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Galinfenner taps his camera droid on the head "I think this thing is on", says Galinfenner. Wolfyn checks out the microphone, insuring that any feedback screeches directly in Galin's ear. Wolfyn switches on the spotlight and shines it on the empty stage. Sirglec nudges Freya and Galin toward the light. Galinfenner whispers to wolfyn and points at Freya then points at the lights Freya says, "just say when you want to start" Wolfyn tries to adjust the spotlight up Galin's kilt, the shines it directly in Freya's eyes. Galinfenner says, "Right, it's time." Freya checks for Triumph the interview dog Galinfenner looks at his watch and ticks it Galinfenner says, "Ok, folks. Welcome! This is the Meet and Greet and I'll be your host this evening." Wolfyn is just the lowly grip. Freya pokes the applause button "Tonight we have as our guest, Freya who has been involved with Federation for a very long time.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks from the audience to Freya Wolfyn cheers and wolf whistles! Galinfenner says, "I guess to start off, I'll ask the inevitable question." "How did you find Federation?", asks Galinfenner. Freya opens The Script "In 1990 I was working for GEnie", says Freya. Sirglec turns off Freya's monitor. "Wing it!" Galinfenner asks, "That was the internet sevice that Fed first appeared on in the States?" Freya says, "and I checked out their online games but could't stand the magic and celtic elf fairy princess mentality" Paladin exclaims, "GEnie!" "and the hand kissing etc", says Freya. Galinfenner nods and chuckles "so I mentioned this to my office surpervisor and she told me to check out Federation", says Freya. Freya says, "so I came into Fed ..." "and after getting my ship I went to CDs", says Freya. Freya says, "and who should I meet there but Occy" Wolfyn grins. Paladin says, "omg" "and you stayed?", asks Galinfenner. "it was so bizarre I knew this was the right place", says Freya. Galinfenner laughs Freya grins Freya says, "Occy was a female back then, btw" "Good point...bizarre", says Snowstar. Freya rolls her eyes Galinfenner says, "Can't get much more bizarre I suppose." Galinfenner asks, "What was the highest rank you obtained before becoming a member of staff?" Freya says, "no, especially with Occy speaking that alien substitute for English" Freya says, "I became a Senator" "that was a serious player rank at that time", says Freya. Galinfenner asks, "Not what it is here ?" Paladin says, "no duke" "no, I was a Duchess and then promoted to Senator", says Freya. "Now Senator is a "utility" rank", says Freya. Galinfenner looks at Paladin and back at Freya Freya says, "it's limited in many ways for for IB use" "back then being a Senator was great fun", says Freya. "Would you say that was your favorite rank?", asks Galinfenner. "of course, that's also why I still owe Bella 100 Gigas", says Freya. Wolfyn cringes. "yeah well", smiles Freya. Freya says, "I never forget a debt" "I'm sure he'll collect one way or another", says Galinfenner with a wink. "I really loved owning my own planet", says Freya. Snowstar winks and says, "May never repay it, but never forget it" "Vitrus?", asks Galinfenner. "there were no player planets when I started playing Fed", says Freya. Galinfenner nods Freya says, "and then, because of memory contraints, Bellas asked me to not put in a planet since I was an "internral" player" Freya says, "we wanted to be fair to the paying players" "Because of your postion with GEnie?", asks Galinfenner. Freya says, "it was very expensive to play back then" "Or were you IB staff Then?", asks Galinfenner. Freya says, "The standard with all online companies is staff get a courtesy account" Galinfenner nods Freya frowns and says, "sorry, my keyboard's letters have worn off and I haven't bought a new one yet" Galinfenner chuckles Freya says, "anyway, as a courtesy I didn't online a planet for almost a year" "it was frustrating but when I finally onlined Vitro it was very exciting", says Freya. "and there was no IB back them and no "staff"", says Freya. Freya says, "it was The Federation Partnership" Galinfenner nods "En Vitro Onlination?", asks Snowstar. Freya says, "and I started helping out behind the scenes very soon after joining Fed" "That leads me to my next question.", says Galinfenner. "err no, GEnie's offices were located in the Vitro building", says Freya. "What postions have you held with Federation and/or IB Games?", asks Galinfenner. Freya asks, "positions?" Freya winks and says, "mmm facing Bloomingdales" "seriously tho...", says Freya. Galinfenner smirks "I had no "title" or official postion", says Freya. Paladin says, "I heard your office was all done up with Laura Ashley stuff" Freya laughs Freya says, "that was later" "what I did was thing s like restarting Fed is it went into a hard crash", says Freya. "which it usually did on a holiday weekend or at 1am in the morning", says Freya. Galinfenner exclaims, "Of course. Computers love to do that in the off hours!" Freya nods "So you really haven't had any sort of title?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner thinks about AOL Fed Freya says, "this was back when GEnie ran Fed on their MarkIV and then on the Aries unix based system" Galinfenner nods Freya says, "there was only Alan and Clem in The Federation Partnership" Freya says, "Alan was the game designer and ran the game" "Clem was marketing weasel", says Freya. Galinfenner nods Freya says, "Fi & Nick wrote the Idiot's Guide" Freya says, "but they were just friends who had their own RL jobs" Paladin wonders if he still has the hardcopy of the Idiots Guide "I have several editions of the hardcopy guide", says Freya. Thulium whispers.... going for $100 on eBay :) Freya laughs Freya smiles, "fraid not" "damn!", exclaims Paladin. Sirglec read the idiot's guide over and over and is still trying to understand it. "There is a great article in the FedNews Archives about the evolution of the Idiots Guide.", says Ford. Galinfenner asks, "So when Fed moved to AOL, your err.. 'association' with the game changed?" "they have my notes and exit plan for the GM puzzle", says Freya. Freya says, "no, I became IB staff before that" "When did that start?", asks Galinfenner. "well I was promoted to a different division of GE called GEis", says Freya. Freya says, "and I was in Corporate Communications -" Devon remembers that. Freya nods "enough about your jobs..tell them about you and Krell", says Paladin. Galinfenner chuckles "Krell and me and you Paladin?", asks Freya. "that time in Sam's with the saddle and the riding crop?", asks Freya. Paladin crawls under the table Wolfyn perks. "is that the one you mean?", asks Freya. Freya grins Galinfenner asks, "Saddle and riding crop? What happened?" Snowstar pulls Paly back up to his seat.. "'nothing", smiles Freya. Galinfenner chuckles Freya smiles blandly Paladin says, "an embellishment, at best" "anyway we never actually used titles even when it became IB", says Freya. Ford wants to hear more about this nothing. Freya says, "we all just did what needed to be done" Galinfenner did too Snowstar asks, "Freya...at what point did you meet Bella...and it became a romance?" Freya says, "err I met Bella in CDs within the first few days of playing Fed" Snowstar sighs wistfully, loving romantic stories... Galinfenner strikes that one off his list Freya says, "and we somehow ended up discussing archeology and quantum physics" Mallow mutters, "that what they call in these days?" "if you think that is romantic, I think you are ..well, whatever", says Freya. Galinfenner winks and says, "Sounds enchanting" Freya says, "I wasn't looking for romance in Fed" Devon smiles, "Me neither" "I developed some really great friends", says Freya. "it usually comes when you're not looking", smiles Mara. Sirglec mumbles something about not looking for it either. Galinfenner asks, "So, how did things progress from archaelogy and QP to becoming involved romantically?" "err well they didn't", says Freya. Freya laughs Freya shrugs Devon grins Galinfenner chuckles "So you and Bella aren't romantic?", asks Zyphr. Paladin asks, "it was a few years, wasn't it?" Galinfenner winks and says, "I think she means that the progression wasn't linear." "Bella is a small green Rigellian woman", says Freya. "Thats all female for: well, it happened like this.", says Ford. Zyphr winks and says, "Different strokes..." Wolfyn nods. With Freya's heels that makes for problems. Freya says, "who lets the bath overflow and keeps promising a new joke" Galinfenner asks, "The news archives has an article stating a rumour that you were 'promiscuous'.. I'll avoid the word used.. How did that get started?" Freya laughs Freya smiles, "ahhh that was a product of my working for GEnie" Wolfyn turns the spot on super-bright. Snowstar asks, "You are marrying that man though, right?" Galinfenner asks, "Working for GEnie included promiscuous activities?" Freya says, "WHat you have to understand is that most of the Fed News was made up as we went along" Galinfenner nods Rochelle wonders about the news now, if made up Freya says, "So if there wasn't enough amusing things in the game, Fi would make up stuff" Ford asks, "Accckkkk! Fed News is not totally fact based?" Devon chuckles. "true, true... I deny it ALL!", exclaims Mara. Freya says, "now you can't make up stuff about paying customers so I was a good subject" Zyphr writes down a question for October ;) Galinfenner says, "ahhhh" "the word gossip comes to mind", says Paladin. Galinfenner winks and says, "And here I thought maybe Hazed had something against you" Galinfenner grins Freya says, "so the role playing line was that I was the Mistress of The Godfather" Galinfenner nods Freya says, "The Godfather was a significant part of Fed back then" Devon recalls that much was made up about him. He would never harm a milkmaid. Really. Freya says, "we've always made up amusing role play stories for Fed News and in the game to entertain players" Rochelle wonders when the players can role play too. Galinfenner asks, "You often post sayings or pearls of wisdom on the bar boards. Where do those come from?" Thulium smiles, "heh.. I always thot Mork and Mindy were a large part of Fed back then... what with the Orsons as a unit of teleport energy... Oh... you meant Orson Wells... sorry" Freya says, "reading" Rochelle likes entertaining Galinfenner asks, "What things do you enjoy reading?" "Freya, I have a question", says Snowstar. "I read science fiction, history, a lot of professional material in networks, science-", says Freya. "Its obvious that in your role that you can spy every dang one of us...what entices you to spy though. What stuff do you like to spy, in general?", asks Snowstar. Mara chortles Cruise winks and says, "Freya sees all and knows all" Chewbacon nods. Devon holds up a small card that read 6.7 in bold black letters. Wolfyn holds up a 2.1 and turns the spot back on the stage again. "actually I spy less than many others", says Freya. Freya says, "first of all because I have no alts in the game" Freya says, "so that means at maximum I can spy 1 person" Galinfenner thinks one is enough most times Mara says, "the fun part is spying someone who's spying someone else who's spying someone else, and so on and so on" Devon chuckles. Chewbacon waves his hand in the air to ask a question. "I have Freya as my only personna I play", says Freya. "I never liked that Mara", says Freya. "even back on GEnie", says Freya. Mara says, "gets very confusing" Galinfenner asks, "I don't think you've answered Snow's quesiton yet. What sort of things do you like to spy?" Freya says, "I find spying pretty boring most of the time" Mara remembers when Freya was the Red Queen Galinfenner nods Freya says, "that was for Tea Party Events on GEnie, Mara" "But when you DO spy, what sorta stuff attracts ya?", smiles Snowstar. Rochelle asks, "are we allowed a question?" "anything amusing", says Freya. "Why do you think Fed is so enduring? WHy do people keep coming back?", asks Galinfenner. Freya says, "which means very seldome" Freya says, "I think Alan created something very compelling in the way of a evolving community" "Amusing...as in stupid people, or hysterical cyber?", asks Snowstar. "don't know if this is amusing or not:) but would you like to play fed as someone else?", asks Rochelle. Flair chuckles, "Both prolly!" "no, Rochelle", says Freya. Galinfenner holds up his hands to the audience Chewbacon asks, "Freya, besides keeping peace (and sometimes making it from my perspective), what else do you do for Fed?" "I'll get to your questions in a bit.", says Galinfenner. "at the moment, I'm involved with some major network issues for IB", says Freya. "and I'm the "tech" person in NYC when they network needs something done that has to be "in person"", says Freya. Freya says, "as in a server goes down and I have to go find out why" "Abovenet doesn't do that?", asks Chewbacon. "Outside of Fed, I'm the Production Manager/Game Manager for AGe of Adventure", says Freya. "no, we don't allow Abovenet into our cabinet", says Freya. Galinfenner asks, "YOu've been a part of Federation for over 10 years now. Do you think it possible you might at some point not be involved?" "absolutely", says Freya. Galinfenner asks, "How ?" Chewbacon is aiming for Freya's job if he grows up. Freya says, "I don't know, but all things either grow or die" Cruise says, "keyword IF" Galinfenner nods "Good answer", says Galinfenner with a wink. "so it's possible some day I will move on and not look back", says Freya. Wolfyn nods. Galinfenner turns to the audience Freya eyes Chewie and tries to imagine him in black stockings and 5" high heels Mara chortles "If you'd like to ask a question, raise your hand. We have a few minutes left.", says Galinfenner. Flair laughs! Chewbacon says, "Oh, gawd... the uniform" "I have a question, Galin.", says Mallow. "can I take photos of you, Chewie?", asks Freya. Chewbacon says, "I might have to pass" Snowstar says, "He's be 7'5"~" Freya grins "Yes Mallow?", asks Galinfenner. Mallow says, "Freya, what do you personally feel needs to happen/be done/invented that will bring new blood to Fed. To rebalance it. To make it not so top heavy." Rochelle raises her hand Freya says, "Well we are bringing in new players" Freya says, "but the big problem there is old players who hand newbods easy money and macros and set up jobs" Thulium raises hand for a question? Galinfenner points at Thulium "there's no way we can stop old players from encouraging rank rushing", says Freya. Thulium nods and thanks Gf Mallow wryly grins to Flair, then looks to Freya. "Thank you." "Flair is my hero with her great work bringing in new players", says Freya. Chewbacon asks, "Why not adopt the rule that other MUDs use and delete a player's account for helping other's with puzzles, easy promotions, etc?" Thulium asks, "Freya... we know the exchange is significantly flawed.. is there any hope of having it rewritten for this version, or will we have to wait for an entire new version?" "In case anyone didn't know that", says Freya. Snowstar says, "Freya, Chewie asked you a question a while back that I'm curiuos about also..." Flair smiles "the delete acct rule?", asks Freya. Snowstar asks, "What else do you do besides work for Fed...ie, in your real life?" Chewbacon has only asked two "No, no... she answered it.", says Chewbacon. Freya says, "That's a game dynamics question - my opinion doesn't make policy there" Cen only wants to know about the riding crop. Galinfenner looks at the audience Mallow says, "I think we're interested in your opinion." Thulium nods... :) Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" "I mean, you don't only work for Fed...what's your RL job?", asks Snowstar. Chewbacon asks, "Fed rolls in that much money?" Freya says, "About the economy - quick answer is that as far as I know at this time, no changes are planned to this version of Fed" Freya asks, "my RL job?" Thulium nods again.. thanks :) Snowstar nods. "I'm in Network Operations Management", says Freya. Mara thought Fed WAS real life ;) Freya laughs Ford says, "I have a question." Galinfenner says, "Yes Ford." "Is there anything you can or can't tell us about the near, intermediate and long term plans for Fed? What are they, espically those that you can't tell us about?", asks Ford. Freya laughs Galinfenner chuckles Wolfyn grins. Redspice chuckles... Chewbacon wonders if Freya would enjoy the UN Network Managers... geeks with guns! "The near term plans for Fed are to keep it up and running", says Freya. Wolfyn tunrs up the spot again. "Aye, when is smell being added to FedTerm?", asks Devon. Flair laughs Freya shudders "Or the 'lick' command?", says Flair with a wink. "the long term plans are to keep Fed up and running", says Freya. "Aye... the lick command sounds great", says Devon. Thulium sniffs his pits.. frowns, and hopes "smell" won't be added any time soon :) Galinfenner says, "Rokyu..." Galinfenner nods in ROk's direction Freya winks and says, "my personal opinion on a possible lick command is - not in my lifetime, I hope" Roslyn hopes long term plans for keeping it up and running includes improving it. Freya says, "that's what the act command is for anyway" Zyphr thinks thats a wise decision ;) Sallyanne giggles. Chewbacon says, "Some peoples' tongues would go dry." Rokyu asks, "do you see any changes in the near future in the rank requirements to discourage rank rushing, and make it tougher to rise so quickly?" Flair laughs Galinfenner winks and says, "And for everyone's benefit, sometime in the next few months we will have Alan on the hotseat to ask questions like that" Flair says, "Woohoo" Freya says, "right, Alan is the game designer and programmer" Thulium chuckles :) better plan for a two hour grilling ;) "all day!", exclaims Paladin. Freya winks and says, "I know many players like to tell him how to do his job ..." Galinfenner chuckles Freya smiles, "but I try not to" Netmndr chuckles Sirglec will have to postpone the following event when Alan is in the hotseat.;) "Let's see. Rok had a question?", asks Galinfenner. "I do like canary diamonds tho, so if you send one to me, a nice 1 ct in a Tiffany setting, I might be inclined to pass on some suggestions", says Freya. "Is anyone at IB open for bribes? And I don't mean via the BRIBE command.", says Chewbacon. Freya says, "I'm the official Keeper Of the Fed Bribe List" "I have been from the very start", says Freya. "whats the cheapest bribe accepted?", asks Cruise. Ford asks, "Will there ever be a reason for security builds?" Freya says, "and ALL IB staff are open for the right bribes" Galinfenner waves his hands Galinfenner says, "ONe at a time please." Chewbacon asks, "Including me? What is my fee?" "Bella wants a Morgan", says Freya. Mara asks, "there is a bribe registry at Northbound Leather, right?" "fraid not, Mara", says Freya. "Err.. anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. "ahem...what is your most embarrasing moment in Fed?", asks Paladin. Cruise asks, "whats the cheapest bribe and who holds it?" "the bribes are adjusted for inflation", says Freya. "mine?", asks Freya. "Ahhh the infamous question.", says Flair. "well, it was both in and out of Fed at the same time...", says Freya. Paladin says, "yes" Flair thinks Paly already knows about it ;) "If you could change anything about Fed back, to what is was before, what would it be Freya?", asks Malevolent. "I was in Fed chatting with someone about a serious food alergy I have", says Freya. Freya says, "and the quote, taken completely out of context, was very amusing" Galinfenner waits for the quote "so some clever wag clipped it and sent it to my company's director", says Freya. Freya says, "RL company" "something about peanuts?", asks Silverkat. Zyphr wonders what the quote was... Chewbacon ponders cucumbers. Tiki can't imagine people in fed taking anything out of context... "and I arrived at work the next morning to see a cluster of co-workers creased up with laughter around the office BB", says Freya. Thulium chuckles and winks to Tiki Freya says, "it was my problem with yougert" "I can't keep it down...", says Freya. Thulium oops.. knows where this was heading... "so I said something like , I can swallow it but I can't keep it down", says Freya. Galinfenner snorts Flair chuckles Jeblt chuckles... Zyphr grins... Cruise grins Thulium nods.. thot so ;) Sallyanne laughs! Wolfyn grins. Chewbacon chuckles. "and the other person said...keep your mouth closed after you swallow", says Freya. "No comment!", exclaims Ford. Flair laughs Mallow chuckles, and raises his hand for his spot in the que. Freya says, "and I said- but then it just comes out my nose" Freya laughs "what can I say", says Freya. Galinfenner laughs Thulium LOL :) Chewbacon laughs. Sallyanne rolls around laughing. Wolfyn says, "Oh dear." "Male.. you're question again please?", asks Galinfenner. Freya says, "just shows how something innocent can be taken entirely out of context and change everything" Redspice roflmao Alexy blinks and laughs.. Malevolent asks, "If you could change anything about Fed back, to what is was before, what would it be Freya?" "luckily a lot of people where I worked also played our online games and understood", says Freya. Freya says, "hmm I have no pat answer to that Malevolent" Paladin exclaims, "JP/GM puzzle!" Malevolent nods slowly. Freya says, "there's many things I perferred about the old game" "but change it back? No, life moves on", says Freya. Thulium nods and agrees :) Flair smiles Galinfenner nods "anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Flair says, "Well put." Galinfenner looks at his watch Mallow raises his hand. Freya says, "I know..there was a geniune lack of maliciousness" Alexy wonders if she missed the cheese plate.. "In the old days when you were a senator, what were the game requirments to get there and what were the perks of that rank?", asks Ford. "amen", says Zyphr. Galinfenner says, "Yes Mallow, one more then we are ending." "people didn't intentionally seek to hurt others", says Freya. "What is a "Cleaver wag"?", asks Mallow. Mara smiles nostalgically Thulium is aghast.. maliciousness in Fed.. surely you jest :) "I'd like to see that return", says Freya. Mallow says, "I mean, clever" Freya asks, "Senator?" "you had to be Duke rank", says Freya. "and the Senate was limited to 7 places", says Freya. Freya says, "so if there were 7 Senators you just had to wait till 1 of them DD'd" "the Senate was based on the ancient Roman Senate", says Freya. Wolfyn asks, "Did you ever DD?" Freya says, "so you had to bribe your way in" "yes", says Freya. Wolfyn asks, "What happened?" Mara chortles "I was stupid", says Freya. Mara says, "she was P....EEVED" "that's the only way anyone can DD", says Freya. "That's usually the case in DD.", says Sirglec. Thulium nods and nods.. :) "I was a Senator when I DD"d", says Freya. Wolfyn says, "Ouch." Chewbacon thought Senators can't DD? "so the shock was pretty awesome", says Freya. Thulium asks, "no auto-insure back then, eh?" "this was PLAYER Senator", says Freya. "ahhh", says Chewbacon. "No, you can also do it by design. Just ask MAXofEARL.", says Ford. "see..it's entirely different", says Freya. Galinfenner asks, "Did someone help you? I mean to take your place as Senator?" "when I DD'd someone else moved up into that slot", says Freya. Freya asks, "help me how?" Chewbacon asks, "What did a Senator do back then?" Galinfenner says, "Right, I was wondering if there was a conspiracy" Freya says, "no, no conspuracy" Galinfenner looks disappointed "is the senator still in place or no? I never heard of that", says Rokyu. "It was a rank on GEnie Fed Rokuy.", says Galinfenner. "Senator is an entirely different rank now", says Freya. Rokyu says, "oh ok thanks freya" "Here it is not a player rank.", says Galinfenner. "the powers and commands are different", says Freya. Galinfenner nods "it was a player rank in GEnie", says Freya. Rokyu nods Freya says, "now it's Staff/Utility" Ford asks, "What were the duties and perks of Senator back then?" Flair was wondering too. "ditto", says Chewbacon. "it's too complex to explain briefly completely out of context", says Freya. Freya says, "it was a political part of the game" Chewbacon says everyone emails Feedback the question, it's bound to get answered in the Chron. "and frankly thje game is significantly different now", says Freya. Freya grins Flair was JUST thinking that Chewie! Galinfenner nods Paladin says, "nasty goings on..." "But the Chronical lies", smiles Freya. Netmndr chuckles Chewbacon smiles, "Gehk! We do not" Freya smiles, "of course you do" Thulium chuckles... as any good media is, when published by the State ;) Freya nods Flair is astounded! It lies?! You mean...You mean Microsoft IS good?! ::giggles:: Galinfenner looks at the full room Alexy grins delightfully Galinfenner says, "WEll, folks I want to thank you all for coming." Rokyu applauds Galinfenner says, "And also to thank our guest." Flair stands and claps Wolfyn starts dimming the spotlight. Galinfenner smiles, "Thank you for your time Freya" Thulium thanks Freya for being here and Gf for hosting Ford exclaims, "Well done Freya!" Rokyu says, "thank you Freya" "it was a pleasure and very interesting for me", smiles Freya. "Thanks for coming Freya", smiles Netmndr. "Thanks Freya", smiles Zyphr. Paladin exclaims, "yeaaaa Freya!" Freya says, "you;re very welcome" "Thanks Galin", smiles Zyphr. Thulium applauds Wolfyn applauds and thanks Freya! Alexy smiles, "Thanks Freya" Zyphr wonders what's under Galin's kilt... Sirglec congratulates Freya on her great ability to avoid the hard questions.;) "hmmm", says Zyphr. "Next week, I'm not sure who my victim is. Please read the news and watch the boards!", exclaims Galinfenner. "Thanks, Freya.", smiles Sallyanne. Freya says, "and my new book called..All the Things Paladin doesn't want you to know will be out soon" Galinfenner smiles, "For those of you in a fighting mood, you might want to join Sirglec" "big book!", exclaims Paladin. "Oh.. I want a copy of that!", exclaims Alexy. "Good show, Freya", says Chewbacon. "Good night ladies and gentelmen. Oh yeah, good night to the Senators too!", exclaims Ford. "Now for the fun part. I gotta go write this up", says Galinfenner with a wink. |