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"Or better yet, only one word answers.", says Zeroz. "Ooo I'd be good at that, Z", smiles Snowstar. "Ah... that would be interesting", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "I've already had guests that gave one word answers" ... Djkat has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Djkat says, "Hello" Chiefsgirl says, "Ah......" "Just in time.... I was going to suggest Von fill in.", says Sirglec with a wink. Snowstar smiles, "Tis the man of the hour" Von glares at Sir. Djkat says, "sorry to be late .. had some computer difficulty" Lobo unrolls his scroll of embarrassing questions.... Claire applauds her longtime Fed friend Readerboy mumbles something about always blaming it on the computer. Djkat looks around and smiles to see so many friendly faces "wait for cg to bounce", says Miasmiccloud. Chiefsgirl stands and smoothes her dress Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" Chiefsgirl says, "I'm pleased to welcome Djkat, Duke of Nectar, as our guest tonight" Chiefsgirl says, "He'll tell us a bit about himself and answer questions from the audience" "Please make him feel welcome", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl applauds mightly and plops down on her barstool Djkat does a quick check of his duchy to see if anyone lives there this week Djkat says, "ok, all clear" Djkat says, "no one sneaked into the duchy while I wasnt looking" Djkat chuckles Djkat says, "lets see ... I meant to write up a script for this .. but never got around to it" Chiefsgirl asks, "Are you opposed to that Dj?" Djkat says, "so .. we will wing this" Snowstar smiles, "Ooo Djkat Unplugged" "Script? Dis ain't no stinkin movie!", exclaims Lobo. Rere winks and says, "Always the best way anyhow Dj" "We'll be sure to fill in the blanks, Dj", says Claire. "well .. I didnt want to leave out any of the good stuff", says Djkat. Zeroz says, "That could be a lotta fillin'" Djkat says, "now we take our chances" "we doan need no stinkin scrips", smiles Miasmiccloud. Lobo winks at Dj Djkat says, "DJ started in AOL Fed a long time ago" Lobo wonders if they had calenders back then "so how long is a long time", says Jeblt with a wink. Claire thwaps Lobo "Yes, they did", says Claire. Lobo eeps! "actually started while AOL Fed was pay for play ...", says Djkat. Sirglec says, "Oooooo.... Jebs hammering already!@" Jeblt asks, "2 or 3 decades?" Djkat says, "and you will excuse me if I dont remember what year that was" "Dj, is it true that your RL last name is Lay and that you ran Enron?", asks Ford. Rere wondered why DJ used the walker ;) Claire winks and says, "hehe before me" Djkat laughs at Ford . then ignores the question Redspice chuckles... "it must be true Ford", says Jeblt with a wink. Sirglec turns up the spotlight intensity. Rere whispers...take the 5th...quick! Djkat says, "when I first joined FED ... I worked pretty hard .. not much play" Claire remembers the Darkstar days "dj did you start when fed was in beta on aol ?", asks Miasmiccloud. Djkat says, "beta .. no not that far back .. at least I dont think so" Djkat says, "then when I got to merchant, I bought factories in Arbor duchy from a guy named Hamburglr" Lobo exclaims, "Hammie!" Djkat says, "that started me on my days of Fed as a place to party" Jeblt says, "well that is the first thing to go. the memory..." Chiefsgirl says, "oh goodness" Claire grins "what's the second thing ?", asks Miasmiccloud. "He already forgot it", says Claire. "i forget", says Miasmiccloud. Djkat says, "back in those days, Arbor was about equal numbers men and women .. and they used to party hardy" Miasmiccloud says, "eggsellent" Lobo asks, "Was there a duchy that didn't?" "Party? In Fed???", asks Snowstar. Snowstar looks agog. Rere looks at Snow... agog? "Cool word, huh?", smiles Snowstar. Djkat says, "Arbor is where I first met Zorra ..." Sirglec tries to look agog and gets crosseyed! Claire smiles at the thought of Zorra Djkat says, "by the time Nectar became a planet, Arbor was full .. but there was a spin off duchy named Darkstar" "Wooohoo!!", exclaims Claire. "Now why does that name sound familiar?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl ponders Zorra Djkat says, "several of us Arbor kids joined and it was a great duchy also .. lots of really good folks in that duchy" Djkat says, "lets see .. dont remember excatly which came before what" "the invention of the wheel?", asks Lobo. Zeroz says, "I think the egg came first." Djkat says, "but somewhere along there, I was a member of Dragoon ... and enjoyed being a goonie" "Yeah!", exclaims Zeroz. "lots of good folks in that duchy too", says Djkat. "So is that how you got to becoming my gramps? <G>", says Zeroz. "the Goonies were big on families ... parents .. kids .. grandkids ...", says Djkat. "lots of brothers and sisters", says Djkat. Redspice chuckles Zeroz says, "And I think we were all inter-related some how." Lobo asks, "hmm...inner-marriages too?" "The problem with brothers and sisters...it limits who you can date", says Snowstar with a wink. Zeroz throws a snowball at Lobo for thinking like he is. Lobo ducks! "somewhere along the line, I 'adopted' Zeroz mom .. and became a Fed grandfather", says Djkat. Chiefsgirl asks, "It does Snow?" Djkat chuckles "There are no limits in my family", says Jordy with a wink. Chiefsgirl makes note of that Snowstar winks and says, "hehe ok maybe not for some, CG" "I used to have to ask who was related to who .. couldnt keep track of em all", says Djkat. Djkat chuckles Zeroz asks, "So, DJ. Any relations before you up on our family tumbleweed?" "I gave up on the family trees here", says Claire. Claire winks and says, "too many nuts" Zeroz was being serious... Djkat says, "but ... the most important part of my Fed family came from a different space" Djkat has given Von a nice hug! Von smiles. "And what space was that, Dj?", asks Chiefsgirl. "of course, coming up through the ranks, you meet others who are traders and merchants when you are", says Djkat. "one day .. walking down the hallway .. right outside of this here pub . Duff Modems", says Djkat. "I said hi to a nice lady named Von", says Djkat. Djkat smiles Von giggles remembering. Redspice smiles...awwwwww... "we had talked before .. but that time we actually talked .. and became friends ..and", says Djkat. Lobo exclaims, "whoah...this place is historical!" Snowstar thought he said hysterical, and already knew that. Jeblt says, "Von nice.. hmmmmmmm" "and hysterical too at times", smiles Miasmiccloud. "well .. there are lots of parts to that story .. but Von and I have been together ever since", says Djkat. Chiefsgirl was waiting for the and...... "Have you ever been officially married?", asks Sirglec. "now I need some help with dates", says Djkat. Claire was at the wedding:) Djkat turns to Von .. how long have we been married? Von counts on her fingers..."Going on 6 years" "my goodness.... 6 years!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Sirglec winks and says, "Okay.. before my time... That's why I don't remember it." "Von and I have been happily Fed married for almost 6 years", says Djkat. Chiefsgirl feels faint and begins to fan herself with her notecards "whoah...lasted longer than most of my RL marriages!", exclaims Lobo. "Wow, I haven't even been on Fed 6 whole years!", exclaims Jordy. "Six years?? Has it really been that long?", asks Claire. "Redspice says, "Feb. 5, 1998" Zeroz does the math... Zeroz says, "So, Von..." Zeroz says, "That makes me your legit grandson." "Von and I were married in a lovely ceremony .. performed by our good friend Zorra", says Djkat. Zeroz grins. Fancy says, "1998 is only 4 years ago." "I remember the time I stumbled on the two of you in Dj's hottub", says Claire with a wink. "6 years ago would be 1996.", says Fancy. Djkat says, "and a few folks in the wedding party .. who .. ahem .. may be here in this room" Claire says, "Geez, I have been here forever" Djkat looks around and smiles Lobo winks and says, "ACK! I try to forget those memories, Claire" "so is it 4 or 6 years?", asks Jordy. J"no What Red said is when she started playing", says Jeblt. "Sorry Your right Fancy, it was 1998 but that is going on 5 years", says Von. "and of course, Von's friends became our friends", says Djkat. "which is how I met Redspice", says Djkat. Lobo remembers the old Nectar days and sighs.... Redspice remembers Nectar... Djkat says, "apparently there are some good stories from back in the days when Von and Red hung out in the Sol bars .. but we will save those for someone elses M&G" Djkat winks Redspice laughs Chiefsgirl remembers going to a wedding when she was a JP where the bride and groom were both naked "Who??", asks Redspice. Snowstar smiles, "hehe right on, CG" "I take it that wasn't you and Von, Dj?", asks Chiefsgirl. "I have a a DI DUCHIES from 2000 you know.", says Zeroz. Claire smiles remembering some wonderful wine tasting parties in the hot tub Lobo asks, "was that one of mine, CG?" Zeroz says, "Has Archology in Nectar." Djkat says, "nope .." Chiefsgirl says, "I don't remember who it was but I was so shocked" Chiefsgirl adjusts her halo Jordy tries to remember all her weddings "there used to be several of those around CG", says Claire. Djkat says, "we all struggled along through Fed in the post-AOL pay for play days" Lobo remembers being naked at some of his....oh wait...that was AFTER! "no duke puzzle .. and all", says Djkat. Fancy says, "Well, whoever it was was certainly ready to do something once married..." Sirglec looks for CG's halo. "I don't think I ever got married naked... but then again, I don't remember being married half the time", says Jordy. "then when Fed went back to flat fee .. things picked up again", says Djkat. "How many times did you get asked if you were going to do the puzzle when it was fixed?", asks Claire. Chiefsgirl asks, "Have you ever considered leaving Dj?" Snowstar remembers being naked at a lot of other people's weddings. Djkat says, "with a lot of help from my friends, I finally made it through the Duke puzzle and Nectar became a duchy" Miasmiccloud says, "kewl"" Claire applauds "when Nectar was full of people, I must say that we had some fun there as well", says Djkat. Lobo says, "Yes...yes we did" Redspice nods... Chiefsgirl asks, "What happened to the people?" "one of the most important things a Duke can do, is encourage the growth of his POs", says Djkat. "some of us died...reincarnated", says Lobo with a wink. "It was an awesome place", says Claire. "and ... as my kids grew up .. they moved out of the nest", says Djkat. "but never stopped loving da duke", says Claire with a wink. Djkat says, "but .. my bride became Duchess of Archology .. and that is where we live, happily ever after" Djkat smiles Claire grins Lobo exclaims, "ooOOooOOoo..hot and passionate...we are the RANDOM kind and queen!" Redspice says, "alot of the po's moved to ARchology...." Djkat says, "I'm sure I left out a lot of people and a lot of stuff" Chiefsgirl asks, "Questions for Dj?" Chiefsgirl looks around the audience "some by accident .. some on purpose .. and some due to loss of memory", says Djkat. "Some of us even got duchies of our own and then started over", says Claire. "Was Nectar your first planet?", asks Zeroz. Djkat chuckles Lobo asks, "well...I have to ask this at every M those pics with you and those animals real, or computer enhanced?" Claire says, "but we had a wonderful role model in Dj" Djkat says, "was Nectar my first planet .. yes" Jordy asks Lobo for the pics Djkat says, "DjKat ... games played 1,204 .. never dded" Lobo will sell them... "animals?", asks Djkat. Redspice says, "ummmmm...memories..." Claire hands Dj a gold plated "Green Jello Cannon" as a souvenier...for old times sake. "I know you know how to use it." Redspice asks, "werent there alot of food fights on Nectar??" Djkat says, "food fights ... hmmm .. yes we had a few of those" Miasmiccloud smiles, "sounds intriguing" "Not to mention in intra-duchy jello fights", says Claire. Djkat says, "and a few food parties as well .. everyone brought something" Lobo says, "and several whippy fights" Jordy asks, "Dj, can you tell us about the red dress in your closet?" "Did Von have to clean the bar afterwards, or did you use droids??", asks Redspice. Claire says, "I would laugh so hard it hurt" Lobo asks, "Didn't Dj exchange that red dress for the blue one on Ebay?" "Guess Red", says Von with a wink. "He did?", asks Jordy. Djkat says, "the food fights encouraged the use of tile floors and firehoses for clean up, as I recall" Redspice chuckles... "ah yes....", says Redspice. Claire says, "the sushi parties were a blast too" Redspice asks, "and how many times did I have to stand in the corner for misbehaving..??" Sirglec asks, "Dj....Broom or vacuum cleaner?" "Only when you weren't in the ice machine with Von", says Claire with a wink. Djkat asks, "SirG .. you have a fire hose attachement for your vacuum cleaner?" Von laughs. Jordy laughs "Oh geez I forgot about the ice machine", says Von. Claire says, "I keep spares on Sassenach just for you two" Sirglec exclaims, "Let's here more about the ice machine!" "this is great .. no questions .. and the room is entertaining themselves", says Djkat. "Nectar parties got a bit "warm" at times", says Claire with a wink. Redspice asks, "warm??" Chiefsgirl smiles, "That's why I always recommend inviting everyone you know" Jordy says, "I heard 'hot' was the more appropiate word" Redspice says, "Dj use to get so mad at me...oooooooo...." "They know all the answers and provide entertainment", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Well, Dj taught me everything I ever learned about exchanges...I still use his system to this day.....Like how I tried to change the subject, Boss?", asks Claire. Djkat grins Von chuckles. "Exchanges .. that was the one thing I really missed when I became a Duke", says Djkat. Sirglec still wants to know more about the ice machine! Lobo remembers the only thing he learned new in Nectar was to keep his boxers locked up... Redspice chuckles... "Did you plan to become a duke right from the start, Dj?", asks Chiefsgirl. "that's okay, you were never shy about getting into our exchanges", says Claire with a wink. Djkat says, "I wrote this spreadsheet program to evaluate exchanges .. and still like to use it to fine tune and exchange here and there" Von whispers to Sir, 'They are machines that make ice' Claire still has it on her desktop Claire says, "the spreadsheet, not the ice machine" Djkat says, "did I plan to become a duke .. well at first .. yes .. then later, I was having fun as a Baron" Von says, "I bet you have an ice machine near by Claire" Djkat says, "but when I decided to become a Duke .. that has it's own rewards" Snowstar has found that barons and dukes are equally fun :) "being a Duke can also be a pain in the backside", says Djkat. Chiefsgirl asks, "In what way, Dj?" "having an empty duchy has solved the painful part however .. ::chuckles::", says Djkat. "one reason I choose to stay Baron this time", says Lobo with a wink. Djkat says, "well ... duchies have people in em .. and sometimes the kids don't all play nice in the sandbox" "but we never forgot you", smiles Claire. Chiefsgirl says, "Ah" Redspice whispers to Von..."and some of us won't stay in the sandbox" "Some of us thought the sand WAS in the box!", exclaims Claire. Miasmiccloud thinks that a sandbox is a nice place to play Claire remembers some interesting trade discussions in her bar "Any other questions for Dj?", asks Chiefsgirl. Von looks at Claire, "Really, somehow Dj and I never got around to trade discussions." Claire asks, "Aside from Von.....what is your best Fed memory?" "best fed memory", says Djkat. Von smiles innocently. Claire winks and says, "I said BESIDES Von" Von giggles. "well .. I guess it is all the good friends .... some who are no longer with us ... and the really good friends that are", says Djkat. Snowstar raises her glass, thinking that sounds like a toast! Claire says, "to good friends...then and now" "to good friends .. then and now", says Djkat. Jordy raises her glass Von raises her glass to Dj in toast then sips. Djkat raises his glass and drinks to friends Chiefsgirl drinks to that Lobo drinks... Claire sips her wine Antonia raises glass and drinks Myangel clinks her glass and sips Miasmiccloud raises a cup Jazir smiles and drinks "and of course .. we make new friends all the time ... another good thing about Fed", says Djkat. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any more questions for Dj?" "Just one...", says Claire. Jordy asks, "Did we ask most embarrasing moment yet?" Snowstar doesn't remember most embarrassing being asked. "When he allowed Skypilot into his duchy, I think", says Lobo with a wink. "No...that would be good", says Claire. Djkat chuckles at Lobo Jordy looks at Dj "Well?" "well ... one sort of embarrasing thing it not being able to remember some of the names I wanted to talk about tonight", says Djkat. Snowstar can't wait to ask Lobo this question at *his* M&G :) Lobo thwaps Snowstar! "and .. of course, we have all had times where our comms and Xts got mixed up", says Djkat. "I don't think that counts as most embarrasing moment", says Jordy with a wink. "I'll need to work on that answer starting now, Snowie", says Lobo with a wink. "Yes, Lobo it will be hard to choose won't it?", says Von with a wink. "So many choices, Lobo", says Claire. Lobo exclaims, "yes...yes it would!" "one story that I remember .. back from when I first met Redspice", says Djkat. Lobo winks and says, "I seem to set myself up for those things" "Von and I had been over on Northstar with Red and friend in her hot tub", says Djkat. "uh oh", says Claire. Snowstar smiles, "Wait wait...Red and what friend?" Redspice blinks at DJ... Lobo asks, "her rubber ducky?" Djkat says, "a few nights later, Von was not online .. and I stopped by to say Hello to Red" Jordy notices a pattern with most embarrasing moments involving hot tubs. Djkat says, "I think Red misinterpreted my visit ..." "ooOOooOOoo!", exclaims Lobo. Von listens with interest Jordy thinks Dj better not finish this unless he wants to get in trouble with Von Lobo winks and says, "She gave me the same lame excuse when I visited" "hey, I was polite...and kicked you out the door...", says Redspice. "well .. that was the embarrasing part ... it was only a hello visit .... but ... well .. things worked out", says Djkat. Redspice chuckles.....""just kidding"" Snowstar winks and says, "Things worked out how?" Djkat says, "fortunately for me ... Red has been a wonderful friend to both Von and I for a long time" Djkat smiles Redspice smiles Claire thinks about the time Dj forgot to change clothes after a hottub party at Reds:) Djkat laughs "ooooh, do tell, Claire", says Jordy with a wink. Claire says, "and then showed up in my bar" "I learned to like Red better when she refined her boxer-stealing techniques...the first couple of experiences were painful!", exclaims Lobo. Djkat says, "there are probably a few times where I have forgotten to change clothes" Djkat laughs "DJ...you better clarify this...or you gona be in trouble with two females...for sure....", says Redspice. Jordy laughs Claire says, "It took a bit to explain to the patrons" Claire winks and says, "The speedo was cute, but not for an Irish pub" Jordy asks, "No pictures?" "ooooo...yes...I was too rough at first,...quick jerks...left too much chaffing...", says Redspice. Claire smiles, "Oh but you did put on a wonderful auction" "thank God Qaxlor had that chaffing powder", says Lobo with a wink. Claire nods Redspice nods "More questions for Dj?", asks Chiefsgirl. "We had a lot of good times, Dj...thank you", smiles Claire. Djkat circles his arms around everyone and gives a heartfelt hug Von remembers the special dance...phraggling. Claire phraggles this way >>>>>>>>>>>> Von phraggles that way <<<< Claire <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<phraggles that way, dragging Von and Dj with her Djkat phraggles around just for the joy of dancing Djkat says, "CG .. thanks for the invite ... great excuse to get a party going in Duffs" Chiefsgirl says, "ooo boy... phraggle" "i like that word", says Chiefsgirl. "CG says I get to give a closing statement .. hmmmm", says Djkat. "One of my favs", says Claire. Djkat turns to Silverkat Djkat says, "Silverkat is buying for as long as people want to hang out here in Duffs" Djkat chuckles "ooOOooOOoo!", exclaims Lobo. Silverkat says, "might as well, DJ ... nothing better to do with my money" Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Dj for agreeing to be our guest tonight" Chiefsgirl smiles, "And I hope you'll all join me next week when our guest will be Wrkincaid, Duke of Aura" Djkat says, "this was fun" |