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Wolfyn continues to try to hide the fact she's been actually wearing Galin's kilt, and using it to mop the floors. Wolfyn stumbles over the frazzled hanging kilt threads on her way to the microphone. Tempest thinks the Mop-N-Glo adds a nice sheen to the fabric. Ditzy says, "waterproofs it too" Ditzy sips her tea and looks around. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to tonight's edition of Fed Meet and Greet! Since Galin wasn't supposed to be here, I'll be hosting tonight.", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn exclaims, "Let's welcome tonight's guest..... Ditzy!" Jazir applauds for Ditzy! :) Tempest applauds. Ditzy asks, "Me?" Wolfyn says, "Yes, you." Snowlily whistles and claps Emcee applauds wildly for ditzy "Up here.", says Wolfyn. "Guest.", says Wolfyn. "Answer questions.", says Wolfyn. Ditzy brings in her eviler clone... Wolfyn smiles, "Ditzy! Tell us the story of your Fed life! At least the beginning." Ditzy carefully crosses to the front so as not to spill her tea. Ditzy smiles. Wolfyn hands the microphone to Ditzy. Sirglec flicks a spider towards Ditzy's tea glass. Ditzy takes the mic and bats the spider away just in time... and spills her tea. Sirglec smiles. "oops!", exclaims Snowlily. Wolfyn points to the ground of Fed. "How did you end up here?" She mops up tea with the kilt. Ditzy says, "Ok... The story of my life." Sirglec wants names, dates and details! Skylaura pays avid attention Emcee just listens Ditzy says, "After years, and I do mean YEARS of working with computers, I finally got one with internet access." Galinfenner sits on Ansel and breaks his camera "And knew next to nothing about the internet.", says Ditzy. "Such an evil thing.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Ditzy says, "So on the advice of my kids, I tried AOL." Ditzy says, "Evil of them, but they do take after me." Wolfyn nods. "I wanted to play a game, and went down a list and saw Federation, and thought I'd give it a try.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn exclaims, "More evil!" Kao drinks to that Emcee applauds ditzy for trying "My youngest son said his best friend used to play and hated it, so I KNEW I'd love it.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn chuckles. "Kids have no idea what a no graphics game is.", smiles Skylaura. "Amen", says Kao. Snowlily grins and nods to Laura "yupp", smiles Emcee. Tempest can think of a few adults, too. "And I entered Dataspace, listened to the instructions from the navs, and got a permit and a ship and my first job.", says Ditzy. "Did you stay the first time you played? Were you hooked?", asks Wolfyn. Sirglec asks, "When was that?" Skylaura smiles, "Was Henry Ford still making ships by hand then?" "lol!", exclaims Snowlily. Ditzy says, "That was on July 29, 1997" Sirglec checks Ditzy for grey hairs. Ditzy says, "Only problem was, I had no idea how to navigate in space." Ditzy says, "And I didn't particularly like my screen name." Wolfyn grins. "Ever figure it out?" Ditzy says, "Then a nav named Mav777 told me about a manual." "Oh, that's a name from old history.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Tempest wants to know the original screen name. Reihenfolge too Ditzy says, "I logged off, found the manual, printed it, put it in a binder and read the whole thing." Ditzy says, "Then I created a new name and started for real..." "As LadyWho13", says Ditzy. "So I really count my start in fed from August 1st.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn asks, "Who else helped you out in those early days?" "I battled for jobs and made a few friends Like BrWeSt27 and Jade0110", says Ditzy. Wolfyn nods. Ditzy says, "And discovered CDs" Kao remembers Jade........I think "I mish having to battle People for work. Now I battle autohaulers.", smiles Skylaura. "Ah Diesel's... I met my first fed-hubby there during a pie fight.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn grins. Kao says, "Loved those food fights" "Unfortunatly, there were in that time a particular noxious breed running around known as snerts.", says Ditzy. Tempest asks, "CD's serves pie?" "Never!", exclaims Wolfyn. Emcee nods to both Kao smiles, "Ahhh...snerts" "Death to SNERT!!!", exclaims Skylaura. Reihenfolge says, "what is a snert..." "Some of them started harassing me both in dataspace and out of it... So I took drastic measures.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn frowns, what did you do? "Out of dataspace? uncool", says Kao. "And I had a friend hold my groats, and I was up to merchie by this time, and I started over under a new name.", says Ditzy. Ditzy says, "Took about 4 hours of frantic hauling and searching and puzzling, to get back to merchie." "This was still on AOL...", says Ditzy. Wolfyn nods. Ditzy says, "Only had 1 meg to go to get JP when IT happened." Wolfyn asks, "It? It?" Kao gasps IT? Skylaura asks, "You DD'd?" "Information Technology?", asks Chewbacon. Wolfyn covers SirGlec's eyes from IT. Ditzy asks, "How many remember the move to the web and the month of no fed?" Kao raises her hand Srgasman nods Fancy raises his paw. Kao says, "Yep" "That September", says Ditzy. "And.... it?", asks Wolfyn. Ditzy says, "Then things started on the web, and they slowly brought up features... and everyone discovered the fun of having more than one alt on at a time." "When the final adoption came around, I was back at starting over as merchie again.", says Ditzy. Sirglec looks astonished. "More than one alt? What nerve!" Wolfyn says, "Oh my." Ditzy says, "But under a different name." Wolfyn asks, "Were you Ditzy yet?" "That's when Ditzy started.", says Ditzy. "I think she may have always been Ditzy.", smiles Skylaura. Ditzy says, "Well, everyone kept saying I was, so I did." Wolfyn asks, "Speaking of that - why Ditzy? And are you blonde?" Wolfyn ducks. Ditzy says, "And yes, I was born blonde and have the pictures to prove it." Skylaura asks, "Really?" Wolfyn looks them over. Ditzy nods. Snowlily peers over Wolfyn's shoulder and nods Snowlily says, "yup! blonde." "When did you finally get Oops?", asks Wolfyn. Sirglec knows the sure way of finding out, but isn't going to say a word! "So with my other me to help, I made merchie in next to no time and waited out the cycles.", says Ditzy. "Does Oops go along with the Ditzy... er, theme?", asks Wolfyn. "And finally, on December 1, 1997 Oops was onlined.", says Ditzy. "Yes... by this time Fed was getting ready to go to pay by the minute.", says Ditzy. "It seems that in the rush for planets before p2p, Slarti's started hiring outside help, UNSKILLED outside help, to build the planets.", says Ditzy. Ditzy says, "Apparently, these so called "planet builders" didn't know the first thing about reading a blueprint because Oops turned out inside-out! The gravity is messed up in several places, and the inhabitants are just a little...strange." Ron vouches for that "Oh my.", says Wolfyn. Kao winks and says, "A little.....yeah right" Ditzy says, "The named the capitol city, Murphy, after the lawgiver." Wolfyn envisions a workforce of blonde Slartie's workthingies. Ditzy says, "I have made a few modifications since then, but since Slarti's has a monopoly on the workers, I keep getting the wrong things done." "Weren't you a member of the Sisters of Darkshadow? What was that?", asks Wolfyn. "There is a most unusual arena now, orbiting the sun at the center of the planet.", says Ditzy. Ditzy says, "And yes, I'm still a Sister of Darkshadow." "Are any others still in Fed? What did they represent?", asks Wolfyn. Ditzy says, "It's a group of mostly sisters who have pledged to love and accept each other no matter what." Kao grins Ditzy smiles, "And Kao is still here" "And several others.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn nods and smiles. "What was your most embarrassing Fed moment, Ditzy?", asks Wolfyn. Emcee sits up Wolfyn takes careful notes. "Me? Embarrassed?", asks Ditzy. Wolfyn rolls her eyes. Ditzy says, "I don't embarrass easily, but there was one time..." Emcee perks Ditzy asks, "Remember the 5+ minute lag on AOL?" Skylaura asks, "One Time when and were?" Wolfyn nods, hauled through a lot of that. Kao remembers....yeccchhh Ditzy says, "I was with my then hubby in what was supposed to be a private area..." Kao says, "Uh oh" Snowlily groans Wolfyn writes and scribbles. Skylaura asks, "Oh I love it. Do you still have the log tapes?" "And what where you doing?", asks Wolfyn. Snowlily says, "hehe." Tempest giggles as the privates become public. Fancy widens his eyes, thinking he knows where THIS is going. Ditzy says, "And had just acted out a rather, well... descriptive action and hit enter..." "Maybe they were Snog tapes. Hmmm.", smiles Skylaura. Srgasman wonders who walked in? "the logs, the logs!", exclaims Pppme. Ditzy says, "When in walked his old, just returning to fed girlfriend... before MY action showed on the screen." Wolfyn rolls! Snowlily exclaims, "oh god!" Kao says, "Ouch......LOL" "She didn't know he had married me.", says Ditzy. Kao has been there.....LOL Wolfyn winks and says, "And you had to watch that through the lag." "Actually, I was so embarrassed that I bailed.", says Ditzy. Wolfyn laughs! Kao giggles "Just what I would have done too.", says Wolfyn. Snowlily nods! "Just let him explain to her.", says Ditzy. "But after that I decided that I wasn't going to get embarrassed again.", says Ditzy. Srgasman wonders if she left her clothes layin there.. "What clothes?", asks Ditzy. Wolfyn lol Snowstar pictures Ditzy scrambling for her clothes, saying "you handle this, baby" Srgasman says, "of course" Tempest raises her hand to ask a question. Ditzy asks, "Yes?" Tempest asks, "How many Fed husbands have you had?" Kao asks, "Her own, or others peoples?" "As Ditzy, just 2... so far.", says Ditzy. Tempest giggles. "Of mine anyway...", says Ditzy. Wolfyn chuckles. Tempest asks, "Who were they?" "Mr. Bobbitt and ?", asks Wolfyn. "I married Albansire on March 16th of 1998", says Ditzy. Ron puts away the BIG GUN "Was with him for a year til he left Fed...", says Ditzy. Ditzy says, "Then was married to Whirlwind for 2 and a half months" Ditzy LIKES Ron's BIG GUN! Kao spits her scotch Ditzy smiles inno... ce... Nah! No one would believe THAT! Snowlily laughs and falls over Wolfyn asks, "Any current romances? Upcoming plans?" "Sorry....", says Kao. Kao wipes the table "Current romances, yes... Some more casual, and onve very special.", smiles Ditzy. Ditzy smiles, "One, that is" Wolfyn asks, "Anyone else have questions?" Pppme raises his hand Wolfyn hands the microphone to Pppme. Pppme asks, "I had a PO or two move to DS, are you ladies all that alluring?" Pppme chuckles Wolfyn grins. Kao allures 3P "Well you be the judge...", says Ditzy. Ditzy strikes her new pose. The different one. Still with arms though. "Ooooooo!", exclaims Wolfyn. "Ditzy, I have another question....", says Wolfyn. "Yes?", asks Ditzy. "Don't you do some interesting computer work outside of Fed?", asks Wolfyn. Wolfyn seems to remember seeing some of that. "Yes. I design animated fonts and free custom animated logos.", says Ditzy. Ditzy says, "And I've done several for fed web pages" Wolfyn exclaims, "Of course!" Pppme looks at Ditzy's dress Wolfyn points out the fonts on her dress. Snowlily thinks 3P should look at the jewel instead. ;) Ditzy says, "And in a blatant plug...." "Just visit www.fontlady.com", says Ditzy with a wink. Snowlily chuckles and nods Kao holds up a banner WWW.FONTLADY.COM Snowlily cheers and claps Ditzy says, "And now, of course, I started hosting Scramble" Sirglec watches the count meter on the site scroll. Silverkat asks, ".. yes .. why weren't there any jokes about a 'Whirlwind' marriage of 2 and a half months?" Tempest asks, "Are you married in RL?" Ditzy smiles, "I figured since I was blonde, I was perfect at mixing things up" Wolfyn laughs! Wolfyn asks, "How long have you been doing Scramble?" "Yes, RL I've been married for 22 years to my high school sweetie and have 4 kids.", says Ditzy. Ditzy says, "Been doing Scramble for a month" Tempest exclaims, "Wow!" "thats awesome", says Dooeee. Pppme smiles, "that's cool" "And my oldest also plays Fed", smiles Ditzy. Snowlily asks, "who is......?" "Yeah...I shot him", says Ron. "Auditor", smiles Ditzy. Sirglec listens intently. Wolfyn exclaims, "Oh no!" Fancy winks and says, "Ah... the tax man." "It's ok, We both forgave Ron for that a long time ago", smiles Ditzy. Pppme laughs remember a recent conversation Ron smiles and goes back to calibrating the BIG GUN "Try adjusting the font size Ron.", says Rasal. Wolfyn asks, "Any other questions?" Tiki thinks if her son played fed the last place he'd want to be is in mom's duchy Ditzy says, "And that brings us to my second biggest mistake in Fed..." Ditzy says, "He was home for the weekend and getting ready to promote, so I decided to surprise him by clearing out his exchange..." "And I DD'd him.", says Ditzy. "Uh oh", says Kao. "Ouch", says Dooeee. Fancy claps his hand over his eyes. Ditzy says, "I had to wake him up with the news..." "Was Mom in the doghouse?", asks Wolfyn. Kao can just hear it "AWWWWWW MOM!!!!!" Dooeee says, "that had to leaf a scar" Ditzy says, "He was very understanding..." "what, How?", asks Pppme. Ditzy says, "I flew him into Oops' sun. Twice." Sirglec exclaims, "Understanding... he didn't talk to you for two weeks!" Fancy says, "Probably a bit of hauling to get him back to where he was, and all would be forgiven." Ditzy says, "Actually, I told him I'd get his planet back for him as fast as I could." Macnbc winks and says, "how do you 'accidentally' fly into a sun.. twice?" "Think blonde.", says Wolfyn with a wink. "That is the problem with macros", says Ditzy. Kao says, "Blonde" "It wasn't easy I bet", says Roslyn with a wink. Ditzy nods Pppme says, "think NO INS" "that was a BIG Oops there then", says Macnbc with a wink. Ditzy says, "That too. That was the only time I ever accidently DD'd a character." Ditzy says, "But I got his planet back in 27 hours." "Wow.", says Wolfyn. "Woooo", says Kao. Ditzy says, "And 5 of that was sleeping." "so you made it up to him?", asks Pppme. Ditzy says, "Yes, and he promoted a week later." Ditzy says, "It was the least I could do..." Wolfyn grins. Ditzy smiles, "And now I know I can do it" Emcee grins at ditzy Wolfyn smiles, "Ditzy, thank you for joining us tonight." "So, any other questions?", asks Ditzy. Ditzy says, "Well, that is my sordid life up to tonight..." "That concludes our Meet and Greet for this week. Make sure and join us next week, when Galin's guest will be...", says Wolfyn. "The one and only demi-goddess Hazed.", smiles Wolfyn. Pppme applaudes Kao cheers Snowlily claps and whistles Emcee claps wildly Tiki applauds Jazir cheers and claps Ditzy hands back the mic. |