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Sholuvr says, "oops... Zrasputin... sowwy" "Ahh the German Rasputin ..", says Triton. Zrasputin chuckles Zrasputin would get up on a stool, but the cc is too comfortable Zrasputin leans back in the cc and sips his mocha xt Z, would you care to warm us up
on how you got your name? Mind pokes sho Your comm unit relays a message from Breyer, "I think that was suppose to be a say Sho... ;)" Triton looks at his comm unit and wonders why it is translating local conversation >xt oops Zrasputin chuckles at Sho and will gladly give the brief history of his name "thanks Z, heh", Sholuvr says. Sholuvr turns off her comm unit Zrasputin says, "Back in 96 or 97 I started playing under the name RadicalZ, like the theoretical elementary particle" Zrasputin says, "That changed to ZRadical when I got tired of being called Rad" "So I was ZRad or ZR for a very very long time", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "When I came back into fed in January of 1999, I wanted Zradical again, but I couldnt seem to get it" Zrasputin says, "I think it was the No Caps thing that was ticking me off" Zrasputin smiles, "So I picked Rasputin, just because, but I missed being Zr... so I changed it to Zrasputin" Sholuvr frowns and say, "possibly a moblile on someone's planet... names were hard to get" "Nah, it was the no caps thing... Zradical didnt look right for some reason. Oh yeah... people were calling me Zrad, and that was just strange", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "Zras I can deal with, but Zrad just didnt float my boat" Zrasputin sips some more mocha Sholuvr says, "Tell us about your rise through the ranks..." "Well, in this incarnation, it traces back to January of 99", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "I was at the Air Force Academy at the time, outprocessing. So I had lots of free time." Mind grins....Hurry up and wait ;) "It was pay per minute if I'm not mistaken, and I paid and paid, because I needed something to do", says Zrasputin. Sholuvr nods Zrasputin says, "I ran into Annavia, an old friend from Backdraft" Sholuvr grins "She was a duchesse, and really helped me get back into the game", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin misses her Sholuvr does too Zrasputin says, "I dont really remember much of the lower ranks, I onlined Rigel and a few days later I outprocessed and headed off to home." "I fell into work and lost track of fed for 8 months", says Zrasputin. "What's meaning of Rigel?", Sholuvr asks. Darkhorse asks, "Are you still in the Air Force?" "No, I'm not in any way in the miliary", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "err, military" Zrasputin is a civilian 100% ;) "If you go to the travel agency on mercury, there is a small poster for Rigel", says Zrasputin. Darkhorse asks, "You don't need to fulfill a contract after going through the Academy?" "It mentions the University there.", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin winks and says, "Only after going through dark, I left after a semester" Iolair asks, "that didn't last long eh?" Zrasputin winks and says, "I was captivated by the idea of a planet dedicated to education, so I started building Rigel. Its a major work in progress, like most planets" Zrasputin whispers "get out while you can" Wolfyn chuckles. Sholuvr coughs Iolair points to her U of R outfit Zrasputin says, "Right, you can buy all your University of Rigel Antagonizing Aardvark apparel on Rigel, in Old U. Located in the main interstellar concourse." "Z, who helped you the most on your rise to Baron? Several people, who stands out the most?", Sholuvr asks. Sholuvr says, "Besides those you've named..." "Well, I remember being stuck more or less at Thane, I was happy with a good exchange.", says Zrasputin. "Then all of what remained of Onyx dd'd", says Zrasputin. "I found myself with a few gigs and nothing to spend it on.", says Zrasputin. "So I guess, Onyx got me to Technocrat, where I had a horrible exchange", says Zrasputin. Sholuvr chuckles Zrasputin says, "Annavia was still around then, and Philihp" "Phil and I passed groats back and forth to each other", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "And when Aylisa opend up Essencia, Anna was on break (which turned out to be permanent)." "Essencia's highest planet was Calodia's, which was Techy, so I felt I should offer myself as a freshly crowned baron, to provide all those agri's with a place to sell their goods", says Zrasputin. "Essencia's agris were very good to me, filling all my deficits (even if I did lose a fortune on it)", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin winks and says, "But it was for the good of the duchy, and that was good enough for me. I've been in Essencia ever since" "Are you happy staying as a Baron? or are you looking at Duke someday?", Sholuvr asks. "I'm very happy as a baron", says Zrasputin. "I can port about, and groats arent a problem.", says Zrasputin. "Why?", Sholuvr asks. Zrasputin says, "And my exchange is nice enough I dont really have to mess with it much." "Of course, that is also boring as all heck", says Zrasputin. Sholuvr tucks politics aside...nods Zrasputin says, "I do wish there was something else to do, teaching newbies is always fun" Zrasputin whispers, "There have been rumors of an impending war, but that's just rumors" "yah, war, newbies, war always in same sentence... heh", Sholuvr says. Zrasputin chuckles Sholuvr asks, "Anyone have any questions they wanna ask Zras?" Zrasputin will try to be as honest as possible here "k.... heh, how bout the women in yer Fed life?", Sholuvr asks. "hehe", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "Well, I always had a crush on Anna, but she's no longer here... sigh" "that's what you get for saying you'd be honest...", says Iolair. Sholuvr did ask for other questions... Zrasputin says, "I fell madly in love with Ladyviveve over this past summer" "Did Bella say anything to you about your planet name?", asks Darkhorse. Zrasputin says, "Work let me be in fed almost always... we spent a lot of time just hanging out" "We married and divorced within the same month I think.", says Zrasputin. "School just soaked up too much time.", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin smiles, "Ever since then I've just been flirting like my normal self" Zrasputin says, "No, Bella had nothing to say about Rigel" Sholuvr chuckles Zrasputin says, "Although I was told by staff that putting up any references to Bella on Rigel would probably be a bad idea. She doesnt favor that." "this thing of war... is it good or bad in your thoughts Z?", asks Roman. Zrasputin says, "Hmm... well, activity is always good, and war does bring that" Zrasputin says, "But then, fed has changed in the last few years." Zrasputin says, "I first really popped my head into fed 6 years ago... its entirely different, and constantly changing." "I just dont think most folks want to be bothered by a war. It would be seen as a nagging sort of thing.", says Zrasputin. "At the same time, I think people are entirely too complacent here in fed. Its a very stagnant game as is. And that's mainly our fault", says Zrasputin. "how do you feel about it though?", Sholuvr asks. "Granted, we've heard Bella on 9 talking about a rewrite", says Zrasputin. Sholuvr nods, curses her slow fingers "And I've heard that should fix a lot of our complaints of lack of things to do, game inequality and such...", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "but our personal lack of motivation is rather rediculous" "We should all sit down and evaluate why we play. For the company obviously, but why else? What makes it more than a chat room?", asks Zrasputin. Darkhorse smiles, "Greed" "I do", says Roman. Zrasputin says, "For me, its the economics, the interaction. I think that's the way some people feel." "Z... do you feel challenged?", Sholuvr asks. Zrasputin says, "Mentally? in Rl? yes." Zrasputin says, "In fed, no." Iolair says, "for the pies!! :::::splats mind with a chocolate cream pie:::" Sholuvr says, "in Fed" Iolair giggles Zrasputin says, "Its just so stagnant" Sholuvr asks, "What would you do, if you could, to make it challenging?" Roman laughs "That's the thing!", exclaims Zrasputin. "We can all do small things to make it better.", says Zrasputin. "And its stupid how easy it is.", says Zrasputin. Iolair raises an eyebrow "oh really now?" Zrasputin says, "We all say that people race through the lower ranks" Iolair splats Zras with a lemon meringue pie "So we could all make them work for it. Dont offer arts facs, make them haul in something to make the facs work.", says Zrasputin. Iolair asks, "How's that for excitement?" Iolair grins Zrasputin hugs iolair and gets merangue all over her Iolair giggles "We have the very simple power to change the social atmosphere of the game", says Zrasputin. "We cant control the underlying economics, we cant change the code", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "but we can take the social aspect of fed and flex it to match our will." "Is that practical though, the way the game works? Most people believe there are no lower ranks, only alts", Sholuvr says. "That's our fault Sho.", says Zrasputin. "A conclusion I've come to over the last few months.", says Zrasputin. "If people are just making more alts, then so be it.", says Zrasputin. "but if we find a newbie, we should make them work their way up.", says Zrasputin. "Make them learn the game, learn the economics. Earn their keep, not buy them a house.", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "I know from experience that its much more rewarding to feel like you've earned something honestly than to think its been handed to you on a silver platter" "And when we get planet owners, help them understand the underlying economics of their planets", says Zrasputin. "why should a newbie have to work to play a game that's so freely given to others? Isn't it frustrating for a commander to see a commander who started at the same time as them get a planet when they finally make captain?", Sholuvr asks. "Perhaps", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "But there would be more self-gratification and more sense of purpose for that commander than for that squire" Zrasputin says, "and We can make that commander feel that way through congratulations and moral support" Wolfyn nods. "lol, remember waiting for the beaker to appear?.. too funny", says Roman. Darkhorse says, "In a perfect world perhaps." Zrasputin says, "No, in this world" Sholuvr says, "yah... times have changed" Zrasputin says, "All it takes is for us to put our minds to it." Zrasputin says, "Its a series of trivial actions to us, but it builds up when everyone does it." Mind remembers his ghost tool macro that would simply send GET SPANNER over and over ;) "But everyone won't do it", says Darkhorse. Mind hated waiting for that stupid thing Zrasputin says, "Bu we can start with ourselves" Roman says, "DH.. I read a book titled this perfect world.." "Change yourself, change your environment. I think that's how the saying goes.", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "Perhaps its beyond us to do this, I dont know." "But I think I'll give it a shot.", says Zrasputin. "I know I dont have anything to lose.", says Zrasputin. Darkhorse says, "If we agree that the current situation shouldn't be taken advantage of" Zrasputin says, "Anyway, I didnt intend for that to be the rant it was." "But", says Skiierdost. Sholuvr asks, "getting closed to closing time...we all have nothing to lose, is there anything YOU'D suggest to make this game keep working, Z?" Zrasputin asks, "But?" "For this to work, you need to pull newbies in.. and how would a newbie really know if they like this or not on 2 hours of free time?", asks Skiierdost. Zrasputin says, "I suppose I'd just like to see people take more responsibility for their actions, not just the macros and other economic actions, but also for their social actions." Zrasputin says, "That's also up to us Skiier, we need to convince them through our social interactions that fed is really fun." "Okay", says Skiierdost. "But there are also a lot of other fun games out there that are free", says Skiierdost. "the basic economics of it wont work. Fed is a social game.", says Zrasputin. Skiierdost asks, "What is the draw?" "The social aspect.", says Zrasputin. Zrasputin says, "That the reason we all play." Sholuvr nods "Okay, I'm hitting major lag on this dsl connection.", says Zrasputin. Iolair says, "Sure there are other games that are free, but we're all here paying for fed for a reason :) We need to spread it around" Iolair thinks Z's lag is contagious and I'm on a completely different continent :P Sholuvr asks, "Time is up, but it was nice to hear your opinions Z, and hope to keep sharing them... any last words?" "Sho, I think that's a wrap", smiles Zrasputin. Sholuvr high-fives Zras |