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Going to jeer.. er, cheer Wolfy, Sirglec has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Sirglec's dream of Wolfyn has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Rasal prepares his questions, err, heckles. Wolfyn prepares Rasal's gag. "Kinky.", says Rasal. Sirglec glares at Rasal. Wolfyn blushes. Rasal winks and says, "I'm the one getting gagged, and I'm the bad guy?" Sirglec winks and says, "Gags are good." "Are cat calls acceptable for a wolf?", asks Ford. "Wolf whistles.", smiles Sirglec. Wolfyn puts the flag/banner/gag/all-purpose-pair-of-Sir's-underwear away. Chiefsgirl bounces up off her barstool and smiles at everyone "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "This event gives us a chance to meet a different personality each week" Chiefsgirl says, "Feel free to ask questions as the night progresses" Sirglec gets out is list. "I'm honored this week to have Wolfyn, Duchesse of Caddo, as my guest", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Please give her a warm welcome" Wolfyn hops up on Sirglec's lap instead of the stage. She eats the list. Chiefsgirl plops down and applauds wildly Sirglec cheers loudly. Wolfyn waves a paw. Wolfyn says, "Okay, out with it. All your life histories." Bsacarl wonders if Wolfy found her tail Rere thinks the least you could have done was clipped on such an occasion Kariscats warns people not to get too close to Wolfie unless they want fleas Sirglec looks and nods. Wolfyn shushes Carl. Bsacarl laughs "Hello, my name is Wolfyn.", smiles Wolfyn. "Good start.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rasal raises his hand. "But that wasn't my first name...", says Wolfyn with a wink. Ford says, "Oh? I didn't know that." Wolfyn came into Fed as Puppydogz on AOL, a long time ago. Sirglec lowers Rasal's hand. "AOL was pay by the hour then, and I was a cheap pup so my character died many times from neglect.", says Wolfyn. Chiefsgirl thinks she remembers seeing Puppydogz out there Wolfyn is proud to be one of the people who never had $800 AOL bills. Bsacarl chuckles Chiefsgirl grins Rere thinks that's one smart pup Wolfyn says, "Just before AOL went flat rate, I saw an interview with Dave Barry..." "He was telling people to not let their children play this awful Federation thing, his AOL bills were awful.", says Wolfyn. Satinsheets laughs, "his kid played for ages." Breyer raises an eyebrows "Really?" Rere laughs Wolfyn confesses, "So, in the public interest I thought I'd better check out this evil thing for myself. "Hoobert, of Gaia", says Satinsheets. Chiefsgirl giggles Wolfyn played Puppydogz up to Merchant, then found the name didn't inspire confidence as a PO. "Paper training problem?", asks Rere. "I chewed all the woods.", says Wolfyn with a frown. "Not to mention the hides.", says Wolfyn. "She still does.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rere hides a giggle Ford says, "No comment." Wolfyn waves a paw around, "That was sometime. Wolfyn grew up with the flat rate AOL hoards." "Cyber952 paid off my first ship loan...", says Wolfyn. "I did?", asks Breyer. Wolfyn says, "He sent out an xt saying whoever sent him a tb first would get their loan paid." Breyer says, "Oh... 952... nevermind." Wolfyn says, "I didn't know what a tb was, so I sent him a tell asking about it. When he finished laughing he paid it off." Rasal chuckles. Wolfyn says, "Some of the people who bought ships for me, in the various Puppydogz/Wolfyn incarnations were Bigshellxx, Smoke8134, Guyjordon, and Blazaglori." Wolfyn winks. Satinsheets asks, "I did?" Sirglec winks and says, "Dang... a memory like an elephant." Wolfyn chuckles. Wrkincaid says, "good notes" "That you did.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "Goldeneagle was working his way up then, and I spent about four hours hauling through the lag when he was a GM." Wolfyn winks and says, "And he gave me two arts facs later." Wolfyn preens. Sirglec adds Goldeneagle to the list of Beaus. Wolfyn says, "I had factories on the Shaved Eagle, Clandestine, Quiver, and Anywhere." Wolfyn winks and says, "No no, I promise Sir!" "Ok, make a sentence out of those planet names", says Satinsheets with a wink. Wolfyn was a good little wolf.. until she met DrSaxx. Wolfyn says, "Add him to the list, Sir." Rude chuckles Sirglec writes. "Was he a cop too?", asks Ford. "Um, not hardly.", says Wolfyn. Chiefsgirl asks, "You into cops, Wolfyn?" Wolfyn says, "Trout had quite a community going then, and we were pretty insulated from the rest of Fed." Wolfyn is now, CG. She has reformed. "Ah", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl grins Rere laughs "Trout was a good place", says Rude. "Dockrk taught me to fight so I could take on Monty and the Snark. I ended up trying that so many times I made maps of the planet.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "There were a lot of characters there, Whuffo, KVOB13, Biggs, Dockrk, Quqi.." "MrKyushu and Chelledear.", says Wolfyn. "And Superdave and Amoeba23 were there for a while.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "During the Onyx wars we just kind of looked out and said huh, then went back to our family trading." Wolfyn says, "When Fed moved to the Web MJMirick let Trout close, Bigshell and Kyushusan went to Duke, and most of the players went to one or the other." Wolfyn of course, followed her son. Kyushusan bows solemnly. Wolfyn says, "I had to keep him out of trouble. At that time Biggs and I started running a little competition, we both were working characters from every level - groundhog to Duke." Chiefsgirl thinks she missed how the son came into the picture Wolfyn blushes. Rere nods to Cg Sirglec prepares to take notes. "Well, really late at night MrKyushu and I were often the only ones awake...", says Wolfyn with a frown. Wolfyn stammers, "And one night things just happened.. MrK was a really smooth operator you know, and I was so innocent... Sirglec winks and says, "His ears must have been burning." Rere coughs Wolfyn coughts, "Except for DrSaxx.." Sirglec clears his throat. "You? Inocent?", asks Ford. "You... burped the tupperware?", asks Rasal. Wolfyn says, "Anyway, Kyushusan was the result of that indiscretion." Wolfyn whispers to Rasal, "MrK did that." "Small litter.", says Ford. Satinsheets asks, "Shouldn't that be KyushusOn?" Wolfyn says, "Actually, he was born to honor MrKyushu, who was really a great player with a beautiful planet." Chiefsgirl smiles Wolfyn says, "He didn't go to the web, and for a long time Bigshell and I took over his planet. It was the first ASCII planet I ever saw." "Kyushusan was so impressed that he learned how to do the ASCII art, and scripted Honshu in the same manner.", says Wolfyn. "Icedrake threw a Walrus on the planet when it was done.", smiles Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "But I got tired of Kyushusan having all the power, I murdered him one day, and became the Duchess." "Um, Jackal sprang up about that time too.", says Wolfyn with a wink. "Gotta watch out when you got a wolfyn as a mother I guess", says Ruylupez. Chiefsgirl thought Kyushusan was your son Wolfyn nods. "But he is so strange.", says Wolfyn. Sirglec looks at Wolfy. "Murder?" Chiefsgirl is so confused Wolfyn says, "Murder." "watch it Sir Glec", says Dockrk with a wink. "Them wolves'll turn on ya.", says Ford. "she was taught to fight by the best", says Dockrk with a wink. "You missed your mention.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Dockrk blushes down to his paws "She's kicked my rear end before.", says Sirglec. Wolfyn exclaims, "A few weeks ago I asked Sirglec to wed me, and after he picked his jaw up off the floor and I introduced myself, he agreed!" Chiefsgirl giggles Wolfyn smiles, "Contrary to the betting pool and the point spread, we have set a date." "oh?? when ?", asks Wrkincaid. Ruylupez hopes they go through with it, he bet on the long shot Rere perks Dockrk figures Wolfy owns that slot on the pool ;) Breyer says, "How about Saturday? Saturday's are always good." Wolfyn says, "He's going to become my next victim..er, husband on October 10." Rasal says, "Oh my lord, they even named a month." Chiefsgirl asks, "How many victims have you had Wolfyn?" "congrats", says Rude. "What year?", asks Breyer. Sirglec cringes. "Victim... ugh!" "Would that be before or after Cup of Fear?", smiles Satinsheets. Wolfyn mumbles, "One I think." Chiefsgirl smiles, "ooo, did I say that? I meant husband, of course" Wolfyn smiles, "After." Ford gets his tape measure out and measures Sir for his coffin. Wolfyn says, "Along the way, I found this guy in the Cantina..." "He never talked to anyone, never got out of the Cantina...", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn smiles, "So I took him under my wing and made it my mission to introduce him to everyone in Fed." "add a couple of dimensions to that Ford", says Dockrk. "being pushed out of an airlock does wierd things to a body", says Dockrk with a wink. Wolfyn whispers, "I didn't intend for him to do everyone in Fed, but you know how that works out..." Rasal asks, "Is this another victim?" Chiefsgirl raises an eyebrow "He's doing everyone in Fed?", asks Chiefsgirl. "And he was so grateful to me, that when he got his planet he joined... another duchy. No, I mean my friend Rasal.", says Wolfyn with a wink. "you know how last flings are CG", says Dockrk with a wink. Rasal blinks and spews his drink. Chiefsgirl laughs Wrkincaid chuckles "And then when he left that duchy he joined another!", exclaims Wolfyn. Wolfyn grumbles. Sirglec agrees with him doing everyone in Fed. ;) Rasal notes for the record that she never actually asked me to join her Duchy. Wolfyn smiles, "So I stuck Jackal and Carrion in his duchy for revenge." Wolfyn frowns and says, "That place smelled awful." Dockrk notes that it still does "And that is... the rest of the story.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Rasal fires a hand into the air. Wolfyn catches it midair. Dockrk whispers to Malia " we missed my mention" "Now, just what do you mean that I -do everyone in Fed-?", asks Rasal. Chiefsgirl awaits this answer "I think this is Wolfyn's interview, not yours, Ras", says Satinsheets with a wink. Wolfyn smiles, "I lost track when you made Duke, so I just extrapolated." Rasal taps a foot. Rasal smiles, "Hmm, points for the cop out answer." Wolfyn nods and grins. "When did you decide to become a duchess, Wolfyn?", asks Chiefsgirl. Sirglec winks and says, "She didn't.... She duked." "I didn't keep track of any of the dates. I, or rather Kyushusan, was a Duke for a long time first.", says Wolfyn. Rere scratches her head Chiefsgirl nods "He did the 62 trips to Horsell when everyone was working on the puzzle.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "MrKyushu lived on Horsell for about a year, he got stuck there when staff was working on the puzzle." Chiefsgirl laughs "He couldn't leave, couldn't die.", says Wolfyn. Rude says, "lol" Sirglec laughs. "Good god, I remember that...made me remember that someone was worse off than Blaze", says Satinsheets. Wolfyn nods, but it made for some fine mapping. Bsacarl chuckles Wolfyn says, "Bigshell was playing him then. MrKyushu left Fed to join his ancestors just a few months ago." "I bet, but what did he do for the other 364 days of that year?", asks Rasal. Wolfyn hated to see Kyushu poof away. Wolfyn winks and says, "He drank a lot with the Publican." "I heard you and Sir discussing litter the other day. Were you taking about all the trash on Police's LP are the reason for the wedding?", asks Ford. Rasal chuckles. Sirglec looks to Wolfy for the answer. Wolfyn expects to hear the patter of little German Police puppy feet someday. "But not yet!", exclaims Wolfyn. Sirglec exclaims, "Whew!" Rere just laughs Wolfyn is, after all, reformed. Rehabilitated. Chiefsgirl smiles Sirglec checks his boots. Rude scoff errrrr coughs Rasal raises something in the vague shape of a hand. Satinsheets wonders how he makes it do that. "Question Rasal?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I specialize in litters of Wolfyn mobiles on my planet right now. Gives visitors something intelligent to talk to.", says Wolfyn. Rasal winks at Satin. "Is Doc still an egg?", asks Dockrk. Rasal smiles, "Earlier you mentioned previous uh, victims. Care to elaborate on that a bit further?" "Um, I didn't marry Filbert.. but I divorced him for the alimony. And I was briefly married to someone who was just interested in my.. hauling skills.", says Wolfyn. Sirglec grins and listens. Wolfyn whispers, "Filbert rarely paid on time. Rere wondered that Wolfyn smiles, "The other never paid at all." Wolfyn checks Sirglec's pockets. Chiefsgirl asks, "You're a good hauler, Wolfyn?" Sirglec considers prenuptial agreements. Wolfyn winks and says, "Well, back when I actually did work type stuff." "If you want alimony, you should marry a Baron.", says Rasal with a wink. "Good point. I think I'm wealthy enough now, though. My son supports me.", smiles Wolfyn. "Everyone knows cops don't make much money. Honest ones anyway.", says Ford. Rasal laughs. "hehehehehe...", smiles Sirglec. Rere asks, "Who said he was honest?" Sirglec exclaims, "Hey!!!!" Wolfyn hmmms. Rere hides behind Chi Ford winks and says, "Re, not I" Rasal jots notes for Sir's meet and greet. Chiefsgirl smiles Wolfyn says, "There was a bit of an uproar in Caddo when we announced our engagement. The smuggling faction didn't much care for the thought of a police presence." Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Wolfyn?" Sirglec crosses his arms and hrmphs. Rere asks, "Have a favorite moment and most embarrassing one?" Rere leans over and gives Sir a kiss on the cheek "Yes, Wolfie who ya gona victumize after Sir?", asks Ford. Wolfyn considers her most embarrassing moment when she went to Horsell with Rasal. She came back a Duke and he didn't. "You said you specialize in Wolfyn mobiles on Caddo now... Is the Dockrk mobile still an egg?", asks Dockrk. Sirglec refuses to be a victim. Rasal says, "Oh my, I remember that. I was quite irate." Rude chuckles Chiefsgirl laughs Rere giggles Wolfyn cracks Dockrk open. "I think so. Dockrk says, "oops" "My favorite was when DrSaxx asked me to marry him.", says Wolfyn. Rere hands Wolfie the frying pan Rere asks, "Why? Was it romantic or what?" Wolfyn sighs, "It was very romantic, all of Trout was there." "Or just the fact that he accepted the 8 cups?", asks Rere. Rere awwws Wolfyn winks and says, "And of course, it was all a joke. I spent years getting back at him for that." Sirglec tries to find something romantic in Wolfy's proposal. Rere blinks Wolfyn asks, "Um.. um.. didn't I say please, Sir?" Chiefsgirl giggles Sirglec winks and says, "Yep.. and fluttered your eyelids in the Vixen fashion. Even Rere would have been proud." Rere says, "I think she got a new flea collar too" "It was kind of a.. My name is Wolfyn. Marry me.", smiles Wolfyn. Rere exclaims, "Wolfie...you fluttered? Wow!" Wolfyn whispers to Rere, "No, I think he confusing a flutter with him passing out in surprise." Chigins knows those flutters well :) "And something about a biological clock.", says Sirglec with a wink. Rere snickers "Oh, that's right.", smiles Wolfyn. Wolfyn tucks her cold nose under Sirglec's chin. Sirglec jumps. Rasal chuckles. "He'll get used to it.", smiles Wolfyn. Rasal says, "Better under the chin instead of, oh nevermind." Rere laughs and laughs Wolfyn shushes Rasal. "Hey. That's kind of fun!" Chiefsgirl giggles "Any more questions for Wolfyn?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chigins blushes Sirglec will take any snout warmers as a wedding gift. ;) Wolfyn glances at Chigins. "You like that too, eh? Rere makes a note Chigins turns two shades redder " Uh not me" Wrkincaid makes a note too "Oh no, cold nosing is now the in thing.", says Ford. "I had a question and I can't remember ti.", says Rasal. "Do you have a favorite place in Fed? Other than your planet?", asks Rere. "Ti of course, coming after la.", says Rasal. Wolfyn says, "I used to love the planets Cows and Rain. Nice wet canine smells on Rain, lots of good eating on Cows." Wolfyn grins. "But remember...always brings ya back to Duh...do I mean", says Rere with a wink. Chiefsgirl giggles Satinsheets winks and says, "With a PO name of Y69'er, the eatings gotta be good on Cows" Rasal laughs. Wolfyn smiles, "No I just spend a lot of time on Sirglec's couch." Chigins laughs and blushes "Napping, of course!", exclaims Wolfyn. Sirglec looks innocent. "I loved Rain, I was crushed when she left.", says Breyer. Bsacarl has just vanished. Wolfyn bats her eyelashes at Sirglec. "Nap time yet?" Wolfyn has given Sirglec a nice snuggle! "Wolfyn, do you have any special duchy rules ?", asks Chigins. Wolfyn says, "Aye, some very important ones." Wolfyn looks around to see if any of the Caddo PO's are there to contridict her. Wolfyn covers Kariscat's ears. Rasal winks and says, "Well, I was actually in Caddo for a bit, so I can fill the role as well." Breyer covers Rasal's ears. Breyer says, "Covered." Wolfyn says, "In Caddo, one must try to refrain from griping about Fed as though one owns the game and everything in it..." Rasal coughs loudly. Rere tosses Breyer the duct tape ;) Sirglec winks and says, "That's left to the Duchess." Breyer duct tapes Rasal's ears to the side of his head, and gags him in classic Vixen fashion. Wolfyn says, "Right. We all choose whether or not to pay the admission fee and play the game." "And, no bell bottom pants.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn says, "I ban people with bell bottom pants." Chigins laughs Wolfyn nods solemnly. Chigins looks at himself in the mirror to see if he has Bell Bottoms on. "Whew!", exclaims Chigins. Rere exclaims, "Good lord...I hope not honey!" Sirglec makes note to dispose of the bell bottom pants in his closet before Wolfy see them. Wolfyn looks at Chigins to see if he has pants on. Dockrk doesn't wear pants "Are bell bottomed boxers ok?", asks Ford. Rere wonders if Wolfyn ever returned the boxers! Wolfyn whispers to Sirglec, "I've already gone through your closet and thrown them out, dear. And your wallet." Wolfyn heartily approves of the bell bottomed boxers. "That's okay... wallet was empty.", says Sirglec with a wink. "That's probably why she threw it away.", smiles Rasal. "In closing, I'd like to pass on the very wise and profound words of my Fed mentor and friend, Bigshell of Conch...", says Wolfyn. "As he used to say.... Have fun.", smiles Wolfyn. Rasal says, "Wait a minute...." Wolfyn gets off the stage but stays in Sir's lap. "Eh>", says Wolfyn. Sirglec feels his legs going to sleep. "Who was this fellow you were married to that liked your hauling? Did we get a name? Details? Places?", asks Rasal. Wolfyn asks, "Geting stiff, hon?" Rere covers her vixinnocent eyes Wolfyn doesn't remember, Rasal. Sirglec grins evilly. "Not yet." Wolfyn grins too. Chigins blushes again Chiefsgirl blushes "Well, I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Sirglec asks, "Now wait a minute..... you remember all those that bought you ships, but you don't remember a husband's name?" "And I thank Wolfyn for being my guest", says Chiefsgirl. Wolfyn laughs. Rere applauds wildly! Chiefsgirl smiles, "And I invite you all to attend next week when Breyer will be my guest" Rere smiles, "Thanks for hosting CG" Wrkincaid applauds Chigins smiles, "Another fine job CG" "Thanks CG.", smiles Sirglec. "Thank you, CG.", smiles Wolfyn. Satinsheets cheers. Sirglec holds his Wolfy close. Rude applauds Wolfyn tucks her cold nose under Sirglec's chin. Sirglec jumps. Dockrk claps quietly ...paws aren't that great for applauding ;) "You're welcome", smiles Chiefsgirl. Jazir smiles and claps Rere tosses the pup a juicy steak for a job well done Wolfyn smiles, "Um, October 10, Honshu, wedding, food." Satinsheets asks, "Will Macfoodtv be there?" Rasal says, "Oooo, food." Wolfyn exclaims, "I hope not!" Wolfyn chuckles. Satinsheets so loves his catering. "Kobi beef and raw fish.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Kyushusan bows and prepares the blowfish. Chigins can't wait to get my teeth into some of that Satinsheets smiles, "I'll even share mine with you, Chi" Chigins exclaims, "ooh great!!" |