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Wolfyn tries to juggle the lights, camera and microphone and finally drops it all. She picks up the mike and it squeals with feedback. Wolfyn heads for the stage. Redspice laughs at Wolfyn... Sallyanne winces and covers her ears! "Ladies and gentlemen... thank you for joining us for tonight's Meet and Greet!", exclaims Wolfyn. Wolfyn holds up an empty kilt. "Galin is unfortunately detained tonight...." Redspice quickly grabs the kilt for safe keeping.... "But will be joining us shortly. Meanwhile, please give a round of applause for our guest tonight, Paladin!", exclaims Wolfyn. Paladin says, "riiiiight" "Well yeah he's gotta make the trip without his kilt!", exclaims Snowstar. Snowstar claps and cheers for Paly! Kao applauds Fancy applauds for Paladin. Redspice applauds and whistles for Paladin..... Sallyanne cheers! Esperanza applauds and blows on her kazoo Tiki claps! Snowlily applauds the Pali Jazir smiles and claps "thank you, thank you.....", says Paladin. Wolfyn shines the spot on Paladin and tosses him a microphone. The camera droid is pointing at his feet. Paladin says, "let me start with a history of this character, then I will take the obligatory embarrasing questions" Srgasman whistles loudly Wolfyn exclaims, "That'll do. Thank you for being our guest tonight, Paladin. We'll take audience questions at the end. Carry on!" Paladin says, "I started playing Fed over 10 years ago.... October 91 as best as I can remember" Wolfyn exclaims, "An oldie!" Sirglec steadies Paladin's wheel chair. Sallyanne giggles. "Freya was a player like me...hehe", says Paladin. Wolfyn asks, "This was on GEnie Fed?" Raphael remembers when Paladin started so he should be in a old folks home ;) "I made merchie by December, but the JP puzzle had me stumped", says Paladin. Paladin says, "so, in February of 92, a nice guy named Maxis showed me around the ruins..." Paladin says, "well, it was a trap and he set it off, killing me and him" Wolfyn chuckles. "my first education in not so nice players", smiles Paladin. Snowlily exclaims, "oops!" Wolfyn frowns and says, "But you reinsured..." Wolfyn asks, "Didn't you?" Paladin says, "in March of 92, a girl named Galauriel had set up the first Fed convention in DC" Paladin says, "I met alot of people there..Hazed, Crypto, Freya Rezrov and the infamous Oxcart" "I did the JP puzzle in April of 92..", says Paladin. Paladin says, "but, I lost interst after that..too much money..." Wolfyn nods. "so, I popped in to keep the character alive until October of 92", says Paladin. Paladin says, "errr, october of 93" "I was now a sysop on Genie, so I had a free account", says Paladin. "That's a long time to just pop in.", smiles Wolfyn. Paladin says, "I was still a JP in November of 93 when I realized that the Captain who helped me dp the JP puzzle, Bochiman, was now a Senator" Fancy chuckles, remembering something about "when the captain who hauled for you is now your Duke." Paladin says, "so, I finally succeeded in doing the Snark puzzle in Jan 94" Wolfyn coughs softly. Snowlily grins at Fancy Snowstar asks, "The Snark puzzle was different from the JP puzzle there?" Paladin says, "I was a sysop with a free account and an explorer..memory was real tight, so I made a decision then to never have a planet" "I was very active in Fed in 94..freya can attest to that...", says Paladin. Wolfyn grins. "I was the Court Champion to a Duchess named Gemini", says Paladin. "What does that mean?", smiles Wolfyn. "what was your name then? was it paladin?", asks Raphael. Paladin says, "it was an honorary title" "Sounds like a fancy name for concubine", says Snowstar with a wink. "I have always had this name, so yes", says Paladin. Sallyanne giggles. Redspice chuckles.. Sirglec looks at Snowstar. "I was thinking the same thing.: ;) "well, she was married to Tellurian at the time, so only sometimes, Snow", says Paladin. Paladin winks "I married a gal named Galena in July of 94, so....", says Paladin. Wolfyn says, "Guess that stopped the sometimes." Cuchulain says, "maybe" "Or not", says Esperanza. Snowlily grins Esperanza examines her nails Kao giggles Sallyanne giggles. "then, in October of 94, they moved the game to its own computer..they backed up all the players, so we all went dd in the martian ruins..there was about 15 of us", says Paladin. Wolfyn whistles. Srgasman spews beer Snowstar wipes herself off. Snowlily laughs Kao hands Snow a towel Freya smiles blandly Sallyanne giggles. Snowstar thanks Kao! Sirglec asks, "Then you all were informed the backup didn't work?" "Hello Paladin", smiles Freya. Snowstar has given Srgasman a tender kiss! Wolfyn asks, "Only 15? Was that normal?" "but, then I got involved in the Harpoon game on GEnie and also GS3, so I kinda drifted away from Fed again", says Paladin. "you have to remember that a busy night back then was 30 players at one time", says Paladin. Wolfyn grins and nods. Freya says, "that's probably all the server could handle anyway back then" "so, I would pop in every once in a while to keep Paly around, but when AOL merged, that was it..", says Paladin. Wolfyn frowns and says, "Awww" Paladin says, "until March of this year when I showed up in CDs and Hazed almost had a heart attack" Freya grins Wolfyn laughs. "and, I decided to get a planet now that I was a paying customer..and here I am...", says Paladin. "Voila", smiles Snowstar. "It certainly was a long wait.", says Fancy. "yes it was....", says Paladin. "Any other love interest since that first marriage?", asks Wolfyn. "you missed the days of 600-700 players at a time", says Tiki with a wink. "since?", asks Paladin. "and we're delighted to have such a lovely victim//err Old Fed Friend back", smiles Freya. Paladin says, "damn....missed those Tiki" Wolfyn says, "Since Galena, I mean." Paladin says, "well, there was a certain Latin lady....\" "Or do you still have a Fed wife lurking somewhere.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Pppme laughs and thinks you only missed the crashes every 15 minutes Paladin says, "and, this is a busy week for me as I am getting married Thursday..." "To whom!", exclaims Wolfyn. Paladin says, "Indigo" Snowstar beams at Paly! Wolfyn pretends to not know. "Congratulations!", exclaims Wolfyn. Sallyanne grins! Freya smiles, "congrats" "Paladin....", says Wolfyn. "thank you", smiles Paladin. "Before we get to audience questions, we're going to divert from the normal Meet and Greet routine...", says Wolfyn. Wolfyn grins. Freya smiles sweetly "oh crap", says Paladin. Juel smiles a congrats across to Paly Srgasman grins "Freya has kindly agreed to host for a while... so here's the microphone, Freya!", exclaims Wolfyn. Raphael laughs Wolfyn steps down. Juel waits with curiosity "Uh oh you in trouble", smiles Snowstar. "Wolfie!", exclaims Paladin. "thank you, we'd like to take Paladin on a little trip down memory lane", says Freya. Freya grins Wolfyn turns deaf. Nightdroid asks, "We?" Sallyanne giggles. Redspice smiles.. Paladin says, "these will all be lies, folz" "Paladin, would you care to comment on the time you and Galena had a little tryst in a supposed spyproof room?", asks Freya. Raphael winks and says, "uh oh, Paladin, you are in trouble" Wolfyn goes to make root beer floats and pretends she didn't see all this. "uh oh", says Kao. "hmm?", asks Freya. Redspice chuckles... Esperanza raises an eyebrow "Sams..didn't read the news that week", says Paladin. Wolfyn yells from the fridge, "Tell us! Tell us!" Raphael wants to here about this Fancy will guess that they were spied. Kao pours another scotch Sallyanne giggles at Wolfyn. Freya ticks that off the list Freya asks, "mmm no comment, I gather?" Freya says, "ok, on to the next" Juel wonders what Freya could add "Freya..do you still have that birthday present I gave you?", asks Paladin. Freya says, "have you anything to say about this..." Freya holds up a motel bill from North Holyywood Freya grins Raphael chuckles "this is yours I believe", says Freya. "More more", says Raphael. "it was West Hollywood.... to tell the truth", says Paladin. Esperanza raises the other eyebrow Kao asks, "No Tell Motel?" "whoops", says Srgasman. Wolfyn tapes Paladin to the seat. "I think we need some elaboration on these items." "Krell called it North Hollywood", says Freya. "this is getting better by the minute", says Raphael. "Krell made the reservations!", exclaims Paladin. Freya says, "but it's a mere detail" "so you say", smiles Freya. "and what about the incident in Sams ?", asks Freya. Freya asks, "the riding crop and the saddle?" Snowstar widens her eyes. Redspice opens her eyes wider.... Paladin winks and says, "never used" "ooh! I like the sound of that", says Kella. Kao says, "Paly! Cool" "awwww", says Kella. Freya says, "just a little trip down Paladin's memory lane in GENie Fed" Redspice checks the ice in her drink...cause the room is warming up... Sirglec winks and says, "Dang... And at the Fed Meet he seemed so shy." Pppme waves his roasting stick and thinks he should give it to Freya "it's always the shy ones...", says Kella. "And too young for all that.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Kella nods. Freya says, "and what we really want you to comment about" Paladin exclaims, "don't say it!" Sirglec listens. Freya says, "your relationship with a certain young lady in white gogo boot" Redspice chuckles... Snowstar urges Freya on! Paladin exclaims, "damn!" Kella wow!s Freya says, "Tabby" Kella snikkers. Wolfyn smiles, "Oooooo." Nightdroid smiles, "You know, when you want somebody in Fed to keep quiet about something, "Don't say it!" is the last thing you should say." "LOL", says Kella. Freya laughs Pppme Oooooosss Srgasman nods Paladin says, "Tabby..that tart" Freya smiles, "I think you've been too modest" Sallyanne laughs! Juel asks, "boots, crop and saddle???" "you don't say Don't Say It... you say, I'll give you 5 megs to keep a lid on it.", says Kella with a wink. "Were you the one who put her off men, Paladin?", asks Nightdroid. "oh yes, she was quite a tart and you had quite an appetite", says Freya. Raphael watches Paladin begin to sweat Wolfyn looks at Paladin from a new perspective. "Freya, did you get it on film?", asks Raphael. Esperanza hands Rick an empty beer can "I heard Tabby dded after me", says Paladin. Cuchulain asks, "Any regrets coming on tonight Paladin?" Raphael chuckles Juel laughs "well, I believe we all remember the spying sessions quite vividly", says Freya. "I never spied.", says Nightdroid. "the Russian judge was very impressed", says Freya. Wolfyn asks, "Was he any good?" Kella dies laughing, then clones herself so she can finish the M&g. Wolfyn blushes. Sallyanne grins. Freya says, "no ND didn't need to" "Shh.", says Nightdroid. Esperanza grins at Wolfyn "hmm", smiles Freya. "who else but me got a saddle from the roving Santa?", asks Paladin. Freya says, "on you it looked good" Wolfyn tapes Paladin down tighter. "TELL US ABOUT IT!" "well, i got the riding crop, but santa was poor that year, so it was second-hand... i'm dying to hear more about yours... lol", says Kella. "You *wore* the saddle?", asks Snowstar. Paladin says, "well, you would know wearing that black leather executioners mask I got you" Freya laughs Freya says, "no he didn't wear it" Wolfyn rolls. Kella laughs. Redspice didnt know he was a cowboy.... Sirglec winks and says, "If he rode it... someone was wearing it." Freya says, "a pity I couldn't drag Krell here tonight" "I think he might have been the horse, Red.", says Wolfyn with a frown. Redspice laughs "yeah..no salt", says Paladin. Freya asks, "so what can you tell us about encounters in Fed you may have regretted?" Kao winks and says, "Other than this one" Freya laughs Esperanza grins "touche", says Freya. Kella says, "lol" Sallyanne grins at Kao. Snowstar giggles. "right now? this", says Paladin. Freya says, "and we're being discrete now" Nightdroid says, "Relatively." Juel tosses Paly a box to hide in Rick passes Palidin some new shorts cause the ones he has are soiled Kella hands Paly the paper bag.. ;) Wolfyn tosses a bridle in the box so he'll feel at home. Sallyanne laughs! "Too big Juel.", says Sirglec. Sirglec tosses Paladin a rock to crawl under. Paladin says, "I regret volunteering to marry Zodiac and Ni... we never did marry, but I think that started me on my sordid past" Wolfyn says, "Ooooo bad influences." "As I recall, they went ahead with the wedding without you, didn't they?", asks Nightdroid. Freya says, "they are a dangerous duo - the Black WIdows" "Both at the same time? I should think so....", says Esperanza. Paladin says, "those two were pure evil" Esperanza asks, "Oh..you mean to each other?" Freya says, "they certainly are" Nightdroid says, "That's why we like them." "we've got one back and now we'll have to get the others", says Freya. "Well be sure to introduce them to Indigo - she'll love them", smiles Freya. Kella giggles furiously Nightdroid blows the whistle. "Offside!" Sallyanne laughs Paladin says, "I could submit a list of those I would want back...Oddball, Tellurian, Polar, AAckverdi, Zippo, Elex Piemur..." "Fifteen yard penalty for sacking?", says Kella with a wink. "sounds like it would be quite the manage", says Juel. "I agree with the choices", says Freya. "Aside from your upcoming marriage, what plans to you have in Fed now? Going to duke at some point?", asks Wolfyn. Paladin says, "not in the near future..but I want the time machine" Wolfyn grins. "Gotta have the time machine", says Snowstar with a wink. Freya grins Kella winks and says, "Gotta love Horsell.." "Maybe he wants to go back in time to bribe the Russian judge.", says Nightdroid. Paladin says, "every once in a while anyways" "Who else has questions for Paladin?", asks Wolfyn. Snowstar giggles at ND. "I'm sure the Russian judge will appreciate your performace in Horsell", smiles Freya. Kella rolls on the floor laughing. "if any of you have not read the Oxcart and Zarnaff log, please get a copy and read it....", says Paladin. Wolfyn looks around for questions while Paladin is on the hot seat. Fancy asks, "Where can we get it?" Kella looks for the signup sheet. "yes, that's absolutely classic", says Freya. Nightdroid rolls its eyes. Snowstar has seen it and agrees its priceless. Nightdroid says, "That's rated N for Nobody.," Paladin asks, "any chance of getting it up on a web site?" "about that of a snowball in hell", says Freya. Nightdroid asks, "Whose web site?" Nightdroid grins Kella has webspace she'll donate. ;) Freya says, "well, IBgames'" Paladin says, "I'll talk to Again...she has a website" Sallyanne grins! "good idea", says Freya. "it's absolutely classic", says Freya. "Classic is one word for it.", says Nightdroid. Freya grins "Can we have a preview of what it's about?", asks Wolfyn. Freya grins Kella winks and says, "can i get a copy, is the better question." "Zarnaff was an amourous GH..very rude..supposed to be female, but doubtful", says Paladin. "How about 'utterly insane player vs. newbod who announces "me so horny" at logon"", smiles Nightdroid. Freya laughs "LOL", says Wolfyn. "lol!", exclaims Kella. "spot on", says Freya. Sallyanne laughs! Snowstar winks and says, "And she wanted Oxcart in a bad way" "GH as in groundhog?", asks Esperanza. Freya says, "yes" "How amorous can you be as a groundhog?", asks Esperanza. "you have to see it to believe it", says Freya. "Oxcart was THE most insane fedder ever..he and her met", says Paladin. Fancy grins and laughs a suppressed laugh. "Not very, when your grasp of Fed commands is quite limited.", smiles Nightdroid. "he was just as insane in real life", says Freya. Kella looks at Espie askance... "You're forgetting I'M in the room..." Kella says, "lol" "Rofl Kella...yep..okay", smiles Esperanza. "Good point, no?", says Kella with a wink. Kella got the ACT command down pat the second she met her first Duke. ;) "what other great Old Fed logs do you have Paladin?", asks Freya. Nightdroid nods Rick says, "you patted down a Duke ?? cool" Kella laughs herself silly. Kao chuckles Juel whispers you are outranked Rick Paladin says, "oh god...none...just got the Oxcart one from Hazed yesterday" Kella pulls on the latex gloves... Freya says, "ahh" Nightdroid says, "A likely story." "yeah I know -- But Kao is so used to patting down duchesses it was a nice change to hear", says Rick. "such a pity - I had the log of you in the secret spyroom but it was on a old MAC", says Freya. Kao pats down Rick and steals a beer Kella hides behind Snowstar so her red face doesn't show from laughign so hard.. Paladin exhales slowly Rick wooo hoo's and smiles Wolfyn chuckles. "Hey, I've got a Mac, and could probably read it", says Fancy with a wink. Snowstar points and laughs at Kella's red face. Freya says, "I do have the photos from Hollywood and Tijuana" Freya grins Sallyanne giggles. Kella kicks Snowstar from behind... "Quiddit, i'm trying to pay attention! O:-) " Paladin says, "oh, so do I" Sirglec exclaims, "Ooooo... Photos!" "and Krell's house", says Freya. Nightdroid asks, "What about from the UnCon in DC?" "I would burn those at Krell's", says Paladin. "got those too", says Freya. Nightdroid says, "Oh dear." Nightdroid winks and says, "How much will it cost to burn them?" "I have a great shot of Paladin and Tabby at the VA UnCon", says Freya. "yes, I met ND at Topper's house", says Paladin. Freya nods "I met everybody there.", says Nightdroid. Freya nods Kella exclaims, "I wish I knew where a FedMeet was locally, there's so many cool people from fed that go to those things that i'd like to meet!" Nightdroid says, "Fletcher and I drove for something like 12 hours to get there." "oh Paladin!...", says Freya. Freya says, "I also have a photo of you and Tellurian at Gencon" "we got to tour the Star Trek exhibit at the Air and Space museum..I have a picture of me in Kirk's actual captains chair", says Paladin. "with the saddle?", asks Cuchulain. Snowstar giggles. Kella says, "lol" "quiet merchie", smiles Paladin. Sallyanne laughs! "more like the genuine tribble that was on Kirk's head..", says Kella with a wink. Nightdroid says, "Then Icedrake and I were accosted by that Hare Krsna." Freya nods "omg..forgot about that ND", says Paladin. Srgasman has given Snowstar a friendly kiss! "I still have the little book he sold us, and the "smile" sticker.", says Nightdroid. "Icedrake still has the Krishna Conciousness booklet", says Freya. Kella laughs softly. "everyone must have huge closets", says Juel. Nightdroid asks, "Big enough to stuff all these skeletons in, you mean?" Kella exclaims, "sure, Juel.. they have to have somewhere to store the skeletons!" Kella exclaims, "lol ND!" "freaky", says Paladin. Juel nods Freya says, "it's the quiet ones like Paladin you have to watch out for" Wolfyn grins. Sirglec is beginning to realize that. Sallyanne grins and nods. "so, by that definition, i'm rather tame.", says Kella with a wink. "I won't even begin to describe the roller coaster at Disneyland", says Freya. "I prefer to describe it as laying low under the radar", says Paladin. Fancy guesses that means he's one of the ones to watch out for. "lol paly", says Kella. Nightdroid says, "Sounds romantic." Freya laughs Freya says, "that must be a Canadian definition of the word" Kella snikkers "Does anyone else have questions for Paladin tonight?", smiles Wolfyn. Freya winks and says, "I think they want answers, actually" Nightdroid grins "There's no 5th amendment in FEd.", says Nightdroid. Wolfyn winks and says, "True, but he's not saying near enough." Raphael says, "I noticed he is good at waltzing around details...." Freya thinks sales of the new edition of the Illustrated Secret Life of Paladin will sell very well Paladin says, "thats just it..." Pppme <---Agrees with wolfyn Wolfyn smiles, "Thank you all for coming tonight and witnessing the ruin of Paladin's new reputation, and thank you for warming the guest seat tonight, Paladin." Kella laughs. "I'd buy that." Sallyanne wonders why 3P isn't poking Paly with that roasting stick ... Paladin says, "details are always hard to come by" Wolfyn notes the seat is charred. Jazir applauds and smiles, "Bravo Paly!" "And a special thank you to Freya and Nightdroid for their help.", smiles Wolfyn. Snowstar claps for Paly, "Woo woo!" Raphael winks and says, "i thought I came to a meet and greet and got a roasted Paladin instead" Esperanza pulls out her notebook, checks..slips it back in her pocket Juel wonders...details are subject to change? Srgasman applauds! Pppme laughs and applaudes Freya says, "help being subjectively defined here" Sallyanne applauds for Paly! :) Redspice applauds as she tucks her notes in her pocket..... Tiki applauds! Esperanza smiles, "It's okay Paly. You'll live it all down in a year or two" Kao cheers for Paly "Join us next week when our Meet and Greet guest will be .... Ditzy!", exclaims Wolfyn. Kella looks again for the signup sheet for that log... "Wait until Indigo finds out about his sorted past.", says Sirglec with a wink. "I think Freya has singlehandedly changed the tone of M&G", says Paladin. Kella says, "not to mention his UNsorted past" Juel laughs Anseladams shuts down his camera, sending the film to Indigo. "why thank you so kindly, Paladin", smiles Freya. Sirglec chuckles. |