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Galinfenner coughs Wolfyn woots and claps! Kella waves and smiles. Jazir cheers and applauds Kella giggles at Galin's discomfort. "Ok... let's get started. Kella, first of all, when did you start playing Federation and how did you find it?", asks Galinfenner. Roslyn applauds Kella. Kella hops up on a stool. Srgasman whistles! Sirglec steadies the stool. Gpx holds up a sign saying "Show us your rack" "The first time I entered Fed was when I was 14, in 1997. I found it through the AOL 2.5 <shudders> link to Federation.", says Kella. Kella shows Gpx her lovely spice rack. "So on one of those banners or were you looking for games?", asks Galinfenner. Rasal says, "Entered Fed has such a connotation." Galinfenner grins "I was in as Una at the time. I don't remember much... I was looking for a game that had text-based roleplaying.", says Kella. Galinfenner smiles Galinfenner looks at his notes Redspice smiles and quickly takes a seat "I had gotten hooked on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game at that time and was looking for something similar... I remember the front end that popped up on AOL had a player's list on the right side, etc.", says Kella. "What made you stay? I mean, once you found the game that is.", says Galinfenner. "At that time Sol was chock-full of people who didn't mind helping a GH with NO idea what was going on or how to move...", says Kella. Roslyn wonders if free was an incentive. Kella says, "well, I didn't actually stay... that first nite was my first and last nite in Fed for a long time. I finally came back because I remembered the game and it just stuck with me... I re-entered in December of this last year..." "Guess not", says Roslyn. Roslyn chuckles. Kella says, "The first person I met was Netmndr, who had TB'd me the second I logged in and gave me the ins and outs of bribing the Officials, etc." Kella won't mention the other ins and outs he gave her, or what they were regarding... Sirglec blushes for Kella. "I see here from my notes that you have had several err.. 'liasons'. How many love affairs have you had in Fed?", asks Galinfenner. Kella winks and says, "How many? hmmm... well that's a tough question... are we going in order and do i have to say their names? Not that I mind..." "I think 13 numbers x Pi will crash the fed front end", says Gpx. Wolfyn chuckles. Kella says, "lol" Galinfenner chuckles "Can you rate them by stars too?", asks Rasal. "Well, tell us about the first one.", says Galinfenner. Redspice laughs "and we'll progress from there", says Galinfenner. Rasal is always curious as to who his big competition is. Kella ticks off on her fingers. "In order, my Baron-guide Netmndr... well, after his wife died... that was an on-again, off-again flirtation thing... with him I invented the flopping... Kella flops Gpx in demonstration. Srgasman grins Roslyn blinks as Gpx is flopped. Wolfyn covers her eyes. Gpx says, "I'm always being flopped by her" "Net was awesome, and never hesitated to find me all sorts of jobs... of course that had nothing to do with his Fedsex appeal.", says Kella with a wink. Gpx feels used and cheap Fancy wonders if those flops are anything like belly flops. Wolfyn feels Gpx, just a little used. Kella throws twenty groats at Gpx to make him feel slightly more expensive. Roslyn rather doubts that. Gpx says, "kella those groats just made everyhting on my second desktop crash" Gpx says, "Thanks" "For the longest point in time, I "chased" him around Fed, and then he'd port to wherever I was... nothing ever got graphic, and we both knew that we weren't getting fed-married or anything.. it was just for fun and to make people blink twice at us.", says Kella. "Tell us about flopping. What is that?", asks Galinfenner. "flopping?", asks Kella. Kella laughs. "It started at Jedi's party, actually... After an auction... "and?", smiles Galinfenner. "There was this couch, and Net had bought me for quite a large sum, and we were all lounging on the couch...I got up and left, and came back in and flopped back down on the couch.", says Kella. "Net typed in ACT flops Kella.", says Kella. Jediknightq wants it known the sign breaking was NOT his fault.... Galinfenner winks and says, "I hope you didn't catch anything" Galinfenner smirks "So we started "flopping" each other. Kind of like swonks... we don't know where it came from, but at times it has a bunch of sexual connotations.", says Kella. Kella says, "leave my sign out of this! lol" Jediknightq grins Galinfenner grins Kella tickles Gpx. "That's how I found HIM." Srgasman asks, "and what was it that I got?" Gpx says, "Lucky me." "From a sign or a flop?", asks Galinfenner. Kella throws another 20 at Gpx. Galinfenner is getting confused Gpx smiles "from my sign.", says Kella. "Sign as in 'I'm a Leo' what are you?", asks Galinfenner. Jediknightq laughs Kella says, "I was a party maven around then... if there was a party, you'd generally find me at it. Especially at Jedi's or Again's." Galinfenner nods Kella says, "nonono... an actual cardboard sign on a string that was my only form of clothing." "That doesn't really explain the sign", says Gpx. Srgasman has given Sallyanne a nice hug! Kella sighs deeply. "For those of you who had ever EXd me before, if you had during that time, you would have seen: Gpx says, "This is my favorite part" Kella says, "Attn: Husbands Wanted, No Experience Necessary, Many Positions Available, Apply Within! Will Train on Premises." Galinfenner chuckles Sallyanne giggles. Wolfyn blushes. Moria asks, "How many do you need?" Jediknightq winks and says, "She was always looking" "Do you have multiple husbands?", asks Galinfenner. "That sign was developed at Again's wedding... I was grousing to her about not being marketable and she took it upon herself to become my agent.", says Kella. Redspice chuckles... Kella says, "So I wore the sign." Galinfenner grins Gpx was the sucker "nonono, currently i'm widowed, but that's a story i'll get to in a moment.", says Kella. Gpx got licked Fancy wonders which kind of licked. "I see. What do you want to get to at the moment?", asks Galinfenner. Kella says, "I went to the party after Again's wedding, during Jedi's beta-testing of Fed Libs, and during a rather randy flirtation between him and me and Net and me, someone broke my sign." "We all pinned the blame on Jedi.", says Kella. Jediknightq exclaims, "It wasnt MY FAULT!!!" Wolfyn offers up tape. Jediknightq was innocently flirting with someone else ;) "Better make that duct tape", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Alexy took it to the shop for me to get it repaired... And I remember Ditzy or Tempest (one of the two) asked if it worked for me if they could borrow it.", says Kella. Redspice laughs Kella says, "shortly after that, DarkPumpkin <coughs and nudges a certain squire in the room> walked in drunk as a skunk." "Again, the agent self-proclaimed, told me that I'd do anything except windows... lol", says Kella. Kella says, "I still have it logged." Gpx says, "I wasn't that drunk" Galinfenner smiles Kella giggles. Gpx says, "I think." "er, she told HIM.", says Kella. Kella says, "Two weeks later we got married on Hoosiers..." "an arranged marriage huh? Did you give him a dowry?", asks Galinfenner. Gpx says, "HEH" "Oh yeah she did", says Gpx. Kella says, "Oh! you asked me who i had an affair with in order... well, before DP there was someone else... <grins evilly at someone in the room> but that was brief." Galinfenner chuckles Felina says, "umm gee.. thanks.. I think" "Maybe we don't want details of that.", says Galinfenner. Kella says, "more like a one-log stand." Silverkat chuckles at the 'on log stand' Redspice laughs Sirglec wants details and readies to take notes. Gpx says, "Kella logs for later" Galinfenner asks, "What about your deceased husband? Who was he and what happened to him?" "figured they were all briefs...unless they were boxers...", says Redspice. Jediknightq is refraining so much here ;) "Alot of people are Jedi", says Gpx. Kella says, "Oh yes, I was a boxer-thief contracter for Red for a while..." Kella says, "about my husband" Redspice chuckles... Kella says, "DarkPumpkin was my husband... I went into a coma in April due to billing conflicts with the game people." Kella says, "Hazed got a good laugh at the true extent of my addiction... I would log on with 2-hour alts just to be in the game to talk to the people I knew." "Coughmyaltcough", says Gpx. "I was in the Fed Funnies of the Week once as my alt Kestra (my daughter's name) for a put-down of the week to Jedi.. <tickles>", says Kella. Jediknightq thinks Kel should be careful with one who knows many of her secrets ;) Galinfenner says, "Ok, now might be a good time to take some questions from the audience." Galinfenner turns to the crowd Kella says, "During that time, people who found out it was me would come up to me and tell me that they saw DP chasing skirts around Fed and saying that he was going to give me up for dead, etc... <shrug> stuff that they thought I'd get upset about..." "Anyone have a question for Kella?", asks Galinfenner. "okies.", says Kella. Gpx says, "All the while DP was talking to her on yahoo =P" Sallyanne just remembers all the Dew DP was passing out ... ;) "So....who are you chasing in Fed now?", says Jediknightq with a wink. "I want to know when Kella is gonna clean up the mess she made on my lp when she butchered Gp's alt to come back as herself?", asks Esperanza. "I'm actually not chasing anyone in Fed... they're all chasing ME it seems...", says Kella. Kella dies laughing "oh yeah... Espie had a heart attack!", exclaims Kella. Roslyn blinks. "Right in front of me!", exclaims Esperanza. Ron watches Kella bend over to clean the LP...... damn.... that is cool Kella says, "She flipped when I slit my wrists on her LP as Orangeavenger..." Jediknightq laughs "May he rest in peace", says Gpx. Gpx says, "along with the DarkPumpkin" "I came back that time as MistressKella", says Kella. "but she was freaking OUT", says Kella. Kella says, "i had to talk her down out of a coronary..." Galinfenner asks, "But then you left a mess on the LP?" Gpx salutes the Fallen Heros of Orangeness Kella hands the bleach bucket and mop to Gpx. "You go to it hun, I'm rather busy..." ;) "screw you all I'm gonna go cry now", says Gpx. Esperanza giggles Galinfenner grins "Yeah... there was a lot of blood... and I'm sure OTHER bodily fluids from Espie who thought someone actually was killing themselves...", says Kella. Galinfenner says, "Former pumpkins crying, husbands committing suicide. YOu've been leading an interesting life." Jediknightq seems to recall certain furniture being banged up in his lounge cause of the sign she threw off ;) Galinfenner asks, "What is your favorite memory in Fed?" Kella says, "Favorite memory? I have so MANY memorable moments....." "Ok, a handful then..", says Galinfenner with a wink. Gpx says, "Mines killing you in the arena while going after GSW ;P" Kella says, "Tied, I'd have to say my wedding, again's wedding reception, and my welcome-back from Fed when I woke up from my coma" "Ok, why those memories?", asks Galinfenner. "oh! yeah... and my husband (the DAY BEFORE OUR WEDDING) putting a price on my head and shooting me down in my own arena", says Kella. Fancy chuckles. "That's a heck of a way to say 'I love you'..." Gpx says, "Well she sent GSW in after me to kill me" Esperanza smiles, "Well GP does have his moments" Kella says, "my wedding was hilarious... in fact, i made sure to incorporate that into the vows..." "And then she blundered in", says Gpx. Kella says, "i didn't send him.. he wandered in" Gpx says, "Sure" "Suuuure he did", says Gpx. Jediknightq says, "Ladies, ladies...." "Just go get your ships and settle it there", says Jediknightq with a wink. "again's wedding reception cuz it was a HELL of a funny party... i met the player formerly known as DarkPumpkin there...", says Kella. Kella winks and says, "and my comeback to fed because Vlad was wonderful, and shortly after Chewie bought me and i've been challenging his bachelorhood ever since." "Yeah and Now I'm known as -o|~~~", says Gpx. Galinfenner asks, "So... does he have some sort of weird symbol now like Prince?" Galinfenner grins Sallyanne laughs! Redspice laughs Kella laughs herself off her stool. Redspice says, "<0>" Jediknightq isnt suprised ;) Galinfenner waits for the laughter to die down. "Kella, what about Fed makes you keep coming back?", asks Galinfenner. Kella says, "The camradarie with the people I've met... some of them I've talked to IRL, even..." "40 dollar phone bills are evil", says Gpx. "You establish a family here... granted, along that definition and MY history, it would be an INCESTUOUS family, but family nevertheless", says Kella. "So you marry your brothers too?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks aghast Kella says, "okay, so i mispelled the word up there..." Jediknightq winks and says, "You're next from what I hear Galin" "no, but I tried to rope Cen and Gpx into marrying me last nite over a debate on 9...", says Kella. Galinfenner chuckles "we almost did it, until I mentioned that only straight men were candidates... Cen mysteriously left after that...", says Kella. Galinfenner asks, "If you could change one thing about Fed, what would that be?" Galinfenner watches the gears turn Kella says, "The population... I would have it as populated as it was when I first joined years ago... It's so top-heavy now that we have to rely on alts to progress, when we should be relying on others." Jediknightq thinks its really odd when you're changing the channel on tv while watching the scroll here, and all of a sudden you hear 'No, no, no, no!' Roslyn grins. Galinfenner nods "And now the fun question, tell us about your most embarrasing moment.", says Galinfenner. Ron guffaws Kella says, "oooh... that is a toughie..." "Honey, a little help? I can't remember...", says Kella. Tempest came just to hear this answer. Kella poses in the position of The Thinker "Maybe there aren't any?", asks Galinfenner. Kella says, "I'd have to say..." Galinfenner checks Kella's shame level Gpx says, "Spybeams suck" "Thats all I have to say", says Gpx. "I think I'd have to say the time when Again was pawning me off to DP as fast as she could...I was so embarrassed at the time, just because i had no idea who he was and he kept saying he could use another maid...", says Kella. Jediknightq wonders how she's gonna choose one from all of them "at THAT point i was like... LISTEN pal.. I don't do windows, I don't do hauling, and I don't do YOU", says Kella. Galinfenner laughs Gpx says, "I did NOT say anything about a Maid" "did too, babes. i have a log of it", says Kella. Gpx says, "Lies all lies" Kella says, "that's what i used to tell me about my most embarrassing moment. most of my escapades i have logged." "the other embarrassing moment was when someone ported into my bedroom during an "escapade" recently", says Kella. Galinfenner asks, "Did they take pictures or rate your performance?" Sallyanne peers at Cen. "Just think... if someone ported in... How many beams were on you? hmmm?", asks Sirglec. Kella says, "they mainly just stood there and watched until the other participant screamed and hid..." Galinfenner snorts laughter through his nose Kella waves at all the beams. Esperanza makes a note to e-mail Kella information on the shield option in Genesis "oh, trust me, it's shielded now", says Kella. "i won't make that mistake twice.", says Kella. Galinfenner asks, "What sort of things are you up to these days?" Kella says, "Hazed told me she'd never want to port through my shielded loc, she'd not know what she'd find..." "As long as there is an event on the loc I don't think she can", says Galinfenner with a wink. Kella says, "well, Chewie is a constant around Hoosiers nowadays... we sort of let the 24 hour slave rule slide... i remember him taking me on a "romantic" trip to Horsehell a couple of times" "yes. i mispelled it on purpose.", says Kella with a wink. Galinfenner laughs Kella says, "Gpx and I have been batting the idea around to renew our marriage vows from his previous life..." "and I impregnated Gasm with mine and Indigo's children.", says Kella. Galinfenner asks, "Marriage incarnate eh?" "Which after hearing all this I'm thinking I have too much competition ;P", says Gpx. "I still don't know how that happened", says Srgasman. "naw, honey...", says Kella. Kella has given Gpx a hot tickle! Kella exclaims, "I do I do!" "want me to tell?", asks Kella. Sallyanne ponders Vampubusses. Redspice laughs "YEs please", smiles Galinfenner. "it's Vampubi, actually...", says Kella with a wink. Gpx says, "Not again" Galinfenner looks interested Kella is the original Vampubus. Srgasman smiles, "I guess I opened my great huge mouth.." "So you have multiple personality disorder too Kell", says Jediknightq with a wink. "Just figure this out Jedi?", asks Gpx. "Vampubus sounds oddly like some sort of U-Haul offshoot.", says Rasal. "No, just reaffirming", smiles Jediknightq. "Indigo and Paladin got married not too long ago... I raped Indigo shortly after her wedding... although she was perfectly willing.", says Kella. Sallyanne laughs! Esperanza stifles a giggle Galinfenner chuckles Kella flops Rasal. Jediknightq laughs Kella flops Jedi and Gpx for the extra mile. "Vampubus or SuccuVamp..I ain't sure which..", says Srgasman. Galinfenner asks, "Well, if she was willing how could it be rape?" Sallyanne whispers, "You can't rape the willing." Fancy says, "Consensual rape... there's an oxymoron." "anyway, shortly before GM and my promotion to Indy, I announced it on 9 that I was promoting to "Indi"... thereby causing Indigo to scream that she was NOT the mother of my children.", says Kella. "Galin would be killed by the mob in another situation", says Gpx. "Ahh I spouted out congrats IndiKella..now I remember..", says Srgasman. Kella says, "I goaded her for a bit telling her that she didn't have to deny it, we were both adults and consenting... lol she had a fit telling me that she wasn't carrying any kids... then named Gasm as the surrogate..." "Mobs don't scare me. I was a host through '96", says Galinfenner with a wink. Srgasman was confuzzled on that point. JKella asks, "then, all of this on channel, mind you, she says to Paladin (her husband) honey, you don't mind that I'm having another woman's baby, do you?" Galinfenner winks and says, "Heh, only in Fed" Galinfenner asks, "Do you see yourself becoming a duchess?" Kella asks, "to which Rasal or someone responded, if Kella's a vamp, and Indi's a Succubus, do the children come out as Vampubi?" "so now i have invisible fang-wielding children with halos.", says Kella. "Yep...that sounds like a Ras.", smiles Sirglec. Esperanza pokes Rasal Kella says, "Yes, I'm currently working towards that..." Rasal says, "Except, it wasn't me." Sallyanne points to herself there. ;) "Actually, I think I'll pause at Baroness...", says Kella. Galinfenner quiets the crowd "I rather like my planet and don't know if I'm ready to manage a whole bunch of them... that and I really don't like the TDX, dropping it sucks.", says Kella. Galinfenner chuckles Rasal winks and says, "Or blows." Sallyanne stiffles a giggle. Fancy bursts out laughing. "Err.. blows up even.", says Rasal. Gpx says, "Implodes" "that too, but that's typically MY job...", says Kella with a wink. Galinfenner smirks Kella stifles herself. Esperanza coughs for no apparent reason Galinfenner asks, "Does anyone else have a question for Kella?" Redspice bangs her head on the keyboard.. "Yeah....", says Jediknightq. Jediknightq winks and says, "Why are you so short?" Galinfenner peers at Kella Galinfenner says, "Must be the stool." "I'm not dear, you're visually-challenged.", says Kella. "and jealous..", says Kella with a wink. Galinfenner grins Jediknightq looks down on Kella "Anyone else?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks around the room "I have one", says Gpx. Galinfenner says, "Yes Gp" Kella raises an eyebrow. "Have you now or ever in the past kept a dea monkey named Bubbles in your basement?", asks Gpx. Gpx says, "dead" "Only if my dead husband was a monkey and had the stage name of Bubbles...", says Kella. Gpx says, "So thats where my body went..." Sallyanne thinks that's a possibility. "lol", says Kella. "Bubbles huh? I don't think I want to know.", says Galinfenner. Kella looks around. "Any more?" Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" Kella says, "Galin, no, you don't... lol" Galinfenner grins "Yeah...what happeend to the sign....", says Jediknightq. Jediknightq winks and says, "It was more attractive" Jediknightq ducks and hides Galinfenner chuckles Gpx says, "Its on my wall" Galinfenner asks, "Why don't you fix her another one Jed?" Kella says, "The sign is in a curio cabinet on Hoosiers, actually, Gpx has a copy." Gpx exclaims, "!!!!!" Gpx shouts, "A FAKE" Gpx grumbles Galinfenner grins and stands up "I retired it after DP and I got married... but was tempted to bring it out again before Gpx returned to the scene.", says Kella. "Thanks for being our victim-guest this evening Kella. I'll try to be kind in my write up", says Galinfenner with a wink. "Folks, thanks for coming!", exclaims Galinfenner. Kella winks and says, "Aw, thanks, Galin.. but you don't have to, they'd know it wasn't me, otherwise." Galinfenner exclaims, "Or at least breathing hard. <cough> Next week our guest is going to be Srgasman!" "I look forward to seeing you all there", says Galinfenner with a wink. Galinfenner waves and pats his cameradroid on it's pointed little head Galinfenner says, "Ouch, gotta quit doing that." Kella curtseys. "thanks for having me, Galin.", says Kella with a wink. Donating other people's blood, Kella has just gone north. |