid. Chiefsgirl says, "in fact, Mac has some news for us regarding that..." "I just feel grubby after all this time...", says Satinsheets. Kao might give the next one a try Macnbc winks and says, "yes indeed I do" Macnbc smiles, "spy Survivor everybody!" Just watching, Macnbc has just vanished. Bartholomew looks forward to giving Satin a bath Satinsheets says, "ack...I don't have a spybeam yet.." Eenigma says, "Me neither" Brenda still thinks somebody should hose a temptation island version "Please spy Survivor...", says Breyer. >spy survivor
Just watching, Macnbc has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Rasal says, "Oh my god." Rasal winks and says, "Survivor II in June." Chiefsgirl says, "Mac is standing in a desert" "a desert???", asks Chelsia. Chiefsgirl says, "they are going to have a Survivor II" Kao says, "the outback...LOL" "Must be the Iowa Outback.", smiles Rasal. Chiefsgirl says, "They will need 10 new contestants" Bartholomew asks, "How original...why don't they use a space station?" "June will be the next one", says Chiefsgirl. Bront asks, "Mac, is there a e-mail addy to apply?" Macnbc winks and says, "Not yet" Macnbc winks and says, "Although if you want to go look at our pretty new splash page Bront it's at http://go.to/fedsurvivor" Bartholomew says, "Should be a space station instead of another blatant copy" Macnbc says, "Hey, a sparse desert is NOTHING like the outback" Macnbc says, "We're not having any rivers or pigs or crap like that" "Are there any more questions for the contestants or Survivor staff?", asks Chiefsgirl. Intrepid asks, "Yeah...who won?" Chewbacon waves "I'm still here.", says Chewbacon. "Chewbacon won", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Would you like to share your thoughts with us Chewie?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chewbacon says, "Sure" Darkhorse asks, "No Q's huh?" "Are you going to allow players from the first series to participate in the second one Mac?", asks Rasal. Bartholomew says, "I'd just like to say that I admire the commitment that most team members and staff members showed for an entire week" "It was really a shock", says Chewbacon. "Sorry Rasal, not unless they're using alts I don't know about", says Macnbc with a wink. "And I was nervous as hell looking at Chewbacon: 3 and Aylisa: 3", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl laughs "A friend of mine TBed me and said, 'Can I tell you something?'", says Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "Actually, she Imed me" "oops", smiles Chewbacon. Chewbacon says, "Which kinda ruined the effect, but I was still shocked" Satinsheets smiles, "LOL Chewie...Bart was reading me the votes...I was jumping up cheering in RL" "hehe", says Chewbacon. "Satin, I kinda felt bad you got voted off", says Chewbacon. "But I was still happy to win", says Chewbacon. Bartholomew says, "As was I, since Danny now owes me a hunk of change" "Danny has disappeared", says Chewbacon with a wink. "And I DID :P", says Jelly. "I was there til the very end...I'm rather glad I didn't have to go through the final vote", says Satinsheets with a wink. Chewbacon asks, "What were the bets?" Jelly says, "250 a piece, me and danny" Chelsia wonders if Danny's jaw is off the floor yet... "You paid right up, as I would have if the circumstances were reversed Jelly...I respect that", says Bartholomew. "I felt like betting, Danny didnt wanna pay up the whole half gig if he lost", says Jelly. Kao says, "i bet on satin.... already paide danny" Bartholomew says, "Danny expects me to slink into CD's to collect" "Danny said he'd definately pay up if Kao paid up", says Jelly. "hey... you were terrific", says Kao. Kao says, "I did pay" Chewbacon says, "Knowing Danny, he prolly had a bet going for me so he wouldn't be affected either way." "I need my advertisers to pay up", says Satinsheets with a wink. "Yup, that's why I said A hah!", exclaims Jelly. "Party on Providence after the M&G", says Chewbacon. Chiefsgirl asks, "Does anyone else have any questions?" "Will there be chicks there?", asks Rasal. Chewbacon winks and says, "Depends" "Thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Macnbc says, "Thanks for doing this for me Chief" Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me next week when my guest will be Roberts, Duke of Iocaine" "It was a fun week... at least, what I saw", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you all" |