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Cgee nods "get me a 8x10 of this .. will ya?", asks Foamfollower. Cgee has captured it all on film Foamfollower winks and says, "I just wanted a 8x10" Foamfollower has bought you a Spirit of Seareach, it tastes so good, you don't mind me cleanin yer treasury! Snowstar giggles as she sips Foamie's drink. Jazir winks and says, "Be sure to dust in the corners, Foamy" Chiefsgirl stands and shuffles her notecards around Chiefsgirl says, "Good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet" "This weekly gathering gives us a chance to meet a different person and learn all about them, their history, their memories", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight I'm thrilled to have Foamfollower as our guest" "Where the bodies are burried?", asks Tis. "He'll tell us about himself and answer questions from you all", says Chiefsgirl. "Please help me welcome Foamy", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl applauds wildly and plops down on her barstool Neva claps for Foamy Snowstar cheers loudly for Foamie! Jazir applauds and cheers for Foamy! Briana applauds Foamfollower welcomes FOamy .. oh wait ;) Sallyanne grins at Foamy and claps. Foamfollower looks about .. history? "CG does this mean the roa...err bar is open?", smiles Pppme. Chiefsgirl says, "So Foamfollower..... start at the beginning" Foamfollower says, "Well, I started in Fed back in pay-aol days. It was fairly expensive at the time." Chiefsgirl exclaims, "open bar!" Foamfollower says, "After paying off my ship, I opened my first facs in Profit Duchy, on the planet Kahuna, which likely had the worst agri roll ever in Fed." Foamfollower says, "not long after, I opened up Lordskeep in Profit, then SeaReach in the Duchy of Arctic." Foamfollower says, "After a time, I basically abandoned Lordskeep, and Foamy became my primary personna." "Seareach prospered and grew in Arctic, and I, with many others, patiently awaited the return of the Duke Puzzle.", says Foamfollower. Foamfollower laughs ..at one point, out of boredom, I ran 4 duchies with almost 15 alts, and had emassed over 60 gigs. Foamfollower says, "About this time, the Onyx and Dsaver mess all started, and I wrote a program for myself to combat it. My Fiance at the time, Gaminglady, suggestd I release it as shareware. And thus, Poterm was born." "Good grief", says Von. Foamfollower says, "Shortly after that, the puzzle was repaired, and I promoted to Duke. With so many new duchies however, I refused to beg and plead for planets, so I started a cycle of regeneration." Foamfollower laughs .... since then, I have ruled about 8 or 9 duchies, regenerated that many or more times, usually after being bored with Dukedom. Foamfollower says, "I ahve been both honored and blessed to be a member of some of the best Duchies in Fed, over history. I have" Foamfollower smiles, "been in Profit, Arctic, Backdraft, Aura, Loverly, Checkmate, Camp, and others I'll never admit to." Chiefsgirl laughs "About a month ago, I thought to regenerate for the last time, and I did just that, 7 days ago. Soon, I will regain the rank of Baron, and plan to stay there.", says Foamfollower. Foamfollower says, "Seareach will shortly be located in the soon to be reborn Duchy of Profit once again, and will remain there all her days." "and that covers the Foamy years", smiles Foamfollower. Snowstar winks and says, "Ooo we get the history of all of yours?" "lotta Fed in 5 minutes, Foamy", says Djkat. Chiefsgirl asks, "What duchies aren't you admitting to?" Foamfollower laughs .. I forget ;) Foamfollower exclaims, "but they were dusies!" Chiefsgirl doesn't believe that for a second Foamfollower laughs "And which duchies were you running.", says Tis. Chiefsgirl asks, "And why stop at Baron? why not stop right now?" Foamfollower smiles, "fed is for fun, and that's what I have in it" "doozies???", asks Miasmiccloud. Foamfollower winks and says, "cause I need to keep snoggin Sallyanne, and its worth the gigs" Sallyanne laughs! Sallyanne has given Foamfollower a nice snog! Foamfollower chuckles Foamfollower says, "who knows .. I may Duke again .. you never know" Chiefsgirl asks, "What duchies have you had control of over the years?" Foamfollower smiles .. well, Some of the less known ... Fahr, Lordskeep, Deepdish.. and a few others Foamfollower keeps some alts VERY secret Neva thinks, deepdish duchy... sounds yummy Foamfollower chuckles Sallyanne winks and says, "Secret alts ... in Fed? No way." Tis asks, "Secrets? In Fed?" Chiefsgirl says, "Well I know the audience must have lots of questions for you....." Foamfollower laughs .. yeah , Deepdish was fun ... Pizzaboy66 was the duke Pppme asks, "do you have a red dress FF?" Foamfollower says, "hauler jobs in 30 GTU's or they were free" Jordy laughs Jordy has given Pppme a nice tickle! "I've heard that Foamie used to wear all sorts of dresses", says Snowstar with a wink. Foamfollower laughs and laughs! Foamfollower winks and says, "thats true actually" Snowstar wants to hear this story! Tis remembers. "Foamy was the alt of Hotholly99", says Foamfollower. "a character I started to get my brother to quit playing some stupid online text game", says Foamfollower with a wink. Foamfollower winks and says, "played hell changin too" "everybody kept catchin me recreate new alts", says Foamfollower. Foamfollower says, "took about 1 1/2 years" Djkat asks, "how did you do on the pronouns? he and she get all mixed up?" Foamfollower says, "never .. cause all my darn alts were known ..." Tis remembers being confuzzled about Foamy being a girl. Foamfollower winks and says, "Yeah ... but lemme tell ya, I had one helluva good time at GL's parties" Von smiles, "How did you decide on the name Foamfollower?" Foamfollower says, "Foamyfollower is the character from the "Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" series .. lvoe the books, admired the character" "s. donaldson stories ?", asks Miasmiccloud. Von nods. Miasmiccloud smiles, "yeah" "yep .. Stephen R D", smiles Foamfollower. Von asks, "Was there a Foamflower?" "as is Seareach and Lordskeep .. does it show?", says Foamfollower with a wink. Tis nods. "That's why I confuzzled. Foamfollower laughs .... Hazed locked Lordskeep for plagarism the first time I wrote it Miasmiccloud smiles, "imagine that" Snowstar asks, "Your name has more than 10 characters...how'd you shorten it on AOL?" Foamfollower chuckles .. hell of it was... there was nothing there from the book "I think (too many names in fed) I actually just went by Foamy(numbers) on Aol", says Foamfollower. "or I dropped a "L" and the "a" or something", says Foamfollower. Miasmiccloud asks, "foamflower ?" Silverkat looks on the floor for any dropped letters Snowstar giggles. "back then, after free aol, and name hell broke loose, nobody could keep track anyways", says Foamfollower. "thats been years ago ..", says Foamfollower. Foamfollower asks, "shoot, anybody else remember Magst1000?" Neva does "sounds sort of familiar", says Silverkat. Tis thinks. Neva smiles, "he gave me 2 gigs when Fed broke my first planet" Miasmiccloud smiles, "shoot 7 years is alotta remembrances" Heatherjn says, "Yes, I do." "always liked that guy .... he was a riot, and then Galin was rarely seen sober", says Foamfollower with a wink. Heatherjn winks and says, "Galin is seen sober now?" Foamfollower laughs! Sallyanne laughs! Heatherjn grins. Tis chuckles "Fed was a Riot back then, hope to regain some of that with Profit", says Foamfollower. Snowstar winks and says, "Riots?" Heatherjn smiles, "Fed has always been awesome." "yeah .. over the Acid Snow", says Foamfollower with a wink. Tis nods Briana smiles Foamfollower smiles, "lots of riots there" "I didn't mean to imply otherwise Heather", smiles Foamfollower. "I was just agreeing with you, Foamy.", smiles Heatherjn. "so what .. no other questions? lets Drink!", exclaims Foamfollower. Snowstar asks, "What do you hope to achieve with Profit that couldn't have been achieved with Seareach as a duchy?" "actually, the change is in me, I hold a fondness for Profit, and will be less likely to destroy it", says Foamfollower with a wink. Neva laughs Sallyanne laughs! Snowstar giggles. Foamfollower winks and says, "of course spynet report sallyanne will be a regular command there" Foamfollower winks and says, "purely for snog-research" Sallyanne blushes! Sallyanne grins. Sallyanne winks and says, "So ... how DO you decide who to snog anyway?" "qwho?", says Foamfollower with a wink. Miasmiccloud grins Neva giggles Sallyanne laughs!!! Sallyanne grins. Sallyanne winks and says, "That's as good as any other." Tis smiles. Foamfollower winks and says, "and in my drunken stupors .. I usually start out in the "s" 's" Snowstar points out that he must have missed this S ;) Sallyanne giggles. Heatherjn grins at her sister. ;) Foamfollower asks, "must be a mindset ...... (drunk thoughts) sssssssoooo .. who do I sssssnog firsssst?" Neva bets he hasn't gotten past the SA's yet Tempest thinks she's glad T comes next. Sallyanne laughs and laughs! Snowstar grins and nods at Neva! Silverkat chuckles and is glad he is not in this line Foamfollower winks and says, "not true, though now that they're all here" Foamfollower has given Sallyanne a tender snog! Foamfollower has given Snowstar a hot snog! Miasmiccloud stands up and sits down beside snowstar Sallyanne exclaims, "Woo!!" Snowstar whispers, "Don't forget Silverkat" Heatherjn giggles. Pppme asks, "FF so you were married to GL?" Snowstar giggles and winks at Foamy. "I knew I shouldn't have dropped that "S" before my name", says Jordy with a wink. Tis smiles. Foamfollower says, "no .. actualy GL and I were engaged to me married, ut called it off" Miasmiccloud asks, "what pppme said ....?" Tis asks, "Why?" "at the time, The war and POTERM were consuming my fed time", says Foamfollower. Silverkat was once engaged to a contortionist .. till she broke it off Snowstar laughs! Pppme laughs Miasmiccloud grins Heatherjn laughs! "and GL was a lovely, but high maintenance woman", says Foamfollower with a wink. Neva dated a contortionist but he was too twisted Foamfollower says, "then I got engaged to Keshrika" "and man oh man, that girl could melt a snowcap with a wink", says Foamfollower with a wink. Snowstar asks, "Engaged, but not married, again?" Foamfollower winks and says, "but RL called her away from Fed .... and since then, I remembered hotholly99, and avoid fed-romances" Miasmiccloud says, "errrmmm..... yes she could ....." Foamfollower says, "she was actually engaged to me in when I was Roberts" Pppme asks, "you were once roberts in Fed?" Foamfollower says, "yep ... Duke of Revenge" Neva chuckles Von says, "I remember Roberts" Tis nods, remembering. Foamfollower winks and says, "almost came back as him this time" "well CG .... whats the path from here?", asks Foamfollower. "you mean the questions are over?", asks Chiefsgirl. "beats me ... questions?", asks Foamfollower. "Any other questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ooo, I have one.", says Tis. Foamfollower asks, "yes Tis?" Tis asks, "What was your most embarrassing moment?" Neva has one too when Tis is done Foamfollower laughs his arse off! "I was going to ask that", says Jordy with a wink. Sallyanne waits to hear this one ... "And if you could change one thing about Fed, what would it be?", asks Tis. Tis sneaked that on in under the wire... "it was during the Onyx Wars .. .when Onyxgod got the hots for Holly ... had to keep hauling or log out", says Foamfollower with a wink. Foamfollower says, "if I could change one thing about fed? I pull the plug on the thing, and restart everybody" Snowstar gasps in horror.. Pppme laughs and toasts Neva grins at Foamy "Nooooo!", exclaims Tempest. Sallyanne grins. "Make for a heck of a time!", smiles Jazir. Jordy asks, "so you're telling me, you almost became my sister-in-law, Foamy?" Foamfollower chuckles Tis laughs! Foamfollower says, "too much money in fed" Pppme thinks there's some strange bed fellows here Snowstar has a question, but thinks Neva is next. Foamfollower says, "we need to make everybody a broke ass GH again and put the spirit of economics back in" Neva winks and says, "some people would have to learn to haul" "spoken like a true non-agri po", smiles Miasmiccloud. Snowstar grins at MC. Miasmiccloud smiles, "him not you" Heatherjn says, "Nothing wrong with a little hauling now and then, but I would NOT be happy about having to start over." Foamfollower laughs ... I was haulin 50,000 tons daily manually on Aol Heatherjn nods at Foamy. Silverkat remembers hauling manually Sallyanne still hauls by hand. ;) Pppme nods at hauling manually Heatherjn winks and says, "I payed the bills that went with that, too." Jordy wonders where all this "too much money" that Foamy is referring to, is Tis hauled manually for her first year. "i hauled a few m tons for johnny boyk myself there", smiles Miasmiccloud. Foamfollower gasps .. thats true, those bills were NIGHTMARES! :) Foamfollower remembers 500 and 600 dollar aol bills Heatherjn winks and says, "Yeah ... I almost hit $400 one month." Heatherjn shudders. Sallyanne eeeps! "mine hit $300-$600 easily", says Neva. Foamfollower says, "once I got hooked on the game.. I was all the way in" Heatherjn nods at Foamy. :) Foamfollower points at IB .. now ya only get 10 a month! ;) Miasmiccloud says, "zork got me hooked" "times a few", says Foamfollower with a wink. Sallyanne grins. Heatherjn giggles. Tempest remembers Moonus's aol at 400 and the long distance dial up that matched it. Tis thinks it's a good thing she couldn't get online during that time. "Ouch.", says Heatherjn. Foamfollower says, "yeah , and with me AND my brother playing fed, and him working for me at the time ......" Tempest says, "Happens when there's no local provider." Foamfollower asks, "he was Maleger and Lordechris.. anybody recall?" Lexie coughs Foamfollower says, "somebody must .. he was a Cantina ratt" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Foamfollower?" Neva raises her hand "yes Neva?", asks Foamfollower. Snowstar raises her hand too. "Which one of your characters was your all-time favorite?", asks Neva. Foamfollower says, "hard pick .. Pizaboy was fun, but it would have to be between Foamy and Roberts .... and that would be a draw" Foamfollower says, "but...." "pray tell us", smiles Miasmiccloud. "I'd pick Roberts .. no painful sex change operation", says Foamfollower with a wink. Neva laughs Snowstar giggles. Sallyanne laughs!! Jazir grins Snowstar smiles, "When someone tb's you a hello and you don't answer, are you just off playing another alt or are you really afk?" "maybe he secretly doesn't like us", says Neva with a wink. Heatherjn laughs. "That was my unvoiced third option", says Snowstar with a wink. "not like... us?", asks Tis. "depends on the TB .. if it is POterm Support, unless I know em, or they paid the support fee(1 has).. I ignore it", says Foamfollower. Foamfollower says, "otherwise .. I usually am hauling or afk if I do not answer" "or yes .. could be in some other body", says Foamfollower with a wink. Snowstar winks and says, "Just depends then" "now if yer snoggable .. I'll be right there", says Foamfollower with a wink. Tis chuckles. Heatherjn laughs! Foamfollower has given Tis a sloppy snog! Neva checks her snoggability Foamfollower winks and says, "yep! yer snoggable!" Pppme smiles, "well now we know the ground rules guys!" Sallyanne wonders how many tb's Foamy just got. ;) "and a sloppy snog too! My favorite!", smiles Foamfollower. Briana laughs Foamfollower has given Briana a sloppy snog! "almost missed Briana there", says Foamfollower with a wink. Tis beams :) Briana smiles "even if ya are all dead Tis", says Foamfollower. Tis strikes a classic pose. No, not that one. One with arms. "I'm not all dead...", says Tis. Foamfollower chuckles Tis giggles. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Foamy?" Foamfollower laughs and laughs ... like to toe tag Tis ;) Tis checks her toes Foamfollower checks Tis while she checks her toes Tis says, "Oh pooh...." Foamfollower ducks Tis forgot about the testing. Foamfollower ahems "final statement time", says Foamfollower. "I'll make this brief", says Foamfollower. "your paying for this .. have fun at it!", exclaims Foamfollower. Sallyanne cheers for that! Chiefsgirl laughs "thats the statement", says Foamfollower with a wink. Jazir applauds! Tis claps for Foamy Heatherjn smiles, "WooHoo!" "god FF you took a whole hour!!!", exclaims Pppme. Neva applauds! Snowstar cheers and whistles for Foamy! Foamfollower ~BOWS~ Sallyanne grins. Chiefsgirl says, "I'd like to thank Foamfollower for being our guest this week" Tempest gives polite golf clap. "thanks CG, FF it was fun", says Pppme. Lexie applauds Foamfollower says, "good thing I'm not Mr Polite Golf" "please join me next week at the regular time of 9 pm eastern when our guest will be Lobo", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl smiles, "Thank you all for coming tonight" "Ooo Lobo!", exclaims Snowstar. Foamfollower winks and says, "and you better get that looked at" "thanks CG! :::hugs:::", smiles Lexie. "If...he gets his modem back!", exclaims Snowstar. Foamfollower grins Chiefsgirl says, "Well, I have two back-up guests lined up just in case" "Ok cool", smiles Snowstar. Foamfollower smiles, "thanks for having me here CG" "Thanks for hosting, CG", smiles Snowstar. |