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Chiefsgirl says, "Tonight we have the pleasure of Netmndr as our guest" "He'll tell you a bit about himself and his history and answer questions from the audience", says Chiefsgirl. Chiefsgirl says, "Please, let's make him feel welcome" Wolfyn applauds! Zeroz has given Netmndr a tender snog! Jazir cheers! Neva claps for Neut Chiefsgirl applauds wildly for Net before plopping down on her barstool Zeroz hopes he made him feel welcome. Snowstar cheers for Net! Netmndr bows deeply and smiles Sallyanne beams at Net and cheers. Tis glaps for Net Esperanza rattles her tamborine Netmndr smiles, "Hello everyone, Thanks for coming tonight" Briana applauds "Well.....I started playing Fed almost 7 years ago....", smiles Netmndr. "I happened upon it while glancing through AOL's many games.... and.... well...... it took me 7 days to get to commander", says Netmndr with a wink. Wolfyn chuckles. Chiefsgirl grins Sallyanne grins. Briana smiles "Ah, another big fan of the manuals", says Jazir with a wink. Zeroz pens a note to heckle Net about that later. "I had some very interesting conversations with the hobo, and any other mob that would talk to me", says Netmndr with a wink. Snowstar has made a big fan out of her manuals for hot summer nights. "And well.....I went through the hauling ranks until I got to Captain......where I was murdered and DD'd by the planet Paradox", says Netmndr with a wink. "ouch", says Chiefsgirl. Sallyanne shudders. "So, I came back....I made it to commander MUCH faster the second time", says Netmndr with a wink. Tis remembers Paradox Juel asks, "6 days Net?" "Right Juel", says Netmndr with a wink. Sallyanne grins. Netmndr says, "After that, I pretty much raced on through to Trader...." Netmndr says, "when I hit Trader......I somehow became a part of the Duchy of Connor...." "I immediately rushed on through to Explorer.....where my dear friends, Cewleepoke, and Pmazikiii helped me to get a planet", says Netmndr. Netmndr winks and says, "Lithium is a song by the band Nirvana....in case anyone wonders where the name comes from" Redspice makes a note to listen to that one... Netmndr says, "Anyhow, I went with the basic Water-mini....." Emcee smiles, "it is also no.3 on the periodic chart" "Connor was a full duchy.....as was just about every other duchy.....so....I spent a month in SOL on the Connor waiting list", smiles Netmndr. "After being accepted into Connor, I promoted to Thane about 2 months later", says Netmndr. "Then Indy took another month or two.....Tech the same....", says Netmndr. "and finally to Baron....", says Netmndr. "I had been a Baron for 6 years until very recently deciding to go Duke", says Netmndr. Netmndr winks and says, "because back when I turned Baron.....the Duke puzzle was broken" Chiefsgirl nods Netmndr smiles, "So....at Duke....my first three planets were Nightcave, Wolfy, and Mexico..." "and the list grew every day after that until it hit its current number of planets", smiles Netmndr. Netmndr smiles, "Last week, I asked the my beautiful fiance Sallyanne to marry me.....and she accepted, which overjoyed me greatly" Sallyanne blushes and smiles happily. Briana smiles Doctorperl bows to sallyanne Tempest smiles at the happy couple. "I've performed 2 marriages so far.....The first was the marriage of Kella and Darkpumpkin", says Netmndr. "the second being only today, that of Duke Frogfur and Baroness Snowlily", smiles Netmndr. Snowlily blushes and smiles Emcee congratulates the happy couple Snowlily says, "Thanks, Emcee" Frogfur applaudes Net's good job! Sallyanne smiles and congratulates Lily and Frogfur again. Briana smiles at Lily and Frogfur too "And thats about it for my life in Fed I'm afraid...Its been interesting and fun!", smiles Netmndr. "Oh yes, and I'm currently a Navigator in Training....", says Netmndr with a wink. Netmndr winks and says, "Now...thats about it" Wolfyn waves a paw! "oh, and Silence scares me", says Netmndr with a wink. Netmndr smiles, "Yes Wolfyn?" "They're stunned by you, Dear.", says Sallyanne with a wink. "Are you really a netmender? I have some that need tending...", says Wolfyn. Jazir laughs Roslyn chuckles. Sallyanne giggles. Wolfyn holds them out. Netmndr smiles, "Ah, the name, actually.....the original name was Netmndr39......and its actually Netminder...." Netmndr winks and says, "As in.....being a hockey goalie" "Ah ha!", exclaims Wolfyn. "do you eat special foods that give you the power to work fast enough to promote so fast...or were you born that way...", smiles Redspice. "I'm a vegetarian", says Netmndr with a wink. "So basicly....no meat", says Netmndr with a wink. "so you like that cellulose thing right :)?", asks Emcee. Snowstar winks and says, "Spinach" Ford says, "Me too but I like my veggies in beef stew." "that covers alot of ground...anyone special veggie..? I heard carrots make you move fast?", smiles Redspice. Netmndr winks and says, "Actually....I don't like vegetables all that much....." Netmndr grins Redspice says, "you in trouble..." Juel notices how skinny he is "I thought they helped you to see better.", says Roslyn. "who's in trouble red :)?", asks Emcee. "a vegitarian that doesnt like veggies??..thats trouble..", smiles Redspice. Netmndr smiles Tempest has strange thoughts about fruit. Esperanza votes for spinach Sallyanne ponders that ... "Not necessarily....theres tons of things I can eat", says Netmndr with a wink. Emcee feelda burne :) Snowstar exclaims, "Cheese and chocolate!!" Netmndr winks and says, "and I've been a vegetarian for 12 years" "Its all in the tofu, only thing that makes hauling seem pleasant", says Jazir with a wink. Roslyn smiles, "Especially chocolate" Juel asks, "who can exist on the food of the gods all the time?" Redspice says, "potatoes...rice..." Esperanza says, "Kelp" Roslyn giggles. "pasta....fake meats.....fruit...", says Netmndr with a wink. Snowstar asks, "Fake meats?" "soya", says Bilbo. Netmndr winks and says, "bread....cheese.....water" "ambrosia", smiles Emcee. Netmndr laughs "ohhhhh, soy burgers ...", says Redspice. Netmndr winks and says, "Right Red" Snowstar says, "Ever had a Boca burger? ::shudders::" Netmndr winks and says, "Nope, I eat Veggie Burgers..." Snowstar winks and says, "Sponge on a bun" Netmndr says, "very good...." "sweet oranges coconut and maraschino cherries", smiles Emcee. "whats a boca burger?", asks Redspice. Netmndr smiles, "a type of vegetable burger..." Redspice asks, "do you eat fish?" "darn...all this food talk is making me hungry!", says Netmndr with a wink. Neva thought boca burgers were for pets Emcee has bought you a sweet oranges coconut and maraschino cherries :)! "Its a fake burger, in your grocer's freezer section!", exclaims Snowstar. Redspice asks, "chicken...?" Netmndr winks and says, "fake chicken" Redspice nods... "Soy burger?", asks Roslyn. Zeroz has bought you a small animal to feast upon! Redspice hides her baby lizard... Sallyanne looks for Nightwolf to eat her small animal for her. Netmndr grins Sallyanne winks. Emcee perks ::lizard?:: Ford has bought you a plater of boiled crawfish.! Redspice says, "oops...guess that would be considered meat..." Redspice smiles Netmndr thinks CG is asleep ;) Zeroz says, "I have a question, Net." "ok Z", smiles Netmndr. Zeroz asks, "How'd you end up meeting my sister?" "I believe.....one of my random teleport stints", says Netmndr with a wink. Sallyanne grins. "Was it snogs at first sight? Or did you have to hug a bit first?", asks Zeroz. Netmndr laughs Netmndr winks and says, "I believe we hugged first.....THEN snogged" Sallyanne grins. Zeroz wipes his brow. "Now.. someone mentioned you're late. Does that mean you're pregnant?", asks Zeroz. "Yes Z, I'm pregnant, can't ya tell?", says Netmndr with a wink. "Ooh yeah", says Zeroz. Sallyanne gasps! Snowstar raises her hand. Roslyn thinks anything could be possible in space. Zeroz winks and says, "And.. final question. What in the world possessed you to make me your Court Jester?" Esperanza gets out her needles and starts knitting booties Redspice nods.. Netmndr smiles, "Yes Snow?" "What's your favorite part of being a duke, Net?", smiles Snowstar. Netmndr winks and says, "My favorite part....Well...I'd have to say.....the Spynet Notice thingy" "Aye, thats the best!", smiles Jazir. "Its the Road to Enlightenment!", says Netmndr with a wink. "I prefer the location number in my score. I can never remember where I am.", says Zeroz. Netmndr smiles, "I Really love that!" "Oh darn....I did forget that I claimed the Emperor post didn't I?", asks Netmndr. Netmndr winks and says, "Well.....I'm also Emperor of the Universe" Jazir smiles, "How did that come about?" Snowstar wonders which universe. Sallyanne winks and nods sagely. "I Really love that!", smiles Netmndr. "It came about......in my quest for enlightenment! I noticed people weren't drinking enough alchohol....so I seized the throne.....and Ordered them to drink more!", exclaims Netmndr. Netmndr winks Roslyn knew her glass was always empty for some reason. Snowstar smiles, "No wonder you haven't laid down the law in Juelz yet...we were already in compliance" "And of course....the first decree was to live your life as you normally would", says Netmndr with a wink. Chiefsgirl laughs Jazir believes this is the best Fed political platform yet Tis thinks its almost time for THE question... "THE question huh? What would that be?", smiles Netmndr. Netmndr winks and says, "42" Tis asks, "What was your most embarrising moment?" Roslyn chuckles, "It's amazing to me that people answer that question" Netmndr winks and says, "Most embarassing moment.....hmm.....well....trying to teleport to the secret spy room in the sun I'd say" Sallyanne giggles. Tis says, "Ooo, major sunburn" "I STILL cannot find that thing!", smiles Netmndr. "Get's em everytime", says Jazir with a wink. Zeroz raises his hands Sallyanne winks and says, "I was really hoping to find that when I got my 'porter ..." Netmndr winks and says, "No Z!" Netmndr ignores Zeroz Netmndr winks Zeroz asks, "What is your goal in Fed at this very moment?" "ah, ok, I'll answer that one", says Netmndr with a wink. Zeroz watches everyone breathe a sigh of relief since he actually asked a decent question. Netmndr smiles, "My goal.... is to marry Sally.... make her incredibly happy.... and rich...... .and.... finish my Nav training" "Awww...", says Zeroz. "Yes, I heard you were getting married. When is it going to be?", asks Zeroz. Zeroz grins. Netmndr laughs "I heard you also hired a monkey to help plan it.", says Zeroz. Sallyanne pokes her brother with a sharp stick. ;) Tis asks, "If you could change anything about Fed, what would you change?" "You know very well that its whenever your done writing the planet Z", says Netmndr with a wink. Zeroz gulps. "change about Fed....hmm....I don't think I'd change a thing....I love Fed as it is", smiles Netmndr. Redspice blinks and looks at Z...I didnt know you were a monkey!? "You are what you eat.", says Zeroz. Sallyanne laughs! Zeroz says, "Err.. wait a sec." "Lol!", exclaims Jazir. "Nevermind.", says Zeroz. "You couldn't tell, Red?", asks Sallyanne. Redspice blinks again... "monkey burgers?", asks Redspice. Zeroz winces at the thought. "Net?", asks Zeroz. Netmndr smiles, "what?" Zeroz says, "What was the funniest thing you've ever done in Fed." Netmndr chuckles Zeroz waits. <g> Netmndr thinks ;) Zeroz exclaims, "Really? LOL! That is funny!" Netmndr smiles, "hmm....Worn a tuxedo and a dress to the same wedding at the same time?" Sallyanne laughs! Zeroz grins Snowlily chuckles Zeroz asks, "And now.. what is the thing you regret doing the most?" Roslyn chuckles. Zeroz smiles sweetly. <g> Netmndr winks and says, "Wearing a tuxedo and a dress to the same wedding at the same time" Zeroz laughs! Briana laughs "not eating your veggies?", asks Redspice. Sallyanne exclaims, "rofl!" Snowlily says, "I knew you were going to say that! lol" Tis chuckles Sallyanne grins. Netmndr winks and says, "I wonder why Lily" "Care to explain more on that? <g>", says Zeroz. Netmndr winks and says, "No" Zeroz asks, "So... this dress and tux thing. Did you like doing that?" Zeroz whistles. Netmndr winks and says, "No, if I had, I wouldn't regret it" Zeroz winks and says, "Which part did you regret though? The tux or the dress?" "Both, because it got me in a big mess that cost me alot of groats", says Netmndr with a wink. Zeroz seems to be the only one asking questions... Zeroz says, "WHat is your favorite thing in Fed? <g>" Sallyanne winks and says, "I cost you lots of groats ... uh oh ..." Netmndr winks and says, "Sally" Zeroz asks, "And your least favorite?" "Zeroz", says Netmndr with a wink. Zeroz says, "I knew you were going to say that" "So did I", says Netmndr with a wink. Zeroz asks, "Favorite past-time in Fed?" "hmm....", says Netmndr. Snowstar winks and says, "And Snow TV doesn't count" "Shooting workthingies?", says Netmndr with a wink. Zeroz grins. "are you a fighter?", smiles Redspice. Netmndr smiles, "Not anymore" Zeroz frowns and says, "Sally stole his big guns" Netmndr winks and says, "I'm a lover" Redspice chuckles... Redspice smiles, "did you attend a class for that?" "No, Many hours of practice", says Netmndr with a wink. Redspice nods... Zeroz takes that the wrong way. "May I ask who you had many hours of practice in becoming a lover with?", asks Zeroz. Redspice laughs "zeroz!", exclaims Chiefsgirl. Netmndr winks and says, "No comment" Zeroz exclaims, "Wha?!" Esperanza raises an eyebrow Sallyanne laughs at her brother! Chiefsgirl thinks that might be personal Snowstar winks and says, "I thought CG was answering the question" "rofl!", exclaims Netmndr. Doctorperl asks, "trying to get netmndr in trouble zeroz?" Jazir laughs! Zeroz dies! "rofl!", exclaims Sallyanne. "brothers arent suppose to ask those sort of quetions", smiles Redspice. Briana laughs Tis giggles Chiefsgirl blushes Zeroz asks, "I ment in a friendly way?" Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Net?" Sully says, "I gots a question." Netmndr chuckles "Have ya ever broken da rules?", asks Sully. Netmndr winks and says, "No, I've never broken a Rule of Da" Sully says, "Jus checkin'." "Whats it like being Emperor?", asks Zeroz. "Anyone else?", smiles Netmndr. Redspice wonders what rules? Netmndr says, "Its very.... pressing for time.... I've already had two people ask for their Teleporter and Baronship" Roslyn takes out her book of rules and looks for Da rule. "Beats me" Sully asks, "Yo, Emp. Can I have my Baronship and Teleporter?" "ok....make that 3", says Netmndr. Redspice nods at Ros... Briana smiles Roslyn leans over and shows Red a special rule and whispers, "I wrote that one myself" Redspice nods and smiles... Netmndr looks at what the two ladies are doing Netmndr smiles, "What rule didn't I break?" Roslyn shuts her book and grins. Redspice chuckles...we are looking up the DA rule... "You said Da rule", says Roslyn. "Sully said Da rule", says Netmndr with a wink. Sallyanne giggles. "Nah. I said da ruleS. Plural.", says Sully. "and you said, you didnt break any DA rules...", says Redspice. Netmndr winks and says, "right...and I said I never broke a rule OF DA" Redspice says, "so I want to know what the DA rules are..." "Good question....ask Sully", smiles Netmndr. Redspice laughs Sallyanne grins. Sully says, "He knows what Da rules are. I saw him steal Da book of rules." Roslyn looks at Sully for the answer. Snowlily grins up at her duke Netmndr laughs Roslyn looks at Net for the answer. Sully shows off himself for Esperanza. "ohhhhhh, da rule is da one he broke?", asks Redspice. Redspice nods... "No....I stole Da rule", says Netmndr with a wink. "I didn't break it......yet", says Netmndr with a wink. Roslyn says, "Then you know what it is" Sully asks, "Yo Emp. Why do ya carry da sword on ya waist all da time?" "Hmm....why....I can't practice without it", smiles Netmndr. Chiefsgirl asks, "Any other questions for Net?" "Well all....Thank you for coming tonight, and thanks for having me CG!", smiles Netmndr. Jazir smiles, "Bravo Net!" Chiefsgirl says, "you're welcome Netmndr... thanks for being our guest" "well....for having me here....I mean", says Netmndr with a wink. Redspice says, "good show Net..." Snowstar cheers loudly for Net! Chiefsgirl says, "Please join me next week when my guest will be Pppme" Briana says, "good job, Net" Esperanza applauds Frogfur cheers for Net.. good job again! Tis also applauds Netmndr thanks Tis ;) Sallyanne grins and applauds for Net! "CG... Dont I have a MG coming up soon?", asks Zeroz. "April 28 Zeroz", smiles Chiefsgirl. "Ok. I'll make sure I'm out of town", says Zeroz with a wink. Zeroz winks and says, "After tonight, I know a certain few people will grill me" Netmndr winks and says, "Oh yeah Z" "I'll be there", says Netmndr with a wink. Sallyanne grins evilly at her brother. ;) Chiefsgirl says, "Thank you all for coming tonight" |