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"Seems we have a nervous guest", says Rere with a wink. Jeblt gets his whippy blaster ready for CG....... Rere exclaims, "Be gently on her!" "gentle too!", exclaims Rere. Chiefsgirl has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. "There she is!", exclaims Ditzy. Rere slides CG another shot Rere steps up the microphone "Hiya everyone", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Hello everyone and welcome to a very special Meet and Greet!", exclaims Rere. Rere says, "Meet and greet is an opportunity to meet a fed personality up close and personal" Chiefsgirl slips onto her barstool quietly, ordering up a Jack & Coke "Tonight it is my great honor to fry...errr... I mean have the one and only CHIEFSGIRL!", smiles Rere. Kao applauds Bsacarl applauds Jazir cheers! Myangel claps and cheers Ditzy claps Saffire cheers Ron claps like a seal Redspice applauds Spaun says, "let the games begin" "You know how it's done Cg...it's all yours", says Rere with a wink. Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness... I should have brought the oil" Alternate applauds and whistles! Kup applauds Rere bounces up on a bar stool and sips her drink Justadawg grins and squirms Kao whistles Rere has given Chiefsgirl a sloppy tickle! "Thank you everyone for coming", says Chiefsgirl. Ditzy wan't to hear all the important details. Chiefsgirl says, "I have no idea what to talk about but I'm happy to see a lot of my most favorite folks here tonight" Rere reminds CG to breathe Bsacarl smiles Chiefsgirl takes a deep breath "Start at the begining CG! How'd you start playing fed?", asks Rere. Ford hopes he is on that Favorites List "oh goodness...how....", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl laughs "I started in February 97", says Chiefsgirl. Ford asks, "What day?" Chiefsgirl says, "I don't remember the day" Ford asks, "Akkkkkkk, you don't remember the day?" Jeblt tries to think back that far... "But I remember I was on AOL waiting for a weekly chat I participated in to start and the Try Federation ad was on AOL's front page that day", says Chiefsgirl. Spaun thinks this is going to be a long night for CG Rere thinks a lot of folks got hooked by that ad Chiefsgirl says, "So I clicked the button and made it here" Chiefsgirl says, "And I was totally lost" "Of course I didn't read any manuals or anything like that", says Chiefsgirl. "oh why bother with that?", says Rere with a wink. "I just wandered around and around Earth endlessly", says Chiefsgirl. Kao says, "That hasn't changed...no one does" "who does?", asks Jeblt. Alternate tsks tsks :) "does?", asks Justadawg. Justadawg asks, "does what?" Rere says, "reads the guide" Chiefsgirl says, "Everyone I ran into told me I had to buy a ship and start working" Chiefsgirl says, "I didn't know what they were talking about" "never read a guide...", says Justadawg. Ditzy winks and says, "There's a guide?" Kup was probably the Navigator on Duty ;) Rere giggles Ford says, "When all else fails, look in the trash for the destructions." "So I found the workboard and I kept trying to accept jobs... as a groundhog", says Chiefsgirl. Spaun snickers Rere tries really hard not to giggle too hard "Finally someone, and I don't remember who exactly, showed me enough to get my first ship", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Then I started trying to accept jobs and they seemed to be on planets I couldn't find" "I didn't realize I couldn't leave Sol", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "So I voided a lot" Chiefsgirl knows she was so popular with the POs posting those jobs "Started off right away making friends hehe", says Rere. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl runs around hugging all those that just came in before jumping back on her barstool and taking a sip of her drink Justadawg wants to see another lap from CG.. Chiefsgirl continues, "Finally someone found me wandering lost and confused in Sol and spoke to me. I thought it was the voice of God." Rere laughs "I didn't know how this guy knew what I was seeing, but he did and I was truly amazed", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl had no clue about spybeams Redspice chuckles... Jeblt chuckles.. Kao giggles..... Heatherjn bets you learned quickly though ... ;) Justadawg never cared Kao remembers that CG learned about beams and logs Antonia smiles Chiefsgirl says, "That was Jaws789832 and he saved me and kept me playing" "You mean you can be spyed in Fed?", asks Ford. Bsacarl gasps "The first thing Jaws told me was that I needed a bigger ship to haul jobs for him", says Chiefsgirl. Sirglec makes note on the new thing he learned today. Ron loves that tool.... err... beam "So, he paid off my loan and then gave me the groats for a new, bigger ship", says Chiefsgirl. "Sounds like me Dad for sure", says Dizzyana. "Of course, I didn't have a clue about buying a ship so I loaded mine up with missile racks and big computers and big engines and came out with an really dinky cargo hold", says Chiefsgirl. Alternate says, "I like this guy, he helps newbies" Rere giggles Jeblt chuckles.. Chiefsgirl says, "Jaws just laughed and told me to sell it, gave me more groats and said try again" Ruy laughs Chiefsgirl says, "I think he stopped laughing after about the sixth ship" Rere whispers to Cg that it took her at least 3 tries "6th! lol", says Rere. Antonia chuckles Chiefsgirl was clueless "6?", asks Ditzy. "He should have explained a little better", says Ruy. Ron usually doesn't last 6 tries Chiefsgirl says, "And he couldn't spy me while I was buying the ship so he couldn't really help" Justadawg tries to make 4 at least Bsacarl chuckles Heatherjn laughs. Chiefsgirl says, "But I made it through that finally and Jaws taught me how to haul contracts and then he put me to work" Chiefsgirl learned a lot about hauling between duchies in those days Chiefsgirl says, "He didn't give me any easy runs... that's for sure" Ford winks and says, "He was getting even for wasting his cash" Rere nods Kao says, "hehe" "And Jaws started introducing me to the folks that he knew... specifically the folks in the duchy of Backdraft", says Chiefsgirl. "Ahhhh...the realms", says Kao. "So Backdraft became my home and I seemed to always be there and tuned to their channel, which was 12", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "And I slowly went up the ranks, hauling everything by hand" "Then Fed announced they were leaving AOL and moving to the web", says Chiefsgirl. "My one goal became to get a planet before the move off AOL", says Chiefsgirl. "I worked and worked and worked and I had some awful facs", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl will never forget those masers on Oilslick Justadawg remembers that.... Rere grins Fancy rarely sees a masers factory these days. "wonders how dawg can remember anything at all", says Dizzyana. Chiefsgirl says, "I finally was an explorer, but a bit short on the groats I needed" Justadawg hauled his **censored** off Heatherjn nods! "So that's when Jaws and my then husband Cwoo's alt helped me out with an advance of groats", says Chiefsgirl. "And I got Rhapsody on July 26, 1997", says Chiefsgirl. Rere cheers Alternate applauds Ditzy smiles, "Congrats" Chiefsgirl says, "There's a statue of Jaws and a plaque honoring Cwoo's alt on Rhapsody" Kup thinks that was pretty fast for those days CG :) Rere nods in agreement with Kup Chiefsgirl says, "And that's a location that will be there as long as Rhapsody exists" "that is cool", smiles Jeblt. Chiefsgirl nods at Kup in agreement, "Yes, the folks in Backdraft really helped me" "I spent about 3 weeks in Sol before I was allowed to join Shade, one of the Realms' duchies", says Chiefsgirl. Spaun remembers CG's picture on the wall of the conference room in Oilslick "And I spent quite a while in Shade ... maybe a year, but I think a bit less than a year... and then a spot opened up for me finally in Backdraft", says Chiefsgirl. Rere winks and says, "ahh the good old days" "And I remember I felt like I had made it home then", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl was really happy Rere smiles Redspice smiles... Jeblt smiles..... "So you stayed on when Fed moved to the web?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl pauses to remember what else happened after that "yes, I've never left since I started", says Chiefsgirl. Kao nudges CG...you got kicked out, remember? Chiefsgirl says, "oh yea.... I got kicked out of Backdraft.... banished from the Realms" "Banished?", asks Ruy. Rere asks, "Oooo how'd that happen Cg?" "Oh my. Why?", asks Ditzy. Chiefsgirl says, "Most everyone shunned me except for a very few that are still my friends to this day" Justadawg loves to be banished.. Kao giggles "Banished", says Chiefsgirl. Ditzy grins "The fools for shunning one like you, CG", says Alternate. Chiefsgirl says, "mmmmm... it happened because .... let's see" Justadawg thinks it means he did somethin right, or better... ;) "We need all the gory details!", exclaims Rere. Kao plays with her drink "why were you banished?", asks Spaun. "well.... it all stems from sex", says Chiefsgirl. Alternate perks Ditzy 's eyes get big. Rere says, "Sex? Thought you were Fed's last virgin! :::gasps:::" Kup winks and says, "Everything does" Insomnius smirks Ruy starts his log going "Doesn't it always?", says Heatherjn with a wink. "yumm", says Ron. Fancy loosens his scarf at that mention... "sex!", exclaims Justadawg. "Sex? I've heard of that.", says Ford. Alternate says, "lol... I beat ya to it Ruy...complete M&G log..and will underprice ya :P" "The powers that be in the realms didn't like the other friends I had outside the realms and thought I was telling tales or secrets or something along with all that great sex I was having", says Chiefsgirl. Kao tickles Ford.... "down boy" "So they banished me because I guess they thought I was lying or something", says Chiefsgirl. "Yes dear", says Ford. Chiefsgirl shrugs Chiefsgirl says, "It really hurt at the time" Kao grins at CG Rere frowns and says, "I'll bet" Chiefsgirl says, "And I can still get pretty sad about it all" Ditzy says, "Poor CG" Spaun says, "nice to finally know why that happened" Chiefsgirl says, "I considered leaving Fed for the first time then" Alternate has given Chiefsgirl a nice hug! Redspice says, "it wasnt funny...that is for sure" "Hmm, banished based upon what you MIGHT or COULD have been doing, not what you HAD been doing...", says Fancy. Justadawg sighs and remembers that.... "But one of the best friends I've ever had here pulled me through and made me want to stay", says Chiefsgirl. Kao remembers that whole episode "Care to mention who?", asks Rere. Ruy thinks they should have spied you awhile to be sure what was going on Chiefsgirl says, "Fancy... I was having the sex, but I wasn't telling Realms secrets or consorting with the enemy" Chiefsgirl says, "That friend was Kao" Rere smiles Ditzy grins at her sis. Justadawg smirks at the name having DD'd the punk Kao winks "So you can all thank Kao that I'm still here", says Chiefsgirl. Rere smiles, "Thanks Kao!" Spaun says, "thanks Kao" Redspice smiles... "Thanks Kao", says Bsacarl. "WooHoo Kao!", smiles Heatherjn. Chiefsgirl says, "Actually, that was the second time I considered leaving FEd." "Oh?", asks Rere. Kao says, "I had a vested interest......like she said the sex was damn good" Alternate asks, "What was the first ?" Chiefsgirl says, "The first time was when Jaws told me he was leaving...... I cried and cried that day" Rere snickers Ditzy giggles. Rere frowns and says, "Awww" Alternate hopes there is not a third time. "So then I entered a period of my life where I was really having fun", says Chiefsgirl. Fancy merely hopes there is not a NEXT time. Chiefsgirl says, "I had been dumped by my lousy user boyfriend" "Fun is a good thing.", says Ditzy. Rere asks, "Where'd you wind up after that?" "I had great fun with Kao and the Sisters of Darkshadow", says Chiefsgirl. Justadawg loves fun..... Chiefsgirl says, "And the love of my life and I decided to stop having a secret affair known only to us and to bring it out into the open" Chiefsgirl says, "Where did I end up? I ended up in Connor" Alternate says, "Ohhh...Ops." Roslyn laughs. Bsacarl cheers for Connor Chiefsgirl says, "Connor was fun and Ops was fun" Chiefsgirl says, "And the jello parties on Babe were fun" Silverkat nods Connor was a good duchy Chiefsgirl winks and says, "And Pooch and I had a whole lot of fun" Ditzy nods in agreement about the jello. Roslyn blinks Bsacarl says, "I heard that Connor housed many awesome Fedders" Chiefsgirl says, "Connor was rockin', as you well know Carl" "And I was a happy baroness", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I had absolutely no plan to become a duchess" "How long before you changed that plan?", asks Rere. Justadawg mutters quietly "Until I started being harassed by a stalker which was the previous lousy boyfriend mentioned", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Basically I finally decided to become a duchess so that this duke could no longer spy on me and could go bother someone else" Chiefsgirl says, "So I worked on the puzzle with Dawg and Jaws (who was back then) and a few others" "Good plan", says Ditzy. Rere nods Kao remembers all that... guy was a total @$$ "And Dawg and Jaws became dukes back to back... that was fun, yet stressful", says Chiefsgirl. Justadawg chuckles Kup thinks that's why everyone becomes a Duchesse ;) Dizzyana says, "remembers that well" Chiefsgirl can't count the number of times she's timewarped Chiefsgirl says, "And about a year after Jaws & Dawg, I became a duchess" Fancy thinks of the jump to the left, and the step to the right. Dizzyana says, "more then I want to remember as well" Ford can't count the times he's been warped. Justadawg ran it a few times, damn trees distracted him.. Chiefsgirl says, "In May this year it will be two years" "wow", says Kao. "Can you believe it?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl can't believe it Justadawg says, "i can" Chiefsgirl takes a sip of her Jack & Coke Rere refreshes CG's drink Chiefsgirl says, "Pooch and I managed a whole lot more fun after we were both duchies" Chiefsgirl winks at Pooch Justadawg grins and winsk back "And other than one other dark period where I almost quit, that's my life in a nutshell", says Chiefsgirl. Fancy says, "A rather large nutshell at that." "Can you tell us how you came about to host M&G?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "I guess I can take questions now unless you think I left out something" "Ah... good one Rere", says Chiefsgirl. "Back in 1997 Fed was thinking of a new event that would be sort of a debate between dukes/duchesses on different issues", says Chiefsgirl. "My duke at the time, Aldva, asked me if I would host it and be the moderator", says Chiefsgirl. "I agreed", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "We had one debate type thing which no one came to" Chiefsgirl says, "ANd that then turned into something called Duchy Review" Galinfenner says, "I thought it was a good idea at the time." "That would be were you would get a chance to meet a different duke or duchess each week", says Chiefsgirl. "And then the name changed slowly to Meet & Greet to include any interesting personality and not just the dukes & duchesses", says Chiefsgirl. "So, I've been hosting now since 1997... like the fall of 97", says Chiefsgirl. Sirglec thinks CG struck out on the interesting when she invited him to be a guest. ;) "And doing a most wonderful job too", smiles Rere. "All my guests have been interesting", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Rere" "How do you select your guests? Other than the customary begging", says Rere with a wink. Ford says, "Sir, you did a great job. But I'll spare her." Justadawg could top that list Ruy points out he wasn't CGs guest since she missed that night "Well, begging is how I get them to be a guest", says Chiefsgirl. Kao makes a great M and G headless horsewoman "And promising a date", smiles Ron. Chiefsgirl is working on Von and Saffire right now, as well as Justadawg Chiefsgirl says, "Ack Ruy! WE have to fix that" Rere nudges them all to just give it a whirl! Sirglec points to Ford! Galinfenner pokes Wolfyn Ruy hides Galinfenner asks, "What about her?" Alternate Target Ruy :) J"Wolfyn has been a wonderful guest", says Chiefsgirl. Galinfenner says, "I'll have to lok for that one." Chiefsgirl says, "You missed it Galin" Wolfyn looks around for the other Wolfyn. Kao is always around when CG gets desperate "I just look around and see who's here a lot and then I ask them", says Chiefsgirl. "No more Wolfyns... I can only handle the one.", says Sirglec. Chiefsgirl could advertise her upcoming schedule of guests now Rere giggles at Sir Rere winks and says, "Advertising never hurts Cg" Chiefsgirl says, "please look forward to Jordy, Foamfollower, Lobo, Wrkincaid, Memphisdave, Redspice, Pppme and many more in the upcoming months" Kao applauds Chiefsgirl winks and says, "As well as Saffire Von and Dawg" Rere cheers Chiefsgirl is sure they will cave eventually Rere twirls the duct tape Roslyn laughs, " No not Von" Jeblt winks and says, "Yes I cannot wait to see Red" Dizzyana says, "can't wait to have Dawg in the hot seat." Alternate smiles, "Hmmmm. a very nice lineup....Leno could not do better...and CG has a better chin" Alternate grins Chiefsgirl sips her drink "Any other questions for Cg?", asks Rere. "CG, once you ventured into your history after you became a PO, you mentioned your dark periods, What are the happiest moments of you Fed life ?", asks Alternate. "oh.... I've got so many happy memories......my life has been full of real highs and lows", says Chiefsgirl. Dizzyana says, "hope there are more highs then lows" Rere looks to Cg Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Happy times were getting Rhapsody, becoming a merchant, getting married, any time I've spent with Pooch, hanging out with Jaws on his LP, becoming a Sister of Darkshadow and getting my tattoo, winning Guts and Glory the first time!" Rere cheers! Chiefsgirl says, "I could go on and on" Fancy says, "Those sound like several good ones..." Alternate nods and things those are all quite good Chiefsgirl says, "Neva... you had a question" Neva asks, "yeah... I think you're prolly the greatest female fighter in Fed of all time... who interested you in fighting?" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Oh no.... I'm not the greatest female fighter!" Chiefsgirl thinks that would be Phiddie "Well, my first husband was a big fighter...", says Chiefsgirl. Neva winks and says, "hmmm, close second then" "He'd rather fight mobiles than hang out with me sometimes", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "He tried and tried to teach me" Chiefsgirl says, "But I died immediately" "Then, during one of my dark periods where I was thinking of leaving", says Chiefsgirl. "I thought I'd try fighting again", says Chiefsgirl. "And that time I just stuck with it until I got it right", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Hof and Phiddie both taught me a lot" "And Bababooie", says Chiefsgirl. "good teachers", smiles Rere. Neva nods Justadawg was a target too "I think CG wanted to fight with her first ship.... that is Y it took her soo long to geta hauling ship", says Jeblt with a wink. Neva was too "but you enjoyed that didn't ya?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl nods Chiefsgirl says, "The best" Chiefsgirl says, "I was always dragging Pooch up into arenas with me" Rere giggles Rere asks, "Ditzy, you had a question?" Neva winks and says, "poor pooch target..." Ditzy asks, "Yes, how did you get your name?" Chiefsgirl says, "oh boy" Chiefsgirl laughs Chiefsgirl says, "I had this name on AOL since 1994 or so" Chiefsgirl says, "It was a joke between me and an online friend" Ron says, "woohoo" Chiefsgirl says, "His name was Chief L___ and we used to make up silly names to try to fool each other" "See how long it would take for them to guess it was really us", says Chiefsgirl. "This is one of those silly names I made up to fool him, but it stuck cause he kinda liked it", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "Cg...I have to ask... can you tell us your most embarrassing moment?", asks Rere. Galinfenner ponders why Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness Rere" Chiefsgirl blushes Chiefsgirl says, "Well, of course we've almost all had those most intimate moments get broadcast as a XT or COMM" Chiefsgirl did that probably more than once "We want alllll the details", says Rere with a wink. Ditzy says, "Name names." "Other than that, I don't really get embarrassed", says Chiefsgirl. "do you help others to learn to fight?", asks Spaun. Sirglec turns on the Really, really hot lights. "yes, I try to help others learn to fight", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I don't always think I'm the best teacher though" Rere adds a lil sauce to Cg for an appealing aroma Dizzyana asks, "wonder if she could learn to fight?" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "Yes Diz you can!" "And there's too many names to mention by this point Ditzy", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Kao has a few moments on XT.....LOL Chiefsgirl giggles and bounces Chiefsgirl says, "That keeps things lively on the ol'channels" Chiefsgirl sips her drink Spaun remembers her bouncing on the channels Chiefsgirl laughs Neva thinks anyone can learn to fight but nobody can learn to bounce like CG Rere nods and laughs "And the bouncing is purely innocent, of course", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Are there any more questions for Cg?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl says, "I do it whenever I'm happy" Chiefsgirl says, "I haul when I'm upset" Rere says, "bouncing innocently? hmmmm...." Alternate hopes CG will never need to haul again "Can you tell us one thing about you that no one else knows CG?", asks Rere. Chiefsgirl is so happy we sailed right by all the lumpy bits of her life Chiefsgirl says, "oh my.... something no one else knows....." Chiefsgirl ponders and thinks Kao can ask all sorts of lumpy questions ;) "Any special tribute been give to you CG?", asks Justadawg. Rere wonders how we all missed the lumps "I think the only secret thing ever was just how long my affair with Pooch was before we went public with it.... it was a long long time secret", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl winks and says, "now everyone knows everything about me" "Yes, I've had a special tribute, you silly", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Pooch made me a special place on Fleez" Chiefsgirl smiles Rere awwws "How sweet", smiles Ditzy. "And he has one on Rhapsody and a whole planet I made for him", says Chiefsgirl. Rere asks, "Wow...an entire planet?" Chiefsgirl nods, "It was his valentine's day gift one year Chiefsgirl says, "But it's since gone away" Rere winks and says, "That's some gift" Chiefsgirl couldn't afford to keep it open "Any final comments Cg?", asks Rere. "oh wow... final comments already!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl can't believe she escaped unscathed "time flies when your having fun!", exclaims Rere. Rere peers over to Kao "fun flies when your doing time", says Spaun. Kao asks, "What?" Kao peers at rere "Scathe her a bit would ya?", asks Rere. "I just want to say that my time here has been a lot more fun than sorrow and that Fed is what you make it", says Chiefsgirl. "times fun when you're catching flies", says Silverkat. Chiefsgirl says, "There are some pretty special people around here and I'm happy to have them in my life, even in this little way" Chiefsgirl laughs Kao says, "Well...... I could ask her to tell everyone who spied her having sex and who emailed it all over the realms" Heatherjn smiles, "Nicely said." Chiefsgirl wonders what Pooch could possibly say "But I won't", says Kao. Ditzy asks, "Time is fleeting?" Rere giggles Antonia smiles Fancy says, "Madness takes its toll" Kao knows the answer to both Rere smiles, "Thank you for being a most excellent guest CG!" "i hear all these rumors of logs, but I have yet to ever see one", says Chiefsgirl. Rere cheers and whistles "Except once and it was doctored and false", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you Rere" Ditzy tosses a log on the fire... Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you for hosting" Silverkat says, "and thanks to Rere for hosting" Spaun says, "good job CG" "And thank you all for coming!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. "Please join Cg next week... :::whispers who's the guest CG:::", says Rere. "next week is Super Bowl so we're off", says Chiefsgirl. "But join me February 10 for Jordy!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Alternate applauds both the ladies, best event hostesses in Fed. |