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Ditzy has almost gotten the pages unstuck on her Orangutan/English dictionary. Don't say the 'M' word. Librarian has appeared with a shimmer of teleportation effect. Librarian waves at the group. Librarian reaches out one long arm and grabs a bowl of peanuts off the bar. Librarian grins, showing an unusual number of large simian teeth. Wolfyn grins, showing an impressive set of unbrushed fangs. Ditzy gets nervous with all these teeth... Zeroz makes an appointment for Wolfyn at the K-9 Dentist! Goodness! Ditzy hugs everyone and gets ready to translate... she hopes. Sallyanne giggles and thinks this should be interesting. ;) Librarian puts the bowl of peanuts down. Chiefsgirl stands and clears her throat "good evening and welcome to tonight's Meet & Greet", says Chiefsgirl. Librarian looks at Chiefsgirl and ooks. "My originally scheduled guest was unable to attend, but we are fortunate to have Librarian more than willing to fill in", says Chiefsgirl. Librarian grins, showing an unusual number of large simian teeth. Zeroz ponders how much Librarian's fur would fetch on the black and purple market. Chiefsgirl says, "Ditzy has agreed to sit in on Librarian's Meet & Greet to help with any translation problems we may have" Juel applaudes Ditzy Wolfyn applauds. Librarian raises an admonishing finger at Zeroz. "so without further ado, let's make Librarian feel welcome", says Chiefsgirl. "So tell us Librarian, about your early days", says Chiefsgirl. "Ook.", says Librarian. Chiefsgirl peers at Ditzy for elaboration on this answer "He said he started on May 14 of last year, went to sleep til February and then faught his way out of stasis to start work.", says Ditzy. "Oook.", says Librarian. "On February 16, he onlined Books and won the TTTT with the help of a few friends", smiles Ditzy. "Was the climb to the top easy or rough?", asks Chiefsgirl. "Ook.", says Librarian. "He says it was really easy because his player had done it often before.", says Ditzy. "Oook ook.", says Librarian. "And the flying giraffes croak at midnight...", says Ditzy. Ditzy checks her dictionary... Lobo worries..cause he understands that logic... "I mean He had a lot of help.", says Ditzy. Ditzy pries the pages apart... "Oook.", says Librarian. Ditzy says, "He started porting on April 4th of this year." Librarian says, "Oook." "He also wants everyone to know that he wasn't always an orangutan.", says Ditzy. Librarian is the victim of a magical accident. Of course, that's the risk one takes when working Librarian says, "Ook." Ditzy says, "He says he wa in the library with a shipment of new books when something happened." "He woke up and was like you see him now.", says Ditzy. Librarian says, "Oook ook." >ex librarian Ditzy looks at Librarian, "Really? I didn't know that." "He says his life is much simpler now that all he has to worry about is a good source of bananas.", says Ditzy. Chiefsgirl asks, "How did an orangutan such as yourself come to live in a space environment such as this?" Librarian says, "Oook." "He says that large quantities of books all gathered together in one place have the ability to bend time and space, and he went way back in the back of the library to find a missing book and ended up here", says Ditzy. Librarian nods. "ah", says Chiefsgirl. Sallyanne thinks that must have been a shock to his system ... Librarian nods at Sallyanne. Bilbo hears the theme from the Twilight Zone Zeroz has bought you a case of good ripe bananas! "Oook ook.", says Librarian. Ditzy says, "Of course, there are advantages to being an orangutan, too, he says." Librarian says, "Oook." Ditzy says, "He likes being able to get at the top shelf without using a ladder." Chiefsgirl laughs Wolfyn nods. Sallyanne giggles. Ditzy whispers, "And he's lots stronger than he looks." Librarian shrugs. Chiefsgirl was thinking he looked pretty strong Librarian reaches out one long arm and grabs a bowl of peanuts off the bar. "Ook.", says Librarian. Ditzy says, "And he says he's ready for questions..." "Any questions?", asks Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl looks around the audience "Yes", says Zeroz. Zeroz asks, "Who does your hair?" Ditzy looks at Librarian... Librarian says, "Oook." "Really??? Mine too!", exclaims Zeroz. Ditzy says, "No one." Librarian taps Ditzy on the shoulder and softly Ooks. "You know what'll happen if I say that...", says Ditzy. Librarian says, "Ook." Ditzy says, "Ok..." Ditzy says, "He also wants everyone to know that he is and ape... So don't use the 'm' word around him." Librarian grins, showing an unusual number of large simian teeth. Zeroz wonders what the big problem about monopoles is?? Chiefsgirl smiles Ditzy says, "Not monopoles... the other 'm' word." "Microsoft?", asks Zeroz. "musiks?", asks Bilbo. "Monogamy.", says Rasal. Sallyanne asks, "Monty?" "Ming!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Ditzy says, "Monkey... oops... oh no..." "Worst M I can think of is Marriage", says Ruy with a wink. Librarian looks at Ditzy... Snowstar nods in agreement with Ruy! Sallyanne giggles. Librarian resists the urge to leap to her shoulders and unscrew her head from her neck! "I was thinking more along the lines of Mother-in-law, but that works", says Zeroz with a wink. Ditzy says, "I'm sorry..." "Well, he's a cute chimp atleast.", says Zeroz. Zeroz pats Librarian Librarian amy not resist the urge next time... Ditzy gulps and returns to translating. "Anyone else with a question for Librarian?", asks Chiefsgirl. Zeroz says, "Well, maybe I should get this done and over with..." "What is your most embarassing moment in Fed?", asks Zeroz. "Ook.", says Librarian. Ditzy asks, "really?" Librarian says, "Ook." "He says that since he is no longer human, he hasn't been embarrased.", says Ditzy. Librarian says, "Oook ook." Ditzy asks, "He wants to know what could embarrass an orangutan?" "clippers?", asks Justadawg. Ditzy is glad she didn't have to answer that one. "Getting a child discount at the bowling alley?", asks Zeroz. Chiefsgirl wonders if Zeroz has seen the size of an orangutan Librarian gets Ditzy's attention again. "Oook.", says Librarian. "Not really", says Zeroz. Chiefsgirl says, "Well, you wouldn't mistake them for a child" Zeroz says, "oh." Ditzy says, "Oh, he says one of his hobbies is playing the organ and he can't wait to try the one in Horsell." "I'm a Duke, not a naturist", says Zeroz with a wink. "So are you going to be a duke, Librarian?", asks Chiefsgirl. Librarian shouts, "EEK!" Sallyanne gasps! "That's a new one", says Zeroz. Ditzy says, "I think that means no." "If that means no, what means NO WAY! ?", asks Zeroz. Chiefsgirl thinks he should practice on the piano at Chez Diesel's "Oook.", says Librarian. "Librarian, why don't you learn sign language instead of Ook Oook Oooking?", asks Zeroz. Ditzy says, "He says the piano doesn't have all the different knobs that the organ does." Chiefsgirl nods "quite true", says Chiefsgirl. Librarian tries charades for Zeroz... "Oh oh!!", exclaims Zeroz. Librarian holds up 5 fingers... Zeroz asks, "My sister when she's mad at me!?" Ditzy just shakes her head... Sallyanne looks sternly at her brother. "5 words...", says Zeroz. Librarian holds up 1 finger. Sallyanne gets confused. Zeroz asks, "1...?" "first word", says Justadawg. "yes", says Zeroz with a wink. Librarian holds up his index finger and thumbs close together... "Small Word", says Zealouselijah. Sallyanne asks, "A short word?" Zealouselijah asks, "Ook?" Zeroz nods Librarian nods... Librarian waits for a list of short words... Zealouselijah says, "The" Zealouselijah says, "An" "A", says Zeroz. "I", says Zeroz. "If", says Sallyanne. Zeroz says, "You" "Ugh.", says Wolfyn. Sallyanne says, "Me" Sallyanne giggles at Wolfyn. "It?", asks Ditzy. "Ook!", exclaims Sallyanne. Librarian nods... Librarian holds up 2 fingers... "2nd word", says Zeroz. Ditzy thinks this will take all night. Wolfyn chews some banana off the fingers. Librarian points at what Ditzy thinks... Ditzy says, "Oh, good trick." Sallyanne nods and giggles. Zeroz nods <g> Ditzy nods at sallyanne. Sallyanne grins. Librarian nods at Sallyanne. "Ook.", says Librarian. Sallyanne giggles. "That's why he doesn't use charades very often.", says Ditzy. Librarian looks around... "any other questions for Librarian?", asks Chiefsgirl. Librarian says, "Oook ook." "He thanks everyone for coming... and not giving him too hard of a time.", smiles Ditzy. Wolfyn ookwoofs and claps. Sallyanne smiles and cheers for Librarian! Librarian grins, showing an unusual number of large simian teeth. Librarian stands up Librarian strikes a classic pose. No, not that one. One with arms. Really long arms. Even longer than that. Sallyanne laughs! "I want to thank Librarian for being our guest tonight", says Chiefsgirl. Librarian grins at Chiefsgirl "And thank Ditzy for her willingness to translate", says Chiefsgirl. Ditzy is just glad it's over... "I hope you will join me next week when my guest will be Ruy", says Chiefsgirl. "Huh?", asks Ruy. Chiefsgirl giggles "yes, Ruy", says Chiefsgirl. Sallyanne grins. Ruy says, "Uh oh" Chiefsgirl smiles, "Next week's guest" "Ruy's in the hotseat then...", says Ditzy. Ruy thinks we should all boycott M&G next week Chiefsgirl hands Librarian a banana |