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Galinfenner clears his throat and taps the mike Galinfenner exclaims, "Ok, I guess we can get started!" "Tonight's Meet and Greet is with Raphael.", says Galinfenner. Raphael fidgits nervously "Duke of Visions..", says Galinfenner. Sirglec turns up the intensity on the spotlight. Galinfenner says, "Raph, tell us a little about yourself, when you started in Fed, etc." Raphael says, "Well, I began back in the final month of 2.99 per hour AOL when the game was cooking along strongly" "I was part of a group that did roleplaying sims in chat rooms, and someone in that group mentioned fed", says Raphael. "ahh. Red Dragon?", asks Galinfenner. Raphael smiles, "So I started 2 names almost within a week of each other, this was one of them. Red Dragon was one place" Galinfenner nods "actually that was back when we had to use our AOL screen names for our names in FED", says Raphael. Galinfenner asks, "Right, did you do the number thing or something else?" Raphael smiles, "something else really, and I met a few interesting people in those early days, namely Fang and Juel" Galinfenner grins "I met Fang when I was a merchie", says Raphael. Raphael pets fang Raphael says, "The names I had were CaptskntASG and Sknt" "Who were some of the people who left an impression on you from that era?", asks Galinfenner. "Those were the days of the Snark puzzle and 10 days cycles", says Raphael. Fang thumps quietly under Raphael's feet Wolfyn remembers those. Racingnut does too Galinfenner nods Roslyn thinks they need to come back. Roslyn grins. Raphael says, "MagsT made a big impression on me, as did Bigmartion, but what really interested me were all the neat planets to visit" Sirglec agrees with Ros. :) Galinfenner nods Raphael says, "I was too much into the idea of advancing to really socialize at first" Racingnut met sknt once or twice back as lazy890 Silverkat asks, "hard to believe, isn't it?" Galinfenner asks, "What were some of the planets that you remember?" Roslyn chuckles and ponders ... from lazy to racing...interesting. Raphael says, "I used to love visiting Money because of the mobile guantlet you had to pass through" "mmm.. who owned that one? It doesn't sound familiar.", says Galinfenner. Raphael says, "Toybox was another cool planet because you went through a miniaturizer to get into the toybox" Raphael says, "Laughogram was the PO of toybox" Galinfenner nods Raphael says, "I don't remember who had Money" "The first duchy to really make an impression on me was Conner", says Raphael. Silverkat smiles .. good duchy "Had some rather crazy people there, I recall my friends having offices on Athena's planet", says Raphael. Racingnut says, "to this day i have no idea why i chose lazy890 roslyn but the new name kinda reflects my rl and online game passion a bit more" Raphael smiles, "and I recall this sexy young thing Kissy" Wolfyn grins. Kissy blowz bubblez and kissez to Raphael! Kissy winkz. Galinfenner asks, "So, how long were you in Fed before you got your planet?" "took me almost 4 months, because I was beginning to socialize and those 10 day cycles were killer", says Raphael. "My first planet was Minbarr", says Raphael. "Heh, I won't tell you how long it took me!", exclaims Galinfenner. Racingnut remembers minbarr Raphael says, "I was in IO duchy to start, then moved to Rainbow.." "Rainbow was where I first made an impression with the crazy things I could do with a planet.....", says Raphael. Jazir grins Silverkat smiles, remembering Rainbow duchy "But, Minbarr wasn't the first place that I did descriptions for", says Raphael. Galinfenner asks, "what sort of impression?" Raphael says, "The first planet that had descriptions of mine was one that a friend and neighbor onlined while I was visiting him. I am very creative with my description" "The planet still exists too as do those early descriptions", says Raphael. Sirglec asks, "Name?" "if you can teleport, visit location 33 on Pagosa", says Raphael. Raphael smiles, "the only way in is by teleport now" Raphael says, "locations 33 and 35 on pagosa" "For those of us who can't port, can you tell us a little about it?", asks Galinfenner. "I made very full location description, pushing the limits", says Raphael. Raphael smiles, "The first room was just a private apartment, but the second was a mad scientist laboratory which I was rather please with" Galinfenner nods "I started to play with events next, and began to do things which got the attention of Shaver, and not long after Scaramouche", says Raphael. Galinfenner asks, "Did you have any love interrests in the early days?" Raphael says, "At that time I was looking, but never did find anything more then friends" Raphael winks and says, "I went nearly the entire time on AOL FED without a girlfriend at all, but did a lot of flirting" Kissy gigglez softly, 'I remember that.... Kissy wishes she had done a lot of flirting.... Lobo never flirts... Rasal says, "It's never too late to start." Kissy laughs, 'Oh wait, I did.' She goes back to her drink and gigglez again. Blirish looks at Kissy and gigglez Snowlily falls over laughing at Lobo! Esperanza doesn't flirt Raphael winks and says, "as much as the crowds lagged the game, I loved the crowds of people nearly everywhere except when I was doing the stat puzzles" "With a name like Uwntmykiss you didn't have to flirt.", says Galinfenner with a wink. Racingnut remembers the frustrations of trying to do stat puzzles with 50 others trying to do the same puzzle Lobo laughs at Galin Kissy gasps and looks around, 'Moi??' Galinfenner grins Raphael grins at Kissy Galinfenner turns back to Raph Kattie smiles softly Galinfenner asks, "Sorry, so you were one of the few who didn't get involved with someone eh?" Raphael smiles, "Gigglez was a fun planet to visit too" Kissy blusehz, 'Twas the jello!' "Nope, not till fed made the move to the web", says Raphael. Galinfenner asks, "Then what happened?" "actually I would like to mention something before the move", says Raphael. "that was my first DD", says Raphael. Jazir frowns "ok", says Galinfenner. Lobo gasps! "When the announcement was made about the move to the web, some people sort of flipped out, one was a rainbow PO", says Raphael. Roslyn asks, "First?" "MikeC the PO of Talshiar", says Raphael. Galinfenner nods "He had a planet which was fun to trade to because the exchange was on the LP", says Raphael. "brings back memories", says Racingnut. Esperanza says, "Hell was like that too" Galinfenner winks and says, "Hell was the one I was thinking of too" "when the move to the web was announced he made it into a DD planet by making a death location in space, and outside the hospital", says Raphael. Galinfenner says, "oh no" Rick Remember that and How Pissed we all were Raphael says, "we were so used to just jumping to the planet and landing, it was almost automatic. With a little lag, we ended up typing ahead..." "That planet got me and a bunch of others that afternoon he changed it", says Raphael. Raphael says, "Minbarr when byebye" Galinfenner nods "Sknt was 13 days from advancing in the 20day cycles", says Raphael. "Shaver kept the slot open for me to get the new planet, and that planet is Visions", says Raphael. "So that happened right after the move?", asks Galinfenner. Raphael winks and says, "I sat in the Workbench nearly 3 days making the planet too so after the move, i started a serious search for a girlfriend" "err.. because of the workbench?", asks Galinfenner. Galinfenner looks confused Kissy laughs, 'You've never had the workbenc?? It makes you want another partner.' Silverkat nudges Galin .. the man had to come up for air Kissy gigglez. Jazir having used the WB, Jazir can understand "I wanted someplace nice to take a date", says Raphael with a wink. ""I have a better relationship with Slarti than I do my family! I need a girlfriend!"", says Macnbc with a wink. Galinfenner laughs "My first girlfriend was one that I had gotten to play from a chatroom, that lasted a couple of months, then I had another girlfriend for a couple of months", says Raphael. Galinfenner winks and says, "Names Raph, we want names" Roslyn winks and says, "Yeah Raph" Racingnut still remembers that planet...babylonfive nie place to visit Raphael says, "ahh names, well ..." Raphael blushes Galinfenner laughs Snowlily giggles "I don't remember the first ones well because they didn't last long", says Raphael. "Oh sure !!", exclaims Rick. "Those one night stands...", says Galinfenner with a wink. Sirglec thinks that is a poor, poor excuse! "Oh, that is why he never remembered my name", says Kissy with a wink. "but one was a rather crazy woman who was from Fantasy Duchy named Danalynn", says Raphael. Wolfyn chuckles. Raphael says, "she also had several alts, and did a fairly nice planet toboot" Snowlily smiles, "ah! Raph's criterion for a g/f - a nice planet!" Raphael winks and says, "she also used the name just Dana, but not to be confused with another Dana who is also known as Satinsheets" "and nice boots", says Rick. Galinfenner laughs Roslyn didn't know Raphael back then. "hehe!", exclaims Snowlily. Kissy gigglez. "ahh.. I remember her.", says Galinfenner. Racingnut loves this trip down memory lane...watchin for potholes Roslyn wonders what her name is now. Raphael says, "we got spyed on a couple of times and provided a lot of entertainment to beams" Esperanza remembers her as Elin Pico asks, "I sorta member her?" Raphael grins Silverkat laughs Galinfenner says, "She isn't around that I know of." Kissy gigglez. Kissy asks, "Remember wehn remaining a JP was the best thing ever??" Galinfenner chuckles Roslyn asks, "Satinsheets is around anymore?" "No beams", says Kissy. "no, she got booted for one outspoken tirade after another", says Raphael. Galinfenner winks and says, "Elin isn't" "Ah", says Roslyn. Raphael smiles, "Elin, that's the name I was trying to remember" Roslyn thinks everyone returns in one form or another. "like I said, she had several alts", says Raphael. Galinfenner nods Lobo is an alt of himself... Raphael says, "That didn't last because, well, I thought she was a bit crazy" Pico says, "Yah, that dumb fool Pico is back as some dumb fool named Pico." Pico stares.. Kissy nodz, 'Yeah, who would ever talk to that guy?' Racingnut winks and says, "being crazy can have its advantages" Pico shrugs, 'I sure wouldn't' Roslyn smiles, "We're thankful" Rick thinks Raph had dates with 17 different alts of the same girl "Then I went to a party on Serenity as one of my alts... and had fun with Blirish and other guests and that is where I met the person who became my major fed love", says Raphael. Kissy laughz. Redspice laughs "himself", says Macnbc. Raphael pokes Mac Raphael says, "Zorra" Roslyn slaps herself on the forehead, "No kidding" Raphael says, "Zorra and I clicked almost instantly" "ahh.. zorra.", says Galinfenner. "The one with the hang glider.", says Galinfenner. Racingnut vaguely remembers that name...never met though "yep, that was the one", smiles Raphael. Blirish says, "Zorra, a wonderful player.. a great loss that she is gone." "she also did a very good planet", smiles Raphael. Galinfenner nods Roslyn nods in agreement with Blir. "one of the real ones", smiles Blirish. "Along the way, my reputation as a planet designer was growing and I got invited to do Scavenge planets", says Raphael. Galinfenner smiles Roslyn got lost on one of those planets. "Chained to the workbench again!", exclaims Galinfenner. "Galin was at my very first scavenge and we were rather surprized when it went an hour and a half!", exclaims Raphael. Racingnut says, "shame genesis didnt exist back then raph" Galinfenner says, "I remember that. But I don't recall the planet." "That was the one with the giant trees if you recall Galin", says Raphael. "I remmebr that one!!", exclaims Kissy. "ahh. Ok", says Galinfenner. "swinging by ropes to different trees", says Raphael. Racingnut exclaims, "oh yes!" "right, I recall that one now.", says Galinfenner. "I came up with a formula that made sure the Scavenges would last an hour. That planet I sort of went overboard on since it was my first planet for an event", says Raphael. Racingnut says, "i remember the genesis planet" "Wasn't much to look at it..", says Pico. "The pre genesis planets were a nightmare to make", says Raphael. "non genesis planets are too", says Racingnut. "The WB makes you work for your locations", says Galinfenner with a wink. Raphael says, "Someplace along the time I met Zorra is also when I took over the planet design classes we used to do right here" Racingnut winks and says, "theres a difference between work and torture galin" "Do you have any future plans for planet(s)?", asks Galinfenner. Raphael smiles, "bunches actually Galin" Galinfenner grins "I just I wish I had more time to work on them", smiles Raphael. Galinfenner nods Raphael smiles, "As a slight piece of Trivia, my planet of Mrin was one of the very first Carpenter winners when Icedrake was still the reviewer" Jazir smiles, "Mrin was yours? Very cool" "Does anyone have a question for Raph before we close?", asks Galinfenner. "I went to every past planet winner of the Walrus's to get ideas", says Raphael. Macnbc says, "I do" Raphael smiles ot Mac Galinfenner asks, "Yeah Mac?" Sirglec raises his hand. "Raph, is there one planet you've done out of the multitude that you still regard as sort of your 'best work' or a 'favorite'?", smiles Macnbc. "I still think about the first scavenge planet as one of my best, but Visions as I rewrote it is my best.", says Raphael. Macnbc nods and smiles Lobo nods to Raph in agreement "Do you have a fed love now?", asks Kattie. Rick smiles at Raph and asks him not to tell "Rick?", asks Lobo. "Himself", says Macnbc with a wink. Raphael winks and says, "I have a couple I am interested in" Macnbc hides Galinfenner laughs Galinfenner asks, "Names ?" Raphael tries to be diplomatic and blushes but WILL not mention names Sirglec watches Raph squirm. Galinfenner says, "ahhh." Snowlily giggles "Ok, Sir has a question.", says Galinfenner. Sirglec chuckles. Sirglec asks, "Roughly.... How many planets have you designed that have onlined?" Silverkat says, "he said he was interested in a couple ... one of those 'a trois things I guess" Rick has logs "well, considering that many people have asked me to do some of their planets, including planets just for FED, about 26", says Raphael. Galinfenner asks, "Anyone else?" Galinfenner looks around the room "did you ever have a fed son?", asks Gypsy. Raphael says, "yes, I did" Gypsy asks, "What was his name?" Raphael says, "Maxdestruction" "Raph In all the Duchy's Back in the Day -- The Most amicable and Freindly you remember ?", asks Rick. "Max? Didn't know that. LOL", says Galinfenner. "Bourbon was the most fun, that was where Mrin spent its existance", says Raphael. Rick Nods and Raises a Glass to Chas "great people, great parties, lots of booze", says Raphael with a wink. Blirish raises and drinks to Chas Lobo misses Marde Gras... Silverkat smiles and raises his glass in salute to Bourbon duchy Esperanza asks, "He didn't have one this year did he?" Blirish had a sister in Bourbon Raphael raises a glass to Chas and the Mardi Gras Esperanza asks, "Was that the first ever he missed?" "There were some good times there.", says Galinfenner. Lobo drinks to Bourbon and Chas.. Galinfenner asks, "Raph, if there was one thing you could change about Fed what would that be?" Raphael has bought you a Bourbon Gold! Raphael smiles, "More locations for a planet and be able to use sol events on a planet" Rick awaits the flow of things Jazir nods Racingnut says, "wha 120 locs isnt enough? lol" "I would love to use Slide or push", says Raphael. Jazir smiles, "Nope, it isn't" Galinfenner says, "Heh, I've often wished we could have more events." Esperanza agrees, it isn't Silverkat says, "used to have a lot more locations on a planet, Racing" Raphael says, "nope, I always have more descriptions then planet locations" "or bang", says Macnbc with a wink. Raphael says, "I also wish we could have more then 14 objects and 25 events" Wolfyn cheers that one! "25? I thought it was 23", says Esperanza. "Why do you think Fed endures? What is it's allure in your opinion?", asks Galinfenner. "The social aspects", says Raphael. Roslyn nods in agreement with Raph. Sirglec chuckles. Galinfenner nods Raphael says, "its the people that really make fed what it is, not the planets, not the ranks, but the people who play fed" Raphael says, "its what brings people back to fed" Galinfenner says, "Good answer." "Do you have any parting comments?", asks Galinfenner. "or makes us not leave", says Rick. Blirish nods in complete agreement Raphael smiles, "Get everyone you ever knew that doesn't play fed to come back" Gypsy asks, "How do you feel about DD planets?" Galinfenner grins "play with your planets, have fun with them, don't try for a winner, just have fun with them, don't worry about typos, go crazy", says Raphael. "Pre web days of 300 players", says Rick. Raphael says, "I hate DD planets, but if you are carefull you can avoid DD" Blirish laughs Sirglec imagines Al and Icedrake rolling over in their respective beds on that comment. Gypsy says, "So you are glad they are outlawed" Redspice chuckles... "die once, sell ship and travel!", exclaims Raphael. "What about Death locs on planets?", asks Gypsy. Esperanza raises an eyebrow "no problem with death locations if they are well done", says Raphael. Esperanza mutters to avoid getting the mobiles on Visions "what would you consider well done?", asks Gypsy. Raphael says, "I hate a death location that just says you are dead without being colorful about it" Silverkat thinks Mars would have a problem, if all death locs were outlawed Rick asks, "Whats's Well done ? a coffin -- some candles and a grave stone ?" Blirish is giggling "Visions has 3 death locations, each is a full description, not just a quick line", says Raphael. Esperanza smiles, "You need to take them to Visions and show them Rafe" Jazir grins ""You're dead, but Raphael is a really cool guy."", says Macnbc. Galinfenner laughs Racingnut remembers falling off a cliff on a planet and the death message was "I told you there was a cliff but did you listen? noooo.... "The one that I get the most giggles about is the one that you fall off a cliff", says Raphael. Rick says, "Or Your Dead Move Left to the Next location" Raphael says, "I describe each bounce going down" Galinfenner says, "heh" Roslyn laughs and catches it putting it in her pocket, "I'm sure I'll need this" "if you do a death location to aavoid as part of a puzzle, it gives a bit more excitement to a planet knowing that the possiblity exists", says Raphael. Galinfenner says, "That's true. If it's done right, it adds to the planet." "Would you say most of your planets have Death locs?", asks Gypsy. Galinfenner asks, "Are you still doing classes Raph?" Galinfenner winks and says, "oops, Gypsy first sorry." Raphael says, "only visions has death locations" Sirglec wonders what Gypsy's infatuation with death is. Sirglec ducks. Roslyn with her luck thinks she should avoid Visions. Racingnut laughs "They didn't 'fit' the themes of the others", says Raphael. Galinfenner nods Galinfenner asks, "are you still doing classes?" Rick doesn't look good dead Rick doesn't look good alive either Wyldcat chuckles "I do spontaneous classes since trying to schedual a set time is nearly impossible", says Raphael. Galinfenner nods "so if I have enough people interested at the same time, I do one", says Raphael. Esperanza sat in on one of Rafe's classes while she was still running factories Blirish raises her hand Galinfenner exclaims, "and look at you now!" Galinfenner asks, "Yes Blir?" Raphael has bought you an Event Horizon, a spicey blend of Visions fruit nectars and Rum that send shimmering images dancing across your mind! Blirish smiles, "I just wanted to mention .. that his classes for me are great.. I just smile and say what does loc mean.. and he takes over.. I love Serenity the way he did it" Galinfenner laughs "Rafe is my main critic on Milagro too", says Esperanza. Blirish says, "but.. he needs to finish a couple of locs on Gentletouch.. and take down the construction sign." "I also constantly get questions about planets and love to answer them. Hazed likes to send people at me with planet questions", says Raphael. Wolfyn asks, "Did I miss the most embarrassing question?" Lobo says, "I was DDed Flashback because of Raph...but then decided..."Awww...who cares what he thinks!"" "How do red dwarves form, Raph?", asks Macnbc. Galinfenner exclaims, "mmm.. Nope, thanks for reminding me Wolfyn!" "which one was that Wolfy", says Raphael. Galinfenner asks, "Raph, what was your most embarrasing moment?" Wolfyn grins. That one. Raphael blushes really big Macnbc winks and says, "Probably this M&G" Roslyn laughs, "Oooo" "It might be in a minute.", says Wolfyn with a wink. Blirish sits up Raphael says, "back when our planets wouldn't open because of the workbench bug, there was just one planet outside of sol we could go to" Rick says, "There was 100 people on that" Raphael says, "well it was a fire planet and was ahhh...... making love to Dana and accidently XTed an action......" "Oops", says Wolfyn. Roslyn grins. Snowlily laughs! Sirglec chuckles. Galinfenner chuckles Rick falls over laughing "I remember that", says Roslyn. Raphael says, "and I won't repeat what that action was either, but I logged off SOO fast..........." Racingnut says, "love has gone virtual hehe" Jazir chuckl4es "Why does everyone log after doing that. Just tune off and keep going.", says Rasal with a wink. "and probably didn't log on for awhile either", says Macnbc with a wink. "and was extremely embarrassed, didn't log on for a day", says Raphael. Snowlily giggles Redspice chuckles... Rick says, "We all waited for a rematch" "Figured everyone forgot?", asks Sirglec. Galinfenner chuckles Esperanza says, "Well there is something to that...why xting it would be worse than having it spied" Roslyn laughs. Galinfenner nods Rick says, "Kinda Left her " Hanging"" "That was the first time, the second time was in the Mars ruins, same girl, but she did it", says Raphael. "lol!", exclaims Snowlily. "Paybacks.", says Sirglec with a wink. Wolfyn rofl "And let me guess, that was the LAST time EITHER of you performed the act", says Macnbc with a wink. Galinfenner snickers Redspice laughs Rasal smiles, "Did she log and leave you at that the edge that time?" Raphael nods with a blush "Somehow I don't think Elin was as embarrassed.", says Galinfenner. Galinfenner chuckles "no, she wasn't", says Raphael. Galinfenner says, "Well, on that note, if no one else has any more questions... we'll end tonight's chat." Galinfenner looks for more hands raised in the air Rick wonders how he got the bump on his head "I was rathre careful after that, but I KNEW i was being beamed as a result of the first incidents", says Raphael. "I want this girl's comm unit number..", says Macnbc. "thank you for the trip down memory lane raph", says Racingnut. Galinfenner chuckles Sirglec applauds Raph. Snowlily chuckles softly and applauds Raph Lobo smiles at Raph..."Thanks, Raph" Galinfenner says, "Raphael, thanks for sitting in the spotlight for us." Macnbc applauds Gangleri applauds Raph Rick says, "Good Job Raph" Racingnut applauds Silverkat applauds Galinfenner says, "Next week our guest is going to be Jamel." Raphael applauds the audience Jazir applauds and smiles Wyldcat applauds Jazir smiles, "Great job Raph" Neka applauds Galinfenner says, "And something to look forward to in December..." Blirish stands and applauds the wonderful Raphael Neka has given Raphael a nice hug! Redspice applauds Galinfenner says, "our guest just before Christmas will be the green lady herself.. Bella" Useagle applauds Raph "Thanks for coming everyone!", exclaims Galinfenner. "Alright", smiles Roslyn. Silverkat says, "how bout that . an interview with the green lady on the red planet" Racingnut laughs Galinfenner waves and goes back to his haunt |