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Dgallagher is resigned to his fate. "Well, you still have about 8 minutes to relax, Dg", says Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher passes out in a heap. Chiefsgirl giggles Dgallagher says, "So..." "So?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles at DG and reaches out to give his hand a squeeze "Got me beat. I'm just here for the free food.", says Dgallagher. "It's just me & you Dg.... having a little chat together like always", smiles Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher says, "Except there's a bunch of people listening in." "Well, we can just ignore them", says Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher asks, "But if it's just you and me having a chat...how's the rash?" Dgallagher winks and bolts. Chiefsgirl laughs Wrkincaid watches DG cheer up "not too itchy today", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. Dgallagher grins. Chiefsgirl is using the ointment you suggested Dgallagher begins searching for a place to hide. Dgallagher goes into Turbo Panic mode. Memphisdave slips Dgallagher some ritalin Dgallagher sticks them behind his ear. "Wait, that's Dramamine...", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl glances at her notes "Good evening and welcome to the Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. "You needed notes for that?", asks Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl says, "Meet & Greet gives us an opportunity every week to meet a different personality" Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight I'm thrilled to have Dgallagher as our guest" "Everyone please make him feel welcome", says Chiefsgirl. Von applauds DG. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Neva applauds Dgallagher stands up and tries to figure out where he's supposed to stand. Wrkincaid applauds Tempest applauds our guest. Chiefsgirl says, "Right next to me is fine, Dg" Dgallagher stands next to CG. "Okay, well...me at M&G...", says Dgallagher. Dgallagher asks, "CG, this is so people get to meet a new personality every week?" "and greet!", exclaims Neva. "So I'm on for the next four weeks, then?", asks Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl is close by to hold DG's hand if needed Chiefsgirl winks and says, "No, you're on tonight" Dgallagher grins. Chiefsgirl says, "Unless you want to do a month's run" "So, let's see...what's first? History, yes?", asks Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl smiles, "history is always good to start with" "Well, I started Fed back when it was on AOL, and not the flat-rate AOL. Frankly, it's the only mailbox window ad I can say I was happy to have gotten.", says Dgallagher. "And we have plenty of time, so give us all the juicy details", says Chiefsgirl with a wink. "A number of people helped me out through the lowest ranks, but somewhere along the line I ran into LucasW123 of Riva, and that's where I stayed. I never rose above Merchant while on AOL Fed, but had tons of fun all the same.", says Dgallagher. "Did a lot of PR work for Riva. Had a real ball.", smiles Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "There are a few people, good friends, from there that I've lost touch with. I always hate losing friends. But that's AOL...maybe they were just punted really hard." Dgallagher says, "When Fed went to the Web, I couldn't handle the payments, so I had to quit. I stayed off until about December of 1998, when I was desperate to find something to lift my spirits...I was going through a very rough patch." "So I drifted around Fed for awhile - maybe a week or so - before I bumped into Myangel. And somehow, right off the bat, it was the ideal friendship. Still is.", smiles Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "Of course, I had to start over from GH, but that wasn't bad. And this time, I was determined to get my planet. It had changed a number of times as I'd thought about it, but Erebus finally was created." "Originally it was supposed to be Shiva, but that name was taken. When I went and bought the link, I wasn't finished writing the planet, though, so when it was finally built, I immediately offlined it.", says Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "Proto-Erebus stayed shut down for another two weeks while I finished it. It was originally supposed to have a puzzle, but I ran out of room. Maybe I'll install it with the new version I'm working on." Dgallagher says, "Gained a great number of wonderful friends along the way. Lost a few along the way. But that brings us up to now...I live - proudly - in Loverly and am honored to have the friends I have." Dgallagher says, "Then it all went downhill." "CG says to me, innocent-like, 'Would you like to do M&G?' And like a dolt, I said yes.", says Dgallagher. "Downhill?", asks Chiefsgirl. Myangel glances at dg. Chiefsgirl giggles "So I'm stuck here now.", says Dgallagher. "Okay, that does it for my history, El Boss Lady.", says Dgallagher. "DG, I want to ask you about planet designing, of which you seem to have a flair", says Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher smiles, "Thanks." "Ask away.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl says, "I first met you while participating in Survivor 3" "You designed that planet", says Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher nods. Snowstar grins at CG and DG, wondering if they realize they rhyme. "Tell me how you came to be involved with that aspect of Survivor 3", says Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher says, "Well, when Mac was still involved with FS, they were looking for someone to write planets." "I kinda knew Breyer, and I said I might be able to do the job. They looked over some of my other work and...boom. I was put in charge of building an ice cube.", says Dgallagher. Bsacarl eyes Dg's bag of gadgets and gizmo Dgallagher puts his kitbag well out of reach of Carl. Chiefsgirl says, "That was some planet, as the survivors know" Bsacarl grins Snowstar nods at CG. "Did you come up with the whole concept or did the Survivor producers tell you what they wanted", says Chiefsgirl. Jazir shivers in memory "Cold enough for you, CG?", says Dgallagher with a wink. "It was a collaborative effort, really.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl was frozen the entire time "I suggested an abandoned base in a rogue ice moon.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl nods Dgallagher says, "The rest latched on to it. It worked for everybody." Chiefsgirl says, "It was great fun to explore" "It had the potential for an interactive environment and arresting atmosphere.", says Dgallagher. "Do you use Genesis for designing or just straight workbench?", asks Chiefsgirl. Darkpumpkin hears the owls hooting "I use Genesis...the only interaction I have with the workbench is minor debugging.", says Dgallagher. "Much easier that way", says Genike. Dgallagher nods. "Do you have plans for more planet design?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Oh yes. I have several designs on the shelf, and a few in production. Just no takers.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl asks, "Would you offer them up to anyone, or are they intended for Fed events?" "I don't have any engagements to do any more Fed events, so I'd be willing to tailor planets to individual buyers.", says Dgallagher. Juel wonders what a planet sells for "That's something I hadn't put much thought into. I've written a couple custom planets so far.", says Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "I don't believe I charged for either." Bsacarl needs a pit with quicksand on Camp ;) Jazir chuckles Kella need to entirely re-vamp her world.... Memphisdave winks and says, "probably a gig....DG would have to pay the buyer" Genike is working on a puzzle for Pentagon Dgallagher says, "Thanks, Dave." "LOL", says Genike. Kella is working on a puzzle to undo the puzzle she put in her gen file and can't seem to work out...;) "Would you be willing to collaborate with a planet owner... take their ideas and make them reality?", asks Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher says, "Oh absolutely." Chiefsgirl nods "something to do wih a cow and impending death, i think...", says Kella with a wink. Jazir laughs Dgallagher blinks. "I see you're an Industrialist, so it seems you're not on the speed track of promotion", says Chiefsgirl. Dgallagher says, "Definitely not." Dgallagher says, "I tend to just take my time." "After all, it's more enjoyable to take your time and experience each rank, in my opinion.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl nods Dgallagher winks and says, "Besides, after I finally get an EX balanced and working, I'm not too hot to replace it." Memphisdave asks, "have you had a favorite rank so far DG?" Dgallagher says, "Well, on AOL Fed, I was quite happy as a Merchant. I had a company and, thanks to Lucas, a good job. But now I'm very happy to have a planet, so any PO rank." "Do you plan to go all the way to Duke?", asks Chiefsgirl. Memphisdave nods..back when merchiedom actually took time:) "Doubtful. I don't need the added tension of managing a Duchy. No, I'm happy to just have my little patch of real-estate.", says Dgallagher. Genike says, "Yep" Genike frowns and says, "Took me over a year to make PO" Chiefsgirl asks, "How do you spend your time, DG? Do you haul a lot?" Dgallagher smiles, "Not very much, no. By the time I can get into Fed on an average day, I'm pretty frazzled, so I'm happy to just spend time with friends. I cook, I entertain." "you cook?!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl perks Dgallagher nods. Snowstar smiles, "He's a divine cook" Chiefsgirl wonders when she's getting invited to a meal "Just show up some night and say you're hungry.", smiles Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl will do that "So, who are the folks you're hanging out with these days?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Angel, Will, Jaz, Glec...the folks you usually see hanging around on channel 22 or in Loverly.", smiles Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "I just like meeting people and being among good friends." "Hummmm. he didn'r mention me", says Ford with a frown. Genike frowns "Me niether", says Genike. Snowstar sniffs... "me neither!", exclaims Lobo. Lobo cries... "Ford? You're usually on 22.", says Dgallagher. Ford says, "Very funny." Von pats Ford on the back. "We understand why" Juel wraps an arm around both Snow and Lobo "And Snow, I hardly see you anymore...which I'm not happy to say!", says Dgallagher with a frown. Dgallagher says, "And Nike is usually on 22 as well." Lobo hugs Juel for comfort... Memphisdave wraps an arm around himself "I know when I'm not loved.", says Ford. Dgallagher fishes around in his kitbag for a violin. Jazir grins Chiefsgirl laughs Dgallagher grins. Myangel peeks at the kitbag. Genike says, "I usally talk to you on comms DG" Dgallagher winks and says, "Which means you're in Loverly, Nike." Snowstar says, "Ow...i" Dgallagher has Nike stuck now. Genike exclaims, "So is MyAngel and she got mentioned!" "But she is special", says Genike with a wink. "Indeed.", smiles Dgallagher. "I'd explain why Angel means so much to me, but it's kind of a personal matter...I'm sure you all understand.", says Dgallagher. "It relates to that bad patch in '98, I mentioned.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl smiles "Of course", says Genike. Myangel smiles toward Dg Chiefsgirl smiles, "You can distract us by telling us your most embarassing moment" Tempest perches on the edge of her seat. Dgallagher says, "Hm." Lobo asks, "now?" "Most embarassing moment...", says Dgallagher. "It's a good candidate, Lobo.", says Dgallagher. Snowstar smiles, "Wow...that's usually saved for last" Lobo smiles Dgallagher says, "Well, it wasn't a public embarassment, but I felt dumb afterwards...it was during FS3." "I was announcing the conditions of one of the competitions I'd had to rewire shortly before it was to run.", says Dgallagher. "You got caught naked in the back room with the immunity idol?", asks Lobo. "So I went through the whole spiel and noticed everybody was just staring at me.", says Dgallagher. "I'd been explaining the whole thing over the comms...and none of the contestants had comm units!", says Dgallagher with a frown. Chiefsgirl giggles Neva laughs Jazir chuckles Lobo snickers Snowstar laughs, "I never knew that!" Juel thinks Lobo's is more interesting... Tempest laughs. Chiefsgirl wonders why almost all embarassing moments involve comm units "And if it weren't for HER :: he says, pointing at CG :: you never WOULD have known!", exclaims Dgallagher. Lobo winks and says, "Yeh...I liked my revelation better" Chiefsgirl exclaims, "But we're so happy to have found out!" Chiefsgirl bounces happily Dgallagher mumbles. "Are there any questions for DG?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience Myangel smiles "I have one.", says Tempest. "Ooookay.", smiles Dgallagher. "Answers are extra, though.", says Dgallagher. "Besides your own planet, what are your favorites to visit?", asks Tempest. Dgallagher says, "Unfortunately, many of my favorites have closed permanently, but I quite like Loverly, strangely enough Earth, and I'm in the midst of exploring Pentagon." "You don't have to name names, just types. (Beach, etc.)", says Tempest. "Oh, I see.", smiles Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "Well, custom planets always take my attention over all else, but I quite like beach planets." Bsacarl has a question for Dg :) "Okay Carl.", smiles Dgallagher. Genike says, "Pentagon isn't done yet" Dgallagher winks and says, "I noticed." Tempest smiles. Ford thainks he may let Dg get outa hot water with him by letting him help with Steam's rewrite. "very important question....back in aol fed...were you a Cantina fan...a CD'z fan...or neither?", asks Memphisdave. "Hot water to steam...which is worse?", says Dgallagher with a wink. "They were known as cantina rats in those days, Dave", says Lobo with a wink. Dgallagher says, "Both, but I was found more frequently in CD's than the Cantina, which is why I was so dismayed by the name change announcement." Dgallagher remembers reading it in the paper, but heard nothing more on it. Memphisdave raises a fist...Viva la CD'z...those were the days Chiefsgirl says, "They changed their mind the next issue, DG" "It got cancelled", says Genike. Dgallagher says, "Oops." Dgallagher says, "Must've been the week I was down sick." "Carl? You had a question?", asks Dgallagher. Bsacarl asks, "Everyone that knows you knows that you have quite an imagination ..how do you come up with all the gadgets?" Bsacarl smiles Myangel grins at Carl Bsacarl eyes the bag at Dg's feet Dgallagher says, "Imagination, pure and simple. I think of either something mundane and make it extraordinary, or I think of a new solution to a problem." Bsacarl smiles, "can ya give us an example?" "It's not limited to Fed, either. I'm something of a basement inventor out in RL.", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl says, "Gadgets? why have I missed the gadgets? first the meals, now this...." Bsacarl grinz Dgallagher says, "Sure, if you like." "A meal and gadgets....now that's my idea of a good date", smiles Snowstar. Dgallagher rummages around in his kitbag and comes up with what appears to be a rolled up piece of plastic sheet, about five inches wide. Myangel smiles! "This I've had for ages.", says Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "Since AOL Fed, actually. That's where I built this one." Genike asks, "What is it for?" Dgallagher tows a table over to where he stands and unrolls the sheet. There are a number of lined markings on it, which look vaguely familiar. Snowstar peers across the table at the sheet... Dgallagher sets his fingers to the plastic, and you hear the opening bars to Pachebel's Canon in D float into the room...but you can't see a piano. Dgallagher says, "It's a sheet piano, made from layered monocule plastic sheets and nanowiring." Bsacarl laughs and applauds "excellent", smiles Bsacarl. Memphisdave exclaims, "bravo!" Tempest sighs, "My favorite tune!" Chiefsgirl giggles Snowstar cheers and whistles! Chiefsgirl says, "So clever" Chiefsgirl admires the sheet piano Dgallagher smiles. Myangel whispers to dg.. "This is the only survivng one.", says Dgallagher. Genike wonders where the technology comes from "Of course, there are some things that work together.", says Dgallagher. Dgallagher says, "Or rather, work best together." Snowstar asks, "Nano wiring...wouldn't that come from Ork?" Dgallagher says, "No, I had to manufacture it myself." Genike thinks DG should do a presentation for the Pentagon Officials Myangel dims the lights Dgallagher says, "If I could give an example of a pair..." "Everybody have time?", asks Dgallagher. "Sure", says Genike. "sure...", says Lobo. Juel nods "yep!", exclaims Tempest. Dgallagher digs through his kitbag and comes up with a belt with an attached carrying pouch of some kind. Bsacarl remembers a metal helmet Dg placed on my head that almost killed me ;) Dgallagher loops the belt over one shoulder and under his other arm. Bsacarl ducks "In here are runic stones. Used properly...", says Dgallagher. Dgallagher points an index finger up, and a small golden orb fades into view, resting on his finger. Dgallagher says, "They can do various things." Bsacarl peeks over the edge of the seat in front of him Genike thinks this reminds him of Mary Poppins Dgallagher smiles. Dgallagher says, "Mary never thought of some things, though." Dgallagher sits down at the piano. The orb fades away. Dgallagher starts to play. It's a complicated yet brisk series of piano chords that work together with great effect. It sounds nearly Latin in a way, but at the same time a rock ballad. Dgallagher continues to play. A complex melody flows on top of the piano chords as a synth-reed. The notes spiral along the accompaniment, and you recognize it: "Living in a Bubble" by Eiffel 65. Dgallagher abruptly shifts the music. The piano disappears, replaced by strings. Dgallagher strikes the string stings sharply, the pizzicato notes singing in all ranges. At each strike, a few scintillating orbs fade into existence overhead, forming a grid. Dgallagher continues with the strings, and the orbs pulse with it, reminding you of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" in a sort of way. The gold, blue, green, and red orbs create lit patterns with the music. Dgallagher continues, and the strings are joined by a rock beat. The orbs begin a bouncing, bobbing kind of dance, jumping and pulsing in small teams in coordination with the music in a visual accompaniment. Dgallagher brings the synth-reed melody back. The orbs float out into the room and continue their dance, lilting to and fro overhead. Tempest gazes in awe at the dancing orbs. Dgallagher continues to play, the beat growing ever more syncopated, synth and string mingling. The orbs dance around each other in the air, weaving intricate patterns across your line of sight. Dgallagher reaches a refrain and the orbs line up, dancing in perfect unison now. They make huge looping passes and quick darts into line. Snowstar thinks this is better than Dancing Waters in the ozarks... Dgallagher shifts the music to a near-solo, and the orbs form a circle around a pair. The two orbs in the center begin twirling around each other quickly as the circle bobs in time. Dgallagher resumes the full accompaniment, and the circle shatters, the orbs pairing off in their strange dance again. A few pairs do something different; a flip or other acrobatic. Dgallagher reaches another bridge, and the synth-reed is replaced by a sawtooth wave. The orbs form a square, with a single golden orb dancing unbelievably fast at its center. Dgallagher plays on and begins to rise into the air! The orbs encircle him, twisting around him like a brief tornado before rising back into the room. Dgallagher lets the drum beat fall off, and some of the orbs freeze and fade from existence. The strings vanish next, as do some more of the orbs. Dgallagher continues the melody with piano chords and synth-reed. The chords vanish next, leaving only the reed and a three orbs - red, gold, and blue. Dgallagher reaches the end, and the orbs form a perfect equilateral triangle and fade away as the last note vanishes and he returns to the ground. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly Myangel stands and applauds!!! Dgallagher looks at CG. Satisfactory? :) Wrkincaid applauds Bsacarl cheers and applauds Chiefsgirl smiles, "That was incredible DG" Genike says, "WTG" Snowstar breaks her trance to clap wildly!! Redspice applauds Saffire applauds Dgallagher smiles. Tempest says, "act apllauds as she jumps to her feet." Redspice stands and applauds Lobo applauds loudly... "Bravo, Dg!", smiles Jazir. "very nice, Dg", says Lobo. Von applauds DG. Darkpumpkin claps Redspice takes a deep breath...wow...beautiful... Fancy applauds the performance. Jazir makes a note to hire Dg whenever he needs musical entertainment "But now...", says Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl is much impressed with the gadgets Dgallagher says, "To thank Carl for bringing this up, I'm going to give one last demonstration of runics..." Myangel glances toward the window. Dgallagher flips his hand, palm out towards Carl, who is suddenly enveloped in a whirl of bright light! Bsacarl exclaims, "ack!!" Von blinks. Dgallagher flicks his hand aside, and the light disappears. Where Carl was standing now sits a cute little fuzzy toy poodle. "Oooo, an advanced light bulb!", says Jazir with a wink. "woof woof", says Bsacarl. "neat weapon...", smiles Juel. Dgallagher snaps his fingers and turns the poodle pink. "There. Perfect.", smiles Dgallagher. Bsacarl says, "le' woof woof" Redspice chuckles... "Quick...give him his shots!", exclaims Lobo. Chiefsgirl laughs Saffire giggles Snowstar pours the poodle a shot of tequila! Bsacarl cocks his leg up Dgallagher grins and snaps his fingers again and Carl is back to normal...if you overlook the pink hair. Redspice lauhgs Dgallagher says, "Whoops." Bsacarl says, "whoa" Myangel giggles. Dgallagher says, "Hm. There's always a hitch." Chiefsgirl applauds for DG's skills Darkpumpkin laughs Saffire laughs Neva giggles at Carl with his leg in the air Redspice laughs too... Bsacarl scratches Lobo laughs.. Tempest laughs "Any other questions for DG?", asks Chiefsgirl. Bsacarl says, "nope" Chiefsgirl looks around Bsacarl winks Bsacarl chuckles Darkpumpkin asks, "Had he,or has he ever Owned a dead Monkey named Chip?" Dgallagher says, "Can't say I have..." Tempest looks very confused. "Ok,my curiousity is satisfied", says Darkpumpkin. "I'm surprised, CG.", says Dgallagher. "This was remarkably painless.", says Dgallagher. Myangel grins Chiefsgirl laughs "dang...we failed!", exclaims Lobo. Snowstar smiles at Dg... Bsacarl hands Dg a bag of s'mores for a job well done :) Jazir smiles "I'm glad to see my friends here, though.", smiles Dgallagher. Chiefsgirl says, "I told you it would be" "It's a nice thing when people you know are willing to come see you potentially make a fool of yourself.", says Dgallagher with a wink. Myangel knew it would go wonderfully :) Juel says, "well there you failed Dg" Dgallagher winks and says, "That's why we always watch Glec fight, I think." Jazir smiles, "Indeed Dg, splendid job!" Redspice smiles, "anyone that knows you...knows that would not happen" "Genike will have a special announcement and I hope you'll all join me next week when my guest will be Memphisdave", says Chiefsgirl. Juel says, "Go Dave..." Fancy thinks back to last summer when we left the "model of Fed" down, and the siren blaring. Snowstar applauds DG with a standing ovation.. Dgallagher laughs and nods! Genike ahmms "Dave!!! Oh goodie!!! A REAL roast!", exclaims Lobo. Genike says, "***My beloved Again and I are getting married next Sunday at 8PM est 5PM pac You are all Invited!***(Location TBA)" Jazir claps and cheers for Dg Tempest stands and applauds DG. Genike Applauds DG "Congrats Gen!", smiles Jazir. "Hey! Cool, Nike!", smiles Dgallagher. Neva applauds DG Bsacarl smiles, "congrats Ike" "Thankyou", says Genike. Redspice applauds Dg... Myangel applauds Dg Snowstar winks and says, "Congrats again, Ike" Tempest says, "Congrats, Ike." Wrkincaid smiles warmly "I just wanted to get it out there so everyone knows", says Genike. Myangel whispers ..you did great dearheart :) Genike smiles, "I hope to see you all there" Dgallagher smiles, "Thanks for coming all." Chiefsgirl smiles, "Yes, thank you all for coming tonight" "enjoyed, thank you Dg...", says Juel. Bsacarl smiles "I had fun.", smiles Dgallagher. Tempest says, "Thanks for hosting CG." Chiefsgirl smiles, "You're welcome" |