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Galinfenner sets up his camera crew in the corner Flair shades her eyes from the cameras "Hey Galin..Don't they know how to work those lights?!", exclaims Flair. "Be careful of Wolfy.. she'll shine those lights any old place.", says Galinfenner with a wink. Sallyanne tosses Flair a pair of sunglasses. Flair grins and slips on her shades Flair mops herself off with a few napkins, looks down and promptly sticks the napkins in her bra. She readjusts herself and looks back up, "Just what the hell are you looking at?" Flair laughs "Umm Galin take that out of the logs", says Flair with a wink. Galinfenner laughs "I'll think about it", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner has given Flair a passionate tickle! Flair jumps up! She pins you down on the ground! She shoves a knuckle into your collar bone and uses the other hand to shave your hair into a mohawk and then paints it green! Galinfenner watches while the make up bots go to work on Flair Galinfenner says, "A little less pancake I think" Galinfenner tosses on some butter and syrup Wolfyn starts searching for the electrical outlet again. Netmndr nudges Galin, "Why didn't I get the makeup bots at MY Meet? ;) "Was I there?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner grins Netmndr chuckles "Nope, CG ran it", says Netmndr with a wink. "Well, there ya go.", says Galinfenner. "Cause you were holding the TDX, Net, they were scared.", says Sallyanne with a wink. Netmndr grumbles "Oh yes, I forgot about that", says Netmndr with a wink. Kao asks, "Are you the new permanent host for M and G, Gali?" Wolfyn plugs in the spotlight, winding the cords around the feet of Flair. Flair grins as she gets pampered by the Makeup Bots Galinfenner winks and says, "Well, temporarily anyway" Flair eyes Wolfyn and steps out of the cords quite easily "Too bad I didn't go out in a bang though", says Netmndr with a wink. Galinfenner checks his watch and taps the mike, creating massive feedback Kao says, "Ok...Let me know if you need someone for Halloween again....I did the last 3" Galinfenner writes that down Flair covers her ears! Snowlily winces and covers her ears Wolfyn turns the spotlight on Galin, blinding him. "Ok!! I think we should get started.", says Galinfenner. Flair suddenly gets beet red Paladin asks, "why the heck not?" Galinfenner blinks and blindly thwaps in the direction of Wolfyn Wolfyn dims the lights a little. Galinfenner says, "Welcome to Meet&Greet... a chance to get to know your fellow fedder a little bedder" Galinfenner grins Flair settles in and smiles Emcee has given Sallyanne a sloppy hug! Galinfenner says, "This week I'm please to welcome Flair, otherwise known as the Social Butterfly of Fed." Galinfenner turns to Flair Flair grins and waves to everyone! Sallyanne cheers for Flair! Snowlily applauds Kao applauds Flair "I guess my first question is What does that mean? Social Butterfly?", asks Galinfenner. Flair chuckles "Well, I guess it came about when I realized how much I liked frequenting the parties...", says Flair. Galinfenner asks, "Was it a name you gave yourself?" "And then started hopping up on bars singing, dancing, and soaking the other people in the bar with the little spray thing", says Flair. Snowlily asks, "the little spray thing?" Galinfenner looks for the little spray thing, checking to see what direction it points. Snowlily grins and winks Wolfyn cringes and ducks. Flair winks and says, "The sprayer thing that you press a button and whatever you want comes out of it" "oooooh!", exclaims Snowlily. "Drink wise that it", says Flair with a wink. Galinfenner chuckles Kao sticks out her tongue for the drops Sallyanne giggles. Flair winks and says, "So, people in the bar were often soaked with club soda" "No need wasting the good stuff!", exclaims Flair. Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "No intoxicating beverages?" Flair winks and says, "Only the ones in my glass" Galinfenner grins Kao giggles Galinfenner asks, "How did you find Federation?" Flair smiles, "Actually, I came to Fed when it was on AOL." Galinfenner nods and waits for more "ah, but were you Flair then?", asks Snowlily. Flair smiles, "I don't think I ever made it past Merchie in the AOL days, though" "No, I was not. I was WizzyBaby", says Flair. Galinfenner chuckles "Yea, I like the name Flair much better", says Flair with a wink. "Was it all the partying that kept you from promoting?", asks Galinfenner. Flair laughs at Galin Flair says, "Definately." "Flair is a nicer name. Probably couldn't have had it in AOL though.", says Galinfenner. "I had a lot of fun in CD's in those days", smiles Flair. "Was it a banner that brought you in?", asks Galinfenner. Kao remembers the food fights "I'm not quite sure, to tell you the truth. I think I was wondering around the games channel on AOL and decided to try it, which is strange, because I usually don't go for the space type games", says Flair. "But I loved it once I got into it", smiles Flair. Snowlily thinks Flair doesn't spend much time in space in Fed, either. Flair giggles Galinfenner asks, "Did you leave at some point and come back?" Flair smiles, "Thanks to the shiny new porter, I don't" Flair says, "I did..I've left twice." "I left the first time when Fed went to the web, because I could not afford it. I came back I believe in 99 or 2000.", says Flair. "Why? I mean, what brought you back?", asks Galinfenner. Flair says, "As Flair." Galinfenner nods Flair smiles, "And the second time, I left in September of 2001 and returned May of this year." Flair smiles, "What brought me back was the fun!" Emcee smiles Galinfenner laughs Snowlily chuckles "Why do you think Fed is fun? Why do people keep coming back?", asks Galinfenner. "I think, in a way, it is sort of an addiction...The family atmosphere...The friendliness...", says Flair. Paladin coughs Flair whispers for someone to have a droid bring her a drink Galinfenner hands Flair a glass of clear liquid Flair raises an eyebrow and smells the liquid Flair winks and says, "No smell, Galin! I want somethin that'll warm me up!" Galinfenner grins Thulium gives flair a hot hug Flair grins and thanks Thul Galinfenner says, "Ok, I wanted to relax you for the next question." Flair suddenly gets nervous about the next question Galinfenner says, "Tell us about your romances" Snowlily exclaims, "wooo!!!!!" Galinfenner looks at his watch and mumbles something about having enough time Flair says, "Well..." Flair winks and says, "Hey! I haven't had THAT many!" Galinfenner chuckles Flair says, "My first...Was back on AOL..." Flair smiles, "A wonderful man. Very intelligent. He swept me off of my feet" Flair smiles, "And...He's none other than Uraspy" Flair has given Uraspy a friendly hug! Uraspy has given Flair a tender hug! Wolfyn smiles. Galinfenner grins "We FedMarried on AOL and were together until Fed went to the web", smiles Flair. Uraspy smiles warmly, "Some of the best times of my FedLife..." Flair blushes "And then?", asks Galinfenner. Flair smiles, "Well, the only other real romance I've had in Fed was pretty recently, and that was Jonathan" "Jonathan is a good man, but we are both very stubborn. Especially me", says Flair with a wink. "That's it? Just two?", asks Galinfenner. Flair smiles, "Just two" Galinfenner tries not to act too disappointed. Flair chuckles Galinfenner asks, "Do you have a favorite rank?" Flair exclaims, "Definately!" "Baroness!! I LOVE my porter!", says Flair with a wink. Galinfenner chuckles Paladin bangs the table in agreement "the teleporter is great isn't it? Do you think you will ever go further?", asks Galinfenner. Alexy asks, "Why is Galin disappointed?.. and what can I do to make it better?" "Give Flair more of a love life", says Galinfenner with a wink. "I think so. I just am not sure when. I love where I am at right now, but feel that someday I'll want to take that last step just to say that I did it.", says Flair. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "A lot of discussions in Fed center around "What it used to be" vs "What it is now". Do you think Fed has changed for the better or the worse?" Alexy thinks that is a nice question.. "In many ways, it's changed for the better. There are also things about the old days that I miss. However, I would not classify the new things as being 'worse'", says Flair. Galinfenner nods "So, just different?", asks Galinfenner. Flair nods Galinfenner asks, "Ok, good answer. What one thing would you say is better now?" "The things that I like about it now, is the intimacy of a smaller crowd, but in ways, I miss the wackiness and fun of a large crowd.", says Flair. Galinfenner nods "Really the only complaint that I would have about Today's Fed is how top-heavy it is", smiles Flair. Galinfenner smiles Thulium nods... contemplates the Big Nuke :) Tiki is top-heavy but not rankwise ;) Flair says, "...And that is a reason I may not ever go Duchess." Srgasman thinks some top heavy people are nice. Flair chuckles Galinfenner says, "an empty Duchy might not be much fun." "That is true, and I'm not really the one to run out there and say JOIN INGENUITY!", says Flair with a wink. Flair just likes to party "But you do run all over and say Join Fed Right?", asks Galinfenner. "And Flair throws good parties", says Chewbacon. Thulium laughs.. Oh heck.. I told PO's _not_ to join Thorus last month, and look where it got me :) ::tickles Flair:: ;) Flair says, "I do..And that is where I got the title Fed Web Evangelist" "I need a party tax.", says Srgasman. "Last week Freya told us all you were her hero for what you've done evangelising. What exactly do you do?", asks Galinfenner. Flair grins at Thul "Yeah, how do you get to be Freya's hero?", asks Chewbacon. "I scour the web for free archives and advertising sites that I can slap a Fed banner up and describe it a little bit", smiles Flair. Chewbacon says, "Tough job" Galinfenner nods "I've gotten some pretty good feedback from it. A few of them are vote-related, and Fed has consitently stayed at number 8 on one of the largest voting sites.", says Flair. Thulium nods appreciatively.. now that's a Fedvangelist and then some :) Galinfenner says, "I think we have seen some results in terms of new people also." Flair smiles and nods Galinfenner says, "Tell us about your most embarrasing moment." Srgasman snickers Tiki asks, "moment, singular?" Flair says, "A relayed message from Alan a couple months ago said that right after I put Fed on the site I spoke of, five genuinely new players joined in one day." "Flair, who is your favorite w00kie?", asks Chewbacon. Galinfenner chuckles "Tiki's right..There are a few. Also a few I'd rather not comment on;", says Flair. Flair winks Galinfenner says, "oh, you have to tell us at least one of those." Flair winks and says, "Furball is my favorite w00kie!" Uraspy chuckles softly... "Whoever this Furball is, I'll have to kill him", says Chewbacon. "Hmm...Most embarrassing moment. Let me get back to you on that", says Flair with a wink. "Is it anything like Freya's?", asks Chewbacon. Galinfenner chuckles Flair exclaims, "You of course!" Chewbacon says, "Because that one was just pure gold" Flair chuckles, "No...Not like Freya's" Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner asks, "While thinking about it, does anyone have a question for Flair?" Galinfenner looks at the audience Flair giggles Galinfenner looks around "No one has a question?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner chuckles Flair looks disappointed Chewbacon asks, "If you could be an item in the produce aisle, which would it be?" Flair says, "Hmm...Definately a carrot." Chewbacon asks, "Why a carrot?" Flair winks and says, "Ever seen Bio-Dome?" "Where is the center of the universe......and where did it come from?", smiles Netmndr. "Why a carrot? You got a thing for rabbits?", asks Galinfenner. "where in the world did frogs and Ingenuity come together?", asks Srgasman. "Ooh, yes!", exclaims Chewbacon. Flair grins and winks at Chewie Chewbacon is spending the night at Flair's house Galinfenner asks, "I"m reminded of the typical question. What is your favorite tree?" "Yanno...I have absolutely no idea why I named my planet Ingenuity.", says Flair. Flair says, "And frogs came in because of my love of the cute little critters" Flair even has a tattoo of one;) Tiki grins at Flair Flair asks, "Favorite tree?" Srgasman ribbits Galinfenner nods Chewbacon says, "Even tree frogs? Those slimy bastards that get all over tractor equipment at night and early mornings..." Flair winks and says, "A stately oak. They are tall, dark and handsome" Flair smiles, "Even tree frogs" "So... you want to be a male tree?", asks Galinfenner. Flair chuckles Flair says, "No I don't want to BE a male tree." Chewbacon throught trees were a-sexual Thulium chuckles.. errr.. cuz they have burls :) Flair chuckles "a burly tree?", asks Galinfenner. Chewbacon says, "So there would be no gender distinction" Galinfenner looks back at his list Alexy raises her hand slowly, rather shy like.. cause this is a big crowd.. and she is shy.. Flair smiles at Licksy "Yes Alexy", says Galinfenner. "What is your favorite cute furry animal?", asks Alexy. Flair exclaims, "The ultimate licker is shy?!" Alexy beams a smile... Flair exclaims, "Chewbacon of course!" Srgasman says, "rabbits" Alexy pouts sweetly... Flair grins and nods Flair winks and says, "Rabbits are good too. They have incredible speed." Galinfenner winks and says, "goes with the carrots anyway" Chewbacon asks, "Alexy is furry?" Alexy sniffles..then winks at Flair "killer ears", says Srgasman. Flair nods "cotton tail", says Galinfenner. "The ears are everything. They flop all over.", says Flair. Chewbacon asks, "Alexy has a cotton tail?" Galinfenner says, "Black net stockings..." Alexy claps a hand over her mouth as she giggles Galinfenner looks like he's somewhere else for a moment Flair laughs Galinfenner says, "Anyway, about that embarrassing moment..." Galinfenner says, "What have you got for us?>" Flair snaps a finger in front of Galin's face Galinfenner wrings his hands expectantly Alexy urges on Flair.. Flair chuckles and gets red "Well, I don't think any of you know this...", says Flair. Alexy leans forward.. Flair says, "I used to have an alt, Kradya...And a handsome man was after her for a long while..." "really....", says Paladin. "One time, when they were getting close and kissing and carrying on, instead of SAYING something to him, Kradya xt'd it...", says Flair. Kao says, "Oh no" Paladin says, "ouch" Galinfenner grins "It was pretty racy...And I turned bright red in real life.", says Flair. Srgasman drops his head on the bar Kao laughs and laughs "I've never done that..", says Alexy. Flair winks and says, "Needless to say, Kradya dd'ed soon after" Kao has done that........ Alexy looks around for someone to try it out with.. "That's good. Do you remember what you said?", asks Galinfenner. Flair turns bright red Snowlily giggles Galinfenner winks and says, "If it's repeatable that is" "And especially if it isn't", says Kao. Galinfenner laughs Flair says, "Okay, to save the embarrassemen ::chuckles:: No, it's not repeatable" Galinfenner smiles "Ok, last question I have is another standard one", says Galinfenner. Thulium chuckles... :) Flair chuckles and downs her glass "If you could do anything with fed, what would you change?", asks Galinfenner. Srgasman widens his eyes Flair says, "Wow...I hadn't thought about that..." Galinfenner gives Flair time to think Netmndr immitates a Miss America, "I would strive for....World Peace." Paladin chortles Alexy giggles and pushes Net gently Flair winks and says, "If I could change anything with Fed...I think I would make anyone named Flair able to get everything for free and be able to spy Duketypes" Jazir laughs Galinfenner chuckles Thulium laughs... Sallyanne giggles. Tiki giggles Snowlily laughs and laughs Uraspy grins... "A more serious, answer though, would be to make rank-rushing against the rules.", says Flair. "Rank rushing.. Can you tell us what you mean by that?", asks Galinfenner. Chewbacon asks, "Put that deadline code in for promotions?" "Exactly Chewie.", says Flair. Thulium smiles, "Well.. bring in another 100 newbs, and Freya will likely make you a Senator.. and that wish would be granted" "Rank rushing. What I mean by that is someone jumping on a newbie and offering loadsagroats as soon as they are able to, and getting them up to Squire before I even knew how to fly my ship when I was that 'age'", says Flair. Galinfenner nods "So making people earn the rank?", asks Galinfenner. "The reason I disagree with rank rushing is because it really doesn't teach the fundamental economics needed for the game when you get to own your planet.", says Flair. Thulium smiles and nods ... that's the problem with excessive income, with no expense items... "exactly, we need a shopping mall..", says Alexy. Flair exclaims, "And then you get Squires on 9 asking what the base price for a commod...Or even worse, and I *have* seen this...They ask for a price check. A squire!" Kao agrees with Flair Snowlily agrees with Alexy Galinfenner chuckles Galinfenner says, "Yes,today's player certainly doesn't know as much about the game as in past years." Galinfenner asks, "Does anyone else have anything to ask Flair?" Flair smiles, "Some of them catch on pretty quick, and I am impressed when that happens" Thulium chuckles.. well.. to be fair, some squires are very frugal and why not get a Baron to pay the 100 groats for a price check :) Galinfenner laughs Flair chuckles "Yeah that 100 groats will get them a minute closer to the next build right?", asks Galinfenner. "Something I never knew until about three months ago, though, was that it actually *cost* to do a spynet report. I had no idea!", exclaims Flair. Chewbacon nods Thulium laughs and nods.. Alexy smiles Jazir chuckles "Costs to do a remote price check too", says Chewbacon. Netmndr laughs "Ok, if no one else has a question...", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks around the room one more time. "Flair, what's the loc to your planet's LP?", asks Chewbacon. Flair laughs, "51" Kao applauds Flair!! Galinfenner grins Tiki raises her hand Galinfenner says, "Yes Tiki" Tiki smiles, "Flair, tell us something about you that nobody in Fed knows" Flair exclaims, "Good question!" "Hmm...I do not think that anyone knows that I am as pretty as I am", says Flair with a wink. Flair giggles Tiki grins Galinfenner grins Paladin chuckles Flair says, "I have a dog and a cat...And they absolutely hate each other. I have to leave Fed just to separate them pretty often." "Alright then, I want to thank Flair for being in the hotseat tonight.", says Galinfenner. Kao applauds "And thanks to you all for joining us!", exclaims Galinfenner. "Next week...", says Galinfenner. Snowlily applauds Flair Thulium stands and applauds.. :) Chewbacon claps for Flair Alexy claps and cheers! "woo hoo Flair!", exclaims Paladin. Flair is surprised she got out of here without Event questions! :) Galinfenner says, "We will be talking to Paladin>" Galinfenner says, "I hope to see you all there." Flair hugs everyone and beams! "Thanks for coming everyone!", smiles Flair. Thulium also thanks Galin for hosting.. :) "Thanks, Galin, for hosting.", smiles Sallyanne. "Same here. take care.", says Galinfenner. "Thanks for havin me Galin", smiles Flair. "You are all welcome.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner waves and goes off to his dinner Flair waves and smiles |